The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 04, 1895, Image 7

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( hol.a wln-lluu.
A handful of help U worth
8 tart
load of pity.
The devil like to gee people plat
religion. l!am' Horn,
This life haa its disappointment!
but it also lias its pleasures and jovs.
A Japanese, proverb gays: "I he ig
norant are never defeated bv any argu
A sermon, like a man appears longer
when it lacks breath. Young Meii't
Golden fledical
Cure Ninety-eight per cent, ot all
cases ot Consumption, in all in
Earlier Stages.
Although by many believed to be incura
ble, there is the evidence of hundreds of
living witnesses to the fact that, in all its
earlier stages, consumption is a curable
diseas. Not every case, but a large per
centage of easel, and we b licve. fullv
per eent are cured by Dr. Pierce's Gulden
Medical Discovery, even after the disease
has progressed so far as to induce repeated
bleedings from the luntpt, severe linKerintr
coutrh with copious expectoration (includ
ing tubercular matter I, rcal loss of flesh
snd extreme emaciation and weakness.
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovered In one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst bcrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He has tried it in over eleven hundred
cases and niver faiiej except in two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now In his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value, all within' twenty miles of
Bos'on. Send postal card for h ole.
A benefit Is always experienced from
the first bottle, and a'perfect cur is war
ranted when the right quantity Is taken.
When the lungs are affected it cause
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears in a weefc
after taking it. Head the label.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It wit,
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet eer necessary. Eat
the fcet you an get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tab'espoonful jn water at bed
time. Sold by all Druggists.
Ueecham's pills are for bil
iousness, sick headache, diz
tincss, dyspepsia, bad taste
in the mouth,, heartburn, tor
pid liver, foul breath, sallow
skin, coated tongue, pimples,
loss of appetite, etc. when
caused by constipation; and
constipation is the most fre
quent cause of all of them.
One of the most important things for
eTerybody to leorn is that constipation
causes more than half the sickness in the
world, especially of women; and itcanall
be prevented. Do bv the book .free at vonr
drufr2i(tt's,or write H F.AllenCo.,j65CfBnal
St., New York. Tills, io and 254 a to.
Aonufcl!t rterr VtMn Ore
J FRANCIS. fien'l Ps'ranert, OMAHA, NE
it ASK YOUk DKuiuui ( OK
Nursing Mothers.Infants
JOHN C ttl.B ON!w
fun "'rr:'.rJir, NEXT '"'i.
t 1
IoTWnufoo"''. Chicago.
DITFHT3 1 " rVT?"
r H I HI I UIB1. Write I111 lBotiir'Oui.
o. 344--1I
lork Null
vv":,:: v.v: .......
to IbU pcr.
Kf Vll V i ' her
CHAITKIl VIII. (Continued.)
"I really llioUKht Mr. Winton would
have Ireen killed," said the-eldest of the
rector's daughters. "How wonderfully he
rides! My brother says he is a great
'shekary,' in fact, he cares for nothing
else but iirt. You were frightened, too.
Mis IKstranxe.
'I mvn not been used to horses
years, stamiiierfii ora.
Yon imiLl to r .ie now. 1 remeiuorr
you managing your little sheltie capital
iy, long ago. Won't you mine hack to
luncheon at the rectory? Mother would
1 charmed to see you and Mrs. K Es
trange. Mrs. Gardner and her friends
are coining.
Mrs. I.'Ksirange preferred returning
wilh her little daughter, hut ora was
glad to divert her thoughts by accepting
the invitation, and was one of tne mom
animated of the party. She could not,
however, be persuaded to stay till the
eldest son of the house, an ofheer on leave
from his regiment, in India, returned with
a rcMrt of the run.
"1 atippoNe Mrs. Ktithven has heard
nothing of her jewels?" said Mrs. (lard
tier, as Nora was saying good-bye-
"Nothing whatever. Klin seeuis to de
spair of recovering them."
"It was a frightful business altogether!"
exclaimed Mary' Iamer, the rector's sec
ond tin lighter, "Io you remember (-'ni'-tain
Shirley who was at the ball. You
danced with him several times. He danc
ed very well."
Nora did remember.
