The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 15, 1895, Image 4
1 BUSIEST PLACE IN TOWN, j PEOPLE now call It "the busiest place In town," but it was far from being so four years a-'o last Call, when Morris Knights and Chnrli-s Hunt stood tnere one afternoon look in? About and asking each other, doubt fully, whether It wa best to "start in there " and trj to fl.'u employment for themselves, or not It was a werdy, buahy field, extending down to a ptul : inure with no object of human con struction In sigl.t but a weathered old lumber shed, roofed, bun open to the rearher on all sides Morris Knights and Charies Hunt Htw poor youths, elgh'een or nine teen years of age, born and brought up an the vicinity, and were without any tier educational advantages than those afforded by the neighboring dls rri school; Just two ordinary, large bay, differing In nothing, apparently, from thousands of other American boys, unVss It were in the spark of --..naabltion not always found In other arias. Neither had a dollar In his pocket " awsainrhere else. Thf;haie which they were talking 1 r dubiously that afternoon was " sriuher J)$y should promise to pay viaason Bean, a relative of Charley's, vd dollars for what waste apples they twrfd pnikfup to his orchard after kelukl gathered' his ""barreling" fruit 5. "There's a pile of apples In that or-;-hard. lying on the ground," Charley a marked, "and I suppose we might n mufl string and dry them in this -toW-amid, and'-make thirty dollars, per-1 i haps. -At'.wepugBt to have an evapora tor," said "Morris. "Evaporated ap pknt bring a better price." ""But one of those evaporators, even small one, costs twenty-five dollars; mad nobody would sell us one on -credit" Ufait they agreed to take the deacon's "apples, Tor Ihey had nothing else to do. JLc for the old shed, no one had pre tended to own It for years. The next day they began to pick np JChe apples m the orchard, and the dea 'OTn "let them take his horse and cart to 'haii them to the old shed. I am told 'Skat Yhcy were even obliged to bor nw a paring machine, and run Into 'ofehf. Xi,r two balls of twine to string "rt "faalres of apples on. At days went on they greatly de firian erjporator; and Mortis finally wwe m a company which manufac rarvl lln'.se machines, asking for one f 7l& smallest and cheapest n three moarhV lime. He enclosed a certificate osf mMa 1 character, signed by the old h-aosn and the postmaster at Norwell. 'TS company replied that, contrary t tt enstom, it would ship an evapora rw h them on credit, but advised them ' jaaurhas one of a large size, having a. drying capacity of twelve bushels of Aid apples per day. This would cost SZS, trot they might have six months km which to pay for It AJnat doubted at first whether It nmmmitl be well for them to run in debt mm Aeply, but Morris was mre san igaase; so they ordered the larger evap oraiw. and gave their note for It ftVhen It arriTed they became an b Hindis to run It to Its full capacity, ami to lay In a larger stock of drying apples. Canvassing about among the -Norwell farmers, they took four more orchard to pick up, and also bought othar refuse apples, on time, at from Hire to ten cents per bushel. Knde bins : were made under the old shed from whatever bits of lumber they could col . tec, and a great heap of apples made. -Iut the weather was growing colder, -mad the frost threatened their stock. TRs protect it, they got the use of a sjajUry -sf rough boards taken from - aa-oM building, with which they cli 4a the aides of their shed. They also I a mass of dry grass and weeds, i a thicker, warmer wall around heat from the evaporator an- ia place of a store, and from ontU March they worked there lly, drying apples, till their enUre was prepared for market It waa sold, they had. after anaylng for the evaporator and apples -atd settling their other debts, a little wmn than three hundred dollars as the satt result of their Are months' work. Ob hundred and seventy-five dol Man from these profits were set aside W gasrchaat another evaporator of a lasjartty of thirty-five bushels per day; -x 7 th" tUae they thought they asw mtM they might do, and grew am Jmm to carry on Urger business rl. Thar also spent thirty dot Car parts aad slietng machines, to C)2t M laag table bstlde the appto I 1 rzi Hiajul ft a pulley shaft 4s W Tha i They could not afford to buy a steam engine for power, but they obtained for a small suiu an old borse-power ap paratus, consisting of "lags," fly-wheel and frame, which had been used In sawing wood, but bad now b-en laid aside. But Instead of horse power they employed a pair of small yearling steers, hired from Morris' father, who Is a farmer In a