The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 04, 1895, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal.
A Dream.
0, It ira but a deani I bad
While tie musician played
And here the iky and here the glas
Old ocean kissed the glade.
And here the laughing ripple ran
And here the rose grew
That threw a kixa to every man
That voyaged with the crew
Our silken aaili in lazy fold
Drooped in the brcathlcs breeze,
Ai o'er a field of marigolds
Our eye aw am o'er the seas.
While here the eddie lisped and purled
A round the island' rim,
And up from out the underwold
We uw the mermen aw Int.
And It wax dawn and middle day
And midnight for the moon
On silver rounds across the bay ,
Had rlimbed the skies of June
And here the glowing, glorious king
Of day ruled o'er the realm,
With star of midnight glittering
About hia diadem.
The ai-a gull reeled on languid wing
In circle round the mast;
We heard the ongs the siren alng
Aa we went sailing past
Andxip and down the golden aandi
A thousand fniry throng
Flung at ua from iheir flashing handa,
The eehoe of their aonga.
Jamea Whitcomb Hiley.
When thrushes rent the weary head,
Aul linnet lie In gold and green,
When blackbird on a downy bod,
Are silvered with a moony aheen,
What voice awakea the emerald houae?
What lore incarnate (Ilea on wing?
What passion ahakea the trembling
It la the liird of I.ove that ainga.
It ia the Bird of Ive that ainga.
Stabbing our silence like a aword.
And lore himself that fliea on wlnga,
God and enchanter and no bird.
Onr moon of honey, our marriage moon,
Ridea in the heaven fur our delight.
The silver world grow golden soon.
Honey and gold aplllel in the night
The Bird of I-ove. the Bird of I'aln,
He ainga our marriage moon away;
Filling the night with golden rain.
Between the darkneaa and the day.
Closer and closer, hold me close,
For ia it I-ove or Heath he ainga?
And la it Love or Death that goel '
Through the sweet night with ruatllng
New York Tribune.
Come, fill the golden loving-cup
With the amber winking wine,
And send it gayly on Its round,
The hour the hour'a divine.
Awake the harp 'o music aweet
And scatter rose deep,
A health to Beauty and her train
Away, away with sleep.
Abroad. do aing the nightingalea,
The moon is coining up.
And twice a thousand stars have bloom
ed -
Send round the loving-cup.
Tla summer time, the Jeweled date
Of youth and joy and love,
When cheeks do glow and eyea do shine
And lips a cherry prove.
Another round! and let the song
Be merry that you sing.
The hours are swift let them be bright
And happiness he king;
And let your licit rts with rhythm beat
And lei your souls be free.
For life is hope and hope ia bliss
And bliss is melody.
Chicago Record.
Air iver.
A morrow must come on
When I ahull wuke to weep;
But just for some ahort'houra,
God, give me sleep!
I ask not hope's return:
As I have sown I reap.
Grief must awake with dawn
Yet, oh, to sleep!
No dreams, dear God, no dreams;
Mere slumber, dull and dccS,
Such as Thou givest brutea
Sleep, only sleep!
Anne Reeve Aldrich.
Good bye, dear eyes; a liftle white
Yon lit the darkneaa of my days;
Now life is naught, and nothing alaya;
Good bye, dear eyes, tender mile
And loving nays.
Good-bye, dear hands; and now I pre
For the last time your whiteness slim,
And, if my eyes with tears are dim. -
You will not love them, dear, the lea
For tears in them.
Good-bye, dear llpa, 'where death has eet
Ills kiss, a colder one than thine;
It ii t In your dwelling place divine,
filial! you, dear iove, uue boar forget
Tills kiss of mine?
rail Mall UudgeC
Favor Woman Suffrage, bat Hays Ilia
Chief Anxiety I Not for This, but that
Woman Khali Appreciate the Glori
ous bights 8he Already I'oaai-aaea.
The Queen of Women.
Dr. Taliuage, while on ni Western tour,
preached iu St. Ixiuis last Sunday, and
Uiacuased a subject of universal interest,
viz., "Woman's Opisirtuuily." his text be
ing, "She shall be called woman," Genesis
ii., 23.
