The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 01, 1895, Image 7

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    A VB.lul Later.
Friend Well, your o.d love Las
married Tour rival. I see. i
'Jisiearded bu r (fiendishly)
fc'death! l'e got even with him! They
will quarrel the first week, fight Ihesr-
otid and separate forever in (lie third.
Friend Great Miakt-f! What have
you done?
Jriscarded Hui'o- I pteseuied the ,
bride with one of t:;.e lit' e fluffy, red
eyed, snarling, barKing pel d"g. -New
York Weeklv
ery one of Ibe painful irregularities
ind wralTifkM that prey upuu womrn.
They fade the face, waste the figure, luin
the temper, wither you up, make you old
before your time.
Get well. That's the way to look well.
Cute the disorders and ailment that best t
you, with Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescrip
tion. It regulates and promote all the womanly
functions, improves digestion, enriches the
blood. diels aches and pains, melancholy
and nervousness, bring refreshing ieep,
and restoiei health and stiennth.
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age.
Ha discovered in one of our common
rvture weeds a remejy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst bcrofuU
down to a common Pimple.
He has tried it In over eleven hui.Jred
cases, and never failed except In two :ase
(both thunder humor). He has now in his
pos'-ession cer two hundred certificates
of Its value, ail within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit Is always experienced from
the ftr.t bottle, and a'perfect cure Is war
ranted w hen the right quantity Is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears in a week
after taking it. Head the label.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious it wiU
cause squeamish feelings at tirst.
No change of diet ever necessary. E3t
the best you '.an get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tab'espoonful jn water at bed
time. Sold by all L;riiKisls.
Beecham's pills are for bil-
i i .1 i
tousness, sick ncauacne, diz
ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste
in the mouth, heartburn, tor
pid liver, foul breath, sallow
6kin, coated tongue, pimples,
loss of appetite, etc.. when
caused by constipation; and
constipation is .he most fre
quent cause ot all of them.
One of the most important things for
ererybody to learn is that constipation
causes more thau half the sickness in the
world, especially ol women; and itran all
bit prevented. Go bv the )ook .free at your
druggist ',or write B F.AllenCo. ,365C'nal
St., New York. Pills, io and 25 a box.
ABaual man Ihtni.Utnw bl.
The best
Nursing Mothers.Infants
all. . AM. i
v Dung
I FRAXCIS. Oss'l Psss'r AasM, 0H, NFP
C " T ZIri.7... I;Ma niuinkxi
LOO. AMP ssro. 00.
rare, 1
H Baaaiaa Thnawa P. Mtapaoa. Waanlnalnn
U1TFHTS tcTi atl fM ai-lU Paieal'O-
m I bit I tamed, w rile tot luveator'aOtilo.
K, H. U. No. SSO--81.
Vork Smb.
W -I..., .m aaw the d"uvai 1.1
In thd
How t l'rlur JTar Kronomtral and
Hrlthful Arll-I lur I 1 able.
'1 he ofhcial fool analyse by the
I'liurd Mates aud Ctnadiau govern-
J.ents have been studied with interval.
. Hie I nited Vates government report
ffives the names of eighteen well-known
aklng powdi rs, some of them adver-
lm j M VUTt. cream of-tat tar uowdera.
MIICll COl.ttlll .dum
The report ' o s the Koyal to be a
ure cieatn-of-tarlar bakitu powder,
light-at in thet gti, evolving lo' cubic
pches of leavening gas per single ounce
if powder. There were eight other
' irands ofcream-of-tartar powders tested
md ineir averse strengih was 111.5
ubic Inches of gas per ounce of powder.
The Canadian government investiga
tions were of a still larger number ot
jowdera. The Koyal baking Powder
as here also shown the purest and
lighest in strength, containing forty
ive per cent, more leavening gas per
mnce than the average of all the other
:ream-of-tartar powders.
'1 hese figures are very instructive to
he practical housekeeper. They in
licale that the Koyal Making i'owder
joes more than 33 jer cent, further lu
ise than the others, or Is one-third
Tiore economical. Mill more import
mt than this, however, hey prove this
jopular article has been brought to the
lighest degree of purity for to its su
erlative purity this superiority in
treugtb is due and consequently that
y its use wo may be insured the pur
est and most wholesome food.
