The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 23, 1895, Image 6

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A 1Lt Of 1 MHtt CI I It i
Fri-eis of ih. fin ! me. it.
Wt friw old Piigriiu fiM k !.a. li-r
.1. ei,t. K;iieroii aii'l Br..wiiiiig aicl t-ij
A till with auj -iige at arune-iit
Goes to 1 ht s iiu'lionies, piny ia
Li lit -
Yet hi one way ),. ipj(H-rtii ter gram!
For w ii-ii a l!t of g.s-ip ..n Is-stow
Willi nil tier inline ku.. ledge ur x-ilairn-:
"i s nut to know
One hii t!'i
Throcgii a
i- il-'H II UJI..II Ml
liif lii.e of lr:i-i
c:k Via.
1 ii
.01, lb-
iai ul
Au-l I!ut;,.-s li
Ai:d -!i h.-r . 1
A tlliiii! is thus :
l: i.. 1:., i.
El.e'il tell :iu :
as tali;
Willi 1
ii -j 1 1 l.t-ing di-t.!
jiwt bat ;t oil
net s str-ioge in r.-!; n-w is u -urpr
"Von ! iii't sa !" a
A ritc.arit ot the h
"UV em the Fitir lnim.ii
iaitl she;
e hall mir gelt and
tl.e IV,!.
! ijo iiii Ijl'iJTs hS iut hi:
f a in i
I an-'
iiiiifl lij li'-r lo r
aim Hiiu
il tin
"With your for
"k-i," h( naid. Ami
thus shp HI';
With elevaUi) i-h. : 1 n 1 n j r i ? i start-:
'l'or lii-ii vt-n'-f i-Mki-!''
Kate KirM'11 Wnshinvt'tu.
W-olliiiil of
No one who
h e r t oiihl
have tiiMiuieil mat
'Veil If be had ihe
!eiie. But one
would not have
w ihed It. for slit;
as Hot a jiiri who
;ii'ui!.-.ed ani;i),-on-
imh. Her ilisposl
ti.iM Hf pel. lie and
te't, and thou;b
li e r tu i 11 d w an
strniijt and bright
and Hexilile. meii
never sjioke of her as I -i ni a stroug
aiimled woiiiiui. She was one of those
rare women who know what ihe utili
zation of resoitrres mean and ln- nev
tr let an opport unity or an oHiiin es
cape her.
But it was probably more the t biirtn
of ber dainty (tersoiiality ami the ier
ceptlon of her weet. wotnanly quall
th;8 than any reveienep for Intellectual
capacity that drew 1'hilip Aruisiruiig
to her side.
lie was a noble beartetl fellow, but
In disposition and attainment one of
the most ordinary and commonplace
of men. But it Is wonderful what a
capacity for loving these commonplace
men have when once their affections
become fm-d. And Philip loved 011
rla He had told ber so and she bad lis
tened Willi pleasure ami made him hap
py by ber answer. It had leaked out
in the usual way, and people' bad talk
d and commented on It. Some had
even asked what she saw In him to
attract ber. ami others bad K"Ue so far
a to assert that It was a shame for a
brilliant woman like ber to throw ber
elf awny-ye. those were the words
oil a commonplace man like Armstrong.
But I'hilip and Olivia, almorbed in
tie contemplation of each other's vir
tues, were oblivious to the chatter that
went on altout them. Just as so many
other lovers have been from time Im
memorial, and finally people censed to
talk of them, save in the obi way.
They had been engaged for about a
year, when one evening Philip said to
"I have decided to make a new ven
ture, Olivia" be was a merchant iu a
mail way"or, rather," be added, "to
enlarge uHn my old one. One of these
bright days when you conclude that
jou are ready we"ll be getting married,
nd"--Hniiling "you know, when a
man atlds to his resmnsibillties by tak
ing a wife be must add to hl Income
lso. Isn't that right, little glrir
Olivia blubbed, but remained silent.