small way. They pastured thee hi -era near w apple factory, and, by a little patience. trained them, one at a time, to walk In the tread-power and turn their shaft While ODe steer was at work the other fed and rested. A less extensive power-plant was probably never fur nished, for the steers grubbed their own living In the pasture, and had only to be led to the shed when wanted. Like most country towns of New England, New York and many other States, Norwell contains many apple orchards. By August the two young partners began to make their arrange ments for securiug all the waste apples In the vicinity. J.0 do this most effectively, they found It necessary to hire the deacou's horse and cart at a cost of a dollar per day, and drive about from farm to farm buying apples. On an average that fall they paid ten cents per bushel at the farmer's door. Morris did most of this business, Charles being busy preparing a supply of fire-wood which he cut In the woods Dear by and drew to the "factory" with the steers. When jt last they were able to begin work, early In September, they hired several elderly women to take charge of the paring machines, because throughout the fall Morris was em ployed every day purchasing and draw ing home apples, and Charles had the evaporators to attend to. They were fortunate In being able to hire four hundred dollars, in order to pay "cash at the door" for apples. They bought altogether more than nine thousand bushels, which cost them, when drawn to the factory, about 13 cents per bushel; and at the annual "even-up," In April, after the apples were all cut dried and sold, It was found there had been a profit of ZJ cents per bushel. This, too, although they had lost over a ton of dry apples by bad storage. As they urgently needed a storage building, they set aside $.7)0 from their profits to build one the following spring. To utilize the considerable proportion of the waste apples uulit for drying, and also the parings and cores of all the others, they bought a small cider mill and press, which was also operated by "steer-power." Among the products of their factory that fall were over ninety barrels of cider, which were sold to a manufacturer of cider vinegar. There were many Incidental expenses that fall; yet after ail these were de ducted, at the annual "even-up" In April, there remained over $1,9U0 profits. During the third year three new buildings were erected rough but well-constructed sheds, good enough for the business. They still prepared their own fuel, and the steers, now over two years old, still furnished the power. This fall tbey collected about thirteen thousand bushels of apples from adjoining towns. An evaporator of the largest size was purchased, hav ing a drying capacity of eighty bushels per day. This season, too, they began experi menting in other directions, drying pumpkin and squash. Tbey had also begun buying wild raspberries and blackberries, which tbey put up In cans, Instead of drying. A more promising part of the busi ness, however, Is the canning, in glass, of gage plums. Tbey have been able to pay farmers seventy-five cents per bushel for purple and yellow 'gages. As these trees soon come into bearing, after setting out, and are very prolific, the prospect of a cash market has en couraged the neighboring farmers so greatly that over two thousand young trees were set out In the vicinity last year. So prosperous bad been the boys' business that during the spring of this, the fotfrtb year, three new sheds have been erected, and the place Is, indeed, the busiest spot In town. Troops of children are bringing in baskets of wild blackberries, gage plums, and other fruits. Farmers' carts ana hauling apples and pumpkins, for all of which cash Is paid; and under four long shads there rwnda tha steady whir of mors than twenty par lag BMchlasa, at which fitly thirty par ana, assatly wana or girls, an lltsr aflr "kiBg tfca css Cy." Some are carrying rsckfuls of sliced apples to the evaporators; and from the ventilators on the roofs of the sheds, clouds of vapor steam up '.nto the sky. Some are tending the elder mill and preiwing the pomace, apd oth ers are preparing pumpkins and squashes and canning gage plums. All this where, four years ago, stood an old deserted lumber shed, in the loneliest spot In town! All done by two boys who began without a dollar of capital, with few advantages in the way of education, and bat little help from any source save their own bands and beads. Surely, their success ought to serve as a hint to many of our country-boy readers. Youth's Companion. Simple Pima to Still the Waves. A simple device for distributing oil on rough waters Is meeting with adop