THE SIOCX COUNTY o l. J. (Ummmmw. E4IUr a4 Proprietor. r. r.ii.v e. h. Tim ubu. Going Went. l.oin KmU u. . mUed. lt:M I o. , uili For flour, feed or meet call 00 E. floliwer. llorehound compound rough lyrup (.lie great remedy for couglw and Cold at Uie Pioueer Pharmacy. IT or Strayed A browa Kelding, yean old, branded circle on left thijfh. A. SIcOlJtlJEY. I have a good Woods binder for sale or trade for tock. W. K Baijjw is, 4 miles toutl) of Harrison. Rumors of a local war come up from Wet Ilat creek but tlie troop liave not yet been called out If you want a farm papei get one Kublished in Nebraska. The Joibmal cluba with the Xdmuka Famyr. Cull and nee a copy of it In caw where dandruff, scalp dis- eaueti, falling and gray new of tlie hair apiear, do not neglect them, but apply a proper remedy and tonic like Hall's Hair Renewer. Three car load or ful cattle were dhipiied from here Monday evening, tlie lint of tlie aeason from this place. Two car loads were shipped by Brewster & Anderson ami one by V. A. Bigelow. Nels Anderson and W, A. Bigelow ac companied the shipment What causes bad dreams is a (men tion that has never been satisfactorily answered; but, in nine cases out of ten, frightful dreams are the result of iniier feet digestion, which a few doses of Ayer's Sarsnparilla will effectually rem edy. Don't delay try it today. It is expected that the race track will be laid off within the next few days, All that is needed to make the plan c success is a united effort, without tliat it will be a failure. Arrangements have been made so that tlie trains will stop for dinner and supper at Lusk after this week. This is to be regretted, as it will lose quite an amount of trade to our business men. John Dout and 0. A. Garten each made proof on a timber claim lost Sat urday. John Pfost and Jesus Barassa each made proof on a homestead. By that Sioux county has one more section added to the amount of deeded land within her borders. "Mamma, was that a sugnr-pluni you just gave me?, asked little Mabel. "No, dear, it was one of Dr. Ayer's Pills." "Please may I have another?" "Not now, dear, one of those nice pills ,in all you need at present, localise every dose is effective." Undes the new law which goes Into effect to-day it is a crime punishable by imprisonment in tlie penitentiary to steal or kill any cattle of any value whatever. A fellow would hate to go to the pen for stealing a three dollar calf. The latest reports from Jackson's Hole and the Indian war Is that t ie set tiers are all preared to light but no Indians can be found. It looks now as if tlie whole thing was a farce, but the troop will likely be kept there until all is nettled. While in town yesterday Chairman Weber of the pop county central com mil tee issued a call for a convention ol that party on August l'tli. This pretty hot weather to stir up pontics especially when there nre but two of the county offices that pay enough for the incumbent to live on. It is reported that quite a good many contemplate leaving this county In the near future. Home will go east nonie south and some west. Wuen peo ple become diswitislled with a place it is just ns well that they leave for they ure not comfortable and do not seem to want any one else to be. Among tlie new laws which go Into effect today Is the one forbidding the nelling or furnishing of cigarette or cig arette paper to any person under the nge of twenty-one years. The penalty is fine of from ten to fifty dollars, one-hull to be paid to the Informer. Our mer chant will do well to be careful. J & P. Smith fulled in business in Children a few days ago and there was the usual scramble among the creditors over the stock. In some way the Chad' ron Milling Co. got hold of some Oakdale Hour anil put it into a enr which was being loaded to II 1 1 an order from Lewis Uerlach. The flour (rot here and was stored in Gerlach's ware room. On Fri day Uie attorney of the Oakdale mill came up and commenced replevin pro ceeding, Under those Shenlf Dew levied on some of the flour in Oerlach's ware room but it was not removed. In such cases the plaintiff has twenty-four hours in which to give an Indemnifying bond to the sheriff for the protection of all parties. No satisfactory bond was put up within the proper time and the alter- Iff released Uie flour back to Mr. Uer lach. The case will have to grind ou In the courts but no one here is Inter ested, At no time was Mr. Oerlnnh terested at he had not yet paid for the Hour and the company of whom he pur t haeed it wa amply responsible in the event of any damage