The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 01, 1895, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal
Of M Lady riddlaatrinaa
four little slaves my lady has,
All obedient to her will.
With a potent wand aha rules them.
To har highest bidding school rhemt
When she takes In hand ber bow,
Straight they sing loud or low;
Willing choristers, until s
She command! them to be atlll.
When my lady's heart beats happy
All her little slaves rejoice;
Ring they then with einltaHon,
Aa In joyful emulation
Of the lark that from on high
Fill the earth with melody,
'Twiit tliplr music and lark's votes
Ilard for mortals to make choice,
s. - .
When ahe sigh In nielnncholy,
I'lalntlve then and sad their strain)
Walling as for lost aalvation,
A for sins past expiation;
Moaning like some wounded thing,
Nobbing, sighing, whimpering,
Shrieking now in bitter pnln,
Sinking now to aoba again.
Thus their music changes ever
With the changing of her mood.
Now In minor chords of sadness,
Now in Joyoua paean of gladneaa.
Would ahe but, aa them, rule me,
CJrt my happiness would be,
Pally, hourly, renewed,
Bound In such sweet servitude.
New York Tribune.
Because I would,
I climlied the sunny slopes of maidenhood,
Youth's pathway was so fair, ao fresh, so
Bo far, so high, life's hilltops looked to me,
I thought hot of the future did not care
To think about It whether it were fair
Beyond the summit; every moment, glad
To keep the buds around me; for I had
No doubts, no fears, believed that Gad
was good,
Believed In heaven and Immortality,
Because I would.
Because I must,
I leaned to-day upon my staff of trust;
The hilltops are not far; I soon shall nee
The other side burst forth. It cannot be
That I have climbed ao far and all for
Oh, no! Some glorious glimpses I hare
And cannot help but take the down-
at retched hand;
And cling to It as tottering I atand.
Oh! tell me not that 1 am empty dust;
My spirit is Belief ! I hold to thee,
Because I must.
Julia II. May, from "Songs From the
Woods of Maine.
In Dreamland.
Are you dreaming sweetly; my little pet,
Of the daytime joys you cannot forget ?
Or do fairies lead you to scenes afar
Where the queen and her royal household
I am sure there is music as sweet and
As your ow n glad laughter, my baby dinr,
F ".it caught it up from your lips to
il ay
As the merriest music a heart could play.
And (lie flowers in bloom In the fields out
I have ollen seen in a form more fair.
For the fairies selected with taste all i
The colors you wear in your cheek and
And the s-iti is shining as softly them
As the gold agje.-un in your token hair.
I it all vision? I'm sure 'ti true,
And tin- fairies have gathered tin ir J'.vs
fioin you.
Oh! the slo.-p i sweet where the dri-ntns
are tilled
Willi the simple song you have g.dly
And the slarfiowers glow with a new de-
When you wander out In the fields t
Oh! little one, sleep, when the nights are
In dreiiui'i.itid seek for the joys you find:
May they glow and glitter, and emh pure
Reflect you forever, just as yon are.
t.ieoTtje K. Huwen.
A I.itllc (Sooil-Misf ht fnrmr.
Good niiit to you, deur! You are v. i ary.
And the moon o'er the louuntains dc
rliin'e; The wind Wowing westward sighs drritry.
Am! v. a;idcr ami wails through i!ic
You have listened so oft to the tender
Sweet story - so tender nn 1 true,
What grace to it all wuld I render
tint here with the rosea and you?
Good night to you, dear; yet I linger
I,ik" one nenr a spot that is blest,
A mi toy with the ring on your finger,
And kiss the red rose on your breast.
And good night, and good night, dear, and
flood night! Ive has ever hla way;
But I love you forever and ever,
And I klsa you good night and good day.
Hla Opinion of "the Unpardonable
Blo"-fiot Poaalblc To-day to Commit
It Some Irrevocable Mlatakee Una-saerated-Bla-nal
Gun of the Ooapel.