The powders of lower strength are
'ound to leave large amounts of im
jurities in the food. This fact is em-
)has:zed by the report ot the OhioState i
r'ood Commissioner, who while tinding
he Royal pi actu ally pure, found no
ther powder to contain less than 10
ser cent, of inert or foreign matters.
1 he statistics show that there is used
n the manufacture of 'he Koyal Hak
ng I'owder more than half of all the
:ream-of-tartar consumed In the I "nit
id Stales for ail purposes. The won
lerful sale thus indicated for the Koja
Baking Powder greater than that ol
ill other baking powders combined if
erhaps even a higher evidence than
:bat already quoted of the superiority
f this article, and of its indispensable
less to modern cookery.
Tbc guuilxy tjnriillon.
The drouth was something intense In
Sew York city last Sunday. Albany
Trying to suppress .Sunday baseball
11 Chicago may add another chapter to
die disappearance of the big game in
,he west. Philadelphia Times.
I he forbidding of Sunday shaving in
Illinois may have been intended ha a
ion of left handed compliment to the
whiskers of the Chicago postmaster. -Milwaukee
iflectnslly yet gently, when comive or hil
onu, or when the blond in impure or sing
(ish, to peiinuiienliy cure haliiinal consti
lation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to
1 healthy activity, withont irritating or
wakening them, to dixprl headaches, colds
jr levers use Kyi up of Pigs.
Sunday it was impossible to get
.haved in Huflalo, bu', dead easy to gei
lnink. In New Voikit was easy to
jet shaved, but fro possible to get drunk,
s'rauge that (here should he such a
inference between the two town!
liulTalo Kiiquirer.
Pinu'H l ure or CotiKiimption has navel
me ninny a doctor's bill H. K. Hardy,
Hopkins I'lai-e, Haltimor. Md., Den. 2, '!U
Public sentiment, is undoubiedly in
favor of a strict observance of all laws.
At the same time it was painful to
'iote public sentiment's frequent mid
(luitless vls ts to the side door Sunday.
New i'ork Advertiser.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
In a constitutional core. Price 75 cents,
Turn down the flame of the brooder
lamb and look out lor a sudden rise in
the incubator's temperature
warm day comes.
when a
Tobacco-Weakened Beanlntiona.
Nerves IrrlUled by totmreo, always crav
ing for llnnilaul. nphilni wb It In o
bard to r iff. Nh-Tu-Bbc In llje only
guaranteed tobaero liablt cure hecaiiae It
tcts directly on affected nerve ceutera, de
itroya Irritation, nrmuulea diseallou audt
aealtby. refreablus aleep. Muuy fin leu
rjiiudi la teu days. You run no r'aJk. No
o Bar ta wild aud cuaranlead by liruKiflH!
everywhere. Bm.i free. Ad. Klerllug Heiu
Mly (., New York Cliy or Clilcago.
lilxck fabrics are never used to cover
coffins in Russia. For a child or young
person pink shade of cloth is the cus
tom. Crimson is the style for the coflln
of a married woman aud brown for
Mrs. Wloalow's Sooth iso Hvsvr for ehlld
...ihifia aotieni the kiimh. renurea tntlam-
BilloD,llayt pain, cures wlnil colic. lUc bottle.
Hy a new Frenc h law any one found
guilty of revesllngthe conten'sofa
private letter will be punished with im
prisonment for six days, the term to be
increased where the opening of the
letter is not accidental, even If the cod.
tents have not teen divulged.
Is caused by thin, weak, impnre blood
To have pure blood which will properlj
snataln your health and give nei
strength, take
COMPANY of roembeni j
of the train dispatchers j
convention were relutlt.g
anecdotes and one remln- 1
lucent chan save the fol-
"Some half a dozen
years ago, when I was
working the afternoon
trick on the Union Pacific Railway at
Denver, one of my oldtlme friends
from the Past, who was on his vacation
aud visiting friends in the Rockies;,
called upon me. When 1 got things .
straightened out so that I could leave j
trains In charge of my operator, I went
out to upend an hour with my PaHtcrn
friend to show him the Interior decora
tions of one or two of our notable pub
lic buildings. Previous to going out
with the Easterner I IsKtied running
orders to a dinabled passenger engine
which had been coujelled to give up
the run near Peudville, In the 111 uin
talus, and to return to Denver for re ;
pairs. I fixed them againm oil regu
lar .trains, and it started eastward
about the same time that I descended j
the Ktalrs with my friend.