having been sum- teityd by him, but he is pieaeed that h PEKKOXAL. I 1 M. D. Jordan aod Nels Roiefiburg were over from Adelia yenterday. Peter Ritbea and Ohrinlenaen were over from Mont rwm Wednesday. Mis Lizzie Oerlach was up from i Craw ford the Unit of tlte week visiting friends. J ol 1 Baker having disposed of his Sioux county interesU, left for Colorado Wednesday. Robert Ferguson was in Harrison Fri day, returning front a visit with Mr- and Mrs. Henry Warneke, Miss Nellie Simmons was the guest of Miss Clara Kirkpatrick at Highland the iast week. John Herman was in town Monday and called at this office. John a vays re members the printer. Rev. and Mrs. C, K. Connell visited last week on Running Water with Mr. and Mrs. A. McGinley. G. A. Eckles, county attorney of IJuwes county, was in Harrison on legal business last Friday aud called at this office, Grandma Davis and Master Archie Uuvis went to Douglass tlie last of the week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. arleton. II. D. Churchill left for Pino Ridge Saturday. From there he will go to Oregon with a bunch of horses. His friends wish him a pleasant trip. Sarah Gould asks the district court to sever the ties that bind her to John Gould. She alleges that her hubby in stead of treating her as be premised the preacher would, indulged in the past- time flinging her violently against the side of the family abode, chewing her fingers and failing to suport her. At torney Guthrie is her legal guide. John Coffee got word a short time ago that some cattle had been taken from near the 7 box L ranch. He wect after them and found them at Casper. One belonged to him and twenty-four to T. B. Snyder. The thief had not been (aught at last reports, but such activity n gathering stock is apt to get him into trouble. -There is little change to report in the condition of crops from last week. Some local showers have fallen, some grain is cut and some is badly in need of rain. At Highland last Sunday we suw that Nels Engbret and Henry Covey had their rye in shock and wheat, oats, corn and potatoes looked good. Reorts from other localities indicates that better re turns will prevail than last year, and if rain comes soon late crops will be good. Taken as a whole the people of Sioux county have little to complain of, but it would be hard to make some think so. -Last Sunday The Journal family visited tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo DeBock on East Hat c reek. To those who have spent a day at that home it is not necessary to state that it was enjoy able. They have a large, well-built, comfortuble log house surrounded by trees, but a few steps from the stream, making a delightful place on a hot sum mer day and also sheltered from the win ter storms. Convienient barns and sheds were also noted. The most inter esting irt of the place is the garden. This contains about live acres cf ground and is lllled with all kinds of vegetables for the mnrket. Mr. DeBock does not fear luck of ruin, for he has a spring which furnishes all the water needed to keep his gnrden flourishing. It seems to be the general idea, that a large amount of water is needed to Irrigate a little land, hut here Mr. DeBock waters a gar den which produces enough to support his large family from a spring Which is not a very large spring either. He is practical gardener and works intelligent ly so that good results ore obtained, and those who have but little water to use on land will do well to visit Mr. DeBock and his garden and get some (winters. Iturllnrton Route. Half rates to Boston. August 19 to S4, Burlington Route agents in Nebraska and Kansas will sell round trip tickets to Boston at the one way rate, return limit, Oct 6th. Ttia Tram to TaMs The Knight Tern plur official train, having on board Grand Commander Finch and escort will leave Omaha VIA TUB nCRMNMTO.S ROtTt, at 4:41 p. m., Thursday, August 21, Hi ter urrival of all trains from the west. Through to Boston WITHOUT CHANOE Seven hours stotovr at Niagara Pal In. Tickets and sleeping car reservations on aixilication to any agent of Una or anv connecting line. . Send for free folder giving' full Infor mation. J. Frawm, O. P, 4k T. A Omaha, Neb. DM Jee Kver Try Kleclric Bitten an a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure nf ell female complaints, exertinc a wonderful direct influent in giving strength and tone to the organ. If you have loss of appetite, constipation, head ache, fainting spell or are nervous sleepless, excitable, melancholy or trou bled with dir.r.y spells, Electric Bitters