God, who can make no mistake, made
man and woman for a specific work and
to move iu particular apherea man to be
regnant iu his realm; woman to be dom
inant In hers. The boundary liue between
Italy and Switzerland, between England
and Scotland, la not more thoroughly
marked than this distinction between the
empire masculine and the empire feml
uine. So entirely dissimilar are the fields
to which God called them that you can no
more compare them than you can oxygen
and hydrogen, water and grass, trees and
stars. All this talk about the superiority
of one sex to the other sex ia an everlast
ing waste of ink and speech. A jeweler
may have a scale ao delicate that he can
weigh the dust of diamonds, but where
are. the scalea so delicate that you can
weigh in them affection against affection,
sentiment against sentiment, thought
against thought, soul against soul, a man's
world against a woman's world? You
come out with your stereotyped remark
that man is sucrior to woman in Intellect,
and then 1 open on my desk the swarthy,
iron typed, thunderbolted writings of
Harriet Martineau and Elizabeth Brown
ing and George Eliot. You come on with
your stereotyped remark about womnu's
superiority to man iu the item of affec
tion, but I asked you where was there
more capacity to love than in John, the
disciple, and Matthew Simpson, the bish
op, and Henry Martyn, the missionary?
The heart of those men was ao large
that after you had rolled into it two hem
ispheres there was room still left to mar
shal the hosts of heaven and set up the
throne of the eternal Jehovah. I deuy to
man the throne intellectual. I deny to
woman the throne affectional. No human
phraseology will ever define the spheres,
while there is an Intuition by which we
know a man is In his realm, and when
a woman ia in her realm, and when either
of them is out of it. No bungling legisla
ture ought to attempt to wake a defiuitiou
or to say, "This ia the line and that ia the
Hue." My theory is that if a woman
wauta to vote she ought to vote, and that
If a man wants to embroider and keep
houae he ought to be allowed to embroider
and keep house. There are masculine
women, and there are effeminate men. My
theory ia that you have no right to inter
fere vith any one's doing anything that ia
righteous. Albany and Washington might
aa well decree by legislation how high a
browu, thrasher should fly or how deep a
trout should plunge aa to try to seek out
the height and depth of woman'a duty.
The question of capacity will settle finally
the whole question, the whole subject
When a woman is prepared to preach,
she will preach, and neither conference
nor presbytery can hinder her. When a
woman is prepared to move in highest
commercial sphere she will have great
Influence on the exchange, and no boards
of trade can hinder her. I want woman to
understand that heart and braiu can over
fly any barrier that politicians may act
up, und flint nothing ran keep her back or
keep her down but the question of in
capacity. IJnlversul H ultra go.
I was in New Zealand last year just
after the opportunity of suffrage hud been
conferred tim women. The plan worked
well. There had never been such good or
der nt the polls, and righteousness tri
umphed. Men have not made such a won
derful mural success of the bullot box that
they need fear women will corrupt It. In
nil our cilics man has so nearly made the
bullot box a failure, suppose we let wom
an try. But there are some women, I
know, of most undesirable nature, who
wander up and down the country having
no homes of their own or forsaking their
own home -talking about their rights,
und we know very well that they 'them
selves are lit neither to vote nor to keep
house. Their mission seem merely to hu
miliate the two sexes at the thought of
what any one of us might become. No
one would want to live under the laws
that such women would enact or to have
cast upon society the children that such
women would raise. But I shall show you
that the bust rights that woman can own
she already has iu her possession; that her
position in this cotuifry nt tliiK time is not
one of commiseration, but one of congrat
ulation; that the grandeur and power of
her realm have never yet lieen appreciat
ed; that she sits to-day on a throne ao high
that all the thrones of earth piled on top
of each other would Hot make for her ft
footstool. Here is the platform on which
she stands. Away down'bclow it are the
ballot box, and the congressional assem
blage, and the legislative hall. Woman
always has voted and always will vote.
