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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1895)
"i ' '-". i '-.. I . ,' . j , .',''',..:.," :. ... yi 1 1 1 tire rrom. A New Zeland wimni'i whel club baa disbanded, owing to the member being unable In acree upon the defini tion of an amateur. Before long the b:ke riders will be de manding a transcontinental boulevard, in order to have a (ml sweep for a tpurt-San Francisco Call. , f-o much is the bicycle supplanting steed in fine his only represent.- I ... , . . . rosy be the c nvem inn dark horse l. .:. it. w the life and the i.iuhtmare. Sj rirgfleld News. GREAT BOOK FREE. When Ir. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. Y., published the 6rst edition of bis work, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, he announced that alter copies had been sold at the regular price, (i .50 per copy, the profit on which would repay him for the (rreat amount of labor and money eipended in producing it, he would dis tribute the next half million free. As this Dumber of copies has already been sold, be is now distributing, absolutely free, 500.000 copies ot this . most com- pltte, interest- l Ol l'U. ing ana vai- able common ical work ever No. 112 I sense nied- - published the recipient onlv being required to mail to bim, at the above address, this little cofPON with tw?uty-one (21) cents in one cent stamps to pay for postage and pack ing only, and the book will be sent by mail. It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. It contains over 1000 pages and more than yx illustrations. The free Edition is precisely the same as those, sold at $1.50 except only that the books are bound in strong raanilla paper covers in stead of cloth. Send now before all are given away. They are going off rapidly. KNOWLEDGE Bring comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with lata expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world' bent products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid, laiative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figt Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It baa given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acta on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it U perfectly free from vary objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs i for sale by all drug gists in 60c and $1 bottles, bat it it man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Byrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ottered. Beecham's pills are for bil iousness, sick headache, diz ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor pid liver, foul breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples, loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre quent cause of all of them. One of the most important things for every body to learn ia that constipation cause more than half the sickness in the world, especially ol women; and it can all be prevented. Co by the book, free at your druggist 's.or write B.F. AlleoCo. ,36sCanal St., New York. Pills,! and 5 a boa. Aanult,(, nmra Ifcaa ano txtlM. HEW SHORT LINE TO Ju J. FRANCIS. Cen'l Pasi'r Aasnt, OMAHA. N EB DOTS 1 cSftT SEPARATORS Co-LIB) S.e.lor r..rt tv7.r. snS I hum I - Blmpie, Practical, inactive. Durabla, Cheap and Good. CiapKM I'll" "" TIW I.''' MUny look ""aiiad rrae, MTAOSNTS W.NTKII. DAVIS RANKIN loo. fro. co. Chicago, III. PATENTS Thomas T. Slmr-on, WmmIssI" Ulnnl. Wrlwfor Investor's OuiK 'ftllllpll 1Mb mm 5 afttail I as I Mau from Du) Luod. IFroin th Ket ITu.. Mmh., Jb-pullu-an.) "I aiu now Ji ytuM lit. ' eaid filiv'a Rwaubon.of While Km k,(oodhiie County. Minn., to a Republican n prtwu! iIim-, "and as vou esc I am not very larif of suture. When 1 was 11 years old I became afflicted with a sickuens whiih bar!h-d the skill aud knowledge of th physician. I was Dot taken suddenly .11 but on the contrary I can hardly stale tim" wh? il I""- ,Th br,t, synmtoma were iaiui id my uaclt and Ili(,utg. The disease did not tr.m- . . . ble me much at first, but It seemed to Lave settled iu uiy b.dy to stay and my bilter eierieiice during the last thirteen years proved that to be the case. 1 was, of course, ft child and never dreamed of the suffering iu store for me. I com plained to uiy parents and they concluded that iu time I would outgrow my trouble, but when ihey heard me groauiut: during tiy sleep they became thoroughly alarm ed. .Medical advice was Bought, but to uo avail. I grew rapidly sorw and wi soon unable to move about, anil finally be ta 111 e confined