"What we saw or did la neither here
nor there and does not necessarily en
ter Into the recital of this yarn. Suf
fice to say that we parted company
after an hour's pleasant chat, et celern,
and I returned to the ofllce while he de
parted for hlH hotel, promising to meet
me at a designated hour the following
day. When I returned to the office my
operator Informed me that he had just
siarted helping engine .17 down the
mountain to come up with a freight
train, and that he had fixed them
against all east bound trains. As It Is
the custom of the dispatcher every mo
ment or so w hile ou duty to glance first
at the clock and then nt the train sheet,
I saw that It was ();.'15 a. m., and also
noted the absence of the pushing en
gine being recorded upon the sheet.
After an admonition to the operator
that he must train himself to make a
record on the sheet of all trains the
instant he started them. I then sat
down and Involuntarily picked tip tin
order book and read the order the ope
rator hail Issued to the pushing engine
during my absence.
"Directly I read the order I discover
ed that he had made 110 provision for
the two empty engines to meet each
other, both of them having orders to
run regardless of all trains. You can
Imagine my feelings, and a description
of how I felt Is useless. I said: 'Jim,
you have not arranged for those two
engines to pass each other, have you?'
and his reply was: 'No; I had forgot
ten about the No. 24 which you start
ed.' There was but one Intervening
station between the two stations from
which the engines were separated from
each other, one of them going down the
mountain around the curves at a speed
of thlriy-five miles an hour, and the
other one ascending the grade at a
speed of twenty miles per hour.
"I at once began to call ''s.' the
station which now separated the en
gines, and as luck would have It, the
oMrator wns seated at the key and an
swered his call the second time I made
It. As quickly as I could send the
words over the wire I said: 'Stop En
gland 57 west, quick!' His key opened
and remained so fully a minute, when
he closed It by saying: 'It was too late;
they went by like a flash just as you
called me, and, although I Jumped
right out through the window and did
not wait to go through the door, I
could not catch them with my red light,
for they never looked back.'
"My operator was a silent listener to
all this and as I glanced at him I could
scarcely suppress a smile, even though
my own mental suffering was as great
as his. He was an object of abject dis
tress nod his eyes hung way out on his
cheeks like doorknobs on a colonial
residence. There was one "blind" side
track between McGce's aud Kuena Vis
ta and how I did long for the telegraph
oitice which the company contemplat
ed opening at that place, There was
nothing now that I could do to avert a
collision which seemed to be Inevita
ble, and my mental suffering was dis
tracting. Turning to .llio I said: 'Well,
my boy, this is a bad thing, and you
have set a trap for those two englneeis
and their firemen. At the rate of
su'cd at which they are running, us In
dicated by the time they passed the
other stations, they will meet atwut
two and one-fourth miles west of Mc
Oee's and engine 24 will come around
the curve nrst. Just as the helping en
gine is upou them.' I csllcd up the
operator at Mcnee s ana sain: wo
down the track to the curve and see If
yon can find out anything aliont those
engines. I think we have got them In
Some fifteen minutes later he culled
me nnd Informed me that he had gone
all the way to tu twnd and climbed a
cliff which gnr blm a view of threo
miles, und that he could not see any
headlights, nor hear anything working
steam, .lust as he closed his key and 1
leaned my head down upon the train
sheet to try and overcome the suffocat
ing sensation that hail complete posses
sion of me, the operator at McOee's
said: 'There's something coming west
cow,' and theu left the wire open for a
minute and resumed by saying, 'It s
Knglue 24, and they weut by like a
rocket.' The sigh of relief which es
caped from me and the light that came
Into HHir Jim's face as his eyes slowly
resinned their former position was
most satisfying, and a great load was
removed from both our hearts. Of
course, my curiosity was great as to
the manner in which the engines got
by each other, and after 'Mc'tJeeV re
ported the east bound engine passing
his station 1 tsik my hat and left the
office to breathe some fresh air Into
my lungs aud to wait until the engine
arrived. In half an hour she slowly
puffed into the shed and I went tip to
her and, gentlemen, I was never more
pleased to meet the friend of my most
tender recollections than I was to greet
that dirt and grease besmirched engi
neer, and an he alighted, torch In hand
to -look her over' 1 greeted him warmly
nnd said: 'Well, Mike, It was too bad
you broke that piston gland mid had
to take down one side and block her
tip, otherwise you might have been
home with tin-old lady three hours ago,
but I'll fix you out with another engine ;
and run yon back to Peadville light
i without any cars as soon as you
! ready.' 'All right, my boy, I'm much
' obliged to you, and I'll be ready as
soon as we can get a bite to eat.'
i "'Ah, by the way, Mike, where did
you meet pushing engine .17?'
