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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1895)
Th3 Sioux County Journal. frVTAIUl1Kf l"-. j Subscription Price, 2.oO L. 1. HIM, Editor. Entered at vlie llamsoti i.t ofBce aa pcaud cia matter. Thtksday, An;rT 2i, l'J'i Call fr Bi-piiuliran County frnTal "tu mittee Meetiii. The republican county central tuiKiumw of Sious eouuty Is hereby called to meet lu Harrison, Nebr., ou Saturday, Aukui it, l-'.5. at t o'clock, p. ui., for the purpose of railing therouiity convention and lor the trans action of audi otli'T business an may prop erly come before it. All eonmiitteeinen are nr-red to le present. By order of 1 1 E K Y ov e. r , W. H. Uavis, Ouilrmuri, Secretary. Coming Conventions. Democratic state convention Bryan wing, Omaha, August Peoples itkk-M.n-i-:ut, Lincoln, Au Democratic state cnv-ntion, aem in- istration wing, Lincoln, S pt, 5. Peoples indcptndeut judicial conven tion, 13th district, O'Neill, August 2. Republican state convention, Lincoln, October 2d. Republican judicial convention, Val entine, September 17th, at 2 p. m. Tlie Omalia lire and police commission muddle lias gone to the supreme court. Tlie boilers in the basement of the Guniery liotel in Denver exploded on the night of the lXth inst. w recking the j building, killiog twenty-five persons or more and injuring many others. The j person in charge of the boilers was a loy J of seventeen who was drunk at the time, f Such things have a tendency to mnk the public demand that none hut '' j men be employed in such places j fioldi again being exported, to j fy the demands of the holders of Amen-: can securities who live on tne cuier sine ot tue ponu. me ixina cynaicate nav been called upon to protect the gold supply in the national treasury but the situation is causing snine uneasiness in 'financial circles but it will likely do no harm except to unsettle things a little. Tlie crop report form many portions of the state are quite discouraging. Ten or more counties in the central part of the have as much of a failure us le t year and in some of the southeastern counties the crops will be short. Oas are yielding from five to fifteen bushels and wheat from three to ten, while much of tlie com will hardly make fod der. The people will have harder times to contend with in those sections than were experienced last year. Tlie pro ducts of the state will greatly exceed those of last season but it will not W equally distributed. This county secnifc to be better off than many of its neit;h- liors, as well as a number of those far- ther east. j It is reported that a rumor is going 1 about the county to the effect that the editor of The Jut'RNAl. is a candidate for the office of county clerk. In order that j there may lie no misunderstanding in tiie ! Xlie local reunion comuiittee at Hast matter we desire to say that tliere is no j jugs and ieople generally are busy mak trtith in the rumor. We did not come , jng preparations for tlie greatest gather here to run for office and, unlike nonie ! jng .f idd soldiers and t-itisens ever -people, we believe that a man can le ' seinbied together on Nebraska soil. It just as good a citizen if he does not I will I a gala week in, Hastings and a aspire to office as he could if he was try ing to get elected to some place w here lie con IU get a living. We da not con-1 sider tliat we have done enough fr the j county so that it owes us an office. If our subreribers will pay us w hat they j owe us on subscription w e wi;i trv and i get along without an office. Tlie republican juJicial conven'inn for j Ums fifteenth judicial district Im. leeo called to meet at Valentine on S.