The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 11, 1895, Image 8

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I roper m la Work turu-Ho to
Heal Wonnda on Treea and Plant
Time to Kill WeedafcucceM oa the
4 f , narking corn. i
If yob lire able to own or hire a good
sulky cultivator you are fortuuaie. The
saving iu time aud labor lu working
twent) live acres of cum. potatoes ami
root crops will pay for the machine iu
a single season. Whatever Implement
you may Use, whether single or double
cultivator, keep the soil loo.-.- and mel
low aud free from weeds. After the
corn gets a foot iu height the shade of
the leaves will keep dowu the small
weeds. When tin; weather is hot and
dry, well worked corn will crow ra
Idly. The editor has a held of coru
planted ou the l:!th of May that is now
over one foot lit height; the tield has
been worked three times, and will get
If possible, two niore workings Corn
requires hot weather, but if the soil is
hard and baked around the stocks the
corn cannot take advantage of the
weather, but is burnt up with the heat.
Let the earth le mellow aud the grouud
rich. The stalk and fodder may not be
no luxuriant but the grain will lie there.
The same rule holds good for all culti
vated crops. Work ofteu. work shal
low and work level. After the last
working sow fifteen pounds of crimson
clover to the acre, and brush it iu with
a brush harrow. The clover will pre
vent weed growth and loss of fertility.
The last of June Is the time to sow it
Baltimore American.
Wound on Treea or Plant.
The wounds made on growing plants
or trees should always be protected by
tome application as soon as they Ix-come
dry enough for it to adhere well. Com
mon paint is better than neglect, but
any cement of the character of grafting
wax Is better. One of the best sub
stances, lM)th for its neatness and its
long adhesion to the surface of the
wound, is the well known shellac var
nish, consisting of a strong solution of
shellac iu alcohol. To prevent the Inf
lect which so often occurs because the
owner has nothing of the kind on hruid
It is well to have such a preparation
made in time.
Procure a wide-mouthed lsittle and
Insert a brush to be used In applying
It by making the cork a part of the han
dle. This will prevent drying up, and
It will be always ready. Those who
have time to attend to it may make the
tunwntine and rosin mixture by using
a half pound of rosin and tallow melt
ed together, adding a teaspoonful of
turpentine when it is cool, with two
ounces of alcohol and an ounce of wa
ter, heating again and stirring rapidly.
This is a good application, but is not so
delicate for fine plants as the shellac
If it becomes too thick add alcohol.
The Time to Kill Weed.
When the thermometer Is up In the
DOs and the rays of the sun are bright
la just the time to kill weeds. They
may take root and live if the soil is
cool and damp, but when they are turn
ed up and exposed to the dry heat of a
hot summer day they are destroyed as
If with tire.
buctt'HB on the Farm
One reason, I believe, why a young
man becomes discontented with farm
life is because the prevailing idea of
success does not lie in that direction.
Fine clothes aud a well-to-do appear
ance are, according to the Stockman,
a considerable factor in our hfeas of a
prosperous young man, and we, to a
certain degree, drive the young man
from the farm to where more of these
things can be found. We must change
our tactics and teach the youth that he
can lead as commendable a life one
that will be fraught with more real
pleasure and profit ou the farm than
In the city. People generally wait un
til the crisis in the young man's life
has arrived, aud then attempt to per
suade him to remain. Teach the child,
and you will never have occasion to
persuade the youth.
Breeding Off the Horns.
In 'S-S I had a herd of homed rows. I
lid not want to cut off their horns, but
determined to get rid of them in soma
manner. I bred them to a polled bull
whose mother was a horned cow, says
W. L. Anderson in the Agriculturist
To my surprise, but one lu ten of the
calves had horns. In '!tl I had a fine
herd of polled heifers, having sold all
my horned cattle. These nolle heifers
thus produced from horned mothers by
a bull from a horned mother never had
a horned calf, although all my bulls
have been from horned mothers. This
bows now easy it is to breed off horns.
