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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1895)
RAILROAD MILEAGE. MOST STUPENDOUS INVEST MENT IN THE WORLD. Coai t imm, rragreatid Proa pec la I the laaii at the L ai ted Btatra War t Matiatlca u Calcalatioaa H llrltriK Fiajarea of Coat. Aa Iatcreatiaa- fetody. A study of the condition, progress and prospect of the ra rod of the world reveal facta and teclencles of Interest not only to those engaged In transpor tation, but to all students of economic science. Our country now possesses nearly half the railway mileage of the world, and it is a fair estimate that 5.000 miles a year of new road c:"i be added to this mileage for the next twenty years. The population of this country to-day is 70,OU0,OJ0. and its wealth is about $1,000 for each person of the population, or $70.0oo,o0,000, and this wealth Is increasing at the rate of $j,000,000 a day. The railway capital of the country la now about $11. 5Xai.0U0.000, or one-sixth of the total valuation of the property of the coun try. The capital stock of the railroads is now $5,000,000,000 (it was $4,834. Ooo.OOO a year ago), and of this $730. JO,000 is preferred stock. The funded debts amount to $5,400,000,000, of which bonds constitute $4,600,000,000. A year ago the miscellaneous obligation amounted to $456,000,000; income bond. $243,000,000, and equipment tntst obligations to $64,000,000, while the amount of current liabilities was JU5.000,0O0. Tho obligations of to-day differ but little from those of a year I ago. The railway securities held by the best roads aa investments amount to- lay to $1,550,000,000. Sixty-three per eat or more than three-fifths of the whole amount of railroad stock, paid no dividends during the year ending July 1, 1,894. Of the stock which did pay dividends, the average rate was only Ave and four-tenths per cent Ten per cent of this stock paid dividends ranging from 5 to 6 per cent The Amount of bonds paying no Interest was H.0Oy.0O0. The miscellaneous ob ligation paying no Interest amounted tm $53,300,000, and the amount of In 4SOOM bouds which paid no Interest was 421W00.0OO. The railroads of the whole world nave coat about $35,000, 000,000, and their gross receipts laat .lyaar were $2,000,000,000, and their ex Jssuditures were $1,800,000,000, leaving -UXW.000,000 to be applied to the pay- jaent or debta and dividends. ' Karalnaa aad Kiaai I During the year ending July 1, 1804. the gross earnings of the railroads of the United States were reported at 11,073,000.000, a decrease of $150,000, 000 from those of the preceding year. This la accounted for by the panic and the partial stagnation of business. Pas senger traffic fell off over 5 per cent, ..and freight traffic nearly 16 per cent, tfhetigh this period Includes much of the ttnurel to and from the World's Fair. The depressing effect of the panic is aseen in the decrease In operating ex IpensBS over the preceding year of $96, j,W0. The largest decrease In these operating expenses was in the matter of keeping tracks and station bouses In repair and In permitting railroad equipment to run down. The decrease tar the year In the expense of keeping roitiug stock in repair was nearly 18 per ceut. The net earnings of the roads were $342,000,000, a decrease of $51, 000,000 over the preceding year. The income derived from sources outside of operating the roads was $143,000,000. After paying fixed charges of $429,000, 000 there remained $56,000,000 for divi dends, a decrease of 50 per cent from the amount available for that purpose at the close of the preceding year. The act that $06,000,000 was paid In divi dends shows that there was a deficit from the operations of the year of $46, 000,000. The money derived from car rying passengers was $2.85,000,000, or nearly a million dollars a day, and for carrying frlcht $700,ooo,noo, or about two million dollars a day. Kailrouit Mileaice of the World. From the best authorities accessible, we find that the railroads of the world, July 1, 1805", are 436,271 miles long! Adding the length of second, third and fourth tracks, and the length of sidings, turnouts, shop tracks and all yard tracks, which aggregate 129,005 miles, we have a total length of all tracks to day of 565,306 miles. This distance Is twenty-two and three-fourths that of the circumference of the earth, and alxty million tons of Iron and steel have been nsed for the rails alone. The following tabular statement ex hibits by continents the presen rail road mileage of the world at this time, and also the mileage, inclusive of all kinds of tracks: Length of Milesge. track. Continents. In the United 8tates and Territories 181,200 236.6W In other portions of North America 25,750 fn South America 22,815 In Europe 156.380 