The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 06, 1895, Image 2

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    ft Sioux County Journal
i irt priee of oil Is ui cained uj
Its scarcity. The Standard Oil Com
pany has plenty of oil but no one else
In the fierce struggle and conflict of
modern life the new woman Is throw
ing herself ic' the breaches every
where. A dispatch from New York say that
"Tlus-scll Sage has the grip." Po far
as our recollection goes Uncle Itu-well
never has lost it.
It seems queer that the early shipper
rf strawberries should invariably puck
his berries on the wroti;; side of the
bottom of the box.
Regular booksellers are going to
fight the department stores in Chicago.
The reading public hopes that the war
will be of long duration.
If Dr. N'ansen really has discovered
the north pole we hope he will bring it
home and shut off the constantly grow
ing crop of relief expeditions.
That Chicago professor who tried to
photograph a panther down in Florida
the other day has shown no disposition
to come to the scratch since then.
The day may come when we shall
have electrical stoves and cooking ap
paratus, but there will never be a time
when science will accomplish the work
of spring moving.
Before our men-of-war are permitted
to participate in the naval review at
Kiel we hope Secretary Herbert will
Insist on the field being clear of coal
luggers and mud scows.
Doesn't it seem queer that 'n the
-rhole mass of cases where hypnotism
Is urged as a defense there is no in
stance on record where a person was
hypnotized into doing a commendable
The Chinese naval officers who com
mitted suicide Immediately after their
defeat were merely relieving the Chi- !
Dese Government of a task which it
would have performed with too much
Dr. Depew calls attention to the fact !
that his birthday falls on the same date
as that of the late and well known j
William Shakespeare. The doctor evi- j
dently anticipates a good deal of con- !
fusion in subsequent anniversary cele
brations. Two prisoners on Black well's Island
were altout to be released the other
day when is was discovered that they
had made 1.0tKi worth of counterfeit
coin inside the walls. Those fellows j
certainly deserve something for their
Industry and diligence probably about
five years apiece.
It has taken a Philadelphia man forty-two
years to make up bis mind to
make reparation for stealing a pair
of gloves worth 2.1 cents. He sent $2
to a storekeeper the other day with a
note of expansion. The Philadel
phia conscience acts very slowly, but It
1 very gratifying to know that' It acts
at all.
The shocking method of tortjre em
ployed in mutilation of the tails of
horses, and the inartistic results of the
process, continue toexcitedhtgustedbut
futile protest from people who think.
When It Is considered that there is do
reason for cutting off a horse's tail
that does not apply with equal force to
bis ears, or the nose of bis owner, tbe
objection on the ground of common
sense as well as humanity is aeen to
rest on a firm basis.
Tbere Is yet a field for genius In the
egg trade. No man has yet come to
tbe front with a brand of eggs with
the date of their debut into this world
marked upon them In order to insure
their quality. The man who starts this
will either make or break. He will
either get a big price for his eggs be
fore too long a time has transpired after
they are laid, else he will sell tbem be
low the market price. Probably the
most practical way Is for the seller to
have the stamp and brand the eggs as
they are sold. This would Insure hav
ing fresh branded eggs, at least
Tbe words "right" and "wrong" haTe
been thought sufficient to classify ac
tionsthe words "good" and "bad" to
classify character. Advancing intelli
gence, however, has shown us that
tbere is no such rough and rigid divis
ionthat countless varieties of motives,
mingling and Intermingling, cause
equal varieties In character and an
equal number of shades of right and of
wrong actions. Indeed, the Intricate
combination of these forever forbid
any positive or dogmatic conclusions
concerning even the quality of a single
action, much more concerning the char
acter of a single action, much more
concerning the character of a single
In the test of tbe Massachusetts' side
armor at Indian Head a 12-Inch gun
was used against a plate eighteen
laches thick. Although tbe shells struck
to tbe manner most favorable to the
fmv-a result almost unattainable In
actual warfare and although the blows
delivered within a few Inches of
srrk other e coincidence (hat would
tlaett aerer occur la a naval battle
r". of the stoeUe passed throngs
j TMa rassjtt is one of tike
' ' .-1 mmJl swjaaaats yet nates ta
!: .! j.utiiiitr l.'l im'h guns In the
i: iihi turrets of oill" new buttle ship
rail) T thtn X inch. If the lutier at
point blank rai!'t can strike one plate
perpendicularly tvi'-e without pein
trutiiig inti) au enemy's Ulterior it is
evident that a hearier blow is needed.