continually to my bed. The best doctors thut could be bad were con sulted, but did nothing for me. I tried va rious kinds of extensively advertised pat ent medicines with but the same result. "For twelve long years 1 was thus a sufferer in constant ngony without re spite. Abscesses formed on my body in raoid succession, and the world iudeed looked very dark to me. About this time I when all hope was gone and nothing seemed left but to resign myself to my most bitter fate, uiy attention was called to Dr. Williams' l'ink Tills for Tale I'eo ple. Like a drowning man grasping nt a straw, in sheer desperation 1 concluded to make one more attempt not to regain my health il dared not hope so much), but, i; HKKible, to ease my pniu. "1 bought a box of the pills and tbey seemed to do me good. 1 felt encouraged an' continued their tiae. After taking six bo. s I was up and able to walk around the houre. I bsve not felt so well for thi ecu years us during the past year. On one year have I taken Ir. Williams' Tii ; Tills and 1 am nble now to do chorea am lttend to light duties. " o I hesitate to let yon publish what I h:v said? No. Why should I. It is the truth and I am only too glad to let otter sufferers know my experience. It inu help those whose cup of misery is aa full to-day as mine was in the past." Dr. Williams' l'ink Tills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregulari ties and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In ncn they effect a radical cure In all cases aris ing from mental worry, overwork or ex cesses of whatever nature, l'ink Tills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) nt Ut cents a box or six boxes for f'J.-Vl. and may he had of all druggists, or direct by mail froei Dr. V illiams Medicine Com liany. Schenectady, N. Y. Ike Lswt of that Li. The Kidderminster carpet carpet rade "is improving at last," according ,0 the Ttittle Mercury. Most ot the Kidderminster firms are fully employed. taring orders to keep them going for tome time. This ! a condition that las taken place since we have bad free wool. As we have several times point Ml out, our Imports of Kngllsh made ;arpets have been steadily increasing nuce the woolen schedule of the Gor man tar I II went Into effect. In a recent speech in London Kir Henrv Irvine mentioned his son as a striking Instance of the social bun against the actor in Englrnd. His son is a barrister and as such was eligible to be presented at a levee held bv the Prince of Wales, but now being an act or, though still a barrister, the honor is forbidden him. Rkinnr Huffercrs Saved. Tohsrco users ss a rule sre slways below normal welsbt because tobsreo destroys ill- geatloa and causes osrve Irritation thst ssps brain uower ami vitality. i sn eel a aulrk. cusrsnterd relief lir the use of No-T- Bsc. sad then If you don't Ilk your freedom sad Improved plirah-sl condition you rail lurn 1 he uae of tobsi-co over sasln, Just like the flrst Mine. No-To-Bse sold under (iisrsuiee to eur by Druggists everywhere. Book free. Ad. merllng Keineuy uo York City or Cotrsgo. New It is Mr. Gladstone's latest statement that the older a man in good Health be comes the greater his mental activity ought to be. lie declares that the mind grows stronger and clearer as the body's vitality dwindles, nnd he does not see bow anything except disease of the latter can prevent intellectual progrem from continuing almost to the end of a man's life. Impure Blood Manifests itself in hive, pimples, boils ami other eruptions, which distlgure ttie face and ciiuse puin and annoyance. Hy purifying the blood Hood's Harsaparilla completely cures these troubles and clears the skin, 'Hood's Harsaparilla overcomes that tired, drowsy feeling ho general at this season, and gives strength and vigor. HOOD'S SARSAPARILU Is the onlv true blood purifier prominent ly in the public eye today. SI ; sti lor ja. Hood's Mis cure bsbitusl constipation. Price i cents. I EWIS' 98 LYE si Powdered id Pertumed. (rsTsavaa.) The itrvnf'M sad pure! Lye made Unlike other bye It being a Hue lewder and B'ke In 4 ran with removable lid, the coatenu slways ready fur use. Mill make tits Sed iierniiai-d Haid hor lit 'Ominiilea without buiM0- 11 the beet lor aleaaslns wests ulN'n, illelnleitlns risks, closets, wssblUK hottl's. jmIbIS. trees, etc iLHSA. 8ALX MFG. CO. lie 'I Ats. I'htla., I'a. foe St. Joseph and Grand Island E. R m tss SHORTEST and QUICKLST LINE TO SIX I'OINTK NORTH WEST .55?i EAST SOUTH a ad adlnmnnae-ll.:,.