The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 20, 1895, Image 6

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A ftrl should lesru to make a i-I,
T bake b.scail. cake ai.d;
To handle (lrf!i.v brub aid broom,
And neatly till up a room.
A girl should leara t. dr-s ni'li speed;
And bold tight laeiug 'gaiust her creed;
To buy her shoes to tit ber feet;
la fact, above all vain deceit.
A girl should learn to keep her word.
To spread no farther gossip heard,
tloiue or abroad to be at eat.
try her best to cheer auJ please.
A girl should h-aro to sympathize,
Tale reliant, atrouv. au l wise,
ToAvery patient,
-atle !.
Aad always truly
A girl should learu to fondly hold
Tr worth of value more than gold;
Accomplished thus with teuder mien.
Beiga, crowned with love, home's cher
ished tJU'-ell.
New Orleans Picayune.
The great soll
1 full of re-
OOR U'tle Janet:
tary house ni'iih
echoes -the shadows
clung darkly to the room
adopted father had lied
diiKioed. without, singiiu
re her I
perches, and even the tropic fetus and
white blossomed gardenia in 'he con
servatory made her think, with
thru shudder, of the wreath they had
Just laid upon his coffin lid.
He was dead, the kind, silvercd
hair.'d old man whom she had h.v.-d
i tenderly, and she was a'.l alone in
She world.
-Well, Miss Janet." said Mrs. I'arqti
tarson, the hard featured Scotch
hi in so-keeper, meeting the pale, heavy
eyed little girl, as she watch-red for
kiruly about, the deserted rooms, "what
. r you jiolns to do now V"
"I)p?" Janet Amory hn.ked vaguely
at her. "What shall I do. Mrs. I'arqu
harson? I shall go on with my music
aud I HUpMse. after a little;
and I'll begin that course of Knglish
hist.ry that rm le Lthau always wish
ed me to undertake. I've alw ays dread
ed Uollin and Hume, but now it will
ws-tu." the (jtilck tears starting In her
. "is if it were doing something
ir Lim."
Mrs. Kaninharson looked rather curi
ously at Iter.
"Miss Janet." she said, "don't you
know? Haven't they told you?"
-Told me what. Mrs. I"ai(uhars. T j
"That you've no more right here than
I have. That your adopted father was
bo rear relative to you. That you must
gf away."
"Yes, I know." said Janet, solemnly.
""Ve were not related. Hut I'nflle
Clbuu always told me I should be pro
Tided for in his will, just the same as
If I were his own daughter."
"Child! there is no will."
"He said he should make one!" said
Janet, still calmly assured that her
L'ncle Ethan, as she had called the
td man. would never leave his little
onset lamb to the mercies of this cruel
"And 1 don't doubt," said the house
keeper, "that he Intended to make one.
But he failed to do so."
Janet ked puzzled. Poor child!
ahe. knew as little of the legal machin
ry of the world as she did of the
lajascrit alpbaliet.
"Even then." she said, "how can all
Ai affect us?"
-The property all goes to the heir-at-law,
don't you see?" said Mrs. Farqu-
katson. impatleutly.
"And 1?" gasiwd Janet
"Yon have nothing." was the reply
-But." hesitated the poor girl, "what
tm. I to dor
"That's vour lookout," said the Scotch
woman, brusquely.
"I have no right in this house?" fal
lered Janet.
"Except as the heir-at-law chooses to
How you to stay here," Mrs. Farqu
karson replied.
-And the money I gave the lame beg
pir at the door yesterday?"
"It wasn't yours to give."
-And the new mourning that Madame
Doyle is making for ine?"
"Weil." said Mrs. Fanmharson.
a0Ul.lIUU.V. 1 suppose no- rsii.o- wit.
pay for it. but legally, they are under
-obligations to do so."
Si the drawing-room ds.r she met a
(erwanit with a card on a silver tray.
WAva her imagination, or did the man
realljr Jook at her with eyes of con
empuns pity, as she took up the
Mini a-mi read the uame of "Mrs. Otto
"i, r brightened, her heart gave
n tip ward throb.
