TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER ESTING ITEMS. stamenta and Criticisms Based Upon the Happenings of the Day Histori es! ami New NoU-. The tailor who collect his bill is a ccessful suitor. It will (sadden some ,)ople to learn ttt O'Douovaa Rossa Is ou his way ksxk to thU country. A man's lift might be h.ore tolerable W lie only knew how his married neigh bors could admire each other. It was all right to altolis'i tlie Mos quito reservation. The Mosquitoes wouldn't stay ou it, anyway. Newfoundland svui.s to eX.H'rience good deal of difficulty in her efforts to annex, some other country to her debt Any change Editor John It. Mc Lean may make iu the New York Morn ing Journal will be a distinct improve ment Actress Minnie Palmer has fallen back on the divorce as the best form f advance theatrical advertising. Old friends are best. Taper stockings are the latest inven tion of the day, but Jerry Simpson has scheme to In-at them hollow for ebeapness and durability. japan has enough pigtail tropnies and ruffled peacock feathers. China las enough corpses. There's no rea son for going to war again. If the St Louis should prove to be Hie wonder she Is expected to lie, Chi cago will probably build a better ship and present her to the American line. The nursery tricycle has appeared in London. It contains two seats, one for the mistress and one for the maid and her charge, and has two pairs of ped als. JL young woman In Valley Forge, Pa., Bail just died from being poisoned by the dye in black stockings. If the black stocking is deadly, why, let there fte light A minister at Portland, Oregon, read dime novels until he went out and robbed a bank. It Is peculiar that bad reading is the only kind that ever takes bold of a good man. isn't it? Midland County, Texas, has a new eekly called the Kye Opener. At $1 year It should prove a good invest ment "Night caps" and "eye openers" up here come much higher. The Railway Age of Chicago finds that In 1890 there were twelve train jobberies by brigands or "hold ups;" In 1891. sixteen; in 1892, sixteen; In 1893, thirty-three; and In 1804, thirty four. A Milwaukee woman who is a relig ious fanatic has been traveling about the country setting fire to church build Sigs of her own denomination. Hume "ttlng should be done to dampen her re aglous ardor. Business men of Costa Itica think they would rather be annexed to the United States than to have another revolution. When the desire is anal jied it is not found to be ery compli mentary to the United States after all. Again comes the assurance that the vast power of Niagara is to be utilized to the production of electricity. The ouutry Is surfeited with repetitious of Shis announcement. If any one really fntends to harness the falls let him got at it and turn ou the current just as oou as it can be produced. A i'renchmnn must still obtain the consent of his parents If he wishes to marry. The Chamber of Deputies has ae-jected a proposal of Alle Lemire to JIspeiiKe with the consent when the aian Is 25 or the woman 21. but passed another doing away with the necessity of the grandparents' consent when the parents are dead. The Indictment of Sehwelnfurth and tile breaking up of his "heaven" at Hocfcford, 111., is a tardy application of Justice which ought to have been ad ministered years ago. It has been un accountable to the respectable jieople o-f the country how this abominable im postor could go along from year to year carrying on his infamous practices and playing on the credulity of his weak minded dupes In the heart of a civilized and intelligent community. It is a re proach to Illinois justice that his crim izial and scandalous career was not cut abort long ago. It la claimed that "what purported to be the Star of Bethlehem" was plainly seen one bright, clear day in November, 1887, by an observer at Grand Kaplds, Mich, lie says It was Mr the noon hour, and the object til tsbi-iv tiio sun would uaiurally bj boot 2 o'clock. The fact la that at late and of November, 18S7, the planet Venus M near its greatest western elongation and' earlier In the month wan la the position stated, Uiot also be tag near the time of her greatest brll tency. Iu a char sky the planet la tally seen under such conditions, and Cn la no reasonable doubt that the rpoaad Star of Bethlehem, teen aa Cwrttwd, was tba planet Venna. ft la reported that In consideration of n aftMt of a.H claim to the I jtTm PvatoMla. Including Port Arthur, Japan will reciv aa addi tional indemnity of ,". In the end this will fie better f-r Japan than it would have been had It insisted up on occupying the peninsula. Even if there had been no danger of war with Germany. France, and Kussia. It might have been an elephant for Jauan. The administration might have involved the government in complications with the jiuer powers having Interests in that locality, and the cost of maintenance would have been heavy. If it had taken possession In defiance of the ad vice of the three powers war would have been inevitable and Japan would have been crushed. Fighting with ,i;tY...