"So I have concluded to enlarge my
business, I can get additional floor
pace ui'tu door and the wall, or part
f it, can be removed so as to throw
Dotn rooms into one. What do
think of it, dearest T'
"It would be so good, Philip, and I
am sure that you deserve success. But
do you think It would be perfectly safe
Just now?"
"Ob, yes; I hare figured on It and I
ee where I can do It with profit Be
sides, business is picking up every
where and now is the time to get In
with any new venture."
"I am glad of that," she replied, "both
for your sake and my own."
"What lit my sake In your oake."
Tea, I know, Philip, but I didn't
mean that way. I am thinking of a lit
tle venture on my own account"
"What, youT'
"Yew; you know father left rae a lit
tle money and I thought I could put It
to better use than allowing it to lie in
the bank. Mrs. Vane in going to sell
her millinery store and I thought I
hoilld like to buy It. The stock Is all
In good condition and er trade is ex
celleuL She la only selling because
he is too old for business."
"You a milliner!" exclaimed Philip.
"Why, I need not be there all the
time. The clerks are efficient, but of
eonrse they would need a certain
mount of attention and nuperrlslon. 1
fel confident that I could make It a uc
twn, and It would be auch a help to tin
both when we are " Rhe paused
and blushed. ,
"Your Intention are all right, Oil
via," flld Philip, "but thla would never
4o in the world. Just try to trust In
r ''VIA
JAVvas a
vi SivikneM
if " " 'i
nit- ami ilou t ji--t fci.jr mi Ii luil.m. lut i
ytmr lifaii "
"I tin trust In ).u. I'liilti. lit thiit
i-Ji.iiililii't 1j1k1t n.e f.-oui iiij ail 1
i-aii V lit jji infmflT."
Hist think hut II 1 t.i f a ti'ii-i-ui
m Woman; tj N nnuhij: Una iiii!a t
witli aiir aiol fVtT.vl-1.l3-. Vou uiUnt
Uol di it, ilivia."
"But. riiillji. I liavi-w t uij ht srt uj
m tt."
I "iou t-au five it uji. tji .;fcu. sili.f
I y..u fc-e how UiUt-b j n-'i;; ii, .-an t
j I'lnia bun;; ht-r !,--i(J :im-1 ihoiiht
I for a timini-iit ai'i,! tht-n ;ii'l: ""I wi!l
li j-. I'ljil:'j ki.-ij t;t -r tt uih-rly auJ so
tin- clt.u.l i8-si'J tiv-r.
SfVornl uiuiiths ha 1 ..i,sii Hii'l Oil
via hail Mt tlif date iiih.ii which
wnihl If. I'liMiji'K uiff. It was
Mill M.ine w-l nbt-a'i. nln-u iiw tlay
hf Miriiriseil ht-r l.y a-k!n; U iit-l.Ufnii-iit
until a lHt.-r t.n.v.
it huil aiw.-iys l-t u Mie wlm had
said: -Wait a little while." But hli
rfii-"iii w:ifi kmiii tl.-ar in ht-r.
"I'livin." he a!.l, -I an, afraid that
I I ' -t uiy iwi !i.i.i-!. i-.ilor my liiin-i
loo highly hi-u I tli..u!it c! t-lilui-j:-
i'-m u..v lutfiu.-s TUiti have nut
Coe an e,;l as they iniyht Imve t; . . : 1 1.
and aluii.iii.-li I tioii't :i.n ehi-ml any
thing M-rltiiis. yet I shall te i-olilie!lf 1
In hi'ii.i' -t-ry eloM-lv fur a little while.
Will you waii Ul(. a i;,.,. while loU-
Would she? Ili.l In- even Heed to
a-k? Mie coiiif"! ted ate! reassured him
as only a wmianly woman can. He
left her that evening even under the
adverse circumstances, iu the love of
s-. ii..l.le a b.-ari.