" 'Pet's sec. oh, yes, we met them
at Charcoal spur. Just as we got there
the blocking came out of the 24. and I
said to the fireboy that I thought I
I heard something coming down the
! mountain, and told him to go and turn
i the gate and we would go In the hole
nnd replace the blocking on the 24.'
"'How long had you been In on the
spur track when the engine passed
" 'Ob, about half a minute, I think.
And say, ine boy, he was fanning her,
too! You know that Foggy Tom Is a
little reckless, and he goes around them
curves too fast and you ought to speak
to him before the old man gets 01 to
"'All right, Mike. But, say, where
would you have met the 57 If the block
ing had not come out of the 24?'
"'My God!' cried he, as the torch
dropped from his hand. 'Did he run
by a flag order to meet us?'
" 'No, Mike, but the boy upstairs was
trying his hand at dispatching during
my absence and did not make a meet
ing point for you and Fuggy Tom.'
Peeling the natural pride so prevalent
among dispatchers that he can tell
where any train will be at any minute
on his division, I wanted to learn from
Mike at what point he thought the two
engines would have collided If he had
not stopped; so I put the question, and
bis reply was: 'We would have met
two and a quarter miles west of Mc
Gce's, on that big bend, and there
wouldn't have been enough left of the
engines to make toothpicks with. And
there would have been a broken-heart
ed widow and two sweet, little blue
eyed lassies waiting for the whistle of
tiie old 24. which they listen for each
night, and which they never again
would hear.'
"He wiped away the tear lhat ap
peared, and I silently retraced my
footsteps to the office, aud ever since
that eventful night, when my heart
stood still for many long aud tiresome
minutes, I have never left any train
dispatching upon my track for others
to perform."
Artificial Noses and Kara.
The making of artificial noses aud
ears has become a good business with
in the last few years. A nose Is first
i modelled to the proper shape lu pnper-
mache, and then It Is waxed and var
nished to the tint of the complexion of
the noseless person. Ordinarily It
I fastened on by means of a pair of
spectacles, to the noseplece of which
It Is firmly attached. In some cases,
however, where the remaining stump la
large enough, It is clamped In place aud
the spectacles are not necessary. An
ear Is made In much the same way,
but It Is far more difficult to attach.
Most frequently small springs fitting
Into the ear duct are used, but they are
likely In the end to seriously Impair
the honr(ng.
"Papa," asked little Willie, "Isn't a
yule a mini who Is tired of the world!"
"No, my dear; a cynic Is a mun of whom
the world Is tlred.'-Chlcago Timea-Heruld.
H.ghcst of all ia Leavenr.g I'cwcr.
Variety of Kouil for Stock.
Variety of food is es.-ieutial for all
animals. To confine a pig aud give it
nothing but grain will sooner or Liter
result in indigestion aud disease.
Manv of the so-called cholera victims
have succumlred to a grain diet. Bulky
food is essential. Grass and rooU, or
auy succuleut food, will prove more
1 beneficial than medicine. II an ani
mal receives a variety of food it will be
free from many diseases due to indi
gestion. Yawning ua a Kemrdy.
Yawning, though contrary to the
canons of good society, is undoubtedly
very beneficial to the individual. Mus
cles are brought into play during a
good yawn which otherwise would
never obtain any exercise at all, and its
alue as a sort of natural massHge is
considerable. The muscles which
move the lower jaw aud the breathing
muscles of the chest are the first ones
used during the process of gaping;
then the tongue is roumled and arched,
the palate lightly bi retched and the
uvula raised. The eyes grueraily cioee
tightly toward the termination of the
yawn, the ears are raised slightly and
the nostrils dialated. The crack some
times heard in the ears proves that the
aural memi.raiies are aleo stretched
and exercised, something impossible
by any process but a yawn. Accord
to the New York Herald, it has re
cently been recommended by some doc
tors that sufferers from nasal catarrh
should make a practice of yawning s:x
or seven times a day, and good result
will follow.
Hinry Iew on l.eavea.