-...i .Kir... rV..ii H.1itW1. i v ua o .....n ..... """ wuu turee or any one oi uie mier western civilized powers Japan would have lost Its fleet at the first encounter, and it speedily would have been at their mercy and would have had to meet some heavy indemnity bills It self. As it is, its statesmen have show n wisdom in not pursuing its pretensions b far. It now has undisputed posses sion of the rich Island of Formosa, so far as the other powers are concerned. Any r.-sis'ance on the part of the Chi uese in the island to the Japanese occu pation will be of no avalL It has opened np China to Its own and Euro eau trade and commerce. Jt has com pelled the Chinese Government to take off Its likiu tax. which amounted to a prohibition of trade with the Interior. It has possession of most of the Chi nese fliN-t ami an immense amount of munitions, ordnance, supplies, and other spoils of war. Finally. It has obtained a large Indemnity, which will more than compensate It for the ex pense of the ar. and It has secured for itself the respect of the civilized world by Its rapid assimilation of civilized methods, by its skill and courage, and by its sympathy with modern progress. In a word, It has become the dominant power of the orient If its statesmen are wise they will allow nothing to prejudice or endanger that position. WALKS UNHARMED IN FIRE. German Fireman Wears the "Scap hander" and Secures Immunity, There are some fire apparatus and appliances In which the firemen of Berlin. Germany, are undoubtedly ahead of us. Of these apparatus the most notable Is the fire "seiphander." The word "scaphander," which means either "hollow man" or "hollow to re ceive a man," Is generally applied to the suit of Impermeable material In which the diver arrays himself before be goes down into the water. The fire scaphander is on the lines Of Uie diver' scaphander, the only difference. In fact, being that It Is made of a different ma terial. The fire scaphander Is made of asbestos and rubber, and Is absolutely proof against fire. It neither takes fire nor is permeable to the heat of fire. A man In an asbestos suit or scaphander can take a leisurely walk through roar ing flames or through the thickest vol ume of smoke with comfort, or at least with complete Immunity from being burned or choked. The helmet Is donned apart from the rest of the suit and Is hermetically fitted to the suit the riveting being so perfect that air Is excluded. A plate of glass, fqeclal ly prepared to stand great heat without cracking, is Imbedded in the front of the helmet and allows the wearer to see plainly. To the fireman thus equip ped air Is supplied, Just as It Is sup plied to the diver at work, through a tube, the one end of which Is held at the earth's surface and the other end Is In the helmet A Case in Natural History. Many years ago Noah Webster classi fied a fish as an oviparous, vertebrate animal, breathing by means of gills or branches, and living mostly In the water. Now comes another Webster surnamed Loper who keeps a stall In the city market and who declares by his acts that a fish is el the? a fruit or a vegetable. Because of this peculiar entnmologl cal classification the aw Webster Is in trouble. The Ashmen at the new mar ket are after him and the city may can cel his lease. Some time ago Lojier secured from W. N. Irwlu a lease on stall 4'1, city market. The lease gave dim permis sion to deal in fruit and vegetables. He sold fresh fif h, too. along wish bnuai as and potatoes, and now tin; fislimen want the city finauce committee to de clare that fish Is neither a fruit nor a vegetable, and that Mr. Lope- Is de ceiving the public by selling it as eUh.v. There Is a strong prohabllly that Webster Iiper may have his lcae can celedKansas City Star. An Example of War Prices. .Gen. Gordon, of Uie late confederate army, tells the following, which prob ably furnishes the high water mark as the wages of the "swipe," the incident of course, occurring during the war: One day a cavalryman rode Into camp on a reasonably good horse. "Hello, cavalryman," said a foot soldier, "I'll give you f 3,000 for your horse." "You go to (the bad place)," was the horseman's reply. "I Just paid $1,000 to have him curried." To Napoleon's Troops. Visitors to the batUefield of Waterloo can hardly have failed to be struck with the fact that the monuments upon that classic :;rt.nnd arc exe,!wively devoted to men of Uie allied forces. Subscrip tions have In consequence been Invited for erecting of course with the per mission of the Belgian Government a memorial of some sort to Napoleon's troops somewhere near Braiue l'Alleud or Mont 8t Jean. Hiccough. A man bad hiccoughed steadily for eventy-two hours; chloral, morphine, nd