fa Asia 28,229 In Africa 8.212 la Australasia 13,685 32.100 28.519 205,294 83307 10,176 17,100 43H.271 565.360 Of all railroads July 1, 1805. Aa Inspection of this table shows that the United State baa more mile of railroad than all Europe, and that It tM Marly half the mileage of the WorUL Oar country now has 1,020 rail road carperatkMa, bat forty of this . troll lag 1,000 miles rf ml aad over, are operating three- af tke total arteec. gad ninety sf7rils opera thrse-fbnrthe of all earrTitr Th tendency of the great ctj 19 Mem cm CJ t af mm CJ f C3 it i. Oi tarried six hundred ana twenty million pas sengers 03,(Mi,tssi. a nutulier nearly equal to half the present impulatlou of the world. This wss 26,(.i more than were carried during the preceliug year, the Increase being largely due to the World's Fair. These passengers truvtiatl 14,280.445.803 miles, or an av erage of twenty-three miles for each ride. This travel Is equivalent to a ride of 204 miles for every man, woman and child of our population, or eight rides of twenty-live miles escb for every person. The average number of persons to a passenger train was forty four. A good idea of the density of the passenger traffic Is seen In the fact that there were 81,333 passengers for the year per mile of line, or a many persons as could stand comfortably on a right of way loo feet wide and a mile long. The railroads of the whole world carried 2,6oi),ijiM.i,tj p'asseugers last year: 050,000,000 tons of freight were carried by the railroads of the United States during the year ending July 1, 1805, and tJ3.V",oiO for the pre ceding year, and 74.1,oOO,OoO tons for 1.803, and this freight carriage was equivalent to carrying one ton 1.2o0 miles for every man, woman and child of our population, or live tons that dis tance for eve ry family. The magnitude of this freight service may be Illustrated by saying that It is equivalent to car rying 26t.uo,iion tons one mile a day, or 26.Mio,uuit tons ten miles a day. Fifty strong men serving as porters are need ed to carry one ton of freight ten miles a day; hence, to do by human strength alone the work of transportation per formed by our freight trains last year would require the constant service f ir a year of a u umber of porters nearly equal to the present population of the earth, or about five times the nresent number of the adult males In the world The average haul of each ton of freight was 120 miles, and the average number tons carried by a freight train was 180. All the railroads of the world carried l,600,00O,UO0 tons of freight last year. The remarkable economic feature In the volution of the railroad Is the decline In the rates charged for carrying freight Thirty years ago It cost $3.50 to carry a barrel of flour from Chicago to New York. We have a rate for May, 1805, which quotes $0.40 as the price of the same service. Railway statistics for the year ending June, 1803, show that 93,588,111,830 tons of freight were carried one mile by the railroads and at .878 of a cent per mile. The rate for 1804 waa Ma of a cent per mile, and the freight rates for Ohio, Indiana and Michigan were only .682 of a cent for carrying a ton one mile. Ten years ago the railroads carried only half the amount of freight per year that they are now carrying. The entire trans portation effected by the railroads of the country during the ten year end ing June 30, 1803. was 113.170,723.026 passengers one mile and 68100,465.- 282 tons of freight one mile, and had the average charges of 1883 been main tained through the decade In question, the public would have paid $251,981,813 for passengers and $1,797,078,221 for freight transportation more than was actually received by the railroads for the service. The total sum gained by the pudllc on account of these reduced charges was, therefore, $2,049,060,034. How can the Inestimable value of the railroads to the people be better illus trated than by these astonishing facts and figures? Number of Persona Killed and Injured During the year ending July 1st, 1894, 1,823 railway employes were killed and 23,422. were Injured. Two thousand seven hundred and twenty seven were killed during 1803, and 31,- Z) were injured. This Increase is doubtless owing to the fact that not so many persons were employed In 1894, and that the men In service are growing more careful and efficient. Less business, too, was transacted. and Improved appliances for safety In handling cars are continually increas ing. Only 324 passengers were killed and 3,304 injured. One passenger Is killed and 10 injured every day In the year, but these numbers are small com pared with the number who travel. One passenger Is killed for every 2,000,000 who travel, and for 44,000,000 miles of travel, and one Is hurt for every 200,000 who