The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 13, 1895, Image 1
The Sioux County Journal VOLUME VII. HAKKISON, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1895. NUMBER 41. i 7 (X-aJ TALMAGE'S SERMON. SUNDAY EVENING TALK TO VETERANS OF THE WAR. Ha PrMcbtt to the Thirteenth Begrl-int-Jeabua the Soldier end Hero The Crowing of the Jordan The Oreat Victory The Muriel. The Oreat Soldier. Id Cte Brooklyn Embury Memorial Church Urge audience assembled Bun day evening to listen to the annual ser mon of Chaplain T. De Witt Talwage of the Thirteenth Hegluieut, '. G. S. N. Y. The members of the regiment oexupied the body of the church. Ir. Talmsae chose for his subject, 'The Greatest Soldier of all Time," the teit being Joshua, i., 5, "There snail not any man be able to stand before thee all the daya of thy life." The "gallant Thirteenth." aa this regi ment ia generally and appropriately called, haa gathered to-night for the worship of God and to bear the annual aenuou. And flrat 1 look with hearty salutation into the facea of the veterans, who. though now not in active service, have the same patri otic and military enthusiasm which char acterized them, when, in IWtt. they bade farewell to home and loved ones and start ed for the field and risked all they held dear on earth for the re-establishment of the falling United State Government. "All that a man hath will he give for his life." and Toll showed yourselves willing to give your lives. We hail you! We thank you! We bless you, the veterans of the Thirteenth. Nothing can ever rob you of the houor of having been soldier in one of the most tremendous wars of all his tory, a war with Grant and Sherman and Hancock and Kheridnn and Farragut on one aide and Iee and Stonewall Jackson and liongstreet and Johnston on the oth ed. As In Greek assemblies, when Keak ers would rouse the audience, they shout ed "Marathon!" so If I wanted to stir you to acclamation, I would only need to speak the words, "Iiokuut Mountain," "Cban cellorsville." "Gettysburg." And though through the passage of years you are for ever free from duty of enlistment, If Eu ropean nations should too easily and too quickly forget the Monroe doctrine and aet aggressive foot uion this continent, I think your ankle would be nipple again, and your arms would grow strong again, and your eye would 1 keen enough to fol low the stars of the old flag wherever they might lead. The Hero of the Text. And next I greet the colonel and his taff and all the officers and men of this regiment. It ha been an eventful year in ' Vitory. If never before, Brooklyn ' 'appreciate something of the value of its armories and the Importance of the men who there drill for the defense and safety of the city. The blessing of God be upon all of you. rny comrade of the Thirteenth regiment! And looking about for a sub ject that might be most helpful and inspir ing for yon, and our veteran here assem bled, and the citizens gathered to-night with their good wishes, I have concluded to bold up before you the greatest soldier of all lime-Joshua, the hero of my text. tt wan a muk'tiitii-eiit tighter, but he always fought on the right side, and he never fought unless Uul lom nun 10 ngiu. lo my text he gels his military equipment, and one would think it must have been plumed helmet for the brow, greaves of brass for the feet, habergeon for the breast. "There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the dnys of thy life" "Oh." you say. "nnybody could have coursgc with such a bin king up as that." Why. my friends. I have to ti you that the God of the universe and the Chieftain of eternity promises 10 no juxi as much for us as for him. All the re sources of eternity are pledged in our be half. If we to out in the service of God, and no more tllim that was offered to Joshua. God fulfilled this promise of my text, although Joshua's iirst battle was with the spring freshet, and the next with a atone wall, ami the next lending on a rociment of whipped cowards, and the next battle, against darkness, wheeling thp sun and the moon into his battalion: and the last against the king of terrors, death five great victories. " Forward, March!" For the most part when the general of an armv starts out in a conflict he would like to have a small battle in order that h inav g't his courage up and he may rally his troops and get them drilled for greater conflicts; but this first undertaking of Joshua was greater than the leveling of Fort I'lilaski, or the thundering down of Gibraltar, or the overthrow of the H.islilc. It was the crossing of the Jordan at the time of the spring freshet. The snow of Mount 1-chnnon had just been melting and they poured down into the valley, and the whole vniley wa a raging torrent, the ('ammiiites stand on n;ie bank and they look ucross and see Joshua and the Israel lies, ami they laugh ami say, "Aha! aha! they cannot disturb