THE Riot; JCrocNTY J" O T7 H, IST .A. L. I.. J. Simmn. F.tlltor mid rripritr. V- K. M. V K. It. Timr table i.oinx w Ml. (riling n. 3, TMHU IJ lu j Su. (5, InUivl e-tu Yt flour, fws or mwl call on F lliiliut-r. Ask . I. lollfo iiow In -arn tin xct weight of tlw big li li hnh g.-t aay. Xt learn tUit Ii hiI tlilri' t Nn, 3 wants a ti-m ln-r. Si m. .nlh- term yUi'iitU-iiian pnIVrrt-d. art informed that John I '. Kjas, of I.ittlw CotiouM'iMM, lift on t s ami wheat six and n liaf fe-t high and il a not irrigated. - iioipiiouiiii ronipuunu . ougli syruj the great n-niedv for coughs and rolds at tlm Fionwr l'liarmacy. -Lust or STHAYKti . brown gtldhig, 2 )ars old, branded circle on left thigh. A. MofJttWiY. - If you wnnt a farm pap;r get one published in Nebraska. The JorpxAi. cluls with the .V(i)(i.(i J'liriifr, Call and see a copy of it. Neglect of the hair often destroys it vitality and natural hue, and causes it to fall out. Before it is too late.apply . Hair Hair nenewer, a sure remedy. I The school house is being repaired and will be ready for use in a few days. The fall term will begin on week from next Monday. ; t 1 the base will player will to to I.usU to-morrow to play a gamo with the knights of the diamond of that place. A pood many contemplate join;; to w it ness the game, among them a number of Iodic. A good time is anticipated. j Last week Mrs. Jacob Wasscrlierger was thrown from a loud of hay anil had her right h-g broken, just above the an kle. Or. l'hinney was called and re. d need the fracture and 'left the patient resting comfortably. Presiding Elder Julian came up Sat unlay and remained until Momlav. We should have been glad to have published au announcement of his appointment but no intimation ol his coming was given us. A party started Ir-mi lu re Kntunlny for an outing in the wilds of Wyoming, ami they went, prewired to wash gold or slay anything which the scientists tell us have inhabited that part of the globe, la the party were SherilT Dew and City Marshal Smith, of Harrison, and J. 8. Ilousell, of Lusk. .soi oire complaint nan ever neen nmde by those using Ayer's Karsuparilla voiding to directions. Futhcrmore, vd liave yet to learn of a case in which it has failed to afford benefit. So say hundred of druggists all over the coun try. lla cured other, will cure you. -J. (.". L. Raglaiul informed uh that be received a. letter a short time ago from G. V Cobl with the information that his wife had died recently. Mr. C'obU has a large family of children to cut for, the youngest being but few weeks old. The l'.rst of the week C. F. Coffee went to Douglass, Wyo., to appear as a w itues against a men who had been ar rested and was under bowl on the charge of having stolen a horse belonging to Coffee. The man evidently considered his chance pretty good for a term in the Wyoming penitciitinrs Ptid kept nway nod let tiis bondsmen pay the thre" hun dred dollar 'vhich the bond called for. (leo. II. Turner was in' town ivitiif day walking on crutches and bad his left fool, in a sling. On inef jj i'ion it was learned that lie ns the vi. 'iul of a rather peculiar a' -cide'it. 