i the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its u Large bottle only B0 cent at til Pio 1'ablir Sale. Tlie undersigned will sell at nublii auction at tlte ranch nf Jow-ph Hebheln. j on Indian creek, Hioux count v. n- . bniftka, on TUESDAY. AUGUST 8, W, the following property: 100 head of 3-year-old steers, 15 head of 4-year-old steers, 90 heifers and cows, 20 horses and mures, Parol implements., consisting of wag ons, mowers, rakes, plows, etc., Household goods and utensils too nu merous to mention. TERMS: All cattle and all sums on other purclutses under M cash in hand. On all purchases amounting to $4 or over a credit of ) year will tie given and 00 all horses a credit of 2 years will be given on approved notes drawing 10 per cent per annum, none on cattle. A discount of 10 er cent will be given for cosh on horses. I will also sell or rent my ranch on tlie Nebraska-Dakota line; running water; about 60 tons of lay on the ground; HO acres under ditch. For further information apply on premises or address, JoKTH IIlBFELX, Ardmore, S. Duk. Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. I wish to call your attention to tlie fact that the County Treasurers have een very lenient with you during the several crop failures and as nearly all school districts are in need of money and the prospects are good for line crops this year, I hhall insist upon the pay ment of your iersonal taxes. Gentle men they have stood long enough. Very Respectfully, H. S. WuouRcrir. County Treasurer. Independent Judicial Con vent Ion. The people's independent electors of the fifteenth judicial district of Nebraska are hereby req nested to send delegates from their respective counties to meet n convention in the city of O'Neill on Monday, August 30, IHti't, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of placing in nom ination two candidates for judges of the district court of said district. The representation will lie the same as for the state convention, and the convention will contain 64 delegates, of which Box Butte county will lie enti tled to 6; Dawes, 9; Sioux, 2. H. M. Buluk'K, Chairman Judicial Committee. Special Exi umlons to Hot Springs. On the following dates the F. E. & M. V. will sell excursion tickets from Har rison, Neb., to Hot Springs, S. D., and return for one fare for the round trip. These tickets will lie good returning for thirty days from date of sale: May 24th, June 7th and 10th, July 3d and lDtli, August 2d and 2!Jd. For further par ticulars apply to E. F. Pontics, Agent. Protect the Maine and Fish, Shoot or flrh only in the proper season and escape the game warden by observ ing the laws. Many states have new game and fish laws this year, and if you don't know them, send live 2c stumps for a copy of the Game Ijaw issue of The American Field, 245 State St., Chicago Church Services Next Sunday. Preaching service, Sunday morning 10:30; Sunday School 11:H0; Epwortl League, 7. C. E. CoNNHA, Pastor. Largest ( Irriilatlou In Nebraska. It isn't much wonder that the State Journal row has the largest circulation in Nebraska. It bus reduced, its price to (kl cents a month with Sunday, or 50 cents without Sunday; it has been spending more money for Nebraska than any other paper; it has on its staff sucl men as Bixliy, Walt Mason and Annin. The Journal I being pushed at every point and is climbing steadily and surely away ahead of the other state dailies. People tike a Lincoln paper. Especially wlien it is as good as tlie Journal. Iililriirndnnt County Ounvrutlaii. Till" inuil Intlenendnnt elratnra of Hloux county urn requested to send dejeffiit' to the nuiy convention to meet fit llurrlmtu Net,., un Hutilrtlay, August 17, 1st, nl I o'clock, 11. ni., to elect lete(i(UM to tlie flute mill judicial conventions nml to pliu-n In nomliiulioii cmidldnles for the vurloui, con my ntttces. KcpresenlMtlon will m 11 folluon, being Imic4 on tlte vote rnxl for Hon. Nil h A. Iluknmb fur governor In IrtM Andrews prwlnci t leleu-K; Antelope V, Itudnrcti llnwcn II ; ktlnwuod, t; Kite rutins,!; HatCrcck, 3; lllhlsnd. I; Muut rose, 4; Hannltot Water, I; Hnuse creek, i; HiiKar lmf, ; WarUoHiiet, 8; While Mlvcr ; WhiHta rrork.S, ninkliut a toud of II Is rocoiiiinenitiKt that primaries be held at the khI liioe aiid hours la the varhms preelncU TNiirmta)', AM-ant l for the ejection ol lclei(uU-s and immlnatluu of cauUlilnte Iwr precinct olttren, M. J. WCRCR, t fcatrmsa I ml. . (lea. Vim. Notice to Milder. fcenlod lads will be. miOvec) anil Hied by the mnntv clerk at his rtMea at IIuttIm,ii. NiH.. Voir III rcnlnrlnit of tfckn mni.1v l.rlilffc acriws Hat creek ahlck ws wabcri out from aeetlon line ncla-ces octkn TS sun Kl, town !