travel, or for every 4,750,000 miles of travel. One-fourth of the railway employes killed lose their lives by fall ing from trains, and one-seventh of them by coupling cars. One is killed each week by some overhead obstruc tion, and three a week in collisions. That train service is dangerous and attended with many risks Is seen In the statement that one out of every 156 In this service was killed during the year, and one out of every twelve was in jured. In the operation of roads one employe out of every 428 was killed, and one out of every thlrtythree In jured. These casualties extending over a whole year attract little attention, but a like number killed and wounded in a battle would attract the attention of the whole world. Many persons, not passengers or employes, are killed and Injured by cars, especially In cities, at crossings, but the number la not re ported by the railroads. OflBcera aad Kaaplorea. Eight hundred thousand persons are now In the employ of the railroads of our country, against 779,008 July 1st, 1804, and 873,612 July 1st, 1893. The decrease from 1893 baa been caused by the lessened traffic and by the ne cessity for economy. Directly and in directly one-eighth of oar population la largely dependent apon tb railroad ' for a livelihood. Forty thousand lea men were employed tht year thaa la 1898, la tb Bsalatesaae of track add rtraetaraa, aad UfiOO lsa In the raU- Tht "eras dairy pay la th srveral for ISM waa a follows; Omn ....H.T1 ATS General offii-r clerks 2.14 Station sgmis 1.75 Other sutiua men 1.6J Locomotive engineers . 3. 61 Locomotive firemen 2.03 Conductors 3.04 Other train men .1.89 Carpenters .2.02 Machinists 2.21 Ither car shop nien l.taj Section foreiueti 1.71 Other trackmen 1.1 Switchmen, flagmen and watchmen. .1 Telegraph operator and dispatchers. 1.93 Cars and Locomotives. Our railroads on July 1st. 18M, had ?5,492 locomotive engines, having add ed 704 during the preceding year, and about 5uo have been added during the year ending July 1st, 1895. Ten thou sand of these are passenger engines, 20.UUI are for freight trains, and 5,000 ar? switching engines. The total uum ler of railway locomotives to-lay Is 36,f j. The number of passengers car ried per passenger locomotive for the year was tis.uoo, and the passenger utiles per passenger locomotive were 1,444.400. Exclusive of freight and re frlgerator cars owned bj shippers, there are now In all 1.2U8.57S cars of all kinds. Of these. 36.0UO are passenge mail and baggage cars, 1.250,ooo are In freight service, and the remainder are caboose, pay cars and other cars In the service of the roads; 2,."iO sleeping and parlor cars owned by ' the I'ullntan Company, and 050 such cars owned by the Wagner Company are not Included In the above enumeration. Consider ing the profitable life of a freight car twelve years, 100,000 such cars should be built every year to keep the quota full and to take the places of worn oat ones. This has not lteen done of late. In 1892, 93,000 freight cars were built; in 1893, 51,216. and in 1894, only 19, 029, and probably not more than 20,000 for the year ending July 1st, 1895. The revival of business indicates that the railroads ought to provide for at least 200,000 new freight cars during the year ending July 1st, 1806. For the past four years only 103,000 freight cars have been built, but bad It not been for the panic, 200,000 more would have been needed and ordered. A thousand miles of side and yard tracks are now occupied by freight cars in need of re pairs, and with many cars which can not be used again. The near future must bring a heavy demand for freight cars, a demand which will tax the ca parity of all freight car works to their utmost The crops of this year are simpiy enormous. n corn crop alone is now estimated at 2.400,000, 0OO of bushels, or nearly double that of 1804. To move such a crop will require more additional cars than the car shops of this country can possibly turn out by the close of the year 1806. As yet, only 25 per cent of cars and engines ar fitted with train brakes and 27 per cent, with automatic coup lers. The law requires that all cars shall be fitted with these safetv ap pliances by Jan. let, 1888, and that grab Irons shall be put upon freight cars, and that draw bars of freight cars shall be of a standard height Every year brings marked Improvements In the construction of cars. DL'AXE DOTY. Friend oT the Kin. M. Godlllot the founder of the great Paria factory which was recently de stroyed by fire, did something more than give bis name to the French sol dier's boot Once upon a time he played a humble part In history. When Napoleon III. was kept .1 prisoner at Ham, Godlllot I., a work In inn ion was employed In repairing th mansion which served Louis NajHtleon for a