The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 15, 1895, Image 2
t r ! J- 1 TbCiCcr,tfJrjm2l. irtumim.j Suhacriptioo Prim, 93 00 Editor- Eatarad at tka Harrusw port oa a TMcmdat. Arwr 13. 193. 4'aH r Kaaaallraa Caaaty (Vatral r UUcc BartlBg. Tae repablWsui eoeoty central eommttie Of assess eonaty Is hereby culled to nn-et In Harrlaua, Meet-., ua Saturday, Aug-utt '. at e'elook, p- la., fur ta purpose uf cutting theraaatj convention ami tor tbe traus aetkas of sack olfc'jr business a tuuy prop rly mn before iu All eoaamitteeiueii an urged to be proven t ay order ia tlCOI (over, W. II. IUvis, tlutlrmaii. secretary. CeeaJag Coateatioa. LMnocratic state convention, Bryan wiag, Omaha, August 22. People independent, Lincoln, Aug. 29. Democratic state convention, admin istration wing, Lincoln, Sept ft. People independent judicial conven tion, 15th district, O'Neill, August 20. Republican state convention, Lincoln, Oc tober 3d. Chadron is again working to secure a sugar factory and ha recently bad a Tactical sugar manufacturer there to look over Uie field. There is more likeli hood of aucoaas with a man like tint than with aa adventurer such a they bad on their string before. The out come will be awaited with much inter est by all northwest Nebraska. The Rosecomb-Hol water outfit got knocked out in the district court in the lire and police commission foolishness. It is a disgrace to the state that the gov ernor should defy the law as he has and it has been suggested that he be impeached. Probably if such proceed ings were commenced he would declare those laws to be unconstitutional. An anarchist is a dangerous man in power. In ancient Assyria and Egypt crop. were grown by irrigation, the water be ing raised by slaves in a very cruilt manner. Compare the possibilities ol the modern windmill with tbe crude im pleraents of the of ancient times and ' can then determine what the grei plains country will be in tbe future aa U population and wealth. Those ancient nations were wealthy and prosperous but every state that embraces the great plains ' territory will be richer thin, Egypt in her palmiest days within the lifetime of men now living. Irrigation fhrmer. Editor Tim Sedgwick who is old enough and has had ample opportunity to observe so as to know what ha is talk ing about makes tbe following remarks "It is unfortunate for a man to get int. politics, and if we had a real good Irtend that we loved as a Brother, we would mi vise him to keep out of it entirely. It U like sticky fly paper. It is a iittl. tempting and when you fall into it tl tastes a little sweet at first, but you tug and pull and swear your fife awuy try ing to get out of it We know men no v who are down flat in the sticky Mull', both wings fast and tbir legs all stud. tight try ing to pull themselves out ul the mean. The very bast advice you can give any man is to keep out of politics" H." H. Oakley, now president of tie state Hsh commission, when question), said: . "I realise that tbe greatest trou Us encountered by the commission i the more of leas common practice ' saining.' There Is not much of it gniiv on now because this Is not the best sen mm for flsh, bat It hi my intention tc prosecute violators when they ngttin b gin operations. The commission Im now refused absolutely to stock tip cer taJa streams until assurances ar givet that Ish will ba protected. Several ar rasto intra been mad this year aad mor. wilt follow. I long since commenced u wart ap casta agaiaat violators and with Um aaaistaao of Superioteaineat O'Brici. of the hatcheries I have matter in hap. for pro as at actio. Liacoia JmnnaL It k intotastla; to aota that the pop in soeae of the coaatia ha instructs. abaer nslagati to the