But (,. was ilisuirl.e.1 in mind. She
fancied that Philip looked haggard and
reproached hei'st-lt that idte had not
noticed his ti-.iiililcd countenance be
fore. "What if he kuew?" she asked her
self. "What If lie knewV Would he be
aio-'ty with me for having deceived
hiili?" She sat lutisiliif for some time.
ami then, stamping her foot with de
tertniuaUoB. she exclaimed: "I will do
it! If help comes to him through my
deceit. H-rhaps be will forgive me."
Next morning early she went down
town and Wit busy ail day, but she
came home in the evening wilh a ra!l
a.nt face am! a sprightly step in spite
of the long day's work, for there was a
great jny in her heart.
Ir was nearly a week before she saw
Philip again, and meanwhile things
had gone very badly with him. iier
heart smote her as she beheld his worn
and troubled countenance. All the life
ami hope had gone out of it. She rose
to meet him as he walked unsteadily
across the floor.
"Olivia," he said. "I have come to tell
you something something that it al
most kills me to say. May God grant
that it may not cause yon the pain to
bear that it does me to speak It"
He paused a moment and bowed his
bead in bis hands. There were tears
In bis eyes.
"I have loved .sou well." he went on,
"and heaven knows that I have tried
to Io all In my iiower to make myself
worthy of you, but either unwisdom or
misfortune has undone me and I am
going to give you back your freedom.
I have no right to ask you to wait lon
ger upon me and 1 cannot marry you
now, for, unless there Is a change by
to-morrow night. 1 shall have to make
an assignment."
"I aiu so thankful, Philip, that It is
nothing worse than that. I don't want
uiy freedom back. Your success or fail
ure can neither kill nor affect mv lore."
"But I will not sacrifice you, my dar
ling." "And you need not" She pressed
something into bis band and he flushed
crimson as ne iookcu at It. It was
money, in large bills and small; enough
to put him on bis feet again ami give
him a start But he held it out to her.
"Take it back. Olivia!" he cried. "I
will not consent to use your money!"
"It Is not my money. It Is money
procured upon the stock of 'Robinson &
Co., milliners. "
He looked up in surprise.
"Oh, Philip, can you forgive my de
celt?" she cried. "My heart was so set
on that store that I bought it In moth
er's maiden name; and it has prosper
ed. I know It was wrong, after prom
ising you, but can't you let the good it
will do atone for the wrong?"
"Don't talk that way about It, Oli
via: I was a blind bigot and you have
just shown me how blind I was. I will
accept your loan If you can tmst It In
to the hands of such a blind blunderer
as I am."
"I shall be only too glad to trust you
If you can trust me after my deceit,"
said Ollvla.Chlcago News.
The Kiddle of the (Id.
A mediaeval condottier In the serv
ice of the Moslem, when he was fight
ing to till his own coffers with perfect
Impartiality against Moor or Christian,
banished as a traitor by his Castilian
sovereign, and constantly leading the
forces of the infidel against Aragon,
against CatalonUt, and even against
Castile, he has become the national
hero of Spain.
Warring aglust the Moslem of Va
lencia, whom he pitilessly despoiled,
with the aid of the Moslem if Sara
gossa, whoee cause he cynically betray
ed, while be yet owned a nominal al
legiance to Alfonso of Castile, whotw
territories he was pitilessly ravaging;
retaining conquered Valencia for bis
personal and private advantage, In des
pite of Moslem and Christian kings, he
haa become the type of Christian loy
alty and Christian chivalry In Eurojie.
Avaricious, faithless, cruel and bold,
a true soldier of fortjne, the Cld still
maintains a reputation which Is one of
the enigmas of history. History of
Spain U. IL Burke.
We would admire the summer girl
more If she didn't have such a hard
time to stay pinned together.
