The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 20, 1895, Image 4

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    b Sioux County Journal.
I BT ABUsHlJi 1 ?V. J
Subscription Price, fi.00
2 . J. MVHMIt,
in their jf.! aitiir." Julm Hattcra k : kom Ins :. ,. .liaistiire iu uh
"that George tiie Thin! illicit rvad
it without hi spectai les.' "Now ve
uiu.t luaig tuj;rt !ier, it as tviuarked. j
"W Mid Frank Lu. '-or we siiali iiau
Editor J 4 "'""'' .Afj"f pvJuty.
After Mae Moat a.
Tin te-DAY, Jvne 2, 1;M.
Knt err" I at the llurriwu fo-t ofllce To rui Blade . t
"caotl c!. matter. ' ' , , i
Tlie ilson tariff la has W its'
- niuth month of probation. It lias now '
. pa-d through Die two busy periods of j
- 1 vason, the sprioe? importations ami ',
Kaia tersa sliiiif. Ihe fa.ll importations. It hat atoo had
The rain gets all the credit : the advantage of the excessive iuiorta-
For the crops of grain and hay. i tions natural to the o(emnjr weeks of !
While tiie fmnshine does the p im; ... ,J,--. - ,. i. ,,. I
.... , p - tiie otierations of tiie woolen wtieuule. i
In its steady, stniluiir wv. , . . ,, j
So tiie salesman salary is raided j Naturally every importer held lack his.
For the goods wdd in tiie store, j foreign goods until the new law sJiould i
While the wily advertisement j 0 i,,to effect, so as to mt the hetu-fit of !
......i.. .1... - -1
. miro uao? lu.nrc vic ww.
Feed and Sale
SiOuX County,
r r win i i:-
II. HOHaaU'b. '
l: l. M'nt ...- ....l.iei-Maia ... rt.r
j. i ti,-!.." .- " " ' " 'W
.Uifl It- ljl... .
.. (tarti y.
Printer's Ink.
j the reductions. Tiie result is, that tiie
Ucod ris f urai-siied on siiort notii-e.
Unliable drivers and jtiiet saddle horaea always on hand.
iood accommodation far tranmieut customer.
Horses boarded.
Free Homes for Hore
i Than 5,000 Hen.
. i lav hi its first nine months ha had
Tiie state pajiers telling of A lloldrede on-re than a fair sSkiw; it oieratioiis j
'ditor tiuit having written what he
.houg-ht was a complimentary notice of
the buMues-s of a local milliner, rone I u-
have leen iu excess of tlw normal. Yet i
the nine months result in a deficit of j
'ifi.Tl aiiiist a surplus of f 16.-;
ksl it bv expressing lusplrasure at see- 15?..i4 which tiie much iterated Mi Kin- j
tag her stocking up. When he met tiie la-i lev law produtvd ic the lir-t nine month j
ly on the street next day, she was mad- j of its opera ion. Tiie Jeflcieocy dtirius; !
ler than a March hare and prweeJod en- j Ly was $2,45,4t't. Tiw! of lat
srjfetically to bat him over the head with : month was .Cvti.Mi', thai of pr-Mvdiiiif
ier umbrella. Thus It is that the go-sl tnonths rau-ms from less than fl,ii,. j
that we poor persecuted editors try to j 0J up to over f 1.1.fil,)UO. But it has;
aecomplisli in tliis unfeeling; world, often . always been a detlcit, In not a tingle f
comes back and steps onus with both j mouth since the tie law went into tf
feet. Blair Tilot. feet has it shown a la lance oa the riffht
- - ' side of the, at the end of tiie
Farming 1V irrigation you Use water ' month.
when you want it: depending upon rain- i -
fall you use it when you jret it. There is 1 l iual Proof ISoUrf",
a distinction and a dilferenee here thai is ( " !
quite fully appreciated. But it is stUI ; 'T wl!, m.,!Ve mri.,Hi i
irrowioir uiton the people, and it will one ' !S'-r " rt-.jne.w-i i. rxanuu
1 I nuce art'! :i any rrit exist rfj.i
uai resuis in ik violiujih nuu reservoir ; u i. uii,, ojih at oic.
system of supplementary irrigation for a !
large scope of country that rt trtilarlv re- !
cei ves an adetpuate annual rainfall, but
; A new county with
! schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
w J illll
-J 1 iJUliJ
Harrison, Nebraska.