( Mir great-grandfather thought they were
by their votes putting Washington into
the Presidential clmir. No. Ilis mother,
by the principles she taught him ami by
the iishits she inculcated, made him Presi
dent. It was a Christian mothers linnd
dropping the ballot when Lord Bacon
wrote, anil Newton philosophized, and Al
fred the Great govcrod, and Jonathan
Edwards thundered o.' judgment to come.
How many men there have been In high
political station who would have been In
sulllclent to Pin ml the test to which their
moral principle was put had It not been
for a wife's voice (hat encouraged them to i
do right ed wife' prayer that sounded
louder than the clamor of partisanship?
The right of suffrage, as we men exercise
it, seems to be a feeble thing. You, a
Christian man, come up to the ballot box,
and you drop your vote. Right after you
"omea Vbertine or a sot the offscouring
of the street aud he drops his vote, and
bis vote counteracts your. But if in the
quiet of home life a daughter by her Chris
tian demeanor. 'a wife by her industry, a
mother by her faithfulness, casta a vote in
the right direction, then nothing can resist
it, and the influence of that vote w ill throb
through the eternities.
Woman and Home.
My chief anxiety, then, is not that wom
an have other rights accorded her, but
that she, by the grace of God, rise up to
the appreciation of the glorious rights she
already jiossesses. First, she has the right
to make home happy. That realm no one
has ever disputed with her. Men may
come home at noon or at night and then
tarry a comparatively little while, bnt she
all day long governs it beautifies it, sanc
tifies it. It is within her power to make
it the most attractive place on earth. It
ia the only calm harbor in this world. You
know as well as I do that this outside
world and the business world are a long
scene of jostle atld contention. The man
who baa a dollar struggles to keep it. The
man who has it not struggles to get it
Prices up. Prices down. losses. Gains.
Misrepresentations. Underselling. Buy
ers depreciating; salesmen exaggerating.
Tenants seeking less rent; landlords de
manding more. Struggles alniut office.
Men who are in trying to keep in: men out
trying to get in. Slips, Tumbles. De
falcations. Panics. Catastrophes. Oh.
woman, thank God you have a home, and
that you may be queen in it! Better tie
there than wear V ictoria's coronet. Bet
ter be there than carry the purse of a
princess. Your abode may be humble, but
you can, by your faith iu God and your
cheerfulness of demeanor, gild it with
splendors such as an upholsterer's hand
never yet kindled.
There are abodes in every city hum
ble, twd stories, four plain, uupapered
rooms, undesirable neighborhood, and yet
there is a man who would die on the
threshold rather than surrender. Why?
It is home. Whenever he thinks of it, he
sees angels of God hovering around it. The
ladders of heaven are let down to that
house. Over the child's rough crib there
are the chanting of angels aa those that
broke over Bethelhem. It is home. These
children may come up after awhile, and
they may win high position, and they tuny
have an affluent residence, but they will
not until their dying day forget that hum
ble roof under which their father rested,
and their mother sang, and their sisters
played. Oh, if you would gather up all
tender memories, all the lights and shades
of the heart, all banquetings and reunions,
all filial, fraternal, paternal and conjugal
affections, and you had only just four
letter with which to spell out that height
and depth and length and breadth and
magnitude and eternity of meaning you
would, with streaming eyes, and trem
bling voice, and agitated hands, write it
out In those four living capitals, H O .M K,
What right does woman want that is
grander thau to be queen iu such a realm?
Why, the eagles of heaven cannot fly
across that dominion. Horses, panting
and with lathered Hanks, are not swift
enough to run to the outposts of that
realm. They say that the sun never sets
upon the English empire, but I have to tell
you that on this realm of woman's influ
ence eternity never marks any bound.
Isabella fled from the Spanish throne, pur
sued by the nation's anathema, but she
who iB queen in a home will never lose her
throne, and death itself will only be the
annexation of heavenly principalities.
The Grandest Woman.