- U9rjfip CtCtpm oii who seek really good articles are Uoaltht)ie UniUH rflb.l.l. OpiClil )( m.lh ,,JW tlln, ,.,, mM eitttTi." I"gonV""airw"ienrhrfiii:iowiir.l the end of the season to sav.' for iiiiorineUuri ref srdl'iK ro-t. etc., tell on or ad.trru auy aireiil or ,,";,."'.:, M. P. Robisho. Ja , en. 1 set. ash Oen'l Maaaser, M JoatpL, Mo. N, K. b, o. 847--3H. lork Neb. il M K MWlt I TI W TO ADVKBTISKK W aleaee my yo saw the advertleem. tr in tufe. peeer. THE question, Which Is the uust useful of all the Invention of the present age? would be a very In teresting subject for discussion In a de bating; society, but the question. Which U the most popular of recent Inventions? Is hardly open for de bate. The bicycle is ao far In the lead that other competitors for popular fa vor are not even within night. And there is good reaaon for Its treat popularity, for the bicycle Is a real treasure a source of health and of power as well as of delight. Pleasure trips are no longer restricted to slow and very limited excursions on foot, or to expensive drives, or to the confine ment of public conveyances; for the bicyclist can get the full lienefit and pleasure of a brisk walk without the fatigue of it while at the same time getting over more ground than a horse can cover, and enjoying the variety of scene w hich conies with rapid motion. But it is the woincu who have moKt reason to bless the Inventor of the bi cycle, for It has done more to enfran chise them from the reatraluts Imposed upon them by time and distance than anything else that we can think of cotlld have done, Not only young wo men, but women who are well along In middle life; not only light women, but pretty heavy women; not only robust women, but delicate women any wo man who is reasonably active cau ride a bike, aud soon learns to feel at home upon It Then, instead of having to support a welgnt or perhaps jm or even last pound. -j every time she puts her foot down, shij only requires to exert a pressure of perhaps ten or twenty pounds, and Instead of covering per haps two feet at every step, she will advance over six feet for every revo lution of her wheel. Thus she will get exhilarating open-air exercise, which The .New Woman Awheel. r- t-. . JU r"VPtg J L. i Breaking a Century Record 011 the Klgln-Aurora I 111. 1 will refresh and strengthen her for iu tloor work without much expenditure of time. Before long the bicycle will compel the improvement of the country roads, and the fanner's wife lustead of hav ing to wall till her husband has time to hitch up nnd take her for a drive, will mount her wheel ut any time and en off to visit her uelghbor or to do an errand In the next Tillage; nrtd will get through her housework all the more easily afterwards. The price of bicycle Is kept pretty well up by the ever enlarging demand, but' the time must coir.c la-fore very long when the supply will exceed the Jeinand, and then prices will fall, and llmoat every family will find some way it getting a wheel. The Quality of Tact. Tact is not dishonesty, writes l-'rau-es K. I-anlgan, In the Ladles' Iloine lournal. It does not mean the sit presslon of the truth nor the expres sion of an untruth, but it docs mean the withholding of gratuitous disa greements from arguments in which they are quite superfluous; It also means the effort to Induce an agree ment kindly when possible, and If an agreement Is Impossible It demands d gracious acceptance of opposing views. Tact cannot be said to be syn onymous with policy; tact Is always honest and policy cannot Invariably be said to have that distinguishing mark. About Iturw-iil"". Kvery woman whose Income requires her to pause and asli Die price of what ln buys catches the bargain fever at some period of lief life, but those who have ennl'ch 10 live on In reasonable ci.Tioii recover from It ami 'hereafter Immune. Tim intelligent shopper soon l, i,rii. that the real bargains for per- ally good artlcl 1'ie cnst or storage, to ninae nsnii tor new goods, and to avoid the disaster iliut attends a change of fashion. A few of the shops that sifdress .hem lves almost exclusively to tho rich snvo bargains about which no great 'uss Is made. There Is never a crowd In these shops, though their business may aggregate millions a year. Mac of their sales are made In single large order. Others are made through cor respondence. Tbey send salesmen with goods to the homes of rich women who find It Inconvenient to come out for their shopping. Many thousands of dollars' worth of the costliest goods are seut out upon approval every day. The Dainty Picnic Girl. At dinner in the leafy woods Her lemonade she sips. And