The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 22, 1895, Image 2
tee sail com . mmi BAftaisoir, . Nebraska. Onr Wild wUl probably Mud for partuntent bow. Wtil directed Improvement psys a for every cent that it costs. "A "pants" company hsvtng failed, tat tt bop that It will try trousers next na pause and reflect Waahlng lea Post Better reflect, whether on or not Th gasoline can, la the hand of a aareless aerrant girl, la deadlier than a. grade crossing. No donbt there la a part of Japan- treaty atlpuk done which demands cred it for laundry bill. A Baltimore paper aaya that the lob ster lnduatry U waning. It la natural for It to go backward, anyway. The flrat thing an Intelligent man does, after the grocer and the dry gooda man are considered, la to secure a good newapaper. Thla Isn't an Ideal world," saya Bus lell Sage. Well, Uncle Rasaell seema to be doing more than his full share to keep It from becoming so. There la good reason for New York's pronounced enthusiasm for salt water yacht-racing. That is a diversion which cannot very well be taken away from her by the West The best thing that the little Central American States can do is to get to gether and establish a nationality which big bullies like England will be compelled to respect I "Every dog has his day," remarks a Milwaukee paper, "why shouldn't ev ery cat have one?" Because the cat has pre-empted the nighttime and Is already working a twelve-hour turn. It will not be the fault of the benevo lent people of Cincinnati if the children of that town turn out to be lacking In true grit They have provided 400 large sand piles for the children to play In. The women of Grand Rapids have united In a petition to the management of the West Michigan fair asking that "aa a feature of the public exhibitions thla year the hula-hula style of dance be omitted." This movement Is timely. Boston haa a new name. The West minster Gasette saya "to the limbo of Ilea theoaophy Is slowly and surely re turning." The tbeosophlsts have re cently announced that Ronton is the eenter of their belief. The inference la plain. Hie venerable John Ruskin was ask ed recently whether parents ought to leave fortunes to their children and tersely replied: "When they are strong throw them out of the nest as the bird does. Bat let the nest always be open to them." It has been said of liuskin that of late lie has been losing bis facul ties. On the other hand, he seems to have preserved them remarkably. The bushel of many weights should give way to the cental 100 pounds. Hie trade needs but one standard unit f measure; more makes needless work ind breeds confusion and errors. The cental system of weights is the sim plest and Its use would greatly facili tate trade. It has no imperfections that need defending, and even the best friends of the bushel have no logical arguments in defense of their opposi tion to the substitution of the cental for the bushel. The latest marine horror is the sink ing of the Italian steamer Maria I, in the harbor of Genoa, Involving the loss of 148 live. The present year is likely to have an unusual record of great ma rine disasters, as will be seen by the following list of wrecked steamers thus far: Port Nlctheroy, Rio Janeiro har bor, 120; Nordsee, North Sea, 25; In Itrahull, English coast, 28; Prescott, at tea, 23; Cbicora, Lake Michigan, 20; Elbe, North Sea, 332; Terclera, Rio Ja neiro harbor, 100; Kingdon, at sea, 40; Reins Regente, Algerian, coast, 425; Marie, English coast 20; Bllllton, at lea, 20; Gravlna, at sea, 108; Dom Pe dro, Spanish coast, 103; Coliina, Mex ican coast, 188; Washtenaw, at sea, 30; Maria P., Gulf of Genoa, 148. Turkey has sent to the scene of the Macedonian outbreak fourteen battal ion of Infantry, nine squadrons of cav alry, and nine field batteries to put down the Christians of that province. As If the odd were not large enough gainst the Macedonian, the Christian powers, Germany, Austria, Italy, and, England, rt la reported, have reached an agreemenf,' which agreement Is not to let the Macedonian Christinas go too far in putting down the unspeakable Turk. It Is astonishing the amount of consideration these cruel and bestial Orientals receive from the great pow. trs, As they have failed thus far, how