Shell Je battle will -ilinost always
strike at so ne anle from the perj..e-.
dicuiar, and their penetrativeeif ill
Us Vsnisened In proportion to the amount
of the angle. In this pttrt of the lot
tery of the new littje slii.'is it will W
well to duplicate the guns of the In
diana class.
The Illinois LegMamre t-ok a long
step in advance when it enacted a law
makius wife desertion a crime punish
able by arrest and Imprisonment Here
tofore it has been merely a pastime
which could be Indulged wl:h Impunity
by any man, or. creature fashioned in
the semblance of man, who tired of l is
wife and left her to shift for herse'.f.
Other legislatures might pro.'lt by this
example and place the ban of the crim
inal as well as civil law ji)U this
cies of crime, for crime it Is whether
the law directs its thundering against
it or not Perhaps, if such an act were
passed by the several legislatures, a
few more worthless fellows might 1m?
induced to carry out the duties and re
sionsibllitie they took upon them
selves when they rntrried. For the
most part the wife Is better off without
than with a husband who thinks so
little of her as to leave her, but it
would be some satisfaction to visit
some punishment upon some husbands.
Such husbands ought to be made to
feel that they cannot so lightly lay
aside the responsibility they have as
sumed and waive all tbe obligations
they took upon themselves, by merely
withdrawing tbelr useless presence
aud relieving the wives of tbe burden
of supiKirting them, as Is very often
the case. There Is more tlmn a mere
sentimental consideration in the mat
ter. It is a question of crime, and if
there Is no law on the statue books
which is violated by such conduct the
sooner such a law is placed there the
James Sheakley, governor of far
away Alaska, has made bis second an
nual report to the Secretary of the In
terior. He reports that the usheries
have been successful, that the mines
have yielded profitable returns, aud
that the population has been largely
augmented by Immigration; also that
crime is less frequent aud law aud or
der quite as well enforced as in the old
er communities. The natives are pur
chasing lumber, erecting modern style
houses, have improved methods' of pre
paring food and clothing, and are mak
ing steady progress towards civiliza
tion. The total population is '".hCii.
and there are thirty-five schools of all
kinds. The only apparent drawback to
Alaska's happiness is the fact that not
withstanding the efforts of the collector
of customs, his deputies and all the
other civil officers in the territory, in
toxicating liquors are imported, land
ed, and sold without stiut iu every
white settlement in the territory. Tin."
food fishes will be the most valuable
of Alaska's marine products, as the fur
seal and sea otter are rapidly disap
pearing. Tbe report says the codfish
banks are extensive and inexhaustible,
and halibut exist in great numbers,
bt-sides more than a hundred species of
food fishes are to tie found In Alaskan
waters. The catching and canning of
salmon have become an organized In
dustry of large proportions. Beginuiug
In 1883 with a pack of .'d.OOti caws it
has rapidly Increased until IKiil "the
Alaskan paek amounted to nearly Si.
000 cases. As to mining interests the
Governor states that the manipulation
of low grade guld-hearlng quartz is
easy, successful and profitable, and
that an extensive mining business Is
now carried on In the territory.
Nesta of the Gray 8qnrrel.
In the East the Northern gray squir
rel Is the commonest species, and that
which Is moat widely known. Tbere
Is no need to describe It here; but when
you come to describe Its nesting hab
its, beware of making assertions as to
what It does not do. Iu Washington I
once heard a lively three-cornered dis
pute on this subject, which was quite
Instructive. One boy asserted that the
gray squirrel nests In hollow tree,
beech or oak preferred. Another de
clared that In summer it builds a nest
of green leaves for summer use only.
A third contended that the summer
nest Is built of bark stripplngs from
cedar trees, made Into a big, round bn!!.
Within a month we collected, within
ten miles of the National Museum,
three fine nests which proved that all
three of the disputants were right:
Moral: Never base a general statement
on Insufficient fact. St Nicholas.
No: All Profit.
A New York paper gives a story of a
man who Is very careful of his dollars.
He Is a farmer in comfortable circum
stances, thrifty and honest and is re
spected notwithstanding his painful ex
actness in money matters.
He married a widow worth flO.mKi,
and shortly afterward a friend met
"Allow me to- congratulate you," said
the friend. "That marriage was worth
a clear $10,000 to you."
"No." replied the fanner; "not quite
that much."