state con van tka of that party te aana.rt Judge Kaace lot Xtm laajaattats ror pran judge. Tmv fmnf Ism' mmn friind, aVsMwatar, iti all ia hia pewer to idtoe the rajwh i to lea.i Mai of JudKv si Mt, that watrhaf fulati i w5t be trM hi the pop ar I?, tin raeaM wetkm of Oav. Bstwib leS KJjBaflsl st fci wtot Mtal PWM09 to9UMhaw wto) hi Misr Mm thassh of Masewatar i BMUmmSu ca to amw to hf inaat tdmrn. Tanwaftw fMfto wto Oa rtoMCpeaat wtoeh wa c&mmcz&Ct'G tow to n CtttM Um smt Catomb llcf CswMtov cJ afft Justus Jarhsnn of th supreme rutin ol lis Umlad Bute died a ( day ago at hi southern horn. H was a man of mora than ordinary ai:ty. J. C Seairast, aa employe of tha Lin coln Jvwnmti, received a draft a few day ago for proving that tha Omaha live had mada a falaa statement of it circulation to tha publisher, of Howell's newspaper directory. It would aeeni from that that political reports were not tbe only ones which tha Bee got mixed. The republican uUi cvtitrl cum Htittee met at Lincoln lititt Me k &.ud n sued a call fir tlie state convention In be hel l at L.ti' uln on Wenuemiiy, K t .lcr 2, la . The re(reseiitatioii in iA.-J'i.ii tlte vut tut lor bUile Treanurer Hartley and will make a t"Ul of 1,037 Jeleute eatitled Ui MitK, two of which are al lotted to Sioux county. As there are no state officers to be elected but one supreme judge and two regents of the state university, and there being no op position to the re-nomination of Chief Justice Norval it was thought best by some to reduce the number of delegates but lite majority decided that a Urge representation would ba mor to tlte in terests of the party and tbe call was made accodingly. A large number of delegates will come nearer to expressing tlie iis of the people than would a small number. Jtott Them Oat Chart ron Journal. The press is at present engaged in a crusade that should nave been inaugu rated long ago, and if the pi ess has the power that has been ascribed to it, it will succeed in eradicating or at least greatly diminish tbe particular evil up on which it has trained its batteries. Editors all over the country seem to have suddenly realized that the toogue of scandal must ba silenced if civiliza tion is to advance and a high standard of morals be maintained. Of all social evils extant today none is more despi cable than tlie practice that prevails so generally of originating and - spreading candaL Its effects are two-fold, for it not oaly casts a shadow upon the fair name 01 those implicated, but it cventa ally produces iu the community a disre gard of morals that cannot fail to end id degradation. The huge boulder that I mugs poised on the top of a hill needn Uul a touch uf tit hand to send it crush ing to the bottom, bringing destruction to everything in IU path, and jul so a .andal requires but U be given a start ul it flies along, britiging pain, Borrow iiu trouble and fury often wrecking Uie uvea of loose alto are its inuoceul Vic tim. In every community there is a class of ieiiple so morally lv, o mentally eult uud perverted in taste that they make it a point to II oJ some circumstance, however alight, that wnl warrant them in originating a scaudal. it only require to be origiuated, (or there ar usually pleoty ready to attend lo ita promulgation, it seems almost improbable thai such persons cau hold .uiy social pooilivu or Im aucoroed any iepect( yet they are fivqutiilly fouuu among limes wlMt are accouuled nocily'a uprer crust," and it i tins very tact thai makes Uitih ttmigornUB. it liif .vere iwknd Ufnjil ai trwiUd wilh the coiittun't aii:t Ifatlimg that they dt-scrve Uieir power Would Soon eiid,-atid il Is lo attaitcu Una leeinig Uial Ihe yrv ih nw jlrivmg, , . ' it w iiuUMSieriai w ho starU