1 i ITT
, i ! .ir. i.ui.... i .i iu ii
fl I S'l-- li i j.ii'1 nnio-iiPl
II. i:.t.f iu ..vijil Imdy nirtjriiM
fa.V.Kk HSI. 'Kl.tX,AT l" :
i. I. VaiiI' rHi . . s-Br, Unuiii,
I. ll B 1 - s.-,iiil. .Va..n
H . J. Ill lull, I uiinnmniin I-' l'1-t., LliK-oiu
IJ. It. M'-'rr . " l'
t.. II. JMeialrrMm " " tnHelUui
k. J. 11 ai ner. " iti " Aurora
. A. M.KHtiail, " Mu llei(Hi.l
l. M, Keiu. " ' " Urufcen lUm
Jl IH I.1HV:
T. I.. Vorvul iii Jailiw, wojift
A. M. loI A-'tHt4- JulK'-. lu.bu
T.o.l-. Harriwu .. A-t JU'llf, t-raud Itiaixl
li. ,v. I ionil)-'ll.. I fc ami iieiKM Ut, l-inc.ii
M. I, klnkald - Jo-lgr. 4CS. UI
Airl liartoa- " 'lalm
M.J. It:,-aril lrk, Harrin
t (II STV OH H t s:
I Koln-rt Wi:m County Juiltu-
! M.J. Ill.-aetl I'-ili
! H t. Vt ixolrntr I ruii'i
I h . II. Inn j -uj.t. I"iiljiie lii-irurtWi
I A. Ii. Ix w ""w ' I
I J. I'liMiiicy i nrtimr
I . 1 l-.iliK i"iri
I M.J. liUat-ll... (lirk of lu-irl.t uuri
( Aliii I. I lurk lounty AtK.nuy
Contains over forty-five mi'es of
rai!'oad and has no county
Frank Tinkliam Istliui. I
M.J. W i-iK-r
It. K. Jn'mieMi t rliairmuti ; --.5l
I Kl.lsl.ATIVt.:
II. I.. si.-M art ..vim tir. I'M No. M. l Imt
W , ... Keji., Ill!-t. No..'. MlMitilti(l
R. E.,
C F. ' VirFEE,
!. H. ORIS WOLD. Cashier.
tti-;r i
rt tiw
lur l'iihliati..n.
lnl 1 tee at Alilaiu-e. -l
May ii, l-v... in point of time ,s never properly VZ Z''
piortioned so as to produce tne lntt ef-' t"," '"''ke nnl nt in mipiswi ,.f ni
: riMlm. unit tliat aal-l r.f aid le- ma.le l-
fects ID tiie culllvaUon of the crops ! f.irr M J. Hn-artt. clerk ( the -ftr
grown on those lands. This is a feat re of ji.v: IUrri'- - ""
irrigation that is receiving the attention iliiam USertj, f Kodarr,
of thinking men todav as much as is anr i ht,e M. k- v i. t.,r tne . a .
. ., . . " . , " ! - " V . K. U. 111-. ;, lie i. iff. j,
ot the seemnifiv more important feat- j tp sj n.. r . aj a-.
Transacts a General Banking Busmen s
Ml.l.A'.h OfHI ;K
M.J. I'.li-ai'll i rhainiiim; ...
V.. Iloiiaer
J. W. s-,,lt
Ii II. I.nil
W . Ii. Mari. icr
I.. J. SllllltKMiM ..... ... .