"Indeed? I thought there was every
cent of ten thousand In It"
"Ob, no," and tbe fanner sighed a
little; "I had to pay a dollar for the
marriage license."
"It must make those poor horses
dreadfully tired to go running around
the race track,'' said tbe sympathetic
woman. "No," replied the guileless
man who beta; "the horses are all
right It's the man who went over there
with a sore tip who la made tlred."
traaalagtoa Star.
I Urn ttr M ll.a.t-r (
I av Fl!AN 1-4 ii, Oil., May 31. Nwi j
conveyed here by wire Irotu Manzt
riiilo (roes 1 1 sliaw that to i ochui dis
aster nenr ta -re w is not sj horrible a
form r reports fron 'hi scan of the
wreck woull- i idlcata. Lewis R. ,
firewer, a coffe! pUutur, wio with bis '
friends add be-m striving to learn som
ttiii g of the late of his Wife and thret
Cht:din, Vibo sere aboard the Ctdirua.
receive! a telegram from a friend ic
Mai:z i!iiiio which, altboijh onuining i
no deliuite information of Mrs. Brewer !
a;.d her children, is, however,' in st us. ,
buriug, particularly iu view of the .
morning' report to its e,:T-at that the
bodies wera coining ashore near the'
scene of the wreci. Thw message reads
as follows:
Manzaxiixo, M ty 31. it.5o a. m. L.
IU li. Brewer, 5u Francisco Your
wife au J cuiUrea have not yet appeared
but tbe sliips-recKel ptisngdr are
being contiuu illy picked up from rafts
and boats.
Xo signature ia attached to the mes
sage. Tins news was glad tiding tc
the distracted husband. Among the
callers at the Occidental was Mr.Cush
lug, father of the tsro OtKUtid boys,
who were passengers on the ill-fated
steamer. It will be remembered that
yesterday one of tbe Cushing boys was
reported as being auvog thoso picked
up in a boat br the Sn Juan, widen
otie, however, the telegram did n'Jt sav,
but after reading Mr. Brewer's dis
patch tbe father felt more hopeful that
both of his sous were sife. Yester
day's telegram gave the names of tbe
etg:iieen men who bad boen rescued,
but later dispatche say tnere were
twenty-one p c-ied ap. Throughout
the entire morning tha office of tbe
OccideuBil hotel was the scene of an
Interesting assemblage of gentlemen
from Central America, some of whom
were related to missing passengers
who abandoned the Coll ma and others
who were deeply concerned in the
safety of friends. When tiie message
to Mr. Brewer w.ia paste 1 on the black
board their spirits beoama more bouv
aut and they waited punnt.y for fur
ther information. Tna teleratn con-c-rniug
tbe number of jiersous picked
up by the au Juan was receive by
the Pacific Mail tsteam-itiip company
from U. Vogel ,x Co., its agents at
Manzamlio. It reads a? follows:
"Colima foundered at sea, tidy miles
from Manz tuilij, M iy 27. at 11 a. m.
Have seut vessel to her assistance.
Will Bend full particulars m soou as re
ceived. San Juau picKed up twenty
one persons."
The Pacitic Mail Steamship co up my
gave out the following early tins even
ing: Manzanillo, May 31 -Colima found
ered, going down astern, sinking en-!
tirely In ten minutes. No stroug wind
only neavy swell. Sams swell caught
Mexican schooners JosHtiua, Albina
aud American schooner il-iyes. Cap
tains repot heavy swells, o.ily enter
1 g here for safety. Saved cabin Al.
bauo, Thornton, Sutherland, Cuming,
Ra.z, Gunearez, Sarrabta, Steerage
lioyd, Zaouonge, Oriel, Hoss, llamon,
Buliz, Kolan and three mure.
Laid to Meat.
CliiCiOO. Ill, May Attended by
tbe pres.dent ef the I tilted htates, the
cabinet, tbe supreme court members
and thousands of oid friends, ma-iy be
ing of those who had participated in
tbe dedication of the confederate mono
meet earlier in the day, tin b dy of
Secretary Oresham was laid a a ay to
resit In Oak woods cemetery yestesdsy
full militeiy honors being given.