True It takes time, yet I think it the
teat way.
In my experience, I find horned cattle
require as much again stable room as
j)o!l, for I herd all my young cattle In
a large pen, like sheep, until they are
ready to drop their first calves. All
the older cattle nro in another shed In
the Mine way unless I milk them; then,
for convenience, i put them In stalls.
They gather at the feed troughs as
thick n they can crowd, trine il':-turning
the 'Thee . it 1s not ono-fonrth th
labor to stable them, since I use no
chains, stanchions or halters. None
re vicious or wild, though some of
their horned mothers were.
Keep Plowing.
It la commonly said that plowing deep
la the direct means of making the soil
deep. It I trtie that deep plowing
open i lower stratum to the action of
sir, bat Ut only hastens the decomposi
tion af vegetable matter la the soil, and
If tMa la oat replaced the soil become
M faflcient hi bamtu that deep plow
fcj la Meleaa. Thar la bo better way
Czm aafl tbaa to aow clover aad
every third or fourth year use the sub
soil plow a d.-eply a it can le run.
Thw will enable the clo 'er root to
i trate tin- will to a greater depth. When
ever a clover sod is plowed a consider
able part of its lower roots are left In
the soil as they grew. Tln-e root rap
idly decay, and they enable roots of
grain aud other crops to go down deeply
iu si-ari ii of moisture. This is one rea
why boed crops on a clover ley
withstand drouths better than if plant
ed on timothy sod, whose roots are all
near the surface. To make the clover
grow as large as imssible is all import
ant. The larger the growth the dceT
the clover roots run and the more the
subsoil is benefited. American Cultivator.
Value of the Kurt.ett Pear.
For small gardens, such as are us
ually seen near large cities, the pear
tree Is the most profitable one to plant,
aud the Hartlett the best of all. Pear
really take but little room. Their
growth is more upright than spreading.
They commence to bear lu four jears
from the graft and never entirely mis
a season having fruit. It is an error,
according to the Phila.lelphia Press,
to suppose that the plum aud the apri
cot will not thrive as they used to do.
The fruit sets as well as it ever did,
but the attacks of Insects are worse
and cause the dropping of the fruit
Those who grow these trees largely
for their fruit hud it pays them to right
the pests to get a crop, but, as a rule,
an amateur will not take this trouble,
and. In such a case, it is useless to plant
the trees.
. Color of Kkk Yelko.
Is It not the breed of the fowls more
than the feed? I have Silver CompiueS,
aud the shell of their eggs Ls snow
white, while the yolks of the eggs are
a vary pale yellow, writes. M. M. Mur
phy to the New York Tribune. I have
also Plymouth I!'ks, the sheHs of
whoe eggs are a dark yellowish
brown, and the yolks of their eggs are
a deep yellow. These two breeds get
the same feed coru and wheat iu "milk
cooked food or sloppy stuff." My ex
jiericuce is that the eggs from the Asi
atic breeds are dark, and the yolks a
deep yellow; and that the leghorns,
Cotnpiiies, etc., lay a white egg. and
the yolks are pale yellow. There is no
feed that will make these dreeds lay
dark eggs, and no feed that will make
the Asiatic breeds lay pure white eggs.
Hetx-c, I think, it is the breed and not
the feed that causes the yolks of eggs
to be pale or deep in inlor.
The Care of Fertilizer Drill.
It is a common experience of farmers
that the grain drill with fertilizer at
tachment soou fails to work properly,
and the fertilizer cannot be evenly dis
tributed as at first All the commer
cial manures have sulphuric acid or oil
of vitriol in their comimsition. Most of
this goes to dissolve the phosphate of
lime, tiut there will always te enough
free acid to rust metals with which it
comes in contact The fertilizer loyes
should tie cleaned thoroughly whenever
the work is finished, even though It may
be only a day or two before the drill
has to be used again. If the drill is kept
in a dry dace and cleaned frequently
It should be In good condition for ten
to fifteen years, instead of betng thrown
aside after being used only two or three
Rich Ground for Tomatoes.
