i THE HIQUX COUNTY . o J. SimaioiH. Kditor imI ProBriMor. r. H.4 .VR. B.TWul.U. u ,if g H ut Going Kt. HO- 5. n7xl.- 1 : 1 1 0kfot flour, (e4 or int tall on F.. HorehouDil compoun4 cough syrup th great remeJy for cousin ami colds ' .jt 5he Pioneer Pliarmwy. I.-r oB Strayed A brown gelding, 3 vear dil, Ih-jimW rin-lr on U-rt thigh. A. M' i:l FX Tlere wh born ou Sat urLiv hint to Mr nmt Mrs Oscar Ward, a or,.-Lui-k I have a good WooiU binder for Kile or trade for htock. W. k HaiJ'hin, 4 milt- south of Harrison. If you want a farm paper pst one .mhlished in Nebraska. Tub JunmL . lulw with the Stbratkn Farms, ('all anil aee a copy of it Five cars of caUlu were louiktl ut nt Van Tatll :i-t Monday. Jarvit. Kicliard went up U bupcriiik'iiil the loading. -.' I. kichtttein. J. W. Kmith mid Tom jimiray went to Andrews Tuesday to try ii, catfh sonw trout hut did not succeed III lllt-ll c-uvim While on his trip in the Hliuk Hill M'Pntlv O. II. Turner iiurchatttKJ a car load of lumber with which to build new house on his ranch at Uramerc Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers am be applied when at home, and is uni formly Miecewiful iu coloring a brown or black. Hence its great popularity. On account of the evenmsf wikw hliort tlie Wednesday cv nuij; n.eelin; of the sinking club i'a-'. li:ui r..etl,.i r.t.ta.ut uitxon r y Ill another toluniti of t lit i ia-.uu .tpM ;trs tbe call for tne jmpuhsl jutiioitu convention. Tlie column of The Juuk sai. are 0en to all nniiouuceuient of ;ut h a nature, no party will be burred. W. F. Pontius has been promottitl to the position of cashier at Rapid City. Will is a good boy and from present in dications will make an efficient and val uable railroad man, ' 11. A. Priddy ha dvelu:d into an expert bicycle and tyewi'iter repairer. P. 8. We will order our cotlin, an Homer said he would annihilate us if we published the ubove. Mrs. II. T. Conley of this city has lately received word of a legacy left her by a lately deceased aunt in New lbin.ii hire. The bequest is in cash and is ex pected to reach here soon. Pawnee In- B. L. Smuck returned Friday froiuNJ Alliance where hu attended tbe ruCes. He says they Iwul a jrood time. While there lie traded his trotter for a pacer ... ...I , verv ttroud of his new ac quisition. -Tlie sellout board of district No. HO will hold a meeting on August ;kl to tpct a. teirlier. Tliev will have four months school and will pay fVi a month. If. Smoke is tlire.-lor aud C, Christensen, modenitor, postoillce Harrison, Effectual. Charles J. Booth, Olive- wood, Cal., av: "I have used Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and have ulwavs found tlm most effectual in the relief of ailments arising from disordered stomach, torpid liver and con stipated bowels. Li mi- r.r his oron nrosiHJcts the last of the week Andrew Christian sau they were not half what Uiey vvere last year. His best piece of wheat, by far, is on hind that was summer-fallowed luj i'kif llu inforul to a Sllbsoil.l j . plow next season. "Have tried otlters, but like Ayer's best" is the statement made over und over attain by those who testify to the w rut lit arivd fniiti the use of Avers Harsniiarillii. Disease never had a great er enemv than this powerful blood-purl lier. Jt makes the weak strong Air .1. M. Hmilev Informs u that Jim will ls down frouHiou . imty in a short lime, and may powibly loule HKuin in Reward county. They have trl hut mintrv several V "t but find it is not what they ctinl. When uu.t.lu lo-ivo Hewnnl rnuntv to took for a latter (viiiutv thev travel a lomt dis- lance Iwfore they Und it. He aril HIuiU The stock-sliiiiping season is at hand and an unusually largo amount of beef ioiwHMl in un over this line. The - , , - - n section foremen have been ordured put tlte track in good simp end in order to do this two men lire to lie ndded to tlie foive on each section. Men are hard get just at present, TIki int.t. In IjiiK-hall has reviveu1 liure. A fe day ago ft crowd ot to- iretlierand had a t.nu tice Kanie on the grounds. The mot -.oUbto catch Hie day wan niiule by Courify Hnperin- tcrxbtnt lluvis who cauifhl a hot one in te left eye and the optic has Wen trim- mel in mourning ever since. A road overseer iti Holt county has published a notion on the subject of the ttussinn thistle at n cost of f.'i.OO. Who will iay it is yet to be seen, In nost coimtie the road overseers are resigning and nono can be found to take tlie omce. It in claimed Unit the Ku mil thistle law if enforced will breuk Ww law! ownem and it not enforced will tafclt the road ovcetiem, PEUSOSAL. Fred Knott i in from Gilchrist today. ft F. Neec wn up from Runninc Water yesterday. 