or aswsu .u npivadiag a auaiMUi. lltey may lwv sullh aud ingii auoai puaiUun, as toe .utur unit m used, out Hwa are as vile as Um luuwt Mavkeued cliarwuUir lu uwutiuuuiiy. Tile moiaeut Utal even Unt slightest billt of a scandal uaiaiss Utetr iips, Uicy slMuld lla atiunned and deapiaed uy all huMvrable Mu aad woiweu. Tne acaudal-ulunger glide Ulruiigtl the com uiuuity like Um fclituy, Oaauly aoake, rinsing lauoceat objeel iter and there u Ina course, liuregiait(Ug their pure uiovid wiUi Um potaoa tttat kills, but .muself eacapitig. f kt Im pa esse you, crush him under foot,' for you know not tit day oor the hour when hM fang tuall pwro yor flaah. If a community M to praawrva a .Maltbrul aociaj atmoanher, if naorality , to Im iu clairactarlaUc aad if honor tud purity ar to rewjafa thro, than ma aod women nasi awaken to the .act Uatt ih tirat iiiatial la the ao- Mnphahtuot or the things la to si leno the tongue of swadal. A aowUva ref uasi to listaa to It, aa opaa caadim- aauoa aad VauaciaUoa of tboaa mbod .laeata of all that M vUa who aaak to ,prad it, wiU reauH la tha sradioatioa J. that' asosi dwaawabk batog, Um awdal-Monger. Bm aatannaaUaa aowd b Um Mbliasa aajct f evwry ra- aUtofs, Xab., Aat. tl to tt. taa local raaatua aawHttoa aA Baav wgs aad perjfM gaaifall ar aMy ng a taaarstlia tar Mm gfaataat ,agrfatoataWaaWlcWaaa aaf aVMftataSet tfalifcaP '(H 3raaWaWa3a aJa f& vyal aMjiiaiimajaato aaaqr & Oood riga furnislml oa ahort notio. Keliahle driver and quiet aaddlo horse always on hand. , OchmI aoconimodaUons (or transcient customer. Honws boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME k CALL GEORGE OLINOER, PBOPBIETOR. -THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. R. K. BurwgTLa, President. D. B. ORIRWOLl), CaahUr. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $50000. EVansacts a General Banking Businecs. CORKESi'ON DKN I S: Aumciit Ezchaob National Bank. Nr York. Ukitkd States Natiokal Bawk. Omaha, Fdmt National Bank, C'hadroa. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. taTDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. siwrw ilmn promise to excel in number the attendance of any previous (father ing. Fully oO.OOO citixenx of Kansas will join in this trrmid re-union. The NVImiska band union, embracing nwr 600 unilormed men, will hold their innual re union on t lie same dates. Ttiere will I music galore. Bj.iiU contest on Saturduy morning. rwncHHh prizes, 73 llrst: 50 second. Free for all. Bunds exjctinK to enter must report at headquarters Tuesday noon. Nebraska's excellent national guard- infantry has been ordered into camp at (lasting during the re union ot trie old noldiers. Tbe local committee has contracted with one of the Iarf3t manufacturers of lire works m the L'uited States lor a spe' ml display of lire works on Monday and Friday evenings. Hignal hht-lls, llred front mortars, and Imridwtiie M.-1 tiieces KU).'KtiVe of the occasion will in1, one , of the ('harmruir features of the weeks iiroifraiu. rjliiim txtttle rri(lay-uiHier coiniiiaiio f Uru. John M. 1 buyer and Ueu. t,. J. ilw;rili wiil urou old tune activity and admirutiofi. The oitiaviw id llastinKS are preparing accommodations for a quarter of a mill ion of beolde. vamp Siieruian will be turned over , to apartment commander Adams at i o'clock, p. in Monday, when hostilities will eomniense in earnest. ttut bsloon ascesioos and parachute drops by one of the leading aeruoauU of the country. Prominent among Um speakers from Kansas will be ea-lieaator Julio J. lo galls, Oov. Morrill, Bernard Kelly and u. R. AnUiony. TIm N ebrask a cong reasiona I delegation, en-dept. coin manders of the O. A. K. will also be preseot, aod other promiocot speakers. HpacMi