The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 01, 1895, Image 4

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The Sioux County Journal. !T
mlif on Silier,
Subscription Price, $1.00
L. J. Siuiuions,
Entered at the Harrisou iot office a
THrBSDAY, Al'iil'sT 1, M'J't.
Coining Convention'..
Democratic stats convention, Bryan
wing, Omaha, August 22.
Peoples independent, Lincoln, Aug. 29.
Democratic state convention, uc'min
istration wing, Lincoln, Sept. 5.
Peoples independent judicial conven
tion, 13th district, O'Neill, August 26.
Hod. El. L. Heath, editor or the Kind.
ville Standard, had the misfortune to
lose his two-year-old daughter by death
on last Thursday. Bro. Heath and his
family have the sympathy of many
friends in their bereavement.
The soldiers in the regular army in
the department of California received
but half pay for June -because of the
shortage in the appropriation made by
congress. That is tough on the soldiers
for they cannot quit their job or go out
on a strike.
W. S. Raker, editor of the Oetna Jle
jHirter had the misfortune to base his
wife taken from him by death on July
23d. When her husband was arrested on
the charge of libel bv an over-sensitive
individual and his trial was conducted in
a way which so savored of persecution
that the attention of the state was call
ed to it, Mrs. Raker was bo exercsied
that she was prostrated and the result
was her death on the above date. It
hoped that the men, who by their appar
ent malicious persecution of her hus
band were indirectly culpable in causing
her death will have to answer for it
perhaps cot in this world, but they
Hhould answer just the same. In his be-
. 4- .i
reaTement Jir. ttiKer lias the sincere
sympathy of all.
The time of year has come when our
exchanges occasionly speak of some man
calling who feels that the public owe
him some office. Of all the contempt
able men to deal with the fellow who
gets a notion that the public owes him
an omce is auout ttie worst. Any man
has a right to aspire to any office but
when a person claims that the public
owes him something simply because he
has heen a good citizen, and sometimes
those who make such claims cannot
show a very good record as a citizen, it
indicates that that individual is too
much of a child to be trusted with the
affairs of the public. The man who
must be rewarded for doing right is not
above watching, for he would just as
soon do wrong if rewarded for it.
The resignation fever has struck the
road overseers of Sioux county. Some
have resigned and others contemplate
doing so, while others do not know what
to do. The fact is that it is physical,
as well as a financial impossibility for a
road overseer in a county like Sioux to
carry out the provisions of the law. It
is evident that Senator Stewart forgot
how sparsely the district which he was
supposed to represent was settled when
that bili was considered. At prewtll.
there is nearly a million acres of land in
Kioux county the title to which is still
in the government, and consequently
entirely beyond the control of the state
authorities and how can a law of the
state reach that? Wtint land is deeded
has no market value and much of it is
owned by. non-residents who will do
nothing to comply with the law. In
order to comply with the law the road
overseer would have to employ help to
destroy the thistles. As the land has no
value he cannot get rwople to work un
less they have a prospect of getting
something for it. The notice must be
publsbed but the printer has enough to
do to contend with delinquent sub
scribers and live, without duin a lot of
advertising and expect to go without
pay until it i collected by distress
against the land. The law may Im a
good one for the populous counties, but
it will most likely be a dead letter in the
thinly settled counties of the state un
Im some way can be devised to get i
Uncle 8au to destroy them on the mil
lion of acres of land which he still has
within their borders. It would seem
that if a road overseer used due dilli
irence to carry out the law he would be
relieved of any responsibility, for the
law does not expect officials to do im
possible things.
Dloomln' Bloomer.
As some of the ladies desire to know
more of the bloomer costume which is
becoming so popular among the ladies of
the east for all outing and athletic cos
tume, and as some do not get away
from home to see much of the world we
republish the following from an ex
change: The bloomer dress is a pair of trousers
verjr baggy at the knees, abnormally
fall at the pistol pocket, considerably
loot where you strike a match; thegar
awt ia cut decollette at the south end,
' f the bottoms are tied around the an
ilea or kaee to keep the mice out. You
' P i over your head as you do
' "; ; rwoomt but aft on the floor and pull
,. - ra taetaayoudoyour stockings, one
t,V I .t each compartment You can
"0 T Wl wbtvh if the right side to
i'- - f hi freat by the button on the neck
j 1 uic-ltj i;i;t.!e.
j We tvpriDt, by request, the following
, letter of Petroleum V. Xaby i n tins il-
vtr question. It appeared ic the weekly
i likul? in January, 1"T". Taken in con
nection with tlie recent democratii! state
convention in Kentucky, it shows tlmt
public opinion down there has been
greatly enlightened, when compared
with the "tonfednt X Roads view as
expressed by Mr. Xasby:
(Wk!i is in tlie state of Keutuckj i.