1. II. Oriswold ma4 a busiius trip to Lusk on Friday. Tom Snow wa in from Riwhide Tues day pun itasiug supplit. St-ott Jenks .va duiug busiuesn pi Harriaou tlte last of tlie week. Mr L. J. Biro Dions went to Cliadron last evenim.', returninK this morning. Miss Cora Wurta was up from Cruw- ford the lirst of the week visiting friends. V. A. Hester returned from Wyoming the last t,f the week where he had Wen putting up windmills. Els;n Cowlishaw was in from the north part of the county yesterday and called fur a short chat. Frauk Nutto came over from Indian creek Tuesday and bought a bunch of cattle from a. Smiley. J. T. ( Wee amf Will Hickard here the lirst of the week buyi'iy dies for the 7 box L ranch. w'r'N sup- . U. Turner was in town Tuesday He and Mrs. Turner had just returned from an outing in the Black Hills. II. Prieshoil', M. (Jay hart and L'laus Christensen were over from Montrose Monday on school district matters. J. M. Robinson arrived from Omaha Saturday and w ill remain a couple of months looking after his interest here and getting rid of some of the super- Uuous flesh which he brought with him. On account of the troops Wing call ed out to light Indians the gameof base ball at (.'hudron is off. Peter Schacfer is in town this nionA r...- tli.. lli-t timu in iLMi-ur;il mnnlh. I " . , . i lie says he is gaining strengtti slowiv Trie liiimiock Indians have Iteen making trouble out in western VN yoin- jug and the settlern went out and made few good Indians but are too few to lie able to hold their own. Tbe war de- artnit'iit was appealed to and the regu ir troops ordered out. A train load of horse und equipment from Fort Robin son pulsed through here goiug west a!xut 10 o'clock this morning and a little later eight coaches filled with sol- iers followed. It is inqwd that it will be Indians and not soldiers that are shot. During the past week many inqui ries have been made as to the crops in the county. It seems from the reports that iu the territory adjoining the ridge aud in tlie Coimouwood, White river and other small valleys fair crops of small grain will Iss harvested, but the corn is in hard shape on account of the cold uighUs. Further out in the valley the nrosnects are not so (jootl. Most of the small grain will be cut for hay and the :orn will lie cut and cured for fodder, Vegetables promise fairly well in most f localities so that there will be plenty in that line, Some lields of wheat are said to 1 very badly smutted. Hay is all right so that stock will go through the winter all right. There are a large number who have small lields which they irrigate and as a result they will m in good slmie. The fact that the most of the ople of Sioux county have small bundles of stock so that few of them depend entirely on farming puts the comity in condition to get along much better than many of her neighbors. Taken as a whole the products of the county will exceed those of last year and no one suffered then so that the out look is not so had as it might be. The Siiiiiinea .li 1 of I Silo. The summer girl is out of the running this season unless she has gone in for athletics. In order to be a successful summer-girl she must ni past mistress of two roles: the gauzy, butterfly girl a Wwildering maao of frou-frou ru files ribWns und lace, w hose marvelous para- Is and Gainsborough hats accentuate the deanly execution of her Hashing eyes is only for evening and garden-party use; in the morning, she is quite another creature. Ihjwn to break lasl olteu at the heathenish hour of eight she comeu iu triggesl athletic attire, and she eats ht.r breakfast, too, u healthful one of fruit, with a dainty chop or omelet and wiiLcrerc-Hs of tomatoes: and then the busbies of the day begins. If a yacht ing trip be planned, the dress is nautical blue serge or white duck, according to temperature; if a spin on her wheel, our uirl is as ready for a mountain climb as fora bicycle ride, for. her neat and con veineiit dress is adapted to either plea nr..., ,l though, of course, being the fm de sieclo girl she is, her golf and ten nis gowns are Hpecially designed for those games, yt( under the influence of ihn lii.