Too Late to Recall.
In his sermon for last Sunday Rev. Dr.
Talmage, who la still in the West on hia
annual summer tour, chose a aubject
which has been a fruitful theme of the
ological disputation for centuries paat
via, "ine L npardonable Sin." The text
selected were: "All manner of sin and
blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men,
but the blasphemy against the Holy
Ghost shall not be forgiven nnto men.
And whosoever epeaketh a word against
toe ron of mnn, it shall be forgiven him.
but whosoever speaketb against the Holy
Ghost it shall not be forgiven him, ueither
in tbia world, neither In the world to
come." Matthew xii, 31, 32.
He found no place of repentance,
though he sought it carefully with tears."
Hebrews xii, 17.
Aa aometiines you gather the whole
family around the evening stand to hear
soma book read, so now we anther a
great Christian family groupto study
this text, and now may one and the same
lamp cast its glow on all the cin le!
The Unpardonable Pin.
Yon see from the first passage that I
read that there is a sin against the Holy
Ghost for which a man is never pardoned.
Onco having committed it, he is bound
hand and foot for the dungeons of de
spair. Sermons may be pre tried to him,
songs may be sung to him, prayers may
be offered in his behalf, but all to no pur
pose. He is a captive for 'his world ami
a captive for the world that is to come.
Do you suppose that there is any ene here
who has committed that sin? All sins
are against the Holy Ghost, but my text
speaks of one especially. It is very clear
to my own mind that the sin against the
Holy Ghost was the ascribing of the
works of the Spirit to the agency of the
devil in tha time of the apostls. Indeed
the Bible distinctly tells us that. In
other words, if a man had sight given to
him, or if another was raised from the
dead, and some one standing there should
suy: "This man got his siitht by satanie
power. The Holy Spirit did not do this.
Beelzebub accomplished it," or, "This
mnn raisisl from the dead was raised by
satanie influence," the man w ho said that
drop)cd under the curse of the text and
bad committed the fatal sin against the
Holy Ghost.
Now, I do not think it is possible in this
day to commit that sin. I think it was
Kjib!e only in apostolic limes. Hut It is
a very terrible thing ever to say tinytliing
against the Holy Ghost, and it is a marked
fact that our race has been mnrvelously
kept back from that profanity. Y'on hear
a man swear by the name of the ICternal
God and by the name of Jesus Christ, but
jou never heard a man swear by the
name of the Holy Ghost. There are those
here to-day who fear they are guilty of
the unpardonable sin. Have you such
anxiety? Then I have to tell you posi
tively that you have not committed that
ain, because the very anxiety la a result
of the movement of the gncions spirit,
and your anxiety is proof positive, an cer
tainly as anything that can be demon
strated in mathematics, that you have not
committed the sin that I have been speak
ing of. I can look off upon this audience
and feel that there is salvation for all. It
is not like when they put out with those
lifeboats from the Iieli Kni'ii for the Yille
du Havre. They knew there was not
room for all the passengers, but they were
going to do as well as they could. But
to-day we man the lifeboat of the gospel,
and we cry out over the sea. "Uoom for
ull!" Oh, that the Iord Christ
would, this hour, bring you all out of
the Hood of sin and plant you on the deck
of the old gospel craft!
Sins to Guard Auulnst.
Rut while I have saiil I do not think it
is possible for us to com.nit the purlieu-
lar sin spoken of in the first text, I have
i by reason of the Kecoml text to call Jour
; intention to the fnct that 'lo re aie s,ns
j which, thoiivh they may be piu'iLned, are
! in some respects irrevocable, and you can
i tiud no place for repentance, though yon
j seek it carefully with tears. Ksiu had a
j birthright given him. In olden times it
. meant not only temporal but -piritua!