&, range M Plan an1 specflcnllons a In Uie manner of replselnn until l.TMae may lie tia'l li cnlllnt hI IT, office of the eonntv clerk. All Mils to 1m arconipanletl Iit a Wniwl In Onnhlr the anronnt nt the l.iil. All hlls tn lc hied on nr before itoen of NMtenitier K Ism the laiiirit reserve Uhi riUM te reject nny or an lima. By "filer of tho bOi-.M of county eoinml" 0 Blood Poison THE BAKE OF HUMAN LIFE, JMtki Out of the System by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, I was a gn at puffercr from a pmst licrsibtcnt IiIcxmI difM'iuw, nopu (if tlie various S5 ..... is..: I I...;.... -' lllouicilti'K i v"on. i ilia ui mi v i jn-lp whatever. Hoping thnt Q t liungn or ciimat would HHient III, l WCIlt Id CUUM, 10 J Ull 111. I, Q mid then to rwiitij;;i .springs, o where I remained some, time 0 drinking the water. Hut nil was gj 110 use. At lnst, being advised 0 liv several friends to try Ayei's 01 barsaparilla, J licgan taking it, and very soon favorable results, were manifest. To-dny 1 con sider invself si iwrfectly healthy o man, with a gt appetite aid gi not the least trace of my former 0: complaint. To all my friends, c: iir.d especially yourg men like o myself, I recommend Ayer's Kar Raiiarilla, if in need of a perfect 'y 0! reliable blood-purifier. .Iosk . A. Em:oiiaii, proprietor Hotel . Victoria, Key West, Ma.; resi- ft deuce, 3i2 W. 10th St., New York, o; AyeteSarsapari!ia i Admitted lor Exhibition or AT THE WORLD'S FAIR OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC)!.'' GRANT GUTHRIE, Attomey-at-Law. Prompt attention given to ull legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and United States Uind Office. LIT'Legnl pajier carefully drawn. Hahhisiix, - Nebraska. D. L. SMUt'K, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 11. HAZORS AND SCIHHORH PIT IS OKPEK. lilve I mo t a 1 Cull, J. E. PH1NNEY, M. I). riiyvioita nd Surgeon, All culls glvon proint uttuution. Office In Urug Store. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. 1 SELL Deering MOWERS. The BEST On LEWIS GERUCH. Lftnllip IUO- outlly MghC 1hK fc-a, Tr, MM uirfrnli, p baud, aim! tin ineot Commtrati Colirft ng ia America. Oraduam naiuly cat Ml n. Dcauriful rtliiraia Catalofiat tKUL AMfra P. L. MirSSfJ.M AN, Piafc. O Cltrnl w OnlUare .ftnlacy.IU. kM Coileire. AdiioNniMt. Art, Music, rkmmeroUlaml MnM&WiUMMrUaeoU. It UeUteUr flrtl eim. d4 kirkemu. but kkorea amlf nuKlerata pricea. Co-ed vicatkio I. Special Ladies HalTbTKONQ IN ALL tJRHAKTMKNTS. LEADS EVERYBODY IN AKTknd MUSIC InetmnthM by Surop ArtUU at prices within reach of veetera Mople. Coma and nnr ART HAI U 1 muut kav slat Profor, iwa kraM IHp Organa, U Pian,Cliiiiltan, FincvrJKslra.Foerbnnda, OraterM BooatIT, beauiilul l'Wpl, mw AttUnuriuta, im cowm of Lacturni anil canocna, Mw Oymna. mlum. Military Cunmany. (it Ihi bt, Behealyaat kaalaiSaM. llih. 4 Hrrntf nina iach. Cak EARTH STAMPED UPON THE DULLEST Ib tho name and lame of the "Old Reliable" store of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, where yon can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a GENERAL STORK. Now is the time select your SPRING AUD Highest market price paid for produce of all kinds. MARSTELLER BROS, "The Old Reliable." From scandal's name we stand uloft, And honor not its propagator, We sell yotl goods, will maUe you laugh And go and tell your neighlior The cheapest place to trade in town, . Yes, that's the name, just HOTJC3-H SON". Hester DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and HAUBI80X - THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD Edited by Ex-Con irmBUi W. J. BRYAN I ike gnalut twnpaptr tmt of the Ifiuouri Rio. It tvdTocUi FREE SILVER at Um prasMt ntto of sixttMa tooa. Its mwi Mrrloa is th bit to b obUiaad. Daily, 18 00 per yw; W emta permoBth. Wekly. ft 00 par yaar. Subtcrlptlons for tht WORLD-HERALD rctlvd at this off let Bun SUMMED GOODS. Son, & Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. XEWIAKKA. S. L. ELT.1S, County Surveyor, I .i-.'i,ir..Hl to do nil kind of HU U VEYINO (in.1 lm:ll LEVELIXO In l-..niil i'.iuI wvlixfiU'tory iintnner, llAllHKia !BIJItAKA. C. C McBBlDE, Photographer, 1 prqtared to do (ill kleylU of wiurk W liia Ime Ojr tl iawi aifwoyrf netlaitda. 11c Im fpeiiat MraratnH far Vi iH-rcujwiui(J utu4e vieara m M ti watinc rk iiia tliat 1mm 4mmU cUn teat, Will have no further bether with it Pharwacy kcsafiea. , Carl A, ..w, J'a. U. " steaer. M. J. hlbwktt, WHintV lrk.