us until the freshets fall; it is impossible for them to reach us." ISut after awhile they iook ncross the wa ter and they see a, .movement in the army of Joshua. They say: "What's the matter now? Why, there must be a panic among these troop, and they are going to fly, or perhaps they are going to try to march across the river Jordan, Joshua I a luna tic." Itut Joshua, the chieftain of the text, looks at hi army and cries, "For ward march!" and they tnrt for thp bank of the .Ionian. One mile ahead go two priest carrying n glittering box four feet long and two feet wide. It ia the ark oLthe covenant And they come down, and no sooner do they just touch the rim of the water with their feet than by an almighty fiat Jordan liarta. The array of Joshua marches right on without Retting their feet wet over the bottom of the river, a path of chalk and broken shell and pebble, until they get to the otber bank. Then they lay hold of the oleander and tamarisk and wJllows and pull themselves up bank thirty or forty feat high. And having gained the other bank they clap their ahlelda and their cymbal and alog the praise of the God of Jaahua. Hut no sooner have they reached the bank then the water begin to dash and roar, and with a terrific ruah they break loose from their atrange anchorage. Out yonder they have stopped; thirty mile up yonder they halted. On ttil aide the wa ters roll off toward the salt sea. But a the hand of the Lord God I taken away from the thu uplifted waters water perhap uplifted half a mile a the Al mighty hand 1 taken away, those water rush down, and aome of the unbelieving Israelite say: "Ala, alas, what a mis fortune! Why could not those water have staid parted? Because perhaps we may want to go back. O Lord, we are en gaged in a risky buine. Those Canaao ite may eat us up. How If we want to go back? Would it not have been a more complete miracle if the Iord had parted the waters to let us come through and kept them parted to let ug go back if we are defeated?" My friends, God make no provision for a Christian' retreat. He clear the path all the way to Caiman. To go hack is to die. The same gatekeeper that swing back the amethystine and crystalline gate of the Jordan to let Israel pass through now swing Bhut the amethys tine and crystalline gate of the Jordan to keep the Israelite from going back. I declare it in your hearing to-day, victory ahead, water forty feet deep in the rear. Triumph ahead, Canaan ahead; behind you death and darkness and woe and hell. But you say, "Why didn't those Cannan itea, when they had such a splendid chance standing on the top of the bank thirty or forty feet high, completely demolish those poor Israelites down in the river?" I will tell you why. God had made a promise and he was going to keep it. "There shall not any man be able to stand before the all the days of thy life." The Btorming of Jericho. But this is no place for the host to stop. Joshua give the command, "Forward, march! In the distance there is a long grove of tret, and at the end of the grove is a city. It ia a city of arbors, a city with walls seeming to reach to the heav ens, to buttress the very sky. It is the great nietrosdis that commands the moun tain pas. It ia Jericho. That city was afterward captured by I'ompey, and It was afterward captured by Herod the Great, and it was afterward captured by the Mohammedans, but this campaign the Iord plans. There shall be no swords, no shields, no battering ram. There shall be only one weapon of war, ami that a rain's horn. The horn of the slain mm was sometimes taken, and holes were punctur ed in it, and then the musician would put the Instrument to his lips, and he would run his lingers over this rude musical in strument and make a great deal of sweet harmony for the people. That was the only kind of weapon. .Seven priests were to take these rude rustic musical instru ments, and they were to go around the city every day for six days once a day for six day, and then on the seventh day they were to go around blowing these rude musical instrument seven times, and then at the close of the seventh blowing of the ram's lrus on the seventh day the pero ration of the whole scene was to be a shout, at which those great walls should tumble from capstone to base. The seven priests with the rude musical instruments pass all around the city walls on the Iirst day, und a failure. Not mi much a a piece of plaster broke loose from the wall not so much as a loosened rock, not so much ns a pioce of mortar lost from Its place. "There," say the unbelieving Israelites, "didn't I tell you so? Why, those ministers are fools. The idea of going around the city with those musical instruments; ami expecting in that way to destroy it! Joshua has been spoiled; h thinks because hi' has overthrown and de stroyed the spring freshet he con over throw the stone wall. Why, it l not philosophic. Ilnn't you