Too great proportion of nitrogenous
plant food Is not best for tomatoex. It
makes a large growth of vine, but the
fruit does not set well. But if there
Is a sufficiency of potash and phosphate
the soil can hardly be made too rich.
Stable manure is usually deficient Iu
potash, and it is better to use a com
mercial fertilizer if it can be had, and
gjien plant on ground that has been
made rich by previous manuring. The
ground should not be wet. This will
make it cold and delay riin-nlng. Toma
toes endure drought better than most
plants, aud though a severe drought
diminishes the amount of the crop, It
makes it earlier, and therefore worth
as much money, though costing less
to handle and to market
Level Surface tor He an.
Iu planting beans it is best to leave
the surface over them level with the
soil around, according to the American
Cultivator, and ou no account to plant
iu a hollow. The bean leaf is very
easily injured by contact with the soil.
This Is almost inevitable, when, as the
young beans come up, the stem is sur
rounded by a higher surfai-e. So soon
as cultivation begins the soil will be
thrown against the beans. The same
thing will happen if violent storms
cause flooding of the soli. The bean
crop is very impatient of wet except
enough of moisture to germinate the
Mm on Apple Tree.
The appearance of moss on apple
trees shows that there Is excess of wa
ter In the soil, and this occajions lessen
ed vitality. Washing the trunk with
water in which potash has been dis
solved will remove the moss, but It will
come again unless Its cause fc removed.
The land should be drained for or
chards as for other crops. . It Is by
undenlrainlng that the soil is deepened,
so that the subsoil will hold more mois
ture In shape for the roots to use. Stag
nant water is of no benefit, and is more
often the cause of moss ou trees than
any other one thing.
Turnip for Htock.
This should be made a special crop,
and the summer is the time to grow
them. As late us July, so as to use the
new crop of turnip seed. Is the usual
period of the year for planting turnips,
but to excel with them the ground
should be prepared now." Plow and
spread well-rotted manure. Then let
the weeds sptout and use the cultivator.
By this plan the weeds will be killed
ant before the land la aeedad.
Violet, bo Profusely Worn by Fash
ionable Women, Are Going Out of
Ptvle-Bound Walt Ending Under a
Belt la Popular-Note.
Midaumtner Mode,
Sew lurk eurrectxjuoeac:
IOLETS la the
close kuots that
have teeu so abun
dant are goiug out
of style, and it Is
about time, for
fashionable women
have now for sever
al months been too
thickly covered
with them. Wee
V-l fight bunches of
other small blos-
l'soms are also los-
lng favor, aud
when such bloom is
employed it is arranged aigrette fasu
ion on long steins, the flowers spread
ing loosely apart aud the stems Itound
closely together at the foot. For this
puris-isc violets come with stems wired
with a sort of horsehair, which allows
the pretty blossoms to bend and sway
naturally. Little primroses are ar
ranged in the same way, and forget-me-nots
stiffened crisply are also pretty.
Hoses are fastened in knots of three
aud four, the stems tied half way up
with soft riblsju. This gives some
thing of a sheaf of wheat effect, but it
Is the required "something new."