-vcle town, they, too, are shorter i than heretofore; xtn their warer per f... t ftvviluiti of motion, and could W S,,ui..l f,r b.cvclinii, or vice versa, If t,f Ltiil occupie" the niorningi the yachting Ki:omll!i a sea-nymph about twelv o'clock) then, after luncheon, to wmcli .I,.. ,.m,ii,.s in her tfolf ITOH u she Will W found on the links in hot pursuit of fly ing lalli And she is no mean compel tor; she gives her opponent all he can tlo to win, for she is m deadly earnest ui-,.1-1. thiiiL' she tloes, What a trans- formation whe i evening comes, and our Kill, in daintiest, l'arisan gown, proves that iu pursuing bealth she has forgot tun n.t uiiu of her femiiiiwa traces and hisi'ifiattons! From "UhaV' to iiw rest' Magaalne for August. Public Sale. Tlie undersifrneil w ill sell at public auction at the ranch of Joseph HebWn. on Indian creek, Siou -otiet; , r Lr.i- ka. on TUESDAY. ACGUHT 6, the following pi-operty: 100 head of 2-year-olJ steers, 13 head of 4-year-old iktet-rs, 0 heifers and cows, 60 horses and niares, Farm implements, consisting )f wa- J ops, mowers, rakes, plows, etc., llousehokl goxli. and uteusils too nu-1 merous U mention. TERMS: All cattle ami all sums on j other purchases under f3 cash in hand, j (0 all purchases amounting to $3 ort over a credit of 1 year will Iw given and ! on all horses a credit of 'i years will l given on approved tiotes drawing' 10 per i cent per annum, none on tattle, discount of 10 ir cent ill lie given A for ! cash on horses. I will also sell or rent my ranch on the Nebraska-Dakota line: running water; about H0 tons of luiv on tlie ground: 30 ! acres under ditch. For further information ly on premises or address. JiJKl-lf HtHHXN, Ardmore. S. Ihk Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. I wish to call your attention to the fact that the County Treasurers have Wen verv lenient with you during the several crop failure and as nearly all school districts are in need of money and the prosiects are good for line crops j this year, I shall insist upon the pay-j merit of your personal taxes. Gentle-j men they have stood long enough. Very Respectfully, H. S. Wsn::t.KP. Count v Treasurer. Call for CoiiiinlssloiMfrV Meeting. The board of county commissioners of Sioux county, Nebraska, are liereuy illed to meet at the ollii e of the conn- clerk at Harrison, Nebraska, on Wednesday, July ill, 1MS.1, at IU clock, a. in., for the transaction of ordinary county business. M. J. Bi.bwktt, County Clerk. Independent Judicial Convention. The people's independent electors of the lifteeuth judicial district of Nebraska are hereby requested to send delegates from their respective counties to meet in convention iu the city of O'Neill on Monday. August 2, 1HU5, at 2 o'clock, m., for the purpose of placing in nom ination two candidates for juilges ol toe district court of said district. The representation will W the same as for the state convention, aiut me convention will contain (it delegates, of which Box Butte county will he enti tled to fi; Dawes, S; Sioux, 2. H. M. Bujkik, Chairman Judicial Committee. ( Iiimli Services Next Sunday. Class Meeting, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday School, Sunday morn ing at '11:80 o'clock, fcpworth League Sunday evening at 7, and preaching at 8 O'clock. CHAM. fc. t.'llN'NW,!.. msior, Special Excui-sions to Hot Spring!. On the following dates the F. E. & M. V. will sell excursion tickets from Har rison, Neb., to Hot Springs, S. U, and return for one fare for the round trip. These tickets will lie good returning for thirty days from date of sale: May 24th, June 7th and 19th, July 3U and 19th, August 2d and 2:td. For further par ticulars apply to E. F. Postiuh, Agent. No steps have been taken to call"slv! iieeial school meetinBT so that the board will hkely have to fix up the old build - i rig where it stands. It seems like a waste of money, but if the people are not interested enough to petition the hoard to call a meetinif they should not 1 kick on what the board does. There has lieen considerable talk luring the past week about lilting up a race track and holding a fair and race meeti'ig. It Is claimed by those who have been looking the matter up that enough work can be secured, by dona tions to make tlve track without the use of any money. There is some money in the treasury