see there is no re hitioii between the blowing of these uinsi en I instruments and the knocking down of the wall? It isn't philosophy." And I suppose there were many wiseacres who stood with their brows knitted, and with the forefinger of the right hand to the foreliuger of the left hand, arguing it all out, and showing it was not possible that such a cause should produce such an ef fect. And I suppose that night in the en campment there was plenty of philosophy and caricature, and if Joshua had been nominated for any high military Nsition he would not have got many votes Joshua's stock was down. The second day the priesls blowing the musical instru meiits go around the city, and a failure Third day, and a failure; fourth day, and a failure; lifth day, and a failure; sixth day, and a failure. The seventh day comes, the climacteric day. Joshua is up early ill the morning and examines the troops, walks till around about, looks at the city wall. The priesls start to nuikr the circuit of the city. They go all around once, all around twice, three times, four times, five times, six times, seven times, and a failure. The Falling WoIIh. There Is only one more thing to do, and that Is to utter a great shout. I si-e the Israelltish army straightening themselves up, tilling their lungs for a vociferation such as was never heard before and never heard after. Joshua feels that the hour has come, and he cries out to his host "Shout, fur the Iord hath given you the city !" All the people begin to cry, "1 own, Jericho, down, Jericho!" and the long line of solid masonry begins to quiver and to move and to rock. Stand from under. She falls. Crash go the walls, the tcin- n'.e. the towers, the palaces; the air Is blackened with the dust. The huzza of the victorious Israelites and the groan of the conquered CiiuiiBiiites commingle, and Joshua standing there In the debris of the wall hears a voice saying, "There shall not any mini be able to stand before thee all the day of thy life. But Joshua's troops may not halt here The command i, "Forward, march!" There 'I the city of A I; It must be taken. How shall It be taken? A scouting party come back and says, "Johna, we can do that without you; It I going to be a very easy job; you Just stay hero while we go and capture It." They march witn a small regiment in front of that city. The men of Al look at them and give one yell, and the Israelite run like reindeers. The northern troops at Bull Run did not make uch rapid time as these Israelites with the Canaaultes after tiem. . They never cut such a sorry figure as when they were on the retreat. Anybody that goes out In the battles of God with only half a force. Instead of your taking the men of Al, the men of Ai will take you. Look at the church of God on the retreat. The Borne slan cannibals ate up M union, the mli lonsry. "Fall back," aaid a great many Chriatlan people. "Fall back, oh, Church of God! Borneo will never be taken. Don't you see the Bornesian cannibal have eaten up Munson, the missionary T" Tyndall deliver hi lecture at the Univer sity of Glasgow, and a great many good people ay: "Fall back, oh. Church of God! Don't you see that Christian phil osophy is going to be overcome by worldly philosophy? Fall back!" Geology plunges it crowbar into the mountains, and there are a great many people who aay: "Sci entific investigation ia going to overthrow the Mosaic account of the creation. Fall back!" Friends of God have never any right to fall back. Joshua in the Dust. Joshua falls on his face in chagrin. It I the only time you ever see the back of hi head. He falls on hi face and begin to whine, and be say: "O Lord God, where fore hast thou at all brought this people over Jordan to deliver u into the hand of the Amorite, to destroy us? Would to God we hail been content and dwelt on the other side of Jordan! For the Canaan iles and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it and shall environ us round and cut off our name from the earth." I am very glad Joshua said that. Before it seemed ns if he were a supernatural be ing, and therefore could not l m exam ple to us, but I find he is a man, he is only man. Just aa sometimes you find a man under severe opposition, or in a bad state of physical health, or worn out with overwork, lying down and sighing about everything tx'ing defeated. I am encour aged when I hear this cry of Joshua as he lies in the dust. God comes and rouses him. How does he rouse him? By complimentary apos trophe? No. He says: "Get thee up. Wherefore liest thou upon thy face?" Joshua rises, and, I warrant you, with a mortified look. But his old courage comes back. The fact was that was not his but tle. If he had been in it he would have gone on to victory. He gathers his troops around him and says, "Now let us go up and capture the city of Ai; let us go up right away." They march on. He put the majority of the troop