Jan. 22, IMC
1 uiu't so certin that I want the silver
bill to pjs ez I wuz. The fact is, the
the thill;; don't work ez I sjiosed it wood,
and 1 uiu't clear onto it- There is Mittle
principles in thee fiiiunchel question j
wit h requires a great deel of thought. I
and there is under lying principles wicli j
a man has got to understand afore he is 1
comjfeteut to set hisself up ez authority, j
One thing I am certain of, liasi (im
ain't no liuanseer, nor never will lie. and
I told him so.
'What is a linaiiseer'.'" he asked.
"A finaiiseer,'' said I, assooiiimg lite
look ol IVml Webster, "is a man vii-h
can pay his debts with riot 1 1 i it- -a man
wich Kin git suthin with nothiii."
"The Corners, then, is full of (iuan-
seers, lie remarkt. liitlerlv, castiu a i
casual glance at his slate wich w uz ji.-t
full enough to turn oer and legin on
tother side.
Hut he liezn't any uv the science uv it.
I w uz argooing with him the other day
in favor of my noshun uv a leather cur
rency, though I told him silver wuz
much the same thing, and, for example,
I wood assuom that silver wuz to be the
currency of the fucher.
"Now, don't you see, Bawxim, that ef I
lied twict t-z much money, I could drink
twict us much whisky, and pay for it'r"
"How much is twict notlun?" was the
unfecliu answer of tlie tyrant who hold
the destinies uv the Corners in Ins hands.
'TlietH wot your capital hez bin ever
sence I knowd yoo."
"Parson," said he, "I don't see what
earthly difference its goin to make
whether silver in currency or anything
else. How are yoo ngoin to git silver el
it is made legal tender? Kf silver wuz
uz plenty ez bricks, wat hev yoo gut to
git any uv it with?"
"Troo, 0. W." wuz my answer, but
can't yoo see that to hev silver wood re
teeve the det tor class? Even now, afore
it is legal tender, its only w nth t'2 cents
on the dollar, and w hen the country is
Hooded with it, it will go still lower.
Then we or rather sich uv us ez hev
property to raise money on kin pay
"Eggsactly so,' retorts Bascom, "yoo
kin pay me for the good, honist Inker uv
mine, wich yoo hev consoomed, in coin,
which is less than the dollar yoo prom
ised. All rite. But look here coma in
here all uv yoo, I want you silver men
to know eggsictly wat yoo are rushin
And this friend led us into the (jack
room that Kick room winch contains
the long row of Bascom's stock. There
was the Butmisteoce uv the Corners.
There, in barrils, piled one on top uv an
other, wuz the delishus whisky uv
Louisville, uv different ages, rangin
from that uv too weeks old to that wich
had jiat left the still and was scarcely
cold yiU Tlitre it lay, and uz my eye i
ranged effeckshunately over it, I felt cf
I cood hev the driukin uv all that likker
I wood l)e content to lav dow n and die
w hen the lust drop was gone.
Bascom putted to an immense tank
wich be lied erectid within a. few days,
with a pipe runnin in from the roof.
"I shan't raise the price uv likker in
consequent uv being paid for it in a
depreshiated currency!" said he.
I fell on Bascom's neck in an eggstacy
uv delite, while the others simutid, "Rah
for Bascom!"
"G. W." I remarkt, while teetn taif
foosed my eyes, "I never placed yoo
much below the angels, but this gener
ous act bus histed yoo a hundred per
cent iu my etimuhiiii. Bless yoo, tl.
W., bless yoo,"
"But I'll tell you wat I shell do. bo
yoo sen that tank?" sed he.
"May I ask w hat that is for?" I sed.
"That tar.k I will till with rane water,"
sed he. "The moment yoo git to pay in
me in silver I shell take out of each uv
them barrils jist eggsackly thre ami
one-liflh gallons uv likker and FILL IT
"Merciful heviug
j A
si rigs f uruiliei.! on shurt mdice.