Aigrette effects of many kinds are
often seen on new hats, but they are
ordinarily so placed as not to lie a con
spicuous jNrtion of the trimming. For
example, turn to the first picture; here
there are no less than three tiny black
aigrettes atop the double brimmed hat
fit . f.y a
f f I", J V
iff ,rLI Y '
but they are surrounded, almost to
their topmost points, by big bows of
white ribbon that easily dominate the
whole. Quite the daintiest new notion
In ribbons la the dresden printed gauze
sort and more expensive ribbons are
besprinkled with embroidered rose
buds. Hlbbon comes with wired edge,
the wire being silver or gold run In and
out through a mesh in the weave. The
making of milliner's bows Is an easy
matter with such ribbon, and the wire
Isn't slipping out all the time or poking
The gown beneath this hat In the pic
ture Is unusual chiefly because of the
embroidery on its bodice, which is done
in pale tints of silk, but though the
shades are very delicate, the combina
tion of them presents an appearance of
considerable brilliance. Its effect is
heightened by slashes at top and bot
tom that show a yoke and girdle of
black satin, the main Ixtdlee material
being white satin. The cuffs are trim
med with embroidered satin points and
the epaulettes are of white embroidered
fsatln edged with black. With all this
elaborateness a ierfectly plain godet
skirt of white taffeta is worn.
For wash dresses embroidery is much
used, of a very different wirt from that
Just mentioned, of course, Swiss, nain
sook and cambric being the most avail
able ones. A great deal of openwork
and edging is shown In linen colored
MOIiAlll 1IDUI IPt llK I.VStllllO.N.
lawn, the stitching being In while, and
tills makes dainty trimming for linen
colored embroidery, a delicate shade f
silk showing beneath, Zephyr ginghams
In silk like plaids are Inexpensive, but
the dressmaker tfiatche the plaid and
makes the gown orer silk, so auy wom
an can wear It and not feel hurt be
cause the material waa "teas than noth
ing" a yawl.
Of all the summer dreases that show
a draping of fllray stuff orer a bright
under fabric, there la none prettier than
the one the artlat'preaenU Id bia next
tontrlbutlon Taffeta beneath and Oj-
1 I 2
11. V
ored mouellne de sole ontalde are em
ployed In it the Utu-r being -Hgt.tiy
gathered all around and garnished with
r'.blx.n drawn through butt..uholed
slashes. The fitted bodice Is dr.t-d
wit Li deep gathers at the waist aud
r.eck, and has imitatej Bolero fronts of
the -ajie ribb ,u that pierces the slabi-s.
The sleeves may be lined or not, as pre
ferred, aud there is a wide choice of
color, those chosen for this model be
ing apple green figured with darker
green, for the muslin. Mack for the
silk, and black for the ribbon.
Though jewelry islitUe worn this sum
mer, an exception must be noted in the
case of studs, which are demanded in
such uumlwrs that It lakes dozens of
pairs to take a girl through. Plain
small round gold ones are the best, aud
BIW'IUKIiV. the silver sets are all right for ordinary
use. The lati-st shirt waists show the
cuffs fastened by three of these little
studs, Instead of by one pair of links.
The result Is a much better set and
safety from the gap at the top of the
cuff. Akin to this fad for studs Is the
fancy for dresses that are ornamented
with round gold buttons, one of which
is shown In the next Illustration. Here
the godet skirt is slashed four times
and then buttoned together, and two
rows of the buttons with imitated but
tonholes appear on the bodice's box
pleat. On each side of the box-pleat
rows of guipure Insertion appear and
the sleeve caps have the same trim
ming. A deep black satin girdle Is
I.lnpn color remains the p ipular shade
for summer gowns. It Is seen iu the
most expensive tissues and In the sim
plest coarse weaves, and In no case des
It miss a certain distinction. Some
wise girl has discovered that dish towel
lng of the heaviest kind- Is so nearly
the same as Itusslan linen, except that
It costs less, that she Is having three
dresses to one of her less clever sisters.
White duck for collars, cuffs and Ml
makes a delightfully fresh finish for
dull tan gowns. In unbleached linens
dressmakers seem to use quite as much
care and quite as carefully stylish cuts,
as In the most expensive fabrics tbey
handle. Proof of this comes in the
fonrth pictured gown, which Is of un
bleached linen, its plalu skirt laid In
Just as precise pleats as if It were
worth several dollars a yard, aud the
full sleeves and baggy front as dis
tinctly fashionable as they can lie.