"Ceorge says there were queer reHirts
about him in India. He was in same regi
ment as Mr. and Major Kuthven. People
said, too, that Mrs. Kuthven was well,
not too particular."
"I only know she Is particularly nice,"
returned Nora. "Do not believe half the
Ill-natured things you hear.
"I wish," said Miss I)amer, "that Mr:
Marsden had not been frightened away
by the worry of this unlucky robbery.
How nice It would be to have Kvesleigh
open once mor
"Io tell tne. Miss IEstrange," cried
the younger sister, "is the sipiire engaged
to Mrs. Kuthven?
"Iudeed, I do not kaow; hut I am sure
she would make a very pleasant mistress!
for the manor house. Now I must not '
slay, it will be dusk before I get ba k."
"1 think you are unite heartless, not to
slay and hear if poor Mr. Winton came
alive out of tliii hunt, and lie is such a
great friend of yours."
"Oh, he can take care of himself," said
Nora, and with a few more words she
escaped, her heart beating with annoy
ance at the tone of Miss Dinner's lust
remark. Mho would certainly persuade
Helen to come up to town next week, or
as soon as possible, and then she would
take singing lessons, and amuse herself,
and forget the folly and weakness Into
which she had fallen. "How ill-natured
people al-e," she thought, "and ready to
spread ill-natured stories." Nhe did not
believe that Captain Shirley ever did any
thing disgraceful, though she had not
been favorably impressed by him, and
was disKised, In an instinctive and un
reasoning way, to dislike aud distrust him.
Large drops of rain made her hurry on
to gain shelter before the threatened
form burst; hut as she crossed the car
riage drive of Kvesleigh Manor, on her
homeward way, she noticed fresh traces
of wheels aud horses' feet. The steward
had no doubt been up at the house. She
aught a glimpse of it before she passed
through the gate leading into the wood
opposite her own home. How mournful
It looked with Its closed shutters, and
the one thin thread of smoke rising from
Its wide stack of chimneys! She was
quite g!nd to be safe at home, in her owo
comfortable bedroom, chancing her dress
for her indoor garments. She had grown
stupidly nervous of late. One folly
brings on another, she thought.
In the drawing room I5ea was dressing
her doll, while her mother read aloud
some of Grimm's fairy tales.
"How late you are, Nora; did you get
"No; at least very little."
"Had (ieorge Datner come back? How
did the hunt go off? I should be glad to
know If Mark Winton is safe."
"I did not wait. I think the fox must
have headed for Anchester downs. Io
let me have a cup of tea! I feel so tired."
No more was said; but when the time
ranie for shutting up the house, Mrs.
1,'Estrange sent to ask if Huberts had
heard of any accident at the hunt. Hub
erts reported that young Mr. Gardner
had been thrown, and had broken his co!
lur b. ne, and that iN he I Huberts) hail
been leaving Oldhridge that evening
when' he had gone to fetch oats, he Inn!
met Mr. Winton and the rector's son, rid
ing back, nil covered with mud and "tired
"I am really quite relieved," said Mrs.
lEstrange. 1 was rather uneasy
Nora did not reply and the rest of the
evening wa spent in making their plans
for a visit to Umdon, and writing to an
ex-cook and housekeeper, who had taken
a lodging lions.! in one of the streets on
the Tyburnian side of Hyde Park, and to
whom all Kvesleigh folk applied when
they needed temporary quarters In the
great city.
The next morning broke bright and
crisp after a night of rain, and after their
midday meal, Mrs. IKstrange drove
away In the pony carriage, with her little
"irl to do various errumls in the town.
....a, relieved by liic absence of Y.'.ulun,
whose presence was of late always a re
straint, put on thick boots and set forth
to visit the blind woman whom she had
rather neglected of iste. She accused
herself of sellishncss, and many minor
crimes and misdemeanors, "a she donned
her walking attire, and bullied herself con
siderably on the acore of being better off
than she deserved, and leading a self In
dillgeul life. Still, she did Hot See how
she could do otherwise. At any rate, she
would never sink Into a weak, sentiment
nlird, a faded flower, pining under th
weight of an unrequited attachment. No.
in a month or two she would have thrown
off th's dead, aching, steady pain in her
heart, aud be able to amll at it.