"Why didn't I think of her before?"
she asked herself. "Charlie Carts-J,
croofce asked me to marry him week be
fore hist. She will give me a home un
til I have one of my own. I -I don't
think 1 care much for Charlie Caris
brooke, but I must do something or go
somewhere at once, It seems."
Mrs. Cari.-brooke was a plump, sim
pering young matron, in a seal Jacket,
aiamond eardrops and a French hat, all
wisebuds and blonde. ' She was "so
.it' for dear Janet;" she hoped there
was some provision made; It was "so
wnfortisuate." sne said, "that this' sad
srvenl should happen just at the begin
ning of the ball season. And now. If
darling Janet wouldn't consider her In
trusive, what were her plana for the
Janet lifted her Targe, tear-dlmmed
eyes to Mrs. Carisbrooke' face.
"I was thinking." she said, "of com
ing to you, Mrs. Carisbrooke, for the
Mrs. Carisbrooke recoiled a little,
the had beard there was no will.
"Of course." said she, "1 should have
kwn delighted, only Mr. Carlsbrooke's
lstetn, from Omaha, have Just arrived,
to ape-D the winter with me, and I
kars't a spare chamber lu the house.
Dew Charlie, too-but. peruana you're
: ant feaMtf of hit engagement to Mlaa
. r ,'-J, & braktra daughter."
Janet colored high.
-He atke l me t umrT7 bin not a
fortnight a.;..." said sue, quickly.
"h. yes. I know!" ,JJ 'St-. Caris
brooke. "Hut you refuel him. dear,
you recolle. 1 7"
"No, 1 uid nut," (.aid Janet: "1 only
asked time to consider b's proposal."
"Oh, well. It amounted b the same
thing!" said Mrs. Carisbrooke, glibly.
"At least, he uuderst'od It so. And
Miss Ooldthred was very mueb ii love
with him, and It s a very desirable
niati'h all round. P.y the war. my dear,
Mrs. IT-iekett has Just lost her eompan-lon-and
I was thinking what a very
delightful situation It would be for
Janet Aoiory bit her 1!.
"I do not regard it in that l;inb(t,'"
said she. "To 1 a drudge to the wlrtm
and caprices of a deaf, ill tem-rel old j
woman, at ten dollars a nioittn
Mrs Carisbrooke rose up with a toss
of the rosebuds and blonde.
"Really, my dear' said she. "it is
your business to conquer this false
of yours ;! by. Pray com-
ine' if I can be of auv service."
"Stuck up little minx." said she to
hers. lf. "As if Charlie were going to
many a beggar out of the streets! For
that is exactly w hat she Is. in spite of j
all her airs and graces."
Poor Janet, left alone iu the j
sib li.-e of the great draw iug-room,
burst into a passion of tears. I
"111 go to Mr. Moneybags, the bank j
d'uvnor" thought she. "He always 1
used to say he loved me tike a child cf
j his own
what to
He will at has; advise ine!"
j Janet put on hej sail Utile crai- hat
j with its thick o1l and its buckle of jet.
aud bade Michael, the coachman, drive
her to the bank. Mr. Moneybags re-i
ceived hei with a cold nod, as he j
glanced at his watch.
"Very sorry." said he, "but I've only
five minutes to spare. A most unfortu
nate thing. Colonel Ethan's dyjng w it it
out a will. P.ut Colonel Ethan uever
was a business man."
"I was thinking " lwgan wx.r Ja
net, with a failing heart.
"I dare say I dare say," said Mr.
Moneybags, hurriedly. "Sorry I've no
time Just at present Accept my best
wishes. Wheeler, show Ui the gentle
man from Nevada."
Once more Janet found herself re
buffed. Alas! what a wide gulf lay
stretched between the rich heiress of
yesterday and the penniless girl of to
day! She was walking quietly home cry
ing softly behind her thick crei veil,
when James AldricU came up to her
side honest James Ahlrlch, whom she
had liked and laughed at, and who
had surprised bisr ' much, six months
lH'fore, by telling her that he loved her.
