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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1895)
TflE SIOUX Ol'KTY J. Viiuwuu. El!ur and Proprietor. r. f . v (.Kill -t. . 5, mll, 1' For flour, ltt! ..." i ' ' '!". lltHvhouoil romfi'n i i.i ,. . fcreat rwmedy Uz i-. i a' Uie Pioneer Pluirinai . I.-TR HT.tAYtl) A l.rown il.lit;. vear old, branded circle on left thigh. A. MdSlXLKY. If you want a farm pai ir-t one i uhliJied in Nebraska. TliK Jot KNAl. . luls with the Xla-ankn Furuur. (.'all uul m- a ropy of it. The !(, way to avoid. alp dist-ase hair falling out, and premature ImlilneM, I in to ue the bft preventive known fur that purpose Hall' II ur It n-w.-f- We will null hinluu tvjn Jit Ihii following priced: 8t:tn tard, (1.73 jir liuntlrwl; M uiillii, ?j 25 r lninlrfd. The original WfiUrn tr n tl 'ul !(; and Coiiin.ercial In-ditutfi of Shen andoah, Iowa, iu umv Iwllur -quiiR-U than ever la-fore. For (Mrtiuulnrs write to J. M. Hussey, Kliunandoali, Iowa. Nervous debility is a common corn plaint, especially aiivm women. The liest medical treatment fur tliU disorder in a persistent course of Ayer's S,irMip;i nlla to cleanse and invigorate tlie blood. This lieing accfimpliilied, nature will do the rest. ' All Ice email! social will lie given at the residence of Mr, und 11 Z uimermmi Hear llodurf1, on Friday evening, August '.th. The proceeds will go toward the purcluise of an organ for the liodarc lihiirch. All lire invited. County Treasurer Womlfiir und Mi Woodruff cam up itr.t f .. week und have t.ik. u i ' '.i-. in the Jamison pmja-ity a..u V V .rl ruff will give hi personal att-ii"ti. collection of delilUiielit tuxf. "Canst thou minister to a mind disens- askx Macbeth, CtrUinlv, my lord, Hie condition of the mind depends l.nge ly, if nut solely, on the condition of t lie rtoiiiucli, liver, and bowels fur all of which complaints Ayer's Fills are "the sovereignest thing on earth." Ou last Saturday w hile on Iris way I from Ardniore to Montrose where he was to hold services at the Catholic church on the following eay, Rev. Father Z-ik met with quite u serious ac cident. He was thrown from the buggy und considerably bruised alsjut the face and one of his wrists dislocated find the bone fractured. The bank statement culled for the lir-at of August is supposed to show the condition of the banki at the most un favorable time of the year. If all the banks under control of the state board make as good a showing: as docs the Commercial Bank in its repoit, Hie peo ple need not lose f.n'.h i,i tins lmiik. Last Thursday a rtutpiis of "brc wU; buslers" wiib a Uiu.i i;nt!.! 1 came in from the wtsl. 'i ' cy u propositior. to give an exhibition of rid ing if ft purse of live dollars was made up for them. The mon.-y was soon raised and the greater part of the Kipn latioo repaired to the stock yards to see the fun. Opinion was divided as to whether the show was worth what it cost or not. The war on East Hat creek to w liich reference was maile last week turned out to le a row between l'lymptou and Wor deiinan. Tlie latter made complaint be fore J. W. Hunter, justice ol the peace, und the former was found guilty ol assault and battery and a Hue of $10 itu- toned. There is also a cliarge of carry ing concealed weapons pending against llim which will