THEHNU'XtiOUNTT JOURNAL. L. J. HI I i. Editor t4 FrH-lter. r. Ktn.X 1. 1 Tim uWr. rtlntt Went. Using tart. Ko. , mUrd, !t:W ( K. , wlxwl jS:4 For flour, feed of meet call on E. Rohwer. Paper napkin lor sale at THIS JiX knai. otHce. For reliable, first class dental work of aay kind, ko to T. J. OibSofl, Craw ford, Nebraaka. llorehound compound cough ityrup the great remedy for cough and colds at tlj Fioneer Iharmacy. W. W. Taylor tlie defaulting ex- treasurer of South Dakota, had returned to Pierre and will be tried. Two whole daya this week without : a shower, two more and the drought ca lamity man w ill begin to get hi work , iu again. If you want a farm rwuwr iret ohe published in Nebraska. THE JocrxaL clubs with the hraxka Farmer. Call and se a copy of it Word come from alt quarter that the neatest aitd most satisfactory dve for coloring the beard a b-own or black is Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers. J. C. L, Ragland intends to move out of town shortly and locate on a claim on the divide, the exact location of w hich he has not a yet determined on. C. I Christain of Pleasant Ridge is diliveriag a car of wheat this week for , shipment to an eastern mill. The wheal r is of extra good quality and brought more than the market price. The Supreme Court lifts handed dow n an opinion in the asylum ease which sustains th action of 1or. Hol comb in the tnattor and removes Dr. Hay to make room fcr I'r. Abbott, f E, 11. Barbour, State OJeoIogist of Nebraska, and a party oif Onirersity stu dents arrived Wednesday forenoon and are now located a few miles northeast of this plate, in cans engaged in dairy ing out specimens of the genus daimone- , lit. Some people ore constantly troubled witli pimples and boils, especially about the face aad neck, the best remedy is a thorough course of Ayer's Uarsaparilla, which expels all humors through the proper channels and so makes the skin become soft, healthy ,aod fair. Myron used a great deal of hair dressing, b ut was very particular to have only tlie best to be found in the market. If Ayer'i Hair Vigor had been obtainable then, doubtless he would have tested it merits, as so many dis tinguished and fashionable people are doing now-u-days. A small 20 year old broncho, about fourteen men, and a cloud of dust caused considerable excitement on our streets last Tuesday morning. In spite of the odds against it the "broach" came near coming out victorious but after a brave run it was forced to succumb to the in evitable and was ignominiously led away at the end of a rope1 The preliminary examination of Tom Burns for the killing of Albert Jones twelve miles south of Crawford resulted n Justice Crail binding Burns over to the district coart in the sum of to an swer u charge of manslaughter, It seems that wlmt little evidence there was in re gard to the killing went to show that Jones togan the shooting, The contest case of ('has. Newman v.-. ;.rum W. Nichols came up for hear ing before County Clerk lilevvett on Monday but was iostponed as the eon totatit was unable to produce certain illorsiii material witnesses. The case x.'itcs considerable interest as the title if; the well known Kxst Springs in the xiulh part of the county is involved. An epidemic of murder seems to lie run ninji among the people of north Nebraska Oti top the story of the killing of Jones. touUiJuf Crawford last week comes one front Biow a county. One Q A Porter liv ing Itcluuun Ainsworth and Springview liiul ntiiiie trouble with a family of ne fritms ovr a horse, lie at once proceeded to ' jfet bU gun" .shoot; and kill the mo ther, sin old and defenseless woman, and .'tie of the sons, besides taking an inef !' t 1 1 J .hot at nnother of tlie boys. It is a credit to the coiiiiiiiiuity in which Por ter lives, that there are grave fears thut lift will )h lynched. Hie OM ClermaD' Ta'luuan. Tim (icrmani have a story which that hoii,e-l.,, !i,g pooplu like to reM-t. A father, wh'.tii d:s .laughter became a brldo, gavehor a puliicn casket with the Injunction not to ms tt intoot-lier Imiids, for It held a charm ivhicii. in her keeping, would beof hientinia tiie vauei to her us the mistress of a house.' N""t oolv was she to have the eutlre care ot it, but ohe was to take It every morning to the celiii:, the kitchen, the dining-room, the library, the parlor, the bed room, aud to reoiubi with It in each place for five min ute, liking carefully about. Afu-ralap of three year