1 blessing. One day Ks.iu took this birth-
right and trailed i! . ':;:
I eat. Oh, the folly! But let us not be too
j severe up-ill him, for some of iis have
jiouimittod the same folly. After he had
j nude the trade, he wanted to iiet it buck,
tjiiht ns though you to-morrow Morning
i should take all your notes nnd bonds and
government securities .not siiould into
a restaurant, npd in a lit of reckb-s.-m-ss
and hunger throw all those securities on
the counter and ask for a pinto if food,
making that ei lniiice. This was the one
J'.mii made. Hi- sold Ins birthright for a
mera of pril.ite, and he was very sorry
about it alii r.i.ird, but "he found no
place for rcj.ctit:n re. I bough lie sought it
ui re 'illy wi:h tears "
The; i !h an imiresion ' almost every
j man s luii'.i Hint somen :nri in ilie fu
I tore 1'iere ill 1 c a I'li.-ice where he rim
riu'ir -; n'l bis in' oiisi s. Live ns we may.
1 if v. . .. in !ii tunc, God will forgive
I us, ;ih '. i.!i will be nil Veil wt tbiiili
i M- l':.(l never oinnutti d sm. My ji-
foi.iso ,,!. II come in coiiis ou w;tti tnat
t' eoiy. I shi;l! show you, my trieiids, as
(roil will help 111", Unit tllelc in .ml, h
thing as iiiiHucceKs! ul rop'onmi' o; that
there are things d.i wrong that always
stay wrong mid ioi (hem you may seek
some pi iwn of rcpenifiuco and sink it cave
fully, but never find it.
A Misspent Youth.
Belonging to this class of irrevocable
mistakes la the (oily of a misspell you'll.
v e may look bark to our college days and
think how we neglected chemistry, or
gisdoge, or botany, or tnalliomatb's. AVc
may be sorry about it nil our days. Can
we ever get the discipline, or 'he advant'ige
(hat we would have hud had we atteuded
to those dutiea in early life? A roan
wakes up at years of age and finds that
bis youth ha been wasted, and he atrivea
to get back ilia early advantages. Doea
he get thera Wk the daya of boyhood,
the daya in ev-llege, the daya under hia
fathera roof? "Oh," he says, "if I could
only get those times back again, how I
would improve them!" My brother, you
will never get them back. They are gone,
gone. You may be very sorry r.bout it
and God may forgive, so that you may at
least reach heaven, but you will never get
over aome of the mishaps that bave come
to your soul as a result of your neglect of
early duty. You may try to undo it; you
cannot undo it. When you had a boy'a
arms and a boy'a eyes and a boy'a heart
you ought to have attended to those
things. A man saya, at 50 yeara of fge,
"I do wish I could get over these habits of
indolence." When did you aet them? At
20 or 25 years of age. You cannot shake
them off. They will hanK to you to the
very day of your death. If a young man
tnrougn a long course of evil conduct ud
dermines his physical health, and then
repents of it in after life, the Lord may
pardon him, but that doea not bring back
good physical condition. I said to a mln
istcr of the gospel, (,ne Snbbath, at the
close of the service, "Where are you
preaching now?" "Oh," he says, "I am
not preaching. I ani suffering from the
physical effects of early sin. I can't
preach now; I am sick." A consecrated
niuu he now Is, and he mourns bitterly
over earlv sins, but that does not arrest
their bodily effects.
The simple fact is, that men and women
often take twenty yeari of their life to
build up influences that require all the
rest of their life to break down. Talk
about a man beginning life when he is 21
years of age; talk about a woman begin
ning life when she is IS years of age!
Ah, no! In many respects that ia the
time they should close life. In nine cases
cut of ten all the questions of eternity
are decided before that. Talk about a
majority of men getting their fortunes be
tween 30 and 40 ! They get or lose for
tunes between 10 nnd 20. Wh ui you tell
me that a man is just beginning life, I
tell you he is just closing it. The next
fifty years will not be of as much im
lortance to him as the first twenty.
Parental Neglect.
