The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 15, 1895, Image 3

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f . f, Siiiimtiini. Editor ami ln-;i It-tor.
. V. K. A M. V It. R.Tiuif tith 1. .
col Ui: VV . -t . . i t i vr Kie1.
S.. S, li.txwl li lt. , No. fi, iiilvsl ni
Kor tfour. f"il ur not ctli mi K.
y iiliwtr,
Ht.relujuiiti tmiMiLiiid i'tili ?,yrup
; 'ie treat remejy (or t oil .in ;cul colils
.1 the Pioneer I'luirinacy.
' 1 -I-T on St;uvi:i A linnvn -liliiie,
i olil, lir;ui;!i;il circle nn I, it
A Mr(;;v!.':Y.
If you ivaut a f.iim p:ip t c, ,t mi-
fiii'iti"ii4 in .ri.r.i-.wa. ii!K .;
i lull itli the . iifnki tui-'n ,-, ( ul!
uml e it copy of it.
--.n ninenieuiH on' iteinc lor
f.iuie "f kill, to lie 1,'iiyet! at l.nsk some.
time next wfk, Ulv.t'i ii Lu-k nr Har
rison ;ui(l lit ut li -jort i- v j .-' il .
- VV e omitted to mention lust Week
In: .liipmeiit of a i ur louil of i uttlt
l.y lion M. V eir utij tlic tlen.irturo ol
Mr. Weir ami family for n visit in Mis-
. Kouri.
x IeniH (ieilifli lias leasel the Oin
niii'tiam prowrly ittil w ill move, hi
f.uiiiiV to town about, tlie last cf Hep
teuilier, Tlie school ailvanta'i's lure
will draw quite u iiiini!i. r.
If the care of tin: hair wet-.. u:a ! a
part of a lady's eilucitiori, we .,li.,ul not
cc so many pray In am) thi; ti-e ol
Hall' Hair Kenetver would lie uiiticc
. s;iry.
-Postmaster ninl Mrs. M.irstcller at
ti ihlfl the ice cream social at H. Zim
merman's, near lixlare, las'. Frui.i v
eveitiii-'. nmt report a very pleasant
tulle. Th'! -t( Were H..'!") tvlii.-li is
a very gootl start on ,tu i;aii fumi.
- I'rof. V. S. Wurileri, of I'nnvforil,
will deliver a lecture in Harrison on
J'rid.iy evening, Aiitfii-t I'IMi on th.1 .sub
jeet of "Art". All shniil.l bear him nn 1
.'-penally those iut.r.-tcl ;n art ami
tilii'.-ational work.
--A party was j,-iv'ii last t-ivniu;; at
tliu Iiuiuu of Mr. ninl Mr.-. V.'. H. WniI,: .
in honor of Mrs. Nellie lit yl of Omaha,
anil Mrs. W. I Handy of Ch ulron. Mii
si' tv us furnished anil the li-ht fantastii
was trippetl to the satisfaction of ih
,u ticipauls.
Mr. Niit.inacl Mortonsou, a wt l!
iK,tt n citizen of Ishpfiuin', Ma h., and
i i'i'iii' ijujiciior I'listun, who, for a Uixv
tune, -mirered tin; most xcruciating
puins of rheumatism, was cured, uilit
vars jigo, by taking AyeiVSars.iparilln.
has nit; never felt u twinge of it since.
A At the last meeting of tin.- village
I an! J. V. Smith (j'lalilled as villas
i..i.s!ial and is ti.iw tin? duly anthonztU
r. -user valor of Iho im-v. having sworn
t.) pcrforui tile duties of his ollice witli
o'lt fuar or lav or.
- Tim hnir w ht n not properly carutl fur
lo s its juslrc, Imm-oiii'.-s ( risp mid dry
and falls out frwely with every combing.
To prevent this, th lv.t dressing in th"
market is Aycr's Hair Vijror. It im
parts that silky kI s " essential to p r
fect Itcauty.
4 ""' Maine had the misfortune to
hive alxjiit twenty tons of hay destroyed
by a. prairia, lire last vvts-k. The origin
of tlio lire was not learned. Too much
care cannot lx! taken to prevent fires as
it not only destroys the pr.iss on the
land but it injures the i . foryeais.
