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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1895)
THRRIOl'XtiUUSTY I.. J. vlmmftii.. fttltor n4 Pnrlrtiir. V. K. i M. V H. U. Time ul.le. I.nlnjt H wt. tioilic Kl. , irrte., . i:Wi,. C. iiiIxm1...jI For four, feel or m?t i-all oo K, I!..IT. Iir nafkiu for ale ut THK .tf KN U, o!1i e. For reliable, lirM ;i dental work "f any kind, a U T. J. (iilison, Or.iw-f-iril, SelinijJia. Tlie mImkiI UjwpJ ra.iI oil' tlitt Uuul :.mjiM tlie m I wiol ili.lnet w. that tlte litn t in five from debt. On tloen PoIuih ( In nil pig four week old. Fiut Hl.K iiv Wii. KoHifjrii. Horeliouud coiiiihiumI cougli nvrup llw great remedy for coulm and folds st tlie Pioneer Iluirnmcy. If you want a farm pui jjet one ublixhd iu Nebraska. Tlir. JiM'RWAL clu 1m with the Sihrnnka t'nrtwr. Call iiid nee a copy of it. singing club Hill meet at the Itome of Mr. and Mrs. (I. Outline next NVednesdav t-reniair. - n- iiw utuie 01 our aaiKluiu wn graced last fiatuniay by a boquet of iw-uutiful pansien, through the courtesy l Mrs. E. fc. l.ivermore. Such things lielp to brighten the path of the printer. VI 1 I t t t iiuiutie ih emier Hereditary or iauxed by nicknewi, mental exhaustion, wearing tiglit-fltting hat, and bv over work ami trouble. Hall'ii Ilair H.-iwwer will prevent it. ' Ilert hrnest was badly injured at 'lie home of hi father, on White Kiver, lust Sunday. lie wax thrown from lorse ana renoereil tineonscuiiiK, in nhii-h conditioa he remained for leverul hours. Ctiudrou I'Uiati. - This i thfl glorious 4th of July mid is Harrison is not celebrating her citi zens liave ncuttered in all directions for tlte day. Crawford, Lusk, Montrose I'ottonwood, Warbonnet, and Sowlx-lly ere among the places where Harrison it en were to be found, and a a result the town in almost deserted. Mood-purifiers, though gradual, are radical in their effect. Ayer's Sarsapar ilia is intended as a medicine only and not a stimulant, excitant, or beverage. Immediate results may not always fol low its use! but after a reasonable time n'rmanent benefit is certain to be reuliz- On account of the great reduction in tlie valuation of property by the as- ssor throughout the county the com' inissioners cat off the Appropriation for institute. 8uerintendeot LMvi con templates holding a teachers' association (r a few days to close with an examina tion. Due notice will lie given of the date by the superintendent. si . .i i . . . i. i ti : i -jin: wiv last nren isr. i niiiiiv unu l.iniily were coming in from the claim w hen the team ran away and threw the entire party out of tlie vehicle. Little I'earl got her right arm quite badly bruised ami I toe. enjoyed a slide on his, but otherwise no injuries were , sustained, - Steps are being taken by the sdtool Ixrard to employ the same teachers for the ensuing year as w ielded the birch lust year. This is on petition of a large number of those interested and is the proper thing for the board to do under tlwJcircumstAnres, TriB Jot;Ai. would suggest that whoever is employed to each the higher room be made the prin ipal and held responsible to the bourd .uid the teacher of the primary deptirt incut lie resonsill to the principal J. i tlie past each teacher hits been " inde tiiident of the other, hut Mint is hardl v lb proer way to run a school. -Some trouhle w had Ksl week be t .veMi J. H. Brown nnd U. 11. Turne and the later bud the former iirnjsted Me was tried before Juilge Wilson on Friday nnd lined tweiuyllve diillai's nnd i osts, In