The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 29, 1895, Image 4

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TD Cm Ccunty Journal.
Subscription Price, 3.00
EapaMfcu CMaty (oarestloa.
Trepablleaui aleetora of Sioux county,
IMaraaka, are repeated to'aend deli-gatea
from their 'asreral,prnctmit, to meet lu eon
vsaUoatatHarrtaoii, Neb., on Saturday, Sen
teaaher ?, IM, at It o'clock, a. m., for Hie
ywUKa! electing- two deiugabis to tbe
atase convention to be Uld at Liiioola on
uetabar 1; S dMtatcate to the judicial oon
vaatUon to be held at Valentine ou September
ITthpaKtna; le. nomination oand.ld.atus fur
the different coanty onoea, ui Ui irviwj.
Hon oficttlotbBr, bualmwa a iimy be imp
erly tie convention,
th. rroJrri ok wr,
The aevevsi preoliicU'sre entitled to rU'
seseatation aa follow, being- bused apun tl)
vote cast for Kqgena Moore or state audi
tor In MM.'riring one delegata aVlatfe for
aeh precinct and one delegate for each ton
votean1.'niajor fnuitloe tUoraof :
Prteinct. Dolotfaics.
tadrews ....... 1
'uttonwood .....i"i....i"ninrm.rr .it
nve ruintn-.
Hat Creak.
tanning Water-
near lost.
beep Creek
-nace creek-.
ar bonnet
vnite Klver..
hwtle Creek
The.priiiiariewiU be beUl.ln tbe various
ireciiictH for the election of dulcgabia o"
Vednesday,.gepteuiLa'r.4, lma, at tlie follow
ng time and place:
Andrew School botua at Andrews, at 7
i'dork, p. m. 1 deletrate.
Antelope At tbe.'reaidunee.of 4. U. Story,
at 7 o'clock, p. m. 1 delegate.
Bodare Bodarc school house, at 7 o'clock,
p. bi. S delegates.
Howes Court, house, at 4 o'clockp. ui. 4
Cottonwood At Mbool house In district
Sot, at 7 30, p. m. t delegate.
rive Fointa At residence of frank Ttnk
nam, at 7 o'cloek.'p. m. i delegates.
Hat Creek At.realdunce of M. (X Doan, at
4 o'clock, p.'m. 1 .! delegate.
Highland Residence of Henry Covey, at
' o'clock p. m. 1 delegates.
Montrose At Montrose school nous, at 4
'. clock, p. m. t.delegates.
Ku lining Water At residence of A. Mc
jlnley, at 4 o'clock, p. m. 1 delegate.
Sugar Loaf At store at Adelia, at 7 o'clock,
p. m. 1 delegate.
sheep Creeh-At residence of T.'B, Snyder,
at 4 o'clock, p. iu. I delegate.
snake Creak At residence of W. H. Cor
bln, at 4 o'clock, p. m. i delegates.
Wartmonet At residence of K. J. Wilcox,
at 7 o'clock, p. m. delegates.
White Klver At school bouse in district
Ho. 1, at 7 o'clock, p. m. f delegates.
Whistle Creek At residence of Kicholaon
Brothers, at 4 o'clock, p in. S delegates.
Hull Covet,
W. H. Davis, Chairman.
Casslaf Ca Teat loan.
Peoples independent, Lincoln, Aug. 29.
Democratic elate convention, admin
istration wing, Lincoln, Sept 5.
HepuWicaa iUteconventioo, Lincoln,
October 3d.
Bepublicaxi judicial convention, Val
entine,' September 17th, at 3 p. ro.