The editor uiul I,:.-, v.,;.. Ud th.
pleasure, of the c.i.u.miiv oi'i r. II. V..
(..'lltiimiiis, of SiiWuoi, on U)i: trip til I'Jh-ii
Saturday evening, 1r. 'iimimiis ua
m his way from t'ol radi) to Mot ininKs
a ml us Im and the ert'-r h-r. n
I rieuds sinee Inn hood it is ii'" tlh s !o
sty (hat the meeting was enj.ned.
.... A petition is on file m th.) ollii e of
t!ie i .Miiiiy cle-rl: u-ikm a portion
of Andrew. Whittle (.'reek and hu.ikt
Creek preciiu Is Iw taken uml er.x ted
iulu i new pret im I to h called Fair
view precinct. The territory coimuiis
thw reipnsife number M voteis ici l in
th it w-tist; is cut il led to be set t lT as
tisked for. TffK J'mt.s'.m. i in l.ivor l
tiinking micli matters us convenient. ,i.nil
s.'itisfactory In the people lis possible but
il is Mjssible to inere.i"" th'1 e,. ie") of
running this county in siw h m, ; t i s if
c ure is nut taken. Tiider the i t law
the Imllots, voting biHilh. mii 'moks
mnl other Unrig iieeeMsary most hi fur
llishetl by the coun'y and delivered by
the proier rifficwls. These all cisl mon
ey . In two precincts last lull no elue-
tion w.-ih held but the rXKn wan near
ly a KTent an it, was in the jirvciueti.
wheiu elections Wert! held. In udditum
to the iitereaseil election cxietiset; the
cost of assessment in iiiereimed, til
pre inct hUpplies li,tv? to Ixj fm nisbi-d
uml viu ioiiH other Npet)se nriii whit h
in i Im agtVRHte nmoiintu to ijuit-:- a
Hum. The valuation of the prnjnrly in
teiritory in ipiestion is tint kiinwn
bul miles it is siifhYii'ut to pay the run
tiinj; cnX'iiscsi of the precinct, a I Ivasi ,
the jieople should not insist on ilw form
injf of the prcint t. Tilts usscs-cil v iilua
lioii of Highland precinct w ill dot p''0'
ilui revemia HUflleient to jny Ui pisv
inct expeiiK' and tli rl w ilt bav to
l rnpt by Hie oU-r p:tr(s of tin tVmr.ty
rind from the reports tlr (toptilatiou w ill
Mion be no sinnll that it Vill Iw about all
ths voters in the precinct can l'i to or
lyiiwe an elecltnn board, and h t t!ii
teaioll THE Jot'ltYU, l)i)(s tint p'5.iple
v ill Iw careful in Hiitli matters. With
Ww valtmu jit jf tiio vjutity tUcivasin
Sttr by yevr too hiih rt cannot bd
(, .(..'
luipnrluut Suticr. t
A pdite but firm invitation hns l-e I
received from the coimtv tiv.isurer by j
tiM.ob)s.ier,,f J, ., ). t call and
se!tle. .oiilM tblmoueut t.iSe. Tr. do
that .-as), ,s i,e,-.d as tlw Culiuty Uea
urer w , not t.iko wood, (fard-u trie ',
eV,. m jiyuu-nt Cf taxes. TllK J'K'ilN VI
lias h',nd,ed of dollars dui! and le ti
a dein.iii.i is ih.kIb for settlement nJ our
dt 1)1- p in. ist pass the demand aln),r,
and we hope tliat tbofcU indebtel to us
willhroij; oi si'iid in the amount due
without further notice.
'i. F. J boson returned from tJniaba
Vt..lnesda, .
An lr- w Ki-.c.ri left Moii'lay'weniiuf on I
a biKine-s tr'p to 1 k-.'vd .v ood.
Mr. tot I Jlrs. 11. M. Wai-neke were at!
1 la lord the first of the week.
tast '
Mrs riiomas I-veeport rt turne
riiursdav fi dui a visit to Oreelev
( 'o
v Mrs. I. V. Handy and daughter, Miss
Kltie, ol t. hidron are the pies! of Mrs.