Topping all Is a standing collar, with
rosette finish, of black velvet, and em
broidered linen bands are placed as in
dicated, and appear at the back only at
the armholes.
Though basques are shown with
sklru attached, the round waist ending
under a belt Is more popular aud suits
the average figure better than might
be expected, chiefly because the flare
of the skirt softens the outlines below
the waist Ripple Jackets are still
worn, and are often Included In Jaunty
outing suits of the type displayed in
the final sketch. Here the throat Is
exposed, as It waa promised It .would
be generally this summer, and the wide
revers extend Into a deep sailor collar.
Beneath It a loose front of the dress
goods Is striped with braid and fin
ished by a turn down collar of white
batiste, with tiny revers. The skirt la
also braided, worsted braid being used,
and glace mohair being the dress
Ucpjrtfbt IS.
What Women Are Wearing.
Perfumed night caps to wear when
one's hair Is drying Is one of the latest
Pretty bathing eults are made this
summer of black alpacas trimmed with
white braid.
It la stated that the first Invention
patented by a woman waa a corset This
was as early a 1800.
Embroideries on Kalneook or Swiss
mnslin copy the open designs of the
hear? lacaa now fashionable.
f t m.
tt Waa Hia Piret Hide In a ftlreper,
and He Made the Meat of It.
The old man had Just arrived at his
ton's house from the country. ay the Sunday Herald.
"Well, father." said the ly, "I hoj
'ru came through in the slceping-cxr,
t I ..!.! v.. it f,t unit hA a v.mhI llietit
The old man smiled a sickly, sarcastic
imlle. "Oh. yes," he said. "I had a
good sleep, flrat-rate sleep; went to lieo"
"Ild joii wake up during the ulghtT
"Only twlcet; only went to sleep
"Say, father," said the young man,
"you've IS"' 'wo great bumps on top of
yr-ur forehead. What have you been
"Them's the two times I woke up.
Passen another train both times an'
when I heerd the big engine wh'zzln
by an' the bell ringiu' I thought 'twas a
are an" Jumped up slam ag'n the cell
In'. It's lucky I was awake oue time,
"Why, how no'!"
"The high an" mighty lmiorter that
laughed when I ast to go to my room
early In the evenln' was sneakln' off
with my lssJs."
"Why, he was only going to shine
them for you."
"Oh, go "way," Bald the old man. "I
never ast him to shine 'em. Anyway, I
took 'em to lied with me after that an'
never slep' another wink. Say, Henry,
you ain't got an old pair of suspenders,
have ye?"
"I guess I can find a pair for you
"Husted mine tryln' to put my panta
loons ou ljlu' down. Done it though.
(Jot all dressed laying flat-boots, pant
aloons, coat collar, necktie-hull busi
ness." "Why didn't you get out of the berth
to put on your collar and coat?"
"Wlmmin in the car. Jot a handy
place where I kin wash up, Ilonry?
There was a well o' water In the car
an' I pumped some; but the train was
goin' so fast I couldn't stand up lo the
kink. Suv, Henry, what time's dinner
ready? I'm so hungry I bin eatin' my
! vt hlskers."
"Didn't you get breakfast lu the dln
i lng car, as I told you to'"
"Oh. yes," said the old man. "Oh,
'yes; but I didn't want to go It too ex-iM-usive,
so I told the feller I'd Just take
a cuil of coffee uu' some buckwheat
"Pretty light breakfast that's so."
said Henry.
"yes," said the old man, "light break
fast to pancakes."
"Well, come downstairs and we'll fix
up something to eat right away. You
mustn't wait for dinner."
"Charged me a dollar," continued the
old man. "Feller sat next to me eatlu'
gnqies, an' oranges an' oysters an'
stewed chicken an' b'ilcrt eggs on' I
don't know what all. When we got
back In the bed room car I told him 1
calc'hited that breakfast he et cost $l.'l.
An' then he told me breakfast was $1,
anyway, w'ether you et much or little.