lie heard next week. The (Hirties are near neigblioM aud it is one of those most unpleasant, rows that have a very small beginning and, eud In u big bill of expense. Attorney Guthrie is for the defense. . , There seems to 1 some jit-ivon or rsons in this community w ho are re sorting to acts that are almost IhmdUli in their crnelty. A slutrt time ugu the big do belonging to F. F. Fontiu was hcaldod and last week his pug was given a dose of Kisori and it was only by prompt treatment that itslife was saved. The first of the week some one lied a can to the tail of a horse belonging to George Olinger. Any one who will cause poor dumb animals to puffer need lessly are too low and unfeeling to lie called human, and are a disgrace to the community. There is no law to reach - und punish them adequately, but public condemnation should not be withheld. Independent Judicial ( ouvoiitloii. The people'ti independent electors ol tlio lifleenth judicial district of Nebraska aro hereby requested to send delegate front their resjioctivo counties to meet in convention in the city of O'Neill on Monday, August 2, 1W5, at 2 o'clock, p. in., for tlie p.npose of placing iu nodi inuti'in two candidates for judges of the district court of said district. The representation will be the same as for tho state convention, and the convention will contain 6-1 delegates, ol wlikU Box Dutte county will I si t-nti-lMto6; Uavven, 0; Nioux, 2. 1. M Bl'lXOCK, , yinirnian Judicial Committee, I'EKSOVIL. Mrs. W. 1L lti spent Sunday at Crawford. IiVv nnd Mr. C. E ' oro. li .are isit iii iu tiie vi.iii;ty of fiudurc. W. L. Hoyt returned a few day ago i! ' . - ! . r . - ks on the tlm trail. 1 ! l'.'i,.i. doAii from Brown't j. ranch tile lirst of the week. Mi-. C. Christt-nseu was up frotu An- - i tin) lirst of the week. J.u.,1 H. ojk, of Agats hprings, was doing b isiiks at Harrison last Tiiursday. J. S. lionsell has Ixsen iu town for some days on business and pleasure coiilbi ned. County Clerk Hlewett went to Chad- run Saturday evening, returning Mon day morning. Miss Fanny Itii hstein came up from raw ford und Mtit Sunday w ith her i rents. J Mis. S'ellia HeW. of Omaha,, arrived on Tuesday f..r a visit with Mr. and Mrs E- F. Pontius. Peter S'i' d.-ufflil w;.s over from In dian crei k List Thursday aud caln.d aim .iddi.d his name our list of readers. Mrs. 11. A. uninng'i'.iii) ami tii': twius arrived from Alliance, K.itiirday and will visit friends here for a couple of weeks. f Mr. and Mrs. Ij. J. Simmons anil two youngest daughters, Ivliia and lliiiue, went to Clmdron Friday evaning nnd re mained over Sunday, CorrespoDilcncp, mux, Neb., Aug. (i, In lb" pi-t thriw w-rteks it was said: That J mis Ka liiirds ndiiriud to 1 1 1 I'irter i-i raiicli with 1,0')0 cattle, part o Mhicli will lie taken to the sand hills. That Steele & Hoyte of Gordon were in these parts buying Cattle. that Mr. Worley of Alliance pasv'd through hem with a bunch of cattle pur , h:iss on White river. 1, it W. L. Ashhrook nu.l Dickinson ill,.-. !ii a i.,t i f tat cuttle nx-etitly. 