K. F. l'oiitc,-.
(iraiioma iHiris and Arehie returned
Saturday eeiiiii' from their visit at
J 'nubias, V.' Olliill:,-.
).)'. (Ji-iswold, cash i'i of. tie; t'rfiic
i.. ' r ial H 0!h. started for Omaha Sun
d.iv and i- exp- te l hoiii" today.
W. 11. tisell 'in-lit Sunday in Harri
son and hi-, brotle-r. .f. S. Honsell. ,e
eouiiaiiii d him hoiiic Monday.
llermau Kroenin; was over from la
in ui creek vesteniav. He lias recently
treated himself to a new frame tvsi
d. nee.
II. ficiekiuaii, (-'red Will and J. L id
wi( arrived I mm Iow.i yeslenlay to vis
it, friends and look, over the country with
i view, to loiati'ijr.
, --TilK JoriiNAf. family went to (ilea
in urd.iy evi niii"; where they we-re
.11 1 by ' 'oiiiiiiissioiier Welier and cm
.i.cjetl to li s homi) a mile- ami a half
from the station. Hu ha.- Ims-ii on his
lionn stead h'ss than a year and roiise-
piently lias not had lime to make all
iiiiiiroveii.i-ntH, lull lias tun plans l.o
iiiali'e li. a pleasant iiici proiiiume iioiiic.
He.! ret urn was ma le on Monday iiiorn-
in and we hroiiht w ith us the memory
f a pleasant visit and n nice mess ol
ir''e number of cattle have
-hipped out of Sioux county of
ibotil thirty car loads of caMio
Wif itonu out. .mou mose .Me
I cd were 1$. F. Johnsoii, I!urv Warm
and IVU r Iamrrctt, i cars em h, I.'.
ollce, Ji ears, ami others names
we, did not ionm made up tba hahuicc,
ipiile a riumiver of small imuche.s liavini;
ijt,en bought tip by outside parties. The
result is that' a ,od deal money has
jit-en put into circulation.
W bile on White river last Sunday
we learned more of the elfects of the let
lini,' of the shtsip dip into the stream at
Andrews somo time agn. Fish were
killed ei";ht or nine miles below where
the slu 11 entered the water, Home stock
died from havinij drank of the water and
two persons, at least, are known to have
lieen made very sick mid neirly tlied
Irom t he poison in the water. The re
fills were certainly serious enough so
! hat steps xh'ii, Id lie taken to render a
repetition impossible. The railroad com
pany inti'oht the dipping arrangements
and il, would seem to hi! its duty to pro
viile tie! neeeMsiry safeeuanls to protect
lib- am! properly.
In another column appears a call
lor n ineefiiiK of the tigricu II ural
socielv. The r ail is not inltmileil alone
for those hu have Ken identified w ith
the work in the past but for all w ho are
mlere-ted in the holding of u county lair
and making an exhibit at the utaUj fair,
l ie-re ar.i many things to take action on
at I he meeting and I he larger Uk! al tend
ance Hit more cert-till w ill tut the sue-
cesv, it. is not a matter which can tie
can us I out by a few but Jemiimls the
aid id nil to Is; a siIis-.kss, I'omc every
hodv and bring your iieighlxirs tviih
Tii-i county ttvasurci' has Iwen send
ing' notices- t'l nil who ar beliind with
tuxes nnd as a result many aro coming
up and sipiaring nccoiints with the conn
t. Ol course some nw rewring and
just us predictftl by TllK JnfltXAI. a f
wei ks sum oKlmse who kit ked the
haiilrst IsH'aiist" the trtjasnrer tlitl not
mule) ieopl pay up are kicking- the
hanle-t lcntis" lie lias invittsl them to
do mi. It is tnmgB how diwigrts-able
soiiie peojde lin t it I In obliged Ui take
their own medicine, but it makes no till
fiTeiicc for I r ustiivr Woodruff i alter
:ill wii lire delinquent.
lJhsitltIuil .f i'Ml lkMTsllip,
itilici s hefeby j,(ven (iiat the jxttl
ntr'hip ln'ii'Uilor JtiMinu iwt S.