-ptem-; ber 17, 1H95, at 2 o'clock, p. m., lor the purpose of placing in nominal tun tw oj candidates for . district judge. Fffty-; seven delegates will be entitled to seats! in tlie convention, of which Sioux coun ty is entitled to tvo. From wliat can be learned the republicans of Sioux j county are in favor of keeping Judge Bartow on the bench as the western judge. He has performed the duties of hi office without fear or favor; he ha conducted himself in a most gentleman ly and courteous manner toward all who have had business before him as well us toward all when olf the bench, and his decisions have stood the test of the su preme court vey well. The Journal , believes that the judiciary should be elevated above the ordinary swirl of pol itics and it would like to see a delegation unquestionably for Bartow sent to the convention. With a solid endorsement from the west end of the district be would be practically certain of the nom Inatkm. Coder the rule which obtains to a very jrreat extent in politic "one jCMd tsnp deaarves another" and while arssfUr republican attorneys in Cm Cetrtct capable of tilling the posi tH tow9fd that none will allow Uf atraftfefts lo tfet the better of tU ixHutd aad attempt to break X". rti tftf thns bring on a content is . anrr wttob wtwM Wdetri- ' '7ttf tKML'' ! Tl. ' hs"- c. of fur iTiiijt auvsful I i.i In r e T 't! h r 1 " Sj-aiii'sh I . , i.kf ; j i,-,.,- ,, !M mi h citooortgintf. ! In Spain llic national treasury is de i pletcd and tin effect. vetiess of Mm rum- J ! aign nil the isJaud is greatly crippled. ' j It is h.-pul that Uui in Ham will staud ready t. recognize the rights of Cuba at the lir-t practicable mo meat. It i noticeable that a great mauv of tbe settlers are coming out iu better hape this j ear than ever before. A trood exaniole is that of a man who in formed us Saturday that about seven j years ago Ui burrowed money at the j bank to i.-et his family here from the j east and he had beeu paying interest at tlie bank ever fcitice until that day he had paid out. A good many have been! piuchiriiC along for some- years but have j a few rattle to fcfll this season, and if j tiiey were tint in debt are now al! right, j Those who have a few cattle do not fear i starvation if tlieir crop i not trie l-e-t. , Rooett lt Ami The Fiifiirrfnieiit Of The : New Liquor Law. j 1 saw him the other day at the Kjliee j lieaJ.ju:irU-r. nn 1 n'Jted that it Mfemed j what it was, tho heart of '"the burly burly, " of which he Ls as fond as an act- j or is of applause. The other reform j commissioners came and went, and tbe topics 1 lieard them discuss made me say j to two of tiiem tliat if they knew ties magnitude of what they have under- j taken they would lie jtaralyaed; but that , in the stress of taking up one thing al a ; time they lost sight of the whole mass, j "One thing that helps us all, said President Roosevelt, "is that we are j none of ua candidates for anything." 1 said something to the efi'et t that j this was a dangerous condition, since the j active men w lio are not candidates are j very apt to lind 1 1 tew selves such. j 'Hut really," Mr. lix-sevelt went on, i I "the t--!: to which we are set is perfect- j ' v simple, if we are honest, have com-1 t itt'iii w-iis iitid di,n't care for auvthimr' but ourUulv. Handling this work is a .t.,,.i,J.