Reliab'e drivers and quiet siidvlle In
(itiod ai'eominodatioiLi fm'
Hurst's boanleJ.
Feed and Sale
I.- a! wj (mi l.aiht.
t ratiM it'til u-t mil ix.
'Sioux County,
Free Homes for More
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
T VTK hH II'I ll:
i lll,,.i,l,. . . , 4.vefi
l k . Vt.h.f, l.leuleliMiit .41f.f( T
.1. I. t " 1 1 - t-,-retul of Mate
r uirt-tif- i.ti- ... ........ . tnlilr
J.--Mh . llfiilt-y .. ..Tii-iuii-r
. l.ur. ii: i-. . .tlrit.y .t-iMfrl
It i . tlM- 'I I Mti.l I Mllllilw.tllt-r
11.,rU..; S4i1. 1-iiMM-lnUti,-tioit
- MN.!:t..-iiS I, I -. M,UII:
I'. Y, Miiitl-r-:'.. I. M-iiHtor, miiulid
Wlii.l Vti- I . S4.t,,r, M:ttllwH
W . J. Mr;, nil. I i,:li mn Nt IH-I., I luc. in
I. II. Mi ivs-r, S.t lluixlis
II. 1. Melkl,.j..i!H St - fill III 1.,.,
K. J. II-..IIKT, " Itl " Aurula
W . .. Ni (M uliH.l, ' Mil - II.-J I l.,l,.
j II V. I.. U.. ' Mil " l:nkeii Cuvr
Jl !!( IA.JY:
T. I . S'orVH) .....Chi-f JutiT, tx'wnr'1
,. M. INt A4M-iU' Jllillfe, 1 ,p'uillMi
1 1'. o. 1. Hmm iiiii 'i- J ii Itfe. i.r.iiel linti.
j I'. VI aiiifbi'U.. !i l k Kiel i, I n r.i.n
Harrison, Nebraska.
B. E. BaKws-n-.n,
C. F. I'orFTE,
Vue-I 'resident.
I. H. r,R;sVOLI, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking' Business
AMEP.K'AN LxrtlAMIE Xatkixai. IJaXK. .'C.nv York.
U.mteo Statu National Has::, Omni a,
FiRST NatKiWI, IJaNK, l liadron.
Interest Paid on Time Daposits.
Contains over forty-five miles of
rail car) and lias no county
M I. KtiiliMl.l.
A!!r--I Itiirtii.
Jiititrc, trv.-iii
! 4l.lllu,ll
M. J. ltii'n-n di ik, iiiimisui-
IIiiIm Ii W'iIwmi.,
M.J. Illi'.-tl .
II. m. iHi-lnii) .
'.TV nn ii f.lls
... IllllltJ- Jll'
..1 1. 1 k
. .1 r-iturt-i
V . H. i;i l.. supi. Till, Ik- hiHtriit-ti4M
A. It. l" -Cli4-rin
.1. h. riiiiin, y....... 1 4N,in-r
I., till. - S,-44-V4l
M.J. I'.li-Oi-lt I'lii k (it Hi-lili t I 4.111 1
AUni I. 1 Imli omit) Att4ri.4-'
IIOVIII) (it- ri)Mli-liNt.l!-:
fT.iiik Tl 14 k I! :tin It WUit i. t
M. .1. Wi-U-r. .. -M
II. I-
,i Mt-M4ll
i li.iir'iiiiii .
m l .
'II l'-4-t
.N-ii;it4,r. 4i-( (,. H.l r:i'.l
. Ie , i-l. .Sti. .VI, tl"iiifi!c;!t!.!
I.Ai.K m t II i:u:
r-h:ir;n.4ii ' . ....'I I n -1 j-
M. J. Illi..i i.
K. t'.iiiiut-r ,
.1. .
I. 11 t.TIM 4H( 4.
NV. II. Xar-t r "
I.. J. "MlMlidll ll-l J,
I . A. Il.--i4.-r 1 n iiii. r
I'tii l, Posts, Lia and l.iiniiti'r ( "lieu jn-r
iiinii. fun Ki(-
Tliiiii ut nny Otlicr
hi Ni lii-iis!,a,
I .1. K. li.l
! i.. V. Ih-
111- ,-HI.