prison. And It was disguised in Ood- lllot's blouse and trousers that the prince made his famous escape from Ham. The escape was not altogether dignified, and the heavy plank which he carried on bis shoulder was doubt less Irksome to Napoleon. But God lllot bad laid the foundation of a for tune, and the linen trousers were 111 a sense symbolic of bis future greatness. For Napoleon never forgot a service, and once upon the throne he sent for Jfxllllot. rewarded him with an Imper ial gift of money, and permitted the mason, wbo once bad trousered his em peror, to supply the emperor's soldiers with boots and breeches. Philadelphia Telegram. How to Choone Meat. Beef, when young, has a fine open grain and a good red color, and the fat should be white, for when more or less yellow the meat Is seldom of the best. Beef, of which the fat Is hard and skin ny, and tbe lean meat a deep red with coarse fibres, Is of an Inferior quality, and when the meat la old It can be told by a line of horny texture running through the meat of tbe libs. Mutton must be chosen by tbe firm ness and fineness of the grain. Its color and tbe firm white fat Lamb that baa been killed too long can be discovered by examination of the veins In tbe neck. These are bluish when tbe meat Is fresh, but green when It Is stale. In the hlndquarter, tbe point to examine Is tbe knuckle, which Is not firm when tbe meat Is not perfectly fresh. Venison when young will have clear and bright fat which should be of con siderable thickness. Partridges hare yellow legs and dark -colored bills when young. Quail are greatly Improved by wrapping them In very fat larding ba con before cooking. A Moat Ksolaatve Inatltattoa. Tb swagger set at Newport will open Its new dub bona this month. Tb members of tb so-called country club estlmat thtr combined wealth at IdOOOOOOO, aad Intend to bar thl th moat eiclnstve Insdtatton la Abmt ica. If two jrnc -Ma can oa a girl at It It m .iga of popalaritr, bat ratbsw that th mm ar afraid to s r 1 -wir-nc are tew young men wno is, trpnn m , . 1 I do not expect to achieve some de- Kree of success or gTeattiess dur- nig the course of their lives. The , 6 u woo euieriams mis amoi uon suouid keep a weather eye open on the question or matrimony. mignt be thrown out as a matter of ad vice that every young mau ought to marry with the Idea that he might be come famous some day. The girl wbo will make a good wife while "they two- are living In a three-room flat will be pretty safe to be trusted to be a good wife In a brownstone front for the chances of happiness in a brownstone front would not be very promising If tbe woman In question was not quail tied to be a good wife In a three-room flat The married life of the great men of tbe world Is full of lights and shadows. In fact woman can make happy or mis erable the life of a great man Just as easily as she can that of a man "to for tune and to fame unknown." It all depends upon tbe woman and the man. Tea, dyspepsia and a scolding wife made the life of tbe famous essayist Hazlitt, miserable. Tea, dyspepsia and scolding wife these three, but tbe greatest of these la a scolding wife. leldlng married a maidservant and was miserable. Goethe married bta housekeeper and was contented and happy. Leasing married a widow and was singularly happy that Is, be was. singularly, bappyt Mollere, at 40, mar ried an actress of 17, but It was a 'arc and tbe curt a la waa soon rung down. Steele was twice married and both times happily. The married life of Prince and Princess Bismarck Is one of the world's sweetest stories, while Milton drew from bis personal experi ence tbe material for a vigorous Dam- hie t advocating divorce. Abraham's married life was made very unpleasont by the Jealousy of 8arab for Hagar. If Julius Caesar and Alexander tbe Great bad lived In Delaware they would have been whipped about three times a week, for they were chronic wife beat ers. Racine was about to turn monk through disgust at tbe failure of one of bis plays, but was persuaded to marry and he never regretted It Tbe music of Moxart's happy wedded life waa tweeter tban any he composed. The story of tbe married life of James Fenl more Cooper and bis wife Is one of tbe Idyls In the annals of Hymen. Rlchter married to get a good housekeeper and be got one. And right here It might be suggested that tbe true sweet Marie Is not she whose chief claim Is that she has a face that Is fair to see. The girl ho can make biscuits that can tie open ed without using a "Jlminie" discounts by a very large per ceut tbe grand dame ho never saw the Inside of a flour barrel. Heine wrote to a friend that he was frightfully" happy. Cato married a poor girl that she might be wholly de- Iteudent upon bint and found ber dis agreeably Independent David married he daughter of Haul, but had to get rid of her on account of her temper. Na poleon's misfortunes were intimately onnected with the divorcement of Jo sephine. Tbe list might be gone through with, and at tbe end we should liud that be fore the great problem of human happi ness tbe prince Is as helpless as tbe peasant and philosopher aa the me chanic. The Wheel a Teat of Character. Certain disgruntled philosophers have couteuUed that the woOtun you see Is seldom tbe woman you think you see. Mounted upon ber bicycle, most women h:ive to tell the truth about tbemselvea. 