-t,j;,.r.M., and we take up one j phase (;f it at a time, with no otli-r rule t.OIIlllmmmw,ls. Ve are I trt , . rulIta1 ! moiiy, and our three watchwords are courage, honesty and common i-eDse, We dotit need genius. Tlie rascals have j ti.e genius. AH we have gat to do is to j lie game willing to accept resp msihil ity and to 1d:e punishment.' Tiiis is no place, for discussing the de tails of the work tiie new board has in hand, but I will mention the strict en forcement of the Kuoday closing law, in order to exhibit the spirit in w-hich the new boa 1 4 doe tt wor. FroiM a cluir arter sketch of Tliwlon Roosevelt, by Jii!!.ni Ralph, in the At,,")'-t Review of Reviews. You rannnt My that you have tried everything for your rheumatism, until you have Uken Ayer s Pills. Hundreds have lieen cured of this complaint by the use of these Pill" alone. They were ad mitted on exhibition at the world's fair as a standard cathartic. ( AMP SHERflA. Ranting. Neb , An sr. Hi to III. roval welcome awaits every old soldier and citizen in the west. Tlie velerans of the Kansas-Nebraska association promise 1 i excel in miiuliers i . l.. .... i ..t V f- ing. I- nil y .)U,(lMj citiieeiin of Kansas Wl jm tlls ,.smi rt-utuon. The Nebraska Uiral union, embracing over 000 uniformed men, will liold tlieir annual re union op the same dates, lucre will 1 music galore. Band contest on Hat unlay morning'. Two cash prizes, 7o lirat: second. Free for all. Bawis expecting to enter must report at lieadipiartera Tuesday noon. Neluska' excellent national guard infantry has been ordered into camp at Hastings during the re-union of tlie old soldiers. The local committee has contracted with one of tlie largest manufacturers of (ire works in the United btates for a spe cial display of lire works on Monday ami Friday evenings. Signal shells, fired from mortars, and handsome set pieces sugaestive of the occasion will lie one of tlie ( liartiimg features of the week's program. Hiiam battle Friday under command of tten. John M. Thayer and lien. V. J. ml worth will arouse old time activity and admiration. The citizens of Hustings are preiuring accommodations for a quarter of a mill ion of people. Camp Hlierman will lie turned over to Department Commander Adams at 2 o'clock, p. m. Monday, when hostilities will commense iu earnest. Six baloon ascestons and parachute drops by cxie of the leading aeronauts of the country. Prominent among the speakers from Kansas will lie ex-benator John J. in galls, Oov. Morrill, Bernard Kelly and U. R. Antltuny. The Nebraska congressional delegation, ex-dept. commanders of tlie O. A. K. will also tie present, and other prominent speakers. - 8pcial reduced rates and excursion trains (root all points. ' Kme wood, hay ami straw, and as abtindawe of ttood water.' ; i Fitre for round -trip, froai Uarriasar gviTi returning until rtepternber W, tortilla li.xsl rigs furnished on short notice. Reliable drivers and quiet saddle horses alwayk on hand. (iood accommodations for tninsiient customers. Horses Iwianted. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL. GEORGE O LINGER, PKOPR1KTOH. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. J Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. Bhk.wsti.r, President. It. II. CiRlSWOLli, Cashier. AUTIIOHIZKDCAPITAL :0000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRKSrONHKNTS: Ameiucas Fx ham;b Nationai, Ha.NK. New York. United Staies National Rank, Omaha, First Nation ii. Rank, t 'hadroa. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. nrDBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF El ROPE. Did you Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy foryonr troubles? If not, g-t a Iwtlle now and get relief. This medicine has lioen found to lie jieculiarly adapted to the relief mid cure of all female complaints, exertirm a womlerful direit influence iu giving strength and lone to tlie organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipation, head ache, fainting sells or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or trou bled with dizzy spells. Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Heal lb and strength are guaranteed by its use. Large (Kittles only "rO cents at the Pio neer Phnrmacv. Final Proof Notices. All prisun havtnir final proof notice, in this jmper a III receive a nirkel roy ol the paper aii'l am reu nerved Ui exanoio their notice ami if any erroi h exil reKirt tlie saiiie to thisoftl at oikm-. Nolirr fir 1'ulilic.Hiiin. 1-siul fiffire st Alliance. Neb., ( Ana;. It, l-.'i. i Notice 1 liernhr (fl veil tlmt the lollowllijt-iiaini-il wltli r lias Ill-1 nonce ol In.liiteii lion to muKe flmil proof In KiipMirl ol III" clnlin. ami tliat aal'l iriwf will he mailelie lore M. J. Illeaetl, lerk Ilisl riel ( Hurt til llrrion, Nebraska, ou "s-pl. Si, l3. vi.: William Miller, of itodarr. Ni-U. a ho triad ii II. K. So. for the lie. i, . tp. Si ii., r. M . He liaiiuui tbe lolloa Iiik wltnesM. to prove lil contlnuoii. resilient' iikii aul cuillva Um. n(, -'O'l iMtut, viz: .M. t . lKn. t . K. l ofTec, lletirc Ziiniiii'r iiuiu, Alsiisoit Southaorl li. all of K'Wfirr. Nch. ali A!iin,iu Siiutliwiirtli, of liodiirr, Nfli.. a ho iiiade II. K. No. 5IH for I lie lot. I ami i ami e. ', nw. wc. .m. I. :tt .. r. M '. lie nam, tlie IoiIowIiik wtliie.-.'s Ui prow hi. iSHltllillOll. retlelH'e iiikmi Sll'l cultlva lion of. sai'l Inud, x&: H lllluin Miller. Henry .liniiierinan. Steph en serre., all of Ikxlare, Neb., iM-orire l iinl. of llnrliol. Neb. J. W. Wr.HN, in. nat. Ki-Kistr. Nntii'-f for l'nbliratlun. I.hii'I imice at Alliance, Neb., i July I. 1 Notice is hereby (riven Hist the lolloa lntf llHlnc'l w Itler lias niel notice of hU llllcn tion Ui make final pnaif lu supiairt ot liis claim, anil that il proof will la mailt-la-fore M. J. Illewi tt, rlerk tf iitsti lct l oiirt, at Harrison, Neb., on s'it. ',, l-nil, -.!.: Wllllnm V Hi'liliM. of Harrison, Nrli.. who inailn II. K. No. OT1 for the . S n. ',, te. 'i ii w. ' Mini a . lie. ',, irt mt. IT, tp. 3M, r a', lie nnniea the followlii-r ilneaae. to prove hi. continuous re.Klcm-e iism ami eultiva l ion of, aal'l l.iml. vir.: Peter Doiirret, William II- llotmli, Jow-pli Met'a.llii, t.rnut Neece, all of Han l-stii, Neb. 4T;a J. w. v kiis, Jh., itpffi.K-r. Xoili-i- ior I'Rbliraiiou. Ijoi'l t ftlee at Alllam-e, Neb., July l, is, i Notice 1 henby -riven that the following ntinii il si-ttler ha llletl notice of hi. Inten tion M -riska tliial proof In support of hi. elaliii, anil that said inaf will Ik-made lav fore M. J. lileaclt. clerk of It-' tl'.irlcl court, al. t Harrlaon, Ketir., on An. It, lawk, t il! . last r, Poole, fiirtni-rtr Hnilth. nf llarrl- imis, SfH who maila II. K To. V for the ae. V e tp. at ii., r. M r. He name, tbe following aritiwiaaea W prove bMeonliBiwaa rtllm- npuu ami ruitlra' Uea of aatd liuid vli : Angnat HaaaeHiulat, Willi tt If. llrean, Jom L Uaela, lola J: Mmmtmm, aU of liar MM, Nch, ' .... . ft&.ni j. w. Wane, -la., Kgiu-r. LIVERY, Feed and Sale C. F. OrFTK, ; Vice-Preiident. j Not Ire to Bidder-. senlcd bid. will la- received it it. t flbs by the eotinty clerk af 111. ultlee al llnrri-ou. Neb., lor Hie replacum of the tsmnly