Si.nix county is tli
t.f Nflintskii. It is
ii'-t ii nd west l.y nl i
ii'M'tli mid stililh and
j l I lt!s u i .i
I I lltvirl 1 i. mi t, . , I II 1 1 1 i
., . . A lu ll -1 h -.. "l Viv i-...! . !i
imi'MivM-st i unity , ..,,, v i:,r,
:tl. .it ll.irty miii-s i M""'i'v "i ii i. ..
ut. nii'-sl
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
TV -nil. I . 1
on tiie jint stink irincidc, wich wuz
uirrewl to, fecit iimn nt,'r'?cin to contrihit ;
ten dull.'.rs to tiie csiiiital stc., v. ich '
wood he t-nitir to buy a Uu I or two fur,
a ln'-innin.
Xoti.'f f 4 r I'lii.!
I.iind fVit.-1
il Aiil.n.rr, Ni-t
July hi, W'.A.
Notit-o i hi'H'bv ifivi'n flu- l.ilIuHiiii;
li:inirl 44I-1 ! 4T hn llli-il nollii" of Ills llll
turn to nii.k. phki! in itiiim.irt ut
rt:!nilll. Itll'l tlrlt 4.;iii lllrwif 1.' '11.'' U
We W HS HltllDiisiustic till ni? crime to , rourl. ' n't Ni l.i-..
Iwdol in for t!i4 ili:in to l;fMn th. t :i 4-4i. i - l V 1st .
when it wux found instid tiv tnv InMn
yoonanirtioiisly, as 1 egjjH.spit ted t l,
that every man liad votid fur hisscif.
Ez not a soul wood recede, thu v heiiie
was blot kt rite tht-rc and (innllv lied to
i Jlliuic K. I'lMili. tumiTl.t Mid Ii. f Ha,-.'
j M':l. Vl'll..
j ho li.mio 11. K No, i ;V1 Im- tin- ki. s.-o. Ill
i tp. ?3 ii., r. -4!. .
I IU tii.itii-4 tin following u liii.'-H4.-4 to pro'
i ins coiitinnou r4.4.i.j.'iu-e iijxhi ami ruitmi
111)11 HI S'.ll.l lltlltl viz:
Alltlst M!IH'l.(Uj,t, Willi-lt II. I.twii
Ik. lllnmloned w. went h:i-!f t. Il:,. i '"'l "VI, l.oil is J. Mh.iuhi.s, nil ol ll.-ir
ri4oii. N.-li,
corn's and stiomiiUd. Thnt tyrnnl tin's j ,4mt,
t Uv course we can't stand likker di
luted In llmt itmr.rier. We nre willin
emitr to diloot the tiimncv witli wicii
we nav for likker, but we want our lik-
J. V. Weiis, Jit., lii-ifi-t.
X Hotiscliold Trcanirp.
D. W. Puller, of C-nnnjotiaric, N. Y.
mvk that lt tilwayn keeps 1 r. Kin
New Liscovety in the house and his fain
kerfull strength. We cootln't helii it j iiy lias always found lh very best re
but nijrht we (signed and sent to our ! "H11 fallow its use; that Im would not
reiiv?ntatives a remonstrance airin the i ,iS witliout it, if l.rocumhle. (i. A
silver bill. The Corner is now for hon- j Lvkenian, druggist, aaskill, N. Y.. say
tst monev. Wood, O wood, that, we bed j lr. King a .m-iv liscovery is un
some uv it, i doubtedly thy liest eolith remedy; that
I'CTIiol.nCM V. NaEY, 'iliatieer. !i il family for libl
' yearn, and it lias never failed to do nil
Fluid PriMif 'lim.
j Hint in claiiiied for it. Why Hot
j remedy no lorn? tried nud,
I tfottles five at Pioneer Pliarmacv.
this paper will r...-4-ue.i nilirke.l r.y ..I the i "Mr 'M "Ul- a,ul
iii'r Hit't urn reoue-t'Nl Ut exaiiiuie their-'
iKitH e bihI if nny errois exiot rewtrt Umj '
shiiii; to this office Ht yew.
we exclaimed.
"and yoor likker so weak now !"