trer, In any scheme to protect the Ar sMalaa Christian there Is no reason as enact that the .Macedonian rrr "mam over , a nd . help, us"' will be an.i" frfsd. ... tiCat K report, on UMrfensesTlrd W.titTfcW S f, be lt at Oen. Bd0ld yms ef localities to ''" tn protection by saying CZi I iritis fSacH where batteries could be plauted "should tb department ever extend their fortifies- Hons that far north." This Is a moat reasonable qualification. W certainly ought not to consider any scheme of piece-meal coast defense, and we ought not to consider any scheme of extend ing our defenses unless we know be forehand Just bow far we are going to proceed with It It Is juat aa well to bear In mind that this country 1 menaced by three of the greatest and newest military and naval stations and fortresses In the world, those at Ber muda, Halifax and Esqalmslt all of them the property of our good friends, the English. If we are going to match them gun for gun It la certain to cost us no trifling amount But unlesa our defenses are complete they can hardly be worth undertaking at alL People who have been reading Coop er's novels under the Impression that the novels amused or edified them are now rudely jostled out of this notion by Mark Twain. Mark has been read ing Cooper, and decides that the author of the "Pathfinder" was an extremely poor band at bis trade. He shows the public, so to speak, that the romancer's art was very shabby and ragged and full of blemishes. One gathers the im pression that If Mark were not too In dolent be would dash off a romance of the red man just to show bow the thing really ought to be done. May be Coop er was not much of an artist It I to be remembered, however, that he told his vivacious stories and carpentered hi somewhat jerky plots in an earlier day and without any thought but to amuse his audience. He did amuse It and still amuses. His artistic blem ishes flavor his excellences; he is to be taken without minute inspection. If Mark must hit somebody, why not aim at that un terrified crew of English nov elmakers both men and women who continue to write slightly varied para phrases of "Lady Audley's Secret?" Al though Hardy and Meredith and Wal ter Besant have saved and glorified the nation's reputation, the others continue to thrive noxiously. Individually they ai small, tut collectively they would make a nrst-rate target If nothing detrimental intervenes the country this year will have the largest corn crop in its history. It cornea at a most opportune time. The foreign de mand for both oats and wheat is de clining, while that for corn seems to be increasing. For some years the Nation al Government has maintained In Eu rope an agent whose business has bees the introduction of corn as a food pro duct and this policy has been produc tive of good results. It haa been bard to teach the Europeans that corn was as good a food for man as for other animals, but this fact has come to be understood by the poorer classes the great food consumers and the lower price of corn a compared with wheat has been a powerful incentive to its use. liiia year' corn crop Is estimated at 2,400,000,000 bushels, which is more than 200,000,000 in excess of the largest production of corn on record. With no foreign demand such a crop would be almost a calamity to the producers in this country, but the Indication are that the exports of corn this year will be more than quadrupled. There has never been so active a demand for corn for export as now, and this demand is more likely to Increase than to decline. If corn instead of wheat should be made the leading exiKirt crop It would be far better for the American farmer. Corn Is more easily raised and Is not so ex hausting a crop for the soil aa wheat or barley. Besides this there Is less for eign competition for the producer of corn than for any other grain. The wheat area is constantly diminishing In America, while the corn area is Increas ing, and the time may not be far dis tant when the United State will import Instead of export wheat for domestic consumption. The growth of the for eign corn trade Is one of the moat hope ful things about this country's foreign trade. Wonders Keen by s Native Alaskan. "The Indians of the interior of Alas ka," says