When you want to get your grandest
Idea of a queen, you do not think of Cath
erine of Russia, or of Anne of England, or
Marie Theresa of Germany, but when you
want to get your grandest idea of a queen
you think of the plain woman who sat op
posite your father at the table or walked
with him arm in arm down life's pathway;
sometimes to the Thanksgiving banquet,
sometimes to the grave, but always to
gethersoothing your petty griefs, cor
recting your childish waywardness, join
ing in your Infantile sports, listening to
your evening prayers, "toiling for you with
needle or at the spinning wheel and on
cohi nights wrapping you up sung and
warm. And then at last on that day
when she lay in the back room dying, and
you Raw her take those thin hands with
which she hud toiled for you so long, and
put them together in a dying prayer that
commended you to the God whom she hud
taught yon to trust oh, she was the
queen! The chariots of God came down
to fetch her, and ns she went in all heaven
rose up. You cannot think of her now
without a rush of tenderness that stirs
the deep' foundation of your soul, und
you feel as much a child again as when
you cried on her hip. aiuf if you could
bring her back again to speak just once
more your tinine ns tenderly as she used
to speak it, you would be willing to throw
yourself on the ground and kiss the sod
that covers her, crying: "Mother! .Moth
er!" Ah, she was the queen! She was
the queen! Now, can you tell me how
many thousand miles a woman like that
would have to travel down before she got
to the ballot box? Compared with this
work of training king and queens for
God and eternity, lww insignificant seems
all this work of voting for aldermen and
common councilmeii aud sheriffs ami con
stables and mayors and president! To
make one such grand woman as I have
described, how many thousands would you
want of those people w ho go In the round
of fashion and dissipation, going as far
toward disgraceful apparel as they dure
go, so as to be arrested by the police
their behavior a sorrow to the good and a
caricature of the vicious, and flu insult to
that 'God w ho made them women and not
gorgons, and I rumpling on dow n through
a frivolous and dissipated life to temporal
and eternal damnation?
O woman, with the? lightning of your
soul, strike dead nt your feet all these al
lurements to dissipation and to fashion!
Your immortal soul cannot bo fed upon
snclfc garbage. God calls you up to empire
and dominion. Will you have it? Oh,
give, to God your heart; give to God all
your best energies; give to God all your
culture; give to God alt your refinement:
give yourself to him, for this world and
the next. Soon all these bright eye will
be quenched, and these voices will be
bushed. For tb last time you will look
upon thi fair earth. Father's hand, moth
er's hand, sister's band, child" hand, will
no itere be in yours. It will be night, and
there will come up a cold wind from the
Jordan, and you must start Will it be a
lone woman on a trackless moor? Ah,
no! Ju will come up in that hour aud
offer his hand, and he will say, "You
stooil by me when you were well; now I
will not desert you whep ynu ar sick."
One wave of hi band, and the storm will
drop, and another wave of his hand, and
midnight shall break into niiduoon, and
another wave of hi hand, and the cham
berlains of God will come down from the
treasure house of heaven, with rolie lus
trous, blood washed and heaven glinted,
in which you will array yourself for the
marriage supper of the Lamb. And then
with Miriam, who struck the timbrel of the
Red ea, and with Deborah, who led the
Lord's host into the fight and with Han
nah, who gave her Samuel to the Ixrd,
and with Mary, who rocked Jesus to Bleep
while there were angela singing in the
air, and with sisters of charity, who bound
up the battle wounds of the Crimea, you
will, froia the chalice of God, drink to the
soul's eternal rescue.
Woman' Dominion.
Your dominion is home, O woman!
