The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 01, 1895, Image 8

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lata mm4 Criticism Baaed I'paa
laaacaiaga of tke Dar-Hia-
4 Nawa Natee.
Father Time will carry his scythe uo-
a- 1 no mower.
aay o' the streets of Chicago are as
as a not tomale.
People with money to burn ran a I
find a red-hot time for tbe pur-
Here's another word for the diction
ry soakers. A bicycle store la called
Keep the State prison out of politics.
World Herald. And, if poasl-
. Tie versa.
By continually taking even short
iateps in the right direction men make
freat progress.
Oklahoma announces a shower of
stud. But the dispatches fall to say
w&o was elected.
Fagllist Fitzshninons ha all the ear
aaa-ks of a champion. He writes as
ajefl as Corbctt cai:
The Governor of Arkansas lias been
aed $50 for carrying a concealed pis
Mi and not using It
It Isn't always easy to foretell the fn-
', but tbe trusts nowadays are fast
ing profits of us. a II.
roverty and a rigorous appetite find
last revolution Is the only ground upon
which they can meet as friends.
Jf Lillian KusseH's voice goes back
m her we advise her to sign a new bus-
lasid and play matrimony for keeps.
A correspondent wants to know "the
aa of China's standing army." China
no standing army; It is always run-
The new cup defender will have a fin
aaei. No one cares whether she lias a
fcor not provided she is In first at the
Bon't be too hasty wanting to fight
md daring another to take you up. He
ay not only take you up. but may
aJk away with you.
A clever fellow remarks that he isn't
a clear about women's right to vote,
tat he thinks that every one of them
agbt to have a voter.
Mr. Fitzsimnions declares hecan stand
6rge amount of punishment He can
aat only stand punishment, but be can
fllct It on the public.
Advertisers get the cash trade. When
mmMu wants to beat a merchant be will
e that miserly fellow around the
arner who thought advertising a lux-
Beef trust beef Is not as high now as
Wt. Armour expected to keep It. It is
sever well to reckon without your host
hen the host is some 5.",OX),0n0 Amer
lns. A bank clerk has been appointed
atwrt Examiner of Stage Plays in Lon
don. The next thing will be to make
stage villain president of the Bank of
Miss Mary Bennett, who wants man
dhrfranchised "because he is too emo
afonal." probably has overheard some
Uow communing with himself about
tte weather.
It Is said that a new paper to be
lled the Kick Is to be started In Phil
adelphia. This may be merely a Joke,
kit we always thought that town had
Kick coming.
The man who writes the best blog
naptiy of Alexander II. of Russia will
4e awarded iSl.fHiMHMi. Let us hope that
Sfais bait will t?u)jrt some of the Napo
3t?OQ biogrn pliers.
The Chicago pap'T that Intends to
picture the world as a Uilng of sun
abine and goodness" mny be able to do
a But if can or.iy Mioeni by being
m tremendous liar.
The dual life business as daily ex
Ofied begins to pall. It would ra!Iy be
a pleasant relief to discover sotiie!)(),iy
.fending it to be simply two different
inds of a scoundrel.
A New York hospital superintendent
asserts that crying benefit a baby.
That may be true, but why in the name
at science should a baby Insist on bone
tt performances at 2 o'clock a. in.?
It Is technically true, as a London
?npfr says, that "the Monroe doctrine
km been a doctrine for sixty-two years,
and has- not been acted on yet." hut It
will be enforced the first time an occa
aton arises.
It look as If we had clung ton long
: fl old models and old ideas. The inven
Jlve genliiH of the aire will full short of
ttt mission If ft fails to I;;vnnt a life
amfing device which will save life In
mtM ablpwreek.
The late trouble between the United
State and Bpaln, growing out of the
aat-iiutt made upon the American nier
atitiiii ship Alllanca by a Spaulsh gun
Bot. ha at lust been settled. Spain
taa mad a frank apology, expressing
tae fnlteat disavowal of the conduct of
Or i-ooMuacder of it gunboat. There
lij If antlrely satisfactory, and plea-
vOt lelattaNM between n and the Don
Watorad and will continue ns-
til wmic other bot beaded Kpanlard Mf
ties up (lie feathers of tn bird of freedom.