a traveler,"are as unsophisti cated and uncivilized as the natives of the Interior of Africa. I saw an Indian lad In Juneau who bad been brought from Forty Mile Camp, and It was amusing to watch his Interest In the big ships, houses, cattle, electric lights, telephones and phonographs that he saw there. The Mttle incandescent electric lights Interested him perhaps more than anything else, and he would have gone broke In buying them If his guardian had not prevented him. He thought that he could take them back to his tribe and make them glow by simply turning the thumbscrew, and he believed that he could sell them like hot cakes on the Yukon. The myste ries of the phonograph seemed to bim something supernatural, and they were entirely beyond his powers of under standing." Growth of Public libraries. ' The growth of public libraries in the United States is one of the remarkable features of onr system of progress. There are now nearly 5,000 of them; and a recent writer points out the sig nificant fact that with the single ex ception of the county, there la not a single civil division of our government that has not adopted this form of edu cational service. The nation, the States, the cities and towns have libraries for general use, and the Work of the li brarian has become a regular profes sion, with requirements of systematic' study and tratniv-AaMria Aorlan. frteaisatl iVntnv 'AM ' the Latent. tri uy op fld low, er sole, and ftve' springy movement to the foot calculated to reduce friction with the gronad and tn alleviate fatigue. TiSDiko ir run tu. Majmocn:. aw pan Sars ThaS Th Art Urn mm Mum Srtr. Washikotom, D. C, Aug. U. -The report of Ionian Agent TMet of the Ft Hail reservation upon the meant Ban. nock trouble was isceived at the In. dtan bursas yeetarday. It confirms the heretofore sent aeeonata of the Ba-wock Indians In connections with the killing of then Indians an Inter change report has been received by the secrstsry of tts Interior. It in from Cant. J. T. Vsuardsie of the Seventh United States cavalry, fersnerly acting agent of too Ft. Hall reservation. The report says in part: "Being short rationed and far front self-supporting, the Han nocks hunt for the purpose of obtaining ut'enance by privileges they are granted by treaty. It would seem that the killing of these Indian under the circumstances was nothing more than murder. Further more, I believe that there is no wanton slaughter of same by lhse Indians, while It is a notorious tact that hun a reds of the animals ate killed by whit men for nothing more than heads and born. There are men in t'mt country who make It n basinets to pilot hu nt Ing parties from the east and abroad, who not only slaughter elk, but cap tore and ship them out of the country. The killing of gam- by Indian inter feres with this bust ea. The Indians can hardly be expected to submit to the killing of tbetr people while en gaged in an. occupation which they think they have a right to follow mors than white men, aid a failure by the government to take proper action is liable to result in serious loss ofjlfe and property." The report is dated at Ft Logan Colo., and bears the endorsement of Lieut. Col. Henry E. Noyes of the Sec ond cavalry, commanding the post, who sets he concur heartily la what Cap tain Van Arsdale bg said. It i also indorsed by the brigadier general, Frank Wheaton, commanding the department of Colorado, m ho hopes that Captain Van Arsdale's recommendations will be favorably cotitidered. The following telegram from General Coppinger, dated Jackson's Hole, Au gust 12, was received at army head quarters yesterday: "The last scouting psrties under Lieutenants Parker and Gardner, now in, found no flesh Indians. This sec tion has been well worked. All is quiet here, Shall take troops and work east ward through White river mountains. Address Ft Washakie. I leave Major Chaffee In command of all troops in Jackson's Hole country." General Coppinger evidently regards the trouble as over and will go home with a portion of his troops. TmiIbb the rimlr Washington, D. C, Aug. 14 A test of two steel experimental pistes waa made Tuesday at the Indian Head proving ground. The flrst contained chrome instead of nlckie steel. It was ten and one-half