The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 18, 1895, Image 5

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L. J. Simmon.. Eililor and Proprietor.
t. K. I M. I!. K Tiiiic t,il.'i-.
i;jtng West. i-.-t.
'o. 5, liilit-U, I u, ii.U'd. .
For (lour
Otie dozvn full 1UmM Poland
China pigs four weeks old. For HaJ.K
Horehound coniound cough nyrup
the great remedy fur coughs and colds
at the Pioneer Pharmacy.
Lost or Strayed A brown ttelding,
2 yearn old, branded circle on left thigh.
, A. MuOi.nley.
i A new boy arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hollin.worth but
I Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Smiley rejoice over
the arrival of a son at their home on
Tuesday of UiKt week.
J A car load of implement and cloud
ed hogs arrived here the biht of the woek
for the Tratt & Fein ouiiit.
I The Ladies Aid society will meet
with Mrs. Siirah Davis on Wednesday
July 24th. A full attendance is desired.
4 T. O. Williams gathered up all the
fishing poles in town and oq Tuesday took
his family to Van Tasnell for a day'
Dandruff is an exudation from the
ores of the skin that spreads and dries,
forming scurf and causing the hair to
i'lll out. Hall's Hair Renewer cure it.
I). H. Griswold is happy over the
j Kt that artesian water 1ms been ob
tained near his quarter section of land at
The ice cream social given by the
ladies' aid society last Friday evening at
the court house was well attended and a
pleasant time had.
If you want a farm paet get one
published in Nebraska. The Journal
clubs with the Xehrriska Fanner. Call
and see a copy of it.
An exchange says "The opposition
louie women have to bloomers depends
upon the ligure they would cut in
The first home made cabbage came
to market Monday from the garden of J.
' Parsons. It shows (Ine for the time
t.f year.
Street Commissioner Alex Lowry
;md Judge Wihfon have been improving
Ine streets this week. A good soaking
lain now would settle the dust.
Attorney O. Guthrie has fitted up
the first building south of the court
house for a law office whore all in need
of legal advice will find him.
Can it be possible that the woman
who is loudest in her objections to
Woomers is the one who makes the
preatest display of hosiery when going
over a street cronsingf Seward UlarL;
A. McOinley wont to Crawford the
last of the week mid found thiit he hilt)
the winning ticket in a drawing and it
the richer by a new wuou. Thorn U n
accounting for tin: hick sonto ipl;
The indications are that no attempt
will be made' to enforce the Russian
thistle law in this county. The govern
ment has too much hind here which is
Iwyond the Jurisdiction of the road over
seers. It may not pay to dig potatoes when
small but (iustav Noriesch brought
tiome in and sold them at a rate which
would bring him about f'-'.W.OO tin ai re.
That Is nearly as much as Sioux county
land is worth an acre.
The taking of testimony in Hie con
test of N'ewman vs. Nichols !ognn oi
Saturday nwl continued tm'.tl Wednes
day afternoon. It was tiro longest con
test that has ex'er wrurml over a piece
vif Sioux county land, . Utitlniv was
tillomey for Nichols,
A number wrnt from l?re to Fort
Robinson to wt the gnnrn of Inll hist
Sunday bttwwn the Chadron nnd Robin-
ton club. The latter were victorious
and as a result the Chadron wwcinl was
the "swearing train" on the return trip.
On hurt. Friday July 12, Fdwin (Jutli-
rie was nine vears old and life invited his
friends to spend tlw hours from i to
clock in "fun" as ttoys f that age
interpret the word. Ic iream and ke
were stowed away in quantities by Ray
Myers, Howard SuiiK-k, Willie Kartell
Archi llavis, Lin ley Priddy, Charlie
Itichstein, Otto Hough, FriU Rw-hstein
freiw Williams. Willie Scott nd Kdwin
It w mki thai the Wker w;oti
vompany H fcotng to wage r with lha
vianuTactnrwi of high priced wheels.
Tltt-y claim that the enormous demawd
lias v-ripfrtH the sale for 1or wwe!
VehKes and vn otJer to recoup litem
Hv tfiey will miwmfiwture high
grede whew for only The Nttiire-
taker Co. in a large om, am) is Apult;
iff 1 locking u the asseriirm with larg
VaU,l. Sewrd ReMninr.
"-Ths crop reports from various finrtii
of northwest Nebraska are Turin dis-
"Conraging. From what can lie tairned
Wioox county is about as well off as any
"of them. Here It is decidedly pottd.