You'd orter wrote me about that,
"Well, father, a man can ride pretty
comfortably now adays after he gets
used to it" said Henry, as he started to
lead the old gentleman to the bath-room
for a wash.
"Oyes, oyes, a man can ride all right
when he knows how," replied the old
man, and the smiles lasted until he
started to wash his face from the fau
cets over the bath tub.
No Appetite.
The Korean mind seems to take great
pride In the quantity of food that the
digestive organs will bear. Nothing
gives more satisfaction to a Korean
than to be able to pat his tightly
stretched stomach, and with a deep
sigh of relief say, "Oh, how much I
have eaten:" Brought up iu this fash
ion, It is not strange that their capacity
for food is really amazing. Mr. Henry
Savage-Landor tells of the delicate
feasting of a guest whom he had asked
to luncheon during bis stay iu Seoul,
the capital of the country.
I watched the Korean as If fasci
nated while he devoured a luncheon of
a size that would satisfy three average
Yet after that, when I was anxiously
expecting to see him burst, he fell tip
on a large dish of dried persimmons,
the heaviest and most Indigestible
things In existence.
"They look very good," said he, as he
quickly swallowed oue, and with his
supple fingers undid the beautiful bow
of his girdle aud loosened It, thus pro
viding for more space Inside.
"I shall eat one or two," he murmur
rd, as he was swallowing the second;
snd In less than no time the whole of
the fruit bad passed from the dish
Into his digestive organs, and be was
Intently gathering up, with the tip of
bis licked fingers, the few grains of
sugar left at the bottom of the dish.
"I was unwell and had no appetite
to-day," he then Innocently remarked,
is be lifted his bead.
"Oh, I hope you will come again when
you are quite well," said I, politely. Hut
Inwardly I prayed that be might spare
the table, for that did not belong to me.
Live Ulthont Water.
Persons who have given natural his
tory and the allied sciences but I't'le
study have expressed much surprise
upon reading of the n unifier of animals,
serpents and Insects found by the Dr.
Merrlam Expedition In the Death Val
ley, the rainless and waterless district
of Southern California. We cannot
I say as to whether any of the creatures
captured or killed by the expedition
mentioned above can exist wholly wlt?i
I )tit water, but can cite several Instance
mentioned by authorities of high re
pute, of animal which seldom or never
I drink.
1 Blanchard, In his book on Abyssinia,
'aay that neither the Dorens nor the
Bennett gate lies waa ever known to re-
I -.rt t the si.ri.jg.. cri or rivers for
the purpose of drinking TbroCfboOt
Africa the expris!on "As dry as "
l.ara or an old tu.elle," Is very c-inmon.
Darwln, lu hi. "Voyage of a Nstoral
Ut" ys that utiles the wild
of Patagonia drink salt '"
must not drink at all."
All writers on natural hiatory sub
jects are agreed on the point that the
largest and most Interring branch of
the sloth family never drink. HyB!
savsr "There are only one branch of
the peculiar animals which never drink
r. 1$. Tartan, on pae f. vol. IX-.
American Notes and yuerlc. mention
a parrot which lived lu the I-otidoti '-
logical Gardens 3fty-t wu P' w i""ut
drinking so much as a drop of water.
Somers, Williams, Christian and oth.-rs
doubt whether wild rabbits ever drink,
but Iter. J. G. Wood questions the cor
rectness of their supiM.!tlons. Crea
ture which never drill are thought
to absorb moisture from their own
tissues or from the snrrMindlng atmos
phere llonglas Jerrold aud I-igh Hunt.
Douglas Jerrold's soul seemed to ab
hor every trace of study slovenliness.
A cozy room was his In his home at
West Ilge, Lower' Putney Common,
anil his sou's i-n has given the world
a wch-ome jM-ep at the Interior: "The
furniture Is simple solid oak. The desk
has not a sis-ek t)Mn It The marble
shell upon which the Instand rests ha
no litter In In it Various notes lie in a
row between clips, on the table. The
paper basket stands near the armchair,
prepared for answered letters and re
jected contributions. The little dog fol
lows his master Into his study and lie
at his fi-ct" And there were no book
maltreated In Douglas Jerrold's study.
