The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 11, 1895, Image 5

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5 f
.... - . .. - - JSi
I.. J. fcliuinuii. Ktlllor and I'lopilcliir.
F. 1.4 M. V n. K. Tim tatltl-.
linlti r,l. ijiiiuK Kail.
ii. i! Ill Su. B, ntlvl fi in
Fur H.iur, feed nr meet i all ,n L
7 A wn little rain vi-ite.l t ItM-ulity
cm Tuesday.
l'ar n;i.kiiis fur :tle ut The
J'H K.SaI. oilii e.
For reliaWe, firM.i-lavj tictiUil work
orany kiml.Ko to T. J. (iil.v.n, Craw
furJ, Nelu-jl;:i.
One tluen full Momlcd I'ulamJ
'lima pi's four weeU old. Kou N.u.K
nv W'm. Nokilx-ii.
- Iloreliouwl coiiiHiuijil ouyh yrui
tlieRrtfat remedy for cou-U and colds
t tlie Pioneer l'luii'iisacy.
Lo-t oh Stuavkh A brown K-ldinj,',
- ye-irs old, branded circle on left tliigli.
A. Mc(;ini.kv.
If you w ant :i farm ir get one
I'liUislied in Ni-lirasliu. TllK Jot hnm.
lulis with the X l.iitxhti I'nnwr. ( all
and we a enj.y of it.
Several contemplate goinjj to Fori
liobinson next Sunday to witness a
Kaine of liall lietwceti the Chadion team
and the soldiers.
4 I. Itidistein has Wn improving the
rt-Hidenc e part of his building by having
it plastered. Win. Noreisch did the
Commissioner It. F. Johnson is hav
ing an addition b nilt to his house. He
will have to hunt up a housekeeper to
take (are of it next.
It is renirted from Brown county
that the small jrrain will lie a total fail
itr and all the farmers will havu to de
pend upon w ill Ik- the corn crop.
The Seventh Day AdventisU 0iencl
their cainpmeetiiii,' at Crawford today
anil it will emit inn until July 21st. All
are invited to attend and participate.
If the hair is falling out, or turning
ray, rerjuiriin; a htimulant with nour
ishing and coloring food, Ilall.s Vege
table Sicilian Hair Henewer is just the
1 A. McGinley was in town the last or
the week wearing a new hat won as a
wager that t.'hadion would not get a
sugar factory this year. Mo. calls it his
sugar beet hat.
J -The cool weather during the past week
has not been conducive to the rapid
growth of crops. All crops are behind
the heason and some good growing
weather is needed to bring them out.
j J. W. Farnest was in town the first
of the week and informed us that he had
his new house almost completed. He
will lie pretty comfortably fixed when it
has received the finishing touches.
t The wind has eled some of the
shingles oir the roof of the school house.
It is too bad that the building cannot be
moved to some less bleak location or a
decent building erected on suitable
It has lieen suggested that, as no
celebration was held here on the 4th, it
would lie a good plan to got up a county
fair and race meeting. A good time can
lie had if it is given the needed prepara
tion. - Ncls Kngbret is having a well put
down on his farm in Highland precinct
and will have his new house completed
this fail. Then all he will need to make
his jilace complete will ho a housekeeer
in J if reports are true he has been look
Jog out for one.
Mrs. 1-iirs M. Peterson, who lived
' iien, dad tit a hospital at Omaha a
f-w i!.i s ago, ha vrng Irs-u taken there
tor treatment. She hud been xck for a
I 'Ctr tune and when notified that she
i oiild not live her husband w,is nimble
U go to her U.dcide. licensed was
formerly one of Sioux coiinlCs pro-
:'rive srhoi l teachers,
County Clerk I'dewelt , in receipt
of a letter I' nun the slate engineer to the
ed'eot that U is exp t,.-d tlia I the work
'. gauging the Volin.i' of the si reams ol
the stale will coinmeii'.o in Sens coun
ty in the near future. Tliow who are
interested in ditches ar anxious to have
miclt action taken.
Few medicin.s have held their
ground no successfully us Ayei's Cherry
Fec tonil. During the past fifty y-nrs,
it bus Iss'ti lln? most ptilar of oil
ough-ciiivs and the demand far it today
t greater than ever liefcre, i'roiiipt to
i t ami sure to cure.
