TCE SGIIX COUNTY JOURKAL I J kMIMOMk, Proprietor. Harbison, NEBRASKA. Bon. George Curzon's principal car WU1 be Leiter. Times are letter. If a beggar Mts you show blni do quarter. sc- When It rains cats 8Dd dogs it may klrly be called beastly weather. Robert Hall once said that the beat "way to keep a secret was to put It In u manual report. Excellent examples of sensible adver tislng are generally the result of train ed experience. hoos-k.-eplng is as lmrtaut as tin art of Warning. If a woman Is an author ity in Greek or Latin, and cannot make a loaf of bread or sweep a room. -' la something wanting In the prot of things, and there is Just as e-ka need of training for girls In the -u li menta of housekeeping in the public schools as there bfor the manual train bag of the buy. If there were not so many ambitious statesmen of doubtful antecedents and of selfish aspirations in Central Amer ica, the Utile republics might come to gether. Too many men want to be dic tator of the federated nations. An enterprising advertising agent Is ending out to the newspapers a life site cut of the feet of Virginia Harned, the original Trilby In this country. There Is every reason to believe that the artist has been kinder to Virginia than nature was. Colloquially speaking, the fellow whs do beef nowadays Is doing tbe Moat "beefing. ' If J a nan were about one-fourth the lie of Russia the latter wouldn't be of fering It any advice. t - Why are choir singers continually Quarreling, anyway? Don't they all have the same chants? We had over loo bridal couple In our Midst last week. Washington Post How do you feel now? Japan wants to know what fun there la In winning the game If some oDe else tuns off with the gate receipts. The simplest and most effective way C-f writing an advertisement is to write What a good salesman would say. It Is lucky that the American Consti tution does not follow the lines of Brit ish precedent If the President of the United States had to resign every time the House of Representatives punched boles in his policy the Presidency would be In a state of permanent vacancy. Atchison Globe: Secretary Gresham was doctored fur stoue in the bladder, and the discovery was made ton laie that he really suffered wlih pleurisy of the lungs. A poor man has as good a chance for life as a rich man. Better, the doctor doesn't call on him so often. Two-dollar bills, we are told, should be carefully txamiued, even If tney have to be borrowed for the purpose. It Is said of a model jail to be ex hlbited at Atlanta that "a prisoner in carcerated within its Iron cage will be absolutely protected from without." This Insinuation that the people out of jail need safe keeping occasionally is borne out by the facts, and not alone In the Southern States. The silk on which China's thanks to the President were written was yellow, to match the Chinese army's fighting. When a fellow tells a girl that she is plump as a partridge, is he paying her a compliment or making game of her? Some people up in British Columbia want to have enacted a Sunday law so rigid as to prohibit all work but preach ing and all pleasure but listening to it. Perhaps British Columbia is so far ahead in the procession as to be able to afford to take such a backward tep, but nobody would have suspected It When people vow at the altar to share each other's sorrows they Immediately go to work making sorrow to be ha red. The street cleaners of New York CU are to be clad in white. The mi faithful workers, therefore, will shw the most dirt I Public cabs will have to go sooner or ! later. Ixmdon has adopted tricycle I vehicles operated by two men and car I rylng two passengers, and If the ex J pected Improvement In automatic ar I riages develops a practical vehicle, the public will have no further use for cab. J hansom or herdle The cab horse, like the street car horse, will be out of a Job. lba Holm Cm. Cuicauo, 111, July 26.- oi so aeosa .local a find was found yesterday as Wednesday by the men digging in the cellar of the Holmes building, but it was one which m.y go much farther towards securiug the couvictiou of the murderer. One of the workmen fouud in a pile of rubbish a letter signed -II. H. Howard," aua asted May 5, Ibva The signature is one of the many aliases used by Holme and ot e of the com monest cf the lot The letter is iu bis well-kuown haudwntiug and is ad- jr eased to au occupant of the building, to whom the dectectives who took pos jession of the letter before ihe reporters sould get bold of it refused to state. It is believed, however, that the letter is to C. E. Davis, the jeweller who jccupiea the building with Druggist Robinson. The letter touches particularly as to the doings of Janitor Qumlan and asks where he now is. It then goes on in a jocular manner to discuss the fact ol the recipient whether be has seeu them or their goats about the building. Special inquiry Is made as