Ia June WM, 8,717W pounds or
woorfrom abroad were imported into
this country j from abroad, valued at
1800,446. , Under the free-wool rchediile,
duriofJune 1995, 91,013,635 pounds
were imported, valued at 13,676,491. The
Jndianopolis Journal sees in this a pos
sible reaaon why gold is 'being,; shipped
Cripple Creekjhas been thejscene of a
couple of genuine Mexican bull-lights
witMa a short lime. Efforts were made
by thegovernof to have the perform -aacee
stopped but without avail. Some
arrests wetVmade but were turned into
kim. It ia'said that the laws of Colo
rado doaotrwaclT such eases. The re
port le that the talMfhts did not prove
to be popular. They were loo one-
1 aad tooomUl..toj'mlit Anierieaa
The .iadeoendent convention fr the
OaMtb jweicial district was hxld at
OlMil on Monday. T. V. Golden of
tftaHlad V. H. Weetover of Sash
TiUatwexw maie '.the nominees, of the
party for judges of the district court
A brMw fgvt waa waged between Rick
ey of Cbadroo and Weetover as the west
! tiliii B. B. Merpby was the
Cett enaaiy candidate and that county
wisaAafarpfeetofer. Rieker threw
tai amsayeidea'ea the irat form
Cl UtMUe Mrpeiof alike was
tCsM Wtkget ViMMintte
ptty fcsU fts ea.awtiaw at Qntaha m
Ui ' rwaayfaw f atteadawoe was
KZA waasCaYjMBVi was ttpseted and as
t$2k k lenaWs of tin ntoteiaent
Vr2stpeiati C J. Ftlpe was
1 --f Tere is m aveepeot of a
rwaan ttM'Bryaa aVnwcraU aad
wfil ka) two Wings nt Dm
i ZX2t fttftmttt bagetaers no
' w3 to toe tawe IMert ia the
tnsi steav A. f . tlacb--".(IZtmAj
and fiekaVI Kittle
1 'tjf, Bootukalal for
ilvC. att ' tu
"-Clwsaw, eWbsd y
. ' HZm Urn in
A Plea Per Trakrttlra.
1 have always tad a warm regard for a
teakettle. Not that I am especially foul
of tea, but because aruuml the teakettle
cluster all the near associations of child
hood, youth and home. People eiay sen
timeotalize as they like about the beau
ties of the word ''hearthstone'' hearths
have not Wo nude of atone for a long
time, and in these days plenty of homes
are made without any real hearth at all.
But what is a hearthstone without a
teakettle? There may be, and are, homes
without a hearth; but it would be hard to
find a home without a teakettle. I never
saw but one case of such destitution
among supposedly civilised beings, and I
made haste to supply the crying want at
the vary next Christinas. time.
Xo family can b reared properly with
out a teakettle. If I never had occasion
to use a drop of hot water I would still
have a Uakettle, because of its homelike
physiognomy and its coosoling song, and
cause it all manner of domestic comfort.
Cosiness, cheerfulness, and peai; for Uie
same reason that I would letve the "Far
mers Almanac" hanging under the end
of the mantlapiece in the kitctien, and a
smooth, plump, well-fed, and self-satisfied
cat lying in tlie sunshine on the
broad window-sill. True the oat digs up
my window-plants, scratches the sofa in
to rags whenever he gets into the sitting
room, comes out of his nest in the shed
and howls at the backdoor in the night,
and is fully determinod to sleep "any
where else but on the window-ail); but
when he d'r happen to be bribed or
coaxed Into lying there five minutes I
am ready to forgive him everything for
the sake of the peaceful. proaeroua.
comfortable air which he gives to my
humble establishment But even he
oould not make it seem likeTionie with
out the prescenue of a teakettle.
An eruty teakettle, or a cold one,
should never be allowed in any well reg
ulated family. Nothing is more vexa
tious titan when, in some sharp need hot
water, one weeks the teakettle and finds
it cold or empty. It is like seeking a hu
man soul for help and sympathy, and
finding it entitled to the same adjectives.
But no master whether a teakettle be
made of tin, iron, or copiier, the only
really had teakettle is the cold and empty
one; so if the housekeeper would avoid
inconvenience, fretfulnews, delay, impati
ence, and all uncliantableness, let her
see to it that tier teakettle, whether
black as Erebus, or scoured until she can
see her face in it, is always full and al
ways hot. From "A Chapter on Tea
kettle," in Demorest's Magazine for
Well Irrigation In Kansas.