In some localities the prospects are good
and in others bnt a short distance away
they are bad. The general yield will
likely be somewhat mor .than that of
last year. Irrigated crops will lie all
right and Mime an the table will yield
bat the general crop will b far bt
Ww what wm Mf4.
It? IIWllV 1 i
Mr. E. F. Pontius and Mrs. V, A.
Hunter wiit Sunday at Chadron.
J. W. Christian has rhirnd from an
extended visit to northern Wyoming, -
J SlierifT Dew went to Cliadron Thurn-
Jjy evening returning next morning.
(Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Hough are up
roni Running Water for a short time.
IL C. Armfleld wa looking after hi
interest in Sioux county hut week and
tailed at this office Thursday.
M. Bruck was down from Douglas the
past week visiting and holding down hi
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hollingsworth
were doing business at the county seat
last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Snyder aod their
daughter, Mrs. Walker, were in town
uring the week.
Mr. and Mrs. M- C. Doan and daughter,
Mis Daisy, were in town last Saturday
nd made a pleasant can at. mis omce.
Master Nrfl Simmons left on Thursday
evening train for Mirsland whore he
will spend his vacation with Mr. and
Mrs. 1 T. Poole.
I Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Shepherd re
turned Saturday from their wedding
tour and have settled down to enjoy
married bissat their home on Anteloi.
JJoseoh Hibbeln was in town Monday
and arranged to have a sale of his prop
erty us advertised in another column.
lie has a fine plan for handling stock.
J C. F. Colfee was at Chadron the last
nf the week on business in regard to a
aim which he has against the govern
ment for horses which were stolen from
him by Indians years ago.
A nice little shower fell here yester
day afternoon and did a good deal of
good, hut it was but a local shower. If
rain does not soon come crops will be
pretty short.
I Complaint is niude thatchildren play
" ., . ..... i. ...
n llie watering irougu ao me iumit
reservoir and cet the water so dirty that
horses will not drink it. Either the par
ents should see that their children keep
out of it or the authorities should take a
hand iu the matter.
If you would have an abundance of
dark, glossy hair, if you would have a
clean scalp, free from dandruff and irri
tating humors, or if your hair is faded
and gray, and you would have its natu
ral color restored, use Ayer's Hair Vig
or. It is unquestionably the best dress
To make your business pay, good
health is a prime factor. To secure
good health, the blood should lie kept
pure and vigorous by the use of Ayers
Sarsaparilla. When the vital fluid is
impure and sluggish, there can be neith
er health, strength, nor ambition.
By a recent decision of the court
Andrew Christian of Pleasant Ridge, was
Jot-lured to have been elected to the of-iii-e
of county commissioner of Con-
verse county, Wyo, Mr. Christian is to
be congratulated on the outcome of his
contest and if he uses the same methods
in his public life that he, tins in private
matters his county is also to be con-
On investigation it has been found
that the school house win neeu to oe
newly plastered and considerable
other cxiense put on it to make it fit for
use. There is talk of calling a iqieciul
meeting for the purpose of taking action
in the matter. It Is doubtful if the
building is safe now ami steps should be
taken to prevent any accident. It
would Ire Very poor jwlicy to expend
much money on that building, especially
in its present unsuitable location.
Wednesday July 17 was Miss Edna
Honwers seventh birthday and she cele
grated the event by giving an im
promptu patty to some of her little
friends and after spending the afternoon
in nlavimr games, it cream, cake and
other delicacies of the s?aon were serv
ed to Kffie Wright, Dotte Patterson,
Myrtle .Scott, Minnie and Ona Sutton,
and Minne Simmons, and Elsie aod Edua
Edna Kobwer.
Direl county has one road overseer
who is bound to see that the new state
law relative to destruction of Russian
thistte is carrmi out. He recently sent
the following letter by registered mail:
Washington, D. C,
Yml re Hereby notified that
tma mill Iw c-iven Ave Javs to remove
Kisian thtsUes from government
land. Facing to 4a so, 1 will destroy
tbni and tax tne cost up to yon.
(sjiignw!) v
Koad Overseer.
Wo haven't yet learned of the answer
to this HrigM p totte. AMiano tirip.