to the par titions in the bouse and in conclusion the writer expresses the believe that he will not have to stay in jail mucn longer. It was at erst reported that two letter had been found, but Detec tive Norton, who has charge of the material found in the cellar, denies hat i h in is so. He declares that the two supposed letters were only parts of the same letter. A new accusation now rests againat Holmes' character, and that is that be maae away with Miss Cieirrand, with whom be lives In the bouse at Sixty-third and Wallace street, just before be had the Williams girls there. The neighbors' remember but little of the girl, not even her first name. She was a stately looking blonde about tweuty-ftve years of age and lived with Holmes something less than six months. HAD MAKKIKU HKR Of F. When she went sway Holmes tola Jeweller Davis, as the latter claims, that he had succeeded in "marry ir.g" her off. It will le remembered that this is very much like the disappear ance of Mrs. Connor. Hefaid at me time he had married her off in Califor nia Miss Ciegrand 'came to Chicago from Indiana. She associated but AMkH Hal4-ap. Chicago July 26. Conductor Dar of tie Lake Hiore Chicago and New York express train, which was beid up at Reese. O., last nitht, arrived in Ibis city this morning. He said, re garding the bold-up: "The robbers stopped tbe enzineer -ith a red light near Reese sU'ioo. Afterward we found that a pile of ties had been piaeod acroe the track. There appeared to be four men in the attacking party. They got into the ex press car aud opened the safe.but could not eel into the big safe. They made ih snviner climb don from bis Cob and one of tbe men kept him standing beside the engine in the ditch, Tbe fireman wag under guard next to the exDressear. After aboutforty minutes tbey disappeared in the darkness. Tbe amount taken was. I believe, about 8.000. The passengers were in they were not laterierea A Utwlrurili Ho Silver Citt, X. M, Jaly Southern New Mexico has been vimiea by tL most destructive storms and fljods. Damage ta the amount of onr 1100,000 is utaii,ed at Silver City. here tbe water swept through the sreeta in torrents to a dep.n oi feet, causing great loss on build- STATE xNEWS items. I six : intra aud stock in stores. Many estae from druuii.g are. reported by people living in 'he flooded osricn an cun ruaie by taking them frotn houses . on horseback. The hotels are the principal losers. The Broadway hotel . a total wreck. The Tremont house is damaged to tbe amount of &10.WU, the rear wall being washed away and the water three feet deep in the butld- Tbe rear wall of tbe timrner The Denver woman who killed he. elf because a grand opera sinw.; would not reciprocate her love must have been A flat A Boston paper says "we have Just launched our fifteenth theater." We don't think yacht to mix metaphors like that In erodlte Boston. It la currently reported that for the last three months the work on the Jrant monument has been confined to the payment of official salaries. And now It Is claimed that a false af fidavit made for the purpose of robbing the Chicago city treasury does not con tltute perjury. Perhaps It is Just plain Stealing. A Los Angeles paper says that a man who came to California two years ao with only one lung now has four. Na ture evidently Is trying to make a poli tician of him. White men among the Osage Indians have been cheating and robbing the latter. It is humiliating to know they have done so In so bungling a way that the Indians have fouud them out. A Rt Louis woman has applied for a divorce on the ground that her hus band Is "addicted to the suicide habit." We should think suicide would be the last thing he would attempt In Japan they sell dress goods by weight If tbat practice were adopted here the sale of balloon sleeves would make the shopkeeper owe the pur chaser money. While the earthly astronomers are nhwrvlna the canals on Mars It is to be hoped the people of that planet are not lotting sight of Chicago's great sanl tary district canal. Tbe sensational preacher and the sensational newspaper are very much like the sensational skyrocket They don't do much sizzling and sputtering on the return trip. panic, but with." Ptnmi Mesneneer Nettleion said In regard to tbe hold-up: 1 was dozing in my chair, near tbe safe, about 12 o'clock last night and the train was making about forty mile an hour. I knew there would not be another stop for half an hour, so I was surprised sod startled when tbe brakes began to jar on the wheels. The train came to sudden stop and I suspected something was wrong. We bad no sooner come to a standstill than there u a shark and a loud report under tbe right band forward end of ray car Tbe glass In the window nxt to that corner was shattered into a thousaud pieces. I grabbed my r' eucer, a little short shotgun, and stood it the aoor. which was . unlocked and bad been partly opened, lu