V. A, lle-l.-r
... 1 l'(l-lr
.. It rk
1' l'.l. I I
Tlimi at aur 'Other Place i j k Var.i. li.-'r.
', , , i.. w. Ii. -ti r
in Nebraska.
sciiiml. iiffirlliv
. CO-, tur
. .
..'I V:lllr
ures. Ttie need of it has long Wtn felt.
Xnbragka Farmer.
IK- iiari.e. tae fitlltia a :f lie- Ii. utt.x
liifniiliicitia! rei-iiH-t a,ti andcuittva
lion i aiii laud via:
J. W. HniiU-r, John Mark, -alitor I Hili.
Alibt-i crUm. ali cji l-i.ire, Nrb. ai4,
I -jiil. .r Ki, h:ein. nl llarruaiu. Veil.,
alio made I!. K. . for I he . aw. 1
ev. J, -. '4 ae. are. , u. ui. t m-v. IV, tp.
ji ii., r. a a .
ile natuen the lSjoa1tig aituew-a ty
ri ht -i:ilum.m- nnniince oh auti
i:ti.ltVliMi 1 SaiiI lanil, vi:
Mu Valtlen. J.,liu i'lur.Lett. Il-i.r
Uiitlmuan, v-H-l.n Norei-H'b, a! tt llartt"
-:l. Nell. J
iT ii J.K.Wigji.Jii, liip.u-r. j '
.Vnire lur Ptriiltratnui. j
Imh4 tilticeRt Aitlane. Net,, i j
' JlUW It. 1MB4. I j
Notirf i hereby tcirvn tal IBe li.:.iai. i
iaii.i-4 w-iu,-r liswi nrl wulH-e ,it llli$iil,'
Umtkd Stated Nathin.u. Base. Chual.i,
First NithiVAL Bask. t"!:udroa.
i S.oux county ta the northwest cftitity
of Nebraska. It is alajut thirty miles
j east and we-t by alujiit seventy miles
' north and couth and contains
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
j 1 1 It Ms t,K nil It 1
jllifttii t Court. At Hnrrixm, run -,m
April alb MIIO Ntielllla-r 'Vll-
(oiifity iuurl,.-At Ham.. i, i-om i.,- i-.-
tlrl Millltitiv of enrll r.:ieitll.
j HI XI ll Nii sia iKTIKs.
M. K. Chlirell - rrr-.K-hlni i n Ii .ilt' t ,..ili
sStiiid yal n:;it. hi,. wmI eu-rv "uimIi h en
nia ut " .'. lii . i . ;. csi ci., 1'.-. .(..i
Mi-ttl'ftlHt Hl.n i liooi n il 1.-every
'lay inoruliii; at 1 1 .m.
' J. t.. ,M Ti.i i i i .-, . II. im i.
II-I iiilemli-iit. ,-er-l o V,
Mexico ami its Silver Moner.
t Industrial ami commercial conditions
:o Mexico are aifonling some arguments
to the American silver men who happen
to be conversant with affairs south of
ths Rio GraoJei The Mexican silver
mines are working quite prosperously
iwk! the various national and state mmt
are busy roimaj," the Mexic-an standard
silver dollars. Tfw ordinary pun-lw-in,-power
of tiie Mexii-an silver dollar, so
far as we can ascertain by cotc-iderable ; Uwu u liut' B"! I-'""' i urr i tn.
. , , , , ., an'i iim um lrul tar lu.vte. Ije
recent inquiry, lias not been sharply i tore M. J. luearu. 1 . iertt lutr-t t ,mrt at
affected by the divergence in the value j ,,"rm"u " Jui" . &. via;
i ,i, i . , . ... ... I.eoiia, i iKet t HarriMJtu.Vb,
of Sfold and sdver buihooiQ tiw world s , wtH, stm1, ,,. K w 144, lwrthe
markets, Sime vears o the c-iuseo of !! " r. .