The State Irrigation Commission of
Kansas has put in an extensive irriga
tion plant at Goodland, Sherman county
to test the feasibility of irrigating on a
large scale from deep wells. Ooodland
is located 3,700 feet above sea level, and
165 feet above permanent water. The
well completed by the irrigation com
mission is a six-inch tubular well 166
feet deep. It is equipped with a single
action Cook pump having a stroke of 26
inches, with a capacity of 130 gallons
per minute. The power is furnished by
a gasoline engine. The engine will re
quire nearly 1 gallon of gasoline per
hour for fuel,',but requires no other ex
penee, as no attention is required except
in starting and stopping it. Hie .reser
voir is 12")xS0x6 feet, with a capacity of
500,000 gallons. This plant complete
cost 1,600, but can be duplicated by a
mad competent to superintend his own
work and aid in construction for from
1,00(1 lo.$l,200. The cost.of operating
this irrigation works is estimated at f 1
pef day whertjnoperation, and its cap
acity is miflicient for irrigating from 40
to SO acres.
The completion of this irrigation 'plant
was celebrated recently by a big demon
stration. Secretary Co burn of the Kan
sas State. Board of Agriculture made the
speech of the day. Among other jperli
nent'things t lie Secretary said:
"To come here in the heart of the
my thecal denert of our school days and
witness the inauguration under official
auspices of an experiment which, in the
not distant future, must exert a wide
reaching influence toward making thin
country reliably. productive and avail
able as homes for the homeless, is a
memorable event ia the life ofaoy man.
I expect to see irrigation with this plant
succeed, aad.aea glad many such experi
ments are to be made at the state's ex
pense; yet in all Umbo undertaking I
am tmre the larger and batter measure
of sni:Lsm Nttjejt come IVem lash vidua!
Witawprisn and iadirnlwal effort. In tax
tannty of Sherman yaw have as fair
(and as the sera ever shone on, large
snongb far tbe nrnttrng of 1MM fortj
acretnrma With a foarUi of this hrr
gated they wont nasily m stain rural
aapnliUou of tMCt to l6, exclusive
of the people in your prosperous towns.
It has been demonstrated that a man
may bare 44 anrea of land and fail of a
liv'hsgt bnjt no batten sVfflMBjstoe&su tlsan
thalttM man wfth brain, with II prop'
rly rnllive.fatd imgatnd aores H Inn
poafeoa to defy Wall Street, to pay his
Mortgage, My his wwe the well earned
ftitk aVsea, gire the children a oeMegs n
iMsftssssv ano tunvn vnw ajtawsy smpjeews
of tab, atttosn-to-om tM mmmeu"
tolbons wholitt by ttie tend nf ttw4r
iwv" TKe OnTivao.
Uood.'riga furnished on abort notice.
Reliable drivers and quiet saddle home always on hund.
flood aocommodations for transcient customers.
Horses boarded.
B. . BftKWHTMl,
D. H. O Rift
Transacts a General
Auxbicax Exciukoe National Bank, New York,
Uxitkd Statd National Hank, Omaha,
Fuojt Natjosai. Bank, Cliadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Did you Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and
get relief. This medicine lias been found
to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and
cure of all female complaints, excrtinif a
wonderful direct influence in giving
strength and tone to the organs. If you
have loas of appetite, constipation, head
ache, fainting spells or are nervous,
sleepless, excitable, melancholy or trou
bled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is
the medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by its use.
Large bottles only f0 cents at the Pio
neer Pliarniacy.
Final Proof Xoticrx.
All perwoim having tlnul proof notices In
tbls ptiper will recelYe a marked iiy of the
paper anl are requetl to examine their
notice anci if any emu s exinl report Hie
same to till oIMee at once.
Notice lor Vuhliratmn.
jnl Office at Alliance, Neb., I
Aug. 14, . (
Notice In hereby (riven tlmt tbe following''
iihiiicI settler bus fll.'l notice ot his Inten
tion to make final proof in iupioi't of bin
ciaiui, and that Maid proof will be made be
fore M. J. Illewett, ( lurk Diittrict Court at
HnriiHun, Nebraxka, on r pt, Kl, it&Hi, vis;
William Miller, of Hodarr. Neb.
a ho made II. K. No. VMS for til lie, t ace,
w tp. m n r. M w.