hrldire itrro-a Hal rrei-U which b1ii-! out f mm sction line la-tweeu -s-ctloti. . an'l Ma, tovvii ;c, ritnye M Plan, mid (ic,-ilc ,i !on. a. to flit- manner of rephtelnK - -I In- tlu.t muy be hail by ciillimf at ti rrs . . iln- eoiinty clerk. All bids Ui la- nci ,iiitiiOili'l bv a bond lfi dtiublc I lie aiunuii't of tin- bid. All bid. to tie tiled on or la-lore noon of M-ittemlH-r I, imift. Tlie Ixitrd rm-rir tin- rliflit to reject any or all bblw. Hv order of the lioard of comity isiiiiiuls stoser.. M. J. Iti.KW i:tt, IttHi t'tmntv I"rk. .V Household Trrasnrc I). W. Fuller, of Cannjoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery iu the house and his fam ily has always found the very I test re sults follow its use; that he would not lie without it, if procurable. (J. A. Dvkeman, druggist, Catskill. N. Y Buys that Dr. King's New fiiscovery is un doubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has lisvd it in his family for eight years, anil it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial Uittles free at Pioneer Pharmacy. Reg ular size oOc and f 1. j Unci, li n's Arnica Salte. j The lies! salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever j sores, tetter, chapied hands, chillilains, ; corns, and all skin eruption nnd posilive j ly cures piles, or no siy rei-uired. It is giianinteetl to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2-i cents ter i laix. For sale bv Pioneer Iliarniacv. Just Frnni the Press. A very attractive publication has just Iteen issui.l by the p:oeenger department of the Burlington Koute. It liears the title "The Newer North-west" and de wnltes in a most interesting and read able fashion those S,rtions of northert. Wyoming and the Black Hills of Hoiitl, llakotii w hich are n-aclnsl by this com pany's hues. Tlie scenery, towns, mines, jieople and industries if tliese two remarkable sec tions of country are treated of with ale solute lldelety. 2") pages with illustra tions, sent on receipt of 10 cents in stamps. J.Fmam is, O.V.St T. A. Oinalia, Nebraska, North-Western i- LINE P., K. & M V. R. R. is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS j - OF JfORTH VWm -ifsKA. Sioun County, THE U1D OF THE II0"E I STEtDER. Free Homes for More Than 5.000 Men. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. 'Contains over forty-five miles ofj j rail'oad and has no county 1 bonds. I K. Kolia. r I J. H . s,-otl Ml KOMIS. NO IIKTS. I.OWTAXrN.ju.Vh!r ' I.. J. imiiiini 1 Icrk I jis i.erliuh I reMnivi " ' J. W . suillll - Mnr-llal I'licl, Posts, Diir ami LiiiiiImt t licopcr ' Tlian at any Other Place j in Nebraska. Sioux county is t ho northwest minty April ili mid oeinUT , v, , , , 1, - i ,i,.t, .1,:"""'V iourl,--Al llnriwiii, ! eust and west by almiit wventy north and south ami contains iiiil-s I OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of land. There ate iiioih blight, s,aik- liiiir. small streams in the county than can laj fouinl iu the same, nra elsew heivj ... , in the state. It has more pine tinilter in j it than all the rest of the state combined Its grasses are the richest and ni-t-t tin- j tritious known so tlul fur stock-growing' it is unexcelled. Tlie soil varies fnini a heuvy lay to a . . . . . . i , , r . .. light samlv loam nun is panie oi pro-1 ditcing excellent crops. The principal cros are small grain and vegetables, althoiiirli good -fn i" grown in the valleys, lite wheat, oats rye and barley are til' of unusually line t-uality nnd command the higliest mar ket prices. The water is pure and refreshing and