the father was to send the e.y, thut the neurit talisman might be re vealed. The directions were followed. The ' v was sent. The casket was opened. It " f'limd to contain an old parchment, on Worn written these words" "The ) i of l ie mistrefs are worth one hundred vmr of servants' biirnls," The wise father in- iv thut a practice i f Inspection followed ' 1 , ... for three veara wrtuld become n ' . '1 be irlLiwris tiiatllig that tin . V h , sket and I he hidden charm Would W oomplislieil their mission. Kslk- t FERMttAL. C. I' Coffee w i.j 1 tun Hon visitor Monday. John Coffee vu Up from Rawhide Monday. Wm. Leonard of Cook prcim-t iS in town today. The pleasant countea&nce of tiobert Neece is circulating about town today. Mr. Sturdevant of Rbeep Creak was looking at the bounty' metropolis last Monday aftertwoll. T. B. Snyder and wife were up from Sheep Creek laat Monday, as witnesses ori a land contest case. Phillip MiC'ann is taking a vacation from his railroad work and Visiting his airs. ix j, Simmons returoeu oy ran Monday from Hot Springs, 8. IX, having seen sufficient of camp lite. Messrs. It hen. tianz, bd Brown of the Montana tand and Cattle Co., took a look at Harrison last Sunday. I Mrs. fellen Oriswold of Avoca, Iowa, arrived last Friday on a visit to her son JJ. H. Oriswold Of the Commercial Bank. Mrs. Thos. Davenport of Vllen-, was a passenger on Tuesday mornibg's train west enroute for (Jreeley, COl.-, where she will remain about three weteks visit ing with friends abd relatives. County -surveyor Ellis passed through town Tuesday on his way home from the ranch of A. McOinley where he had been engaged for some time in making a plat Of Mr. McOinley's irrigation ditches COMMlSSIOMiR'ft FROllSEniMJS. HAKftisox, Neb., Jess It, ism. Hoard of County Commiwloni-rn met Ui reKUlut- tension. I'teiM-nt (OinnilMionrri, Jolmmil, Tink hum, Wrbor mid Clerk. ('. A. I'odfly hsuing- ninde the loweat bid for the cmiMrnctlon of a brldg-o nen WhIU Hjvrroeur ksctlon Ms whare public roud croixn unlit Whit ltlrr tetwon nee Un twenty-three mid twenty -four, town uhlp SI, ntiitp! Uie Sam wux ui'c'lilKd mi 4 hood, ueuompiinyuia; the Suiue. Hppntrad. uwlnc to the nnsafrty of tan old lirtdfe ttcrom. Whit Kiver near section llnmtie t em m otion line thirty-three and thirty four, towunhla Uilrty-on, range 58, oa mo tion the road overseer lie, and ho herby i Onlvreil to remove the old brtdf and con struct u hrld(je thirty feet long, sixteen feet wide, by a iueea trn a per plaiisand aiMsclflcalians on It In in Clerk oHee, the same to be completed at a cot not to exceed t' On motion board adjourned to meet ana Hoard of ('eaaty ConuiiiMloners immediate ly ufter adjourning a a Hoard of Kiju all Zil lion f or the year 1SIM. M.J. Blswxtt, Cownty (Hcrk. Stintlajr School ConveBtlon. The Sioux County Sunday School con vention convened in the Bodarc Presby terian church on Wednesday June, 12th. The session was opened at 11 o'clock with a devotional service, conducted by Rev. 0. E. Conaell, after which, dinner was served, at the church. At 2 p. m. the first topic, " The Army Organized "was presented by Kev. C. K. Rice, following this was an interesting discussion upon the "foes of the snnday school." In the evening the house was filled, to listen to an address by Rev. J. S. Thackery of Crawford, which was both interesting and instructive. Thursday June 13th, the session opened with a devotional ser vice conducted by Rev. John JeTferies of Crawford, after which the subjects of discussion were taken up and properly handled. At 12 o'clock, dinner was served in the church. At 1:80 P. M. the reports of schools were given showing that an earnest effort is being put forth for the religious instruction of our youth. The officers elected for the 'ensuing year were Pres. ; H. E. Clough of cotton wood. Vice Pres. ; Mrs. Montgomery of Bodarc, Secand Treas. W.BL Davis of Harrison. After singing "(Jod be with you till we meet again " the convention adjourned to meet in Harrison in 1H(W. McCaXN-Donahok. On Wednesday June 12, 1805; at the residence of Mrs. Jordan, near Gilchrist; Rev P. Brophy, of Chadron, oHciating; Jas. McCann and Miss Annie Donahoe. Tlie groom is one of Sioux county's oldest residents a prosperous young far mer and stock grower, and the bride an estimable young lady, of Kill parish, Cavan County, Ireland. The contract ing parties were schoolmates in Ireland and the ceremony of Wedoesday was the finishing