It gave him pain to ie them niiy
way misused. I-otigfe'.low had the sanoi
sympathies with neatness and exacti
tude. Method in all things was his
rule. He did not care to evolve iims
thoughts and poetic Images at a d.t.k
fixed like the one stable rock In an
ocean of muddle.
lint other distinguished writers have
been as careless as these Were c:t refill.
Carlyle give us a curious kctch of
Leigh Hunt's menage. In otic room -I
he family apurtmcnt a dusty i.ii.U
and a ragged carpet on the ii-or,
"books, paper, eggshells. scIs"'.i-k. and
last night, when I was there, the tern
heart of a half quarter loaf." And
above. In the workshop of talent - some
thing clearer "only two chairs, a book
case, and a writing table."- 'hit in hers'
Plowing with Ojrn.
There can be little doubt that the ox
was the earliest beast employed for ths
plow. A white bull and a white cow
were yoked together to draw the fur
row for making the walls of Home.
Greeks ami Itomans employed oxen In
plowing; asses only for sandy soils.
When the plowman hail finished his
day's labor, he turned the Instrument
upside down, and the oxen went hiime-
.I r,i irt.l ,i a Its tntl nn.1 lniitttlA nrnr tti
surface of tint ground a scene de
scribed by Horace. The yoking togeth
er of ox and ass was expressly for
bidden by the law of Moses, and Is
made the ground of a ludicrous com
parison by Plant us. t 'lysses, when he
feigned madness in order to avoid go
ing on the Trojan expedition, plowed
with an ox and a horse together.
In the West of England the custom
of yoking oxen to the plow wuut out at
the beginning of this century; a very
few old men can remember how, ss
boys, they were employed with the
goad to urge on the oxen; hardly any ro
call having held the plow to them.
Chambers' Journal.
Sharp-Wltted Cat.
A correspondent of the Loudon Spec
tator reports a clever trick of a black
Persia n cat by the name of Prin. One
of his peculiarities Is a disrelish of
meats unless they are rousted. The
cook undertook to break him of this
foolish whim. In short, she determined
to starve It out of him.
She set before him a satfer of boiled
meat Prln turned away from It In dis
gust. "Very well," said the cook; "It Is
that or nothing."
For three days the cat went hungry,
the boiled meat remaining intouched.
Itut on the fourth morning the cook
found the saucer empty.
"Ah, Prin," she said, "so you have
come to your meat."
That day the cat fared sumptuously
on roust beef with plenty of gravy. Hut
on Saturday, when the potboard under
the dresser was cleaned, the cook found
In one of the stewpaus the boiled meat
which had remained three days In '
Prln s saucer. The cat had been too
sharp for her.
"I know this story to be true," con
clude the correspondent
lilvely Expectation.
A little boy of five years, who waa
very fond of stewed mushrooms, and
who had the Idea which Is commoner
than It ought to lie that mushroom
are the work of toads, was found sit
ting on the lawn with his eyes fixed In
tently on the ground.
"What are you watching?" his moth
er Inquired.
The little fellow raised hi finger to
Insure silence.
"Sh!" he said, "I saw a toad hop
along here, and I'm waiting to see a
brusbbroom spring up!"
Australia's Horning Coal Mountain.
One of the most remarkable sights to
be seen In Australia 1 a burning moun
tain 1,820 feet In height. The mountain
Is supposed to be underlaid with an In.
exhaustible coal seam mhlch In om
way became Ignited. It was burning
long before the advent of white men to
that part of the country.
An lutereetlni gossip is one who say
a great deal by a ihrug or a certain
look. When gossip go Into details, and
talk plain, they become debarred from
".. . it..,