all about (Ifty dnlhvr A bond v. us given nnd tlte case will go to the district court. On Tuesday Jhown was Nnin nrretl on a (leftcc wommt gotten out by TurrT and Judge Wilson fixed lie amount of his bond to keep the peace in. 100. ftrown gave the bond and was idenstsl. Tunwr is not Hislled and iiiims that the ImmkI is not sufficient to ii lord him protection, but Jui, what the ni'vt mov will t Is not known. An t loie will gel to the front in the same iiv White River dl u few Vistfs ago if : present gait i Irept lilv -A very unforlutate tirTal. tnx-urred ii Awlrews Inst week. Nometlnng over tilty Isirrels of a roniosltion which had ix-vii Usrsl as a sheep dip was disc barged 1 om the vat anl ullowed to run dow' i.ito Whit River. Tlie result i s that Urge number of trout were killed, re i trtn to tlie doily papers stating that nil ; trout In the stream for a distaw of '.tiir miles were destroyed, H is not nil likidy ttmt the stdir Was allowed V go Into IIhj stream with any intent of olng Isirni, bt Mtch grows mtidessness iinnot he too strongly rowfcmned. II is tudc likely that Iron I fishing is ruined ii. tlmt drt f Mte slrmtn for gssl while to route. Monie method ought to U iievtsvd la rcvcnt onv mite Mich n.islwjm ftJ hw , tfl iv the trout vhnmn to rutsatef somewhat whl thy KKKHtmi- Ma v Hrrtk and K. F. !w were up from Hell on To- hy. Mr. and Mm. I km M. Wtir Her,- at the county neat im Tuesday, Master Ned Siinmoni rliirntl Tn- duy funi hi visit at JtaraUnd. Mr. :uuJ Mr. A.. Houthwnrth -in ut tlie county watt on ftutuntay. County Treasurer Woodru If was at tlie county seat Um last of the wawk. Mrs. I. iJuliook waaal Ittrriton Mon day ami moils a pleasant call at this oitW. ' Mrs. E. Rob wer and Mrs. t Cbristen- sen were Crawford visitors the hint of tlie week. Misslhtisy Keniiton, a neice of Mrs. 8. B. Wilson, arrived Saturday for a visit of some weeks. Jokhuu Hakar arrived this iiioruing to visit friends and look after hit, Sioux countv interests. James Itourrette was dow n from Mon tana a few days diuuijf the jmst week visiting his i ron ts. Charles Pontius came down from the lihu k Hills tlie lat of the week to visit his uncle, K. F. Pontius. H. I. Churchill brought his smiling countenance into this office last Friday, having returned from his Wheatland trip and on Saturday he went to Orin to visit his mother. "One of my sick lieadiu-hes," you will hear people frequently say. as if the complaint was .hopelessly in curable. Asa matter of fact; Ayer's pills not only relieve sick headache but effectually remove the cause of this dis- tresjiing complaint, and so bring alniut a jifermanent cure. -M. (layliart was over from Montrose the last of the week and called at this olllce. Two of his children were re cently married so tluit he is the gainer of a new son and a new daughter. His son, William, was married to Miss Nutto and his daughter, IMia, became Mrs. J. Wasserberger. The young ople have many friends in the vicinity of their homes who wish them happiness and prosjierity. --The editor having returned from his trip in the hills will give the readers of Tiik Jm itSAl. some information in regard to the'airairs of the county as soon as the records can be looked up. The work of the Isinrd of equalization and the treasurers statement make it opportune to give soms facts which will be inter ssting nnd instructive to the tax payers of the county. ( hurch Sen Ices Scxt Snndnj. Preaching service, Sunday morning 10:!W; Sunday School 11:30; Epworth Ixfiigue, T. C. E. CoNKEiJ., Pastor. Burklen's Aralra Malte. The liest salve in the world for cuta, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapied hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruption and positive ly cures niles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give peiffct satisfaction or money refuaded. Price 25 cents par box, For sale by Pioneer Pharmacy. Cure Yor HeauVhr. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to I the verv best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick -head aches yield to its influence. We urge all who are'alflictcd to procure it bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In caws of habitual constipation Klectric Hitters cures by gtviog the needed tone to the bowels, nnd few tiises long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large Isillbjs only lift.v cents at Pioneer Pharmacy, SimvInI Kxcni-slnns u Mnt Springs. On the following dates the F. K. A M. V. will sell excursion tickets from Har rison, Neb., to Hot .Hprings, S. U , nnd ret urn for one fare for tlie round trip. These tickets will be good returning for thirty dii s from date of sale; May 24th, June Tth nod lllth. July Ud and IMtli, August W and 'i'M. For further sir ticulurs npply to K V. Iinc8, " Agent, uOOnts to January I, IMtMl. That is 041 nw fill little bit of money for a t wk-em-week paper like the Semi VVuekly Journal, but if you will send SO cents you will recti v that impcf until January U I. Von will lind it the farmer's laily. Markets alo4M are worth more inowy than thai. If you titke it the rest of this year for is-nts you will want to keep it always. If you get up a club of Hve .Wvnt ubsTilTs you can have a ropy free for your trotiMe. Address, Nebraska JHlate Jotii-nal, Lin coln, Nb .VI a Ha4rHi JaarlUn P.Jnls in NelMnska, ionn tiois are made with Burlington Route trsfns f or ' 'mVago, St. liOitis, Kuns tity, .Hi. Joseph, Uuiuha, Lincoln, Is-imT, Cheyrtine and Iteyoial, Our na; and tinnHaMes Msiwing where, when nnd how- mf trains ntn and wh-tvin tln-y exwl llir- trains f titlier lim-s in many hoi1in tv-sjwvts, are stmt on ri'ipiest- lvs Always gll t ip i twtes atnl giw liifornml'i, 3. Fhaw ts U. IN A T A, OiMh Triiirrr' sit-Hiriil. t -llil HIHIIIhI r.tulHtH''llt ol iiioitlr rer i v 4 hikI (liliiir-(l from J:iiitmrv I, Is-d to June t .Hi. I"!C, by tiie lrcurer A slo i . i'ltv Itxisliee Ji4ll. S. I tllitMtliollM.. - ti4 i I'mil slt- ireaur4r liHlHlH-e J line '. HITS l ! I.B ' 7S SSM ' k hki. Ltu nri. mHtHUtM JllU.S t-!4 tl i ollCtiOtlS I'm ifl stMte treMfiirt-r. Kiilsnce June 3U. t U 44 ; IV ; :,7.1 li K 7t ! STVIK M ll!. KI'MI. ItaluniH, Jan. 3.-., I olltiationt , Iln..j.. )X ( staU. spMrlUiiuittul i June 4:rf sti ApMrtiouMl u IU Iri.ts IUlttlle J tine .'VI . 4 !& avjr qssicati. irrxn. nnnee Jsn, I Col le Hon.. ll Accrue! Interest, . . IS 7 warrtiiits rewleenufl.. - I oiiiiiiIhsIoii . IliilHiice June 31).-. . i ocstv nailer kcsi. Halunee Jn. J SKI '.'. (olliietlons .Yi'i Hi Aeerile) Interest.. H T'i warrant rels'iiie!-. i otiiiniloii Hulsnee Ji;tie:iO ... i;u ss coi'stv so4i ri'sti. niiliince Jim. .1 WA ( olleclions 4S AeeriUMl tnlJfreMt... A 71 V 71 u l.-JH 11 7K .11 !A 7U is Warrant rwle'iin-(l.. I 'ommlMHloii llslHliee June 3I --- SI'KI III. lil llT ri'wu. B4 7 II 7 4.i 15 ,VVi 14 Klllilnee Jsn. 3 24 .VI "olleetions K't Aeerilei! interes . . .1 i;n 1 'oiniiiiHr.loll HhIhiicc June:iu Ml 2; 3IA 4S 374 72 OI. Ill til's KK.I IK1 Kt'Sill. lis Inline Jan. 3 l ili 7' (olleetlons 41 &7 Aeerueil interest I 4s Warrsnts redeeuiel.. I 'onniiUsioli llHlsne,. June :m si; no 4 IN H2 7H 172 S4 Kl'M". 