, . r- . , t, , " , . ! niiMs. the (uilnvuuc ltn-- t,j (.rove
itm (,'iuieo Mates who viiUsl Mexico ' li tuiaiauw. miiut- aMMt ui'lcu.utt
wilh C,lrt.i.l A .It . r .. . - , . i l.oa ol. ..! iatl-l. Via:
money in his pocket could reaiixa tni laJU-ry, a. k. e, alt m (iarrtawa, jicto.
more than a hundred Mexican silver dol- j "j-.,!, P. v Stu.,
lars in exchanging his cash. But during j ti inaite II. K No. ii frvr tbe . ut. t,
ti? one hundred Joikr . ZX.,." Irwe
of L llited States money would buv ahvut bl "''" r-.lear upon anil vaiUva :
. . . , ,, . laHl vl. ael I.okI. la. '
two hundred Mexican dollars. let in ' Jiuw . .suii. jwtm orWu.ti. W. (i.u-r '
the ordinary transaction of tb Mexk-un I unut li JZ'TI'ujh. I
peotJl there has breo no disturttatR-e in! " 4i K...t.-r.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Most Pocc
K-e. -
-V , - i
r . -; -
of land. There ate iimre tiritrh!. spark
lin, small streams in the county than
can 1 found in the s.ime ar.a pIm-wIhtv
in the state. It lias more pine timi.T m
it than ail the rest of the slater oiiibim d
Its i:rass"s are tin- richest and most nu
tritious known v that for s s k-r' m:
it is unexcelled.
The coil Varie- fi. i'i a ln-aw lav to a
Iij;ht sandy loam atitl is ctipHble ..f pro- j . ki- . ,i:tii 1 1 vi,t r
ducng excellent j H-Vti.mi ie.-tt,. e.-i-y -,,,,,'iay
liw iiriiicitKil cns are wtiail srni.n " -mmim-i uteeiuc ,i ran i
" ... . . I-"' II- III.SI 1. 11.
ami veeuiiiles, nnuouii gooa corn is
HiKiUMfcS OK I (If.
Harrion C;ini), Vn. V,, iiii-.-l oa liie lit t
1111 tllir-l Mll'l.i.V 'V I'liiliK- oi .'.u-li H,(i., I 1..
J. I., i'li.s vki , ' I., r . J'osth",
1 lerk. i oa. I " ii
VlouKKV HimllVI.S OK VMr;i(l ,
e-t4 el-h' iitmlti- I'.e-iiiJ
at iivi'K-k A. tl. UK , v
J. V . smiIii, ( I. i k.
!sr ncfl!: ne'spapcr of the West
l t rfrrnlatinn
i , A It
Aim r..o
I DAILY (w Hfe wt fis.i.,r.yi
DAILY -. tb St-i'.'tv' .,
$6.oo per year
f 8.oo per year
Bf MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean i ti.oo
A fSEWSPAPCR T'C-. ISTC- O.EAN tasri abreast at tk. tiBMi hi aB
rprct. it snorrs I -t fi r r r nur t irrnir in accarlav all TNF
S AND Iht LEST Or CltKiSX UTtkATLRE. -""'f AU"
values and the silver dollar will buy as
aiuen labor oo the one hand, or as much
food or bouse rent or commoo ciothiag !
.Nti.-e fur l'blirailou.
Iau4 S..-e at Aiil.t::ea, eb, t
Juna is, 14.