An exchange aiserts thai a man
who wont take ipajwr neoanse ne an
borrow ns ia invented a mwbino by
which he ook his nnev by the
smoke from his neighbor's chimney. The
same fellow wits in the bat fiew in
church to save interest on hm contribu
tions, and is always borrowing a Tkle to
town to mve the w'oar nrnl tear on 'his
horse rlesh. Ve, we know him. He is
HrVI cousin to the mnn who never winds
up his watx h for fear of lireaking or
wearing the main spring. He undoabt
eillv i a near relative to the mnn who
went into the hack yard during a cold
wiap, soaked his hair in water, let it
fwM and then broke it off in orJr to
oh't tha barber out of Nr out.
Public Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at the ranch of Joseph Hebbeln,
on Indian creek, Hioux county.
bra-.ka, on
the following proierty:
1J) head of 2-year-old steers,
Vt head of 4-year-old steers,
20 heifers and cows,
20 horned and mares,
Farm implements, coimisting of wag
ons, mowers, rakes, plows, etc.,
Household goods and utensil too nu
merous to mention.
TERMS: All cattle and all sums on
other purchases under $5 cash in hand.
On all purchases amounting to $3 or
over a credit of 1 year will be given aod
on all horses a credit of 2 years will be
given on approved notes drawing 10 per
cent ir annum, none on cattle. A
discount of 10 per cent will be given for
cash on horses.
I w ill also sell or reut my ranch on the
Nebraska-Dakota line; runniug water;
about (U) tons of hay on the ground; 80
acres under ditch.
For further information apply on
premises or address,
Ardmore, S. Dak.
To the Teachers of Sioux County.
It is with deep regret that I must no
tify you that no institute will be held io
Sioux county this year. Our aid from
the county has been cut off entirely, re
sulting from the greatly decreased as
sessed valuation of prnierty in the
county from which the county's revenue
is derived.
The expense connected with the hold
ing of a two week's institute is so much
that unless we do receive this aid,
which with one exception has always
lieen given each year we cannot, with
out very great expense to each teacher,
hold one.
Our neighboring counties, l)awes and
Box Butte, w-ill hold institutes during
the following time: Box Butte, July 22
to August 3; Dawes, August 5 to Aug
ust 17 and I earnestly request that all
teachers who possible can, attend one or
tlie other of these.
Examination will be held at Harrison
on August 18 and 17, and those who are
not attending institutes elsewhere will
lie expected to be presentj and take ex
amination, and at this time we will or
ganize a reading circle and teachers'
association, if possible.
Very Truly,
W. II. Davis,
Co. Supt.
Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers.
I wish to call your attention to. the
fact that the County Treasurers have
been very lenient with you during the
several crop failures and as nearly all
school districts are in need of money
and the prospects are good for tine crops
this year, I shall insist upon the pay
ment of your personal taxes. Gentle
men they have stood long enough.
Very Respectfully,
H. S. Woodruff.
County Treasurer.
( Hiircli SmiceH Next Sunday.
Preaching service, Sunday morning
lOtfO; Sunday School 11:30; Epworth
league, 7. C. E. COSNEI.L, Pastor.
Bklu Nkb., July 41, 1H9
In Uie past three weeks we liave learn
ed that, Jarvis Richards has returned
from Rock creek, Wyo.. to tlie lower 33
with about 1,200 head of cattle and Jack
Meltlea is foreman.
That Octave Harris mude a trade for
about 4,000 feet of lumber near White
river aod liad the county surveyor mak
ing maps of his ditch and I his Crawford
brothers at work on tlie ditch.
That Mrs. Potter ami son, Harry and
daughter, Miss Ksa Prwsser, of Belmont,
were Ue guests of Octave Harris.
That Miss Anine Midwlson ami Mrs.
Joh'ison, of Olen, were at the. X. S.
ThatO. J. Gowey lost one of ' his
teams, supposed to have been btolen.
That the geological party is cauiped at
theld Roy villa site,
That Mrs. W. L. Ashlirook Us re
turned from a ix mouths' visit in Kan
sas and Texas and reports sua iuituouse
fruit crop in the latter state.
That W. L. Ashbrook and W. A. Matte
son (mrohased about 30,000 jMiunds ol
wire for fencing.
That Goodwin A. Wright, of Alliance,
were in -these farts buying fat cattle.
Car For ileaaaciif.