behind a ledge of rocks in the night, and then he sends a compara tively small battalion up in front of the city. The men of Ai come out with a shout. This battalion In strategem fall lmck and fall back, aud when all the men of Ai have left the city und are in pursuit of this scattered or seemingly scattered battalion, Joshua stands on a rock I see his locks Hying in the wind as he points his spear toward the doomed city, and that is the signal. The men rush out from behind the rocks and take the city, and il is put to the torch, und (hen these Israel ites in Ihe city march down and the Hying bnttalion of Israelites return, and be tween these two waves of Israelitish prowess the men of Ai are destroyed, and the Israelites gain the victory, and while I see Ihe curling smoke of Unit destroyed city on the sky, and while I heur the huzza of the Israelite and the groan of the (,'n nannites, Joshua hears'sometliing louder than it all ringing and echoing through his soul, "There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life." His Btrunice Command. But this is no place for the host of Joshua to stop. "Forward, march!" crie Joshua to the troops. There is the city of Gibeon. It has put itself under the pro- lection of Joshua. They sent wold, "There ure five kings after us; they nre going to destroy us; send troops quick; send us help right away." Joshua has a three days' march more than double quick. On Ihe morning of the third day he Is before the enemy. There are two long lines of battle. The battle opens with great slaugh ter, but the 'iinaanitcs soon discover something. They say: "That is Joshua; that is Ihe limn who conquered the spring freshet and knocked down the stone wall and destroyed the city of Ai. There is no use lighting." And they sound a re Ireat, and as they begin to retreat Joshua and his host spring upon them like a pan ther, pursuing lliern over the rocks, and ns these 'anaanites. with sprained ankle i and gashed foreheads retreat the cntnpii t of the sky pour u volley of hailstone into the valley, and u 11 Ihe artillery of the heavens with bullets of iron pounds the ('annanilos against the ledges of Beth boron. "Oh," says Joshua, "this is surely a vie tory!" "But do you not see the sun Is going down? Those Anuorites are going to get away after ull, and they will come up some other time and bother us and perhaps destroy us." See. the sun is going down. Oh, for a louger day than has ever beeti seen in this clhnute! What is the mutter with Joshua? Has he fallen in an uiMjplcctic fit? No. He is in prayer. Look out when ll good man makes the Ix.ird his ally. Joshua raises hi face, radiant with prayer, and look at the descending sun over Gibeon and at the faint crescent of the moon, for you know the queen of the night sometimes will linger around the palaces of the day, l'oiuting one hand at the descending sun and the other hand at the faint crescent of the moon, in the name of that God who shaped the worlds and moves the worlds, he cries, "Sun. stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, moon, in the valley of Ajnloii." And they stood still. Wh"her It was by refraction of the sun' ray or by the stopping of the whole planetary system I do not know, and do not car. I leave It to the Chris tian scientists Mid the Infidel scientist to settle tliat question, while I tell yon I have seen the same thing. "What!" say you, "not the sun standing still ?" Ye. The same miracle Is performed nowaday. The wicked do not live out half their day, and the un seta at noon. Hut let a man start out and battle for God, and the truth, and agalnet ain, and the day of bis use fulness la prolonged and prolonged and prolonged. inf.. WHAT WOMEN WEAR. STYLES FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO LOOK PRETTY. Coats a Pretty Penny to Keep New Style Gowns Clean Sleeves That Have Changed the Style of Wrapa Fur la Midsummer. Women' Latest Wear. York correspondence: Ne x, but It cost a woman a pretty penny Just now to keep clean! The bil lowy whiteness and myriad soft ruffles of the lawn bodices and gowns now worn can only be properly cleansed at the steam clean I n g p 1 a c e s . The sleeves of white lawn and lace that are currently styl ish must go to the same shop. Gloves must visit the cleanser's every Week, white lawn skirts are again In vogue for wear with summery gowns, and that means washing. Even when recourse Is had to dresses of the sort this Initial depicts, and In which the material Is a bluet taffeta that can be worn freely without thought of expensive cleansing, then comes In that dreaded Item for stiffen ing linings. Expense Is necessary at every turn, but Is warranted If It re sults In such a tasteful costume as this. A novel garniture appears on the skirt, consisting of two long sash ends of white bengallne embroidered with bluet silk that are drawn through straps to "rocs In front and continue