He namea the foliowliic vltneiuwt to prove
his aontinuona realdeuee npon and cultiva
tion oT, auid land, via :
at. I . iHHiii, I', y. ConVe, Henry Zliimicr
man, Alanwu South worlh, all of (Koliirr,
elf. sJmo
Alaasoe Soathaertb, of Bodare. Xcb.,
aeo in ad II. fc. No. WIS for the lota 1 and X
and e. ., nr. sec. :SJ, tp. a u., r. at w.
Me name tke followluK wltueiMiMi to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, aald land, via :
William Miller, Henry Zimmerman, Steph
en Merrex, a!J of llodarc. Neb., l.i-orjM (mil,
of Harrlxun, Keb.
J. w, tun, J a.
!si k.-a-wtcr.
.Vatiee for ruslJratlea.
laiiMl UCee at Alliance, Neb., (
July SO, iaui. (
KsUee ia hereby Riven that tbe followlng--aamed
wtrtler baa died notice uf b la iu ten
lion to iMaAe UuaJ proof lu auiiuort of bia
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore at. J. Biewett, clerk of Inatriet .Atari,
at Jlarrlson, Neb., on Sept. , baa, via.'
Williaai K. Heldee, af llarri-ou, Xek.,
wko uuMla II. K. No. 4JH for tke v. Si nw.
r. yt . t sod aw. 14 ue. ! of are. la, 141. Su,
r. as sr.
- Ha aaiues tae foUowlue wllnae to nrava
hia emtliiawM rasteeuaa ujmm aud cuiUva
tlou o, aaM laud. via
rVter Uaamt, WUliaaa If. Uvae-li. Jow pk
Slctisallii, Uraat feaeca, aii of llarrlaou. Neb.
Itf-ASi J. W. W'aaa, Jau, ite-Uw-r.
Mkerirs Male.
Rjr vlrtae af aa order af aaJe lamed by Vkc
clerk 4aT tae dlatrtct court of Uie county of
ntanx aaa state of nearaaaa. uwn a aeerc
raadnrad ky aakl owurt ia faeer af iloratie
iatcke awaf anatNat laaulei Mleiu, Amelia
KM!, Maes it. .Vrwlawna, W. w. wood .
asSat; Maaaett, I wUten as SHk day jf !
aeatemlww, a. It. ana, at tbe koar of ie
w'eierk, a. as- a tke east llmmt Soar of tke
court fcauan, ia Uarrlsan, ia eaM eveuty,
oaTer atal anil tke rattowluc nasi rlkiid twiti
atase tawUs- Tha awrtbenat uuarter u(
serttvM thirty tkree (Sti, la lewnebl tkArty
m (SI V iMH-tk f raue aVur tMre I , wnat
f She alstk .. M, la tke eaaaitv a sloas
nasi state af nakraaha, a Mnlie aettea, to
Ute klakeat bidder, fur caah, la aatlsfy said
sraurvf sale, la tbe aaaa ef fJW.nt, aaa iu
tereat, reata. aii4 accruing aeata.
(Waj ' aV M. Ml,
W. H, rennhuj, Atty. for MalntlsT.
. Feed and Sale
C. F. CofTEl,
WOLD, Cashier.
Banking Business.
Xolirf in Hlildi-n."
Si-iileil l)iil will lie iweivwl ami flliwl by
the ioiinly clerk at III olll"-" at llnrrlwm,
Seb., for tlin rili4'lnK of the county lirhluc
arrow creek ahliii wahiHl out
from VH'tion line iMtwiu MM-lionn 'In anil
toa'ti :JA, runire M. rimiH hihI KM'fl(nti(MM
aj lo the iiiuniicr of n'placliiK ""''I hrhlK"
may be hal by cnlliiis Ml lhi oIIuh. of the
county clrk. All bi.ln to tie niwnp cilil
by a howl in ilouhle til" amount ot tlic liiil.
