The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 20, 1895, Image 7

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    WWrrt at b'Unaa U ut,t
The Assyrians had . bvl:-f tbat ir
nrr by tj jr ebanc? a drmoi, mw binj.
.-jf in a mirror h wii fright-ntd at;
h i own uglin.s and lacontineiit) i
nro, Aha ir I lirittuu people would
only hold up th mirror ot CbrUtui
ormcipai to the hosts of t-vil thing
that a?bct our city and our country
tt.ey would vanish lit gnosta at sun-nt-.
Tht-y caa riot stand tl.e light, ami
to tx strong to .cat!, the light upoi.
llietir. Wnirhnian.
Foul birath in a
discourager of af
fection. It is al
ways an indication
of jxjor health
, bad fiiventioii. To
bad digestion i
( traceable almost all
human ills. It u
ftlie starting tiint
of many very kt
ious maladies,
ftioii the healthy
action of the dige
tive orvana. the
blood depends for its richness and purity.
If digestion stops, poisonous matter ac
cumulates and is forced into the blood
there is no place else for it to go.
The bad breath is a danger signal.
Look out for it ! If you have it, or
any other symptom 'of indigestion,
take a bottle or two of l)r. I'ierce's
Golden Medical Wscoverv. It will
straighten out the trouble,' make vour
blood pure and healthy and full of nu
triment for the tissues!
Beecham's pills are for bil
iousness, sick headache, diz
ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste
in the mouth, heartburn, tor
pid liver, foul breath, sallow
fckin, coated tongue, pimples
loss of appetite, etc.. when
caused by constipation; and
constipation is the iv.ost fre
quent cause' of all of them
One of the most important things foi
everybody to lean is tfint ronstipatior
causes more than half the sickness in tin
world. especially ot women; and itcanal.
be prevented. Go bv tue hook, free at youl
druggist's, or write H .F.AlriiCo.,i65C'itna.
St., New York I'ill.i.H-t and 25 a Lox.
Ihe Greatest Medical Discover
of the Age.
Has discovered In one of our commop
rsstwe veeds a rertiejy cure every
kind df Humor, from the worst hcrofuls
down to a common Pimple.
He hai tried it in over eleven hundred
- .'-cases, and never failed except In two ;ases
thunder humor). He has now In hi
possession over two hundred certificate5
of its value, all within twenty miles ol
Bosti.n. Send postal card tor took.
A benefit Is always experienced frorr
the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war
ranted when the rigid quantity is taken
When the lungs are affected it cauel j
shooting rains, W-.e needles rising j
oii'-niiiii iiiciii, 111 s.iiiic won iiir i.i
v or
bowels. I his Is caused ty the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears in a week
al'.cr takiiiK it. ! lie label.
If the stomach Ii foul or bilious It wiU
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of dietcer necessary. Eat
the ttA you an grt, and enough of it.
Dose, one tab'espoonful in wat-r at bel
time. S IJ bv alt i mi's'i;Kts.
CombtiiMl teprlor OooHw, and I Ham For
Cheap and Cood.
C.implt IralrT In ltHf
Har Timn llwir m
M.,nr-v Book Mailec
Free, '" l
lf .f.'TH W(VTK!
Ohicuuo, III.
Send for it.
It's Free.
Every man who is diksatisfied illi
hi surroundings lm wants to litt
ler his condition in life who know
that he can do vi if given half a
chance, kliould write to J. Francis
Omaha, Neb., for a copy of a Utile
Ixmk recently issued by the l'asn-gc-r
Dcpannirnt of (lie llurlington
It is entitled "A New I'.iupire"
and contain! 32 pagtt of iiifoniiiition
about Sheridan County and the Dig
Horn ltttin, Wyoming, 1 eriiahle
land of proraike, toward which the
eye of thouunda are now hopefully
turned. f
M.. N. I'. So. 340--HS,
Vork Kiel
laM tmf jam aa the aeWarMaemei
la thf. paner.