the darkness I saw two men with guns pointed at me. I dodged back into the car, and raising my gun let them have it, as I thought, full in tbe face. Apparently it didn't hit, and after that they wouldn't stand any monkeying. GAVE VP THK FltiHT. "'If you place any value ou your life you will put down that gun and let us in,' one of the men. said. "Then I gave up aud they came 1j and went to work. They got into the way safe easy enough, but after explod ing six charges of dynamite against the other one, they had to give It up. Three times they left me in tbe car while they exploded tbe dynamite and three times they took me out. They li tie with ihe neighbors, and even the ept me covered all tbe time with tbeir guns. There were two who were worx ing in the car and two who stayed on guard outside. The men had handker chiefs tied over their faces and I could not recognize tin m." Sir Julian Pauncefote's letter to Mr. Gresham will be undoubtedly pervert ed In certain quarters where it 1 cou sidered eminently "American" to sneer at anything emanating from a British representative. But it was, neverthe less, a dignified and courteous tribute to the memory of a man who In his dip lomatic relations was actuated by an "unswerving spirit of honor, justice and conciliation." That is a fitting summary of the Secreary's rule of conduct, and will stand lu the record of his short diplomatic career. Solomon said a false balance was an abomination, and the wise men of the lower bouse of Missouri are consider ing a plan for giving false weighers lots of trouble. A bill Introduced pro vides that the Inspector of weights aud measures, his deputies, or any po liceman of Kansas City may stop any person hauling hay, fuel, grain or feed from a private scale and cause him to i show the weight ticket therefor, and If he pleases to drive to tbe nesresi scale and there re weigh the load and then to return and have the empty wagon weighed. Tbe Garden of Eden la being explored. It la believed that evidence will be se cured to prove tbat It was Adam who offered the apple to Eve and the wora eua's Bible will have a scoop. It la not yet apparent whether tbe good roads movement Is stimulating the remarkable sale of blcyclea or the remarkable sale of blcyclea la stimu lating tbe good roads movement other inmates ot the building were iu I complete ignorance concerning her habns. Holmes was uot orten seen with her, and on these occasions he kept aloof from his acquintance and introduced her to no one. Mrs. W. L. Doyle of 747 Sixty-third street, knows more about this girl, it is believed, than anybody else, but tbe cen'ral tation officers will not permit her to talk about the case. The building in which Holmes' Chi cago crimes were probably concocted and accomplished will not be pmled down. II . R. Chandler, a mortgage broker who holds a Hen on it for $12, 000, advanced to Holmes witn which to build it, was told by the building in- apector tbat all tha was necessary wan to improve the upper portion. This will be done at once. An order of fore closure has already been secured irom the court and tomorrow or n-xt day an order will be asked for allowing tbe improvements to be put on. The pro perty is now worth 1 40.000. Besides the principal there is $4,000 back inter est and taxes due on it. A few more bones were found today in the same hole from which those were taken yesterday. They were verubrie and a portion of a human shoulder blade. Tbe force of men was doublet! and the work is nrogressing. The be lief is gaining ground that Holmes' wife, who lives in the suburbs, knows more about her husband's crimes than she cares to tell. It is probable she will be put In the sweat boi. Mrs. tiuinlan and Mrs. Doyle, who were ex amined today, are still under police re straint, as are tjuinlan and Owens, though none of them are actually un der arrest. We have authentic information to tbe effect that the Holmea who waa arrest ed in Boston on suspicion of being con cerned In an Insurance swindle Is not remtlve of the late Rberlock Holmea. Mr. Hockefeller baa been paying very close attention to bis duties as super intendent of a Baptist ftanday school In Cleveland lately, bat It la thought tbat be hasn't loat a cent in tbe recent corner In oil. China, In addition to tbe boon of peace, baa the satisfaction of knowing that abe might bare been walloped .worse. Other satisfactory elements of ' the Anal settlement seem to bare been annexed by Japan. Tbe caution ottered by a woman In ts north American against the educa vfI of oat daughters oat of their ' crkeres of life Indicates one of tbe dnn V. ' . CM of the new education. The hluher v fjitalac to set to be oesptood, but tbe V; - "TNit majority of women are to be "l'-.m 4 otfca-, aarf U art of A Ridiculous Coitora. But there is nothing more amusing, perhaps, In all tbe quaint and curious "cuetoms" of the House of Commons than the strange