. . II'.' F -V' t J P " ( Hl-.'li
ilCKAT deal of jTet ioUx lift- la
fritted avxay wortylnit tiver
iriieit atid over thifv-s that tau-
j tlot I' heljied. I if eoUrM" moiiud uerveu
a v'd tliirextiou have niii h to do
wi:lj tbtt J h'loMj; hy i4'i JiieU we
aeeejit the ilix -Ifilitle of fate; litll llerve4
tan lie controlled and di'etiou h:i
proveil by a railmial repaid fur tet-t
and iroin-r diet, 'l'hert'
joy in the home as tin
plaining unman who
is no Sin n Kin-
fretting. com -
sees only me
dark side of tilings. .i.u whne world,
apparently, the sun never siuies Bv-t-rythliig
!s w rung and nothing is ever
rli.-ht. Hii.1.,iim1 and children are made
to suffer f r tiie shoriininiiigs. of cir
t utii-tatit t s, and there is for Do one Iti
the four wail- of such a home one
chance in a hundred for i-na the
minimum of happiness.
Many a of Ibis depressing
type bega'i h.-r married life a cheerful,
light hearted girl. Sometimes it has
ln-en physical suffering that has tubbed
ber of her courage, and sometimes tlis
aster and U-rt avemeii! which were
almost tiMi much, to ! borne. But,
nevertheless. Ihe pillli is nor eased, the
calamity avcrt-d, 'lie loss made good
by repining and murmuring Some of
l be sunniest and most heroic souls
bale been those who have 1 e tu racked
with torture from which t!: -re was ho
relief - bed ridden invalids, cripples
confined to their wheeled chairs, whose
corner Is. bv common i oiis. nt, the fam
ily congr. gat ing place, because there
they find, in the presence of brave and
iiiicotiiplalirlng siiftering. comfort, con
solation, and unfailing encouragement.
There are hundreds who have con
quered fortune iu the face of almost
certain defeat, who hint; retrieved
themselves after reiated and con
tinued failure. It Is much to keep on
irjing. eei il success nev -r comes -better
than to sit down passively anil
acknowledge failure.
if the husband has grown Indiffer
ent nagging ami fretting will tint re
a waken atiection; cheerfulness and a
desire to pb-ase and entertain may.
This cannot be accomplished by a con
stant harping upon the petty accidents
of the kitchen and the ills of the laun
dry. These ought to be domestic state
KMTet to be burled and never men
tioned. There are enough delightful
tilings to read about, to talk of and
think about to exclude wholly the dis
cusiou of what is Irrelevant and hurt
ful. And as for bereavement, there
have Is-en men and women who have,
out of such sorrow, become so en
nobled and strong that they became a
blessing to all who came within their
influence. Patience ami moral courage
are the two finalities which most of us
nit-d above all others, the lack of
w hich has changed the course of his
tory. The Household.
The DiH-him of Murlborouuh.
The Imwager Inichess of .Marlbor
ough, who recently married I,nrd Will
iam i.erestoru ami so niii vet an
other leaf to her nunierrius matrimoni
al experiences, started out Iu life as
l.ily Price, the tin tighter of Commo
dore Price, of Troy. N. Y., a very beau
tiful girl ami ei!i:i!ly jioor. By some
tremendous stroke of good luck she
liiamig'd lo marry Louis naminersley.
w ho accommodatingly di"d shortly af
ter, leaving bis widow; an annual In
come of S.Cin.iHKi.
Mrs. liamiuerslev then look the next
siep of the ambitious wealthy Ameri
can and began to angle for an Buglish
nobleman. She caught a big lish-at
least so far as title went. The Duke of
Marlborough was a descendant of John
Churchill, the most successful general
that ever led a British army. He was,
to lie sure, divorced from his wife, up
to bis ears in debt and Ksesseil f
such a reputation that few decent Eng
lish houses were open to him. Still, he
w as a dtikeand possessed Blenheim Pal
ace, one of the most splendid places in
England, though then falling Into de
cay aud quite uninhabitable.
This man Mrs. Ilammersley mnnied
in 1888. To restore Blenheim the new
duchess paid f "iKi.iifiO.-or, rather, she
got luto debt for that sum. It has nev
er, It Is believed, been paid, though
countless lawsuits have Iwen Instituted
against th-j duchess In regard to the
matter. WelL her Gra-e of Marlbor
ough struggled along through her no
ble husband's lifetime under this load
of debt, to which was added the disap
pointment of. being thoroughly snub
bed by English society. At bis death
the new duke promptly turned ber oat
nrcHKss ok hoi oh.