tion among British shipowners. The arrangement Is practically automatic, taking advantage as It does of the rise and fall of the vessel to create an air pressure, by means of which the oil is forced from the reservoir and mixed with the sea. Briefly, a tank is placed In a convenient position at the fore or after end of the vensel above the water line, and It is about three parts filled with oil, the remaining space acting as an air reservoir. In connection with and passing through this tank Is a tube, the lower end of which is carried down as far as possi ble and Is open to the sea. the upper part Ix'lug fitted with an air valve to admit of the air preyed up by the column of water passing into the reser voir. In connection with the main tube an additional air tube Is fitted Immediately under the water line, which, when the vessel rises, admits air Into the main tube, and by means of a valve prevents Its escape. The air Is acted uiKn by the column of water which forces its way up the main tube by the pitching of the vessel, and a pressure of five or six pounds can easily be obtained, which, acting uion the air stored In the reservoir, ejects the oil through the distributing pipes to the sea. Iore's Memory. Dore educated his memory by observ ing things as he walked with the In tention of remembering ail he could of them. He dissected subjects by divis ion and sub-division, on a system of his own, so as to lay them by In good order, to be found when be wanted them In their right places. Hamerton (quoted hs Jerrold) related that "by long prs' Ve" of this kind he could car ry awayironderful quantity of facts. and had even tested his memory In a contest with a photographic apparatus, a friend of bis photographing a cathe dral, Dore looking at It and drawing It , afterward at his home, while his friend j developed his photograph. On conipar-1 lng the two, drawing and photograph. It j apjieared much to the astonishment of the photographer that Dore had omit ted no detail of importance, a few min or .Inaccuracies being alone discovera ble. Joseph Hatton in Tbe Idler. Given What Me Called For. It doesn't pay to be too funny. A man who formerly boarded at a Maine hotel used always to call for "old hen" when he saw chicken on the bill of fare. The table girl and cook thereupon pre pared for blm, and whenever chicken was served an old hen was provided, and this particular boarder always got a generous piece of that After this order of things had continued for three months without tbe boarder suspect I n the Joke, he one day called the waitress to him and told her he was getting sick of old hens, and he'd like to have a taste of chicken. "Very well," was the re ply. "you can have It; but yon ordered old hen regnlarly, and as this house always pleases Its guests when It Is possible, we've been giving you what you ordered." rhllliis (Me.). Phono graph. , An interesting Toy. The "spectrum top" is one of the most Interesting scientific toys of recent In vention, and no doubt It Is destined to prove one of tbe most Important It bas only black and white markings, but when It Is revolved rapidly It presents all the colors of tbe rainbow as they are seen In the Newtonian spectrum. Mr. Benham, the Inventor of the top, thinks this Is due to "fatigue of the eye," and that It haa nothing to do with the wave theory of light, but It may fead to Important modifications of accepted Ideas of tbe relations between light as mere motion and tbe eye as Its Interpreter. First Naturalised Woman. The first woman In America to de mand naturalisation papers was Mrs. Elisabeth Cry. who showed a certifi cate dated at Omaha, Nebraska Terri tory, Feb. 14. J857. She is also be lieved to be the first woman to pre empt Government land In her own name. The court records at Omaha and the land office verify these state ments. That particular Cryer, how ever, cannot claim to be tbe first wom an who baa cried. New Orleans l'lm yune. About Prince Bismarck. Prince Bismarck said recently that bis neuralgia makes traveling trouble some for him, but that be would travel more If he could count on being treated as a private gentleman. Tbe Prince has received a preseut of so much wine that be doubts whether he will be able to drink It all "I begrudge my heir nothing," be says, "except my wine cellar." Richmond Times. asall Portamss jksnoaw the M It la estimated from the returns of tha eleventh census that 95 per cant of the wag earners of this country own less than $10,000 sach. The fruit to Mushing ndr ths klaasa af taw f HE woman who goes a Jouruey- I lng this summer thinks with dis may of her flaring skirts and bal loon sleeves, her chiffon waists and lace hau. The dresses