Tha proprietors of passenger teui
er no toe lakes art Invited to remem
ber that wblla there I do law against
raring there are plenty of legal stlpu
latiiini) against doctoring the aieaiD
gauge or Bitting 00 tbe safety valve.
The i'randaon of an African king aa
nounce hi intention of going to Li
beria and owning a drug store. He
expects to break tbe world's record on
the sale of paregoric and Sedlltx pow
der aa warm weather drlnktt.
Would it shock yon to know that tbe
favorite adjective of u certain claas of
young women In the Four Hundred is
"bully?" The word Is applied to gowns,
operas, girls, to any subject under con
slderation, and signifies "remarkably
A Columbus pastor married throe
couples iu sixty minutes the other day.
A Chicago Judge heard a divorce rait
awhile ago and granted a decree within
fifteen minutes. When It comes to mat
rimonial speed tbe balance of trade Is
still in Chicago's favor.
Altogether the Chlno-Japanese war
has come to a very unsatisfactory end
ing, thanks to the Jealousies of the
European powers, who h:ive brutally
and for selfish ends checked at least
temporarily the advance of Western
civlllzatiou toward tbe darkest East.
Horace Greeley's Idea was that the
moat ignorant creature in the world
was the callow alumnus of a college,
fresh from commencement triumphs.
The announcement that one-balf the
senior class of Yale have determined
never to marry will go far toward 1
strengthening this opinion.
A New York man who van sent to an
Insane asylum has been In the habit of
smoking rrom to a) cigarettes a
day for many years. The suspicion that
"his brain was affected by the cigar
ettes," however, la hardly credible.
Any one with a Monful of brains
would not smoke 100 cigarettes a day.
That was a very graceful act of
Brown 1ulverslty at its recent com.
mencement (he conferring of the de
gree of Doctor of Letters upon Julia
Josephine Irvine, President of Welles
ley College. The venerable Providence
seat of learning is growing chivalrous
In Its old age. Forty ypnrs ago It would
not let a woman across the college cam
pus. A man who looks upon the American
hen from a purely business standpoint
aays: "Tbe hen la a machine to be
worked according to the laws of her
being for result. She must be kept
clean and comfortable, and bave a suf
ficiency of good egg-making material.
We feed bone and animal meal twice
a week, cooked carrots, beets, not.
toes and kitchen refuse, with grain
once a day; plenty of pure water and
grit; my hens lay by the bushel"
Bishop Doane. one of the State Uni
versity regents. In an address to the
graduating class at St Agnes School,
Albany, made some remarks very per
tinent to the woman suffrage question.
He said: "One gets sick and tired of the
way In which the of the woman's
vocation fills the air; uot merely in the
wild vagaries of Its blatant assump
tions, but In the parade and push of its
claims for recognition of what Is called
Its rights. When constitutions shall
have been altered to disturb the equi
poise of the relation between man and
woman; when motherhood shall be re
placed by m.mnlshiiess: when neglcci
ed homes shall furnish candidate for
mismanaged offices; when money shall
buy the votes of women, as It does now
themselves, then the reaped whirlwind
of some violent political reaction will
be gathered In tears by those who are
sowing the wind In the mad Joy of the j
petroleuse of the French revolutions."
Letter Written by (.rant.
The letter which Grant wrote vvh. n
he accepted the Presidency of the
Uiiiled States has been added to the
Sratc collection at Des
Monies. Iowa. It is the original letter
and ! very valuable. A joint commit
tee of the two houses of Congress caiied
on runt to notify him of bis election
as President lie wrote the following
letter which was taken by ih,- commit-1
tee and r ad to the two branches of
Gwitlemen: please notify the two
houses of Congress of my acceptance
of tiie important trust which you have
Just notified me ofmy election as
President of the United States and
s'iy to them that It will be my endeavor
that, they, ami those who elected them,
shall have no reason to regret this ac
tion. The letter Is unsigned. Lincoln' let
ter of acceptance was also unsigned.
A Little Oversight.