Nitiep la hrebv rr,n llt,i tH f,.Il.
oo the ottter haml, ua it ever would. ;t . ul wttler na,. nloif i.olits- of In inu-n
, . . i . , , . i lauhe anai pcuuf la oitmrl vt hi
v ious uiu tim coaaaHM oi uim4,fmi,n.ii,U!i,t Mrt pewit wui M-ixati t
lM-evr. could not Im fat,e.i'J. t. ttw ! Il,rP M- J- Hwarett, e ra of iu.iri.-i mart,
v ..( lUmaia, fU a July JT. 14,
uuportatioo ef foreign jxoajs: in as much , fcra- f l!ami. Neb..
as the McXH-ao silver dollar lx-n ap- ; lntiwi M. E. So. s-is (or Uw a', ne:, i, j
piii to the porch of .m, t:
y-standard countries has lo-t aim ist b;' r.-' ie.r,- up.ju and cu.ti j
or quite half of its purriMsitijr toner, j Mateo. latitex.J.Maa PiunkcM. Anluo. Mo
' xeuntlr, tike monetary situatun : "Yfk' llurT Uflrmaa all of Uarriaon. !
iws acted as a protet tioo and stimulus t j ' J. W . W ra, Ja., Kefiaier. i
Mexican home in4iistry, iJ many vVir (.,t !ui,i;-.iitZ I
tblBjCS which were forttieriy pua-liasei ;u ' Laa4 oascr at AiiUnce, Srbr., !
fie United States and Eur are now! stice fcm-t.r giZtZt '& t.:umZ
isftng produced oo Me.xtctin osl. Iu a! "n"1"1 -- h Hotter rf in-, tnu-u-,
; ftuat pro U apntrt .4 bi
-autior, after some vxaroiaati o of th i u. aua that aa iruf ia tr !:
ii tuition vn U -n..,-..' . ' h'-'si-tt. ii lo.tru-t ii.rt a
ItHstKMi o tue grxHiVKS. must ron-; a-rttauu, .so.,ut Jair r,, p, via:
The Weekly Inter Ocean
! It ha '-mcthisn; of te'er- t tn rmch r irb of the faaill.
i l J"'55 " ' ''t ' tN vrr beat l It klaa.
II ITSUllk'.ki . .iil.L- ar i.nsxaled.
... fptmCAtXY IT IS VCTf.r.U C , ,r r '. m reader the beaetlt af the
tKiVJ!iMf"" a-' -!-': u-pkj. I. glc the THE NEWS OF
r25!n5.A.S J5 ''-"--P : !C O IMF SEWS AND COatEftCUl
vewTcR OP ALL . IH AU fi" sSY
uritu in i in.-. . i.t wf- lit. - .-n wii i
PAre FATni i;a5i
K I la accord wit t J"le fr--r! 'tl t- . &
Pleas rcmemtre-r t-i fH- prk-1 '. la -"e-M
LAR PER Vtk. AiJr . - , , . .
; c. ;.'-. i-
ut Mains, and ia betteb
' '.1 r" );!!.- and Utaratar.
Ijle.-Oceaa U ONLY ONE DO La
; OCEAN, Chicago.
grown in the Vall-ya. Tiie wheat, oats
rye and barley an. al' of unusually line
quality ami corumatai tiie hicl.-s, mur
k t price-.
The watvr is pure and refreshing and
is found ia abutMlow-e in ali parts of tiie j
county. j
The etiunfy is pc dually out of debt
and h.ia over forty -live milt! oi r.uirtmd
within its ImitiJci s, lias a iod brn. s court
house awl tiie necessary lixlures for roii
nin ttie ttiuii'v ami there bus ueer
tieen one dollar ot county hoods issu d
and lience ta s will ! low,
The I'remotit, Eikik.rn & Jiiis,itirij
Vu.ley railroad cros-s8ioux 'ouutyi
frtnii east to est and tiie IS. 1 L lias j
about fifteen miles of its line, in the!
nortiw-ast irt of the cflunty. !
Tiw chiiiiile is more pltes;nit tlwl j
of tiie eastern Kirtioii of Nclir.iska. j
j Tin-re is stiii
j OVER 600,000 ACRES
! i
of iotid in Siouk county yet .t. to'
j lMitn, etitry. Jt is l.;tter lain! '!
more i.-.ira.tly iocateti tlktu t!i..l tor i
ili; W. . ltvia.
a- r. t:.