The most impressive teeture of the
gathering was the presence of thousands
of veterans of lbs late war, both fed
srals and confederates. The former
bad passed the foreuoon in decorating
Uie graves of their comrades, while tbe
latter bad gathered to unveil a mouu
meutln memory cf tbe confederate
prisoners wbo died at Camp Douglas
and were buried at Oak wood cemetery
during Ute war. so it cams about that
In tbe same barylng grouud where to s
dead of tbe "lost cause" were honored
in tbe forenoon a distinguished federal
general was iaik to rest in tbe after
noon, mourned by tboss he bad so
gallantly fougnt against thirty years
ago. At the conclusion of tha funeral
services tbse from tbe train were'
driven back to their cars. Tbs coach
containing Mrs. Ores ham and party
was switched off and taken to Twenty
second street, from where Mrs Ores
bam, her soo, son-in-law and daughter
were driven wltb Mr. J. W. Doane to
tbe letter's home in Prairie avenue,
where they will remain for tbe present.
The Washington train started on Its
return trip at 4 o'cloct yesterday after
Will Hum End.
Columbus, My 31. Tbe Inter
Ctate timers' convention adjourned
yesterday morning without having
taken any action regarding the strike. .
Tbe striae is cert am to come to an end
at once and the miners will no .doubt
go to work at the optra'ors' price.
l'Altls, May aj. The dramatic artssls
of fans held tha annual bicycling
meeting at tbe Veiedrome Buffetone.
Tbe professional race was won by
Banker o'. Pittsburg, Pa., beating the
crack French riders. ,
Klewed tha Parade,
Berlin, May 81. Tbe emperor re
viewed the spring parade of the troops
of the Berlin and Spandau garrisons.
Tbs empress, drove to tbe parsle
ground in an open carrige. There was
an unusually Urge foroe of police
flseklng the emperor, and a strong
fores of mounted polios rods close to
the curbstones acd otesrsd tbs road
watt of persons who might possibly
auampt u approaoh bis msjsstr.
it-ijfc.,ti 4. ,'tiMia t4..l
tUi KhavCi-C ), Cal., Mv 3J Tae
Fftiflrf mill stes'iish . CiJni .
ii?cked between M iiizviib a 1 1 A.
puico oil tK.e Men? n co ut, Niy 27 and
the present In i:citio:n ara tint over
IV) persons peiist-d. O-ilv uiuetejo
are known to hive been s-ivel.
The Colim.t was as lr--s vessel of
S.0 C tons burd-Mi. she ws built by
llimch of Philadelphia and g lUed
fn ni this citv on the 15. n ommand of
Captain J. F.Taylor. The o'her otlioerg
were: D. K. Grilti'h. rirst o.lijtr; (j-to,
Lanehi'tn, s-CJiid o!!ic-r; O. F. Ileiiien,
third otTicer; L. VV. T,. Kir iy. su'eon
William Wafer, purser; f. B. Urry,
freight clertt; A. K.'iiitj. store
keeper; William A. Smith, chief en
gineer; II. Finley, sectui i ensfitieer; T.
Tomereg, third engineer.
There were forty cabin pansenjers,
thir'y-six steerage pa'senjers, forty
Cliinese and beventy ollicer.s anl crew.
The news of the disaster reiclied this
city through a dispalcn received by the
agents of tite Pacific M til company.
One of the steam-tr's small boats, con
laiuing fourteeen pnsen;ers and live
of trie crew, reachel the M-x can coast
and it was this party tint teiegraphei
the news of the wreck. N m of the
remaining 10 passengers and crew
have been heard of. Tub nam's of the
passengers rescued have not yet been
The first Information reac'ied this
city in a dispatch to II. E. .Vfred Rail
ton, a bookkeeper in tlie clH ot the
Pacific Mail. Tiie dispatch contained
the following brief etatern uit.
".saved; wire father. Richardson."
Ricliardson was the storekeeper on
the Colima aud was one of the few at
tbia time known to nave e seined from
tbe sinking vessel alive. When Rail
ton received the dispatch he went to
tbe Merchant's exchange to orrobora'e
the news of the vessel's Ion. but fafled
to obtain any Information th-re. The
Merchants' exchange had received no
advices from Manzanil'o a?i 1 theliifor
mation contained In the uisrvitch re
ceived by the Pacitic Mail bookkeeper
whs regarded as a most stanliug piece
of information. A few moments later
a telegram was received fr.mi tiie corn
pany's agent at Manzanilli to the effect
that the ship h.".d gone down and that
fourteen passengers and tly of the
crew had reached shore In a r-tnill boat.
