DDNKER HILL BATTLE EMORABLE EVENT IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIBERTY. th American Patriot's Mettle M Teated -Gallant lfi-uc in Which the Hevolationarv Heroes hawed Their Courage and Daring. Fht on Breed' Hill. ONK of those engagement in she revolutionary war which .-ted well the mettle whereof American were uiade wa the fatkt on lireed's Hill, which by common asafe is known a the battle of Hunker HilL To courage, heroism auJ bravery f those raw au.l comparatively untried troopa when facing uieu who had won great victories over the bent drilled armies f Kurope, i ouiethiUj to marvel at. A fee story of it w a laie which can never grow oW, it is beeomiug to tell it now. ! the summer ot In-J Hie nnuoa oi Her uerc stationed in Boston under Genu Ilatfe, while the American force were mostly gaihercd at Cambridge. Near the former city were two small height eanne-cted by a ridge and known a Breeds Hill "and Bunker Hill. The latter f these eminences, the Americana learn ed, the British intended to capture on the strht of June and afterward build a fort there, which should serve as a strong kold and a iost of general observation. This design of the British the Ameri cana determined to frustrate, and on the irht of June 15 a party of l.oou men were sent to seize and fortify Bunker Hill under Co!. Pres cott. Ueti. Israel Putnam with hi force joined them, and. after some de liberation, it was de cided to fortify Breed' Hill rather than the other mound. This they determined to do be cause Breed's Hill was nearer Boston. All that night the I American soldier I toiled, but when daj ' light came their Saw tiT-. C work was still un- TK-s5jZ-l,.,,mi,(.t(d. of course uaKKBHiLl. MoNL--,h(, first jawn reveal MF.XT. lnt.ir w,)rk to the eeuv and as soon as their design was discovered the British vessel lately open ed fire upon them. The other British hipping joined the Lively, the enemy' land forces were aroused and it wa de termined to give the Americans battle. Prewport was not alarmed, but kept his ten diligently at work on their redoubt and dispatched a messenger to Cambridge for the rest of the American forces, soon all the soldiery came up, but their num ber was pitiably mall, not exceeding 1500, which was little when compared with the British. In order to surprise the Americana Gens. Howe and Pigot embarked their awn on the Mystic river, intending to come Bp behind. In this he was foiled, for the Americans caught sight of him and imme diately threw up breastworks, utilizing a atone wall and rail fence which were there, between which was packed a lot of ew-mown hay. The enemy advanced up Breed's Hill, pouring a heavy fire as they came; the Americans, however, bad re ceived orders not to fire until they could ewe the whites of the British eyes and o lay behind their defense. Repnlsinsc the British. Up came the British in two wings and when they had gotten near the Ameri cana the latter opened fire on them. Volley after volley was poured into their ranks, eaosing the greatest confusion. They pressed on; but still the Americans emp tied their gun barrels, and finally th British became hopelessly discomfited and were forced to retreat Howe rallied hi anen at once and bis force, reinforced by 400 marines, pressed forward for a sec ond attack. As before the Americans reserved their fire until the British were dose npon them and then let it forth with the same deadly effect as at first. A third attack was made by Gen. Howe, now re inforced by Clinton, and the British press ad eagerly forward. The ammunition of the Americans was almost used up before this last attack, and now, after the Brit iah bad come upon them for the third time, they found their supplies quite ex hausted. Still the British moved on once more to where the Americans were lying behind their ambuscade. Nothing daunted, the little band of patriots rushed out upon the enemy, using their muskets as clubs, and a band-to-hand fight ensued. Bravely they fought and desperately, bnt the odds were too great, so, overcome by numbers, the Americans were compelled to retreat. Thi w-as done in good order. Warren, ne of the brave commanders on the eMXEKALS PCTSAM AND WARREJf. Americas ide whose influence and cour age were Instrumental in carrying on the sfefense, fell shot through the head while m retreat. Gen. Putnam endeavored to tally the retreiting army, but In vain. The retreat continued across Charlestown neck, and many were killed by a heavy It from the (hipping and batteries; but the British did not continue their pursuit beyond this point. The loss on both sides waa extremely unequal. Of the Ameri cana but 1B were killed and missing, and MM -imnd, while the Fritih numbered their killed and wounded a l.OuO. A picture hi (riven of the Bunker Hill Monument which now stand tin Breed' Hill, a splendid memorial of thi heroic struggle. It Is a gr.nite obelisk 221 feet . kick aad can be seen from far and near. Lafayette laid the corner stone of It June IT, 1825, the anniversary of the battle, ad DaaM Webster delivered one of bia scat eloquent orations on that occasion. The nun assent waa finished In 1&42 and &m DMt fear waa dedicated, the Prest 4m. wf fc UaJta SUte