With this brave determination she start
ed on her walk to the blind woman's cot
tage, eeiiJ(f a9 she went, in spite of all
resolutions, the picture of Winton
contending with his horse, as it was
stamped on her mental retina the day lie
fore. Walking across the bridge which con
nected her own little domain with Kves
leigh, she turned sharply Into the path
leading to the moorland higher up, and
nearly ran against the lord of the manor
coming in an direction.
"This is lu.-k!" cried Marsden. "In an
other moment you would have passed, and
I should have only found Mrs. L'Es
tra 11 ge."
"Not Mrs. 1,'Estrange either," said
Nora, returning his cordial greeting.
"She is gone Into Oldhridge for the after
noon." "Then, If you will allow me, I'll be your
"Oh, yes, do come!" returned Nora,
heartily glad of his company. "When did
you arrive, and where did you come
"I .came last night, that Is to say, last
afternoon, and I came from Paris."
".Mrs. Kuthven, when she wrote, did not
seem to know what had become of you."
Marsden turned, aud walked beside her.
"Oh, yes, to be sure. 1 went away to a
place near Foiitainebleau, to see an old
chum of mine, I Meudou, who has been
very III, aud so a letter or two of hers
miscarried; but I saw her the daf before
yesterday In town. She is In a fidget to
complete the purchase of a damp villa at
Twickenham, which she could not do
without me; but I have settled everything
to her satisfaction."
"And are you going to stay here?"
"No-yes," replied .Marsden, with a
quick sigh, and he looked earnestly into
Imr eyes, a curious wistful, strained ex
pression In his own. "I am a rolling
lone, you see, Nora -I presume your
high mightiness will permit me to use
your baptismal appellation and I am
rather at a loss what to do with myself.
I shall be hard up for another year or
two; but then the property will be pretty
clear then I w ill settle in the halls of my
fathers, aud live cleanly and like a gen
tleman." "I hoe you will, squire," said Norn,
kindly and seriously.
"What! Do you think I have been such
a scamp?" asked Marsden, laughing
"You know 1 did not mean that," she
returned, the color rising in her check.
"I hope you will live at Kvesleigh."
"Aud be your neighbor? Thank you
sweet cousin."
"Yes, It would be very nice to have you
at the manor house. It looks ghostly
when shut up.
"Your kindness Is killing. Do you un
derstand why?"
"No; there is something not quite like
yourself about you to-day. You are look
ing white and thin. Have you been ill,
iou darling. flow graciously yon
have granted my prayer, and brought out
the name 1 want you to call me with just
the sweetest little hesitation In the
He laughed as he spoke, carrying off the
ardor of his words with a mocking air.
"Nonsense"' returned Nora, a little
piqued. "I did not hesitate at all. You
seem to forget that I am not a child."
"I am deeply conscious you are a wom
an; a " He pulled himself up short,
and added: "A most serious young wom
an." "And I suppose there Is no chance of
finding the lost jewels?" said Nora, to
change the subject, fof there was an in
definable something in Marsden's tone
which she neither liked nor understood.
"I fear not. I thought I might have
trucked them to the den of an old Dutch
receiver of stolen goods, and went myself
to Amsterdam, to see what I could do
all in vain. Don't talk of them; you don't
know what an infernnl blow that unfor
tunate business has been to me. That my
guest should have been robbed almost un
der rny eyes! It's a sort of blot on me and
my house."
"That is quite a morbid idea. How
could any reasonable being blame you? I
am sure Mrs. Kuthven "
"Mrs. Kuthven haB behaved very well,
but she Is desperately cut up, and I do
not wonder at it," interrupted Marsden.
"She is very nice, and so pretty at
tractive looking, rather."
Marsden glanced sharply at her before
he answered.
"Yes, she Is a piquant little devil, but
she ought not to be so heavy with her
paint brush about the lips; that sort of art
may be overdone."
"Squire!" In a shocked tone, "how can
you be such a traitor? I thought you were
fond of Mrs. Kuthven that you were her
oi-st friend."
Marsden laughed.
"So I am, but I am not, therefore, blind.