ceremony which marks tbe termination of its every sit ting. The moment tbe bouse is ad Journed, stentorian voiced messengers and policemen cry out In the lobbies and corridors: "Who goes home?" These mysterious words have sounded every nlgbt for centuries through the Palace of Westminster. The performance originated it a time when It was necessary for members to go home In parties for common protec tion against tbe footpads wbo lu Tested tbe streets of Loudon. But, though that danger has long since passed a way the cry of "Wbo goes home?" Is still beard night arter nignt, receiving no reply, and expecting none. Cbam!en Journal. Monument to an Apple. It's an ill-thriving historical assocla tlon that cannot find something U coin metnorate with a monument The Kum ford Historical Society In Woburn has hit upon the Baldwin apple, and will erect a shaft seven feet blgb on the site of the tree whereon the first of this fruit was discovered. Aa Woburn li In tbe heart of the great American pie belt the monument to commemorate the apple may not be Ill-advised Springfield Republican. The Girls Took It All. Marie" I never could understand how it Is people say the Kranklon girl got nil their beauty from (heir inothei- Krert-"! dare sr.? H a tne Tbey cer nluly iinvt n't left Yet mur." Illusti at ad Bit. A rlou Cpldcnlc of C liolora. San Fhamisco, July 26,-Corres- Dondeuce of tbe Lulled press, per steamer City of Pekin, dated July 12, aayt: There is every symptom at pres ent of a serious epidemic of cholera in Japan, the terrible diaeaae hsung made its appearance among tne iroopt at Pescadores, Port Arthur and Chin chow. 1U germs have been carried home by returning soldiers, ana eireeuy irom fourteen centres of Infection reports ol freeb cases reach tbe authorities dally. Tbe government is making strenuoui arttana to check the spread of the Virus, bnt the situation is greatly com plicated by the fact that, whereas on previous occasions one or two cenires of infection only bad to be considered, in in nraaent Instance the plague w germinating from over a dozen local itles. aimuiianeouslr. Thus far the seizures have aggrogau-a onlv 315 and the rate of mortality haa hMin about 35 ner cent. ut wnen uie summer heat iairiy asserw iwh graver state of affairs will In all proba bility ensue. Cat t la raver Bvportaa, TorEKA.Kaa, July 26.-The state Mvs stock sanitary commission of Kan mm received a protest from the people against tbe shipment of 10.000 bead ol Aritona cattle, reported to bo on the war d DteD mUl WTiT dDrin tb neit thirty days. It la stated tbat tbe cattle are Infected wltb fever. Local cattlemen are much alarmed over the reports and ask tbat the most etrlugeut BMiores be taken to prevent tbe un loading of such cattle in tbe state. Uarant ArouMti hirmt, San Fbancihco, July 25 Tbe in terest aroused in Dnrant by bis re appearance, in public has not abated, notwithstanding that bis case went over yesterday for the day. There have been a great many applicants at the Jail to see him, none of whom were gratiied with even a glance at bim. There is considerable money being trtant An his case, though bis father was not supposed to hsve much means. 1 A rumor baa been started that Mrs. is the daughter of a well-known Placer county mining man and that be is supplying money for the trial. The defense is undoubtedly spending money as it has two detectives in tbe field to secure evidence iu the prisoner's faor. Detective Lees has nad the writing on the newspaper which was seat to Mrs. Noble wrapped around the jwelry which Blanch Lamont bad on submitt ed to a number of the best expert! in San Francisco. A series of pliotorapks has been taken and preparations made for a scientific exhibit in the trial. Captain Lees has in his possession an elaborate expert report upon his branch of tbe case, but whether it is favorable or unfavorable to the prosecution's theory he refuses to say. Santa Crlz, Cal., July 23,-Wllliam F. Barrett, an iutaue waiter, gave him self up to tbe sheriff last night and said bs was the murderer of tbe two .iris killed In the Emanuel church. He made a rambling statement of now be bad killed both tbe girls on tbe same day and carried their bodies to the bel fry. He recognized a supervisor In the sheriffs office as Rev. Mr. Gibson, and an attache of the sheriffs office as Duranl's brother. He It tbe victim of hnllucinaiion tbe authorities are satisfied, and he will be examined aa to bis sanity. ing. house is gone. The postofflce building is wrecked, but most of tbe records were saved and the greater part of tbe letter mail. Entire blocks of buildings on Broadway, between Bullard and Main streets, were greatly damaged by mud piling up four feet in the streets and water rushing through the stores and offices. Several valuable l.braries were des'royed. The railroad tracks and bridges for fifteen miles are washed and swept away. The damage to the