aad hi eab timing preeeat. On thi occaaioi alae VaWter wttwrnj the ration. Cici to aortas word for CT3 tart 11 In, AN OLD THE NATION'S BIRTHDAY. Coluuiba. gem of the west. Peerless thou art, alone doth stand, A continent by freedom blest, Bright banners float o'er all thy land. From mountain peak to peaceful vale. From ocean depth to bubbling rill. We ever hear tie same sweet tale Of peace on earth, to man good will. Of all the nations of the earth, What one can uch a record show Of purity and sterling worth Among her men of year ago? On history's page forevermore Their names shall blend harmoniously A those who opened wide the door. Freedom for all posterity. Unfurl our gloriou flag once more. King out in clarion tone again. Amid the glare of cannon' roar, The nation's yearly grand amen. Thi day of days, alone It stand A priceleaa gem of lustrous hoe. Secured to us by patriot hands, A loyal band to right e'er true. The Stars and Stripes, long may they wave. Grand emblem of a land that' free. Might and oppression found one grave; Thereon was reared sweet liberty. And while the golden sunset ray In radiance flash across the earth We'd offer up to God all praise For noble deeds that gave our Fourth. E. Clifford Wadsworth. AHOME-MADEFOURTH HE boy in and about Barton expect ed every season to .J have a good time at vi Folly Farm, where . , . ' ZJ iur; "liv .JH lu Slw 3) congregate on the .aSnVfca. & Fourth of July to be Ernest Folly were more than ordinary it boy, and the saying f':'t went the rounds that " What they could not ' .invent In the way of amusement was not worth seeing. These two farm boys prided themselves in do ing very original things, and not infre quently they produced very astonishing results, especially to the young city board era in the region. The last Independence show they gave the visitors decided was the best of all. It wa a fine Fourth of July night, and everybody was In the best of spirits. After it had become quite dark the old er brother, Joe, announced that the firt display uxm the program for the evening would be a balloon ascension and a show er of dewdrops. Krnest brought out an armful of tissue paper of various colors, which proved to be a home-made balloon. They inilated it by means of a ball of candle wickiup saturated with coal oil. The burning ball was held in a light wire frame and the flume kept from spreading by means of cardboard tube that hud been thoroughly saturated with a strong solu tion of alum to make it noncoinbtistible. The great paper sack soon filled with hot air by means of the tube, and began to get uneasy and anxious for an upward flight. "Let 'er go," cried Joe; and as he did so it was noticed that he placed a string which hung loose in contact with the flame. Away went the balloon and all the company watched it It had reached an altitude of perhaps 200 feet when there came the so-called shower of dew drop. The air beneath the ascending ob ject became suddenly filled with flashing, sputtering, glowing lights. Thi display continued for several min utes, a portion of the scintillating dew drops rising with the balloon and others floating slowly toward the earth. "Splen did! Good! Beautiful!" were the ex pressions of the spectator. The next scene on the program w as the firing of a cannon by means of a teapot of water. The cannon itself had been made by the Folly hoys. A two-inch anger holp was bored into a curly maple block; the wood had been cut Into the shape of an iron gun, then some iron bands from the hub of an old wagon heated red hot were driven on and suddenly cooled. The ex panded hot iron ihronk down ao aa to Mad the wood firmly, and after they bad applied a coat or two of black paint they had fine home-made cannon, but, of roaraa, they had to be careful about over loading the piece. The Improvised gun had been charged with powder and wad ding, and lay opor. the ground all ready for Mrviea, Jo took an old teapot, tarned K war and kit It with a stick to ihow that H waa empty, than attend It beneath tkw pamp apont and Iliad h t tk aria with wata. After taking a awafiwsy frwa - TIME FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. the spout he placed it near the cannon. His w and a piece of broomstick w as passed several time over the tin vessel while a jargon of senseless words wa spoken. Kruest meantime lighted a match and applied it to the water. Instantly a flame shot up, and placing a fuse from the tea pot to the piece of artillery, the boys stepped back. A flash was followed by a loud report, and the assemblage shouted with wonder. The third display was what the rural lads termed the "fiery erent." Joe produced a long, ragged cloth object that looked something like a huge black snake with a wooden head and two irregular wings. After holding it up so that all could see it, he passed out upon the lawn into the darkness, followed by Ernest. Presently the sjiectators saw a glow of light; a crackling sound, and a peculiar whizzing followed; then a stream of fire mounted the air with marvelous speed. The fiery serpent flew skyward higher and higher, throwing out a brilliance that made the lookers on hold their breath. The sputtering, squirming reptile formed