As a remedy for -all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters hns .proved to be the
very best. ItB'eots a fiermanent cure
and the most dreaded habitual sick-headaches
yield to its .influence. We urge
all who are airlifted to procure a bottle,
and give this remedy a .fair trial. In
cases of hnbitmil conUpation Electric
Bitters cures by giving the needed tone
to the bowels, and few eases long resist
the use of this medicine.- Try it once.
Large bottles only fifty cents at Pioneer
"Pafier napkiint Tor srile .at Tiik
Jdt'RNAL oflice,
For reliable, flint clust. uVntul work
of uny kind, go 'to T. J. Gibson, Craw
ford, Nebraik,
1 I "!-
j JW.'tted5t
Why Was It
U nt Aytr'i f im:iiu'H!:i. cut of tlie W'at
iiuiii!r u' simd-ii' j. ;- .miloua niaituf:t'
tlirs'l tliroiiKlioiil t'i" w-.rM, was tlie onlv
nittieiMt- of Hi- (.Mil :ilmiit-i at til
Vorl(i' tt'.r, I'lii c:i.' uhy w;i !t
tUat, :u i'l ' :'in uniiml efdirts of Ui-ma;iuf:i-tM.!
s . '.flii-j- j,r 'naratlitiis, iU'.t
de'lsion i v, ., , '., !' dr Directum was
nit r.-vt'i 1.'.
p, p.
A"0ont!ns f i;ci..: y,-"Articles
thct aie In any way Uaasrarous cr o
oilciisi-.-e, alio p:t'-unL. tnedtoinea, O
uost.-ums, aui omniricai pregara-
tiana, wlioue In.'r tsnfs are con- o
csaled, will not tie aim tted to the 0
Exposition," iiikI, ilien f.ire
Bfctnue Ayer's K.iis:i.irillv Is not a Oj
patent ineiliTitie, nut 11 nnsti uiii, uii1 iiwt
a secici jireparaiinii.
C011011I wnu qiiei allien as to tue Icr- o
nulla tinK which It Is 'iiiiiH)uiuleil. O
fitcaut4 It is nil that it la c'aiini'.l t i lio o
a l'iiiiiiiinil 'onreiilrateil Extract of O
HarsuparPla, Mini in every sense, win lliy
the i'ldiiiHi'iiiciit of lliis mnst InifHiilJint o
ciimriilllee, calli-d tnc'llier for passing O
upon the manufiu'tnreil lirortucts of Iho J
entire world. o
ItiAr'o The CorodnQrlllo o
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and United States Iiuid Ollice.
fjI-egal p;iiers carefully drawn.
Harhison, - NicnitASK.
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser,
iilvo t me tat ('all.
Physician ami Surgeon.
All culls given prompt attention.
OfHcc In inuf Store.
1 Amrit
it long the line df lli
To fall train daily wilh through ilrfptrt. tow
Htn land-atekan a icuriiom monthly. Illatrt4
Vaiak Fra to mil. It tcllt all ahoul tha chtap
kaaiat, tha climata, tha haulthfulncu and how Io
Miraa full ctoo aach ytar on lha aama land,
liiitf nam to K. K. l'oey, Oanaral Paaaauti
Cii.CW.'fcO..'! MvlMla, AU.
Is the name and fame of the "Old
Reliable" store of MARSTELLER
BROTHERS, where you can al
ways find bargains in everything
to be found in a
Now is the time select your
Highest market price paid for produce
of all kinds.
"The Old Reliable."
From scandal's mime we stand aloft ,
And honor not its propagator,
We sell you goods, will make you latigli
And go and tell your neighbor
The cheapest place to trade
in town,
Yes, that's the name, just
Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and Shingles,
Windmill and Pump Supplies,
Ml ted EfCrainwMi
1$ tke $ttt Htpvtptr mud
of the Mitnuri Lixur.
It adroeate FEES SILVER
tthe yrese&t ratio of LxtMa
to one.
Ita news service k tbe belt it
toe obtained.
Dally, $6 00 per year; 50 cents
per month Weekly, $1.00 per
Subfcrlptrona for the
rcelvd at this office
1 a. U FLU,
rjotnty Surveyor,
I pron.i.f1 i .Kl -swt isfHiMurjy .manner.
t. Mi bRlI;,
n !'. fMrt. to do all iWnds of -work ii
bin lin v -tliB .niont apro,,ml
Iumi tci!(l upparnViw (for .iniikirir
groti)cu.nd outride vianwi und ,uuk-
lit wuntinj,' woi'ls.iiijUmtiliM tliftttU'
cull on him.