inches thick and was fired at with an eight-inch gun. The first (hot was fired with a velocity of 1,886 feet a second snd the second 1,78 feet. Both made dean bole through the plate. The second test was that of a seven-inch Harveylzed plate, with a corrugated surface. The corrugation was used to belter observe the work of the carbon. Two shot from a six-inch gun were fired, the first at 1,800 feet a second, the second at 2,100 feet, Car penter shells being used. The first shell was Imbedded in the plate, with the front nearly through; the second shell went through, half of it dropping on the rear side of the plate. Nothing of Importance, however, waa developed. Corbatt Uta t idied Buffalo, N. Y.t Aug. 14. Jim Cor bett and McVey, hi sparring partner, created considerable excitement at the Lyceum boxing carnival last night by giving an exhibition that wasnotdown on the program. Daring the second round of their bout Corbett made a punching bag out of McVey and tbe latte, In a spirit of resentment, at tempted to clinch and throw the cham pion, at the same time burling vile epithets at him. Corbett pushed Mc Vey to one side, with the remark that if it wag a fight he was after he would be satisfied in the next round. When time was called Corbett pale as a ghost, sprang to the center of the stage with the quickness of a cat and pounded McVey all over the stage. The round was cut short by the master of cere monies and the pugilists retired to their respective dressing rooms. Will Nat Take It. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 14. A Tri bune special from Frankford, Ky., says: Senator Lindsay will not accept the vacancy on the supreme court bench caused by the death of Justice Howell E. Jackson if President Cleve land should lender it to him. This an nouncement is authoritative, coming irom an unquestionable source. The reason assigned for this I that from a financial standpoint i-enat'T Lindsay could not allord to accept a place where hia expenses would be necessarl Iv increased and his Income diminished The senator has one of the most lucra tive law practices n the stale. Hard up to Oat a Jury, . San Francisco. Aug 14 Tbe ob jection of business men to do jury duty in the Darraul case and tbe alleged clas of those who pretend to be willing bat giren rise to tbe idea that it will he impossible to get a jury in this city and that a change a venue will be at eeesary. Tbe attorneys In tbe ease axe, bowtyer, satisfied that a charge will be atweessssry nod that tbe Jury box will bo filled very soon. No Jurors wars passed yesttrday. Judge Murphy con tinned the ease until Friday. ! TAYLOR GE1S HVE YEARS Tto tx-stete Treesersr ef Seats Deket is Seatsneed at Last AGES EX-MINISTER DROWNS HIMSELF. ! Bthar SlaaJa Call aa It la i laawaat, WkwtSs rtrnmllf Vi st tha author. 4IERRK.8. D Aug. 15. -Ex-State Treasurer Taylor was Wednesday stern ing sentonoed to five yean in the peni tentiary at Sioux Fails by Judge tiafy. The court room wan crowded when jud.ment was proooanosd on the offending ex state treasurer. In a low voice the defendant, tn reply to the queston If be had anything to say, said: "I have nothing. Itu court then reviewed tbe crime and the atatutes hearing on the ea He considered the much-ditcueeed sec tion void and intimated that the two year sentence was not Intended to cover soch a case. The worst part of Tay lor's crime, in tbe estimation of Ibe judge, waa that ht had tried to force a compromise after getting his hands on all tbe state fnnds lie could. Oet Bach Har Child Warrknbbcko, Mo Aug. 15. A writ of habeas corpus waa served Wednesday on the Bisters of Charity in charge of St. Cecilia's seminary at Holden for the possession ot Corn Jones, about seventeen years old, an inmate of the seminsry for the psst three years. Four years ago in Chica go Martha M. Jones secured a divorce from Joseph Jones and secured the custody of their child, Cora Tbe fsther stole tbe child and placed her in St. Cecilia's seminary at Holden. where she has remained ever since. She wss discovered there by Mr. Ilinde of Kan sas City, a friend of the family, who in formed the latter. An uncle of the girl made a demand on the sisters for the possession of Cora and a as refused, a they would give her