to the back where the bodice closes, form- SUOWY STI FF F.t.AnollATF.I.V TrtlMMF.D. Ing the belt The bodice has a yoke of the embroidered silk and plain epau lettes. It Is alike In back and front, the material being taken bias to avoid too raanj pleats at the waist (It is a pretty fashion to make the sleeves of a gown soft and flowing with luce, chliToti or muslin, no matter whether such material appears In the rest of the dress or not Frequently the (inly elaboration of a gown is a pair of wonderfully draped whlteluwusloeves, ami so we nre approaching to the fash ion nf our grandmothers when a lady's .Jii'vi vastly outnumbered her gowns, und were adjusted to suit the occasion. If this sort of thing keeps up the wash woman's capacity will be overtaxed find the business of cleansing will de serve a place among the flue arts. But as one swallow doesn't make a sum- !ier, so a fanciful pair nf sleeoves ocsn't of necessity constitute all the iirnaiiii'iitatlon of an ornate, bodice, which fact is shown plainly enough In lie next picture. Here the stuff Is idiowy to start with, being a black and White striped silk, nnd Is set off by a ilcop white satin yoke, which Isembrold creil with spangles nnd edged with a double ruflle of embroidered moussel Ine de sole and a narrow niching "f SLEEVES THAT RAVI CHANGED STYLE OV WVAI'S. THE satin ribbon that may be olther blue or white The sleeves have lace ruffles heading long cuff. A velours belt ends Id large bows In back. A stcond dress of taffeta, this time In - . t-u .-..' rvftijspi .lis ' 9 XfrVk 1 iff lm ullver-gray, figured with uiowt-green, lei the artlafa next preiif utution. This cobtume Include two characteristic features of the current styles the baggy-fronted waist, and the plain skirt swirling from the belt In faultless go dets. These are stiffened, of course, and lined with moas-green silk. The sleeves eud at the elbow, and are of the sort that make Jackets worse than useless and assure fashlonableness to capes. Between them at the front there ap pears a deep square yoke of silver-gray satin finished with bands of i?reen and gray passementerie. The high stock collar and the belt are made of moss- NOVEL MANTLE DRAPERY. green velvet, and the back of the bodice Is left plain. Another type of summer dresses has a skirt of flowered silk, the design matching perfectly. A bodice all soft bagging folds Is entirely of Insertions of lace, pieced together and draped over white lawn that bags beneath. An Indescribable creamy softness of effect Is thus produced. A ruffled surplice scarf of silk to match the ground of the silk In the skirt Is fitted over the shoul ders, crosses at the waist, passes to the back and there ties, rounded spread ing ends giving finish to the back. Such a rig carried out with ivory lace over white, and with dull yeljow Bilk, is adorable for a slender young girl with soft dark hair. Mantle drapery resem bling In t'n.ater or loss degree that shown In the fourth picture Is also em ployed on bodices that accompany fig ured flowerod skirts. Here it Is above a plain skirt of green glace taffeta that is perfectly tight flttlns about the hips bin that spreads widely toward the bottom. The fitted lining of the blouse waist, is draped with spangled while cliilTon, and the sleeves are of plain chiffon with a ruffle of the green taf feta at tfie elbows. The drapery Is of the skirt stuff, Is alike back and front, and is held In place . by bunched silk rosettes. Tiny rows of lace run 'up and down and very full are the approved finish STYLISHLY FO.L OF HOLES. for the daintier shirt waists and fronts, and the former are fastened with great flat rhinestone buttons made after the fashion of cut steel buttons that were lu favor not long ago. Such lndica tios prepare the student of fashions lo llnd shirt waists used In elaborate get ups, and that will be the rule for the coming hot mouths. An example of this Is presented by the final picture costume, which, though Including a shirt waist and jacket that reminds of the cut of a year ago, Is decorated sty lishly with perforated stuff, which so changes the otherwise simple godet skirt n to make a practically new sort of skirt of It Old blue cloth Is the main fabric, and bands of ihls outline the godets and are perforated to kIiow the while silk underneath. Triangular bits of this trimming show, too, at each side of the plain front. Never and collar are similarly ornamented, and the whole Is so dressy that a blouse of white chiffon or silk, or a tnllor-inade vest Willi linen chemisette and suita ble tie may be appropriately substi tuted for the skirt Copyright, 181)5. Henry IV., the Great, of France, said that no better book had ever been writ ten than "Caetiar'a Commentaries," and that the nejtt best was the "He treat of the Ten Thousand." 