All the world (except you) can see she
paints her lips."
"1 did not, and It is not nice or loyal of
you to tell me."
"I am rebuked. You are an awful piece
of perfection, Nora."
Do not be sarcastic. I know my own
I shortcomings well enough; but I am not
I false to my friends. 1 shall not confide
my weakness to you.
"Do you fancy I would betray you?
You understand me. Why, you are my
own " he hesitated -"my own kins
woman." Nora shook her head, and they walked
on silently for a few moincnis. Then
she said;
"Helen and I are thinking of going up
to town for a couple of mouths. It is
rather melancholy and uncomfortable to
be so far from one in the winter. Helen
has been so nervous since that robbery."
"You are quite right It Is nn excellent
Idea," cried Marsden, wilh hearty appro
bation. "Where do you think of staying
at the l.angham?"
"The l.angham!" laughing. "Why, the
I.angliaiii would swallow up all our money
in ten days. Nn, no; we think of going to
Mrs. May, if she can take us In. Io
jou remember Mrs. May?"
"Well, yes, I seem to have heard the
"She was. cook at. Kvesleigh when you
were a boy, I believe. Oh! years ago."
"Kxnctly; before I grew old aud decrepit."
"She has a bouse star Hyde Park, and
we shall take rooms there."
"You'll be awfully uncomfortable,
you'll get uothiiii to eat but scribed
mutton and watery rice-pudding, and
you'll never move without carrying oil a
knitted chair cover on your back, or hung
to a burtuu."
"You are quite wrong! We stayed a
week there, od our way back from Ger
many, and it was very comfortable. I do
not think there is a knitted antimacassar,
if that is what you mean, in the house."
Talking lightly, with oiiasionul silence
ou Marsden's part, they retchwd the blind
woman's cottage.
"How long shall you stay hern.?"
"I do not know, hot ynu need not trou
ble about me."
If I choose to trouble, you cannot pre
vent me. I am goi:,g to look for one of
the gamekeepers about a mile further on,
aud 1 shall wait for you outside, when I
"Oh, no! pray do not mind, 1"
"Do I bore you?" very gravely.
"How can you say so, Clifford 'f
"Would you rather not walk with me?"
"Very well, I will wait for you, and if
you give me tne sup, deep will oe my
I have no such Intention," and she
vanished into the cottage.
Marsden walked ou in deep thought,
his brows knit, his handsome face firmly
set, all the smiling softness of his ordi
nary aspect gone and replaced by a stern
haggard look, that made him aeern years
When Nora had read the better part of
a newspaiier to tier old protege, anu uis-
ussed some of its contents, she perceived
the odor of tobacco wafted through the
open window, aud guessing that the squire
was waiting, she bade the blind woman
good bye and went to joiu him.
"Will you tell me, he said, throwing
away his cigar, when they had gone a
few paces, "what is the pleasure of going
into a stuffy cottage to read to a stupid
old woman, who would probably ureter
being left to sleep?"
"It is not a very great pleasure, cer
tainly, but I assure you I like reading to
old lietsy. She is very shrewd, and,
though I don't profess to be an angel, we
ought to help each other sometimes. It
is not much to do for a poor soul; think
how lonely she must be. We should he
rather worthless, if we did only what we
"Hum! That has been the only rule I
have ever followed."
"I do not believe you. People would not
like you so well, if you cared for nothing
but self; you must have some heart."
"I begin to four I huve," said Marsden,
as if to himself. "I assure you," he went
on, "it is impossohle to me to do what I
do not like, and equally impossible to re
sist snatching at what I desire, ay! and
getting it, too, by some means or other."
"What a bad character!" cried Nora.
"If any one else spoke of you in that way.
I should huve been quite angry."
."And would you have defended me?"
"Yes, of course! you are my kinsman,
and good friend."
"And you are a very pearl of a cousin."
They were silent till they reached n
turn in the path, from which the dull re.l
towers of ( Hdhridge were visible; the sight
of them perhaps prompted the abrupt
que Htion :
"What has become of Winton? Is In
here still?"
"No; he is gone to Devonshire, I think."
"I In! and how has he been prospering?"
"Prospering? How? In what pray.'