up to no one but ber father. Yesterday Mrs. Abbie Heinman of Chicago, an aunt of the girl, representing her mother, came to Warrensburg and swore out the writ, Tbe girl was released. Tlad a Stone Arouad Ml Nark. Columbus, Kan., Aug. 15. J. H Cook, known aa "professor" living about five miles northwest of here, talked freely with his wife Tuesday telling ber how he wanted to be dis posed of when he should die, but d:d not bint that be had any Idea of taking his own life. When his wife went to call bim to bis breakfast in tbe morn ing be was not to be found. A note was found on a table bearing these word: "Look in the wster bole." Mrs. Cook then went to the place and found bm lying with his bead under tbe water with a rope around bis neck snd a stone fastened to the other end. The deceased was seventy-six years old, a native of New York state and a man ot fine education. He was, in early life, a minister in the Methodist church but later renounced his faith in that demoninatlon and became a Uni versa- list. Hia body was taken to .St. Louis yesterday afternoon for cremation in accordance with his wishes. KlllrS 1 braa Man. Ardmoke, I. T., Aug. 15. TLe boiler of a steam thresher at work near Oakland, twenty-five miles east of here exploden Tuesday with terrible effect killing three mm and wounding ten others. The dead are: Lee Norwood. E. P. Xorwood. Will Craft. The injured are: Will Tippet, scalded; will die. C. E. Hamm, scalded; will die. James Walker, scalded. J. B. Walker, badly bruited. Claud Howell, scalded. T. P. Carter, cut cn head, seriously. Short, engineer, scalded; will die. Three other received burns and bruises, but will recover, Tbe cause of the disaster Is not known, as tbe engines is too badly hurt to say any thing. . I.jocWd aad Snot ELtKrsmno, Wash., Aug. 15. At an early hour Wednesday morning Charles Vincent was lynched for tbe shooting of Milk Kotilopp in a drunken brawl Sunday. A large mob gathered at midnight and attacked the jail at about 1 o'clock. The sheriff made re sistance, but bad a small force of men and was over-powered. Vincent was hanged to a railroad bridge and bis body shot full of holes. His hearing was to have taken place yesterday. Tuesday night John Burglin, who was stabbed by Vincent' father In the same row, died from his wounds. '1 lie elder Vincent may also be lynched. Young Vincent had served time in the Oregon penitentiary for narglary. With Much ulhusia-in. Havana, Aug. 15 Captain-General Campos started yesterday morning for Santa Clara with 100 members of the First brigade, who displayed much en thusiasm. t'hanad l7 JtloudliuaiMl. Lkxishton, Ky Aug. 15. Yester day morning an unknown negro en. tered the home of Mrs. Hutching, three miles from here, and assaulted ber. The woman's screams attracted the attention of men working In a to bacco field near by, and at their ap proach tbe negro ran out of the house and escaped. Officers are in pur to It with bloodhounds. Mrs. Hutching was found In an unconscious condition with bruises on ber throat and bead. WHtf atOHST BKSUMD DCBBANT. mm Bafaaj yatartaaalg tiffHtd la Mia UWaa, list F A it Cisco, CaL. Aug. !. The are still working to ascertain the uncos of the fnad which is being used by Ukt defense in the Darrant ease, but that far without tffeet. Ibe Durrsals have mortgaged their hotna, but it is not a eaatl Mia and f Ka monav ao ( raised would to but a little wsvs i ward pay lag the expenses of the de fense. The noliee have for some time said that a great deal of money was be teg raised by subscription soiong those with whosa Durraat associated before the murders were committed. Tbe police do not say they nave any infor matlau that money It being wrongfully need in the case, bnt they think it may bo and Captain uses says hs is very much afraid of manufactured testi mony. This morning 125 veniremen from the new panel are present, and It Is hoped that the necessary four jury meo will be found among them. 1'eoole who live in tbe vicinity oi Emanuel church, where tbe brutal mur ders ef Blsncbe Lament and Minnie Williams was committed, are much mystified by the feet that tbe police ere paying mysterious visits to tbe church. Just what this renewed ac tivity of the police at tbe church means Can only be