K. il'iuyh, W. H. Hough and V,
I! )iih, vt Ibirr'son, Nebr.iskn, ninUr
the llrm i,',0Sf of IS. II. Hough & Hons
u i:tMivt.s I'V tuiiunl consent on tin.
1st day -f Augu.-!, !';li", V. 11. II jugli
retiring. Tie' litisinens will lie i oo(,.ui,i ,i
by S, h. llougii iiKi Y. il'iiigb, under
tins, fji'iti w.ttiHt cf !, B. Ho ii,h , S in,
vti' w'll joy all li. II? -tit ' colic, i il
if, '. tin" !.u(i firm.. .
ti. & i Huron,
W. Ji, liwuu,
1 Y. Hoiv.ti.
!l . .
i i-re ,! ;er -i! i-l ie jj4)t (ailov; ul f for freight or SI. res ;i'- 'his ulbee
will lie required lo v nd a wiitt"" -1
1' i. tle ieron i i.'lic.u for amu
ruV of t::e eo'i.p trees iVtjthi'e th'w and
the ai i t has i.: ni.tboi .ty to Vo.i',
sin h o, ,;( v. i, . j'( is Til's,
Aei.i V. i:. L 'A. Y. 11 11 and Amerl ;
can lipics ( 'oinpatiy.
.Utrii'tiitaral Society .Mr fiusr.
Tin re Will be a !i:.-ftnir of tie; Sioux
County Agricultural Society at the
court house at Harrison, on Saturday,
-August 2-1, 1 ".-". ut I o"i 1. k, p. m. for
tli iiirpoe of dist'-ussiu the ndvis.i'nil
ity of holding a i oiinty fan- mid making
an exhibit at the sTato fair. All iut.-r-ested
me invittsl to attend.
It. S. WoOOKI'l-T,
i. .1. SiX'MilSS. 1'1-eMdeni.
linn Ii Sen ici's Next Similar.
rre.ti-lunji rvice, Sunday nomim.
I')i0; Sunday S li.ol n ::!(i;. Kpw o.-th
lA'aj4Ue. 7. ('. K. i 'onn'iii t Pastor.
ISolire tu H, )ii:i!ie!it Tax I'aycrs. ,
1 wish lo i ul! your attention to thej
iai-t that tie- ' 'o'lnl v Treasurers have ;
beon very lenient with you ilnrin the'
s.-v. etoji failures atnl as nearly all
school ilistni Is are ui le-eil of nio-iev
an I thf M-...e. ts are .;, lor line crop, ',
this year. 1 .hail ui-i-1. npou th.- pav-j
llielit. il yooi- ,-.ol,.;i ,i;;es. lelltle-.'
men t!r y have s:.(.). Ion- eiiou;'.;!.
'ery Ke-p-s-tfully,
t 'omit y 'iVeasiirer.
In leieii. leu: ('uliiii v C. h crttiou.
TIli' l-coliie. ill'lel ii h at eleetor' ol -ioiiv
eoU lit ;t j-e 1 eipie- Oil .t i!eey; ; to
til inly l-ti.:ve,t:oll I" meet ut Jl.trri!.
Nei)., irii - ,1 iiniii . 'ieist, 7( -'i;t i.i,
o'eloi !v. i. I,:., ti , oeit ! , ti, lie-
aiel juuiei.ii t'oa-.eiitiinis inel to place I
HoiliiMMtiori ejui'lS'l.ite l,ir lite .,r!r::
county iiltlet'.. Hi Jiie-i'lit-it: !! Hill h."
toliow. heie;r h:le'i on the vol"' en-!, lor
Itoii. : ii .V. Iliileoiii!) tor -roci-riio!" iii Is; i ;
lei re I1. s picehie I !e!i h' ; 1 1 1 e ! i j u' ,
Ito'liuv hie.ten ;;, i oiioiMtoe.; , ."j ; 1 ,e
l"oiui.,i; !l,i! i nvk, ililii.oei, I; v;.,m
l'o e. I. lOiMiii'itT lit- r 1 : sii.oo- ( ret L :
Misnir I..mI,::; tt !.i-i,i.ii..i Wn.i,- iiAt-r.