1 ., ..-can distinguish at a glance tbe dar .1. wilful beauty from tbe timid, ten- b girl. The woman la reduced for th .itoment to the plane of a boy, whose s: 1 looks or lack of them, health, vlg 1 of mind and body, are apparent I will even go so far as to advise a man not to get married until be bas seen tbe object of bis choice disport herself upon a bicycle. A New Corset, A tape corset bas lately been Intro duced which is meeting with a most decided success. Tbe tape takes tbe place of a foundation, and Is about three-quarters of an Inch wide, and Is placed In horizontal rows with narrow spaces between, whalebone being stitched Into sheaths of the tape. They are designed to take tbe place of tb summer ventilating corsets, and, as they are a novelty, ar strong, cheap and comfortable, keeping th body well ventilated, they have become very pop ntar. A Nw Traak. A new trunk that I finding favor with many women wbo dislike tb lift Ing of heavy trays, or tb turning of tb contents of a carefully packed trunk topey-tarry la order to reach some thing placed la tb mlddl or bottom of It to eftr-jeto4 Mk a drer, with th tray Ilk o May drawr that eaa X Lit'' of a well-made bureau. It h.a nnt tha appearance of a piece of bedroom fur- nltnre however. When clnaod aa tha ; lid forms ttart of the side nf h mmii - . locking near the bottom. These trunks are very strong and light, being clamp It.ed with Iron and made of s ndlnlnao nitre, w veneer. slides. th the woodwork a tbree-ply The drawers run on metal 1 Ode to the "Old Woman." Don't yon remember sweet Alice, man? Sweet Alice, who lived long ago. old ho wore skirts snd ruffles, bonnets snd curls; And always bad smiles and a beau? We liked her much la those days, old Tbe days only few ran remember. Before woman berains saw snd were old. And we alwsys knew a he from a her. We may hart become old-fash lonsd, old man; W may he of th time long ago; But I lost 'or the dsys of bonnets and curl. When skirts reached to boots and below. Alice was on of that sort, old man; You remember her mo modest snd neat 8h never wore bloomers nor rode ou a bike, ' And did not buy margins on wheat Bat in all this there is comfort, old mso Comfort for me and for you. I am glad I was young when women were old ftWKET And am old when women are new. The boys of to-day may be pitied, old man; To tbetn ignorance only is bliss; While you snd 1 can ne?r forget The thrill of sn "old woman's" kiss. Marrying on 50 a Month. A young man asked me If It would be safe for him to marry on Ave hun dred dollars and a salary of fifty dol lars per month. I told him I could tell better when I saw the girt There are girls wbo have grown up In ease, and who have kicked great black and blue welts In the lap of luxury, yet wbo are more ready and willing to accept a lit tle rough weather tban tbe poor girl wbo bas stood for eighteen years look ing out through tbe soiled window of life waiting for the rain to rinse It off aud let the sunlight through that she might see ber approaching lord. La dles' Horn Journal. Laahlas aa aa Ark A whimsical sort of woman waa ask ed lately why sb took lesson from an elocutionist "To acquire a pleasant pretty, hearty laugh," was ber prompt reapoosa. "There I bo accomplish ment so rar la society, nor, It seems to me, so deslrona. A Jolly, interested, refined peal of laughter 1 worth pay. lag considerabl to obtain, I think, and Mto ho-nd-o I teaching aw bow to glr oa that aosad aatarai, bat to all artltctoV ' Mm Alva VadrbUt aad be osagb- OW WOMB ABB VCW. I ALICE, WHO I.IVKO I.OSO AOO. CIRTVS GRAVE. The Renegadc'a Heating 4 lace Found on a Hlvrr laland. In the early part of the present cen tury, when the Indians of the great Northwest territory were giving the Government so much trouble, and the sturdy pioneers who bad boldly pushed their way into the forests of northern Ohio and planted their log cabins along the numerous streams, were couielled to carry their muskets Into the fields to protect themselves from the attacks of roving savages, a band of murderous renegades from the Delaware, Ottawa and Seneca triltes, who were led by the notorious 8imou Girty, Infested the Mauutee valley aud for years terrorized