of the agricultural society which with contributions from the busi ness men and others interested could be used for purses und premiums. The of li e-era of the county society are heartily in favor of the move. President Wood ruff will Iw here in a few days and take an active hand in the work, the business men are unanimously in favor of the move j and every one has been sjiokeu to ex- j press the hope that the plan will Is? car ried out and a willingness t ) help in the work. One thing must Imj borne in mind and that Is that the time is short and there is much work to l)a done and ir the plan Is to be carried out there is no time to lose, A united, earnest ef fort w ill make it a success, but a half hearted method will result in as grand a lizzie lis could be desired. It rests with the jswple whether it will be -a fair or a (iw-le- Paper napkins for m! tit Thk Jovimb ollb. For ruliabltj, first clams dental work of any hind, o to T. I Gibson, Oiniw fort, Mbrnid(&. WHY 8UFFEK WITH Sick and Nervous HEADACHE? You may be easily and quickly cured by taking- Ayers Pills "I havp liecn a victim of lerri Mn headaches, and have ncscr found anything to relieve them so quickly as Aver' Pills. Smcti I began taking this medicine, tin attacks have lwcoine lens ami less frequent, imtii, ;it present, months have passed since I have had one."-l'. F. Xkwman, Dug Spur, Va. "Having used Ayer's Pills with rrm.jt Elll-I-Hl f I If it VSlW'tlSbL tl'Olll which x Duuncii n,i ,vci.., . solved never to hn without them in mv householtl. They are in o o o o deed effective." .Mrs. Sai.UE MoitniH. 125 Willow St x una- o iii.;i v delphia, Pa. ' "I always use Ayer's Pills, and think theiu excelleiit." Mrs. (1. '. Watuous, Jackson, Fla. o o o o o Ayer's Pills Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR e o o o o o o 9.?..?.8.8..?,s.?.s.sa tJUANT (tUTHRlE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and United Slates Land OHice. Or I-egal papers carefully drawn. Ha must is. - N-hhakv. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & I I: ir Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FROft' K.V.olt AND M'KSOitv 1 i 9 TO 12. ; IN OHPKH. dive t Cull, J. E. I'll INN EY, M. 1). Physician and Siira"cou. ,VI. culls given iiroiii;it atlcnilon. Office 111 Urns Store. HAKKIMllN, - - NT.RUVSKA. I SELL Peering V MOWERS. The BEST On J LEWIS GERLACH. HOME HEALTH P WEALTH 2 SOUTH The Dt Opportunltlet In America FOR PROFITABLE FARMING it alonj ih line of ib MOBILE AM) OHIO RAILROAD ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. Two f trins dailv with through Oepr. low kit! Und-lten cituniom ti.onthly. IlluatratM lank free to MI. It tiHt All ul.out tin itttp l U cli,tr, ll lifallhlulntM and to mo thru tui tram rrt ytr cn in urn (. I FAMRfM hut TO"' ' l ' Mwm m y hi( miw, EARTH. stapeo upon THE DULLEST DEIMJ s Is the name and lame of the ''Old Reliable" store of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, where you can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a G EN ERA Now is the time select your SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Highest market price paid for produce of all kinds. M A RST B L l-'i i scandal's nnjiie we stand aloft. And honor not its propagator, We sell you goods, will make you laugh And go and tell your neighbor The cheapest place to trade in town, Yes, that's the name, just HOUGH &c SOIT, H ester DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and HARRISON THE OMAHA WORLD - HERALD Edited by Ex-Couretsinn W. J. BRYAN It the greatest newspaper west of the Missouri River. It advocates FREE SILVER ! at the present ratio of sixteen to ono. IU news service is the best to be obtained. Daily, f6 00 per year; 60 cents per month. Weekly, llOOper year. Subscription for tha WORLD-HERALD received at this offio L STO R lv L K R B KOS. "The Old Reliable." & Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. NEBRASKA. !S. L. ELf.lH. i County Surveyor, j 1 -eiurd to do nil liiiuls of SUM VEYIN'f ami IHTOH LEVKL1XO in a, ! proiiiji' s-txl s.ttisf:i;'l.ory tnai.ner. IIahki-x Nehrahp.a. ('!. ('. M- I'.lilUE, Photographer, CRAWFORD, NEB. Is prurared to tlo till kinds of work in his line hy the niotut npproveti rtiethotln. lie has sptiHnl tip.aratu)t for- itn;king groups will onttitle vie iitttl pui' j lies tMintlng work tt Vhut lifMMH)ltl cull nn him, ( 1' PATmPAPTin tWAHifffWp. Son,