"And when silver get down to seventy-five
ceots ou tlie dollar I shall take
out twenty-live per cent uv whisky oud
fill her up willi twenty-five per cent of
water. And so on down. If silver goes,
up I sliel add whisky eggsackly in pro
porshen. In short, my whisky is jist
agoin to foller currency, and nothin
shorter. Yoo fellers wicli work fur
wagis may nwet, but I won't.
"Rut poo'l increiwe the siee nv yoor
glitsses?" sed I.
"Not any. But yoo may drink twict
ez many times to git the same amount
uv drunk e before, by pay in fur each
And Bascom tttulked hawtily back and
took his position behind the liar.
Titer wus consternashun in the Cor
ners sich ex I hev never Heen. Ther wux
a hurrid consultashun at the deekin'n
honw, and 1 sejinted tltet we emnncirutt
uur Iven from th domtnytin uv tins
t) i nit by urtta it grocery uv our own
.'itli-f fur Public! Ion.
Land Offli- ut Alliiiiiro. N'l-b., )
July SS, lsi-5.
j Ilsirl.lciPn Arnica Salvp.
j Tho ltest salve in the world for cuts
I bruises, sored, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
: iore, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
j corns, nud all skin eruption nnd positive
; ly cures pile", or no pav required. It is
Notice Is hereby Klven tlmt the followhiK
nUll.lHl 444-t t ll.T 1.1441 14W I1..LI..U .f 1. I. 4.. 4....
turn Ui ii.iike Diiiil pruof in 44iipJHit ul IiIh K"iantce.l to (jive i"'''fiH:t sntisf.iction
I'liuiu. miii mill Bam itoi III 14.. iniul,. n.. .,... .r,i,l,l P..l,. o". ..)
lore M. J. Klewetl, clerk of lilsinet oorl, r" "" rtlumleil. line..) centit -r
at li-trrtw.ii, .Neb., on S4..i. ,, isi ,ui i 1K, Kr te iv p0m-r Pliarmacv.
William V ll.ii.'ii.onhiriliii, ! '
U nin.144 II. K. tin. n lr the w. S nw. '4, !
"' ' ' '"'' mv- ' i Jnitt From the Press.
lie iiHint-a the liillovi m lmetwa to prove j
In--4.iiliiii.i.M relil4.iH-,. ujmiii ami i-uitivu- (
tiin M , 44;iil laiel. via: i
I'etiT li4Hirrel, Vi lllinlii II. Hotltfh, J4epli
Ml'l llli(l, liTrfllt Nl'4.44., 14.11 lf Hlirri.44411 , ,N4-Ii. :
't J. W . W KIIS, Jit., iU-KlxUT. i
.Vntlre rnbliCKtiun.
Ijtlnl Office nt Alllnnrr, Set. I
June 1st ft. (
Sotlretshen-hy (fWen lim the f4IU,wlnif
liHiii4-.lw.un-r ha notlee ol his inten
tion to nmke filial proof m KiiMjrt itt UIh
clHiin, hii.I tlmt h.iI.1 priMif will lie in, ..Ic I..
fri) M. J. Illewelt, . lerk of the .INtni-t
surt, hi iluirii4out MeK., 4IU Ailif. 'i, l.
Julia W, O-itntiMler, of Sloiu Co. Ni li.
who mii'lo U.K. No. 411 for the lit'2, it
hii.I 4 Biel . nw. , iii-o. ill tttrp. St ii. (t.,
lie iiKMU-B the following wltnewex n prve j
ins c'oi.iimmu rrsi4i4-iie4H umii una Llliuvie
tion of mii'l iMIlfl, VtKI
John Mi'4.lnif, S 11 lli in Meyer, I'i-1t
H lelenfeiitt, nn. I f'rl K roenlu ill I of Aril
niore, mi, Kuk. hIho, vlx:
.f tli ii Mexxiiti; of Hlinu Comity Xi l.
who mniln II. K. No. I''l, for the loin 1, nnd 4
tun I . Ii ne. u mil 1, twp. .I., n., r. .Vi w.