'Hut w.lve are Isjcoining very d ,!i ii, livn to sIim k. Messrs. Harris and Niece being principal losers. That A. W. Nicholson lost his suddl horse anil thinks it was stolen. That Mi-s li rtU:v M" 'oy has been visiting at Hell and vicinity. That Mr. HulchingV family were tin guests of Hubert Neeoo. That Miss Elf its Stevens is with Mrs, Octave Harris. That Miss M iry Nicholson lias lieen on fruit gathering excursions and reports a scarcity of fruit. That Bd Hull has rtiUirned Iron) the northern ranges. That V. S. Nichulsou is preparing to harvest his (Ino crop of hay, of w Inch is justly proud. Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. I wish to call your attention to tin fact that the County Treasurers hav been very lenient with you during the several crop failures and as nearly all school districts are in need of money and the. prosiecU ure good for line croj his year, I shall insist itKn the pay of vour Personal taxes. Gentle -- - 4 i n -n they have stood long enough. Very Respectfully,' 11. S. VoODKl'KF. County Treasurer'peuilfiit Comilj ( iiiiventloii. 1 he iwotilu indepenUeiit electors of sioux county are requested to semi delcKUtcs to the county convention to meet at Harrison Neb., on Saturday, Aiinst 17, 1KWJ, at o'clock, p. in., to elect delegates to tlie statt! mid ludli'liil conventions anil to place nomination cundldates lur tlin varioin uuiity ultlces. UeproscntaUoii will he hh iniinu. i.inu tuuii'd on tUu vote cast for llim. Silas A. Iluleonili for governor In Andrews pricine. J li'lintesj AntuHip I: Hudiuc 1; Howen it; futtonnwd, 6; Kiv Piiinis .2; Hat CreeU, S, I(llilaud, 1; Mont ruw. 4: IIUIIIIIIISI HUT, I ; iSIIIISi: I siiitiir I.ouf, 3; VVnroonnet, ; White Itlvi ;l: tthislle t'lei k, i, umkinK total ol as. It Is leeoiiiiin-.iided ttuit priniiirles l Hem ,.t tliH usual nlueo und hours lu tlie various nrcicliH'ts on Thursday, Anusi IS, M, I'1 the election of deli'tciUis and noiniiiiitloii ol iindlitiitci for precinct olD'es. l. J. Wkiich, ( hulrinail Ind. ( o. ('en. I oni. Itiirlliiifton Itniitc llulf rates to Lloston. Auirust IU to Jiui liiiKton lloute ucents in Ntforunka und KuiiMia will sell round trip tickets to isostoii ui me wnv rule, return limit, lcl. till). 'Iuk Thais to '1 akk: Ihu Kniirlit iem lar ollicutl t ruin, liitviiij,' on board (Jruiid Coiiiiniuuler r'uicli und ebcorl will leave Oimilia VIA HIE HfltUNdTuS KOL'TB. ut i A p. ui.. Tliursday, August 22d, nf ter aiTivivl or nil IrnitiH Iroin the wesv I'lironuli toitoston WITHOUT ClJANOt Seven liouin stuiKiver tit iSiaKiira rail Tickets and Hkcpmir car reserviu ions on upplicatiou to any ugent of tins any contiectitiK Iiiib. Send lor tree loiuer givint; tun nuor uialion. J. Fkancis, (J. P. & T, A. 1 (Jnmlia, Neb. pid joil Ever Try Electric Bitters dn a remedy for your troiibli!s'f If not, Kt a bottlo now and t relief. Thin medicine ban been found to be peculiarly itdnplcd to tlio relief and cure of all female complaints, exertiuc a wonderful direct iulluuiice in Riving streiiKlb und totie to tlie nrKftns. If you bave lohs of appetite, constiptitioo, bead itcbe, fuintitiK k;IIi r "ro nervoiiM, i'cpleH, excttubl, tncliuii'lioly or trou bled wild di..y spellK, Eleutric Hitteri in Ibe inediciim you lined, lleultll mid titrenth ore feuur.uiteed by it nw. Urb' buttle unly 00 tenU at tb Pio pwir riirtrniftcy. hi ftiirr v tii : ciMnruN j , , THE COMMERCIAL BANK. t H.irrlni, iu llw stsil.