the settlers by their bold roblterles and murderous assaults without revealing their rendezvous. Shortly after or about the time of the war of 1812, Simon Girty, with his brother George, wus sent Into northern Ohio from their home In Pennsylvania to conduct Government trading posts. Of George Girty but little is known con cernirg his life In the Northwest, and it Is fair to suppose that he remained true to the trust confided to him; but not so of Simon Girty, of whom, al though history has Hide to say, there still live many legends relating numer ous deeds of murder and pillage perpe trated by himself and his band of blood thirsty followers. Many times Glrty's band of red devils were followed to the banks of the Maumee river about twelve miles below Defiance, O., but here all trace of them was lost. They disappeared as suddenly and mysteri ously as though the earth had opened aud swallowed them. It finally became a general belief, however, that the band of land plratei had a biding place some place on an Island In the river near the spot where they had so frequently baflled their pur suers, and the Island was given the name of "Glrty'a" Island, which name It stlU retains. This Island is about 100 yards wide and 300 long, and Is covered by a heavy growth of forest On the western end tbe ground Is high and slopes gradually to tbe water's edge at the east There Is a legend which says that at one time Girty captured white girl from one of tbe numerous settlements along tbe river and carried ber to this Island, which be bad fortified with a cannon secured while he was yet a Government agent The legend also relates that tbe settlers discovered tbs hiding place of the band, and, with tbe assistance of some troops, gave Girty battle and forced blm to run the can non off tbe point Into the river to pre vent Its being captured. Many of bit band were killed In this encounter, but nothing could be found of tbe white girl, Girty or any of the survivors, wbo disappeared Just as It became evident the battle was against them and they bad no escape. About two years ago 8tate Canal. Commissioner Hartwell came to Den- a nee and sold Glrty's Island, together with two smaller ones, to Mr. W. II. Keman. The island Is at one of tbe most picturesque benda In tbe Mau mee river and recently Mr. Keman de cided to build a summer residence on tbe high position of Glrty's island. He set a number of men to work to make an excavation for a cellar. Tbe men bad almost completed their work when the ground on which they were stand ing gave way and they were precipitat ed Into a large cavern, or room some twenty feet deep and fifty feet square. James Ferguson, one of the workmen, had his left arm fractured by the fall, but tbe others escaH-d uninjured. As soon as they bad recovered from their astonishment they set about to explore their strange atode. They found that the walls of the room were lined with cedar logs, which were still In a fair state of preservation. In one corner of the room they found the bones of a score of men. Besides the bones, which were badly decayed, they 'found countless arrow heads, tom ahawks, spearheads and tbe remains of a dozen muskets. There was also n badiy decayed spinning wheel and some pieces of furniture, together with num erous pieces of broken earthenware. Beneath a pile of this earthenware they found a box about a foot square which had been hewed out of solid oak. Tbe cover to this box was fastened secure ly with flint arrow heads. In the box were found four Spanish doubloons, some fifty pieces of English money of various denominations, six silver spurs, three silver-mounted pistols and num erous trinket. The find has created quite a sensa tion, and It Is believed that at last tbe mystery of the disappearance of Simon Girty and his band of cutthroats bas been cleared up, as they undoubtedly found a last resting place In the cave which bad furnlsbedd them a shelter during life. xWorth Trying. Those who have tried the experiment affirm that a sponge bung In the room at night or In tbo day time, If It can be behind a convenient screen and kept constantly wet, will greatly assist In keeping tbe room cool, or a wet cloUi bung In the window over tbe blind will cool the room aa If a shower had fallen. All know bow fresh water, sprinkled on the pavement In front of windows and doors, will freshen hot, dry air. He Wasn't "Aied." "How did It happen r said u, smart young turkey to tb sedate old gobbler, "that yon got through tbe winter without occupying th place of honor at some fashionable dinner fa bler "Because," responded tbe gobbler with a far-away look la bta role, "b cause nobody axd at. Tb moat popular womaa now I th womaa who eaa mak Med eara fm. b drawa jt as ay aa th dra KafMtatoMe7totntaJa.