nibbles at the cake she holds Between her linger tips. Her beau Is there, and ere the rest Are half done eating, she Declares she has partaken of "A great sufficiency," 1 But when she homeward goes at night. She to the cupboard flies, Andporkand beans, with beef and greens, And pudding, cakes and pies, She wildly grabs with both her hands To hunger overcome, And wags her jaws without a pause And says, "Yum, yum, yum, yum!" Sbrewd Buaincsa Wife. Congressman Johnson of North Da kota has a wife who Is of rare value to him as a business manager. Mr. John son Is a farmer on an extensive scale and during his sojourns In Washington Mrs. Johnson assumes entire control of 1.800 acres under cultivation. In the spring of 1K03 Mr. Johnson Invested heavily In hay lands. Before the hay was ready to cut he was called to Washington by an extra session of Congress. He tried to find a man who would attend to his hay for him dur ing his absence, and. failing, allowed his wife to assume charge of the big hay farm. The harvest came on. and Mrs. Johnson was in the fields bright and early In her top buggy, and, w hen one field was cut, selecting another, and then another. All of the hay of-the Johnson farm was mown, and then Mrs. Johnson leased hay tracts in the vicinity of Petersburg until the total cut amounted to almost .'500 tons. Mr. Course. Johnson himself says that he never in his life had a crop looked after In s more business-like way than the hay crop of 18!:i. Kulae Hair linfashlotiHtile, It Is re 1 Milted that the style of coif fure which Will be the fashion among women this year Is causing great de pression In the artificial hair trade, which in this country gives special em ployment to perhaps 2.IKMI or M.tmo persons, and In Kranci; to about nvire that number. This season the hair Is to be worn much after the fashion of our grandmother. Hat and hiding the ears; but, Instead of the old-time ring lets, the coiffure will lie carefully un dulated. The effect, it Is said, will be striking, but. the style does not lend Itself to the wearing of postlches, or chignons, of more or less prominence. Whenever there Is a demand for these articles the workers in artificial hair, as distinct from the coiffeur, are very busy ami make a good deal of profit, ami, of course, should fashion he against them there Is corresponding depression. Heat Type of Kenuty. Miss Kdlth Oiftiu, selected as prize winner by the committee of Judges In the California beauty contest. Highest of aU ia Leavcaing Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE Correal Comment. There is a feeling that the postmaster general can be depended on to prevent the trilby ctaze from breaking into the geographies. Washington btar. Xeal Dow at 91 is apparently as strong and vigorous as he has been for 20 years. But who could tell what be might be if he would ouly let rum alone. A large number ot presidential candi dates on both sides are looming up on the horizon. Tbey should make haste j slowly in the looming business. Christmas Weuthir Proverbs. A light Christmas, a heavy sheaf. A warm Christmas, a cold Easter. A green Christmas makes a fat grave yard. A wind on Xmas day, trees will bring much fruit. If ice will bear a man before Christ mas it will not bear a man afterward. If Christmas finds a bridge, he'll break it; if he finds none, he'll make one. The shepherd would rather see his wife enujr i)ie stable on Christm&a day than the sun. If the sun shines through the apple tree on Christmas day there will be an abundant crop the following year. A Small Demand. From Puck. Lady. If I were a big, healthy man like you, I'd be ashamed to beg! Why don't you go to work V Weary Waggles. 1 would work, lady, but I can't get anything to do at my trade. Lady. Well, that is hard, poor fel lowl What is your trade. Weary Waggles. I'm a bank presi dent, lady. . It is given out cold in the hot pre cincts of St. Louis that the local com pany which lights the city with arc lamps is losing $150,000 a year on the lia per lamp rate. With a generosif peculiarly rare, the company refuses to give up the job. preferring doubtless to lose all rather than violate a municipal obligation. Such philanthropy deserves a crown with a halo on the side. What's in a name? W. .