an arc, and after a long flight came bis ing down to the earth. The visitors were really amazed. "Three cheer for the Folly boys," cried Ben Klade, swinging hi hat The cheers were given right heartily, followed by a tiger. Ki planation. "Now, tell us bow it was all done," they begged, and Joe explained. "The shower of dewdrop," he began, "wa produced by attaching a lot of long fine thread to a wire rim at the base of the balloon, to which were fastened thf strings taken from a lot of firecracker, interspersed with little roll of tissue pa per containing wet and dry powder. Some of these became detached while burniDg and floated earthward, while other wen carried on. A slow fuse kept those upon the thread from Igniting until the bal loon was well up from the earth." "But the firing of the cannon with a teapot of water?" "The old teapot contained a little coal oil, which I wa careful not to turn out when upsetting the vessel. Of course It arose to the top when the water wa put In. and wa easily Ignited." The boy laughed heartily. "That was a good one. Now what of the fiery ser pent?" "That was a mass of rags and cotton, very slightly dampened with benzine, and rolled into the form of a nake, but it contained also a lot of wet and dry pow der. The serpent was attached to a crotched stick, the end of which formed the reptile' head, and the branches the two wing. A stiff spring-pole wa set firmly in the ground and then bent over and held by a catch. The crotch waa set aside the spring-pole at an angle of about 45 degrees, the serpent lighted and the spring-pole set loose. That threw the hiss ing reptile high in the air." j "Bully! cried impetuous Fred Brnster. Shout after shout sounded out on the night air as the large company of boys left Folly Farm thoroughly delighted with their home-made Fourth of July enter tainment Fun at the K'gninfr. . When John Hancock affixed his, under and other circumstances, preposterous signature to the Declaration of Independ ence, he laughingly pushed the paper aside, saying: "There, John Bull may read my name without spectacles." Again, when Hancock reminded the members of the necessity of hanging together, Dr. Franklin dryly remarked, "Yes, we must indeed all hang together, or else most as suredly we shall all hang separately !" And stout Mr. Harrison remarked to little Klbridge Gerry that when the hanging came he would have the advantage of him, for he should be dead while little Gerry would be dangling around slowly choking. And thus on that hot morning of the Fourth of July, 177. amid the livery sta ble's buzzing fliea, which the honorable gentlemen were vainly fighting with wav ing handkerchiefs, waa given to the world the immortal Declaration of Independ- A Fourth of July Htate. There was a small boy once living In Texas, Who bought a small cannon on purpose to vex ua. He poured in the powder, and aald, "They'll be lucky If soon they don't hear from ma there In Kentucky." But the small cannon bnat with anch terri ble fury That pieces not penes raignad from Main to MlswoarL And Johnny waa blown, with other small boys. To Htata wie soma para nroaonace lamina. rJX mt,- V XjT r WHEN WE WERE BOYS. A Picture of an Old-Time Celebratioa In the Country. "Now, Biy, don't go near them anvils." "Sammy, will you stand back, or do yoa want to get Mowed up?" And a strange to boys and to the custom would have con eluded that Sammy certainly did want t get "Mowed up," for it was the regular complaint of the men in charge that than "wouldn't be a speck of danger if It weren't for the derned boys crowdln' la so." This was at 4 o'clock In the morning of a Fourth of July, years ago, In a country village. The boys were hurrying toward the public square, where the anvils war located, barefooted and clad for the moat part only in low linen shirts and jean pant alootis and buttoning the latter as they ran, for the affair waa too important to be missed on account of a little informality in toilet And close after them came two or three mothers with nervous warning of caution. The rising sun showed the whole popo lation up, and iu the country aa far as boom of cannon or ringing of bells could be beard there was great excitement among the boys, each eager to get his breakfast and be off for the village. Hi men and women came In later If it wasn't a "good harvest day." By 10 o'clock all the town wa out and so many from the country that the vlllaga contained 3,000 or 4,000 people. If ths season had been very early "down on ths sand barren," a few watermelon war for sale, but not often. Of home-mad beer, ginger cakes, currant pies, striped candy and the like, the sale wa wonderful a tand under every big tree. In th village grocery the big cheese wa cut and regular customers invited to taste It "Cuba six" cigars (six for 5 cents) were so plentiful that every boy could have ona, The men gave way to unwonted gener osity and whisky they bad always with them "20 cents a gallon, and that that' good." Shutting up the "groceries" they were not called "saloons" till near the war would have provoked a riot The speaker gave "old England" a few vigorous whacks, pitied the "subjects of foreign despotisms," congratulated bis fal