TliouaainL of A nit-rii-unx lua't Get
I. iie liinram- lliciiaKTulincro Ilia
II. -.-troj.d 111.- Heart Action ami
Writ Weil Hie '.trvium !- ..u 111 - No-Ti-ltac
urk Many Miraclra.
I'-I.iiis .11. N. y.. J,nt- IT.- Kjiirlm-vr
1 O. N. J'..ili-s st..H. off fiiine No. 47
i w i'1' ' 'u- "il'-r 'ii e.iif Imud and a bum h
f blue tt-m. iu t. otli.r. Not a I'.v-aiaii.l.-r
t h.-r.- ...ul. lo lj, r- iiiurkin hi
(youthful, bva It by look, and active, viisor
j 'is iiim 1 iii. iii,, .mil 1 ..mrjisiiiis his hi-iiar:iii.-
wi'li Ins ou!i!ion of two
1 Ul'-lillii- ;!;;...
j "Sitj, ' 'oloiu-l. how well yon look!"
I "lis. 1 u 111 well; better thuu 1 have
, l-'!i for J eill s."
j "U' have you been do'iitf?"
I "Oh. not lucnii: No to-bae cured ine
I of the to!.,, 1 'u Imhit uml hruecd Ule meu-
li'lly and physically. In fait, made uie
a new mail in more ways than one.. I
had llo a..etite; collliln't sleei; now 1
deep like a baby and eat three times a
day with a, for the lirst time in
years. My heart action is regular and 110
longer a bur to increased life insurance.
You know throttle pulling requires a pret
ty steady nerve, and my nerves are ().
K. now. One Imix and a quarter of No-to-bae
cured me completely in ten days.,
after usinv tobae.-o forty years. No-to-bac
is sold by all druggists. I see the
'King No-to hue' on nearly every drug
gist's lounier. and made by the Sterling
Kenieily Company, of New York and
Chi'-ng,,. You ought to get one of their
little books culled 'In't Tobacco Spit
and Smoke Your Life Away,' aiu post
yourself. They send theui free to any
one that writes. It cost me !fl to get
cured, ami I spent three or four dollars a
week for If I hud failed to get
cured 1 would have gotten my money
back, as the makers guarantee three box
es to cure any case, have recommend
ed the use of No to-hae to many of the
boys on the line, and every one of them
who got the genuine article, so far as 1
know, has been cured. Is.k out, don't
let some of the imitations be nahned off
1 on you for No-to hue."
1 ne can oen rang, tne engineer climbed
up quickly 011 the footboard, stuck his
head out of the cab window, pulled the
in rot tie bait an nn h anil the big train
rolled away.
An lnapriiriat Text.
'A woman shall not jrtit on the gar
ment of a man" wai the text taken by
a I'lttaburg preacher. lie was taking
a drive at the bicycle girls, but, sayt
the Indianapolis Journal, he missed li t
mark. Bicycle bloomers are not lik
the garments of a man, or anything
else in the heaven, above or the eartt.
beneath. Their nondescript, charactci
is what makes them so funny. Undis
guised "pants" would be preferablt
from a standpoint of comeliness.
son, w hits iirtMdn.
In manicuring the hands they should
first be softened by submersion in tepit1
water, In which have been placed a few
drops of atnonla a small piece of castiit
soap. The cuticle around the nail
should then ue carefully loosened with
the little spoon-shaped Implement pro
vided for the purpose never with a
knife, the use of which is always detri
mental. The nails should be filed lute
around oval shape, avoiding the French
point, which is no ionger in vogue,
should the rough piece known as
"hangnails" appear, they Hhould be cut
away with a sharp pair of scissors, at:d
Blnatild never in any circumstances bt
lorn out. They will soon cease to bt
troublesome if the hamU are carefully
and systematically treated. The while
HpN)U wlll(.h m oftwl dlaligure the naiii
are said to be directly attributable to
physical debility. They are by no
means easily got rid of, but a little re
litu d pitch mixed with myrrh laid over
them at night and rubbed (dim the
Morning with a bit of cocoa butter .s
s id to be an elliicient agent 111 remov
ing Hiem.