S Given Away
g Every Month
ta tho pf-rwin sulimlltin the ft
nio-t meritorious ittventina ff
durinit Hie preci'iiini? inoitih. a
FOtt ISVKNTOK8, and thti ft
otijeot of this offer 1 to en- a
counuro jw-ndns oi an invent
Ive turn of mind. At the
nine time we wish to Impress
inn tact thai :: :: ;: a
It's the Simple,
Trivinl In vtifiniu
That Yield Fortunes 5
look fi
a! surh u lie Tmj'a Honk i
aa anil, tses tbal liuin
af "Safety Pill.-- 'Fij'n m
Sver, -Air iirake,- etc. aa
Almost everyone eoiicelvi-a II
Q a iTia-ht Me at .imr tlmti or aa
at thr. Why not put it In prc- la
aa tical list-? Tut' Ii talent may II
H he in this rlireclion. Mny II
aa make your fortune. WLjr not m
H n? :: " R
tf rWWrite f ir fi.rtlief iiiforiuaUoo a id
tccntioii tins p. it.-r.
j wriK'H sin-n ruslie are made on tiie ojjen- j 2T11C PPCCC tl Al II ' tf II
MUoriVservahon, is ruo-1 tt 'nt rftLOd ULnlAld 0U.
I ,, - , ,, ... , , .. . I H Phil K. Avirctt. 0eo. Mar.. t
I r.,v. ... i.i uuiu i i,im i iii.ii ;
j muoti it. settleuieut has Lssun slow lor '
f.-s ourselves unable to
M !( O
Jolia S. I f-,!.
is iiMM& at any serious dtNtdvaotaate bv 1 "''ale H. E. No- a4fr tbe , it-., ami
" " I w j ,', ik. tp. 3J a . T. M .
I er continued aubvrence to ler single j i lue kmwwik; attuatawa to prove
vlveratondarf. it true Hut the H-ltSnr01"''' ,"4 t""U'
tremely bigh price of arold a mea.sumi . i'UTV ' J- Kipp. Joi
f r . - I Ki-r-sri-r, Aiiot-i whw ali et thi
hi sunuani aeiicao silver hknmv adjs ! e
1 . J W. WHS. J.
; tar
nn C.
muthto l!ie iiunieus f the interest ,
iiv.n Use foreign debt; but Mexico is j.
onuog safely aud soundly out of Iser ,
!;nauciai perplexities of a few years
Jat Emm the Press.
skriia'a Sale.
11. tlrln. nl.R I ... 4 . ; .. I... a t.
i.,i ,r a-ftLU... .i t . ti,,-, i-ra oi tit,- iiitra- t ourt ot .kibi
a.Hl it ouklo(jan.r that s, U never KJS1 , ,n,a, tMJ a r.U ,eU i. r-l
e'ljoved more prostafrous times than dur- i ,v ' w( J. iu Muoro, I rn
. I., I lull. (.17. aiet asani.t eoirv h. i..k,
tug tne past year. This does not in our ! i.. ii.-teii.iaia, t -.,! oa the ista y t
,hinifmwrii,flMl,iB, . - Jal . 1-S-;, al vi,a-k P. At. M Mihl Oav.
vptmon prove ant thim; one way or the i uieit..i4r ,,i iwr, tu .;.
otiier for tle United States. Never tP. ' '- nam-..,. i..i , (m( .i
l-s a camlid ituay of ttMe monetary sit-1 the .ot-tn i .tti,,rtrr l --r t Tuenty ,
Firi'r ol EiprsJi.
At the reilar Janaarj-, tM. uu-ctma of
tiw bmud at county foiumMimert irf ; A vtrv attractive puhluatioti tuts just
stoat isianti, traka, the followiiist . ,, ,
, , ' . . , lti is,ue,l bv the pAsx-n-er deiurtment
tiaiatitoj rtp.'aei a . ma'te for the car- '
reat)i..r: . ! of lite Btirlinjrton Route, ll hears the
IHtrtct twirl expra.-... . . im title "Tile Newer Nortli aest" and ite-
ir-.e. . .