chloroform didn't atop It; finally troo's subcutaneous Injection of solti tkHi of atropine 'and morphia put the patient to sleep, and on his waking there was no return of the trouble. FARM AND GARDEN. BRIEF HINTS AS TO THEIR SUC CESSFUL MANAGEMENT. The t5.u::ii-Footed Carrot Excellent for Family Use How to Makes Farm Boiler A Movable Hen's Nest Farmers Bnonld Haise Everything;. Half-Long Stump-Hooted Carrot, There Is much less attention paid to the choice of varieties of carrots for c given soil than the imNria.iice de mands, say Farm and Home. For e,.id culture the loug orange was the va I riety in general use until w ithin the . . . . .,, past few years, since when several new FINE CAHKOT FOB FAMILY l sa lvias have been Introduced, the ten dency being for shorter roots, both on account of a saving of labor in digging anil In greater productiveness. For most varieties, particularly where the soil is light and thin, the stump-rooted varieties are preferable. To grow to perfection carrots require a lich, deep, sandy loam, well pulverized and deep ly cultivated. For an early crop sow In May and June In drills about one foot apart, thinning out to four Indies lu the row. Sow for the main crop in June and July. After sowing tread the row g tiruily. Ou ioor, light soil, where the weed ing and cultivation have been neglect ed, the half-long, stump-rooted carrots have yielded at the rate of 520 bushels per acre. This is more than double the quantity that could have been raised bad long rooted varieties been planted and not nearly as much as would have been produced had the soil been in good condition and well cultivated. Heavier crops can be produced In deep, rich soils with the long-rooted varieties, b.:i in thin soils the shorter kinds give by far the greater yield. An Excellent Hen's Nest. The accompanying illustration, taken from the American Agrculturist shows an easily constructed and very excel lent movable hen's nest which is fitted with a device which permits the eggs to be gathered from the outside of the hen house. The nest boxes have no MOVABLE IIKX'S KKSTS. backs and are hung by books against the wall, as seen In Fig. 1. They can be taken down and emptied in a moment, iu this way avoiding all chance of hifr boring vermin. The ownlng in front should be Just large enough for a hen to enter. An alighting pole may be placed in front of the nests. If tlA-re is a passageway at one side of the fowl bouse, or a room adjoining it, the nests 'j'fi1 KKAK SI.IUKS. can be hung against the partition, and the eggs gathered from the outside without going Into the pen. Let round holes be cut behind each nest In the par tition, and thi-se ojietilngs covered by a slide as suggested in Fig. 2. The same arrangement could be used upon the outer wall of a hen house standing by Itself. Progress of Agriculture. The average of wages has risen 00 per cent since 1870, and at the same time the accumulation of urban wealth per head has been 7(1 per cent more than iu the period from 18.10 to 1870, which shows that the rise In wealth aud the Increase of wages go almost hand lu hand. But the fanner has neverthe less a corresiHinding advantage, for his life is a healthier one, the statistics, of mortality showing that the death rate In American cities, especally among children. Is greatly iu excess of that of rural districts. The farmer may make money more slowly, but he has a safer and less agitated life, and his children grow up around him In affluence and comfort. The census of 18: Ml showed that the l ulled States had farmers, the aggregate value of whose farms, cattle and Implements summed up 15,982 millions of dollars, giving to each an average fortune of $3,505, most of these men having begun on a capital of a couple of hundred dollars. The number of new farms created since 1800 baa been 2.520,000, bringing Into cultivation 195.000,000 acres, and Hie greater part of this work has been done by European settlers. In fact, If the t'nlted State had no urban population or Industries whatever, the advance of agricultural Interests would be enough to claim the admiration of mankind, fer 1:': It has no pantile! in history. North American Heview. L'aeveoly Matched Teams. The worst result of having the team unevenly matched in work is that neith er Is aide to exert its full power in pull-1 inn. The slow and fast each binders I the other, and neither can do Its best j This is a pracical basis for the ancient Injunction In the law of Moses that the ox and the ass should not be yoked to gether. There is also a need for due proportion between the team anil its driver. The great majority of farm ; work requires that the driver shall walk, and slow team limits the amount that an active, able-ltodied man I can accomplish. We well rcniewler while a Imiv ou a farm plowing with au ox team that could not le made to turn i over an acre a day. A smart horse