"With your step-mother. I expected to
hear that their engagement hud been an
nounced when I came buck. Why has he
let the grass grow under his feet?"
Nora was too amazed to reply at once;
but memory swiftly unrolled her picture
of the past few months, and showed n
hundred important nothings which cor
roborated Marsilcn's startling assertion.
"I suppose I um very stupid," she ex
claimed, 11s soon as she could speak, "hut
I never suspected this. Helen, too. is so
frank, she would surely have told me."
"I nm not so sure of that! Pray, wt
do you think kept n man like Winton in
such a dull hole as Oldhridge, and brought
him day afier day to Brookdale? Your
self, eh? A very natural supposition.'
You are sullicieiitly magnetic, sweet cou
sin." "Indeed indeed," began Nora, eager
ly. but Marsden went on smiling, and
slinking his linger at her.
(To be continued.)
Slugs anil Dances at 105.
There lives to-day 'it Ulio Vine street
an old Italian woman w ho might prove
Interesting to those of tier fellow-citizen
who are Interested In the prevail
ing Napoleonic craze. Mrs. Gelestina
Nlgro, who claims to have attained the
great age of 10j years, retains a vivid
recollection of the Nup-ileoiilc wars,
and tells innumerable anecdotes of
several buttles which took place near
her birthplace, Ciuupagua, State of
Salerno, Italy. The old woman has
been iu this country only tux years,
having taken the Journey across the
ocean when nearly lot) years old. She
was at tirst denied permission to land
on account of her great uge, but she
finally passed through the gates of
Castle Garden. She bus li nsg iu Amer
ica and Italy twenty-one grandchil
dren aud twenly-llvc great-grandchildren.
She slugs mid dances wilh a -
or and abandon Unit might well excite
the envy of a younger woman.--Philadelphia
Inventive Yankees.
The InvfiiLlvciiss of Connecticut Yan
kees is unparalleled. Every year they
grow more Inventive. A tfood propor
tion of the population of the State arc
Inventors mid patentees. Their busi
ness In life Is to invent tliltms and take
out patents for them. Lots of the wom
en of the Stale are patent hold.Ts, tind
the patents lire for their own Inven
tions, too, (.'uMoctlcut Ntu.iJs the' tirst
among the Inventive Stiitcs of the
Dilon. The patents ta-.n out lam
year by the inventors of ibe Nutmeg
State number one for every 'Mi of the
Stale's Inhabitants, This w;is for a
single; year. Hartford Couraut
The teeth of rats are kept sharp by a
very peculiar provision of nature. The j
outer I'dk-e of the Incisors Is covered
with a layer of eiianud as hard ns Hint,
while the under side Is much sofl t
The layers of eiiiimel on the under wide,
therefore, wear nwny much faster than
(hose on the Upper surface, lilul a W'cll
cull.iiiK edge Is alwny orcscntcd.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
l w c
1 lie atauip of Htyle.
White straw hate are turned up at the
back, with flowers or bows of ribbon
underneath the brim.
Mohair Is one ot the materials of the
season and is employed for skirls which
are worn with plaid silk waists.
Silk crepon printed in oriental de
signs which give it the effect of being
hand painted is a new material for
jaukets, tea gowns and blouse waists,
it is called emillou and is usually com
bined with plain satin. New York
He Sulffeili the Earthquake.
It is a well-known fact that horses
can hear sounds that are not percepti
ble to human ears. For days previous
to the great earthquake in the Riviera
the horses of that locality showed every
'symptom of abject fear, which contin
lued without change of character, unless
it was in thedirection of greater IreDzy
till the fury of the great convulsion
broke forth. Not until a few seconds,
however, before the earth began to
tremble did human beings hear the
jubterraneati rumblings. One writer
from the scene says that in his opin
ion the horses knew that the great
juake was on the way from seveuty-
;wo to one hundred hours before their
masters beard or felt the first jar. - ft.
Louis Republic.
Current Jokes.
Kindly old Gent "Ah, little girl, are
pou going stfmewbere?" Little girl
with amazing superiority) -"Of course
I am. You don't suppose I could go
nowhere, do you ?" Detroit Free Press.