What a brave fight for home the women
of Ohio made some ten or fifteen y'.rs
ago, when they banded together and in
many of the towns and cities of that State
marched in processiou and by prayer and
Christian songs shut up more places of
dissipation than were ever counted. Were
they opem-d again? Oh, yes. But ia it
not a good thing to shut up the gatea of
hell for two or three mouths? It seemed
that men engaged in the business of de
stroying other did not know how to cope
with this kind of warfare. They knew
how to fight the Maine liquor law, and
they knew how to fight the National Tem
perance Society, and they knew how to
fight the Son of Temperance and Good
Samaritans, but when Debornh appeared
upon the scene Sisera took to his feet
and got to the mountains. It seems that
they did not know how to contend against
"Coronation" and "Old Hundred" and
"Brattle Street" and "Bethany" they
were so very intangible. These men found
that they could not accomplish much
against that kind of warfare and in one of
the cities a regiment was brought out all
armed to disperse the women. They came
down in battle array, but, oh, what poor
success! For that regiment was made up
of gentlemen, and gentlemen do not like
to shoot women with hymubooks in their
hands. Oh, they found that gunning for
female prayer meetings was a very poor
business! No real damage was done, al
though there was threat of violence after
threat of violence all over the land. I
really think if the women of the East hail
as much faith in (toil as their sister of
the West hud, and the same recklessness
of human crV'icism, I really believe that in
one month three-fourths of the grogshops
of our cities would be closed, and there
would be running through the gutter of
the streets burgundy and cognac and heid
sick and old port and schledam schnapps
and lager beer, and you would save your
fathers, and your husbands, and your
sons, first, from a drunkard's grave and,
secondly, from a drunkard's hell! To this
battle for home let all women rouse them
selves. Thank God foV our early home.
Thank God for our present home. Thank
God for the coming home in heaven.
The Home Eternal.
One twilight, after I had been plnying
with the children for some time, I lay
down on the lounge to rest. The children
said play more. Children alwayB want to
play more. And, half asleep and half
awake, I seemed to dream this dream: It
seemed to me that I was in a far distant
land not Persia, although more than ori
ental luxuriance crowued the cities; nor
the tropics, although more than tropical
fruitfulneKs filled the gardens; nor Italy,
although more than Italian softness tilled
the air and I wandered around, looking
for thorns and nettles, but I found none
of them grew there, and I walked forth,
and I saw the sun rise, and I, "When
will it set again?" and the sun sank not.
And 1 saw all the people in holiday appar
el, and 1 said, "When do they put on work-
ingniHn's garb again and delve in the mine
and swelter at the forge?" but neither the
garments nor the robes did they put off.
And 1 wandered in the suburbs, and I
said, "Where do they bury the dead of this
great city'.'" and I looked along the hills
where It would be most beautiful for the
dead to sleep, and I saw castles and town
and battlements, but not a mausoleum,
nor monument nor white slab could I see.
And 1 went into the great chapel of the
town, and I said: "Where do the poor
worship? Where a re the benches on which
they sit?" and a voice nnswereil, "We
have no poor iu this great city." And I
wandered out, seeking to find the place
where were the hovels of the destitute,
and I found mansions of amber and ivory
and gold, but no tear did I see or sigh hear.
1 was bewildered, anil I snt under the
shadow of a great tree, and I said, "What
am I. and whence comes all this?"
And at that moment there came from
among the leaves, skipping up the llowcry
paths and ncross the sparkling Waters, a
very bright und sparkling group, and when
I saw their step 1 lyiew it, and when 1
heard their voices I thought I knew them,
but their apparel whs so different from
anything I had ever seen I bowed, a stran
ger to strangers. But alter awhile, whvn
1 1 1 . v clapped their hands and shouted:
"Welcome! Welcome!" the mystery was
solved, and I saw that time had passed, I
and that eternity had come, and that God j
had gathered us up Into a higher home,
and I said "Are we all here?" And the
voices of innumerable generations answer
ed, "All here!" A ltd while tears of glad
ness were raining down our check, and
the branches of Lebanon cedars were clap
ping their hands, and the tower of the
great city were chiming their welcome, we
began to laugh and sing and leap And
shout, "Home, home, home!"
Then I felt a child' hand on my face,
and it woke me. The children wanted tc
play more. Children always want to play
Hawthorne had the Mndly face and
milliner of a village pastor. More tunu
once tie was mistaken for a preaeb
Kentucky Highway.
There Is scarcely a county In Ken
tucky that la not agitating- the question
of good roads, says the IouIsvllle Courier-Journal.
Between the counties
with good roads that are not free and
the counties with free roads that are
not good there Is not a county that Is
exactly pleased with Its condition. Not
a few counties have expended consider
able money in road building during two
or three yenrs past and judging from
current reports several of them have
paid dearly for their experience.