Jones was absent miuded. and as he
was about to sail for the continent with
his wife and family, a friend came
down to see him off aud make sure all
was right. The friend was late; it was
within twenty minutes of sailing time. I
but he found .Tones untiling and happy. '
1 1 eijo, joiie.; ne cried. "All right V"
"Yes," nodded Jones, "trunks, tick
ets, letter of credit, steamer chair
everything. Flatter myself that all I
right this time."
"That's good," was the answer.
"Where's Mrs. Jones and the family?
Have to tell them adieu and hurry
"Jove!" cried Jones, sitting down sud
denly. "I think they're waiting at home
for me!" Harper's Magazine.
All big thing hare a small beginning,
except tbe vanity of a fool.
a4 j j-j-s tTti
Hinte on Boad Improvement.
Bays a writer In the Michigan Trades
man: I shall endeavor to give some prac
tical hints or suggestions as to the de
sirability and practicability of the per
manent Improvement of highways. My
Interest in this subject extends back
to my earliest experience In farm life.
The limitation of value of the farms of
the locality In which my boyhood was
six-nt was the distance and Inaccessi
bility of market, and while the region
was fertile, with favorable climate, the
farms were almost worthless as to im
mediate remuneration for the labor ex
pended upon them on account of the
imissibility of selling the produce. In
me case or me farm on which my ex
perience was obtained It was found that
the most valuable crops, as to money
returns, that could be raised, were wool
and maple sugar. These had the most
value as to quantity, and the former
was ready to market wheu the roads
were most passable and the latter could
be kept for the most convenient sea
son. As these were scarcely sufficient
to make a promising outlook for the
time to come, better prospects were
sought by emigration to a locality more
accessible to markets. The Interest
caused by this early experience has led
me to give considerable attention to the
subject, and my familiarltr with the
operations of the old methods of road
tax work has kept me on the lookout
for practical methods of doing the work
those did not do.
The magnitude of the undertaking of
securing permanent or easily maintain
ed highways Is beyond comprehension.
In European countries the task may be
said to be well advanced, but It Is rela
tively much smaller there on account of
the much greater density of popula
tion; and again, the work has been
much longer in progress. .This under
taking In this country Is far greater
than any other economic undertaking
before us.
The Idea has obtained quite largely
that the older portions of our county are
becoming worked out, that opportuni
ties for work, for Improvements, for
Industrial enterprises, are becoming
scarce. It was In the light of this Idea
that the capable, though at times some
what erratic, economist, Horace Gree
ley, advised the young man to go West
and grow up with the country. He
has taken the advice and done so with
a vengeance. The best opportunities of
the East have been left scarcely skim
med, whiie the new and untried enter
prises of the far West, Irrigation and
development of arid regions, receive
the attention that should have been
given to the far more practicable re
sources of the East. It Is a fact well
kuown but scarcely realized that in
many localities in the so-called garden
of the country, the Eastern prairie
States, as Indiana. Illinois, Iowa and
even In the southern counties of our
own State of Michigan, the larger por
tions of the small towns and villages
have declined In population and have
lost most of their mnuufaci-iriiij: . :nl u -tries,
as shown by tiie Federal census.
The rush to the West accounts for some
of this decline, but the greater cause Is
the lack of highways to make ?tjc sur
rounding regions tributary to these
towns. The all too great simiilv of
railroad facilities has reduced the more
accessible ones to shipping points from
which to send the products to the great
centers, while the less accessible have
not even the eousobition, If such it be.
of seeing their rightful tributes pass
their doors. The quality of a prairie
road Is proverbial and in the country,
tributary to the towns referred to. tiiej
ni'o still deserving of their reputation,
ifjd thee towns been provided with
Miitnlile roads in place of the region
l)-i!ig so overdone by rallwavs tliev
would hav- t
11 tinned to be centers of
prosperous trad" and manufacture.
Now these conditions as to develop
ment of the resources of the East are
temporary. The tide of emL'rarlou to
t'.e West will sr
1 nun roil oaiK iroiu i
the foot of tiie Kockv Mountains and
tiie increase in population will demand
that the neglected resources of the East
shall be exploited and this question of
roads w ill be the first am! most Impor
tant one.