',; Wln-I.el reek.i, liiiikiiiKli total ol
It i r
Hl'ttU'llile,! ti,it pi iimo us e to h 1
n1 llie II., I:, I J, if,- JOI'I hours 111 til
)reeiuei-o i Tmir. I:iv, .Van- !.'
li.e el eel ;ol: ol I leii'S.I I es a 'el llo,M
".'.'i. In!-
t'KI'l il", i.i pi-et-inet nJHos,
M. J. W I HI, 'l,
I luirnnti le.U. ( o. ( ci i
Hill Villi !.HT
clru' Hitter , as a remedy for our j
-': If not, get a hot tie now and j
! f. This lla diille b is been found I
Try F.I,
1 i(.ii!i,
i;"t re I
to ! p
!!y tidapied
.ei,,r ;,,! i
ciiie' of a!! female complaints, t.
t imr'a'i
vvoiri-i ful tui-ei.-t iiilliiem e in giving"
streegth and tone to the organs. !f you
have loss of appetite, constipation, head
ache, tainting; spells or are nervous,
sleepless, excitable, melancholy or trou
bled Willi dby sf M-i Is, Klectric Hitters is
the mediciii,' you need,
strength art; ffuaranteetl
Large bottle only 50 cents
ncer l'liannacv.
by its
at il,,.,
am I
Special Incursions to Hot Springs. '
On the following dates the V. L. &. M.
V. will sell excursion tickets from Har
rison, N'eb., to Hot Springs, S. it., and
return for one fare for the round trip.
These tickets will he good returning for
thirty days from date of sale: May It h.
June Till and Hi! li, July :ld and l!Hh,
August iii and 2:M. For further par
ticular apply t' K, F. 1'iivni's,
Sutler till' I'lllllll'llliull.
lain, I (ulli-e nt .Miiunee, Nell., I
MKT. II. Is'i.'i. 1
Sotiee lit i'"li,v civfli Uie loiiort inf
nioiieil -el t li r hit- IlleU lioltee of hi- inlet!
Hon lo make final proo! In snpiMirl. ol his j
elntlii. itii'l l!;;.t -al'i nrool ttlii l.e tnaileln- j
line M. .1. Hunt el I. ( lerk f )Ut riet ( oiot ul
llam-sai, Neiini-ka, tut eju. i'l, Ir'M, t ;
illiiiui lliller. ul' ISml.trr. .i l.
M ho Inaite II. No. ','IDls liji-tin, lie. ' t -ee.
ri ip. Ha ti., r, ,, j
lit-t-olll IIIIIOIIS 1 eiiient'e upon II III! I'll 1 1 1 Vlt
(ton ol, -al'l iaiel, V Ir : 1
M. ( . Iioioi. ('. K. I'olji-f. Ilenrv iiiimer
liiiin, Alati-on -on I li tt or i h, ail of Jiinhtre, :
.Nell. nlt
A'nleeu SoiltliUtitlli. til' ISiulnir. Nell., J
tt no umile II. I.'. No. 20IH for I lie lot. I J (
.on! e. .. li . h ,-e. ), tp. . u.. r. :,i 1
lie itaaie-, llie luilou ietr tvltne-se- to prot e I
his contlitlloil-re.lUeiiee upon uie! ell, Ill a
tion ol. saiil hunt, V t. :
illiaiti .VJjiler. Henry .iiioiicniein. sjepii i
ell -el res. Hli ol lloilare. .Sell., ijcorire C.inl.l
ol Hal l Ism. Nell. ,
J. W. VI i;ii, .hi.
ir.Hi lifK'.stvr. !
i ,,,-,.- , , , -.r-- !
V'ii V"r'Are Jibrn to buy a SrwinR MArhhr
tlo not bo (J"t;civt-j by allnrinK ativc rtiBmeTit
snd tw Ji'd t thinlt you can gel tho beat made,
finest rimmed ami
Most Popular
for r mere oni;. Sivi to It that
voti tiny from rcluMi
fitliircru Ihut hnvt uninetl a
repuution by hoiiuni uinliMujaa
dmlinc, yu will then Ret a
Stwir.t; Mttchuiti that m noted
the world over for it dura
bility. You want the une tbat
U eiudevt to manaiu itatl ia
Licrnt Running '
OP ?' There li none tn the world that 1
Utruclitin, durability of worVinn
art, niieuestt or liniaD, Dcauty
Hnnearnnie, or haa ul many
improvt-'ioiioU Uie
New Home
It bun Automatic Tentu. toiih. Peei, ttn
i tmth kideituf nmdle (,c,i0;noothf,rhit
it : Now Standi iwA1rivinK wheel htafed
n atl)ustV)leater9,thureduciDKlrictot
the mlaiuiuuj.