A good road cannot tie built over the
avenige Kentucky soil 'without either
stone or gravel. Any amount of grad
ing w ithout a stone roadbed Is not con
sidered practical In States where a
great deal of attention has been given
to road improvement. The Commis
sioner of Public Roads of New Jersey
advises the people of that State to
build no highway less expensive or
durable, than a macadam road ten or
twelve feet in width and six Inches In
thickness, and where the traffic Is
heavy the road to lie several Inches
deeper. Macadam roads of this descrip
tion are built in New Jersey at a cost of
45 cents per square yard where the Im
provements being made are no more
thiiti ninety miles from the quarry.
A great many counties In Kentucky
can obtain the necessary stone without
going outside of their borders. The
good roads movement is In Its Infancy,
and many other States are confronted
with the same problem, which Is the
outgrowth of a general desire for bet
ter transportation facilities. The State
Commission of Massachusetts hs ask
ed for more than $l,(M)n,x0 to be ex
pended In road Improvements, and more
than half the States are experimenting
for good results In the construction of
public highways. Bad roads are large
ly responsible for the tendency of the
rural classes to drift to the cities, and
with better highways the loneliness of
farm life will cease to be an incentive
toward forsaking the country for the
town. And In this connection-Kentucky
Is no exception to her sister Statep.
Pope's Work.
If good roads ever become the rule in
this cotintry as they are now the excep
tion It will be due quite as much to the
bicycle men as to any other instru
mentality. It Is the persistent labor
of Pope, the . Massachusetts bicycle
manufacturer, that the improvement
which has been made In the roads of
that State during the last three years
Is mainly due, and the effort still con
tinues. The Inspiration In all proba
bility Is business, for It is not at all like
ly that the manufacturer named Is
spending his money In the enterprise of
Improving the roads of the old Bay
Stute either for his health or as a phi
lanthropist. But no matter how selfish
hi? may be the State profits by It and
ca ii well afford to let him reap the profit
which he probably expects and has
fairly earned.
He tonnei! to Follow in the Footsteps
of Alexander the Great.
Bonaparte was a child of the Med
iterranean. .The light of Its sparkling
waters was ever In his eyes, anil the fas
cination of Its ancient civilizations was
never absent from his dreams of glory.
Ills proclamations ring with classic al
lusions, his festivals were adorned with
classic ceremony. In Infancy he had
known of Genoa, the' tyrant of his isl
n nil. ns strong in the splendid commer
cial enterprises which stretched east
ward through the Levant, and beyond
into the farther orient; In childhood he
had fed his Imagination on the histories
of Alexander the Great, and his con
quest of oriental empires; In youth he
had thought to find an open door for his
ambition, when all others seemed
dosed, by taking service with England
to share the renown of those who were
building up her eastern empire. Dis
appointed In this, lie turned with the
snnie lack of success to Russia, ni
rendy England's rival on the continent
of Asia.
It Is perfectly comprehensible that
throughout his early manhood his mind
should have occasionally reverted to
the same Ideaa The conqueror of Italy
and Austr'i lgi.'. hope to reallsie them.
Whs he not master of the two gnat
maritime common wealths which had
once shared all Eastern trade between
them? England's Intrusion upon the
Mediterranean bnsln wns a never cens
ing Irritation to all the Latin powers.
Her commercial prosperity and her
mastery of the sens nggrnvated fhe ex
asperation of France, as tlireiteult'g
even her equality In their ancient rival
ry. From the days of the first crusade
all Frenchmen had felt that, leadership
Id the reconstruction of Asia Isdonged
to them by virtue of preoccupation.
Ardent Republicans, moreover, saw
France's mission Iu the liberalizing of
the continent, and the de-parWut. of
marine under the directory stamp4
Its paper with the motto, "Liberty at
the Seas."
Imaginative forces, the revolutionary
system, aud the national ambition ail
combined to create ubiquitous enthutU
asm. To this the temperament aad
training of Bonaparte were as the sp&rk
to the tinder. It was with willing ear
that the directory heard bis first suf
gestiops alout the Venetian Isles, and
subsequently his plans for the captwa
of Malta, which was to be followed bf
a death-blow to Kngland's supremacy
In the seizure of Egypt and the dla
merubernieiit of Turkey. Century.