As If she oared for James Aldrieh, wh
couldn't waltz like Charlie Carisbrooke,
nor sing baritone solos like Paul Ko
mayne, nor quote ps-try like Claud Ne
ver. Aud yet there was somelblnK
lovable about James Aldrlch, after all.
"Janet" said he, "you are hi trouble.
Can I help you?"
"No!" she cried out, passionately.
"No one can help me. No one cares for
me any more now."
"I do!" said James Aldrieh, quietly
drawing her arm within his. "Little
Janet stop crying. Trust your future
to uie. I've Just got an appointment to
a good place lu the custom house and
when the letter came, Janet I thought
of you. Oh, my darling! my darling! I
hare loved you so dearly all these
years! Only promise to be mine, and
I solemnly swear to you that you shall
be sheltered from all life's siornis, so
far as my fa;th and love can shelter
She looked tip at him through her
tears. How good and noble he was!
How irue aud constant! Why had she
never known him befure, as he really
was? Aud then she put her cold little
hand in his.
"James," said she, "I am not half
good enough for you, but "
"Let me be the Judge of that," said
he, with an Infinitely contented air.
They walked home together, discus
sing the relative merits of "flats" and
country cottages, Irish and German
j an(, ,b.ap Mty,e( ,)f furrjUulu Fr
they had decided thatlt was best tQ lie
married at once, and go housekeeping
in a small way.
On the drawing room threshold, Mr.
Tapley, the lawyer, met them with an
excited face.
."Miss Amory." said he. scarcely paus
ing to greet young Aldrieh, "allow me
to congratulate you."
"Thanks," Janet answered, rather
coldly, as she wondered how Mr. Tapley
had already lecoiue cognizant of her
"The most unexpected thing In the
world!" cried the lawyer.
"Yes," said Janet; "I think myself that
It was rather so."
"How did you hear of It?" said Mr.
"Just what was going to ask you,"
replied Janet, with a faint smile. "We
have only been engaged half an hohr."
"Oh!" said Mr. Tapely. "H'm! ha:
you allude to ahem! a matrimonial
engagement. In that case I may also
congratulate this young gentleman,"
wringing poor James Aldrlch's hand
until the. knuckles cracked. "Hut I am
speaking of Colonel Ethan's will, found
iu au bid tin box, with a quantity of
papers which we were about to burn
as useless. And which prepare your
self, my dear young lady constitutes
you the sole heiress of his large prop
erty." And so Janet's troubles were over at
last and Charlie Carisbrooke, who
didn't marry Miss Goldthred, after all,
lost his chancea with the heiress aud
Mrs. Otto'a name was stricken remorse
lessly off her visiting list and the great
Ethan account was withdrawn from
Mr. Moneybags bank. And no one
waa quite satisfied except James Aid
rich and bla Jiappy little wife. London
VMTL'C 1 L? ll " M I1 I 1 I V
JMJlLo UA LULL A 1 ll' .
Hhort-SitfbtediMM la Often Caused by
1'oortj Printed Tet-Bioka-Public
SsbooU t-hould lie Kept Free from
I'olitita-t'or jMjral Punishment.
How Kyea Are Injured.
Prof. E. W. Scripture, of the psycfio-l..gk-al
department of Yah; I'lilverslty,
has been Investigating a subj.-ct that
will Interest every parent lu the land
who has a child lu the Some
time ago it occurred to him that it
would be a good plan to lit) 1 out w hy
there was so mucU shortsightedness
ju ,1C t,jidreu who are attending the
public schools, and other schools for
that matter, and the result of that line
of investigation will be soui-thlng of
a revelation to the father and moth
ers in this country who have little on
iu the institutions of learning,
In a word. Prof. Scripture lei-lares that
out of every Pm cases of shortsighted
ness more than ninety cases are the re
sult of school work. A repr -seutatlve
or ntt .ew lork t ime.s caneu on i rr.