Now, why do I say this? Is it for the
annoyance of those who have only a bale
ful retrospection? You know that is not
my way. I say it for the benefit of young
men and women. I want them to under
stand that eternity is wrapped up in this
hour; that the sins of youth we never get
over; that you are now fashioning the
mold in nh'ch your great future is to run;
that a minute, Instead of being 00 seconds
long, is piade up of everlasting ages. Y'on
see what dignity and iniMirtanco this
gives to the life of all young folks. Why,
in the light of this subject, life Is not
something to be frittered away, not some1
thing to be smirked about, not something
to be danced out, but something to be
weighed in the balances of eternity. Oh,
young man, the sin of yesterday, the ain
of to-morrow, will reach over 10,000 years
aye, over the great and unending etern
ity. Y'ou may, after awhile, say: "I am
cry sorry. Now I have got to be 30 or
10 years of age, and I do wish I had never
committed those sins." What does that
amount to? God may pardon you, but
undo those things you never will, you
never can.
In this same category of irrevocable
mistakes I put all parental neglect. We
begin the education of oiir children too
late. By the time they get to be 10 or 15
we wake up to our mistakes and try to
eradicate this bad habit and change that,
but It is too late. That parent who omits,
in the first ten years of the child's life,
to make an eternal impression for Christ,
never makes it. The child will probably
go on with all the disadvantages, which
might have been avoided by parental
faithfulness. Now yon see what ft mis-.
take that father or mother niak-s who
puts off to late life adherence to Christ.
Here is a man who nf 50 years of age
says to you, "I niust be n Christian, and
he yields his heart to God and sits in the
la"C of prayer to-day a Christ i-in. None
of lis con doubt it. lie goes home and he
says: "Here nt 50 years of age I have
given my heart to the Satior. Now I
must establish a family iltar." What?
Where are your children now? One in
sloti ; nnot lier in Ciueiuii.ui: another in
.New Orleans, anil yon, ny brother, at
your fiftieth year going to establish your
family altar'.' Very well; better late than
never, but: Bins. nln. tint yon did imt dr
It tweity-tive yrats ngo!
How many pnrents wake up in the bit
ter part of life to find oui the niMlai;.-!
The parent says, "i have been too b-m-
ni," or "1 lur.e been too severe m (in
discipline of my children. If I hud the
little ones iii'oiiinl me aga.n. leuv differ-
tit 1 would do! Yon will n r have
them around n'iiin. The voi-I. is don.-,
the bent to the character is uiven, the
eternity is decided. I my this to young
pari nts those who are lio or .'in or
,icors of age -have the fa'iiily niuu- io
i i(.-ht. Hon do yon suppose tint father
tell as he liainil over the conch of
dying child mid tlje expiring oii said to
him: "Father, you have been very uood
to me. Yo'l have given nie a In duct-
tiou, and you bine pla'-.'d u.o in a line
koeial position you bli ve ilolie c vcl y t long
for me in a worldly sense, bio. fniher,
you never told tne how to die. Now j mii
dying and 1 am n fraid."
t'arnnt lie Recalled.
In this category of irrevocable m'-ia'scs
I place, at co, the unkir. liess don-, the
c-'parted. U'licn I was a boy, my e-o'.he;'
used to -ay to !ae so'iietitnes, "J ic Win,
ion will be novry tor that n li-ii I - c,
l'oiic." A nl I remember juM Imw .,
looked, sitting tln-re, with cap and M;,!.cta
eles, and the old Itible iu l,,.r np. ,(
never saiil a truer thing than (hat. for i
have often been sorry since. While we
have our friends with us, ive s."y mi
guarded things Unit wound th feelings
of those to whom we ought to give noth
ing but UludiKi-s, IVrlisps the parent,
without iiii,iriiig into the .natter, boxes
the child's ears. '1 he little one, who has
fallen In the street, comes in "overe with
dust, and, as (hough the tirst disaster
were not enough, she whips It,
After awhile the child is taken, or the
parent Is taken, or the companion is taken,
and those who are left nay, "Oh, if w
eould ouly get back those unkind words,
those unkind deeds; if we could only re
call them!" But you cannot get them
back. You might bow down over the
(rave of that loved one and cry i nd cry
and cry the white lips would make ne
answer. The stars shall be plucked out
of their sockets, but these influences
shall not be torn away. The world thall
die, but there are some wrongs immortal.