'While eii gird in hauling grain from the field he to--d a jul' of water from th' round to the Uiy who v as Sliding. Th'er tailed to cntcli it and in falling it Hirm. k Mr. Turner on the instep, breaking the leaders and bruising the foot badly. Mr. Turner is old enoiitli .i that he out'lil to know Ix tter than to laki (itiv chances With a jug loaded with anything as dan gerous as water. On last Friday evening a ! lure xas ilelixensl Jit the court hoii by 1'rof. W. H. W.'uden, of trawl .id. A fair audiem e listened to bun. His re marks werecluetly din td to the teach ers of the county who had gathers! and : while art wit it pr.iiiinieiil I actor m las remarks it wax used to tire the teuehers to fctrivn to attain biyh.r and better things than to Minply do what they had to do. Prof. Woal'-n gave an tlluslra-! ion of frrodinnd drawing and demon-1 Mra'eU that even vi'h conditions audi rircumst.inre ogriiiit htm he had the true artists' ability. A nmnlniolis vote t.f thanks wai tendered him at the close tf the locturv. Harvest in well under way tm the . i ) i :i . i .1. . .... II .... I. ....I. laoli! W illie in mk v.uiej iv is nm.p:i. In niost fnstancf a fair crop is reported, j Home fields were nx)T white oHm-m werej very (rood, o that taken as a w hole the . uuall grain crop is much aliead of bat it w-iw last year. Com is not very j promising, many reporting that they j will only gH fodder, but for those who; have xtook that will b a jmying rop. Potatoes will not be o fxitl n 1 ist ear, but tho acreage being much great fr the product of Urn county will aggre gate more lln tlie crop of IH4, while uther vegeUble will lie fairly good. The people as a rule ea no raon to Iuiprtnt Sillier. A polite but firm invitation has lieen receive,) from t lie count v treasurer by ' (lie piibhsner of TltH J.n !:mi. to call and ttle some delinquent tines. To do that ca Ji is needed as the county treas- urr wdi not taka wojd, garden truck, rtr.,io,v,t.fla4 TtlEj.HHNtl. Ilis hundreds of dollars dim and when a demand is made for settlement of our debts e must piiK lie demand along, and we ho. tlmt tho indebted to us will bring or sind in the amount due p-dlioi.t furt Iter notice. 1 M.s li PEKSOXAI ji erlacli is eiected lip f nun Cm w foi J tola y. Mesdamo.'i I'oijtius and He .K'llt Sunday at Hot Springs. Oeorge Walker enrne don ti n oni ('as pi-r last evening. Mr- H. A. Cuuiiingrliiiin returned Fri day evening to Iwr home in Alliance. Attorney A. 0 FiJier was up from Oiiadron Thursday on lejcl business. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hollingsworth seut some days ut Harrison last week. liner Smith came down from Kdge mont Monday to visit his sister, Mrs, J. K. Marsteller. Otto Tiete and John Corhin returned Saturday from Omaha where they had been with inttle. Miss Fannie Van fluskirk expects to go to her home at Gordon the last of the week. Irving Wilson and family passed through Harrison last week on their way to Sheridan, Wyo. Mrs. Charles Palmer, of Alliance, has been visiting Iicr sister, Mrs. ii. I Smuck, for the pa-st week. f J. E. Q. Hunter arrived Monday even ing from Itakersfieid, California, to look- after his interests in Sioux county. J. W. Earnest returned yesterday from Omaha, where he had l-en with two car loads of fat cattle having, bit a good market. li. H. Oldham, of Greenfield, Iowa arrived n couple of weeks ago mid will make this his home. J lis family will lie lyre in the near future. W. h. Pontius writes us to send The J'JUivvi, to him at Hapid City, whore he is cashier for the Flkhorn railroad com pany. He ha. a good (tosition and is doing well. Will has a good Mart and will no doubt make his mark in railroad circles. ' T. O, Williams says ho has had the best run of work with his well drill that he has ever had here. Jolia I. Diivis has been appointed deputy sheriff so that in the absence of the sheriff law-breakers can In; taken jare of. On Ixst Friday and Saturday County Superintendent Duvis held examination of teachers. Those who anoeared and were examined were: Mrs. Hattie Grove, Minses Mattio Golden, Nettie Raines, Elsie Morriam, Myrtle Zimmer man, Fanny .Southwo.