A piece of pumice stone, lor remov
ing stains, .mil a good nail brush art
indispensible adjuncts of the toilet anc
i-hould be used constantly. In drying
the hands the cuticle at, the base of th
uail should be gently pushed back with
the towel which by the way shoulc
lieer be a harsh one.
A telephone wire is carried a mill
and a half without support over Laki
Wallen, between (uinten and Murg ii
the canion of St. Gallen, Switzerland
The wire is two millimeters in diam
eter. The Varailonlat,
will find in various tourist publica
tions Usued by the 1 urlington Routi
just the information he needs about
just the resorts it will pay him to visit.
Here are their names:
Hot ."springs, South Dakota.
.summer Tours in the Itlack Hills.
The Yellowstone National Park.
Y.s'rs J'ark, Colorado.
Which do you iwan ? They're i.J.
Iree. J. KltANcts,
a. 1'. X. T. A. Iiurlington Roule,
Omaha, Neb.
J'atapsco signilies black water.
Tho inventor of the hand organ has
recently died In New York, but his in
vention still survives.
How is Your Blood?
It it it poor and thin and lacking in the
1 11 tnlicr mid iiinlit.y of thop red eorpiiM
le. yon are 111 dniiiier of sii'kncii Irom
lie'ie (tertni uml the etierval i iiff elleet of
ah' in weather 1'uritV vour hlooil with
Hood's Sarsaparill
I'll" j'veiit blood puriiler uhich han proved
l mei-ii hy Areionl of cures uiieipjaled
n meiiieid hixtory. Willi pure, rich blood
,-ou will he well and itroug. Do not tii-n-1'i't
1 It in irnportaiit inntler hut take Hoods
Hraapurillu now.
Hood's Pills Kir;.!:
nrn tanleleM, uilkl, elteiitlve.
J'hnm. F. Blmiwnn, WimMnirion,
) 0. No ittt'i ff. until ;iao-iil oi
talriMl. Wrllefoi'1 Uuto..
-yrWMTrlf list fuii 1
BM Cutmh Brro. Tmim UkA Cat I
In tia il tr droiwut. f
The Case of I'oor Old Dolby Couiea I p
for Iiacuwaion.
"Ry George! Inn that' Just what I
ariM-cted!" cx-daiim-d Mr. Hir.wr, as
he liHiked up from bin paper the other
evening. "Here's ail it.-m to the i-fTt-ct
Unit the Sheriff has K-i d upon every
thing be could find iM-hoigiug to I olliy I"
"For what reason',' asked Mrs. Iluw-S'-r.
"Tor the reason that he hud nac lunl
the end of Ills rope. I've Ix-eu looking
for it for the hist tv years. lie wou't
even own the clothes on bis back. I'oor
old PoTlby, and yet I ca'i't say I pity
hi in!"
"Was U the hard times'"
"No. Not a bit of it. No, it was sim
ply his wife's extravagance. She ba
thrown bis money right and left, aud
I this la the end of it. It was a pitiful
iMH'ctaele to see that inau going to finan
cial ruin through her mud reeUlesKiiess,
but nothing could check her."
.Mrs. Itowser didn't know what was
coming, arid prudently maintained si
lence. Mr. liowscr pic ked up the paper,
lead the item again, and then said:
".Mrs. Bowser, ierh.ips I didn't praise
you as often as I should, but you can be
sure your many good .juallties are duly
"Yon praise me veravoften." nhe ro
pled as bin; looked pleased and flat
tered. "Not an often as I ought to. Take It
In this mutter of Dolby's failure, for in
stitiice. Iiu wife bus been ills finan
cial ruin. Vhilohe bus squandered ev
ery dollar he could earn, you have
helped me to save thousands. Don't
blush and net like hoolirli'l over it, but
I want to say that if It hadn't been for
your economy and good ina:iiiiiient
wo. wouldn't, have been worth cents
where we? are Worth dollars."
"Do yon-yon really mean it?" stam
mered Mrs. Itowtior.
"You bet I do! I ought to have said
so once n week for the hist ten years,
but I'm an old c,rniik about somethings.