.t ........
H N ai--f trf".-!if-. ...
I'to.tiiilt a:ei pnUllilEOf.
I uci'teulnj , , j. ....
I's'-i.-e aaf -"- loud. .
s,.:,i:-,-r- rro. t f -aini .
ittle, r. e. . ....
ai rifses pi a most mterestirijf .an.! r .d-
'' able fashion ths9 portions of n rt!iern
.. ! i Wvouiins and tiie Bi.i k Hill
f s.-.;i,
iAtkota iiich are rwti bei bv t?iis c.oo-
Totti nsn9 aa
tnt-l Hiirristw, .N-'t-racko. May !J. I
j M J. Hle m.
ttmaty Ch-rk
!' '" ISlUV V I.IIC.
i w
llw s eoery, towns, mines, j
j no s,s- tit.irt to f et settlers uaj
iiu'de, a- was (.lorn.- in tiie early days of I
the m ttleiuciil ol the eastern irt jf tiie j
state.. " f
f iiKiiJ denied la.-) can be puKh.iM-o at j
reaaonaUtf rata with tovt rnno-tit laud j
adjotnitt liait a frron who wants ,'
more tiian one ijuartvr turn can obtiiin '
it if lie h.'.s a little tot- in.. ;
Tliere ure ttUout 2Ml jwpio at tins
county ami tire ia rmuu f,r '
more. j
Harri .'ft i. the county neat and t-.
Uated ii tat y. tl k M. V. radrot '. ai-d
aJ-e.t a loan its tin- linfiiv -td ;
JJ 618 F .Street, Northwest.
M "ASHIN0TON. O. C. tt
M f
M ffTtif f.-i.- ri:Iilli!v d' Ihia tnitiimni M
at maj la jli.Ife.l .) oi. laet tlial us tt
ai- .s la-t-i ... i et .a,, ttiuu.aiiil It
ot tli .en l.lia uo..uit in tin- If
I '.v .tid
...m.-v..t. V. -o ITIIM1M .KHIMIIKis.
tioiisolcoontn are t re., ted of wtli, -ad ..u aft-l .hur. he ur. pro
soiute txieieiy. se witi. ho..;...- j vjtteJ u, rti,,l ,.vt.rv . t (
t a:ua sum
cat.on.oa aiiW using eou.try like ! JXSTU ?VT-TS' I1" TT, T "idr T" ,T
Mexico cannot rail to throw we useful ! tmP Thirtj io Si;H..0, f hra-s-i. heM ,m tbr .au da of M,y. i-.a, th
, , j Kauare tuty Bv e rl t:, p. yj. i J f,i!raut eMtmaw at epraa l'ir th" ear
s-Jetights npoa our own pniUems. o kiv, eiw.-ai. at paMW aurtaoa ! trat amnieiiMU year t Ja a nunte:
-rromIle Progres of tl World," ; uni ir"ta 1 7S ! : J i-1 "--
Peview of Revtes for June. k-ierf.rt.iKi a-rniinn e.t.. t ci. li ! """-"rr:
l ine ami pta-e .lir aitr-iMtanar aai lw ! " . P0'PiX. "t ..
Wfcr lmle Pa, h Celebrate A. R tw. fcVZtlZrZZ
tt' slvrriil ..( -ai.U ou.,1, I soixinz I n-el
W . . A I!atnt:ft Alloruey.
twHis. -iil on os-eipt of 111 . et. '. .
J Fram f, O P & T. A
0:i..dia. Netu-k i
Jaly Fearth.
Did you ever hear how it happened e
celebrate July fourth rather than some !
UUrr day? For days the members of Con-1
lTs-rt tm ater b, .
j Ti apply ga jivtriieat
t -V. OB
Vl Ml
.. -Si ial
pa tai
. aiai w
..$l.t m
Notira ta Ke4eria Frvta Tat ale.