, 1--1 .
f Bleiibehu. Hud ultn-e thru she has
l-en living in retireiLeiit, mill now
she blazons forth u- the wife of Ird
Lord Bt resford has the singular dis
tinction of being an KnglWh nobl-man
without, st tb Kime time, being, a
Mm kguard. He Is a brave and git'nt
Solliicl ll'tllt tt.u 'i,....pi.i In
, , . ,, , , "
Africa for bis heroism. The duchess
w ill probahly find bini a gr.- it Improve
ment u her other biisb.imlH. and, if
i. .... . .
' nee is on at tins rate, there 1 no
ttWu,r ,.r( ht,(, Inav afti,r
ia ,,.. Illiri matrimonial
t'Xperimeti tu.
Take t are of Your Hair.
A girl's hair Is one of ber imluts of
beamy, and It should never be neg
lect...!. K. gular. steady brushing of the
hair with a .lean brush, fifty strokes
iH'fore going tu .,l at night, twenty-fin-
in the t.'K.ining w hen dressing, will
keep the hair thick, smooth, soft and
, I inec
! the ha
a mouth, at lesl the tips of
r should be clipM-d off , Just (be
merest tip-ends at the edges, ami once
a month ih.. head should lie carefully
washed with ti-pbl water and soap,
thoroughly robbed nd we!l dried. If
mamma has time to take this sort of
care of her .laughter's, she will be
repaid by seeing rich and flowing
tresses, or sisters may easily do It for
one another.
Io not cut your hair In bangs. It is
very much prettier simply parted and
coiiilH-d back plainly, then braided in
one or two long talis, and tied with a
ribbon. Avoid essences, oils and pig
ments; the hair needs only cleanliness
and mu. h brushing. Keep your hair
brush clean by frequently dipping It
Into a bath of hot water and ammonia
and drying it in the sun. everything
uiei in treating the hair must tie scrup
ulously s Young Peoplti
A HeiiHihle Hint.
Before deciding as to Ihe color of
your next new dress bear in mind the
following nib's, which have been given
by a well known artist: Choose always
such tints as may actually be found
in the hair, eyes or complexion.
For instance, a woman with blue-gray
eyes should wear blues and grays; a
brunette, creams, browns and yellows.
Women with florid complexions look
their ts-st In plum ami heliotrope, also
In those grays which contain a tinge
of pink and In red browns. Fair wom
en should wear dead blacks, woolen
stuffs or velvets. Brunettes always
look best In satins or silks.
t ' -. -a.a'"s- m
A military company composed en
tirely of girls has been organized In
Milton, W. Va.
One of the first women to register in
Wichita. Kan., was Mrs. Harriet Mc
Mtirray, a giddy girl of 115, who knew
Thomas Jefferson.
Mown to the present century a part
of the marriage ceremony in Hun
gary consisted In the groom giving
the bride a kick to remind her of her
Sir John Lubbock's daughter is tread
ing In ber father's footst(;ta. "Some
Poor Law Questions," an explanation
of the workings of the present laws
and proposed changes, by Miss Ger
trude Lublxick, Is announced by Mur
ray. At a church fair In Glasgow, Scot
land, forty females engaged In a towel
washing contest for prizes. The quick
est hands had their towels washed aud
hung in about three minutes, and the
prizes were all won by single women.
Queen Victoria lias Just lost the last
royal servant who knew ber as a child.
G. Fleming entered the service of the
Duchess of Kent In IK'M), ami was trans
ferred to the Queen's household In tho
year of ber accesslnn. He retired In
188(1, and died March 3, aged 79.
The strangest story, '"East Lyunn,"
which so many of us know all about
and yet so few of us have read, still
leads In point of popularity all the
novels In England. The London pub.
Ushers of the Ixsik have Just Issued
the four hundred thousandth of Mrs.