will hardly go Into two closets If there are many of the summer's fashion, and people In crowd ed quarters have a number of times told me that any further Increase In the wardrobe would necessitate put tiug.thebed Into the closet and convert ing the closet Into a bedroom. How then, when so much space is needed for tbe expausion of one's raliueut at home, is it to go Into a trunk aud come out without ruin. Tissue-pa jkt, and quantities of It Is used by the profes sional packers of Paris, aud thut alone tucked Into folds of skirts, sleeves and bows, aud wedged In between hats to prevent their pressing upon each other, will enable you to arrive in good shajte aud with good nature. Kor to find all one's finery creased and crushed at the end of a Journey, when one wishes to look like a lily of the field, is quite heart-breaking. If a summer outing and pretty gowns are a yearly occur icuce, a woman would do well to have a trunk lu her possession that is at least forty-four Inches long, so that I the length of a dress skirt will not re quire folding. If It must be folded, 'old the end toward the walt, and put a roll of tissue paper under the fold. Make the paper Into organ-ple rolls, and lay It under each godet plait In the back of the skirt. If one bas many thin gowns with sleeves of the same general shape, it Is well to have one or two separate pairs of stiff linings bound at the top, so that they can be basted Into the arm-hole of a number of dresses. If dresses are not packed very closely In separate trays, It Is a good plan to fasten a tape to each end and then to fasten the tapes to the sides of the trunk. This keeps articles from slipping about Heroines In Light houara. A salary of $5U0 to $SX) a year, with free dwelling, coal aud oil, U sufficient Inducement for not a few women to as sume the arduous and oftentimes dan gerous duties, of lighthouse keeper. There are In the neighborhood of a score of female keepers In the I'nlted States, and lu every case the duties are wt formed in such a manner as to call forth frequent commendation from those In a position to Judge. One of these women ierformed an act of won derful heroism early last year. This was Janet Malby, who bas for years been In charge of the Blender tower built on Elk Neck, a steep rock on Chesapeake bay. During a terrible northeast ra'n, hall and wind storm In February, 1SSU, when the waves dash ed furiously against the lighthouse, threatening to tear It from Its very foundation, Janet Malby, ever on the alert, saw In a frail boat six men strug gling In tbe angry waters some dls- JAXKT VAI.HV SA V SIX 1.1 V Kg. tance from the rock. Heedless of the terrible risk she ran by venturing out in such a storm, she pushed her own boat out from the rock, seized the oars, and finally succeeded In reaching and rescuing the eutlre party. Far out from the coast of California, In Point Ptnos lighthouse, Is stationed as keeper Mrs. Hlchards. Here she bos Used entirely alouc for eighteen years, sevluK no living sciil year In and year out save the captain who brln h"r the necessaries of life aud oil for the light bouse lamp, and occasionally a light house Inspector. Five lives have been saved by tbe prompt and courageous actions of Mrs. Blake, lighthouse keep er for tbe past twenty years at Bob bin's reef, "off Tompklnsville, New York harbor. Complexion Paste Her Bane. Tbe desire to make her complexion more beautiful bas caused a once bright mind to be left shrouded In tbe darkest gloom. Miss Mary Belcher, of Kussellvllle, Ky. two year ago was a bright, dark-haired, happy, rosy-cbeek- Icd girt. One day she read an adver tisement of a cosmetic paste that would make tbe complexion perfect She bought some and used It for two weeks as directed. At tbe end of that time she was horrified to notice tbe appear ance of a black beard all over her face. It grew rapidly and In a short time she had a heavy growth of whiskers. She grew hysterical and about six months ago her mind began to fall under the constant worry. She la now a mental wreck. Miss Belcher Is 22 years old and lives with her parents at Sugar Grove, Butler County. A Dolla-htral Htady. The syllabus of moat excellent course of study on tha chemistry of foods by Thomas Orant Allen, profes sor of chemistry In tha Armour Insti tute, with a list of ths books useful la following tfc courss, suggssts a most ISO salirhtentug atudy tor tha ers clubs that exist In many pise The course is divided into eight lec tures, treating of chemical changes In foods, the uses and classification of food principles, the chemistry of the human body, the combustible and in combustible foods, and food adjuncts. Wkj She Never Married. A recent rumor