team I with the same plow would turn an acre j aud a half or two acres. Kuch a differ ence as this explains why much farm help fails to earn its wages. The team for farm work should lie active rather than plodding. This activity is not at all incompatible with uM-rior strength and endurance. Aniericau Cultivator. The Farm Holler. The value of a farm roller as an aid In preparing ground for planting, or sowing is not sufficiently realized. The funeUon of th roller on most farms is to go once over a piece of grain that has been sowed with an accompani ment of grass seed, to put this ground Into smooth coudlUou for future mow lug. This use of a roller is all right but it Is extracting oiily a small part of the value that can le got out of It. Nothing is better for making fine the soil, aud getting an admirable aeed bed than a thorougli rolling, follow ed by a thorough harrow ing. Tlierollei breaks up lumps and chnls and firms the si ll so it cau be thoroughly pulverized by the subsequent harrowing. A roller should be made in two sections so that one may roll back aud the other for ward in making a turn, otherwise it bad gouging of the surface occurs at every turn. The Illustration shows the test manner of constructing a roller. Two pieces of plank are halved together at right angles for ends, and pieces V-shaped are fitted In at the four cor- A FAHU KOI.I.KK. tiers. These ends should be twenty four or more inches in diameter, mak ing the roller twenty-eight Inches in di ameter. The ends are covered with nar row strips of plank, with edges sawed somewhat beveling. This can be done at the mill. These strips are spiked to the ends, and over each end a stout Iron hoop Is put on hot, and allowed to shrink Into place, as a wagon tire is put on. This makes a solid Job. Get tills ready ls-fore planting time, and use it before putting in the seed as well as after. The Family Garden. The family garden Idea Is the thing to lie cherished Just now. Farmers are much more apt says the Nebraska Farmer, as a class, to give themselves over to the study of how best to meet Uie wants of their live stock through a variety of feeds best suitd to building up the system and giving vigor to the consUtution than they are to sjiend much thought or labor In meeting the same class of w'ants for the various members of the family. The garden sisit should 1 the center of economy for every farm household, not simply lu a money sense, but in the better sense of provld ng f.esh from the s il all the delicacies of the table In and out of season that are never procured in so good form as when produced directly by the hands for whoe use they are Intended. Every member of the family can be made to feel an Interest in the garden, and now is about the time to make that Interest manifest by good deeds. Karly Spring Crops. Early crops, such as asparagus, strawberries, etc., that can be sold lit the spring and early summer, usually pay much better than stuff that is rais ed for the fall and winter markets. The great majority of farmers grow crops for the late markets, which makes I competition keen and prices low, says the Farmer. More early truck is grown each year, but It will be a long time be fore the spring market is as well sup plied as the fall. The Guernsey Hatter. The Guernsey as a dairy cow has been more talked about since the World's Fair than she ever was before. It Is undisputed .that Uie Guernsey butter has the richest natural oolor of any breed. The Guernsey the world over has the rich, yellow skin which the old-time dairy people always said Indi cated a good butter cow. Planting; for the Hereafter. Trees cannot usurp the place of a broader agriculture, but can often be worked In conjunction with It That farmer Is but "casting an anchor to windward" who plants an orchard, a vineyard, a nut grove or a tract of tim ber. If he cannot live to enjoy It to the full, his children may. Hliuk Knots in Cherry Trees. How can we destroy black knots on our cherry trees? Is often asked. Sim ply cut off the limbs and burn them, says American Gardening. The pest that causes these knots Is In them, and fire alone will cause their destruction. But the work must lie general to be useful. Farmcra( Balae Everything. The farmer who keejsi cows, poul try and hogs, who raises his own fruit and vegetables, and buys nothing that be can raise himself, is tba moat aoc-ceaaful. FINE FIGURES. Aa Kaa-llah Mtatlstlclau Gives Ce Hsa sos) to Be Proud. The English statistician. Michael U. Mulhail. publishes In the June number of the North American Heview an arti cle on The Power and Wealth of the United States." Mr. Mullhall s conclu sion Is that: If we take a survey of mankind in ancient and modern times as regards the physical, mechanical and intellect ual force of nations we find nothing to compare with the I'nited States in this present year of im:5, and that Uie Uni ted States isissesses by