Preference has been made In recent
numbers of The Tradesman to the im
portance of this subject to t!it count! y
merchant. This feature i,f tu,. q 'evt'oii
cannot be too much emph-isizi d.
condition of trade In tie :ov. i;s re.'c.r.-J
to above is a suluVient indication of
this. Kxamples of met chants v. ho It.i ve
embarked In trade in new and pi'itt!.;-:-Ins
localities who have r.iet dl-upp ihit
iiieut and failure simply bccv.'se th,,
town faiie.; to become a v..ter of trade
for want of road are familiar to every
one. In vary ing. but not small, degrees,
this question Is a factor In the problem
of success or failure of every country
Home of Them Unable to Read Hard
Tcrnisi to florrowera,
"Perhaps you will be surprised when
I tell you that there art uch people as
women money 1- tiders, a ome of my
poor parishioner know to their coat,"
remarked hard working I,oudon cur
ate. "These women - there are two '.a
my parish -out Shy lock Shylork Two
pence I tbe usual chsrge for the loan
of a shilling for a week, or, rather
often. It Is uol a week, but for a shil
ling borrowed any time through a week
Is I'd is expected on the following Sat
urday. Women are their only custom
ers, and they make tbe very few bad
debts, aa those who borrow generally
do so without their husbands' knowl
edge, and, consequently, are only too
anxious to repay as soon as they are
able, or else the lender would soon
threaten to 'split to tbelr husbands.
Besides, some of these people are so In
the habit of borrowing two or three
shillings every week that tbey are
afraid. If they did not repay the bor
rowed money on the Saturday, tbelr
borrowing power would le at an end.
For a sovereign lent a shilling a week
Interest Is charged until the money is
all repaid, and not less than two shil
lings a week Is taken by way of In
stallment toward repayment of tbe
loan. If any week tbe installment Is
missed, the Interest must lie paid, and
no reduction la made In the Interest as
the principal Is reduced. A woman 1
often cajoled Into taking some article
of finery from the Irrepressible tally
man, thinking she will be able to pay
for the article by the 'easy' Installment
plan, so glibly explained to her. G. t
ting behl id for two or three wis-ka in
her payments, the credit draper threat
ens to summon her husband. To svo'd
this, the woman goes to the money
lender, who 'obliges' her with a sov
ereign, on condition that she repay
three shillings a week for ten weeks
"It Is not often that these f"nnio
usurers will lend inoi e than a sov.-,- ign
at a time. However, In the case of a
person dying, and ponding the bor.-lil
of Insurance n ore. lielng rec ived.
they w III lend three or four ponti'is to
the liereaved famllv. frequently de
manding as much us a pound for the
use of four for a week.
"One of tiie money Ipnders to whom I
refer deals only with female hawkers
and street sellers. Owing to the pre
csriousness of their calling, these peo
ple constantly find themselves without
the wherewithal to purchase their
stock In trade. On a Friday evening
as many as ten to fifteen women will
borrow sums varying from five to thirty
shillings In order to make fhelr pur
chases at the early markets on the
following morning. On a Saturday
evening, toward midnight, the money
lender makes the rounds of her clients'
stalls, often taking every penny from
.the stallholder, which forces the hawk
er to trade on Sunday morning.
"It hardly seems credible, but one of
thes money lenders can neither read
nor write, keeping account of all money
due to her In her head with unfailing
accuracy. This woman Is an unbeliever
In tbe stability of banks, and always
carries her sts-k In trade ou her person,
a not Inconsiderable sum. seeing that
one week, she told me. she had lent $133
In odd shillings."
The Kxaet (Quantity.
An Irishman was hauling water In
barrels from a small river to sunulv
the inhabitants of the village, which
was not provided with water works. As
he halted at the top of the bank to give
his team a "blow" before proceeding
to peddle the water, a gentleman of the
Inquisitive type rode up and. after pass
ing the lime of day. asked:
"How long have you been hauling
water for the village, my good man?"
"Tin years or more, sor," was the
simple reply.
"Ah! And how many loads do you
make a day?"
"From tin to fifteen, accardln' to the
weather, sor!"