. .
lUCl itiiD nUati Olillllllvl afltnlBCl tVt
SHOGinn, i. Mr. lioi'M, lo. nijt.
CaL. ATI.iiriA.tjt,
l IN U I
AyCrS W-.'
it tention
n to all le-ii
V and i i-lr..
i Land Ollice.
j matter- in .Justice. ten
, (,...,' ..-,1 I ,,,.,.,1 Sliit
I .' i.e";al papers
il Ui'il cV,
aivfitlly draw n.
1 1!. L. SMII'.'K".
Fashionable Barber
hwun ,in scistJit.-- t, -s oi:pi:i:.
l.iVt' I tile
J. I
FHiNNKY. M. ).
Fliysiciiiii ami Sitrgcnn,
ll calls ien proiiiit ntleutioii.
Ollice ill Drue -to; e.
rl.UIhlKON, - - Ni:l!l(tsK,i
Iujlay UL.iiiii. 1 l.-jchi'.ri. Is'M Itllidniis.
tftmn Loatil, itui.1 liin fitK's (.utuiit'Tuut !it
Jliulditi)-m Amiritx. f",raiiu;vi-Cit rcaitily hecun: i.iu
I ualton.s. IthU'iIhI .thmnurd (aiinl'ji;ti
11 ; i . i.iiur tir.
ijuuir, tv.
on U. f. A 0. A fi. ttdt.,
Jiaa Oolleire, Actnteriiir;,Norrrin!. Art, Mugie,
fjnmmefo'uil and M mini School UerMutintsuts.
It ist.rictly tirul class, and tiicb rrd, but
char(fftsonly lie aJnrut.o price. Co-ociur.iit.inn-
ill. H)incil IjIIiIicr J mil. SlUOM IN ALL.
N AUTnnd MUSIC. Iitw1.ruo.tion byEnroj
rgn ArtiftU at priors within reach of western
VWV- Come a,,Jneoi.rAKTnAI.U In imi
wo nave tntl JrorrMtnnt, two rlrjatnt I ipe Urnns,
1,1 1'ionm.CnliiiietorKRiK.F'iiifOtflwsiro.Fourbiiiidj,
Omiano h,.ci-.v, hmuuful thapnl.licw Autlitorium,
br,in Sepl. Jltn. irnti nun woeK clt. vat
Uytue (im. Kcv. Crl A Kwifiimoii, J'h. D, Jt,
I IL rj H I M I m K N I I
SWISS Witf (TBlA ;
ti h n mil
fli1 il n HF H 1 I u
K i n l-ri fa
Is the name and fame of the "Old
Reliable" store of MARSTELLER
BROTHERS, where you can al
ways find bargains in everything
to be found in a
Now is the time select your
in AND
m ti
Highest market price paid for produce
of all kinds,
Marstbllek Bros,
"The Old Reliable,"
J'i iip'cauila I's name we standaloll.
And honor not its propagator,
We sell you goods, will make you laugh
'.Ami go and tell your neighbor
T!i8 cheapest place to trade
Yes, that's
l .ra vR a mjt O m
Lumbar, Coal and
Sash, Doors,
Lath and
Wixidmill and
II ,i,h:hun
J the greatest nutHipin vast
of the Missoui Jfiuer-
It advoeales mm StoVBll
'at the ptvusei)t -ratio at iU)9i
t o ono
Its uew$ seryica i tU b'st Ut
ia oblaioeJ.
Daily, 0 00 ; 50c6at
i ifir lUOll i 1 VtOOifl. ?i vv U&t
Subscriptions for th
rucm-ri at ni off.
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the name, just
Farm Implements,
Blinds, Lime,
Pump Supplies.
jComfcy Surveyor,
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