reuucea rat son excursion tram from all points. Fra wood, bay and straw, aad an abundance uf good water. rare for round trip, from Uarriaoa, good returning uatil beptamber S, 1HM, U.40. Flaal Praaf Xatwea, All aarasas aavtaaT leal proof naUosa Im tats sneer will ri a sarkd ewnjr of itm pauwr saw ar ri ! to esaaiiua taalr aauce aaa u aa eresxs mih raHn um . Xetire fsv rballratMa. IjM UMtee at AJIIsaoa, Hee, , JagrasM ) MaUre at hereby alvaa that Ma Mtowltur aauMRl aiMUar Baa tfted awtMa i kis ialau Uita M ataase aaal as eel la saayaert e Sis lalw. awl HiaS i araef will aa taade ee lera M. J. IMewaSl. etmru el IMatTMt (SMrt. a Uarrissa, Asst., aa nsjK. f, MM, U WUUaM a. aelaea, eflurrtsaa, .sabn i Maae M. K. Max aajsfar tae w. JS aw. U. Is aa. t aad aw. Itttsf ee i tf . v . f Ma Ma rasatvlng wwasa M ntwv hM aUaae raata anaa aa) aaiHva Maa ml, asM tsaaa. rUl m 9909 IfcatoJCaSaV MT IMaWflt At HsMbfaa tsWSBa MeVMNta, srsat jajeea, M t tsarrMaa, aia. I -Ml a. w, w ),, Meals aul ba ftr a4 M bf aaal at at u asMsYM . lee aa i nilnstsgef WM aii tf my mmmmVS& IBMSBMSBM Msrass, ratsat m waaa aaa aaa il'a m9 89 MaV StMaWMaT 48T JSPaWSsJsbaJ al44 tWl'V 8MaTy tat Jfcaflaa mmf 0mtHttf Af1 ta8) flrMW fN aaaasy aawa. Mi mm b mtmmmmt-i bf abaaal la MsassM MM mmmmmt, mf (MM. sasraM, raaaM M jfrnvm AM eats a aa ajad a ar IMata BMMSJSSB?Llsm i ar bsol asaarras Um rtgkt t reM aaf rMaSafaattii. af aaaabr a. a sjmi Feed and Sals Stable. C. r. rorran, Vica-Prasidaat. Xoflrr hir PnMlri'lon. IjuidCfflri-st Mtlnnoe, Neb., ( Jaly IS, 1 Mottre I hrmby KivR following nsnied wtllr hits flll nollco of his lntn- tlon to niske flnsl proof in support irf III" Clutiii, slid inst saia prow win iiuiai nr fore M. J. Rlewett. clerk of the district court. at Harrison, Nilr., mi Anf. M, Invs, vis: VI I n in- E. I'imiIp. formerly XmHh, of Harri son, Xrb., who made II. t No. tMS for the ae. V sso. II, to. St n.. r. w. He names tbe following witnesses to prove nis coiiiitiiiout rtwmence upon hiiu cultiva tion of sld land vis : Aufa.t llMsselquiat, W ill U II. tirvn, John 1. Itnrls, Louis J. rtlmiuims, all of liar risou, Neb. 45 M J. W. Wins, Js., IUit. r. A lloasfkuld Treasare. I). W. Fuller, of t Janajoharie, N. Y., says th;it lie always kecih lr. King's New 1'iscovery in the house and his fain ily has always foi.inJ thu very best i- ssulls follow its use; that he would n it be without it, if procurable. O. A. Dykuiii.-ui, druggist, OilskiU, N. that Dr. King's New Discovery is un douhuadlv the best cough remedy; that be has used it in his family for eihl years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try u remedy so long tried und tested. Trial bottles free at Pioneer Pharmacy. Reg ular tae 50c and (1. Baralra Arnica Naive, The best sal v in Um world for cubs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and all skin eruption and positive ly cures sles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mooey refunded. Price 24 cants per box. ror sale by rioneer rharawu y. J ast Praai tar Prtwa. A vary attractive publioalion has just baao isaaed by the paaseoger depart meot of th Burliagto Route, t bears the title "Tb Newer Norttwest" and de- acribas ia a atoat iatae tiasT aod read able fashtoa t&oa portion of wortliern Wyoasiogand Um Black Hill of fttnlh LsmkaU wMub are r4 by this oom paayalioe. Tb aoaaary, towns, wmmb, aanpla aad MaaVriea of Usra tww runairkalaa c Uamt of coantrv treated of with r aviate Metaty, 9M paga with illaatta ttoaa, asat oa faoaspt of It osau In i PbJKana,0.r.T. A, 5 North-Wcatcm P I I V, ai tha beat wW JPIsl fcbjr susin C5T naos Sioux County, ssavssBSSSsassaa tiiel::doftiieiio:.e STetoai. Fit3 llomc3 lor Hore Than 5,000 Lien. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., i AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles of rail'oad and has no county bonds. MO BOX DM, MO DEBTS. LOW TAXES. Pael, Posts, Log aad Laaibrr Chrsprr Tata at aay Othrr Place la Xrbraska. Sioux county is the iiorlhwe.t county of Nebru-ska. It is about thirty miles east and west by about seventy mili-s north and south and contains OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of land. Tlier are more bright, spark ling, small streams in the county than can be found In the same area elsewhere in the state. It has more pine timber in it than all the rest of the state combined Its grasses are the richest and most nu tritious known so that for stock-growing it Is unexcelled. Tlie soil varies from a heavy clay to a light sandy loam and is caiable of pro ducing excellent crops. Tim principal crojis are small grain and vegetables, although good corn is grown in the valleys. The wheat, oats rye and barley are all of unusually line quality and command tlie highest mar ket prices. The water is pure and ref resiling aod is found in abundance in all part of the county. The county is practically out of debt aud bits over forty-five miles of railroad within its borders, has a good brick court house and the necessary fixtures for run ning tlie county and there has never been one dollar of county bonds issused and hence taxes will be low. The Fremont, Elkhorn 4 Missouri Valley railroad crosses .Sioux county l mill east to west and the U. A M. lias ilsiut fifteen miles of its tine in the iiorllieu.t jsirt of the county. Tbe climate is mor pleasant than that of tlie eastern portion of Nebraska. There is still OVER 800,000 ACRES jf land in Sioux county yet open lo tiodiestead entry. It is better land and more desirubly located than that for IihIi such rushes are made on the open ing of a reservation. There is no rail road land in the county and (or tiuit reason its settlement lias been slow for no special effort to get Settler was made, as was done in the early days ol the settleuwut of tha tsietero part of lis. state. Good dessWd land can ba purchased at reasonable rata with government land adjoining so tint a peraon ulto want mora than one quarter aectiu can obtain it if ha baa a little p waits, Thar ar about 9,500 uaofile In Ua county aad there is room for IboujauxK mora. Ilaniaoa la Ute-rounty aaal aad is alt- MladoaUej P. & AM, V. railroad, nasi i aa good a Iowa aa the thialy sett led uouatry desuand. School house a4 -hwnjies are "o- vidad ia almost every awtteaaieat and are kepi lift with Use times. AU who desira tu get a It snail mil or buy land cheap ar iaviUsi to cwMte ami sue tha ouawtry for them! va aad Judge 4 Ma aiarita, Huajaati nl will not he obtaiaahl aauch lunger aad if yow want Ut aa yoac nght aad gat IM acre of laad rreaa Uaota fata fraa it is iwu you war ahoejt it. Lsvak at TU laM dtiaat (hsrago HC laasali fjaaatia LisMsdsi M. Uaabt ' linaver Knsai City iJaasiwooud ItaVaw'at aasUer arfaiiai you iaVead fisiiiag. Tha Barliagusa aVssv a las s st Ihm la nil aa it hi ba any mm) uf .lien,. f Advartlshsg easMs awd full infaraia i'ia alsast tin aw aaal rabas eat 04s 4 mw coa. JX faAlKat, O. t. 4 T. A. .- Oaamha, Wab. OFFICIAL DIRECTOR. srAitujm't l"" -lis X. MoWwiib .- iivrlt.r. H K. Maura.. l.butMiaiit uuvsrnwr J. A I'lsar saaretiiry ul si- l,u Muore ..Aadiior Juauli s. Msrtley Tnsar-i A. . iharrblU Altornsf lMiri H.t.'. ku-rll .......LaadtomiiilsaUMii-r It. aitMrboli jaipl. 