Yes, Mrs. Bowser, you are a helpmate
In the true sense of the term, ami no
husband was ever nmre proud of his
wife. Here's 11 kiss for you, and for
give me for heiiig a menu old cur
mudgeon." When Mr. I'.owser hnd gone back to
his chair and picked up his paper Mrs
llowser realized that she ought to make
some excuse to run in mwt door or
get upstairs for an hour and wait for
Mr. Bowser's mood to change before
tiaylng what she- was obliged to say.
She hud no reasonable pr-iexi, how
ever, and hoping that things might
turn out all right sin- finally said:
"Mr, Bowser, do jmi think your coal
man gives ymi full weight';"
"Why, certainly," he replied. "Yes,
he's a sipiar man and I've 110 fault to
find. Why do you ask?"
"1 thought our coal burned out alto
gether too fast."
"Well, I (I1111110. I ligureil that we
would have enough to run through the
"But the coal Is out, Mr. Bowser!"
"V what! All that -om1 gone! You
don't rneai. It!"
"I know that cook bus been 11s saving
as she could," said Mrs. llowser, as the
color left her face, "but there Is only
enough to last to-morrow."
"Mrs. Bowser!" said Mr. Bowser, as
he stood up and glared down at her,
"what Jias become of those ten tons of
coal laid In only a few weeks ago?"
"You didn't get but two tons, and of
course they have been us"d to cook
with," she replied.
"Never! Never In this world! Kveii u
steiini saw-mill could not have Used up
such a heap of coal iu so short a time!
Thai coal has been sold -gi.-en nwiiy--lluug
Into the back yard-out Into the
tit root. If there wiHfvern morecxiniva
gant woman on the face ,f this earth
J hhould like to see her!"
'"I lie plumber has sent in his bill,"
(piletly observed Mrs. Bowser as Mr.
llowser walked up and own nud kicked
1 hassock out of his way.
"The plumber his bill! Why has a
plumber sent me n bill?"
"Why, I told you about that leaking
water pipe two weeks ago, and you told
me to have the plumber on the corner
come over and solder It. The bill Is
only SM) cents."
"Ninety cents for soldering up a leak
no larger than a pin!" whooped Mr.
Uowner. "I'll see tbat plumber plump
Ut the other side of Texas before 1 pay
it.' Did you prr:1ei-t'f Do) you I'll
him it was a w indle'; Did you declare
bis biU hitch vi ay robls ry''"
"Of course not. That shows your In
terest in your hushaud's H koiljik! If
be had handed In a bill for s"i you
Wouldn't have said a word! And now,
Mrs. Bowser, how did that piie come
to leak ?"
"Something caused It to give way, I
"Kxactly-something caused It to give
way. but what? Did some one go dwu
cellar and swing on that water pipe
and seek to pull ivlooKi-y Did some one
strike it w ith the ax or jab it with the
crow bar?"
"Don't he foolish, Mr. Bowser. I might
as well tell you that the glass in the
back kitceu door was broken several
days ago."
"It was, eh!" gasped Mr. Bowser as
he sat down on the edge of a chair and
looked at her. "Some one, In order to
spite her husband and add to the load
he Is staggering under, walked up to
that door with a rolling pin and delib
erately smashed out a 17 pane of
"A man offered to replace It for 70
cents, and It was broken hy a gust of
wind slamming the door. The gill bad
Just called to me to come down and
look at her tubs, when "
"Mrs. Bowser,, are you going to tell
me that anything is wrong with those
tubs?" Interrupted Mr. Bowser as he
stood up again.
"The w aste pipe in one of them seems
to be clogged."
"Seems -to - be -clogged! That means
that some person has gone down there
and taken the poker and ra.nmed and
Jammed and pounded the dish-cloth
Into the mouth of the pipe! It menus
another visit from the plumber -another
bill for $15 -a tear-up of all the
pipes and drains about the house!"
"I think it Is only a piece of soap
which will soon dissolve,' explained
Mrs. Bowser
"Yes, you think, but what does your
thinking amount to In the face of facts?