low citizens on their glorious freedom, and generally wound up with a statement that "but for our noble forefathers, whs on this day so many years ago declared tltti colonies free and independent, wa, fellow citizens, would have been the sub ject of a despotism, perhaps trodden into the mire of slavery and compelled to give one-third of all we possessed to the king and bis soldiers." Boston Tost Valuable Souvenirs. Wo1 t sTY afSl Visitor Are you planting potatoes on the old battle field, farmer? Farmer These ain't polaters; I'm Jus' scstterin' a few bullet for th' Fourth of July excursionists. The Prophecy of John Adam. The approach of another anniversary of our national birthday finds the whole country resounding with the note of pre paration for its celebration. The pro phecy of John Adams that the day would he ushered In by sound of cannon and ringing of bell and blazing of fireworks has been realized ever since that suspici ous day when the old bell in Independence If all first pealed in Joyous tonea ths birth of a nation. Change Incident to ovjr ad vanced age have brought a change In th modes of celebrating this great dsy, but rlic Hfiine patriotic spirit lives snd breathes In all parts of the country and finds It own mode of testifying that patriotism. His Musy Day. Cobble I called on Dr. Probe to-day and the servsnt said unless it was very important he couldn't see me. Klone Why not? Cobble He Is resting np for th Fourth of July. Hit the Mark. Brlggs While I wa on the plassa with Mlaa Llngerly mat night her little brother I threw a firecracker right Into her lap. I Orlggs Ha waa aiming ai as, I saj nnsn. Jfl rm IBM mm- EDUCATIOXALCOLUMX NOTES ABOUT SCHOOLS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT. Rapid t-tritlrs Made by the I tilvtrsitj of l iaxiurl - Hill to I'enaiun Illinois School TcHchcm-Cbildrcn Should Be Taught to Think. Mimourl I'niveraity Huildina. No other .State uuiversity in the rouutry ha made more rapid strides the last year than the l uiversity of Missouri. The faculty ha ltu tr OKtheiied aud enlarged; new builil luf:s have Im-cii elected aud the endow ment has leen Increased. The seven uew buildings ataud In the form of a quadrangle on the campus, which, oc-L-uplcH alwiut ihlrty acres lu the south rn subui Its of Columbia, Mo. The in tin building HtHuils on higher grotiud (iiarl the subordinate structures. Though built of plain material, and In style neither ornute nor extravagant, it Is a comely structure, substantially Imilt, conveniently arranged and miflicicntly rich and tine iu apiiearance to preside over the two rows of smaller buildings. Academic Hall is 320 feet long and l.TJ fet deep. It Is three stories lilh above the basement, with a fourth story aud dome la the center. The highest point of the dome Is 1S5 feet above the pave ment In front It contains In the eat wing an auditorium 74x114 feet, w ith a capacity of l,4oo seats. The west winx contains the ladles' apartments and a library 35x114 feet, with a capacity of 33,000 volumes. There are thirty-seven class-rooms, eight lecture-rooms, four administration rooms, a ladies' waiting room and a callstheulc hall. The walls. 1 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI'S NEW MAIN WILDING. ceilings and all floors In the lecture rooms and corridors are fireproof. The contract price for this building was 1235,000. Pensions for Teachers. Among the bills which passed the lAlnoui Legislature is one creating a pension fund for the benefit of school teacher and school employes lu citlej of over 10o,0H! Inhabitants. The bill provides for the" establishment of a pension fund by the deduction of 1 per cent a year from the salaries of all school teachers and Mcbool employes lu cities of over 1)0,000 people. This fund In to be kept by the City Treasurer and managed Tiy a board of trustees com posed of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools, and two rep resentatives elected annually by the teachers and employes. All male teach ers or employes who have served twenty-five years, or females who have served twenty years will be eligible to retirement on a pension of one-half their regular salary, but in no case will a pension of over $J00 be paid. No teacher or employe who has once been regularly appointed by the Hoard of Education shall be dismissed or re moved except for cause aud tiioii an Investigation of written charges. If as the result of such Investigation any teacher or employe Is discharged before the time when a pension would be due then the money paid Into the fund must be returned to the discharged person. No taxes of any kind can Ik? levied for the use of this fund, but the acceptance of gifts, legacies,. bequest, and dona tions Is allowed. The father of this beneficent measure, the sole object of which Is to secure to teachers and other school employes financial Independence In their old age. Is Charles S. Thornton, a man long and favorably Identified with the cause of education In many ways. Mr. Thorn ton Is one of Chicago's representative busy men. but lie always has time to further the Internal of the public school system and he does o. Tesrhlna; to Think. Good teaching secures good thinking. One