All bi'U to lie ftlwl on or lx liin ihmi.i of
Kriiteuibur I, ISU9.
Tlie bOHrl rexervc the rlBht to reject any
or alt IiIiIk.
liy order of Uie boaril of miity eoiuuils-loMt-rx.
M, J. Blbwktt,
(47 l tounty tierk.
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoliarie, N. Y.,
says that be always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in the house and his fam
ily has always found the very best re
sults follow its use; that lie would not
be witlwut it, if procurable. O. A.
Dyketnan, druggist, CaUdcill, N. Y-. ay
that Dr. King's New Discovery is un- the best coukIi remedy; that
j he lias used it in bis family for eight
years, and it has never failed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not try a
remedy so long tried and tested. Trial
bottles free at Pioneer Pharmacy. Reg
ular sice oOc and (1.
Barklen's Arnirn Salre.
Tlie liesl salve in tlie world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption and poi live
ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give pecfecl satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Pioneer Pharmacy.
Jnxt Frew the Press.
A very attractive publication has just
beeo Issued by the passenger detriment
of tbe Burlinglou ttoute. It bears tbe
title "Tlie Newer North-west" and da
scribes ia a most interesting and read
able fasliioo those portions of nortiiern
Wyoniiug and the Black Hills of South
Dakota which are readied by this com
pany's lines.
The scenery, towns, mines, peojde anil
industries of tltese two remarkable sec
tions of country are treated of with jb
aoluU iidelety. 2(W sages witli iliuslra
tioos, seal 00 receipt of 10 uenl iu
stamps. J.Fkaxcu, U.P.& T. A.
Omaha. Nebraska.
F., C A M. V, li R, a Use best
to and front the
Sioux CountyJ
STEADER. Free Homes for More
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, .etc.,
Contains over forty-five mile of
rail'oad and hai no county
I'.ml lit I iuk and I 11 m her i'liaauer
. ..... - - - - - - - -r- - ,
Than at any Other Place
In bra.ka.
Sioux iviuiily is the northwest county
of Nebraska. It is alaiul thirty miles
east and weat by almut heventy miles
north tuxl suutli am conUtins
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
of lunil. There ate mora UriKlil, smrk
liiii;, siiiull streaniK in the county limn
iui la fouinl in the suiiie area elsewhere
in the. state. It has more pine timber in
it tlian nil the rest of the state cnmbineil
Its grasses are tlie richest ami most nu
tritious known so tliat for sim k-growinjr
it is unexcelled.
Tlie soil varies from a heavy clay to a
litflit sandy loam and is (-amhle of pro
ducing excellent crops.
The principal rr))s are small j,'inin
and vegetables, althotiffh good corn is
grown in the valleys. The wheat, oats
rye and barley are all of unusually line
quality and command the highest mui
ket prices.
The water is pure and refreshing ami
is found in abundance in nil ai'U of the
Tlie county is practically out of debt
and has over forty-live miles of railrc ad
within its borders, has a jfood brick court
house and the necessary fixtures for run
ning the county and there has never
been one dollar of couuty bonds issused
and hence taxes will lie low.
The Fremont, Klkliorn & Missouri
Valley railroad cros.ses8ioux county
from east to west and the H. & I. has
about fifteen miles of its line in the
northeast part of the county.
The climate' is more pleasant than that
of lias eastern portion of Nebraska.
There is still
OVER 800,000 ACRES
of laud in Sioux county yet open to
homestead entry, it is better land and
more desirably located xthan that for
which such rushes are made on the open
ing of a reservation. There .is no rail
road land in the county and for that
reason its settlement has been slow fur
no sfiecial eirort to get settlers was
made, as was done in the early days of
the settlement of tlie eastern part of the
Oood deeded land can be purchased at
reasonable rates with government land
adjoining so a person alio wants
more than one quarter section can obtain
it if he has a little means.