Wood's noveL
Mrs. John La Farge, wife of the
famous American artist, was a daugh
ter of Commodore Perry, and her hus
band's first Interest In Japan, which be
has since celebrated In pictures and
literature, Iwgan with his mnrrlage Into
a family whose head had opened Japan
to the rest of ihe world.
Hicjcle Knit.
Ho to Mjlcr a kmnn r fur irriE
tion f'uri.i.n t nm.a.- Ill J Maui f
! Not Al., JVafilaloe Tl.e
New iuut1r II111 n-fLoe nt;a.
W mdiiii'I Irrijlion,
J Wind -;iu!::p irriiiaii-.n wi.l !e
I penile. J tij sin more ind nine unt ie
'.lie rain full is apt t b" ib-nctt-nt. 'i
I .t com,j nylng iliu-t rmii-u uL-n i.
, a pbut'-gr ipb. rcpn !., a oectiun o.
time of the tinny reservoirs iu Monde
- Comity ill Soiil!)ue-t K;
; . , ...
uisas which
naif iteeo useii sa 1 1 s Ii. t "T
niv fo
lime. The pump is la
average iu this locality,
-r tha
1 the
a 1J
Inch cylinder, a 1.' inch di
and a 10 inch stroke; It Sift.-
i.Hge pijie
the water
II feet
at the rate of 17. i gallons pi r
The pi cpat-atlon of the res'-rrolr is
most iiiijioriaiit. mid in .rder tt assist
any w bo conteinidale such rtn addition
to their fun, i !m,roveiic-iiis, I will
tell bow I made mile-. Sci-ct a site
higher than the ground to lie watered,
ijiy out the reserioir '.oiTesp-iudlng
III capacity to the power of the pump.
'1 lie plllilp llllist be callable of tilling
il in I wo or three days. Heniuve nil
soil, placing It beyond ihe limit's of the
walls. Do not use It is forming
tiie embankment. Tb.-n plow and
si rape, dumping where ihe wall of ihe
reservoir is wanted. Continue jntil tl.e
work is completed, driving over the
wall. Leave the inside slupiug'so the
waves will not injure it When the
excavation Is of the desired si.e plow
the lsitti.m ami pulverize thoroughly.
Hitch a team to a block, road s-inper
or other suitable object, turn in the
water and begin to puddle by driving
along one edge ami continuing until
the whole stirf i.-e is puddled. This
will cause a precipitation of sediment
w hich will till the pores of the ii and
enable It to hold water quite well. 'I he
bottom will then be 12 lo IS Inches
lower than the surface of the ground
outside, but that much water must
always be left In the reservoir to pre
serve the puddling, for if it gets dry or
freezes the work must be done over
again. If the reservoir is small, say
"ux.VtxS feet, some dirt for the wall
must be obtained from the outside.
An outlet can be made of four 2 Inch
plank long enough to reach through
the wall. Saw the Inner end sloping
and provide it with a valve made of
2-inch board, ami on the same prln-
triple a1 the valve Iu an ordinary pump.
E. D. Smith, Iu American Agricultur
ist Sweet Potato I'lanta.
The bedding of seed sweet polatis's
In spring Is quite a simple affair, yet
It is highly Important, in order to get
the tiest results, that It be done right
and well done tit that. Make an ordi
nary hotbed with any rapidly ferment
ing manure, directs Farm News, level
it down, raking the top even; pile down
your potatM in center 'if bod, then
place them carefully, one potato at a
time, as close as possible without them
actually touching one another. Then
put above them six Inches of loose.
dry earth, woods-mould preferred. Tin.
larger potatoes may be spilt In two,
lengthwise, aud laid cut side down,
among the others. Water the beds
every week (washing dayl with good
strong soapsjds, the stronger and dirt
ier they are the better for the potatoes.
If a crust forms or bakes ou the sur
face, keep It well fined (broken up) by
band. Dou't have less than six Inches
of mellow earth above them, or your
slips may ls too short to set out well.
Never set out the slips In very wet
weather, puddling the roots or water
lug them. If you water them, pour
a little water In the hole with the slips,
then fill in on top with dry earth.