Just how many passenger were
aboard the vessel when tiie accident oc
curred bleb sent her to t .e bottom
cannot lie ascertained at present The
vessel stops at Maz itlao aud .San lilas
before reaching Manzmiilo and pas
sengers were landed an I taken on at
both porta. The Colima was bound for
Panama and was due at Manzanillo on
Sunday, tne'ifj li inst The dispatches
show tha" the vessel fou-ideredon Mon
day, th- 27, off ManzHiiUlu, which
would indicate that probably some ac
cident to the machinery occcurred
which retarded the progress of the ves
sel and prevented her from reaching
the port of Manzanillo before she
Tbe tlieers of the 1'acille Mall
Steamship company do not believe the
vessel struck a hidden ledge. They are
more inclined to think that tlx) cause
of lite disaster was an accident to tbe
machinery. They are sure that the
o flicer and crew lid their (uty when
tt.e trying came and believed
that the boss of life will prove to be
much less than It is at present feared.
Tbe vessel had six life boats, which
Lang from davits, ready to be launched
at a moment's notice, n t it Is thought
that all of these could have been
launched, no m liter how rapidly the
Vessel sank.
A Beneaal of Hot lltln I Iuim IfkMt.
Losdox, May 3J. V dispatch from
(Shanghai to tbe Pall Mail UaMite says
tbere are alarming rumors that a re
newal of tbe lighting between Japan
and China Is Imminent, Tbs Japan
ese warships at Formosa bars been
clean d for action and tbe French ships
at Tamsbi are ready for emergency.
Wamiinoton, May 30. At the Jap
anese legation, which has been kept
promptly and accurately advised by its
borne government of every move of im
portance fr-jm the outbreak of tbe war
down to the conclusion of peace, noth
ing has been received to confirm the
news from Shanghai that tha Japanese
warships off Formosa had been cleared
for action and that a renewal of hos
tilities Is imminent. The officials In
charge of the state department are al
so without news, and the story In it
present shape is brusquely dismlsssd as
"another Shanghai fable "
Trtod to Commit Sale 4c.
I'LEASaxtto.v, Kaa.,May 31 James
McFariand aas oaugbt Sunday morn
ing entering Captain Holding's housa
east of here and was taken before
'Squire Adams, who sent him to the
county jail. Between here and Mound
City tbe officer saw him take a small
package from bis picket and place It
In bis mouih. With a curse he said:
"This will do me up." At Mound City
a physician was called and it was found
that he had taken morphine. He was
TMUscltated with difficulty.
Kloilng In Vienna.
Vienna, May 30. l)r. Lugere, Hie
aiiti-semiie leader In I be reicharath and
vtco-burgomaster of Vienna, refused to
accept the oflice of burgomaster,
to which be was elected, because
the majority ha received was
the amalKst permitted by law to elsot.
I pon learning of tbs refusal an excited
mob attacked the town ball, which
they stormed and took possession of.
Fierce lighting ensued between tbs
mob and tha noliee. and at this wrlttna
I rite M:t-a.
AlIlNt.To.v, May WalterQ lin
ten fiiesham will receive a soi.iier's
buriaL Except John A. Logan no
other man not of the regular army h4
ever been honored by tle ordering out
f I'ni'ed Matts troop to atten l his
fune-al. The preliminary Servile Will
tae pUc-iu theeast rojtu of the While
houfce, hieli has witnessed so many
ii ernoriib'e oboeijtiie-, the last being
ttms of President II prison's wife, but
whi.1i has never b-fore b-tn the scene
of funeral service-over a cabinet oillcer
Tueie will further be this dis'inctive
to eure In the sad ceiemouies. that the
i ra erits and other accessories will be
e.iurely military in character. The
tl ig ahich General Gieshim loved so
well, for winch he fought so bravely,
and In whose drfem he was s i griev
ions y wounded, wtf be the chief em
blem of ru turning round his funeral
Bishop Hurst of the Methodist Epis
copal church conducted the services.
He was a warm personal friend of the
de,id secretary, who himself was
brought up in the Methodist faith, his
father and mother belonging to (hat
denomination. All the cabiuet were
present, except Secretary Carlisle, who
will join the funeral cortege en route
to Chicago, where it has been finally
determined that the interment shall
take place.
Tbe remains of the secretary was re
moved from the Arlington to th east
rooid of li e White house. The funeral
services was conducted by Bishop Hurst
of the Methodist Episcopal church, who
was requested by the president to
otHciate, and came to the White house
while the cabinet was In session to give
The active pall-bearers were eight en
listed men of the Ui lted Mates army.