Tot alt iivt-lem
Vo in feer-'h aotiflt that ttoe fcritow
i had ditfered over the terms of tlw drai prauoae. owwect ty yoa.
... i ao aim iu
I. laciaraUoti, Ax the hot aummrr wreks : xtr name, town- l-uia act c,
, iiiil ,.! t i two .4 ':. trw '-, ana toor a ut sasruoa
rua,i u, iouows were opetteti, niu Ii ; tarrv ta u.aun tarenty-rwht s!
ta tla delight of llt momuitoet awi Rie ', - any lonr ia Tlw bst salve in th world fur euls
t f a Majrhoonng ttable. The tockin;d j '. hi m drraiMd at ptttwie lax j bruie. aocw, ukera. anlt rtteum. frer
tiale.. Harrioa. Mrvki, May 13. p.
r: u - i.. j. stwaoss.
Hark lea t lrak-d Saltr.
P.. H M. V. R R is tiie !-.t
to and from flat
Il .Itv
kepi t.; til tl.e tton s.
All wi Jf-:iv Cj a fput.esir.pj r
boy land ciaup are ii!v;;-. to ..- -i.d
see ta." i i.uutry l.-r turn I '- ut.d yi I .;
af itH iiKra.- Jii..m-.tir.)iis w:; coi t
obtaimi! .e nana ofifr m! a vou iit ;
t use jour i ..irtit aial r l lu'l o-n .I j
liini from L'tii le Sam Iiet it is im.r -.i. u j
-re al.oil it. i
alevaef rongreMioiMi leg- were assailed ,;,aa uk-V?It. ! stHres. tt-tter. tliartani bands. chi!M.un. lllAR HrFT PlaWI llC
..... . . .. .... : ... . I WWjm I M I I LLUU
IamiK at Ibis 1.1st
of Western i it r:
t'hii-Wi St . Jl- dl
Otll llM 1.1 III ..111
N iaaos J enter
K Ons I ' i iVadwciu.t
It ik-'l.t Utiitter lll.l. ll Jon Hil.ld
-: ' Tle Bori.t .ti ti Route
Needinowtter hauier, no eoa', wood or
Vrw--,?ltn,"2- ol, purkt rr a-shas.
jo powlbili ty of Bra or explo.lon. Keed no
RntlneercrFiraman. SUrtod In nilmuet.
Just tha thing fcr the Farm. Wrltt lor
We atlHO tiultil nit alzt-a of HtMtioii.
atlT portn tilt- t,ni.l f ,jf l-.tmiii.-a.
n-TA." O.
Horse Ovnerc! Try
tfirrJ Balsam
Ul aa laa Uw perteocy of tiw must u tur.utdwd meiW wirr n nvi h cures wles, " oa tar rtgytml. It is
:...-a. ... . , ,. , rattoa m aaMt rleaiption ajarat I ' -
ajan aaatair w worn otn on tiie .aii iiarriaun. NrtiraaAa. Jwae w. . laav. I guaranleesl taj jctv perfett "wttsfactwa
' it! I'urru
( tWTar Ut uebersbcaiDe Inlir-,
j or uooay refoaated. Prke 2- cent tr
..ex. For mie by Pioneer Itatrmacy. ,
. OF .
xoirrii M LUSK.V
tj'-st ai- 1." a-'l a ,' l to all Of
Advert isiii,' nattier ami laa tt.ftaioa
I hiti a I oi.', Ir. oi. and rites i-il iippiicu
tn. J. r.tVX, Vt. P. &. T A.
1 lift Ij-tt ItA hailnhn
'i ik-"1 ",-","" rmTT erreH). T.ea
; .vi tvi,. Eupsftaiots all cautSSS
f t t" atrllal.
a J...A
aHrt a. ,1aa . , Wtaa
(llimha, Neb. i
TniBLA- Rrr-Wf i j j aus t r.
-r .ra rt era lata.