'ilsi.A-iailMt.i. I in .mat .jjt iaiOToa4 'at-.. -Mti .. s. A BIRD KITE. Sparrow Took It for an Enemy east Biddled It. Tommle Caruthers, the son of a weft. known resident of the West End, waa until yesterday the proud possessor ot a kite which had been the envy of hla playmates the whole flying seaaoo. Tommie's grandfather brought him th kite from Japan nearly a year ago, and the little fellow has been keeping t carefully housed since then, waiting for an opportunity to mount It. It attract" ed considerable attention on Its fink appearance, and has been the delight of the neighborhood ever since. In point of fact the kite was really ft thing of beauty, representing a big brown btrol with spread wings of gorgeous hue. Tesdrday while Tommle was flfUaf his kite It struck a plane of air not more than 50 feet up, and went skim? merlng along on It like a real live blrdj, now and then darting a little to right or left, but bearing straight on till it rested squarely over a neighboring barnyard. Then the fun began. Th yard was full of fowls, clucking and scratching and nesting, and when om of the more alert cocks spied the big bird outspread overhead he sent th news of danger circulating round tn lnclosure to the tune of double-quick. In a moment the whole lot was la commotion. Roosters crowded, hen cackled and squawked and gathered their broods around them, running hither and thither for safety. The poor things expected every minute to be that laat, perhaps, and were not a llttla. astonished when the hovering bird failed to swoop down upon them and scatter death and destruction In their camp. At this stage of the gome, while th chickens were still uncertain as to thett ultimate fate, re-enforcements arrived In the shape of a bevy of English spar rows. The spry little fellows wer game from tip to tall, and stood not upon the order of their going either, but lit Into the gorgeous Japanese kite like animated hailstones pelting a spread sail. It was fun to see the evi dent enjoyment those sparrows took la putting that kite to rout. They pecked and dabbed and. tore and clawed th poor paper wings, literally riddling th kite before Tommle knew what wu happening and could draw It In. No doubt It was the easiest victory those spunky little sorrows ever won. Nashville Correspondent Philadel phla Times. Doctors in Sweden. Sweden has doctors, but no doctors bills. If you have occasion to call a physician, says Sir. Thomas, in hla "Sweden and the Swedes," you will And him not only skillful In his profes sion, but a highly educated and most honorable gentleman. You will also have another proof of the honesty of the Swedes, and their friendly confi dence In each other. Swedlwh doctors send no bills to their patientH. What you shall pay your physician is left entirely to your own choice. The rich pay him liberal ly, whether they have need of his ser vices or not. If he has been once re tained by them. The por Pfly bIm smail sum, and the very poor pay him nothing. Yet he visits the poor as faith, fully as the rich. On the last day of the year you put Into an envelope, addressed to your physician, a sum of money which you think not only sufficient to compensate him, but in accordance with your own position In life, and enclosing your card with the money, sivnd the envelope by a servant to your doctor. The servant returns with the card of the doctor In a sealed envelope directed to you. Thl shows that he has received your money?" and no word about the matter ever passes between you. Should you send him nothing, he will come and prescribe for you all the next year, and as long as you live; and ha Is too dignified ever to say a word about It He Itemenibered His Lung. As knowledge Increases, it become more and more Impossible for any one man to study everything. Those who would master one branch of science, must be contented to remain Ignorant of much that It would be pleasant to know. A singular example of absorp tion In a chosen specialty Is furnished by "an eminent Scotch surgeon and professor," of whom an exchange re lates an anecdote: The poet Tennyson once consulted him about some affection of the lungs, and some years afterward went to hira again on the same errand. On being announced, the poet was nettled to observe that the surgeon not only did not remember his face, but did not even recognise his name. He mentioned hla former visit Still the surgeon failed to recall him. Then the surgeon put his ear to his patient's chest. "Ah," he said, "I remember you now. I know you by your lung." Ho knew nothing about the author of "In Memoriam," but. he knew hla business, and remembered perfectly the peculiar sound of that ailing lung. Hark for Fuel. Krk la a favorite fuel In the north west The evergreens of the region con- sume quickly lu the open ureplace and leave nothing but light ashes, but tbs) hark of these same trees, very thtak and heavy, burns more slowly and falls). Into embers that give out a ratiarjnaf heat for many hours. Ul r-..-