"Yes Now I have one for you, Put,"
said the gentleman, laughing. "How
much water have you hauled altogeth
er?" The Irishman Jerked his thumb In
the direction of the river, at the same
time giving his team tiie hint to start,
and replied:
"All the water what yez don't se,
there now, sor." Judge.
J The Jersey Mosquito.
; In the town of iiantuck, N. .)., which
j lie in a low. hot nook, surrounded by
j swan. 1 y land, the mosquitoes have been
! tiilck this season that, when the
i breeze, is gentle, they form a thick,
i black cloud over tiie town, itu
I occasions of late this has been so no
! tjcca'ile that the hens have iroii to
roosi at noon, under the impression tiiat
It was already nightfall, and without
performing their daily tak of e-L' la;'
Ing. As the poultry business is n h-i l
Itig one in the low u, the fanciers suffer
ed for a time considerable finance
uu, 1 ... device wm 1,11 I, ...
sending up small dynamite cartrid.-e
among the thickest swarms of mos
quitoes, by means of a kit,-, flown by a
wire, which, at the rit'ht moment, con
veys a iirrent of cleciri.ity p, V,;N
ch.irgi' the dynamite. AftiV a few di
charges the air is so cleared that the
hens can resume operations, ami do
cory rctn-:''is of the dead mi.s.piito .
fail'itg 1 1 t'i( ground, a.e plow - 1 in
fertilizi -r?.- York Kei order. Color,
"Vfbat made you write this story !i
red Ink?" nked the editor .
"You see. It's a story of New Yuri;
and you've been kicking for in ne 1.-,;
color In my work."
" es but "
"Well, that's the way New York look
ed to me when I was there." Washing
ton Evening Star.
An Kxreption,
Newed Yes, my wife Is n fine cook.
Hhe can beat my mother.
Mack That' rather strange, Inn t It!
Newed No, my mother never knew
how. Harlem Life.
Two pigeons recently flew from Lou
don to Llskeard, 220 miles, In six hours.
Cattla Wltkoat Horaa Ara Much Mora
Ouiet Hueias la Now Dona with tke
Cultivator - Balanced Halloa Will
Prevent Ujspepaia ia How,
: t
Tka lhoralaaT Qaeetion.
In tbe cattle they are to handle people
seer1 to bave a leaning of late years to
the ' " horn. It Is a conceded
fact that C..-.J are much more quiet
without borns than with them, says the
Nebraska Farmer. It Is a fact, too
that this disposition to be quiet among
themselves goes a long way toward se
curing tbe comfort and good condition
that leads to profit In tbe handling of
cattle. This preference for cattle with
the horns off Is evidenced In the grow
Ing popularity of the hornless breeds
of beef cattle, and also in tbe disposi
tton to remove tbe horns from steers
that are to be fed In bunches for the
market. We may be allowed to ven
ture the opiniou, too, that this new de
parture would hav taken a still faster
hold upon feeders 111 the last few years
If low price had not cast a gloom upon
the feeding Industry. With better
prices and a better feeling pervading
attle circle, we predict that the de
horning practice will receive a new Im
letus. The question does not resolve
itself Into one of breeds, but Into one
of method only. If It be true that cat
tie do better with their horns off. It has
been demonstrated to lie a thoroughly
practical business transaction to re
move them, and at small cost, so that
w e may expect to see the practice more
than ever popularized In the next few
years to come.
Hoeing to Kill Weed,
We hoe merely to kill the weeds. Tbe
land has been, or should hve been,
properly and thoroughly prepared be
fore the seed was planted. Now nothing
of that Is to be done, no digging, no put
verging, no making of hills, only kill
Ing the weeds, says the Maine Farmer.
Much of the hoeing is now done with
team and cultivator, though there Is
still some work to be done with the hoe.
Simply stirring the surface soli and cut
ting up any stray weed that may have
become rooted Is all that Is called for.
Do this early and often, and the weeds
will be mastered. Never wait for a field
to get weedy. It Is just as effective to
stir the soil before the weeds have bad
time to get rooted, and it Is much easier
doing It. It has 1 en a pet theory to
run the cultivator through the field of
ten and Weep it up as tonga practicable.