-th, Lilian Henry, Edith Burson, May Force, Alice Thomas, and Messrs.-F. W. Coltman, J. W, Gra ham, H. Lyon, Franklin Force. Notice has been served on the chair man of the board for the village of Har rison to appear and defend itself in a suit before. Justice Puddy of White River pre cinct wlurein L"on B. Smith seeks to re cover judgment on mmie old outlawed and i.incelled village warrants. There is no objection to the court before whom the case is bi ought except its location. Tin: village has enough to contend with to pay its just oblig.i.tio'1 ow:t and to have a shyster lawyer bring suit in a justice conn a long dist utee from the town when expense of making defense wilt be greatly increased iuort consid- erably of pi'isi uttou and indicates that it is more of a bull-doxiiig scheme, than a leal claim. Attorney Guthrie 1i.m Ihsmi retained to look after the interests of the vilktge and th '.ae will ivow up on Mond.iv. Noiico tu lelin.iient Tax Pujer. 1 wish to call your attention to the fact that the County Treasurers have been very lenient, Willi you during the several crop failures and as: Clearly all school districts nm in tusil of money and th prospects are good for line rops this year, 1 Miall iusit upon the pay ment of personal taxes. Gentle men they (ive si,,)d long wnougii. Vctv Uesjiis-'tfully, M. S. WuoiMtt fr. County Treasuisr, IWssoluUoM MT Prlnrrslt)p, Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between S. E. Hough, W. H. Hough and C, Y. Hough, of Harrisoiv, Neltraska, vioder the (Irm name of K R iUwigh & Sons was dissolvrsl by mutual consesit on the 1st day f August, W, fl. Hough retiring. Trw business w ill be cotitmued by ts. U Hough and (J, Y. Hough, nmler the linn namn of M. K. Hough & Son, who w ill pay oil liills find 'tdlct all accounts due aid (irm. R R. lkvK.rt, W, II. Houiui, O. Y, JK'I.iih. j Pop-Fi.j ie ' Ofalltbe convent i.,ik ever 'oux county the iop oiiveulmn J ' at the court house on laM Sitiinl ' ' ,. . . , , , . ,. . Hie nike. After skirmisluog all aroiiixl , ami riinmiig in all tlie available1 timlKr K.ssibe for delegates tlm throng ' WiUi 'alle.1 to order by H. F. Tliomas, , "( " fo,,n,' ntn.lcom-. untie?. F. W. Knott nominated flrotlier W. J. j A. liauiii for chairman and on a vote i being taken lie was elected. On taking tlie chair Mr. Kaiim thank ed the convention for tlie honor, and then pro-eetled to tear ien the wires of t wo years ago in great hbajw. Ver ily, Couley, Lindeman and others were scored for their actions. As the ti !k went on Fred Knott haw the iossibility of his ever getting a chance to handle the county funds grow fainter and more I faint and he arose ami called Itrotberj IUiiin down. He tumbled and on ino tion committees were apinted on ere- dentials anil jermaiieiit organisation. ( I C. ljw isof Andrews was tendered a place on one of the committees but de clined, statin); that he was not a dele- gale. The report on -rnianeiit! zatioii recommended that no change he made in the ollicers. The committee on credentials reported ijuite a list of delegates, but the follow ing is '.lie crsonne of the aggregation: Cottonwood precinct, W. J. A. Ratlin cannidate for county .treasurer, J. W. Graham candidate for county clerk, and Iliirson, aspirations unknown. Five Points, F.x-County Suentiteii(l- ent A. Southworlh, candidate for coun ty