-To prevent pale nnd delicate
Inldnm from laising into chronic inva
lids later in life, they should take Ayer'n
knvsnjKirilla together with plenty of
wholesome food and out-door 'exercise.
NVIuit they need to build up the system
s goisl red blood,
Plooitiers for I.uly cyclists nre lie-
liming very fashionable, and one well
know it lady of Seward has adopted the
the costume. She snyi that ttliu rides
Willi nnich greater pase and comfort,
rind w ill never again wear a dress w hile
riding a wheel. We believe that the
bloomer costume w ill soon Ik- in general
iise, not only by lady cyclists, but also
dy equestriennes, and wa hope to soon
ee the time when llw dangerous, un
votnfurtahle urn) ungainly hide saddle
will he a thing of the pt. Heward It
C. F. Coffee went out to the T box .
ranch lust Sunday.
; Maggie Linden. all left i.r Wi-u-
tine last Suturday evening.
Wilmer l'hillips returneil the I1i-t of
the Week from Fdgemout.
B. L Sinuck started this morning for
Alliance to attend the race.
Mr. V. H, Bonsell iiinie down from
I.u-k Wednewlay evening to visit
aw bile.
Frank Tiukhan) and Josh Biker were
up from Five Points the firt of the
S. T. Williams, brother of T. O. Wil
liams, arrived from Colorado a few days
ago for a visit.
, Mrs. J. M. Smiley und children started
last week for the home fo her parents in
Seward county.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Tebbet were view ing
the sights at Sioux county's metropolis
Jarvis Hichards was up from Cliadron
the (irst of the week looking after inter
ests in this locality.
Msses Louie and Claudia Hester, w ho
have been visiting in Lusk and vicinity
the past week, returned home last even
ing, i
4 Mrs. J. II. New lin and Mis. 1). Klien
came up from (ileu on yesterday morn
ings train to visit Mrs. Andrew Christian
of Pleasant Kidge.
Henry Brundigo was in Harrison
Tuesday on his return from Oriu Junc
tion and called und gladdened the heart
of the poor printer.
Select something to go iu the state
fair exhibit
The ladies Aid Society will give an
ice crcani social at the Court House
Friday evening July 1') at 'r.'.ltt o'clock.
All are cordially invited.
. The first crop of alfalfa has been
harvested iu this locality and the yield is
reported to 1 from two and a half to
three tons pur acre. That is certainly
better than to mow all over creation to
get hay.
The crop reports from various parts
of the county are somewhat at variance.
Some say that they have better pros
'cts than at this season last year, while
others say rain is badly needed. The in
dications this morning for rain aro good,
but indications cannot always be de
pended on in northwest Nebraska. A
rain, such as fell on the 4th of July last
year would lie highly appreciated.
The school hoard held a meeting
yesterday to select teachers for the en
suing school year. A petition was filed
askiug that H. L. Fisher and Miss Cora
VVurts be retained and on consideration
of the matter they were elected. Mr.
Fisher is to lie the principal and as such
will have Kiijiemsion of the entire
school. That arrangement will certainly
prove more satisfactory than the rule
which has been in force in the past, each
department having lieen conducted, to a
great extent, independent of the other.
Now if some way could lie devised to
have lietter school rooms it would le a
good thing.
, BoD.utc, Nkb., July tl, 1 HIT).
Mrs. J. B. Burke is on the sick
list sull'ering with rheumatism.
Miss Lily Pfost came down from Edge
uionl Sunday.
tuite chilly for this time of the year,
a light shower is falling at present.
Mrs. B. B. Smith and baby Floyd was
visiting with Mrs. Zerlie last week.
Boh Bickard has ret urned hume after
an ah-c'ice of several months oil Sheep
Cure For Uendaclie.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to Iw the
very U-st. It elfects a permanent cure
anil the most dreaded habitual nick-headaches
yield to its influence. We urge
all who are alllicted to procure a bottle,
and give this remedy a fair trial. In
cases of habitual constipation Electric
Bitters cures by giving the needed tone
to the bowels, ami few cases long resist
the use of this medicine. Try it once.