-ullivau Vanderbllt Allen has been arrested for debt in Chicago and Mrs. Minnehaha Love McKinley Smith has been ad mitted to the bar of the County of New York. One of our poultry breeders always keeps lump of salt where the poultry can get at it. It it claimed that tbey will not eat enough to hurt them, and that ia probably true. Cold storage has unquestionably somewhat raised the price of summer eggs. But in doing that it has also somnhat reduced the price of winter If. If early broilers are wanted, the in cubator must be brought into use, if enough chickens are expected to make It worth while to go into the business. From four to Ave feet of space si on Id be allowed in the poultry house for each hen. Fifty is enough to keep in one bouse. Rubies of small size have been found in North Carolina and Virginia, and, it is claimed, also in Colorado and New Mexico. The Spinel, often sold for the or. em tal ruby, has been found in New En gland, Virginia and North Carolina. Never give poultry brine. In givii.g salt mix a teaspoon ful to a quart of dry meal and then wet it. If eggs are turned in the nest or in cubator with the naked hand they may be ruined. "Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest Work, but Quick Wilted People Use SAPOLIO Tell Your that you have read that Santa Claus Soap is one of the greatest labor saving inven tions of the tjme. Tell her that it will save her strength, save her time, save her clothes. The merits of SANTA ClAUS SOAP appeal at once to every thoughtful woman. It's the best, purest, and most econom ical soap to be procured. Sold tTerywhera. Made only by The H. it. Fairbapk Company, - Chicago: . Latest U. a. Gov't Report Cars or Milk IB Summer. Cleanliness in all dairy operations is of first importance. Milk with dry hands. Keep the atmosphere in win, u the milk must stand free fr n bad odors. Preserve the desirable II v gra in the cream. If thi m lit ;s wanted sweet, lower the temp rature i6 soon as the milk is drawn Iroin the cow to just above freezing if possible. Neg lect of proper cara of milk by pn'rona is the cau-eof much trouble at 1 lu; fac tory and resulis in a like reduction in net. proti's. o ng to Bed by Co 1 pass. 'I ill Wi.y s s'ee: wnlr mv bead to thw North," sai 1 a well-known electrician the other day. "Ahy? j-'or the t.)mpl reason iliat. I think that, was the way nature intended us to sleep. If a hu man body could be susp' uded in the air, hung like a magnet needle, you would find that it would act like one. The head of the body will eventually point toward Die north. It might take time but it will surely get there. Now, taking this Into consideration, I be lieve that every person thould sleep with the head to the north to get tn benefits of the magnetic currents I hat come from that source. Yes, it ia rather inconvenient sometimes. In many hotels where I have stopped 1 have had to place the bed diagonally across the room. When I travel I al ways carry a compass to go to bed by.. To me it is just as important as & watch." ra:r Faced Mux A fad which bids fair to become fair ly, popular is now blossoming quite ex tensively in Washington. When thw young lady thinks he is dear enough to rts ve her photograph she has a mini ture painted on ashaving mug or mua--tache enp, or, better still, some bit of' cnina bric-a-brac. In order that it shall stay fsst the painting ia burnt iiu-- As amateur artists have often been employed in this work, the results have- not been very satisfactory. The chap pies have sent their photographs tm New York to have the work carefully done, and some good results have bees ; reached. Of course, in case of rupturw and the selection of new loves, th china can be as easily broken as If it. were in the hands of some ot our kitctV ' en mechanics. Washington Star. I am entirely enred of hemorrhage of . lungs hv I'iso's Cure for Consumption. Louisa Lindman, Bethany, Mtx Jan, 8, 'M.. Rev. Mr. Wheeler of New Brunswick, who rides a wheel on Sundays when ht feels like it, has declared in bis hut sermon, "I see no more harm in a spin on oue of our streets on a Sunday af ternoon than I do in a walk on th same." Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. A Chicago judge decides that bicycles can be debarred from office buildings. This ought to stimulate inventive gen ius into getting up a "bike" which caa be taken apart and stuck in the vest, pocket. 1'hiladelphia Item. Mrs. Wluslow's Soothino Svpcr for child ren teelhiiiK. softens the gum, reduces inflanv liiatlon, allnys reswind colic. i" bottle. It would be rank folly tor Uncle 8am to consider the suggestion that be name his next cruiser Kentucky unless be should decide to discard twin screw and use corkscrews instead. Chicago Times Herald. ,lis Helen Gould has presented to the Christian Kndeavor society 50,000 copies of Hev. Dr. Smith's hymn, "America." rMsmoeMetseoNeevNNM 9 Wife