clerk. Hat Creek, Ex-County Coiiiniissr.ncr and Dispenser of Patronage F. W. Knott, candidate for county treasurer. Sugar Iiaf, A. P. Rosenberg, lion not yet made public. Warlxmnet, Fx-Survevor B. I aspira- Thoni- as, candidate for county tnieriiitendeiil, Jerrj- Will, candidate for sherill'. As st agreement (Candidate Knot I moved that no nominations for county ollicers be made until later and the mo tion was carried. In selection of delegates to the slate and judicial conventions, Kosenlierg nominated Candidate liauiii and Candi date Knott nominated M. J. Weber. Candidate Kaiim told the multitude how he had attended every pop state Convention since the parti' was organ ized and how last year he started for Grand Island from Crawford with twenty-live cents in his pocket, beat his way on the train a part of the way and swiK-d a passenger's ticket for the rest of the trip, but. he failed to tell whose leg he pulled for his expenses and return ticket. The nominees weru elected. ' Then came fun. Although at the head of the. delegation Raum did not feel that he could trust himself, so with out leaving the chair he moved that the delegates to the judicial convention be instructed for Kicker. It was remarked by Knott that ho thought the delegates could lie depended on. Raum then said ' that the light in the convention would be between Kicker and Westover and he sailed into the lat ter in one of his char acteristic tirades, and finally the in struction asked was given and Raum knew where "ho was at." The cutivention of conglomerate con- did.ites then adjourned until the l'Jth day of October, llo. P. S. We asked the secretary of the convention for an official report of the proceedings, but he is evidently ashamed of the affair as no report has Wn sent in up to time of going to press. Notice. Hereafter parties not culling in per son for freight or express at this ollice will be required to send a written order , with the ierson calling for same. The I rules of the companies require this and j the agent has no authority to waive j such order. 10. F. PoSTiL's, Agent F. K. & M. V. It. K. and Aiihti ! can Kxpiv-s Ciniany. Agricultural Society Meeting. i Tliere will Imj a meeting of the Sioux j tountv Agricultural Society at thei court hoiiso at Harrison, on Saturday,! August il, I'!"!, at 1 o'clock, ii. m. fort the purpose of discussing tlie advisabil ity of holding a county lair and making an exhibit at th! stale fair. All inter estisl are invited to attend. H. S. V(xi!f:iv, 1.. J. .SlUMuVS Presid.-nt. S'savtaiy, Special K(ni vlu- to Hut Springs. On tlie following dates t he F. K. & M. V. will dl excursion tickets from Har rison, Neb., to Hot .Springs, S. i),, iind ... -.. ju .... f... u ...I iiMlilllin iiim OM lire louiiu mp. These tickets w ill be irood ivtiiriiim' for thirty dsiys from daU of sal.v May 21th, June Ttii and lltth, July :id and 19th, i August 2d and Md. For furtiior par tU'iilwcs iuplv Ji. F, Ikixncs Agent, j AaorneyaMaw. Prompt iHenUon giwn to ll legal matters in Jiisticn, ( Vumty and District Courts, nt.d boi tfie 1 Tnit ivl Slntes I And (Nil. ha. Fire Imuratiiss riltiro in reliable coni;anics. tJJ Iiegal fmpent cnreMly tlrawti. Hi an iv, - Nnnt, -'- jf V '-jT.Vv.'ki c i i : ; i rvMsz, ONLY, L 1 ' IT - 7'-. 1 -? Wmm '"fS yt l ' rf V ki "A"'!' V l ! kill!', i!;"ii'ii i f f " ! t.- to f .tlie)-i, til i. a:'! 1: . I- .c!, y- Am pf. ;ol I.c too ol!. O' ei coin- ! in :: . ' ?r o. ! !o in mc t:ite. ; at :- I o! I, til! , It 1 .-..ii! I.-', ll. ; V. I It i i i :i ( . t ;. nut a co.. wi o c c o o . 