Larga IkiI ties only (if ty cents at Pioneer
Special Exrui'shms to Hot Springs.
On the follow ing dates the F. E. & M.
V. w ill sell excursion tickets from Har
rison, Neb., to Hot Springs, S. 1)., and
return for one fare for the round trip.
These tickets will 1 good returning for
thirty days from date of wile; May Milt,
June 7th and P.tih, July 3d and ittth,
August 3d and 2;td, For further par
ticulars apply to E. F. IViSTIl'K,
oO Cents U January 1, Isittf.
That is an awful little bit of money
for a twice a-weck juxpeT like the Semi
Weekly Journal, but if yon w ill send 50
cents yon will receive (hat paper until
January 1, lHHrt. You will Hnd U the
farmer's daily. Markets alone are worth
more money than that. If yon take it
the rest T this jour for .VI cents you
will want to keep hlwlways. If you get
up a club ol Hve Srent sulmcriliers you
can have n copy free for your trouble,
Address, Nebraska Htale Journal, Lin
coln, NA.
Bismarck as a liiinetulist.
Meanwhile the prince is said to tie pre
paring to qualify himself fn "si
deiicy of another trug'
Herr KardorfT last month told the Ger
man bimetahst league that Prince Bis
marck told 1 1 1 f 1 1 the other day that in
reality he had always been a bimetalist
from the hot toio of his heart, but that
w hen he was in the ollice he was so oc
cupied that he could not devote the nec
essary attention to the matter. Herr
von Ki rdorlf added that Prino Bismark
would shortly express himself publicly
in favor of binietalisiii. Without wait
ing for Prince Bismarck's plunge, the
ljwer House of the Prussian Diet, after
two days debate, passed the foilowiug
motion by 17 votes to 'Ji:
'The House urges the government to
request the Chancellor to take immed
iate and energetic steps calculated to
lead to an international regulation of the
currency question, with the final object
of securing international bimetalisrn
with t lie Kirticipalion of England."
England, however, at present shows
only slight indication of any approxima
tion to himetalisiii, international or
otherwise. As the great creditor of the
world, John Bull naturally shrinks from
receiving his iuterst in depreciated silver
which he thinks is what the debtor na
tions are aiming at; and he agrees with
the writer in one of the reviews that bi
metalisrn with many people is simply a
new way to pay old debts. Sir William
Harcourt last mouth expressed the atti
tude of the present English Government
w ith the most uneijui vocal lirmness. Bi
.netalism has strong friends in England,
but they are in a small minority as yet'.
The latest new s from Germany, also is
not encouraging to the silver men. The
several slates w Inch make up the Ger
man empire have lieen asked by thu im
perial government to express themselves
on the question of an international
monetary conference, and they have not
show n much zeal for the proposition.
It is our opinion that world conditions
are tending toward the point where an
international monetary union will be de
manded as a commercial necessity. But
that end will not be realized this year or
next. From "The Progress of the
World," in the July Review of Reviews.
Mi 11 n il Services Next Sunday.
Class Meeting, Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Sunday School, Sunday morn
ing at ll;!!!) o'clock. Epworth League
Sunday evening at 7, and preaching at
H o'clock. I'll AS. E. CoNNIilX,
Final Proof Notices,
All persons tuivlnif flnii proof notices tn
this mn-r will receive n marked copy of tins
puper iiiel urn rcitntel to examine their
notice 11 1 Ml ii iiny rnu s exist report the
fiiiiie. to this ofllce at once.
.Notice tor I'nlillriitiiin.
Land Office lit Alliance, Neb., J
June 1-1, IhSi.i. j
Notice Is hernliv Klveii Unit the followliitf
iiiiiiieil settler Iiiih llleil milieu ol his Inten
tion to make Him proof in support of his
clulm, iinrl tlml siild proof will tie nmilii be
fore M. .1. lilcwett, I lerk IHslrii-t Court lit
Harrison, Nebraska, 011 July 20, Islis, vl,:
I mini Pout of lliirrlsoii.Nen,,
who iniule II. K. No. MM for the lie. '4 sec.
J'.i tp. ; n., r. w k.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon anil eultlva
tion of, hhIiI hinil, viz :
Simiiiel II, I.eclliiK, Charles l.i'i'lluK, .liiiiii-s
Sliutery, A. II. Dew, all ol Harrison, Neb.