is found in abundance in all purls of the county. The county is pnsctit ally out of debt and has over forty-five miles of l-ailrt ad within its borders, has it good brick court house nnd the necessury llxlures for run ning the county and there Ims never been one dollar of county bonds issused and hence taxes will be low. The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad crossesJJ'Sioux county from cast to west and the It. & 51. has al-out tifleen miles of its line in the northeast jiart of the county. The climate is more pleasant titan that of tla? eastern portion of Nebraska. Tliere is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of land in Sioux county yet oja-n to homestead enlry. It is Iteller land and more desirably located j, than that' lor which such rushes are made on the on ing of a reservation. There is no rail road land in the county ami for that reason its settlement bus been slow for no special elforl to get seltlets was made, us was done in tlie early days of the sett lenient of the eastern part of tin state. Oood deeded land can be purchased at reasonable rates w ith government land adjoining so that a s.'rsou who wants more than one ipiiirter section can obtain it if he has a little means. There ure alsjut 2,500 eople in the county anil there is room for thousands more. Hai'ri xn is the county sent nnd is sit uated on the F. E. St. 51. V, railroad, mid isasgiMsIa town ns tlie thinly Mettled ....,,..i ... .1 i. ' . . . ' i,i ...... ,., L',,l,wt In riloirttal' mm 1 1 ImIIi.,,! (ilul lil-w . ' ae-a oi niti toe tiutcT t All w ho desire to get a homestead or j buv land i hwnp are invitetl to come and ! see the country lor themselves and judge . of its merits. Homesteads w ill not lie obtainable much longer and if Jou want to use jour right oisl get IttO acres ol land from Uncle Ham free it is time yon were about it. lok st This 1,1st of western cities; Chicago Omaha Bt. Louis Kansas City It does'ul matter HI. Joseph' Ijncoln lfenver lieiidwoiMiil which you intend visiting. The Burlington Route is Ihej best line to all n it is to any one ofj litem. j Advertising nialtor nnd full informs-1 tion about trains and rites on applies tion. J. FitAScm, 0. P. 4 T, A. ' ' Omaha, Neh. OrriCIAL DIRECTORY si 1 1 "t hi i k' . lli.!rM,.l, l..nei..r. H r. V,nr.. --1 M-iei,mil .erii'f j 4 r,-r 'rett.rj ol t MK' e M.tin- tmlil.H- J,m Hi . Hirtie - -.--""' r . s. I I.mis lilil..- Mlruey Wiwil II I(u-ll. ..... 1 ml 1 Hnnl4,m'r li. It lrl li ...sB,t ruMh m-u-u,-i,m" tl. Htl.Ki. 1 1: . t. ii.l- .1 - senl.r. iwli 11 M( y 4 1 i-M . 1 . s sHtuiUr, MiellwtiH f . J. Il'riH, ,i,ire-iiiMH l-t 11-1., I.usm 4. H. Nn-T, - l - ouialin ,. J. Vi. lklrj.MJJl " M " rullerluH K. J. Ilainnr. ' Aurora H'. A. MvkH-ifhati. ' "" Ked IVi.l I. M. hem, " i;lti lll.ken Jt MCUUV: T. I . Sorval Iliiel Jntn, x id . M. l-wl .i-late Juilife, I oluuilm- i . . i: IUrri-.11 .. te Judite. ,rsid l-J:oi.t l. A. Hiiii'lfll-.i'l'Tk ami i:MiU-r, UiksiIh rIKTKKMII Jt Il I A I. I'l1 Uli I: 1 M. I", kliiknid. Jndne, u N-ill tllml llwlo ' hadroa MM . J. Kleartt terk. Il.-.rl imi j C(i-TV I'KIK I lis: KcrfM-rl Wr,m ( oillily jM'lu'e I M. J. KlemrH... 1 l, rk I II. s. W .BKlruIf 1 ts,snr. r I W . II. lllH I SUI. I'tllllll' lltl tl .ll A H. Im-- ! irt ' J. I., riimm v ' ""' j .. I.. Kill; Mir . M. J. Illi sell li-lm l t'oart U In 1. rlBrk (unity All,,(iny IVilAIUl OK tOMMI-MOM I! Kraiik TiKkhnin .t llu ii I !M. .1. WelK-r.. l II. I Jo'oi-hi ..cliairiiiuir .......l " I.M.I-I.ATIX I.: II. 1,. t.