The moral of which Is, take care of your
friends while you have them. Spare the
scolding; be economical of the satire; shut
np In a dark cave, from which tbey shall
never swarm forth, all the worda that
have a sting in them. You will wish you
had some day very soon you will per
haps to-morrow. Oh, yes. While with
a firm hand you administer parental dis
cipline, also administer it very gently,
lest some day there be a little slab In the
cemetery, and on It chiseled "Our Willie"
or "Our Charlie." and thouith vou bow
down prone in the grave and seek a place
of repentance and seek it carefully with
tears you cannot find it.
There is another sin that I place in the
class of irrevocable -mistakes, and that is
lost opportunities of getting good. I
never come to a Suturday night but I can
see during that week that 1 have missed
opportunities of getting good. I never
come to my birthday but I can see that
I bave wasted many chances of getting
better. I never go home on Sabbath from
the discussion of a religious theme with
out feeling that I might have done it in
a more successful way. How ia it with
you? If you take a certain number of
bushels of w;heat and scatter them over
a certain number of acres of land, you
expect a harvest in proportion to the
amount of seed scattered. And I ask
you now. Have the sheaves of moral and
spiritual harvest corresponded with the
advunt'iges given? How has if neen with
you? Y'ou may make resolutions for the
future, but past opportunities are gone.
In the long procession of future years all
those past moments will march, but the
archangel's trumpet that wakes the dead
wilt not "wake up for you one of those
Fsan has sold his birthright, nnd there
Is not wealth enough in the treasure
houses of heaven to buy it buck again.
What does that mean? It means that if
you are going to get any advantage lut of
this Sabbath day, you will have to get
It before the hand wheels around on the
clock to 12 to-night. It means that every
moment ijf our life has two wings, and
that it does not fly, like a lawk, in circles,
but in a straight line from eternity to
eternity. It means that though other
chariots may break down, or drag heavily,
this one never drops the brake and never
ceases t run. It means that while at
other fensts the cup may be passed to us
and we may reject it, and yet after
awhile take It, the cupbearers to this
fnst never give us but one chance at the
chalice, and. rejecting that, we shall "find
no place for repentance, though we seek it
carefully with tears."
Lost Opportunities.
There is one more class of sins that I
put in this category of irrevocable sins
and that is lost opportunities of useful
ness. Your business partner Is a proud
mnn. In ordinary circumstances, say to
him, "Believe in Christ," and lie will say.
Y'ou mind your business and I'll mind
mine." But there has been affliction In
the household. His heart ia tender. He is
looking around for sympathy and solace.
Now is your time. Speak, speak, or for
ever hold your peace. There is a time in
farm life when you plant the corn and
when you sow the seed. Let thar go by,
and the farmer will wring his hands while
other husbandmen are gathering in the
sheaves. You are in a religio is Meeting,
and tin-re is ns opportunity for you to
speak a word for Christ. You say, "I j
must do it." Your cheek flushes with em- 1
barrassment. Yon rise half w iy, but you I
cower before men whose breath is in j
their nostrils, and you sag back, and the j
pporluiiity is gone and all eternity will
eel the effect of your silence. Try to
et back that opportunity! on cannot
find it. oii might us well try to find
the lb-ece that Gi.l 'on watched, or lake
in vour li.-iod the dew thar canie down on
the .'!.. in' the Bethlehem shepherds, or !
to lini! t!u plume of the .'irnt robin that j
ucii. i ! parailiio. It is gone; it is!