-ol S..lira-l. i I oau. iiii'l Jiwiiiinl - s... Willi, t er'ln.1 t-i, i-lir l n li'l llil'-s-iirt'il ' ltin.rriiiiiS.itioiinlls.oiks - - i"S HutikiiiK liiiu-', luriiitiire siiil flt'in t I.TKti. iirrent i-xjeiiM-M Mini (ae iiil las 411 1 ( lieek Bii'l ntln r i-iill iU iti", Jl x IUIUiiI 'other Kanks .... ,tt (i i Kractioiial p.ijmt i-urn-ii'-y, nickels mid cents . - .- II HI I-ual li-u lio- notes ... I ,IJII () , Total MAHll.lTIK' ( liliitill 4ii'k -ml I til fill.!""", ml I til siirtitus fluid ..... I.5IW 110 rii.liiiil roilt ISM "l Iinllvl'liuil l.KMit.ssiilije.t toi lii ek l , Ih'itmllil ciTtlftcati". of ill lio-ll : rime i i rtiiii iiti" ui i..-it li.oii sa Tolsil - r.MriiTi1 rTr. ok Ni.i.iusk k, Cui'vrr or siot x, us: i I, I). It. tirtsuiilil, e:.lili r of tlio alKivc- aiiieil l;ink, do Milxuiiily ear Unit tlie j Ihivc Htiiti'iiii'lit is true to tin- lK-t ol my I kiito letlii" and lii'lief . . I). II. (iniswiil.ii. j - sti!ierilH-il slid surn tu iM-lore l. urn tiiUiith iliiv ot A in;., )".''- j , M. J. lil.KW ktt. , ( iiiuity I'lerU. I t OMMISSIONKirS KF.CORIt. ; II VIllllMUN, NKB., July HI, IStlS. 1 aid uf l oiiiity i.iiiiiiiii-tt,iniii'rf met a ; per cad of ckrk. i Present : ('oitnuUilitner Tinkhiim and Wei" r imil clerk. . The report of ( niiiuii'-iloiiiirs Tluklciin lint V eljer iH'lllK In laor Of the lipirul ll j the three brtK les r ntly loii-trneld j icniss Wliitu rivi r, Win report was, on mo I tun iiitiipted and the bridges iippruv ed, Hie iieiiUnn of Henry Pne-hon and dliers a ,kin for the removal of count) bridge aero.s lint creek and the reiiiun truiiei. hi:i1iiI said rniliova! were taken lip ...a ....,. u.,1.1 i.i.litiiiu w lis red i'teil. ( " i Tin petition ol ttuhert lliirrl.on innl olh rs iixkinn that, seetions it, l.t, li llll'l I, town hlp:H, l-ulitfe !i, of Hve Points preollH l. und town-lilp:U and friietlonul i"', lain). XI n Nihlli Itiikuta line nnd seetluiis :;, ii, Jl, i), 1-2 and I ol tow ni-lllp SI. runtfe SI, anil see lions i, i'i and V!l of Itiwnsliip :ia, raiiKi- h hi ituntruii preelnet 1! iiiiin ved tu siijjar Luiit prei-li.ct. was t iken up and alter due con- dderatitm laid oer nnlll next uieeuiiK. On motion tin- clerk I- hereby authorized tu advertise tur and receive inns lur ine ie pliieluK of eoiinly bride neros Hat ens k on seetlon line between stetions W unit :ia, tow n diliM', raiiK'1 SI. neoordiiiK to plans and pel lib itioil-. to lie luimd :it IHe elevll's n reserviiiK I'ae ritthl to the board to re- lb' Imauiiv or all bids. All bids tu be accom panied by bond Is double the amount of the bid nnd to be tiled with the clerk before. Pi luck, niH.n, uf tlie llr-t day ol September, I "VS. I in motion the county treasurer U hereby instructed to trail der the sum ol nu noin brldic- land of is'. I tu Ine bridge tuiul ol H.'S. Tlin follow ln i liilms against Sioux eoiinly were iinditfd and allowed and win rants or ered drawn on the neiiernl (und ol Is'.istur same : K. i. Koiiuh, wliness fi-es K. J. Wilcox, 4 IU I on M.J. liaylnirl, billies lliclilo, 4 on stnte Julirnill Co., records nnd tt.i- tliinel 16 (HI 1.. J. Mminiiiis, prlntiiiK und piibllsh liili J. J. V iiHw rbiUKi r, nsMmsor I IV I- rti..Mt 'i 114 Ml IS (Hi VVllhclin Norel.i'H, relillllooiK ciiiiii nev on conn iioiiM- - V. II. Imvis, services UH Hiipcriiiien. dent ; ; - M. J. Illewett, miikiiii; triuisi ripi mi ix.t nle i:i '.tt (ieorne nlliiKiT, iiiovbiK Jidl