The Jew ish Colony in China.
It is quite possible that the conclude
of peace between China and Japan may
be the means In the near future of ut
bling some clearer light to be thrown
on the Jewish colony in China, On
of the five ports to be opened to tha
outside world is that of Kai-feng-fo
In the province where the last remnant
of the ancient Jewish settlement exists.
Since their first discovery several at
tempts have been made to open up
communlctlon with them, but so pro
nounced Is the fanaticism of the Chl
nese that all efforts In this direction
have failed. It should not now be lonf.
as a result of the complete transforma
tlon which the whole of China Is boun4
to undergo, before trustworthy Informa
tion ns to the condition of the Jews O
Kai-feng-foo can be obtained. It U.
moreover, quite within the bounds of
probability that other Jewish colonlaa,
or traces of their existence, should ba
found In the hitherto Inaccessible parts
of the Interior. The Kai-feng-foo col
ony was surely not the only one that
was formed in China, perhaps mora
than 2,0ti0 years ago. The expedition
which traveled from the Euphrates to
the Yellow River must have been very
considerable In numbers, and its his
tory, If It ever could be known, would
be sure to possess extraordinary and
romantic features. In a country so lit
erary there may be some written rec
ords both Jewish and native, which
would be of inestimable value to Jew
ish history and science. Jewish Chron
icle. Natural Philosophy.
A farmer walked up and down a block
on Griswold street a day or two ago
whistling a whistle that was apparent
ly meant for a dog. When he had look
ed up and down and around for ten min
utes a newsboy came along and qua
rled: "Whlstlin fur your dorg?"
"Yes, but I guess the critter has fot
tod fur off. I knowed he'd git lost if I
brung him in."
"Your dorg hain't lost," continued tha
boy. "Can't nobody lose a dorg. It's
you that's lost, and If you'll stand still
a few minlts he'll find you."
The farmer smiled at the boy's philos
ophy, but decided to heed it, and It
wasn't five minutes before his dog turn
ed in from Fort street and earner up to
"Didn't I tell ye?" said the boy as ha
moved on. "I don't make any charga
fur the pinter, but next time you git lost
jest take a lean agin a lamp-post and
gin yer dorg a fair show to find ye."
Free Press.
The Difficulty of Saving Money.
"Talking about saving mouey," said
a veteran millionaire last night, "it
is 100 times harder now to keep cash
in your pockets than it was when I was
a young fellow and didn't spend a cent
I tell you it's hard for them to save In
these times. Every young man wants
a bicycle, and It's mighty hard to stand
on the street and see your friends spin
ning by on wheels and not invest your
self. Again, it's a great privation for
a young fellow not to be well dressed.
The distinction between good clothes
and poor is so sharp nowadays that It
Is galling to be conspicuous by cheap at
tire. Again, there is the theater, the
excursion boat, the races and a score
of other inducements to spend money
which hardly existed In my day, and
I'm glad they didn't, for If tbey had
I honestly think I would have been a
poor man now." Buffalo Enquirer.
Goat I'aytnit Better than Sheep.
A Missouri farmer writes In an ex
change that lie finds goats profitable
for rough land filled with weeds and
bushes. He has had goats for four
years, and they have destroyed the
bushes, sumach and small persimmon
trees. His hogs have been free from
disease, while all nround him farmers
who did not keep goals lost most of
their hogs by cholera. The writer says
that the meat of young goats Is better
than mutton. The wool of sheep is now
worth so little tluil the question Is
worth thinking of whether n few goats
may not be kept with profit on rough
land ununited to cultivation In some of
the Eastern States.
Ho Sontliiiijr.
A short time ago the position of pub
lic executioner in Vienna was vacant,
and a fine looking woman of 2S applied
for the place. She said It would com
fort a man about to die to have his last
etirthly gn.i rest upon a beautiful
young woman.
Average) Aire of Marriage.
In clvlll.ed countries the average ac
at which women marry Is twenty-tore
and a half years.