Tlwre are alxiul 2,!)O0 people in tlie
couuty ami Ure is room for thousands
ILutomi is tlie county aeut and is sit
uated oa tJaa P. E. & M. V. railroad, and
is as good a town n Uie thinly settled
country deioautla.
riciiool lauses and -lum Ilea are pro
vided in almost every settlement aial uru
kept up with tlie Limes.
All who desire to get a liouwaleiul ir
buy land cheap are iaviUsi UicouiuiusJ
see the country for tlieuiael ves and judge
of its tlavrita. Hoiuesteada wilj not iw
obtMnable uiuch longer and if ou want
to use your right iumJ get 10(1 ucrea of
laad fruxu Uncle Saw free it is lime you
were about iL
U4 at Tbls Ust
of weafjem citiea:
( likwKe Ht. Joae4i
J alalia lmum
Ht. Louie JJeuver
Kaasas City laiuiwooal
Itatoea'at SamUasr artiMjIi ou iatrtaJ
vinitia The Burliaam Biaute is tie
inaat isse la M mm it is to an one of
AdreWawieat eawSJUr wmt full inforsiia
Um alaast tsatiias mmI rate oe uAum-
J. fauven, Q. P. A T. A.
Oautba. h.
I -T4T I'rrti :
, (,.l.i..b l..r.o.
t W.Mrie .icut-ael t.oerwr
1 lii r L - -- "ei'relrv 4
r,.Hr M.."." .'. Auditor
i-pl,. lui'k). .Irea-erer
. I hue bill AtUurney Iwirml
I (U,.ii ljii.rt iinuii-uM.r
K I orb. It -.l'- fWI' li'attuclb.M
MiN.-Mloa'Al. I'r.l-W.ATHiN:
r f. a aenalor idah
w ui. .via-- i rTr.vr
W .J. tli'". I ..-rriuaM I'it I ii''"'i
li. II. Mercer,
.. I'. Neiklrioiin
J llaiuer.
kill "
U.-d 1 1..U.I
U . A. Mi kiesliau,
II. M hem.
Hh " Broken Itow
Jl'liK I KV :
' r I Norval Iliief Jiiatn-e, w-a anl
i M 'lot . --"- t"""-ale JiHlK''. ' ulunilnia
11 l I . Ilarr'l-Ml .. Aa'te Jn'lfe."", l-dand
li A laa.pkeli,. n rk and ri t.-rjl Inc.. In
11. 1'. hiiikaid Jiida-. u s. il
Allrcl llrto - " '
M J. Ilicwctt ' I' lk.ll .irMMi
ltd NTV liUK I li:
HolK-rl Wil.n l oui.t) Jiida..
M. J. Mll-aell '"
II s w.niriitr liaori-r
H Jiau. . ....,"ai't- I'ulilic lntl n t..i
A. M. IN. . Mwritr
J. K 1'hiiiin ) '" r
l J. Illewetl ...i lcrkol lii.trict 1 ourl
UI11 T. I link uunly A Horner
l'.(l.i:i IK ttiMMlK'M-lt-:
rank Tinklmm It lii-irn-l
M.J. flT... '
li. t Jo'iiimiii Imil mull 1 l "
II. I i. Meanrt .."a-naUir, KUt No. Il.l r:i fM
U , l iiii" ) ... liep., Itl. No. to, ll'iMii.wtt'.
VII.I.Ai.t OH U KIl-
M, J. Illcai'll i chairman
r.. Itoha.-r
J. W . titt -
II. II i.rl.airl
W . II. MnraUdlcr
., J. .jlllllltHil
Ia-h l .cricli
J. . niltli
...1 rii-ii'c
1 I. iw
. . Mnr.hnl
M Iliad, or Hi His:
:j. u . -.u
l'. I.. lIHM-k. . M.rlcrMl.c
W. Ilclcr.. I rcniircc
lltrlct Court,.-At lliirn-on, coiinnciici-
April nlh nnil .siivciiilK-r :.iii.
Coiiiitv ouri,-At llHiiWin, c.iiiiiiii'ii.-i--(lrl
iiinlv f euch nionlii.