You couldn't think of any other way to
bring me to the poorliouse, and so you
jam a dish-clolh Into a drain-pipe!
When you were at it why didn't you
blow up .the range wllh gunpowder,
explode the gas meter, smash all the
windows in the house, and 'give the fur
niture to soum old tramp?"
"Mr. Bowser, can I help it. If the coal
burns out, and the water pipes burst!",
protested Mrs. Bowser. "When the
grate burned out of the range the other
day was I in any manner "
"And so the grate has burned out of
the range again!" he Interrupted. "'1 hat
Is r.15 limes In the last year-a little
less than once in two days! livery time
that grate lias burned out !t has cost
me $7 to replace it! Is it any wonder
that I go around so dead broke that I
can't buy a bone collar-button? of nil
the reckless, extravagant-, foolish wom
en I ever heard of, you take Ihe cake!
Great Scott, but just think of It over
a thousand dollars in the past week for
coal, glass and water-pipes in this
"I'm sure it Is not tii.y fault. I try to
do the very "
"Yes. you try to bankrupt me! You
have 1.,.n Irving for the hist twenty
years, ami you have finally succeeded!
We are bankrupt! We are paupers'
To ne mTow we shall not have a roof
over fill' hoids! If I can save oveu ten
cents from the wreck you may have it
mid go liome to your liioiher, while I
will start life over again. Mrs, Bowser,
I'm going upstairs to figure, and you
enn sit here and gurgle and giggle and
chuckle over the way you have ruined
a once happy home, ami brought a kind
and liberal husband to the grave of
bankruptcy, (iood-night. deluded woman-good
night!" Detroit, free Press.
The MMdlc-AKeil Man.
"My wife," said the middle-iiged man,
"intends to all household affairs. She
buys all the food .supplies, and I simply
eat what Is provided and am grateful.
I put up the money and she pays; and
I rarely see the bills. But I did hnppen
to see a milk bill the other day, aud I
was amazed to see that there was no
cow' on it
"When I was a boy every milk bill
bad a cow on It. Milk bills In those
days were made out on printed blanks
about the size of a bank check or a
draft, aud there was always a cow,
usually a cow of pensive demeanor, In
one corner In rummaging over old pa
pers I have come across hundreds of
milk bills, and every one of them bail
a cow on it. I should scar.-ely have
Imagined that a mill; bill would be. val
id without one.
"But this bill Is Just a straight-ahead
ordinary bill, with no cow, for so many
ipiurts of milk, like a bill of any other
merchandise: and. though there is no
cow on Ihe bill they tell me we never
hud better milk. So I suppose the doing
away with the cow is simply a doing
away with so much surplusage, uml
that the modern milk bill only marks)
the bringing of the milk supply h;!o
line with modern business methods. But
I miss the cow. Aias! poor cow." New
York Sun,
Mail f-iibsh'.cs of Different Nations,
France pays .ri.'.'il,iNMi a year in mail
subsides for voyages amounting to 1,
1U..ih si;a leagues; Kugbind pays S,",
iHHi.tKin for 1..Viii.ihsi leagues; the i'nltod
Stales .V!,1U" for s:,.nx leagues;
Spain, 1.!i,iii,inki for :;i,ihhi leagues;
Italy. If 1. sm ),(ii Mi for .'U.iKill leagues;
Germany, if 1.2isi,(mnc for ;;s",ihiii leagues
and Austria $1,1."ii,ihhi for -ISii.ihmi
leagues, 4
Doctors In Turkey.
It Is said that the few doctors In
Turkey live In Constantinople. The
women are the doctors for the poor,
making use of roots and herbs. Their
methods are somewhat heroic, as they
believe no cure can be effected without
Absolutely Pure
Jua Hull's StoniHeh
An extraordinary discovery was
made in the stomach of a fish of the
ling species at a Liverpool wholesale
market the otherday. The fish weighed
fifteen pounds, and In its stomach were
two smooth cobblestones weighing over
Ave pounds, which had evidently been
used as sinkers for a deep sea fishing
line. The fish, so far as could be seen,
did not appear to have suffered from
the presence of Bucb a weight in its
It is said that the mother of Charhr
Darwin had a decided taste for ail
branches of natural history.