ci'KB "" liilllillliK --- ' " H. U. t liiircelll, KUiirdliu? prisoner- no The following claim aipiinsl Sioux county were uudlted and iillowcd iinrt waitnutH or lered on the lirldifi.' fund of IH04 lor Kioiie: Jumes T. Mil son, tmlldliif? brldifi' ' ' A. Piiddy, " he follow inn clitims nKiiin-t .nIoiix county were niidiled nnd llo i d nnd w airiuits or lcred drawn on bridne fund ol lMtUSsiune: I'erry WUite, brlde plunk - iri On James T. .Mason, biiilduiK hrnlKe '' ' Tlie resiKiiBtion of A. T. lliiKhsnn lis rond oveiwerof district No. 13 was presented nnd on motion accepted. The resignation of Anhltel Drum hh uversecrof district No. " win. presented Hiid on motion nccepted. on motion Kranklln Korcii was appointed Juntice of tlie pence lor Andrews precinct. On motion Imard adjourned without day. M. J. lil.v.w BTT, Ceiinty ( lerk. NrM'i itil Kxciasioiis to Hot Springs. On tlie following dates tlie V. E. & 51. V. will sell excursion tickets from Har rison, Neb., to Hot Springs, H. II., nnd return for one faro lor tlie round trip. Tbese tickets will be good returning for thirty days from date of sale: 5Liy U Hh, June Tib and lOtli, July IU ami lOlli, August 2d and 21, Kor fin-tbef par ticulars apply to i:. V. Pontrs, A wnt. GET THE BEST When yoB aro about to boy Scwinif Machine do nut be deceived by allunni; advertisement and be led tu think yuu can ct the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere aonir. Pep to It that ?'ou buy from reliable mfinu uuturers tbat have K"lm'd a reputation by honciit nnd square dealing, you will 'turn kc' a Sewinif Maihine that In noted the world over tur It dura bility. Yon want the one that U Mialest to manaxe aoa la Light Running There la none in the world that can equal In mechanical con atruction, durability of working part, lincncsH of finish, beauty in ,ijrx arnnio, or has a many . iiuprovcoienta at the New Home It bat Automatic Tention, Double Feed, alike CO both aide ol needle (jefrf),noother hat it t New Stand ( Pattnlt(l, drivinK wheel hinpeu on adjustable tenter, thus reduUntf friction to th minimum. WRIT! FOR CIRCULARS. THB REV HONS SEWIHG MACH1KE GO. row f t Easy to Take And Perfect la Their Action, AYER'S PILLS Never fail to relieve Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Headache. "I liavo proM-d tl f valtlf f o Avcr's I'ills i:i i cic in;r i!?sp )'- oj hid iicil licuilachc, v, ;lh w hi ii o, coiiiphidilsl v.a.sso luiigtionliliil 0 Unit bcil InT tho doctor cir tc- oj cif .iipusl'l 1 should CM T I ' O; cll ajitiii. Ti.i-oili Die irsc id' j the above mcilicibc 1 iilu hcMtr c; thnii 1 have been lor e.vrs." oj A. ;ai:ii.i.,' I'suill' s. 111. o. "I liavt- used A( i's 1 iiN l' r o: I", ciirs as a cathaitic in hwr oj coiuplahit. iind !ilwas with c- Jj 1'cincly bene licinl ifl'ict, never 0 iiaving had need (If other n;ci!i- c cine I also rive Aver's I'ills to o1 ,:tv i liililreii, whi n tl.ey rctji re ;ni npcrient. and tlie result is ui- 0i v.;ivs must s:iti.-l;'cly." A. OA A. Kato.v, Ccnirc Cmivvav, X. II. Jjj "llnvni'j b"( :i M'V i iclv nll'icieil o: with rostivepi-ss I w.'is ii.i:ucil Ji t-itrv Avei's I'ills. '1 heir itse luis JJj idT'-'-tcii a roii't lcti' cmic. i.lni I ol -,:u ci.cliilen! i rccoipiiii'tii! llictii ui f.(.-.'l pft!ictci!."-'. A. Wi: : 1 ma ' , N ipi:ii, 'a'.. cl AYSRT. PUt.9.Sj f.'