Clll'lH UKs AMI wH'IKTIr.s.
M. K. I'hurcli - I'rcaclilitrf i-ncli tulcrual-.
sinifl'-y at lu:.fu a. in., iiu.c.'r suiit.yc en
iiik at ;::). Itm-. I . K. 'osm.i.i.. ru-lor.
MctliiKlit Snii'lHy s,-tjo iihm-ic. ry si,,.
J. K. Mll"lf.l.l.t.H.
W. II. mm,
Iliirri4in t 'hiiiii, No. V, niiH'ta on tlie llrl
nnil llill'l sutiiniiiy cvvnliitta of imicIi lit.inlli
J. K. I'nisslt, K. r, I'iimii'i,
Clerk. tun. (nut.
mohkiin-jwisiumkn ok vmkiik a.
Mis-la i-ni'li altcrnnt'- suiimlitv evening
lit KoVlock. A. I(. IIkw, V, C,
J. . Sal III, Clerk.
ticvotioiuil tiKi'tliik" "very Nnmliiy evnnlnif
at U JU. Cnliliii't iniH-tliiK on call of irci
dent. ah ik IIkhtkb,
Mas. W. II. IUvis, I'rualileitl.
ttttrttzzt tz-t tttt tctc txtr:
Given Away
Every Month
to the porton ubntlttlni the I
won i aiarit'irius tavsaitoa
.l...lnn . I., . t..,u..Ull.. .
FOIt 1NVKNTOU8. and the
4 olijeot of this offer t to en- M
eoursire peraom of sn Invent. M
tve turn of mind. At tha f,
asms time we with to loiprrH H
mo iavi tnat u ..
It's the Simple.
Trivial Inventions
That Yield Fortunes
such at Io Long's Honk
end Kye, "See that lluinii."
"Safety Pin," "Flira lu tlo-1
ver." "Air Hrske." t,u:
Almost every one conceive
Q a lirlf bt Idea at Mime time or
other. Why nut put it In prae-
iioei user iui h latent may aa
He In thin ill ruction. May II
try? i: i; i! t:
lr"Wrlto for further Inforuuilt'ie id
mentlou tula paper.
Philip W. Avlixtt. ties. M(r
618 F Street, Northwest.
WA9HIN0T0N. 0- C.
0TTbe resu.naiiiinty of tint comiaini
ma I Ixs iu.itfi'd to ilia (act Ilia l in (t
auick ia held tiy uiei una ibuuaaml ft
ol llio leading uipia la the (
LoiUhI e'itca
qvimcv, aunou,
This institution, chartered July, Wl, It
conducted by ths School Sisters of Notr,
Dams, and provided with tvery rsquisits
conducive to physical, UrtrlUctusI and moral
j development
The system of education embraces every
' useful and ornamental branch ol art and
science suitable for young ladies. Forests-
Icfue, address
St Mary's Institute, Quincy, IU.
. ro!wIa3CK?l
Traewdiin(, r)
ilia anil lv,,..l.i
roaaUiy UaarSTrTclva tra.k,r., ( tiuano,
Aaap boafd, aad (La ta Uiniuairuiil ( ullrie.
baud(u AaMrKa. f.fadumia. r.d,lr M ,1U
eancaa. rkauiifal T1luirai. Caulvaaa rkLt.
Oea OltrBualsaaM OeUesa, Oaiaer, IU.
I OsllmML AMdamk, Nsrmsl. Art, Mosta,
Kane Lai and Minimi M,4wvj . .
iaatrirUv SirataiUua a.iki.j. .....
. .-- aaagiaua, vu
a. imm ts all
Imp r.iiww
IlfASTwelMUKKX Inrwctt Eur-
reweh of westers
J? "aajCaHnaiergaa. Fl a .rU awa f aw I.Zad Z
Owterle -ty,a.ioulCIH,a, Aadkrloa
unu in li v
I w1l
mmmnrwnmmx pane witnla
t aaii.a, uai ane ear AKT HALJ. Is
SSaa Nhaas. twa tkual Aaa f