Exfierlments at the stations, however,
have shown that frequent cultivation,
unless misled for rhe destruction of
weed, Is no advantage to 'he growing
crop In an ordinary season. Work the
field, then, a often as needed to kill
the weeds, and no more. Clean culture
should be the aim. The weeds must be
Ipt itlc llogl.
The acidity of the stomach, which Is
the rewult of feeding hogs exclusively
on corn, may be temporarily corrected
by feeding charcoal Hut In this case,
as In most others, prevention Is better
than cure. The hogs fed with a prop
erly balanced ration. Including some
fine wheat middlings and a few roots
each day. says Colman's Rural World,
will not be troubled by acid stomach.
Acidity Is a sign that fermentation has
progressed to Its second stage, the first
being alcoholic. It Is not possible to
cause food to ferment in even tbe
slightest degree without some waste of
It nutrition. When fermentation pro
gresses so far as to make acidity of the
stomach the loss Is much more consid
erable. This is In addition to the loss
by Impaired digestion.
Repairs for Harvesting Machinery.
Ail kinds of mowing and reaping ma
chinery are much cheaper than they
were a few years ago. But In some
cases the manufacturer pUt luferlor
material Into their work, so that more
repairs are needed, and these always
come very high. The separate pieces
cost enough more than thev should to
make up the deficiency ju price vf ,iH,
complete machine, wide), competition
oouges Ilietil to submit to. When they
have sold a machine the buyer cnu get
his repairs from no one else, and they
can make charges without limit. Worse
than this, the buyer often funis that ho
must senu or repairs hundred ot miles j
and wait perhaps two or three days L
while 'hey are coinlnc. If the mn.-hiiie i
Is OUt of date It Is sometimes diliicull j
to get repairs at any rale. Tids Is a '
matter that farmers should jjjnjf f j
buying harvesting machinery. lind
out, If possible, w hether repairs will be I
sold reasonably, and deal only witlij
houses of such eh'.'lbilsiied refutation
thst there need be no fear that they
will go out of business.
KproiiHiI I'otntoeN.
It Is well known that seed potatoes j
which are stored for late planting often j
become soft, w hile much of Heir nutii- j manor is cxinuiMeij m (oi
r-protiL wblel, must be broken ,,fl
planting. 1 he hrM sprout 1
the strongest aud thriftiest, but it of
ten happens that these vproiiti have
to bp removed several times before tie
potatoes arc planted, and etieb rime
some of -ho vitality of the tubers is
lost. A comparative lest .w as made by
Prof. Tatt at the Michigan Kxperlment
Station last year, when two equal lota
of potatoes were taken, one being left
In the cellar, the other spread In a dry,
well-lighted, moderately warm room
On April 2i) both 1 il were planted side
by side, find the plants from the un
fprotiled seed mum up first, looked the
best throughout the season, and pro
(litcd a greater amount of potatoes
and a greater proportion of large one
with fewer lll-shn ped tubers. Of course.
It hardly needed an experiment to dem
otiairate the superiority of unsprouted
seed, bot since ao on co afford to
grow anything bot th vary beat crop
It would seem to be worth while to take
every precaution lu prevent sprouting,
or to secure second crop aeed from the
Kotith. which I rarely affected In tbi
way.-;rden and Korest.
! t r -orat4 A pplaa.
In Wayne County, New Tork, which
1 not a very Urge county, says th 1
American Cnltivator. sotneth'rig like a
million bushel of apples were eyap
orated last year, yielding a product
worth t.-)66,0(l6. Ai most of thl wa
from fruit that could not very well bar
been marketed In any other form, and
some of It probably waa Just good
enoughand large enough to have tempt
ed the grower to try to work It Into
the barrel If they could not have Util
ized It aa they did, and thereby lessen
ed the market value of the better ap
ple among which It would bave been
put, we y blessings on the man who
Invented tbe evaporator, and hope to see
them la more common use In New Eng
laudsoon. Tbey save fruit that would
go to waste, or to worse than waste,
the cider barrel, and Improve the qual
ity of the apple sent to market. If
those who use them will stop tbe arti
ficial bleaching of their evaporated ap
ple, tbe product will soon be more
popular. While farmers color their
buttr and bleach their apple they
should not make much outcry about tho
shoddy good sent out by manufac
turer. .....x J
Cottoa-tseed Meal.