;iii opport inily "or personal To
ol' of doing too'l pa-ses away.
I t ut for it; you cannot find It.
tish for it; it will not take the
on limy dig for it; you cannot
t'i, Ic'tneuilicr that there are
pi niaio '
you Uiii.v
You In;;,'
blili it
W I'o I
H !
sins mat can never lie eor-
d: thai our privileges !ly not in ck
biii in a straight line; that the light
b: ie not as swift feet ns our priv
ilege, u !n n they are gone, and let nn op
portunity of salvation go by is nn inch,
the one hundredth part if an inch, the
thousandth part of an inch, the millionth
part of an inch, ami not man can oer
tnke it. Fire winged seraphim cannot
io:oe up with it. The eternal (lod him-i-eli
caiuiol catch it.
I r-tatul bel'i ire those who have a glori
oiir birthright. K sau's wits 'lot so rich
as yo ir Sell it once, and you sell it for
ever. I remember the story of i he lad on
the Arctic some years ngo ihc lad Stew
art Holland A vessel crushi'd into the
Arctic in the time of a fog. and it Has
found that the Miip must go down. Some
of ) li i ' p,ii.i l.gcrs g'ot off in till lifeboats,
some got of mi rails, but oi went to
the botiioo, I luring all those boni s of
calamity, Stewart Holland stood ut die
signal gun, and it sounded across '.he si a,
boom. In,-.ioi The helms. una forsook his
place, tie- engineer was gone and some
! lint's) tin I some prayed and some bhis
o iio.i. and liic poivder was gone, and
liny ii.iild no more set off the mm.
The lad broke in the naga.iiie and
brought out more powder and again the
gun I med over the hi a. Oh, my friends,
tossed on the rough seas of life, some have
taken the warning, have gone off in the
lifeboat and they are safe, but others are
not milking any attempts to escape. So I
stand nt this signal gun of the gospel,
sounding the alarm, Hewve! beware!
".Now Is the accepted time; now is the
day of salvation." Hear it that your
soul may live.
Sill Alwuys curries a knife "uudur its
Mrtof Clair a Vmnclas FamUtaa, frb.
loos, Mayhap, aa4 Tat Offered
Hop that tha aaitlna; Ma
Kaatful sa Wearied Womankind.
Gossip from Gay Oothaaa.
HOL'LDERS are on
view these dayi,
and the woman
with a good pair of
''em seta her less
fortunate 1 a t e r
half wild, with envy
by wearing gowns
that fit the top of
her like a glove and
still display a con
tour that would be
a credit to an aQi
lete. It Is outside
such flDe figures
that sleeves are
seen pushed away
down to a starting place on the arm,
so that the round outline of the shoul
der may be completed and seen. This
very feature of cut lends a character
that Is hard to attain by other means,
and that will suffice with most women
without adding novelty of other sort.
But odd trimming Is sometimes com
bined with It, as is done in this first
picture, where the fitted white mohair j
bodice has an 1H.W yoke to match and
Is covered with galloon and embroidery
In beige silk iu fancy scroll work.
Standing collar, sleeves and skirt are
of beige mohair, the latter trimmed
about the hem with three bands of
The second pictured dress would be
quite as trying were It not that It Is
draped about the shoulders with chlf
fon that softens the exacting outline.
This blouse is of moss green and red
changeable silk, the tipper one showing
an appllqued bowknot of cream gui
pure, and the yoke and collar are of
black chiffon over scarlet silk. Knots
of black riblxin ornament the sides of
the collar, and each of the 1830 elbow
sleeves shows one of the big bowknot.i.