15. L. SMUCK. Fashionable Barber &. Hair Dresser. OPEN S'JNDAY FROM 9 TO 1 2. K.VZOIW AXO SCISSOR ITT IX UIMiKlt. 1 me (nil. E. PIIINNEY, M. 1). Physician mid Sargceit. All culls given prompt i.lli'i.tion. Dfllee In Driiif Store. llAltltlSON, - - NKmtASKA. IT IS A Horrible Sight TO WATCH GERLAOIS 111 llie daily performance of his great, original tradegy in real fe the SLAUGHTER OF THK INNOCENTS. It is in t wo acts. In the first act the principal parts an; taken by Mr. Gerbudi and representatives of eastern hob-sale house, from w hom the former purchases his goods. In this act he displays great power in !he forcing down pri. es. and extraordinary ability in the selection of goods to suit Ins customers. But it is' in 1 lie second net that he most truly shines mid at t he point : wl're i'!i sit thcirish his prices ;u- pTTITI TTT rT,"7v70 ' ! his classic countenance ls-ars look : that is alii'ost hea venly. Performa tici's every day from ) a. in. to 10 p. in. Sps-i,il low prices on all i goods I days io the week. Admission i free. Ikm't forget the pla. e. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. CET THE BEST When yon are about to buy aSpwfnrHar,hfnc 3o not be tleceivt'd by aUiin-nK avcrtiBemraU d be led tu think yoo cud k'tttUfj best mde, luiesit tiuirthed sad Most Popular for a mere pong. See to H that vtr mj from reliable moaiu juctorrs that have K;uiud a rr pntitt km by honrt4 andis uaro wlm ma will then ro-1 eirif Mactiine that i Holed Hnrl unr fr,r lit! ilnnu billty. Yon want the one ttuit a eaaicsc to maosge uu io Light Running There Is none In the world that chii equal in mechanicnt con ntniction, durabihty ot oTVnfr partH, ftneneHH of finiith, beauty In appearance, or has H xnaitj 4mpraveju(nu8i uie I New Home ItW AatmiMIc TeiwVm, TeMtTswa,lnm tin both RKlea of needle (palrnttf),xnnm km it ; Nrw Ktand ( fatimMs, OrivinK wheel Magvd , tin aujuwauie centera, mm rcuuomg wow mo I the minimum. i i !S WHITI TOW CIRCULAWts, THE HEW HOME SEWiKG Mi(itiIXBi, Okaum, HtM. Hoim, MtM. rxtiK airilt,1l. V ' oomo,Iu w. Loin. Ho. Duun.nM. i Aw nttcmuo, vau. afLAHTA.k. wa4 - .1 STAMPED UP0!J Is the name and fame of the "Old Reliable" store of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, ' where you can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a GENERAL STORE. Now is the time select your PR1NG AND SUMMER GOODS. Highest market price paid for produce of all kinds. Marstp:uj2r Bros. "The Old Reliable." From scandal's name we stand aloft, v And honor not iis propagator, We sell you goods, will make'' you laugh '' And go and tell your neighbor The cheapest place to trade in town, Yes, that's the name, just HOUGH &c SOIST. ! 13 i ester DKAFKItS IN' Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and hakk:bon THE OMAHA , mm -mum W.tteX iT T;x-t'errwrtBi W. J- BRYAN Is the greatest newt paper west of the Mkiowri River. It advocates FREE SILVEE at the present ratio ot sixteen to one. Its news service in the best ta , l)e obtained. j Daily, ?C 00 per ye;vr; 50 cent 1 per raonlh Weekly, 81 OJ per year. Subscriptions fr the WORLD-HERALD received at thli offiCi' THE DULLEST Of;!' Son. & Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingies, Pump Supplies, VKfiHASk-.i county Surveyor, - j pnxaf ; 1 1 wft j .sfi-iliy wmUMW. C, C Mcl.lKU.), ...... Photograplicr, . ...-,-....H:d . ?...:. : (.t.i.1 4 t,itt( fff -hi line Viv t'w i.M aoitrorl ..ncth .tu.. 4.' has ., tiaJ i ,tAr,t;Mx to. .uuikin' .'...I'oupi', mill' 'ifvy ..'till jihRp tit's work !.i tiaitflM cull oil iuiu.