chapter of a romance begun in Ireland. The Journal joins the numer ous friends of the young couple in wish ing them a prosperous journey through life. Rolwrt Neece Teportx that the wolves killed two calves for him last Monday night besides injuring several more. It is to lie regretted that our representatives in the last legislature could not smre enough thought from their great schemes to give a little at tention to getting an appropriation to piy the baunty offered by ye state for the destruction of the greatest dan ger to Ine largest interest in the dis trict. Notices are posted calling the annual school district, meeting for Monday, June 24. The meeting should be attended by every person interested and the affairs of the district thoroughly looked into. If sufficient funds can be made available, the district bonds should be paid and the nterest payments thereon stopped. S irne move should he made either towards a new school house or towards linking the approach to the present on less dangerous for the children. CoaMerrlal Potato browing. Vebraeka Farmer. There are but few farmers thit jppre- ! ciate tlie worth of the ootato rroo out- r side the Immediate needs of their own families. They Mem lo ignore the fact tliat potatoes are now grown as a fleld crop to the very best advantage, just as corn and wheat are grown- Labor sav ing machinery is now provided the pota lo farmer for putting In his crop quickly cultivating It effectually and making the harvest easy. The fact is also Ig nored that tlie price paid for good pota toes one year after another is such as to offer substantial Inducements to farmers to devote-a few acres each year to tlie cultivation of good keeping varieties. Also the feeding value of potatoes when they happen to be cheap and plentiful Is a thing that is generally overlooked. They are a good appetizer and put stock in condition lo get the most good from other foods consumed. We are convinc ed that Western farms should be grow ing potatoes from a commercial point or View. Marvelous Result. From a letter by Rev. J. Quoderson, of Dimondalet Mich., we are permitted to make this extructi ''I have no hesi tation In recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous In the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Hives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not sorvive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was tiUicR in its work and satisfactory in results. Trial bottles free at tlie Pioneer Pharmacy. Regular siae 50c. and I.OO. W. H. Evans will lie at Harrison from Monday, June 24, until Suturday, June 2W, after which lie will lie in Satur days of each Week. If you have any watches jewelry etc., in need of repair give him a call, satisfaction guaranteed. Located at the harness shop, Farm Loans Principal and In teres payable monthly or semi-annually as desired. Apply to Grant Outline, Har rison, Nebraska, Largest (Irralatlen In Nebraska. It isn't much wonder that the State Journal now tut the largest circulation in Nebraska. It has reduced its price to 65 cents a month with Sunday, or fit) cents without Sunday; it lias been spending more money for Nebraska than any other paper; it has on its staff such men as Bixby, Walt Mason and Annin. The Journal is being pushed at every point and is climbing steadily aud surely away ahead of the other state dailies. People like a Lincoln paper. Especially wliea it is as good as the Journal. Faur Big Huccesaes. Having the merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them tlie following four remedies have reached a phenominal sale. Dr. King's New Dis covery, for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaranteed Electric Bitters, the great remedy for liver, stom ach and kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a per fect pill. All these remedies are guar anteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is at tached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Pioneer Pharmacy. Special Eacuisions to Hot Springs. On the following dates the . E. & M. V. will sell excursion tickets from Har rison, Neb., to Hot Springs, S. D., and return (or one fare for the round trip. These tickets will lie good returning for thirty days from date of sale: May 24Ui, June 7th and 19th, July ad and 10th August 2d and 2'M, For further r- ticulars apply to E. F. Pontidh, Agent. Church Services Next Sunday. Preachiag service, Sunday morning 10:30; Sunday