Patient (after wound has healed)
'Yes, I am all right again, but I fear
that I shall carry this terrible scar as
long as I live." Surgeon (reassuringly)
"Yes, but then, you know, you may
live only a year or two.'' Boston Tran
Whether on pleasure bent, or bnsiness
'.ake on every trip a bottle of Syrnp of
Kigs, as it acts most pleasantly and elfect
lally on the kidneys, liver and bowels,
ireventing fiyers, headaches and other
orms ot sickness, ror sale in fiu cent and
fl bottles by all leading drnegists. .Vann
tactured by' the California Fig Syrup Co.
Faith is the root from which grow
the fruits of Christian life.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional enre. Price 75 cents.
Our present duty is to attend to the
iuty we are most anxious to put off.
It Was Before the Day of
They Used to Say ''Woman's
Work Is Never Done."
; P r ...... h n ff " " r-'mrm,nr nmtft
$at you j
iyP-Put Your i
i 4 Foot In It ;i
when you buy inferior soap
instead of the genuine
Santa claussoap
The favorite of every woman who ever used it
either in the laundry or for all around the house
cleaning. Sold everywhere. Made only by
Pffiiiiti 1 it rrrrirrii
At m ,i
iunnfTb y a s
'MUM '
to it now,
fister than ever. Every day, Pearline's tunc
its natrons increase in number. Hundreds of
rrrows ana
millions of packages have
want to make washing easy.
lt ri m m
VI 111 MS
French Folly in Mvxln .
The smallest wrinkle may serve s
grave for the greatest love. Theopljito
In a truly loving heart either jealousy
kills love or love kill jealousy. Paal
One of the beautiful traits of nobili-y
is not to fly from poverty. Edmond t
Jules de Gencount.
In literature one does well only what
one has seen or suffered. EdmoutJ t
Jules de Gencount.
Where shall I spend the Hnmmor?
Our tourist phamphlets will help you
solve the problem. We have one about
Hot Springs, S. IX, another about the
Black llills, a third about the Yellow
stone Park, a fourth about Estes Part,
vVhich do you want?
They are all free, and they all ctwiaisa
just the kind of information the
tionest needs. J. FRANCiSy,
G P. and T. A., Burlington Uoute.
Omaha, Kebr-
For Whooping Cough, Piso'g Core is
successful remedy. M. P. Dietcb, OT
Throop Ave., lirooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 14, '!
It is only the truth we follow that
has power to lea as straight to God-
Nicotiniy.ed Nerves.
Men old at thirty. Chew and smoke, rut
little, drink, or want to, all the time. Nervt
tingle, uever sallslied, mailing's beautiful.
Iiupplness gone, a tohHcco-saturated sysleui
tells the story. There's an easy way out-No-To-Hac
will kill liie nerve-craving eflfec-Us
for tobacco and make you strong, vigorous
and manly. Hold and guaranteed to cure ley
Irugglsts everywhere. Book, "Don't Tu
baeco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away,'" fri.
Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., New York Cit
Hiding asm isn't a bit safer tiaa
handling a rattlesnake. Rum's Horn.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothino Sykup for child
ren teething, softens the gtinis, reduces iutlsjfc
matiou.allayf1 pain, cure wind colic. 'J5e bouks.
The fuller your purse the easier it
will be to put your heart in it.
All Out of Sorts
T.redV weak and wearv. If this is your
condition, stop and think. You are a
sufferer from dyspepsia and great winery
awaits you if you do not check it. now.
Hood's Sarsapanlla is the best median
you can take. It has peculiar power to
tone and strengthen the stomach.
Is the only true blood purifier promi
nently in the public eye today.
Hood's Pills
art liHrmiiiiiously vritM
Hood 'f SarBuptirilla. HErffc.
COMPANY, Chicago.
Out of sorts
and no wonder. Think of the con
dition of those poor women who have
to wash clothes and clean house in
old-fashioned way. They're
tired, vexed, discouraged, out
of sorts, with aching backs
and aching hearts.
They must be out of
their wits. Why don't
they use Pearline?' Tfort
is what every woman, wlk
values her health and strenptlt
coming to. And they're coming
been usrd by bright women whr
use ir :.n
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