At noon, or half an Ujur thereafter, the
funeral profession moved from the
While house to the liiltmore & Ohio Biatlon. The escort wa purely
iinll!aryaiid consisted of all the reg
ular troofs in and about Washington.
The eccort was under the c mtnand of
Maj. Gen, linger, U. 8. A.
'i he president and Ihe members of
the cabinet will accompany the remains
to Chicago, where tlis tram will arrive
some time on Thursday atttrtioon.
The president and cabinet wiil con
sequently not be able to txke part in
any of the Decoration day ceremonies
In Washington on the 3th init.
At the conclusion of the services at
the executive mansion the funeral es
cort, under command of Maj. Gen.
Thomas H. Kager, U. H. A., moved in
the following order from the executive
mansion to tbe U iltimore & O do de
pot. Military escort, clergy ami phy
s cians who attended the deceased, pall
bearers and hoarse, relatives of Itit de
ceased. Places will be reserved for th presi
dent and heads or. dcpstrtmeuts, mem
bers of the senate and house of repre
sentatives, justices of the supreme
court and diplomatio corps.
Final arrangements for the 'funeral
of Mr. Uresbam were made upon tbe
arrival of Mr. J. V."oaiie of Chicago,
an intimate friend of the late secretary.
Mr. Doane was In New York when he
beard the news of Mr. Ureeham's death
and came immediately to Washington
In his private car. Mr. Doane wag
given lull charge of the railway ar
rangements and after he had a consul
tation with Mrs. Gresharn tiie program
was given out. The remains wiil lie
deposited in a vault at Oak woods on
tbe south side of Chicago. '1 he train
la scheduled to arrive at Can wood sta
tion shortly before 2 o'clock Thursday
afternoon, and final services at the
vanlt will be held at a later hour. Rev.
M. l. McPiierson, pas '.or ot tbe Second
Presbyterian church of Chicago, will
officiate. The services will be simple
and brief and at the conclusion the
president and other members of the
cablent, with the exception of Mrs.
Gresharn and tbs relatives of tbe de
ceased, will return to the train, which
will begin lit homeward journey with
out delay. Mr. Doane baa tendered
Mrs. Oresbsra and tha other members
of tbe family tbe uss of bis private car,
and the other persons accompanying
tbe remains to Chicago will be accom
modated In Pullman coaches.
The Gresharn family has no private
vaalt In any Chicago cemetery and
Oak woods was selected because It was
most convenient to the railway route
over which tbe funeral train will pass.
OtMl Um Ctaml bjr Foroct Slrc,
Kkney, Mich., May 2U. Forest tires
are doing a vast amount of damage in
eastern Luce and northern Schoolcraft
counties. The Perry Lumber com
pany's last winter's cut In a mass of
flames. It Is all hewn timber, ready to
snip, valued at 3oO per 1,000 cubic feet
Nick Baker's log .lng camps burned,
ne man barely escaping death. Tbe
Manlsque Lumbering company has
shut down camp near the tires and
ordered the meu to keep the spreading
fire from destioyln'g their last winter's
cut. The fire is supposed to have been
started by hunters who were trying to
smoke mosquitoes from their tenia
. Crops IaU7d.
Des Moines, la., May 2d. Hot winds
blowing forty miles an hour from tbe
south and southwest for tbe past forty
eight hours, bavs dons material dam
age to growing crops all ovsr the stats.
J. R. bags, director of the waatber and
crop service, says that the hot winds,
wblobaava a lempersture ot V2 vde
grasa, bavs greatly Injured the bay
crop, damaged late oata and probably
oorn. Good showers will repair tbs
Tne McCVl Independent Knterprlse
failed to pul in its appearance
week. It is a non ir?an and the olh-
cihifounty riewspaper, having secjred
the uoii tract at regular cut-throat
prices. This leaves the commissioners
i in rather an unenviable predicament,
as no reputable i.fws'paper ili tarry
j out such an outrageous and ioiiii
i coutract.
j The barrs and sheds of L. Nuren
j berger, residing southeast of Wayne,
I were destroyed by lire together with
(thirteen head of horses, one stallion,
! harness, granary, sheds, farm iuiple
j aients, and. about 2,u"U bushels of
griin. Loss about (V'- insurance
iUXJ. The origin of the tire is un
known, but it is supposed to be the
work of tramps.