regarding the engage ment of Mlas Frances E. Wlllard, prea Ident of the National Woaian'a Chris- tlsn Temperance Union, to an elderly English gentleman of means, who uses a Urge part of his annual Income In the furthering of reform movements, has recalled to the minds of many of Miss Wlllard's friends In this country the romance of her early womanhood. Miss Wlllard's devotion to the tern perance cause Is by no means coeval with the great crusade of the early 70's, whose outcome was the organization of hundreds of Woman's Christian Tem perance Unions. Miss Wlllard's par ents were among the pioneers of the great Northwest, and brought up their daughter with very strict, not to soy narrow, views as to the use of liquor and tobacco. Miss Willard prepared herself for teaching, and while pursu ing her studies met a young man who was studying for the ministry and who gave promise of attaining great promi nence In his chosen calling. Their com- rRAXCES K. WILLAKD. mon love of study attracted them to each other, aud the young man felt that In Miss Wlllard he bail found the one woman who, as his wife, would help him upward and would gracefully share the honors of the lofty position at which he was aiming. Nor was Miss Wlllard's heart untouched, and the young man's matrimonial hopes might have been re alized but for her discovery that he was addicted to the use of tobacco. She very promptly told him that he could choose between tobacco and herself, and to all his pleadings opposed the one cry: "If you love tobacco more than you do me, find some other woman who will tolerate such a habit" At length he ceased to urge her, and they went their separate ways, she to remain single and become president of ue National Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, and one of the best par liamentarians in the United Slates, aud he to marry some one else and become one of the most prominent bishops of tbe Methodist Episcopal Church. Wheelwomen of the Antipodes. One of the most democratic com munities on earth is Melbourne, Aus tralia, aud as might have been ex pected the new woman and her wheel are to be seen there In full glory. Tbe female bicycle riders of that city have established a club of their own, every member of which has shed her skirt aud taken to bloomers perhaps loose knee breeches would be the more ap propriate expression, but the garments worn there have little of the volumin ous appearance as yet affected by the generality of woman riders In Ameri can cities. It was not to be expected that the lords of creation In tbe far off British colony would unanimously look with favor on this general shedding of OIHI, tra tSTS 11 MKLBOVBHK ordinary female attire. N't a few do mestic rows hare devetoiMtl, but the women show no dls;x-.r.on to recede from their position In favor of re form dress. Indeed, late Australian exchanges Indicate that the opposition of the men has pretty much simmered down Into an occasional letter to the editor of some paper attacking the new woman. These communications never fall to provoke spirited replies. Krupp, tbe gun manufacturer, pays an Income tax of 1300,000 a year. But tha brewer and alcohol manufacturer, Marlnesco Bragadlr, at Bucharest leaves blm far la tha lurch, for be pays l,ool,241 franca a ear In taxes. Ba who la racksd by superstition can nam And psaos af mind. Cicero, sua -WX lOJifi mm pniqaq njdo Joop innjj qt uk 7isl )( Lu pus soas oju ma if? trj ips pwt o mil tpaMd jnq op oi Juiqiou ssja sjaqx M-jfqsq qi l.noXn 'P"11 '1 ai jooqs noX ji -udinnw uaum jo Jwas qiw patun) jJJiiq lJf jirs noixuiqss.M -ra pllJ JJo, uil ama pus aSvvJjttm jno o) )omuoj sioquj jnoX a oj squill Jno; pawms I iqpjrfj Moq 'no -ajnn; W1 mi paiqnoj) m.i v; aqju, TlldiU qinoX qi 'U Suu; joa wt I -Ano)pu Pl 8,l -111 noi OOHJIIBV "IH -uujnq sj4s sajpnso iqi 'Piq ul u,"OJ WI pas jbs amil jo Jtumids m js jss sq uioj; Mdiuuf 'dqf) J aUq qjAi u.op )s oj p-sn;.u 'siup Jnj -un pun ixnj u paino. H nojS -j!ns ss siuM iuuui ;o oj.tq sqx -asnsjuo oai jiiui wubUj (q pVJ;s J ss 'priSKCJjvqujj ptuii d ptirfq q jo jJtiq qt JS UMop pqntuj dUJ B pUB 'iJ.B HB U5fUBq BOp )VOJ p0 UB 3J0.U tq 8JOJddllS sq ;o aousejd qj u( nj pdjujs pus pjuiuiiJi jCfiB-tu J)vq H q- 'mioj -ua ssdjp nn; b u pjiwdds si8.mis aq sdooj) t ajoja 'tutfUBiibuvaq IB pJUttGJ b sbm BjandSl uhimhiih aqj 'aju japnn snoaJfBjnoa qflnoqi jug -an o) pua ub aq !- ajaqj aui sprj jvqi Jiasim o Xbs I uo(job ojuj 08 I jaAouaq. -qs. noi usq jaqwBj uo UMBjp aq noJt jBqj op o jiatunoA" ipuj.Hl aouo noi ji 'aju japtin nJAop puaq oj jaAau anj tt j fpui aaq I inji -)fuq)oii jo pBj;n iub I jBqi pus "BABJq IUB 1 JBqi Jjnnn A"aqX.. 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