! Scripture re -ently. and in answer to a
tminls'r of qiicsiious on this subject
the professor said:
"spectacle dealers are very servlce-
able to hun anity. yet I propose that
the parents and teachers of the laud
ls'ticvotetit boycott to drive
ousmcts. i oom mean 10
boycott the dealers di!;- tly. but to lioy-
cott t ho bad eyes by which weivethein
"Io you know why you wear glasses
for shortsightedness? Hid H ever is-eiir
to you that Motiichttdy is to blame for
all the shortsightedness In this world?
It seems a strange and ilmost incivdi-
ble statement that with a few very
rare exceptions, all the shortsighted
ness In the world has been manufac
tured by man himself, yet this is the
truth. Manufactured! Yes, manufac
tured by those who had charge of our
childhood's days. Our parents, our
teachers, our guardians, and our play
mates' are the persons to whom we owe
the Ireparable Injury of the teaut!ful
eyes that God gave us all. Manufac
tured! Y'es, manufactured by our early
sHrts. by or early lessons at home,
by the occupations of the kindergarten,
by vicious school books, aud so on.
"I have a couple of children for whose
education I must Iwgln to provide; they
new! and must have something to do;
they must have books and toys and
school. In a short time the school days
must begin. P.ut can I, as a father, send
them to the schools for which we pay
so much, when I know the chances of
ruined eyes? Can I trust them to teach
ers who will oblige them to use bad
books yes. 'bud' books, for a Isiok that
ruins the eyes is Just as bad as a book
that corrupts the morals? Who Is to
blame for this diltlcuity? Not the pub
lisher; he makes books to -sell, and will
make whatever the school authorities
will buy. Not the boards of education;
they are busy men of the world, and,
of course, have knowledge of the safe
requirements for the eyes. Not the
superintendents, principals and teach
ers; they have had no Instruction on the
subject, and know no better. Are the
normal schools and training schools
to blame? They are supposed to tench
all things necessary 'or school work,
but they are apparently ign .runt on
this as well as many other subjects
"What Is the caus of shortsighted
ness? It is the amount of work near the
rye w hich we do during early life, and
this Is miiluly school work. The child's
eye is very soft The strain of near
work causes the eye to lengthen, and it
does not recover from this lengthening.
"I cannot on this occasion discuss the
extensive and careful Investigations
which prove that shortsightedness Is
due to school work. The results maku
It thoroughly safe and reliable to say
that out of every I'M) cases of short
sightedness more than ninety cases are
the result of school work. I also cannot
relate the great disadvantages f,f short
sightedness nud the evils that follow
tiKin It; the oculists and physicians can
tell the story belter than I can. More
hit, I will pass over for the present
certain crime.', of the kliidru-nrtn. al
though when I think or the little ones
now belie,' mined all over the country
I cau hardly justify my conscience in
keeping still. AH small objects and fine
worU must be held n.-ar the eyes. In or
der to le seen. Consequently all fine
work Is a direct Inducement to short
sight edness.
"P.ut the books lu the school -are
they dangerous? I will let each parent
answer the question himself. et to
gether the books your child uses In
school. Now, I will give you the meas
urements for tne worst dook to is? ai-
lower" In any school. If you have one of
the ordinary steel measures uavd bf
I '""" jou cau uiaie ill measure
, yourself; I Qiaii the steel rule
(that marked in sity fourth of aD
IncL. :siuireineiits to ! met
of si.iallt-st V at leant I P. Inch; thick
ues of lim in u.' at least 1-1' inch;
liis.ain-e between letters, at !eu-l S im
inch; spai-e between lines, at hast 1 l'l
inch; length of Hue, at most 4 Inches.