He iiHineM the following witni44u4eN to prove
hU ronlliiuiiiine resiileime upon hii.I citlti
Yntion ot siit'l IhimI, vlx:
Wililnni Meyer, Curl Kroetilr.K, VvU-r
Wle.len.'.-lilt hii.I John Ontruii.ler, nil of
Anlmoie, S4i. Unk. nl-o, vlx:
William Moyrr f Klonx f'n. Xcb.
who miule II. K. No. 2IIH for the lit3 fowl
hikI 4 Kiel nw. m.r. il, iicp. m i,
r. M w. '
He munri the IoIIowIiik wlf nessen tri prove
hid mttttliiuoiis resl'li-iiiKi iijkju hik) eiillivii
llii'i ol , -hIi, 4 i. : '
John JJesMliiir, Curl Kroenlnif, Vter WIM
eiifel .l, hikI John iNtramler nil of Art
f I-!--, -o. link.
A very uttntclive publii'iiliou has just
been issued by the p:isenjfer depai tmenl
of the Burlington Itjute. It lienrs the
title "The Nnwer Not tli-vvesl" and de
nerilnsii in n most interesting and read
able fashion those portions of northern
Wyoming and the lii.i.-k Hills of Koiitb
lAikota which are reade-d by Ibis coin
pany'n linen,
Tlie scenery, tovns, mines, people and
industries of lliese two is-markable ....
tionH of country are treated of with ale
solute fldelety, U00 pages with illuslrn
tions, sent on receipt of 1(1 cent iu
Hhtnips. J. I'ltANClH, O.P.& T. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
of land. The iv sue inure In!
ling, small streams hi ti.e county th in
can lie found in the satin- area else lu re
in the state. It has move pine timliei- m
it than all the ret of ll- slate c. n.bici il
Its grasses are the li.-hot iinM must nu
tritious known 'o that lor f-Vx k-growing
it is unexcelled.
The soil varies fmai a heavy clay to a
light sandy loam am! is capable of pro
ducing excellent crops.
ilie principal crops are small pram
and vegetables, i.ltliooh good corn i
grown in tlie valleys. The wheat, outs
rye and Isirb-y lire til' of unusually line
quality nnd command tlie highest mar
ket prices.
The water is pure ami re I resiling and
is found in abundance m all parts of the
The county is pr:eil. ally out of debt
and has over fortv-live miles of railroad
within its borders, has a guod brick court
house and the necessary lixlutvs for run
ning the county mid there has never
been one dollar of county bonds isstised
and hence taxes will be low.
i ne i retitont, r.iunorn & .Missouri
Valley railroad crossos8ioux county
from east to west ami tlie 1!. & M. has
about bl teen miles of its line in the
northeast pari of the county.
The climate is more pleitstiit than that
of the eastern portion of Nebraska,
Thetv is still
of land iu .Sioux county yet open to
homestead entry. It is better land mid
more desirably located . than thnt lor
which such are made on the o n-
ol u f.servalioii. There is no rail
road laud in the county nnd for llmt
reiuson its settlement liutt lcn slow fr
no sp.s'inl ellort to get Settlers was
made, as Wiis done in the early days ol
the set tb'iiieut of the eastern part of the
Good detd sl l.ui.l can be ptirclmRcxi nt
reicsoiiablj rates with goveiiiment land
adjoining S4i that a peiKoti who wants
morn than one ijuat l..r m tioo ciiuol.Uui
it if he has a htlle means.
There ure nboul 2,:tM K-nile in the
ounty and tliuce is room lor thousands
iliirriimn is the itudy sent nnd is sit
uated on t,.e P. K. & M. V. null ou-1, tti.d
in as good a t.t wu us tlm thinly ettl ii
oiiutry deiuaiids.
Heboid lion.;. and otiiitvhes are pro
vided in ahinisl every Hettleim iit and u.x-;
kept nit with the time. I
All who d.-siiv t get a ot i
buy laud cheap nre mvit.d tocomeuud
see the coiintiy for tliemslven nod ju.lg...
of it merits, Hoiiie:te.ids will i,..t v
obtainable much lotiVer nud il cu wntii
to use your right nud get lOOu.-rtsof
land Iruni Uncle Him free il is time you
wetv fibont it.