-cei'cd Highest Awards ct ; . t : n s worid's faii: -1 r ". c o o cijb ft o a f r. r oo o ei-soeti ccg (I RANT filTTHKIK. Attorney-at-Law. I'rotupl attention ivcii to nil lepil niiittei-s in Justice. County nnd district Csiurls, and United Sliites liind Ollice. i"f)'I.eul pms'is ciiref ully drawn. llAllltlSON, - Nkiihaska. . 1,. SMUCK. Fashionable Barber h. Hsir Dresser, OPCN SUNDAY FROM 3 TO 12. HAZOItS ANU SCISSORS PI T IN OlibK.K. (dve I tue 1 I ( till. J. K I'lIINNEY, M. I). IMiysioiun and Siirt't'tm. All calls given prompt attention. Otllee iu l)ni toi'f. HAUHISON. - - NKIHiVSK. I SELL LOWERS. The BEST On LEWIS GERLsCH. t5HnRTHfllMnTy"WTi,in!!' '!t'c'vi- 1 u ii.g and Penmanship tho- JJIInTJuJIaTTlv trar.hera, 8(10 sluclenn, cheap boanl, and the finest Commercial College building in America. Rraduatei readily necure Ml oalioni,. lleButiiul tttustrated Catalogue l-KEfe. AditreinD. L. MUSSKI.MAN, Presidenl. Gem City Buninraa Colleg-e, Quincy , 111. Bethany COLLEGE, Lindsbore, K onU.P. AH. P. ft. ltd:, kna rr.etTA A md oto KnrTnnl Art.. M n a DeennglHester EARTH. (nrnerr.Tiil and Motlol School Departments, i It Is strictly first class, and blirh grade, but charires only moderate prices. Co-educational. Sliec.ial Ladies Hall. STItONOlN ALU DEPAKTMENTS. LEADS EVERYBODY IN AUTand MUSIC. Instruction by Europ ean Artistsut price within reach of western people. Come and ee our AKT If ALU In muio , we have nine I'rofennon, t'o elegant ISpe Organs, l. Piano,Cabinetorgn, Klne on -heMra, t our bands, Oratorio Society, beautiful Chapel, new Auditorium, j 'tine course of Lecture, and tenrem, New Oymna. lium, Milllary Company, (let the bent. licolyea I eeiini Sent. llih. 4 lermt of nine wteWieuk, (.ak 1 ate(Va fiM, Kee, C1 A, hwtawen, I'n, D, fw, ! STAMPED UPON Is the name and fame of the "Old Reliable" store of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, where you can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a GENERA Now is the time select your SPRING AND Highest market price paid for produce of all kinds. M ARSTEL From scandal's name vve stnnd aloft , And honor not its propagator, We sell you moods, will make you Unif,'li . And j;o und tell your neighbor The cheapest place to trade in town, Yes, that's the name, just HOUGH & SON. DKAI.t i Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, I Lath and j Windmill and THE OMAHA WORLD - HERALD Kdltod by E-( onnreman W. J. BRYAN Js the greatest newspaper west of the Missouri Jiiver. It advocates FREE SILVER 1 at the present ratio of sixteen ' to ono. Its mws service is the best to bo obtain el. Daily, $0 00 per year; &0 caats per month Weekly, H 00 per year Subscriptions for th WORLD-HERALD reczlvsd at thl office THE DULLEST BRAIN L STO R E. GOODS L K R B ROS, "The Old Reliable." o on, l!S IN Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. ; s. l. i-:i,r,:s. County Surveyor, j ! ii...fii-i'il to t!o nil ki ml- of N('l VEYIMl :itnl l'!T 'II I.LCVKI.IMJ in ik ' iroin:t I'll I .i'i'-f.i''Hil-iV milliner, Si.Uflli i.t Nkh'iska. Photographer, CHAWFOR'.'.MCH. 'h prcparail U tlo nil 11imIh of work In tiiH line v tli tinjst iiprdWeHi methoila, : lla Ims CKwiiit nfiparntua for inaitin K'lfinrri ivml ontmdn vi s it'al iar ties wnntinork i,i Unit inhouW call on him. SUMMER