15 14 S 411 4KVKKI IMc. Iliilauee Jim. 3 ( ol leettolls ( 'ounnUsirMi Itulunee June 'Mi '.-2 7 2 XI S4 i HKcivi r iioMi ri'Mi. Itulunee .Inn. 3 SI 1 4 '.1 ( ' Ions . is:i 4 Aeeruel IntiTest ('(Hinuission.... . Ilitlnuce June :tll is n.' 'il 44 aWii 4'.' VM.I.AOK (1K.M.HU, ll'.Mi. St) 49 Ilalnne.1 Jim. 3 1"1 l ( iillevtlon 77 41 I'litil villtiite treiiMiirer. I '4IUIIIllsSiOll llillllllee June Jf.l 17 VII.HOK BOS II FCSII. Iliilsiu'e Jim. 3 KIM !!S I 'olioetlous .4 U" Interest psul I OlUlllissioll .... Hulnnce Juneau I3 42 VIl.l.iOB WiTKR VUSI). llsUnce Jan. 3 4! W l:l 4i 7 IKS II In.', on S 31 .VI 11 i'ollucthui , I 'oniiuisnUiu Hulsnee Juno 30.. Iw 20 H 21 lu; ri7 1 12 7s TII.LAI.K ll'KCUL KKBT FCMI. 112 7S Itulunrn Jim. 8 oil. etlons Commission llnliinec June H0, . 4; 2 'Hi ifl 7,1 .V 74 OA II lllSTaKT KI NOS. Ilalttiinn Jan. 8 SOI 22 Collections.. 147 71 Vouchers pukl ...... roiuinission.. Htilunee June :i 44s HI SIKI'IAI. HOAII IMBTHUT FU.Ml. lllllllliee .Inn, 3........ 24 4(1 ( olleclloiiM 2U7 III Wiirrunts redeennl.. Tom mission . Huliiuee J line :J. ....... ai 43 m Mool. IMSTUT KC.MMI. Iliiliinue Jim. 3 2'.42 77 stntf npfiortioiiiueitt.. 4ii.r 71 Collertluns.. 1724 7S J'altl district treas urers.... .. Coin mission..... ....... Itftlsnee Jun ,K) ..... 7,1 ."IS 14 411 44S ! 102 IS 20 .10 I0H ' 'II 43 Unix a 17 25 IIBI 75 ,-.l:K 211 AI.'M 211 ciioot. IioMi re so. llslHliee Jnn.8.. 1707 II Collections 120 02 VonelHTs llnld , :u. .VI Commission. II llHllllie Jlllie.'IO J... Mm Sll 1S27 13 127 13 WiHKASTS RKOIITkHKII IS IS0.V (.enersl f mill l.m 2S County rol luinl. ............. . 4 so Seell (l lit luml 2 no HK'.ISTinKII WtKHASTN Ol'TBT A S KI.Mi (ienerul fund. 437s :x Seelul delit fund 1,74 27 Tutu l arniw ft II, S. W'ooimt'i K, Cunt,v rrreiinrer. Onlliisnie No. An oHiiiHliee tor tlio lew of lines lor the vulture ot tliirrlsoii, el.ruskn, lor tlie mil nlelpnl Wsesl yeiirof WkV He It ordaluinl by ilie eliiilriiinn anil Isiard of H'Ut's s of h villiu(e. of llurrlsou, ,Ne linxkii. iskition 1. I'll ii t, lltcre Is hereliv levied iiisiii nil tlm tuMilile iiroiHTty within tlm eoritornti limit- of tlie vfllirK'' of llurrlsou u tsx ns tllo-s: Kor KenerHl fund.. ........ - .......10 mills Kr slnkliiit lund nnd Interest.... mills Kor wsta-r fund 4 mills Kor sims-IiiI fltit fund to luinlv on liidffinent.......... I mills Suction H. Tills ordinance slmil Ih In full fonr uud effect I isnu mot slter its iiusMHAfe, nppmVHl nnd I'lilillsiloii nersirlniK l" ''. I'HMM-d HII'I IHHITMst July 2, ISIlft. M. J, IIUKH KIT, l J. Simhos. I Inoriu.oi, jsiii. I Ivrk. I hrcliy s-rtllv tlist tlw (oishoIuk Is ii true oofl.v o4 Ird 1 11,1101' No. H.V. mh paused Iiv tne tiiiifi i,( iruwleol II e vuinveoi linri-l i iii nil, Ni'10-h-I.m, on July 2, I -Ms. t J. siimoss. , ; VlllnffeClerk. ISrilliMnre No. Ifi. An mnmiul nppniprliitlon oidlimnev lor the miinlvltml srsl year IHI. Ite II ordiilntsl hy Ihe rhiiii insn and rnxtril ol trustees 4 the IIIhxc uf It irrl-an, .v,v hrnsVs. SBTiflV I Hint thr- Mir. lu niimnnts be mid tbe tmti sre h-rHi uipnirtiitsl or the purposes sperlRisl, to it ; Kor pilmpluK s iitel ................ .... W4) Oil lllteivst slid sinking lull, I M HO siterlnl ileht I unit (,! All other exjens,-s i;s is SKiTmSi . This ordlniiiK-e shall tskr el left stid lie In force from sml utter Its pus snitis nppros ut swl iHhlleHtloi nceordluii Ut lw. I'lis" snd spjtroved .InH , IHOtV M, J, lllAW'KTT, U .1, "siDnoss, cliiilrinsn. ski. Clerk, I tw-reliy rerlllr Ihut the loreniilng Is Irnr niv id Trllriifis- -No. m ss pastil by tlte ismrd ut trnsieoon July 1 l'A. I.. J, surnnss, t lliivte tVrk, ) A MARTYR TO INDIGESTION Crcd hy Vslnif Ayer's SarsapariHa M'erJ of C -Mfu't U ' who W-r rm r , .r-r.ii, "l'nr veins, i v ri'-?t '' ',' 1n.ilcslioii. mid had iiiiout q;Iv'H ,i hope ol c re fiiuiin' i"l f, -A ti'- ill" c(.llllilll ulilv s-'clni-il to l fri-xw WHl'sc ill.stlH'l of 1'1'tttT, rJ liiider unliiiiivv tr"nttii''iit.. At o i,.-t, 1 wiw iitiJdtcil to try Ayi-r's JJ1 M.rsiipiirillu, ii'id I lii-rt'l'N v i tlmt after uiii '"' ihn-H 1m.:. c; tc,s, 1 WH'.-.iiri!i. I can, HiHi'efio'e, oi cinliiirnllv rendu iii'ifl if ";;-ii-iiie to all similarly nhlH tt. r'UAXKLlV !'M K, AVOC"., 111. o "I Hill i.i-rsonnllv nc'ii::it(-il gs V illi Mv. linrk llljil In licve hliY 0 Sflttl'lneril lie IllllV milhl' t ol i, ..," v. J. .m.wwi i.i., Prug- gi.t iiml l:i.i',vniuci: I, Amm-h. I i. , "I !i:up u.-cl A'cr' Sarap- rllla f ir fPiicnil il.'liility ami, as J, a hlo.s-1 -nurilii r. find it 'icn 'y, 0; :n t!v as :s fl.iiiiicd for it." S. ft 1 ,. . . 1.' -.', Tv,j V i, lexas. j: ;Sarsapari!i3 f-:?J OOnly Ad.nlttod for Exhibition f, s.T THE WOeJLDTi FA' R ooooeoooooooooooooec-o 1 .. i urn nisiismtT--" .fimii'in-' i GRANT GUTHRIK, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, C-ounly and IHstiict Courts, and I'nited Slates Ijind Ollice. If J,egiil piipeis carefully draw n. H.lltlllHliN, - NKIlltVK.V. B. L. SML'CK. Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser, OPEN SUNDAY MOM 9 TO 12. RAZORS AND SCIHWIRS I't'T IN lKIKH. Ulve t mi H I Cull. J. K. I'HINNEY, M. 1. l'hysit'ian and Surgi-un. All culls frivvn inniit uttenl ion. OlHcn in UriiK store. HAKKLSON. - - NKHHASKA. SELL Deering L10WEHS. LEWIS GERLhCH. WKALTH t SOUTH Th Bot( 0rrtaUic la Aaarlea FOR rnOFITABLE FARMING h loiuj 0t lint f k U0B1LK AND OHIO RAILROAD t ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. Ties T'trin Oiity i A tWfW1 swym. tmw Tlitt Uii'leeWert vfcwvioiu wiomihly. Bonk PrcB Ut th It H ntxnn tht tionm, Hie tlimnfe, n lieilihftihmi 4 ke M grow ir, rrs ren crops w r, ymtn v .' . .' The . BEST on EARTH. IcrCk?) STAMPED UPON Is the name and lame of the "Old Reliable" store of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, where you can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a GENERAL STORE. Now is the time select your SPOItIG AND Highest market price paid for prudu'c of all M A RST 1 L Hough H ester UKALKRS IN Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and UAKKISUX - HORSE BREEDERS. On ac-iuiit of hsM-d lmw I " ill e.1 nul my frnr-iA film lliilliH fr iuurv si niiire in foal, 11 is a Uinht Ut?, i1li ""l "'j le Kixl ctJ.1l. Mlihl Hllll 1.7KI 1 1' muds. 1 will jnnNtfi-'t9l ,1l Wkft vaiice ill jiat UK-ill "( ff if (. . IV- "'-1 aMit.1 .' W l.imwd ut m? '..I IMl. nmM lUn.He NlllU.1 JV ililK-. THE DULLEST BRAIN SIDER 6000$ kinds. L K R B ROS, 'The Old Reliable." & Sons. & Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplier NKHKASKA. S. L. LLIW, County Surveyor, Im ii'un(rm Im il'i nil Uilulx nf AtJK- VllVlNd iuhI lUT-'ll M''KUN! in i ii'tiuiii nil) 1 1 ('. 1 1 1 1 M'(y iiiniiiiuts UVHW-MIM NkhMhKA, C C, M' WtJI'K, Photographer, CHAWrOHH.lNF.W, In Jir-i'etj Id iti mil kluitl of work I., Iiii line y lli hiokI jtpprove't )ltlINl, ll'f Im "jieciul njifMtraluH Cor liiukin,:. iji'i,iiH nml ohIhHIm vlw nnd ki" tin unt in if twiiih in tluit lino nfau;t ii 1 1 on him. Son, sss i in nunibtr