English farmer have learned to use
cotton-seed meal, and It I very largely
taking the place that II used meal used
to have. It wa tbe English demand
for linseed meal for feeding that raised
it price for many year, so that Ameri
can feeders could not afford It. The
Euglish farmer feeds meal with root.
This enables blm to use richer meat
than the American feeder can feed with
profit The English farmer does uot
have corn except by Imirtlng It, and
It is, therefore, for him not so cheap
feed as It Is for us. Nor does the Eng.
list) fanner have such large supplies of
bran, ns much of the grain now im
ported Info England comes In the form
of Hour. Hran Is even better than roots
to give with concentrated foods, Ilk
cotton seed and linseed meal.
Milklua on tbe Ground.
There Is a belief among dairymen
that to milk on the ground dries up
the cow. One reason for this is that
milk Is not often spilled upon the
ground while milking unless there Is
something the matter with it making
it unat for use. In such case all the
milk Is not likely to be drawn from
the teat and that of Ititelf will dry up
the cow. The soothing noise of the
milk going Info tbe pall keeps the cow
quiet and dispose her to give down all
the milk she has. There 1 a stopping
of this soothing noise when milk Is
drawn out upon the ground. The cow
Is very susceptible to the strains of
music, vocal or Instrumental, and the
milker who can sing while milking will,
be able to get all the milk quickest aa
well as to get the largest quantity.
Green Peaa Iro6table.
Market gardeners find that the pea
crop return as large a profit as any
that can be grown go easily. They sell
It while green, and for the very earliest
get very high prices. The pea Is hardy,
and the fanner who has light warm
soil has as good a chance as the market
gardener. To give the plant a good
sendoff early some concentrated com
mercial manure should tie put In with
the seed. This will make the green
tea crop several days earlier, aud on
earllness the price mainly depends.
The crop bears shipment well, and far
mer too far from the city to market
the peas themselves can easily make
arrangements to ship them to some
one who will deal fairly with him.
Ailnlterstaii I'uris Grren,
In purchasing pari green for poison
ing potato bugs or other Insects, care
should be taken to secure that which
pure. The entire unreliability of
much of the paris greeti In market lead
o using it In large doses so as to pro
duce the right effect, and this Is fre.
quently Injurious to the tender haves.
With paris green of full standard purity
the amount required to k II Insert
so small that no !:ijurv will result from
Its two. When the paris green Is used
to destroy funsrous growths heavier
doses are required, and lime must be
u-erl with It to prevent initirv. P.ut for
'both uses the purls green should be
pure, so that those using It may under
stand what results to expert.
Merita of tbe Juva Fowl.
The Juva fowl resembles In form that
of tiie Ply moii th Itoek. It Is, however,
not so heavily built, says the Indepen
dent, nor Is its comb like the hitter's,
"i'li' re are three colors among the .lavas
-Id -H k. mottled, solid black and solid
v, idle. Javits are good layers, very
good broilers, and by m.itiy considered
hiii 'r to either the Plymouth Hock
t Piahma fowl; but experience will
more correctly prove this. We find In
t, c.-if'y nil fowls some f.-w points i,.,t
m- do not fancy. The better qini'lt'e
ovi I Itnl.'tiielng the Inferior should be
iVe noint'to nlm nt In selecting a st
for fancy and pviuihal purposes.
Time to-Cut heat.
Wheat Is ready to cut as soon as any
part of (he stalk begins to turn yel
low. If the head Is well filled It will
then be bent over ami the berry il
fill from the stalk better if the gruti Is
left standing until dead ripe, 'the
bran of wheat CM while the stalk 1
somewhat green 1 thinner aud its pro
portion of gluten and starch Is larger.
Drnnpiitna Kills Cbickena,
Cold, dry weather, provided there are
no crack to cause draughts of air, will
not cause sickness In fowls, but damp
quarters will cause roup, even In mo4
erate weather.