Weber, the musical composer, had a
musical mother who found pleasure in
the gems ot classical music.
Confucius commands children to rev
erence and to obey their parents, and
especially to love their mothers.
JJeecher once said; "The memory of
my sainted mother is the brightest rec
olection of tny early years.
The tiny steel and jet buckles, which
have been used for a year now, will not
be so much the rage this spring, al
though they will be seen on some gowns.
The swagger Miss now wears at her
belt a new style of scent bottle. It is
a spray affair that wort8 by pushing
down a little knob, Instead of a rubber
Sapphires, rubies, diamonds and other
gems are bored with a drilling appa
ratus which makes holes one-thousandth
of an Inch in diameter, the
smallest holes known to modern ma
chinery. The very latest thing, in pretty boxes
for weddii g-cake which is to be sent
to friends out of town, is the heart
shaped box, which is a "creation" of
the very daintiest lace-paper, white
ribbon and pasteboard that one can
tr P
2? x H
What difference does the quantity, make, after all? If you
spend five cents or ten cents or a dollar for an aid to washing,
don't you want the thing that will give you the most work,
the best work, and the most certain safety for that amount ot
money? That thing is Pearline.
Clonal Peddlers and some nnsrnirmious erncers will tell you " this is as good as"
OCilU cr " tlie same a.. 1 .at-iic." J "S l'AI.SS Pearline is never y "died,
hr 1 and if your grocer sends vou vompthimr in place of Pcnrime, bt
5a.CK hone- -W it hack. ' AMF.S PVI.R, New YoTfc,
' All "SffiHItJ
It's all rHit to let the
little pills have an e;
introduction to
It will not only make their clothes clem: but when iu bite years the cares
of the household' come they will know bct how to meet them. There
are a great mail y women who have learned a lesson of economy and
cleanliness by the use of Santa Claus. Sold everywhere. Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank Company, - Chicago.
SeMftOIIHllle Su j. Kp. 1 tolifl.
The up toe' ate itinerant ice crpara
man has live or six ibivois in his pusii
cart. New Haven Palladium.
The sound of the lawn mower it
heard in the land, but the man wb
pushes it sings low.
Tali prospect is that persons who like
hot weather will have a large amount
of enjoyment this year.
The days are almost H hours long
now, excepting on a farm. There
tney are 32 hours long, or seem to be.
A brass button, sixteen needles ani
four small silver coins were swallowed
by an Insane man in an asylum at
Gloucester, Eng., and caused his death.
A tidy young fellow dwells in Saco,
Mo. When he goes to see hi gi-1, h
carries a shoe-brush witli him, and oa
her door-step halls while he gives hi
slioes a finishing touch.
Short sentences drawn from a long;
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price 75 cents.
An electric railw iy mail service has
been inaugurated between I'ottsvtlle
and Minersville, Pa. Three mails are
carried daily.
I'iso's Cure is n wonderful Cough niedt-e.iie-.
Mrs. W. l'i kkkt. Nan Sielen and
Hlnkevvea., llrooklvn, N. Y., (Jet. 20, 'U4.
His expected that some time this
year the tow-lii.e mule will be succeed
ded by the trolley along the canal be
tween Syracuse and Buffalo, X. Y.
Mrs. Winslow'K S.-oiHiNn SYlitn- for child
ren tcethinc. softens Ihe kiohs. reuuees inllera
mation, tthwys Fitiin.rhn- witui colic. :;c bottlo.
Paradoxical though it- sounds, aa
electrical ian tint is used cooling (ha
atmosphere in summer will also in
crease the warmth of a room in winter.
Whicn have
you an eye to,
quantity or quality, when you buy
something to make washing easy?
If it's quality, you want Pearline,
In effectiveness, in economy, and
above all inits absolute harmless-
no matter how or where yoji
use it, there s nothing to com
pare with this, the first and only
- compound.
1. , '.i'
.0 1 L. L
1 1
A 1 . 1
r V