"I picked up a few school lx ks the
other day. Among them was a primer;
tyite fairly gixnl for little children, but
under the different exercises were lines
in thiu Italics, whk-h were trylug even
to my own eyes. Italics should 1 abso- J
iutcly forbidden to children under 10
veara of age anyway. Should not the
cons-'ietje-e of the lady author trouble
her for the eyes she has ruined? A le
ginner's reading lss.k; the very first les
son starts out with fearfully rUie-iined
Italics, type not half big enough for the
little eyes. An elementary arithmetic,
the same one I had when a schoolttoy;
lest tyi? lu the lsK.k Just comes up to
the hast requirements for the worst
tssiks lu the highest grades; more than
half the ls.k is in smaller tys; and as
for the minutely printed imumI ns and
the complicated fractions heaveu pre
serve our eyes! And so on; worse and
worse they grow. Compare csiecially
your children's ge .grv.hie with the
specimeu. Shoi tsightediiots - it Is the
blackmail we pay to carcl -ss publish
ers and Ignorant school nutli .rl'.ies for
the sjike of getting an el teat ion."
The Public Schoola.
They must be kept free from the In
fluence of politics. I frankly state that
I, for one. would uot send my boys to
a public school unless I believed the
school to be a gis.d one. W hatever j
other motives may Influence parents,
there is no doubt that many are annual
ly deterred from Rending their boys to
a public school by the conviction that
the education offered to their sons in
return for taxes Is Inferior to what can
be obtained by private ci.n ract. Though
a father may be desirous to have his
boys understand early the theory of
democratic equality, he may well hesi
tate to let them remain comparatively
Ignorant In order to Impress upon them
this doctrine. In this age, when so
much stress Is laid on the Importance
of giving one's children the best educa
tion possible, It seems too large a price
to pay.
Why, after all, should a citizen send
hi boys to a school provided by the
State If better schools exist In the
i.elghlKirhood which he can afford to
have them attend? Therefore If the
State Is desirous to educate the sons
of IU leading citizens it ought to make
sure that the public schools are second
to none In the laud. If It does not It
has only Itself to blame If they are
educated apart from the sons of t!io
masses of the population. Nor is it an
answer to quote the I-ourth of July
orator, that our public schools are sec
ond to none In Die world; for one has
only to Investigate to be convinced that
both as regards the method of teach
ing and as regards ventilation, many
of them all over the country are signal
ly Inferior to the school as It shonld
be, and the school, both public and
private, as It Is In certain localities.
So long as school boards and commit
tees, from the Atlantic to the Pacific,
are composed of political aspirants
without experience iu educational mat
ters, und who s.-ek to serve as a tirst
or second step toward the White House,
our public schools are likely to re
main only pretty good. Scrlbuer's
Past. me of Parisian Swelldom.
"A white terrier belonging to the
Cotiitesse de Hreteuil had on white doe.
skin leggings the other morning In the
Pols when It was muddy, and." writes
Vogue's Paris corresKiident, "I count
ed five different -onts. all being cm
broldeied with heraldry, on one fat
pug In one day during a stay at ltlar
ritz last summer. Another sight there
was a small, elegant perambulator,
wheeled by a ptige. In which was a
black KKlle with two squeaking pup
pies, all three curled, berlbtwmed and
batigled in the very latest mode. In
credible as It tuny seem, some have
complete wardrobes, with flannel night
shirts and other underclothing. Count
ess Mcnsdorff. 1 well known Austrian
grande dame, wits In the habit of serv
ing the meals of her four dachshunds In
the daintiest silver and china on n low
table, around which the four little
black-and-tan creatures sat like babies
In cushioned chairs. Napkins were tied
around their necks and two maids,
with white aprons and caps, whose sole
duty It was to look after the quartet,
fed them on chicken, sweei breads,
game, consomme, aud custards. The
Countess had visiting cards for her
dogs, on which were Inscribed the fol
lowing names; Count Aleck Mensdorft,
Countess Ma ben Menadorff, Count Hob
Mensdorft and Couritewt Tiny Meua-
t dorC'
Hint on the Cultivation of t he Caator
Oil Bran A Convenient Butter-Making
Pevice- How to Flaht Vi'eeda
To Prevent rimut in Out.
Cator-Ht Hran Culture.
Light sandy loam soil, with a sub
Ktriutiiui of clay. Is the best land for
castor beaus, says a w riter in the Amer
ican Agriculturist The ground is brok
en well, as for corn, and rows laid off
six feet apart Hctweeu every seventh
row an interval of six feet Is left to
admit the passage of a horse and slide
when the In-aiis are being gathered.