I ( ! IP UK" '.Ml
; !. V t !i-ire!i I't.v.chl'i
j s-m.i , y i.l n .;i ;,, (,
j : ti . . ..v.. t. i.l . . t . i i iv 4 4 i ,
l M. llnnlist siinil .l s.-!;.si ,c.N-u
.lay ii. or. i .i-tf :it II ..ii
.1. K. lis, ,. i.j.41, w.
suj..'! il.le.i'le:.
i:m;,n iiV ti:v: H'i!g
i!4 ( linn, V
. I-4-I ,
t- irj
J. W. WHHK, Ju lleaisler.
I North-Western
F.. K. & M. V. a P, in tie- U.H(
to and from the
I! i.-i-
III I tlVlil s,,I;,,, y
.1. I-.. I'M i S 44 4-.V ,
I n-ll.
e ij; i.
nil -rn.iti-
1 ! i-l.i. iv.
.1. V . -Mllll. I I. Ik.
ini-i-t il. i the ilr-l
i..M- nf e. n'h iiiiinii:
h. r. I'ol lil ,
I on. t 4i n
' Hi-' iMI.IIi.'A.
MH.-I IV .'. t'.il-..'
a. i: in. v, . i ,
I I4'V .)( ill;, .1 ,.-,
ttt n l .tlilit.-l
,miis. v. n. .-,
iinii i.KAt.ri:.
linif every 'llmhiV 4'1 I- lii.X
liie.'llii eii l-ili",il pi.-i
i. in I., ii r i ,.n,
I" Illenl
2 $100.00
g Given Away
Every Month
to the person nubralitlnit the ft
vt inosi mcruorionv nvetiitnxi
if Jurini! thu privsllnxr ni.inth.
KOK INVKNTOH8. anil tho
onjcot or this oner u to en- M
counure jiemonii of an Invent- it
Ive turn of mind. At the M
wmo limn wo to Inipreiw m
th ltct that ::::;:
It's the Simple. jj
Trivial Inventions
That Yield Fortunes l
S such at Do Inif'n Hook !!
ii and Eye, "K'e tlmt Hump," M
(4 Hufi ty rin." pilm la flo U
U ver," "Air llrnke." etc.
if Almnut e very one conrelvtf
H O " l,ri'ht I'h-a nt luime time or
other. Why ,,i put it In prae-
Htteal use? Yol'll talent, mnjr
bo In thin direction. Miiy
nmke your fortune. M'liy not
H ,rv' n't: a n
H IWrite for further InfortnuUun B jj
H mention tlim .n r. M
H . . ... U1.VU wu iiiiiw JJ, M
Philip W'. Avirctt, UeB. Mgr., U
618 F Street, Northwest. H
HrTti4 n p4.i.4i:i.ity of thin ramim if
rnaj tsi iiiiiire.i ny i Me tHi t tlmt ltd
uk K nt hoi'l tiy ini'i vni thuusati.l 1
ol in, leu.! iini oe"., iiimi m I
LuiU-J ctuile.
T44 44.4-44S. .44.W fS- 4 44..4. J. .
--444.4fc-4--. . to 4.--44S-. 4
UtttV nt 1 liU I. Is I
f western cities:.
( .'liiciiK'J
rit. Iiiiin
Kansas t 'A'J
Itdoes'nl lualtcr
isiliiij,'. The P.urlii
b"sl I. ne to :i in it
tin in.
Advert.'.'-in.' iiiiilti!' anil full informa
lion about tr.iirn nnd nits on i.ppl.ia
tioo. J. Yv.fVC-. (I. P. A T A
is t
Hi. JiiM ph
I i-iiv'.r
ml. Win
a n .'
Is the
one ol
OPE ft A TED n'l (',":, .'
expense cr&7C,';.f 7., ".
wat-r'er. n-. b', ood ct
ftraw. Nil itti-, mill 9 fp i".t(Ft'"iy,
go poMlblllty i.ffy drpv"''i' n, Hivvhm
a-nror 8f ' a i;.
Jut tha tJiInu t.r Hid W.Sia So.'
We a I no hut 'it nt!alT?a of M4a!on.
mry Ut porj' ..,-ti:,y-i i:i;-uei..
Th t VAM Iv- Ztt
crirciriTir.'rr. o.
Horse Owners! Try
Iwalf a MUmCm
1 lah hMtr ut UtlnlWi
4l4nnivM ail uiin. iM-i lit K m.
u Ftrtiu. i4.oiioii
.r.rrtjK,iH I.l ft rranl44 toil
rii-. irfr ooitta. ht.lH f.t draaaiata, e
?','? '."""j Willi failXSaiaS
HH LAWMtncB-Wll UAat t--ii"a
Ooifihri, J.'th.
'fit i
! i