School U:o0; Epworlh League, 7, C, E. Conn Ei J Pastor. At a Hundred Junction Points in Nebraska, connections are made with Burlington Route trains for Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, (Jinaha, Lincoln, Denver, Cheyenne and beyond. Our maps and time-table showing where, when and how our truius run and wherein they excel the trains of otlier lines in many important respects, are sent on request free, Always glad ta quote rates and give information. J. FHAMem. G. P. & T. A. Omaha, Nebraska. Cents to January I, That Is an awful little bit of money for a twice-u-week puper like the Semi Weekly Journal, but if you will send 50 cents you will receive that paper until Jaiiuury 1, lHWI. You will llud it the farmer's daily. Markets alone are worth more money than thut. If yon take it the rest of thbt yenr for Q cents you will want to keep it always. If you get up a club of live 50-cent subscriber you can have a copy free for your trouble, , Address, Nebraska State Journal, Lin- ..In, Neb. Ill -- .jtf.'II 111 Blood Poison THE BANE OF HUMAN LIFE, Driven Out of thn System bf th Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, I was a trreat KufTprer from a tnost ixTsistcut blood disease, norm of the various inedieiiies 1 took liring of any help whatever. Hoping thai cliaiiw of ('liiiiiitp woiiltliwnpHt Mie. I Went to Cuba, to Florida, ami tlicti to Saratoga Springs, where I remained some time drinking the waters. But ull was no use. At laitt, lieliig advised by several friends to try Ayer'a SarsHparilla, I Ix-gan taking it, and very soon favorable result!) were manifest. To-day I rnu sider myself a perfectly healthv inati, with' a good appetite unit hot the least trace ot my former complaint. To nil my friends, ai.d especially young men like myself. I recommend Aver'sSar Hiijiari lla, if in heed of a perfect I v reliable blmxl-pttrlfler.' Juki": A. Kscojiar, proprietor Hotel Victoria, Key West, Fla.; resi dence, 352 V. lflth St., New York. AyeteSarsaparilla Admitted ior Bskibltlon AT THE WORLD'S PAIft QQOOOOOQttOOOOOOOOOOOOOC CHANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-aUaw. Prompt attention given to nil legal mat ters in Justice, County and liistrict Courts, and United States Land f )Hice. l"Jf Legal piers carefully drawn. 1IAKW.SON, - Nebraska. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser, OPM SUNDAY ntOM TO 1 2. RAZWtS AND SXtSHOMS Pl'T fN OKOF.R. iivr. X nn t a Cult, J. S. PHINNEY, St. I. Physician a Ml Snrg-rnn. Atl cull given prwrnfrt sUstton. OWne In Irrna; Store. HARRISON. - yEBRASKA. I SELL Deering MOWERS. . The BEST On LEWIS GERLACH. WEALTH SOUTH Ta Best Opportunities In America FOR PROFITABLE FARMING ii lon the Una of th MOBILE AND OHIO RAILROAD In ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. Twn fail trkim daitv wtiri thrmtfh cVenem. Law rtlci Und-eeker excursions monthly. IllailTfttod teak frtt to all. It tell all tbout tha cho homes, lh climate, tha hwtlthfulnen and how to row three lull crops each year on the tame una. (end your name to K. K. Pory, General Paste agei 4fent, M. fcO. R. R , Mobile, Ala. EARTH. STAMPED UPOtl Is the name and lame of the "Old Reliable" store of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, where you can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a GENERAL STOR E. Now is the time select your SPUING AND Highest market price paid for produce of all kinds. Marsteller Bros. 'The Old Reliable." Hough Hester DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingies. Windmill and Pump Supplies. HARRISON HORSE ' BREEDERS. On account of hurd limns I will M;mJ my 3-yenr-old Shire Hmllioi) fur (Ml to insiiru ii mare in foul. lie is ii bright ly, witi. hkI .u le utid action, and weighs ;iii.tit I,7(K1 pounds, I will talio younii ciiUli' nl th nmrkvt value in .payment of service fees, TIih home can ul iruy to found ut my liiint, on niilo south uf Boduic, PETER S( H AKFFH, ) tier. THE DULLEST Ddill.'i boo DS S Sons. o NKRRARKA. S. L. ELLIS. County Surveyor, Ik prepared to do lill kinds ,.f S;UR VKYIXf? and HIT-Mi LEVEL! ;i a prompt r ml s;it,ihl';ictory manner. UAIlltHOX Nkbiuhka. C. C. Ma BRIDE, Photographer, CRAWFORD, NEB. ' v Is pi-fpiirt d to do all klndu of work, in his line I'V the inonl . nipijl . niethoilK. lie has s-eial iipjmraliiK for niuk iig Kroiipsiuid (inlMiile viuwn unit pur-til-n wanli;;' work iu llutt lin),wt.vll ciill on liuu. tfr SATIK(.'vr; c. ill'A.RAMTKBD. Son