Hefore planting, tjie seeds are soaked
over night In lukewarm water. The
'"s' il'.1 -'
iLr TL IM'
AsTole III. 11. A NT.
hills are six feet iipfvrt, and six weds
are droplie'l In every hill. When the
young plants have become too large for
tlie cutworm, which Is their deadliest
enemy, they are thinned out until only
two are left In each hill. It Is neces
sary to keep the crop clean, hrst with
the plow, then w ith the cultivator, and
now and then the Ins; Is used to draw
a little soli around them. No work Is
necessary after the plants have attain
ed a height of two feet, unless after n
long rain the earth is loosened with a
cultivator. The lieans ripen In late July
and early August. After the ripening
a horse aud slide are brought into play
and driven between the rows, when the
pod bearing spikes are clipped off. They
are gathered when the pods turu a
chocolate color, lest the beans pop from
the pods and be lost, and hauled to the
bean shed. This Is much like the old
time threshing floor, twenty or thirty
feet square, well exposed to the sun.
On this well cleaned floor the spikes
are spread and turned over until all
the beans have dropped out Then the
husks are scraped away, the beans
fanned and winnowed .of chaff, and
bagged. A new supply Is then gath
ered, since the plants continue to bear
and mature their seeds until frost a
jieriod of several months. An oien
shed Is better than an unprotected floor,
as the beans would be ruined by get
ting wet. The average yield Is twenty
to thirty-five bushels per acre, and one
bushel of si-ed yields from six quarts
to a gallon of castor oil. The crop Is
fairly profitable In Missouri and Kan
sas, and has brought good returns wher
ever raised. While It may do well over
a large portion of the Central West
the market for the lieans Is compara
tively limited, the crop going largely to
the castor-oil factory" it St Inils.
llomc-Made Wiiifon Jucks.
Two wagon Jacks are shown in the
cut, l-'lg. 1 being made of two three
Inch oak Is.ards (A) Isdted together at
the top with a small piece for a filler
at the top iI5i of als.ut two or three
Inches. The lever ') Is two feet long
and two and sme-hnlf wide and ex
tends about six Inches through the up
right A. Put a bolt through the hoards
A and lever C; then take any kind of
smiMith wire and make the rod I) and
you have a very strong Jack, lig 1! Is
a very handy buggy Jack and easily
made. (Jut a loard the desired height
from the ground n little below the axle
of the buggy, as shown alsive. l'arin
and Home.
Harrowing !atiirc.
There are many old pastures which
can te much Improved by harrowing
with a forty-tooth drag that will cut
Into the surface soli. This will admit
air to.placcs covered by moss, and en
able the grass to grow more vigorously.
Of course some of the rsits of the grn-.i
will Is? destroyisl; but the stirring of
the soil will make more grow In their
place. If there Is much moss on the sur
face k will require utiderdriilnlng to
remove stirpbis water to make a per
manent Improvement
Keep Aheud of tbe Weeds.
There Is only one economical way
to tight weeds that Is, to k-ep ahead of
them. When they are Just breaking
through the ground, says the Agricul
turist, they cau be alaughtured with
less labor than at any other time. That
Is the time to take them In hand. A 'Ut
ile later aud the work will be doubled.
To many overlook this fact. In many
towns 5 per rent, off Is allowed on all
taxea paid befort oarulo date, and
4J s J
men hustle to pay their tax and save
that five per cent A much larger per
cent, off Is s t-ured by the uiau lw
takes the weeds in season, one .-an t-
over a garden with an Iron rake when
the weeds are Just breaking ground,
and lu an hour's time accompli.1! won
ders. A week later he will have to
take his hoe and laboriously cut cut
cut. Aud even then he doesn't destroy
half as many of the roots of wtwli a
he would have done week befors
with tl rake. Neglecting the weeds
Is somthlng one simply cannot afford.