with limited capacity can feed facta to children an be would swill to swine, and th.'ii ask questions to see what tbey retain, n be would weigh swine to see what they have gained. It requires both tact and talent to lead a child to think keenly ujion a alngle fact, aa It does , to get reliable speed even from a blooded colt It la not enough that the mind be ac tive when the facta are received, which f'HAR!.F.S S. IHOISXTON. i the standard with too many would be educational leader. This in-rcly secure g'KMl uo.veiiielit. but lieitbi-r six-e.l uoreudurauce. A child u-ust keep dp his thinking when he Is out of the teacher s bands. Whoever ha driven what is kiiowu a a "door yard" horse that prance furiously while you are li.iibj.' to K-t Into the carriape and i equally fens ious when you would j-t out. but cares naught for the urj:iiitf of v.. ice or whip hen on the road, has a good conception of the mental aciiviiy of children who are taught to dance attendance ujkiu a teacher when she is li:n in- them "observe" under her eye, J. ut gives them no training iu rpmg or biistaiiifd thinking. Thinking is working one's knowledge Into K'linethlng no one else would pro duce with the same facts ami condi tions. The teacher who plans to have twenty children see the ame thing In ..l,i,- i,r,.l..nt lllui think the suine ' things about It. has not ilie fainict con ception of what thinking really is. Thinking is making our knowledge as unlike what that same knowledge would be lu any other mind as our i-r-sonality. resulting from the eating of bread, beef ai.l bean Is unlike any other personality. Thinking eventuates In activity of some kind, sooner or later. Thinking la action. Movement creates or contin ues movement It Is the height of folly of talk of teaching without providing means and opportunity for activity. It may be thought of the hand In science, art, and the Industries; of the eye la estimating criticising, approving; of the voice In reading, conversing, sc'ng ing: of the ear In discriminating in tone, pitch, emphasis or Inflection. Thinking means the placing of a trained, cultured mind behind every b u ma ii acjivlty; it means good Judg- mcnt, keen discrimination, sympathet ic appreciation along nil lines of pro gress. Journal of Education. Learning the Letters, Many, teachers of the word method have overlooked the necessity of caus ing the child to learb the names of the letters, to recognize them at sight, Just as they have learned to recognize words, and to name them' letters In their established order. I think It has been assumed by some teachers that all the words of the language are to be learned Just as the first two or three hundred are learned on simple author ity. Chinese fashion. It should be clear to the most Inexperienced teacher that In the art of reading, as In that of walk ing, the child must be helped, but all to the end that he must finally learn the art of self-hell). The easiest and most direct means of teaching the letters of the alphulet Is by causing the pupil to print words; for to print a word Is to break It up Into the (dements (letters) ami from the formation of these elemeins to the learning of their name, the step s di rect and easy. It Is often said, and no doubt with much truth, that by means of printing the child will ,.rlrn names of the letters ulmost uncon sciously, but here, as lu the learning of words, the teacher should furnish sys tematic help. As these names are pure ly arbitrary, they must 1. learned on mere authority. In the line of Kjstematlc teaching words may lie selected that contain spB. clal letters; certain words may be print ed on the board, and then the letters r.nmed by the class; the letters may be arranged In their established order'and then told by the class; imd lastly, the pupil being provided with boxes of hi ters, they niny reproduce words which have been assigned by the teacher. The last exercise is the eh:icierlsie em ployment of the pupil dining this period. It Khould have been stated In an earlier place that capital letters should be employed wherever proper usage requires them, so that In the printing work here recommended, the pupil will learn the capital torms along with the ordinary forms.-W. H. Payne. A Klaitlinjt Cllmai. Admiral Sir Charles Napier once re ceived telegraphic dispatches from Lord Clarendon, our Ambassador In Paris, Informing him of the great vic tory of the allies nt the Alma, and these, says the Westminster (jaV-efto, were being signaled to the fleet. Every lclescniie was fixed on the flagship aa the news wns repealed. At the eon elusion, while every eye wa being strained at the bunting when It waa run alofL In the eager expectation of further details of the battle, fl the flags broke the following in.-ssage, much to the amusement of th, whole squadron, was read: "Lady Clarence Paget has a daughter." Lord Claren don l.ng a friend of Lady Clarence Paget's, had telegraphed the Informa tion, little Imagining that the announe. went would publicly be made to th whole fleet It waa for that reason that his eldest daughter, who Is ntw married to Mr. Bentlnck, received th name of Alma, like many other yooa ladles who were born that autumn. "Wrwtr,.r. -a