Joseph I). Kiiliinsiin. of Harrison. Nell..
who uiiule II. K. No. linn fur the . tj ne. '4,
aim if. .j nw. '4 sec. 11 ip. ;tg n., r. rw w.
lie unities the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience uHm and cultiva
tioil of, shIi! land, viz :
James W. Scott, John W. Hester,
(irant iiiitlirie, nil of Harrison, Neb.
j. w. w mix, jh.
MM.-i Ki-Kister.
.Nnllre fur I'llliliiiilloii.
laind Oflli :i at Alliance, Net)., 1
Juno Is, is'.i.'i.
Notice Is hereby iciven Mint tin- following
mimed settler lots ilhsl notice of his Inten
tlou to make final proof in support of his
claim, aim tnui sum prool will be minle in
fore M. J. IlieMctt, clerk of liiHtrlcl ( ourt,
at Harrison, Ncii., oil July 27, Ihi.i, vl.:
Jrsiis ItiimsKii "f lliin i-iin. Nell..
bo liuide II. K. No. stfl lor the u'a ne, sw',
lie 14 und nwl4 e4 sis-. Ill, tp.;w it., r. M w.
lie mimes ilte folios lug witnesses to prove
his coiitiuitou resldtmee" upon and cultiva
tion of, said laud, vl.:
Marcus Viiidets, John I'luukctt, Anton, Mo
ruvck, Henry hliuleiiiau nil of IhirrUou,
ill 4ii, J. W. Wkiix, Ju., Krgister.
' .Nutiri fur I'lililiciitinn.
laiuil (lltlce at Allimice, Ncbr.,
June IS. IsiiA. (
Notice is hereby given tluit the Jollouing
luiluisl settler has II list inillce of bis Inten
tion to make llmti proof in upiort ot his
clulm, und I lint snld proof u 111 be iniule be
tore M. J. Illeuelt, clerk liUtriet Courl ut
lliirriou. Neb., 011 Julv 'it, Ims'i, vIb:
JiiIiii S. Pftist,
who lunde U.K. No. .KM lor tliewijitwi, null
', . n 1 p. : n., r. .Vi .
lie loin, en t tie following witlle-i-es to proe
his coulliiuoij rewldeuce uiou and cullivu
lion ol s'tid laud, ix:
ilctirv C. Kousli, Jo'idi J. Kipp, John C.
Kls rjieclier, Aslibcl Orluii all ol ilodiiii',
!4I liii J U-. Wkiin. Ja.
.N(illi for Putilimliitii.
Jjiud (mice at Alliums-. Neb. 1
June i'l, IS',15. S
Nullr l hereby glieu II111I the follow lug
mimed set tier bus II lid notice ol bUiitUm
tion tu miiict iluuJ prisif 111 siiiiort 41I his
I'luiln, und tijMf sul'i prisil w ill be iniule be
lorn .M. J. Illeuelt, .lerk ol the oi-tiii'l
isnirt, til HaJTluu, NebN uu Aug. U, IM'.i.'t,
Jnlin W. (Mrmidfr, of Slim Co. Neb.
who iniule U.K. No. 41X1 lor the Uit2, 3
and 4 auil s. uv.Umv.1u l u. ;li n II.,
He BhMiif m t hr lowdng wltinswes Ui pro-p
Ills eonf Inuous resJdeuee upon und cultiva
tion ol mid Intel, vix:
: Joliw MesKlug, VVlliluiu Meyrr, I'l'ter
WhsJetifekU mid Cmi h roeiiliig nil tt Ard
Hum1, so. Jink. iiJso. vU:
-I oil II Mossing ui Slum CoMNly Neti.
u In, uinde If. V.. No. M.'il, lor Ike lols 1. unit 2
niid s. St nr. sec. i:i, tw p. HA 11 r. .13 w .
lie itHiHes tue f olio w l tig wit urines to prove
III ctoiltuuiiucc residence uitiu tiud culti
Vilttonol siililluud, viz : "
W tuiiiui Meyer, tu"4 Krof-nlug, refer
Wicdciiic-ldt itii'-l Jian Hi-lr.iiuler, nil of
ArduKire, so. IbiW. 11N0, . ,:
WlllJum Dryer ofSluiix ('. Neh.