Preventing Hmut in Oata,
It Is now considered as a settled fact
that the smut of oats may be Absolute
ly prevented by treating the -el ac
cording to the Jeoseu plan, says Hoar's
Halryman. This Is simply to Immerse
the scm1 ots in hot water for a short
1 1 in-, by which every smut Is de
stroyed and a crop free from disease
is Insured. No expense ts Involved and
but slight lals.r. All that Is to Is- done
Is to souk the seed oats about ten min
utes In water at a temperature of near
ly 111 degiv- -not much more or less
-and I heif spread them where lliey can
drain and dry as rapidly as possible.
Pse a thermometer to insure the right
temperature, which may be regulated
by adding hot or cold water, us Is re
quired. An Kconomtcal Kntflnc.
The experience and observation of
the writer enables him to recoiiiHH i,d
the hydraulic ram, when- condition
are suitable, as one of the most econom
ical and etiicleiit aud durable engines
ever Invented, says the Eco-iomist. At
an orlghw'l cost of il'j wajer may b?
brought to the hoiise from a spring IV)
yards distant up an elevation of many
feet. If there Is a spring which will
keep mi inch and a half drhc pipe
full, iiml a fall of from six to ten feet
can be hail, a reliable and practically
permanent water supply may be car
ried a distance of ;ri.iii 150 to .'ioo
yards and elevated fifty to lm feet
There Is a rain which can 1- driven by
branch water and pumps the spring
water, and in that en' practically the
whole spring supply chu !c utilized.
The "Jcrcy Huhy."
This Illustration represents an ordi
nary Jersey milK jug convene.! iiimi a
churn. It Is fitted with a view gla
am! made air tight by a simple arrange
ment of the lid. When suss-iided, M
shown In the cut. It w ill sw ing with a
range of several Inches, and although
It has no Internal beaters or dashers It
will make butter In from five to ten
minutes. Of course, a device so small
as this Is not Intended for making but
ter In great quantity, but as much as
five jKiunds may lie made In It readily.
The Illustration Is taken from Cassell a
Out Meal for Young Chickens.
Whole oats are not the liest feed for
hens that are laying. They are not
concentrated enough, nnd wheat
which contains much the same ele
ments of food as does the grain of the
oat. Is much better. Hut for young
chicks there is no better f.ssl than
ground oats sifted so as to take out
the coarser chaff, and made into a
cake. This will lie eaten readily, and It
wil make the young fowls ?row thrift
ily, even while producing fenthers,
which Is always the most critical peri
od of their grow th.
Cayenne Pepper for Hpnrrow.
To kill sparrows, put cayenne pep
per In the crevices of buildings they
Infest. Or support a long aud widu
plank by a stake, scatter grain under
It, and when the spnrrows are busily
Kiting pull the stake away by means
of a string, ami the heavy plank dead
fall will kill the sparrows. Other will
quickly return to take their place.
Many believe the English sparrow
does more good than harm.
Docs Not Alwiiya Puy to Clear Land.
A great deal of .time has been speut
digging and blasting rock from which
labor the furnier bus not received ten
cents a day, says the New England
Farmer. Sometimes It pays to clear off
the very rocky fields, but more often It
doesn't pay. petter leave them to past
ure, or plant them with apple or Im
proved chestnut trees and turn In the
hens. Uough land, orchards and poultry
make a very good trio.
Cropa Out of the L'anul Order.
These questions should be asked and
answered: Can't 1 grow something
this year out of the usual line of crops
that will pay me? Can't I find a better
system of marketing what I produce, as
shipping direct supplying the cotisuni
er direct etc.
Scratches on lloraea.
For scratches nothing Is better than
a real physic, followed by two days of
rest. At the same time, clip the hair
from Die heels of the horse ami apply
sulphur one part to crude petroleum
two parts.
H. II II os for the Market.
Sell hogs when the market Is best and
they art. ready. There lsno wisdom In
keeping hogs until they weigh just so
many pounds.
Cbanainu the Heed.
A change of seed Is often beneficial.
Seed from a distance can frequently
be substituted for bom growth with
marked profit