conjectured, for the mem bers of tbe department are close mouthed as usual, and even deny thst thsy bsvs been at Emanuel church more frequently of late than heretofore. Detective Cody, who appears to be leading tbe van of thla last descent npon the church, ssys be waa simply engaged In securing accurate measure ment of the building to be used as evi dence during the trial. But why half a doten policemen should be engaged tn tbe same business along with be does not say. Rumors are plentiful. They always were ever since the two distorted snd lifeless bodies sere found In the church one In tbe belfry and the other In tbe library. Tbe statement is msde on good su thorlty, however, that the present movement on the part ot the police is to forestall all evidence which will be Introduced by the defense and upon which it is said Durrant's attorney will take their firmest stand and make their bitterest fight. This movement will be to setsblish, If possible, Durrani's statement that he was at work on de fective electric wire in the loft ef tbe ehurch on tbe afternoon that Blanche Lamont was slain, and that the die- beveled appearance wbice he presented when seen shortly sfUr wards by the Organist King was the result of being overcome by gas which had escaped from the pipes and collected In the loft. Won't Lat lha Law Stp Him. Colorado cphinoh, Colo., Aug. 15. A great dal ot Interest is being man fee ted in the proposed bull fights which rre looked to occur at Gillette on Au gust 24, 25 and 26. There is consider able difference of opinion regarding any law wbieb might be Invoked to prohibit this class of sport. That then Is no law specifically forbidding bull fl.bilng is generally admitted, but the humane-disposed citixens claim that ths statute relating to cruelty to ani mals is sufficient to stop the brutal per formances. Joseph Wolf, the promoter of the coming sporting tournament, assured a United press reporter yester day that the entire program would be carried out, tbe main feature of which was a regular Mexican bnll fight each day and that no court lujunetion could stop the fight He says all arrange, menta have been completed, at a cost thus far over $10,000. Mr. Wolf says that tbe notorious Bull Hill crowd from Cripple Creek will brook no inter ference from tbe peace officers from this end of the country. Marrlad Conpla MlMlng. Chicago, 111., Aug. lfl. No trace could be found of either Dr. or Mrs. Hamilton, who came to Chicago two days ago from Los Angeles and lost track of each other and finally disap peared entirely. Dr. Hamilton, it was thought, could be found with a Dr. Moore at State and Adams streets, but no Dr. Moore Is in the neighborhood. Mrs. Hamilton was cared for Tuesday night by Miss Katharine Stein, who is cashier of a restaurant on Adams street and lives at tbe Rons ford hotel. The clerk st tbe hotel said that Mrs. Hamil ton came to the hotel at 5 o'clock Wednesday morning and waited for Miss Stein, who come tn at 6 and took her to her own room. Mrs. Hamilton went out later in the day and the hotel employes had not heard of her since. ;Anha All That U Left. Bloom ington, Ind., Aug. 10. Wednesday uighl the town of Hmdos stan, Just north of here, was wiped oil the face of the earth by fire. Incendi aries got In their work and yesterday nothing remains of a beautiful hamlet but a few smoldering as lie. Lots about J0,0(O, with only a few hundred dollars insurance. To Ha a Syraru.a. New York, Aug. 14 The democra tic state committee selected Syracuse aa the place for holding the democratic state convention. The convention will be held in Alhambra bail, that city, September 24 at noon. Shot Wall. K.llii,. WniTEfHCR, Ky., Aug. 16. Mrs. Sarah Keilcy, who lives in Lee county, while sitting at the supper table in her house, was suddenly fired upon from tbe outside and mortally wounded Wsdnesday. Tbe bullet sruck her in ths fees, entered ber mouth and sev ered her tongue. She to a good worn aa of good reputation snd no reason is known for tbe dsed. Officers are scour ing ibe country for the guilty party nd If captured bs will certainly bs lyoohsd. t NEBRASKA IN BRIEF 1895 AUGUST. 1895 s. at. t. w. t. r. . 