Nettie I'ersek, of Chadrou, eleven
years old, was sent to the reform
sell ol at Geneva, for stealing shoes
and cloihpig. 8Le, with her two sis
ters, seven and nine years old respsct
ively, carried away a sack and soap
box full of goods that were stored in a
vacant building and took them to tier
home where her mother hid them, but
the officers captured the young thieves
aud ail i tie goods.
The Weekly Journal, started lr
Plansmou'.b fourteen years ago by
C W. bherman, was sold at mort
gagee's sale. George 11. Mann was the
purchaser Hud the amount paid for the
plant was 8o'.0. There appears to be
some error in the transaction, and Mr.
Sherman, through his attorney, A. W.
Sullivan, appeared before ' Justice
Archer and replevined the paper from
Its new purchaser. The outcome prom
ises to be decidedly interesting.
City Marshal Clark of Falrbury has
obtained several counterfeit 25 and 50
ceut pieces, which were given to
farmers in the country in exchange for
butler and eggs. The parties passing
the bogus coin were traveling west with
two teams. As they visited several
farmers in that vicinity, timy sre pro
bably working oft considerable imita
tion bilver hs they go. Marshal (.'lark
has a description of the outfit aud Is
trymg to find where tlieirlraii leads to.
8aTe blowers got in their work at
two places In Dunbar Tuesday night.
The first place vihited was the drug
store of C. H. Wilson, where they se
cured $H7 in cash and about i'17) worth
of jewclery. rred l.oos saloon was
next treated in a similar manner, but
beyoi d a quantity of liquor nothing
was taken. Two men, claiming to be
paperhiiiigers and to hall from South
Omaha, were arrested at Nebraska City
Wednesday morning on suspicion and
lo.Jged iu jaiL They drove In from
I )u n bar. The same persons who did
the Dunbar job last Wednesday night
were probably Implicated ic trie safe
cracting at C. Johnson's grocery store
In Nebraska City.
Sheriff KlKenbary and a deputy went
to Weeping Water and brought iu a
crazy Polander. Htwus examined by
the insanity commieslon' and ordered
sent to Lincoln. He whs placed In
jail at Piattsmouth tor safe keeping
until he(can be taken tc the asylum.
Late one afternn lond cries were
heard Issuing from the Insane man's
cell and detise smoke Oiled the corridors
The sheriff was soon on the scene, when
it was discovered that the prisoner had
set fire to bis bed In the cell. He was
nearly su treated when taken from the
building and had it not been for tbe
timely arrival of assistance the build
ing would have been consumed and the
prisoner burned to death.
Preliminary survey has been made
for an irrigation ditch sixteen miles
long through the eastern part of
Buffalo and the western part of Hail
counties. Tbeditcb will up the Platte
river tan miles southwest of Khelton,
passing t brough some of tbe produc
tive land In tbe greet Platte valley. It
will be twenty-four fset wide at (be
bottom and will carry sufficient water
to Irrigate over fifteen thousand acres
of land. The project is backed by
some of tbs meet substantial farmers
and business men tn this section and It
Is probable tbat work will be com
menced at an early day. A stock com
pany will be organized at once, and will be a suocess there is do
doubt. v.
The Mistouri river at Plaltaroouth Is
causing considerable consternation
among tbe Burlington A Missouri offi.
cials. The current of the river has
switched over to the Iowa side about a
quarter of a mile farther than ever be
fore, and during the past month nearly
a hundred acres of farm land has been
washed away about a half-mile above
the big bridge, owned by tbe railroad.
B, J. McClure of Chicago, chief of tha
engineering department of tbe Uurilng
ton, accompanied by several assistants4
and George H. Morrison, the noted
bridge engineer, who superintended
the erectlou of the bridge over the
Missouri river at PlstUmoutb, arrived
In (he city on special train. The ob
ject of the visit was to inspect the
damage being done by the river. Fx
tensive rlprspping will have to be
made in a vsry short lime or tbs
bridge will be in danger.
Wluslde will be strictly la the swim
on tbe fourth. The Wayne cornet
band will given muilo ail day. All the
Modern Woodmen in the country will
habere aud tha Wayne lodge of the
Knights of Pythias will come ovsr In a
body. An excursion train - will come
In from iloaklns, Wayne and Wakelhld
and tbs erowd now In sight w.ll be lm
mense. A ball game Is being arranged
,!r.tW8n two of " '"t "lues
af thUtaottooof ts Mate for , w
toa not is sun in nri