The peculiar deposit olten noticed on
the upper surfaces of leaves, especially
upon those of the basswood and the
hickory, has been accounted for in two
ways by the excretion of a species ol
minute insect called aphides, and a'so
as an exudation, which is a saccharine
liouid of wonderful sweetness, is still
i an unsolved botanical mystery. Gray
1 says, "It seems to be caused by gome-
' ihinir neculiar in the atmosphere and
I occurs most frequently on trees grow-
t,. , ialuiwlu in lAtntierste latitudes
1 "f"" """"
Mranli K of tlin frrrloua Stonra.
The meanings attached to the differ
ent prec.ous stones are as follows: The
I eat net is constancy; the amethyst, sin
'ceritv! the bloodstone, courage; the
j japphire, Innocence: the emerald, suc
leess; the agate, long life; the carneliau,
! content; the pearl, tears; t tie diamond
'purity; the opal, sorrow; the turquoise
hsppiness; the malachite, prosperity.
Put a pan of fresh water near the
hen house where the poultry must pass
in going to roost, that none nriy go 1
bed thirsty. Many will stop and drink
in the morning when they come out,
i I
Forbid a
Fool a
He Will
Don't Use
Claus must
have run out
o'Soap when
he left you."
Even the children recognize Santa
Claus Soap as one of the good things
of life and why not ? It keeps
their home clean and makes their
mother happy. Try it in your home.
Sold everywhere. Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank Company,
fc with Pearline. Tv-onld be. absurd. It
isn't necessary. Pearline contains rvery-
Is I I
A m 1
II 1 I
lfck v
1 2
Latest U. S. Gov't Keort
Pluja aud P!Meri.
Charles Froh man's slock t t iiipany if
to lb'.to what A. M. Paimer's stock com
pany was to I75.
K. E. Rice was in Boston iast week
inspecting It. A. li.truet's ' Kxcelsior,
Jr,- which Rice lias bought.
Jessie Hartlett Davis, the celebrated
contralto of the boeluiiiau.', ued tc
siogtheroleof Buttercup in "Pinafore."
1 ittle Willie Kibosh is the name of
Prank Daniels' new character in which
he is to be seen in comic opei a next
liooil Heallli.
Sugar is one of the best of the fat
producing foods, and for that reason it
is bad for a person, young or old, in
whom there is a tendency to accumu
late too inucii fat. The converse of
this is true. It is also valuable, be
cause it is easily digested, to flu se who
are weak, who suffer from a lack of
animal hea', aud who need bunding up,
not too much of it, though, as Dr. Cy
rus Edsou explains in The Ladies'
Home Journal, because there a:e ele
ments needed in t lie body which sugar
will not supply. Sugar is exceedingly
satisfying to the appetite.
Dr. Kdson says: i know a man who
was an otlicer of cavelry during the civ
al war, and on one occasion duriuir a
raid he found an opportiin"y to till his
haversack and uolh sadd'ehags' with
brown sugar. The men of his com
mand did the siime. li was four days
liefore they were able to get a supply of
rations, and during that time tht-y
lived on Hie sugar and were perfectly
contented with the diet. The story
points to one rule which may safely be
laid down for all: Candy sho- Id not
be eaten immediately befnre meals by
either child or adult because it, will de
stroy the apne'iielor other food, and
that other should b-j taken first be
cause of the lood element found 111 it.
and which is not found in candy. In
oilier words, the supply of sugar should
be adjusted to that of other loo s iu a
natural ai d common sense way pro
portion. Tlie gmt Window.
The largest opalescent glass window
in the world in in the new St. l'aul's
church iu Milwaukee. It is what is
known as a nave windw, Hie lower
half being composed of three immense
panels, and the upper half ol a splen
did rose and tracery in a semicrcie of
brilliancy. This monster window in
its extreme rreasurmeii! is thirty feet
and one inch in width and exactly
twenty-lour feet ,u It is beau
tifully executed, the subject being the
Cruaifiction in fact it is an exact copy
of Dore's m ster-pieee, "Cluist Leaving
Hie Praetorinm." There are over 200
life size figures represented tin this
wonderful window.
Thing and
52 3 I
a , .....I
J 'T" WIlllWlfHIIjpiffl
' tiling OI a SOapy liatui r inai s uccucii 01 uiav. 3
good to go with it. And Pearline is much
better than soap that it lias the work all done
before the soap begins to take any j :t.
You're simply throwing away money. It's a
clear waste of soap and soap may be good for
something, though it isn't ninth use in wash
ing and cleaning, when Peadine's around. i
TrYflortrtO mTS