surround ing country is great, but the most seri ous is at Silver City. The private resi dences suffered much and the Ions in household goods will be far into the thousands. All newspaper offices are flooded except the Eagle. (Jillet & Nn will lose SIj.OOO in oamage to stock and iarly every mer chant has sustained damage from 500 to 15,000. l'bn of Vtliui I'alliielr. San Francisco, Ca! Juiv 24,-Theo-dore Duraut may get a change of ven ue, put the most conservative of ftan Francisco believe the motion will not be granted. In the Bret piace there has been no demonstration on the part of the public against him. In ihe sec ond place he has been taken from the coutty jail in an cpen vehicle without shackles and delivered to the court without Interference. If there wmi any public sentiment which would ef fect a fair trial it is claimed it would be demonstrated at this time by the in terceptlon of tbe accused when on his way to the court room. The under current of nublic sentiment is that his attorneys are fully satisfied that they hive to battle fer a guilty man, but even this does not effect the securing of a jury which will try the accused up. on the evidence submitted and not up on any "storage" which may have ac cumulated during the excitement of the discovery of tbe bodies of the mur dered girls in E nanuel church. Chief of Detectives Les, who has bad charge of the case, Bees no reason why the defendant should tot have a f.tir 'rial. The fact fiat many of the facts agaiust the accused were pub lished in the daily papers is no reaoon, according to the prosecuting attorney, why achangeof venue should be granted. at re- Dyuamlta Eiploilon. Chicago, 111., July 24.-Dynamite lns antly kilUd three men nd serious ly injured a fourth on the drainage ca nal at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Tbe accident took place near Willow lpnnKB and was caused by a prema ture explosion during the process of tHrtii-iiig. 'J ie men were employe'! as laborers on section 2 for McArihur Bp s , con tractus. Xr'y 100 l ien were work ing a iih'-ri utMi'ce a . Mel it i re markable liai wore ueauis oui noi re. ult. At the time of the explosion the men were pounding aynarnite sucks nto a hole. ;-uddenly MaS Marion M III tlprn I ha EipodOoa . tlanta, O., July 25. The ma chinery of the cotton states exposition will be started ou the openlat day by no less a personage than little Marion Cleveland. A wire will be run Into Gray Uables and another into tb ex position grounds. Tbe sigoal will be given from Atlanta and tbe baby will touch the button. Mr, Cleveland was originally Invited to come to the open in and atari the machinery, as he did at the World's fair, but bis engage mania would not permit. He will come a montii later.' rira si Boetaa. Boston, Mass., July 26. -Firs in gpitz Bros. & Morek, wholesale estab lishment resulted In a loss ostlmAted at hatween M0.000 and 1100,000 fully in sored. Daatrojad by Sir. Wasainoton. D C, Jul? 28,-Tbs Y. 0. A bulldleg was destroyed a sou davlteat bv a Are tbat at one time threatened to Involve all of tbe block bounded by Fourteenth and Fliteentb streets sad by Now York avenue and II street. After a bard agbt the depart msnt succeeded la controlling the Ore wltb only alight loss to tbe adjacent buildings o the west. The total loss is KJ0.000, fully covered by insurance. Tbe cause of the fire to unknown. deafening explosion, the rock them shot upward and hurled blgb into the air and fel, ovei twenty yards from the point of the t x- ploslon, mangled airaosi beyond recog nition. 1 lie gangs oi men necamc panic stricken aud ran for tbeir lives, liealy was bit by a huge piece of rock and rendered unconscious. The cause of the explosion is a mys tery to the men employed about the canal, nothing of a similar nature ha, lug occurred there before. i Masonic lodge has been organized at St, Edwards. Phillip Larwr, a tweatv-year-old boy of Nebraska City has lost his reason. M; of the new threshers purchased in Nebraska this season will be run by atetm. A directive as employed to fish for, Albion booUeg.eis and be caught a sucr the iirst lisul. 1 rnk liobmson, a IIstingsboy, was drowned last week while bathing in the Little Blue near Leroy. W. T. Hamilton, a pioneer citizen and promiujnt merchaut of Oxford died from blood poisoning. Colfax county wants ber assessment reduced to correspond with tbat of other counties similarly situated. The apple crop in Nebraka is the largest ever nised and the price is gradually falling to the oldtlme level. Christ Hchmidt, a boy aged eighteen from (Stanton, -eh., was arouneu Cortland beach. The body waa covered. A patient named Duprealo escaped from the asylum at Lincoln, lie is a middie-fged man, slightly paralyzed in the hips. Lincoln county's general fund levy for lKw is exhausted, aud claims to tbe amount of 81.5U0 must be carried until next y ar. The town authorities of ?criboer have levied