1 2 7Y o 10 IT 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 Soma of the wells at Rocs are run. ning short of water. The town marshal of Cotad gets 10 a month and boards blmtelf. The plum crop In the North Platte country Is mueh lighter than common. The susar company at Norfolk has decided to use crude oil for fuel instead of coal, j A wave of reform hu swept over Sidney and everything except the hotels is closed on Sundays. The appearance of Canada thistles In a few fields of Bart couoly is mak ing the farmers feel weary, Seward county has decided not hold Its fair this year on account of the partial failure of crops. Lexington has a whsel club contain ing several speedy riders who will bo developed by sjstemalle training. A Wayne man by tbe name of Thom son received a jail sentence of thirty days as a penalty for beating his wife. Burglars entered a hardware store at Staplehurst and carried away about i5 worth of cutlery and $1 in money. North Platte proposes to send s trsin load of produce, moetly potatoes, to tbe Atlantic seaboard as an advertisement. Tbe mortgage Indebtedness on farms in Gage county decreased to the ex tent of 820,847 during the past six months. Itelentless creditors have pounced upon the Scrlbner creamery and will sell it at auction to satisfy a modicum of their claims. Thurston county farmers are receiv ing letters from their Illinois friends asking if they can supply their demand for hay this fall. A. J. Aahmead, a former well-known Union Pacific railroad man, died re cently in Palestine, Tex., and was buried at Valley, Neb. Messrs C. F. Ingraharoand H. Phelps of Tecumseh have organized an old style one-ring circus and bate started out for a tour of the state. Llncolu county has more than an average crop of prairie chickens and local sports will kill none of them till the birds are legally ripe. Green precinct, Deuel county, haa a movement on foot to organize an Irri gation district for the purpose of test ing the artesian well scheme, A. C. Miller, a farmer living near Lexington was adjudged insane and taken to Norfolk, A sunstroke some years ago was the indirect cause. To avoid being butchered by a fall ing pile driver derrick, George Todd of Nance county made a phenomenal jump and broke his leg In doing it. Mrs. Mary E. Frye of.Nebratka City, hat been pronounced Incurably insane by the commissioners of insanity and will be takeii to the Hastings asylum. Plattamouth is a well-behaved city. Only three arrests were made in July, snd the police think the boys run In must have acquired their jags across the river in Iowa. About twenty of the leading ladies of Khelton watted upon the city council and aaked that honorable boay to take steps to suppress the boot-legging joints that are running open in that town. Bert Taylor, a brakeman on the F. E. AM. V., was injured accidentally at Newport while switching. The right arm broken: also four ribs. He a aa taken on to Long Pine, where his Injuries were looked after. A west-bound passenger train on the F. E. & M. V. road ran into an open switch at Crowell. a little three-year-old girl, of Plattamouth, was the only one severely Injured. Fivejcars were smashed into kindling wood. The slate board of transportation has ordered 5,0fi0 new maps of Nebraska printed for the use of the public. These maps will show the Irrigation; ditches completed and in course of construc tion as welt as the railroads. The comptroller of the currency at Washington report thai at the close of business July llth, the national banks of the state had total resources ot 2O,0M:fl7; loans and discounts, 113, 045,610; stocks arid securities 9118.121, 6X; furniture and fixtures Sl,12U,fl2l,t3; due from reserve agents, tl,4iH,I37; gold coin, 5W.23rt; specie, ii'J7,052, cspiUI stock, ,M5,(J00; surplus, $1,3J3; tW; deposlV9H,8J2,3l5,'Jl; re-dlscounts 9387,2(18. James Eatner, a farm hand at Ne braska City, some time since showed signs of Insanity and disappeared. When found It developed that he had been hiding In the woods, and was very weak from lack of food. He will be sent to the asylum. H. W. Lleyd, a farmer living two and a half miles from I'nloa, Cass county, l farming out ibe water from ibis welt at a big profit. Tbe water sou 'Ulna some of ths slmests ot stomal youth and sick seopts drink it for ths fun of gotting well.