who made II. Ii. Nn. gls oc ihi J.ols und
nud 4 iiud m, nw . i4 nee. 21, lp. !i."i n
r. n i w .
lit- mi tors I.Ih- IoIIor lug wltnrsi-s tit itrove
hiseoulluuoHs resliieiH-e iijtttn and i-ulllvs-tlou
ol , Hid liiiut, Ik:
John .Messing, Cmi hisieii ns, 1'eter wleil
(Mileltll, und John U.lrumlel' all of Ard
inoi'iS "mi. lk.
, 444s si. W . WKHK,, ., UngUtvr,
mm wM
"'s prcpai'iitloim arc loo
well known to need anv coiniiicii.
ilation fnnii me ; but 1 ! H coin
pcllctl lo state, lor the bciu lit cf
lilicis, that six years rgu, 1 Ium
nearly half of my hair, ami i hat
v., is left turned gray. Ai'cr
irMiig Aycr's ll.ilr igiir i-cveiai
Month:!, lnv Lair began lo glow
: niii. iiihI with the natural color
icsioreil. 1 recommend it to all
my Incinis. Mrs. V.. j-kank-
1:!:, Imx ;;(i.'i, Mation (', Los 05
.'l.'gclcs, t ill
Ams Hair Vigor si
r:!i '.u:i:D nv
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and United States Iind Ofliee.
Ij' Legal papers carefully draw n.
Hahhihiin, - Xkkiiaska,
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser.
Give t me t a l Call,
Pliysiciiin and Surgeon.
All culls given prouipt iittuii tiiin.
Oftlco tu lrug Store.
HAmilsxiN'. - - NEHltASKA.
The Bat Ofipmrtmrnttim la America
u along the line ef th '
Two Curt trains daily wilh throiiRh Wperi, Tow
Tllet Unrt-ffekfirl ftcurnionn tnonilily. Illllttrnt4l
Book ! to nil. It tell nil about the cheap
hornet, the climate, the Itenlthfulnetta and how to
frow three lull crops each year on the earn lano.
Cnd your name to fc. roupy, imnoMi
Cfvi, i. 0, . Hn obUa,-W.
Is the name and fame of the "Old
Reliable" store of MARSTELLEE
BROTHERS, where you can al
ways find bargains in everything
to be found in a
Now is the time select your
Highest market price paid for produce
of all kinds.
Marsteller Bros.
"The Old Reliable."
From scandal'H name we stand aloft,
And honor not its propagator,
We sell you goods, will make you laugh
And go and tell your neighhor
The cheapest place to trade
in town,
Yes, that's the name, just
a H ester & Son .
Lumber, Coal and
Sash, Doors,
Lath and
Windmill &nd
1 11 ii UiuiulA
W. j- BHYA N
J the grenUtt mat
or the muo,m Jlu:,r
It advocate KliEli SiLVKtt
at the preajat ratio of .ixLeeu
to one
Vo obtaiuQ I
"Daily, tO U'J r; "M v.ant
per inoU'li UVeicly, j?i OJ war
Su'h scrip "ions tor the
e mmcd ami
Farm Implements,
Blinds, Lime,
Pi-nip Supplies.
N! liliAKk'A.
is, l. n,UK,.
; County Btitroyor,
I mii':iviI to do nit dinds if SI i .
vi' ',r it '.r-vimi iH n
rMifi od Mt i-f-fctory mmHji'i'.
14H ----- Nm'IAW.:a
; . , .
':; V mmt '
, PhOtOgraphOl,
! , '
tt.'VW'i'Xjj:'., .j-.,
1 jifMiv:,j i,j ol,, ;,, 'klmh. 4
i hi jiiw . 'hy tif f,sM 4ii)vi.1ii
, ll(rUincl.-i.
' fan fiwin:l !t-itM'ii4iH fci' im-ki-t
i sroiiw ivtKl -ovitiuile viev mril 'nr.
j Hivs w (vntinjf worl m tht hn altwM
I rCtt.ll on Kuu.
i 23T'.ts Att'.AWfittv.