far the greatest productive power in the world. Mr. Mulhail shows that the absolute effective force of the American people Is now more than three Umes what it wss iu lsi, and that the United States psesses almost as much energy as Great Britain, Germany aud France collectively and that the ratio falling to each Aniericau Is more than whnt two Englishmen or Germans have at their disposal. He points out by a care, ful comparison between the conditions in these different countries, that an or dinary farm hand in the United State raises as much grain as three In En gland, four in France, five lu Germany, or six in Austria. One man in America can produce as much Hour as w ill feed 250, whereas in Europe one man feeds wily thirty persons, Mr. Mtilhall calls special attention to the fact that the intelhctual iswer o' the great republic is in harmony with the industrial and mechanical, 87 per cent of the total opulation over It years of age being able to read and write. . ja. -- "It may be fearlessly asserted." says be, "that in the history of the human race no nation ever isissessed 41,tss,lK) Instructed citizens." The postofiice returns are apjwaled to by Mr. Mulhail lu support of this part of his statement these showing that. In the tiumitcr of letters per inhabitant yearly,- the United States Is much ahead of all other nations. According to the figures of Mr. Mul hail the average annual Increment of Uie United StHtes from 1W1 to 1S!i was $! U .(mo,.!, and he adds that "the new wealth added during a single generation that Is. In the period of thirty years be tween ISiKi and lsiHi was no less than $l!).m mix, which ! one billion more than the total wealth of Great Britain." Classifying the whole wealth of the union under the two heads, urhau ami rural, Mr. Mulhail finds that rural or agricultural wealth has only quadrupled In forty years, while urban wealth has multiplied sixteen fold. Before lKtiD the accumulation of wealth for each rural worker was greater than that corresponding to persons of the urlmu classes; but the farming interests suf fered severely by reason of the civil war, and since then the accumulation of wealth nmong urban workers has been greatly more than that among rural workers, a fact which Mr. Mulhnll thinks explains Uie Influx of population into towns and cities. New York Sun. Answering Questions of the Curious. A gentleman who had been playing pool in Harvey J. Fueller's rooms, on I'enn street, Pittsburg,-Pa., the other night, by mistake walked through a big plate glass window, smashing It A great crowd soon gathered, and the proprietor saw that he was about to be awfully bored by quesUons. To satis fy hundreds of Inquirers, Mr. Fueller quickly wrote and jiosted the following answers: NOTICE. 1 will tell you all about It. It was au accident The man could not help It He was perfectly sober. He was not hurt. No; I will not prosecute him. I don't know how much It will cost me. It happened at 11:15 p. in., May 25. I don't know his name. The glass is insured. I will Insure it again. A large crowd gathered with much excitement Many people thought it was a fight I always try to avoid tights. I never had one in my place. Itou't know how soon I cau have an other glass put in. Ask the insurance man. I horded up the vacancy at once. He broke it going out. The glass was ', of an Inch thick, 5 feet wide and 0 feet high. Yours truly. Any more. Philadelphia liecord. The Hi mi He landed. Purlng the hot spell, when the mer cnry was b.t Hiring it round the brink of !)5 in the shade, a pleasant-faced trump rapped on a kitchen door, and the lady of the house answered it "Good-afternoon, ma'am," said the visitor. "I'd like to shovel the snow off Uie sidew alk for half a pie." The lady looked at him, half afraid. "You must be crazy," she said as she mopped her perspiring brow. "No'm," lie answered politely, "not crazy; only hungry und willing to work for materia' to appease my hunger," "But there isn't any snow on the side walk," she said, still In doubt. "I know It, ma'am," he smiled In re ply, "and that's the kind I love to shov el. Shovellti' summer snow Is Just Un kind of labor Piu fitted for. and I can do It witli an enthusiasm that would surprise you. Io I get the pie In ex change?" Aud he laughed In such a knavish, utterly good-for-nothing way that she handed over the piu aud gave him a glass Of milk to lubricate It with. The First Ilallroails. The Stockton nud Darlington line In England (the first complete railroad in the world) was aliened for traffic on the 27th of September, 1825, and one of George Stephenson's engines was tried. It was attached to a train consisting of six wagons londed with cowl and flour; after these came twenty-one pas senger coaches, and, lasUy, six more waotis of coal, making in ail !o of thirty -eight vehicles. The Hrt rail road In America was the Mohawk and Hudson railroad. The length of Uiis