1'nbllr latnndlm . IsJ.NllKaSMlOJUL Jis.iai.ATKO C. F. Mauderson I. a. aanalor. isw.h Wia. V. A!iu V. . saalur, Msdisuu W.J. Mryau. t uiistmsihbji 1st Ui., MihsjIu il H. Hit aaf. ' d ' innahn O.' l. JfetkMJtan " ' " r uirruti K J, Uaiuaff. " " turui W A. MoKkajraan. " Jtti ' Wil,-i u. M. fsrn, sth " ItrnS'ii ' Jt iHClAHt : T. L. Norval. fat'l JusIUh-, -n I A.M. I'ost AssucUW- Judgi-, I ulumlius T. O. C. Harrison ..As'la Judge. OMud Man.l It. A. liaaipladl.. Clerk and K Mrlrr, I.ii-iih rirraKNTH jrimuLiM'nHK t. M. P. Klnkakl -Jmliri'. ti v-lil AUrl Uartow " I'ti'idiim M.J. aiewatt mr-rk, llsm-.ii (Kir STY OKriCKK: Kutxirt Wilson t oiinty Juds- M.J. MeweU Il'jk. II. s. Woodruff Traiwmvi W. II. Iiavls upt. Hubllc Inroi r:.ii A, K. Ic.... Hi-rllf J. K. Hhlnuiiy i ojiHicr s. U Kill Mir M.J. Bli-wett... Clerk ul Alvlii T. Clark tminiy ln.rm- ltOAKH ir ( ( Krunk Tlnkham 1st Ul-irl. P M. J. Webnr l It. r . Jo'.inwni (chalrinaii; .At " l.rXilSl.tTIV I.: II. O. Mcsiirl-.M imlor, HUl Nu. 14, 1 r: lout W, I i.-ii, t . . Ki,p., liUl. So. .Vt, Ilriiilnyii, VII. I. At. K Klr tl f H" V.J. Itlt-Hctt trhmrumu, ..... . Ini-ii... Kohs.-r -. ' J. W. hs-ott , II. II. t.rl"l " W. II. MnrstelliT I.. J. Simmons . .....t'li.k ltiih lf-rltii-li ... I ifitnri'i- J. W. iiiltli lur-li.! M " Mil. r 1 1 W. fH-Otl Kit- J. W.fKtdl I"IIS'I..- It. I.. Sunn k Mi'iiTutur it. W. Hotter. .................... 'I riMim t TKUMS nr" l" KT : lil.lrn l Cimrl, At llsrrisli, ihiii,.i-u. , . April Hth Slid Nuteinlsir 'Alii. L4iuuty ioiirl, At llarrtwnt, iutii'iHu-. tlrNt Mondity id :h!i mitntli. Cllfltl UK- AMI ms K1 K. M. K. Cliurt-h -I'rvHi'liliiK mcli intxrnui-Smiil-iyst I0;:in. 111., uud ,-n-rv viih.I., y i-m-i, mar it 7 :ko. Kkv.c. k. Cos sri.i.. I'ii.lir, Mi'tluslUt siinda si-ttH,l tiiiH't . i-H-if "'tii . dsr iimrniiiK hi 1 1 :."i J. I,. MaKi tl.Ll:li, w. ll.lxviK, KllHrlll(-IMrtl. S,-.i':, , . WIMIDMCV (H Til K H Ilk I I). HurrlMin Cuinn, No. niti-ts nn (hi dr.t and third Siilnrdav nliir n( eiwli nmnlli J. .. I'Missrr. r;, r". I'umu s, Clerk. Cm,. ( 'um, MoHMtVMVimliMKV OK AMI.HH .'A. Mets eni'h Mll'Timl" f itnnl iy m-miiIhi; at s uVlovk. A, l(. OK. w , V. ( , .1. W. MI1TII, CliTk. r.l'HOUTII f.h.tul I.. IX'viitloniil inurtlng every Sunday mwii!u at :.'!. labtni'l nii-rtliiK uu u.iU m' ,i.-.i drnt. Mil it: Hkstmi, MKS. W. II, IlsVIK, I'resldrnl. Ms'rrtsrv. ' rtiiiTiistzzTtttttmittr. $100.00 Given Away Every Mouth to the person submlttlnc taa ssast aierltortaas lavfatlaa during U precodln nionui. WK MfcVfKa fATSinrs n rott INVBNTOR8, aud the Vs objoct vt this off rr la to rn couraff persons of an invrnt. v lu ra of mind. At the am tints we wlh to Impress th fact that 11 It's the Simple, Trivia! Inventions That Yield Fortunes such I) lwf' Hook 1 an4 Ko,"8o that Hump." "Safety Tin." "Pi In tlo-. vr." "A!r Brake." etc. , Almost rvery one concelvt , a a brig bt Idea al no tnno or 1 oilier, w ny nni pui 11 in prar lloal use? yuL'U Islenta may lie in tins nirecikin. May msko your fortune. Wfiy ri' l try? u ;; a 1: " rewrite for furthrr Isformation ; jif BMiallon till paper. THE PRESS CLAIMS GO. rblllp W. Avlrett. aaa. Ma'.. 618 F Street. Northwest. wAsmwoToa. 0. t. ajpi.asiMllty of thu oooiisuii mat ba judri-ii iii inc tact that 11s Stut'k ia lield ly uet wi,e ikuusand ul tea Itsullli i!'WI, I Ulr Uailad Mausi " . f '.; . drc? rri r-i c"t.r.ut r.t txpciir.e . rr-r'x v..-m.v. in w. ivii er. t ood or aosaw. R 1 111" . rnol'r.. .i- r'.t r j.-hm. aessIM' or 'siViM'o. raids ns mmfinorrt fi if:" tt-" ":'sMjn .rn, at iftir.- I r (he ti.rm. Writ (w aats(re-. , W" nM tm'"f ;it rtr esf nlts. mry ft tpmrr'- 1 :- ;ni Knutw m 'iiapo 'mmom u 'MCWtMnS UHIOW avassev 'seJaj aanjad n1nX j atqrjnw sai taa m a q?aJl inastnruj au r.)a AsA4 twttqm mmtgm t mmS aai naasaossf ana; laiassgasQ) 'rvTrttrlOt SApafSioj Aias w WPaj4 fu 'sajaa n w V-i.. . . aaaM f jam( joeu.-vs au A papnpu! 1 tm r fmv 'anranjivai mi oati'rn 'Mimtan 3101IISHI SiHTH IS 1 ,v s ,-(' , ',vv 1.. ' - .m..mVy iw-" sl it f'. 7