-,ii-t.. iiiitor, IH-t Nn. M. ru lord tt. IN'ini- y.. It-'i"., Hlt., lleniliiiriiMil tl.l.Ai.t omc Klis: ! M. J. Illcm 11 it tiairuniii1 s IUMII. Illlll l.lis .1. u . s,n II. I.. SMtnck.. I.. W . Il.-ler..- IllHStn Mirlrl' . 1 ri-tiio. I TlvltMs ill in! 1: 1 : I III. tril l I 1. in I VI II .111... 1,. llllllll-IM',. mm i,i-n,'f tlr-l NbMl'luv id eiu-ll liiiitill!. t ilt 111 HI. ANIi sis lt.1 ll.s. M I., t linii li I're.i, tiinir eaclt riili-ru i' i sund-. y at Ht:M a. in., toi'li-tcri tii-l-'S -ti I inif at Ifi.i , I . h. I -ism i i , l-.i-ttir I Mctlii.lf-t sn,,,,n s,-i.ii .hi .,, I -la v iiitirno-ir at IKrl. J.l.. M t ii-li. i l i.ii, . . It. Inn.. . ii riiil-U'i-i.l. "-rr,-l ii WiailiMKN iit'.TIII. WhIM.Ii. ll-.irrt.ou Ctiinit, No. Vi, iut'-t. ou H, tlr-l ami Hind Htur,t,iy i-n-iiitii;, ui t-.n-li iu,,uili. .1. K. I'iiism t, K. r, I'kmiis, t l,'I k. i ,-lt. I Hill. MilliKll U ihlliMKN UK Mr lllt Mi'i-I t-uch iiltcraittc ..ilnr-liit i t it n'l lni k. A. It. lit. a , J, U , sairn. icrk, ' V. 'toiiif . I . Ki'wiiitrn i.kvi.i i. I let, itii did lnt-cllui' i' cry suiidjiV r ciilnll at i.'.:m. i itblnct tiitt-tiita 'on cull tt pr,-i lent l.ol III IlK-l I II. Mlt. W, II. Im is, l-i-i .i.b iil sTr,tnrv.' 'tit 8 sioo.oo ii Given Away .jj Every Month to the person lulimlttintr ta ff most mrltortoaa lavcatiua I Uurlna tliu prei'etlinir tiionlh, i WK HBrt'KK IMTKN IS FOR IMVHNWRS, and the W object ot thl offer U to on eounuro perMin. of au Invi-nt- iva turn of mind. At the I name lime wc to inipres. ( the fact that :i :: i: tt It's the Simple, Trivial Inventions ;t That Yield Fortunes uoh as I)c Iinu'n ll'N-k l ilinn." and Kyo. "Hee that Hum "Safety Pin." "Hiira lu I lo if ver." -Air llrake.- etc. Aliaimt overyone conc-elvrn . 1 a bright idea at some tiine or u other. Why nut put it In prar- Ileal use? Vol U talent, n-av i.. .i.i .,. .i Ti lie III nil. tnroci if in. .iiii; tuake yoiir lortunc. Why noi trr a i: a 8 vt Write for further information t. id H uienllou till paper. If I THE PRESS CLAIMS CO. 2 Philip W. Avlrstt. . Mir., t 618 F Street, Northwest. west. ON, O. b W i cnmi-aiii it MAHHIKOTON, iar"Tlii- n-o- i,ilMiitv o! thu cnmi-i maf in jii'iEi'-i it) nit fact thai n if atiH-R ta lie'd by utci ,,n. thousand ff id llif il-adtlitt u.a .aoii in (l I Dllou PCale ' f t ST. MARY'S INSTITUTE, ttllNCV, ILLINOIS. This Institution, chartered July, 1873, Is ConJucteJ by the School Sisters o( Notre Dame, and provldi-d ith every requisite conducive to physical. Intellectual and moral development. The system of eJucatlon embracja even' ue-u' nJ ornamental branch of art and ) science KultaMe for young ladle I lies. Forcata- j logue, nJJrcss M0THF.R SUl'FHIOH, St. Mary', institute, Qulncy, III. gHORTHAN o TrP-,r;,m. r,, SJlmmmm, " "id J' lliu tuln. rvTlri t-. her., Ival tu.tu., ctwap boartl. and the finct tommrrcial I .,11. ha Bulldmij in Aiacrka. Crulunin readily McUo- mi aanonii. IWautifnl .lluMrai-d Cauliwu. rkl.l AddrriuTl. I.. Ml'SSI.I.MAN, P Oem OitrBualneee ColUaa, ftalncy , T U. has Colletre, Arademic, Normal, Art, Mu.ic. Commendal and Model rJchool Departments. U Is.trtctly flrtitclasa, and blKhirrade, but chawee only moderate price.. (Jo-eduction- DEPART M KNTH LEA W EVERYBODY IN ART and MUHIC. laatraeUoa by Kurop. eanArtteUat prteee within reaehof weetera ""P1 Jda.earAKTHAI.U lataatio IU riaaot.CaMaciorcaiM, n-arrh.-n-,rH band,. 1' taaM. Aintuwiaia, - " '-' ''-. mmn .n -rt. mm, uvaiaa. urn, Milii.rjr t oaip.iiy. flat la U.I, tckMl-raar MUii.n, I bafim Ssl. ilik. 4 (arm of i i amiiM mm wattktturk. tat Cii A SwiiaB, 111. D. fna. aiogat tit, ttrtr.