White gloves, white parasol and a white
hat with black trimmings complete the
With dresses that do not bare the
throat or shoulders epaulettes often
take the form of those in the third illu
tra thin, which are merely ribbon straps
with edging or lace. Epaulettes arc us
ually purely ornamental, whatever
their slmpo, but this sort somehow
gives an Impression of being put on
solely for the looks' of the thing, and
that Is Just what makes them favored
In summer time f.iliciftilness. The
waist they bedeck consists of alternate
lace and mile bands, bus ivory silk 11 ti
lug and lace collar, and fastens at the
side. It is sketched In green pompa
(lour silk and embroidered tulle, nnd
ni'Cimipnnies a skirt whose goib'ts are
held down at the sides by straps of the
same shade of ribbon edged with nar
row lace and ending in rosettes, (he belt
'4 (;MA 7ilM
p ' '7
r v i
being untile to match with two loops In
Though dress Improvers are not worn
enough to make women dread the com-
f?gjj,W,- "?i;5,
V .j y I.-'
tag of Hie bustle or the ttatad Grectea
bend; yet the Jaunty fling of the skirt
directly from ttia belt Id back 1st ooltt
vatasl, and the affect to effipfaaateed fcy
ruaay BtUe tricks, favorite amotm
wbNfb are the butterfly bows, with
whteb HbboD beita are completed.
These bows have a pair of loop Ose
stand well out, and a regular wheel eat
ends that atand all around the loofsa,
apparently at their own sweet wlIL Tke
ends are of all lengths, some only M
long as the loops, others reaching half
way down the skirt With the cut of
skirt whose godets are very deep, bom
or fixings of this sort are not needed
to suggest the Improver, for thoee same
deep pleats will bring a bunch at the)
back of the skirt that will not bear
accentuation of any sort. These won
drous folds are more often seen in ere
pon weaves than in anything else, and
it Is one of those that the artist selects
for the fourth model. Navy blue Is
the shade of this material, which gives
plain skirt and deep corselet Thea
there are deep yoke and sleeves of pale
blue figured silk- Straps of pale blue
satin ribbons with rosettes at the ends
come over the shoulder, the collar is
ornamented to niatcli and rosettes of
the ribbon dot. the sleeves and w aist
This model is a particularly youthful
one, and the stuffs employed In it here
should be taken merely as suggestions,
for It Is suitable for all summer mater
ials. White was never more popular. Real
ly, a young woman may risk her sum
mer season if she has a change of white
frocks for all occasions, with one or
two linen color effects run In. A ward
robe so planned is right In line with
economy, too, for with only one or two
colors represented In a wardrobe, In
finite combinations are possible, and
Just now the combination of linen or
string color and clear white Is much
effected. Of all the white fabrics mo
hair is away ahead and rigs are made
from It that are simply stunning. One
of these is shown in the final picture,
the skirt being mohair, and the blouse
of figured rose pink batiste with sleeves
and basques of the same. Its garniture
consists of a bertha of the dress mate
rial edged with n band of bright em
broidery and a fancy yoke with a big
center pleat lit tmcu ami lront and
points on either side. The points as
well as the neck-finish show (he same
embroidery seen on (lie bertha. So far
is whiteness and s'lnplb-lty. but,
mark you, the .Inly maid of '1)5 goes e.iin
plieit.y several better It) ninny ivs;iectn.
mil in this costume she does ll by werir-
Ing black gloves mid a black hat tr'ni
nieil with pink, as an effective relief t'
the rest.
The swagger yachting girl y-,t li;. :;!
up In a white wool gown and has In tid
ing from her while duck. Ivory-lnickk-.l
belt by Ivory clinius. a white duck card
case, piHkcl IiihiU. note book tiud spy
glas case. When these dalulv things
iccoine soiled, ns they will, they enn't
go itilo the washtub, so arc Just chalk
ed. For that reason (he yachting dress
must lie clear while.
Copyright, IWTi.
The sailor hat. that nevcr-to-bf-for-
got'en member of the millinery family,
is more proniltieut. than ever thin sea
son. It htm u wider front ami more
drooping effect than of yore and is g,ar
nlttired iu a great vuriuly of ways.
. -1 &
i .