road was sliwn miles, aud itexu-uded from Albany to Schenectady. X. Y. A char ter was granted the company In KM but work was not commenced until 1830. It was finished in 1831. Both locomotive engines and horses were used. They were placed on the top of the hills, and the train was hauled up the hill or let down, by a strong rope. The brakemen used band-levers to stop or check the train. The first steam rail r-a-i passenger train was run on this road in 1831. The engine was named John Bull. It was imported from En gland; lu weight was four tons. The engineer was John Hampson, an En glishman. Among the fifteen passen gers w ho rode in the two coaches were James Alexander, president Commer cial Bank; Charles E. Dudley, of the Dudley observatory; Ja.-ob Hays, high constable of New York; ex Gov. Jo seph t Yates and Thuriow Weed. THE WITHERBYS- PLANS. They Will Send the Summer In ths Country as Usual. Young Mr. and Mrs. Witherby had a consultation the other evening concern ing summer plans and Uielr financial aspect. "I don't really see, my love." re marked young Mr. Witherby, "b""' It will Ik- possible for us to go up to the Hillside House as- we planned for June and July. You nurse ami baby are luiiHirtant mid expensive additions to Uie family since lasr summer." "Couldn't we take a dear little house somewhere iu the country V inquired Mrs. Witherby, vaguely. "You may remember that we did that hist summer, and that it took me nearly six months to get out of debt after ward," said her husband, coldly. "I'm sure it wasn't my fault." began Mrs. Witherby. "You know very well "Never mind." cried Mr. Witherby. hastily, "we can't do it this year, that's all." "Do you mean lo say Unit you wish to kill baby and me by keeping us In this vile, close, dirty, dusty, hot city all the summer?" Mr. Witherby explained at some length that he wasnot planning murder, but Unit Ills financial condition was such as to render It dlitleult for Uie family to migrate to the country liuill the time of his annual vacation in August. Mrs. Witherby finally con sented to make the best of the situation. "But I may do what I can to make city life endurable, may I not?" she begged. ( 'ertaluly, dearest" replied Mr.Wltn eriiy Joyfully. Armed with tills permission Mr. Witherby sallied forth the next morn ing. She visited numerous establish ments, and bilked with Uie proprietors of many varieties of stores. She went to the upholsterer's, the florist's, the confectioner's, the livery stable aud the swimming school, to say uothlng of house-furnishing emporiums, dry goods shops aud milliners. That evening as she sat cozlly on(Ksite her husband In the library she remarked: "I really don't think that a summer in tow n will be bad, dear." "I w as sure you'd come around love," said Mr. Witherby, cheerfully, have the drawing-room retipholstered "Yes," chirped his wife, "I'm going to In pale green. It will be so cool and pretty, don't you think?" "Ye cs," said Mr. Witherby. slowly. "Then I've engaged to take a sw im mlng lesson two mornings a week," went on Mrs. Witherby. "Yes?" said Mr. Witherby coldiy. "Yes. And I've ordered Driven A Hack to send ine.a carriage two after noons a week to take me out Into the country." , "Indeed, have you?" "Yes. And I shall have i'-es every day for dinner." "You will, will you?" demanded Mr. Witherby fiercely. "Yes." said his wife pacifically. "And I've ordered some plants to make the house pretty and some cool frocks Whj. Harold, what's Uie matter?" When Harold had sufficiently con trolled his rage to speak, he said In stifled tones: "Comitertnaiid your orders to-morrow and prepare to go to the Hillside House In June!" And Mrs. Witherby, smiling to her-, self, went to the piano and played soft ly, " "i'is better to rule by love than fear." New York World. They Won't Ilo. Another Indian company of the army has been disbanded. Troop I,, Eighth Cavalry, Only two companies now re main, I of the Twelfth Infantry and I, of the Twelfth Cavalry. The Indian does not seem to fill the bill as a soldier. When the experiment was begun eight troops of cavalry and nineteen compa nies of Infantry were ordered recruited and at one time "ho Indians were in Uie ranks. New Plan or Illtiietalllsin, Johnston Menh-y, of Howard Uike, X. Y., has Invented a plan for stamping n gold half dollar Into n sliver half dob bir, making the two worth iogeiherona dollar, making in this way n composite dollar and insuring bimetallism. He 1ms applied for a patent for his discov-' ery. Browning's Graceful Conipliinei.b Mrs. Oscar Wilde, when Browning was calling on her at one of her Hun day afternoons, asked hi in to write something in her autograph album, wherein many famous pi-ople had writ ten. "With pleasure," said Browning, aud wrote: "From a poet to a poem; Lu, the Thln-Ralnned. The akin of the Indian la tblner than that of either the white or the regro, nd mora eaally torn.