ao occupation tax upon its business men to replenish the village exchequer. On the Stewart p-tition tor dividing Holt county it is aileued names ap peared of parties ho have been dead mauy years. Ray, the eight year-old son of M. O. Marquis, who ieidea uear Garrison, bad his collar bone biokeu while play- lug with a do. W. Barker, living near David City, found Kubmhii thistles growing in a Deld of allalfn, and is at a loss to know where the seed came 'rom. A little son of E. Lauihofer of Schuyler wat thrown from a buggy by ahorse backing off a bridge and had his leg broken near the thigh. A supervisor in Nance county by the nsme oi Dobson has made up his mind that the Russian thistle law is uncon stitutional and declines to serve notice as required by tbe statutes. David lIunLer, living about a mile uorth oi Smtherliiud, has harvested this season thirty bushels of red raspberries from a pn'ich covering about a riiarte' of an acre. The bite of a (ly caused the hand of Rudolph Lerke of Dodge county to swell almost twice its natural size. It went dow n under the Influence of hot applications. Joseph Nickman of I'leaaantoii shot and killed bis divorced wife, wounded a irieiid, aud afterwards committed suxidf by cutting his throat with a pocket knife last week. lion, E. M. ( orreil of the Hebrou Journal has returned from Excelsior Springs. MoM still sulT-rntg from the complications chat have made his life miserable for almost a year. Editor Noak of Fremont's new Ger man paper, Hie Merneiibniiiier, proposes to conduct his papt-r an Independent d tnocratic siieet. On '.he tinancial queMloti lie will make it an advocate ol sound iiiuiit-y 1 lit-receiver of the defunct Nebraska F ie Insuriie company is charged wuh fraudulently conspiring wltb creditors of the company, and allowing larre claims to be filed against it with- benath ou- .i quiring proof ot tiieir validity. tlieihreemeni Stephen A. Tierce of Omaha, haa there wss S Angry With Their 'llllwri, TerkeHactk, liid., July 24.-At Washington, Curry ville and Star City tbe coal mine operators are to nay last year's scale of CO cents and the Sulli van county operators have offered to do tbe same. This displeases tbe other operators and the miners' leaders, wbo say tbat tbe operators should have ox pressed a williiigness to pay more than tbe 51 cetl scale at the recent confer ence. The miners' second vote on ac cepting tbe El cent scale shows a larger majority in tbe negative than the Oral vote. The men are angry witn vueu tale officers for referring tbe proposi tion to them, as they bad made knows they would accept nothing less than 60 cents, and It la naw crobabie there will be a disruption in tbe organization. The operators are also at onto among themselves and it will be difficult to hold aaother joint conference seen. A ftaaarlal Wreck. Chicago, 111., Jaly 84,-BidiieT L. Frazer, a broker ea the Chicago stock exchange, waa unable tessake good his contracU on tbe floor yesterday and stock waa sold for Us account. He la said to bave loft the city. The failure is not regarded as Importaat among members, although It Is not known bow much stands with the customers. His seat waa sold Monday, and although an active member, lie was financially a wreck. kuo'i the l'ullmaii car company for 2,000 d.i mi ges because be was dis charged last October by a local super intendent, and (old that on tbe August pievlous while lu charge as conductor of a car enroute to Deadwood he had failed to account for fares. A oolored waiter iu a Norfolk res taurant was presented wltb a small bundle bv a veiled lady wbo Imnied- , lately took her departure. It proved to contain a live picklniuny six moutlis of age. She said it belonged to him and he thinks she was right about it, and baa made dae provisions for its care and maintenance. A. L. Crandall went to Wisconsin some time ago, says the Ord Quiz, de claring tbat no one but fools would live In Nebraska, and tbat be would never come back to live. He returned last week sioglng a very different song. He thinks Nebraska is all right now, and at any rain Wisconsin does not be gin to compare wltb It. While out In tbe pasture to bring In tbe cows for milking Henry Buchholz, of Grand Uland, aged about twelve years, waa attacked by a bull and quite badly Injured, the aulmai's horn going completely through the boy's nose and just missing tbe eye. The bull had only stubbs of borns or lbs lad certain ly would have beeu killed. Fullerton will vote t-3,000 for enlarg ing its school room. It has so many pupils tbat aome of then bavo to sltou the window sills or stay at home. The flve-year-old son of Jim Boauett of Long Pine tried to tide the family horse and failed. Nothing mors eeri- i ous than a broken arm waa the result, Cheslee Andersoc of Paplllion offers a reward of 9100 ftr the coo vis tlon of as aaknown scoundrel who catered his pastors and stabbed a valuable horse to death.