Let tsnheniling (jo Down Deep.
The deeper we can penetrate down
Into the soli with the plow the more
plant food we can draw up, .md the
greater quantity of water we can store
(here. Every rain storm now avails
us very little, If the bard pan Is formed
a ftsit below the surface. It soon ruus
off, and dlsnpiM-nr. The plant food
that Is buried up In the hard pan can
not be ntilized by the roots of the crops,
and a great deal of bss Is experienced
Iu Ibis way. The question of Invent. ng
a plow that will penetrate from two li
three feet below the surface and stir
tho S'iII up thoroughly every spring Is
very Important, and one that will have
a direct bearing upon the future of our
agriculture. Meanwhile, we must break
up the bard pan beneath our plowed
fields the best wo can. Our present
subsoil plows partly solve the diffi
culty, am! many of them run so hard
that it almost requires ateam to hntil
them across a field of ordinary com
pactness. Crows nd Growing Corn.
Crows and the corn field do rjot
seem to have been on Intimate terms
la-t year, at least with E. W. 8., who
vJ-- i ll
t. -y..-..( in .... i v iVr ' J"i
. -vi scir Sc r -
rote the American Cultivator: 'I
; i int. d four or five acres of corn on a
field that bad always l-eu the favorite
camping ground of crows. They an
in. ally pulled a quarter of the plant,
ijtst year, after planting the corn and
is litre it came up, I bought a otreiit
bottle of strychnine, dissolved con
tents In hot water and after cooling,
a i-led enough cold water lo coier a
j-s k of eoru and let It remain in the
uiion iwo days. The corn was then
s. it n broadcast over th field. The
, were constant visitors before
wing the corn, apparently expecting
a rich feast asstsm as the young platrs
f .(.. ared aUive ground. For two day
t: : ter not a crow w a to lie i-tsen on that
Id; on the third day, two wen- seen
to alight but th.-y made a very short
stop. Not one wss known to sample
the corn and In hoeing not a stem wia
f"ind pulled."
('roing (iM Races of Fowl.
Favhion and the whims of show
loom judges have Influenced one way
or another the modeling of types and
Vv5-av An f
KMHtiKX-Tot 1.
Tori.orsp ooo-a.
il SF moss.
v:' k
Xfyk VI
'-y.rrv s. ... , -in
choice of colors for the fancy fowl,
says the Orange .ludd Fanner. Many
old races, w hen kept pu -e, are really
fine In appearance and valuable in
productive qualities; but often when
two pure old races are -rossed, the
product of the union of the two seems,
after the first cross, not so productive
as either of the parent breeds, and
the spjiearance of the cross Is coarse,
never to be depended on for any spe
cially desired points. The Illustrations
that accompany this article present por
traits of two old races of geese- tha
F.mbden, the famous of the Ger
mans, and the Toulouse, the splendid
French breed, both grifturnoes when
kept true. In the third s,'; la
shown a sjus'lmeu which suggati
coarsely put together, the points of?
both, and probably the result of cross
ing both races. It falls to show Ihe
characteristics of the breed, and we
should Judge would make it farmer
jioor, though it might win mony for
Kettinif Kernes In Spring.
Spring is the best time to make fences
of any kind. The ground Is soft for
digging the holes In which to set posts,
ami after they are set there Is tlma
for the soli to compact before winter.
If posts are set in the fall It Is very
bard to keep the fence straight during
the first winter, as the posts will be
lifted by freezing or bliwu over by
heavy winds in early spring. When
frost Is out of the soil the best made
fall fence will need more or less earu.
It Is better to leave the making of the
fence until spring. It can be done lie
fore the soil is fit to be plowed or work
ed In any way, and when other work
Is not pressing.
A Double l!orrahoe.
The accompanying cut lllnstrates a
shoe that Is specially adapted to horsea
for training and racing. It Is mada
In two sections, one light the other
heavier. The light section is perma
nently nailed to the hoof, rind the heavy
section is put on while the horse is In
training. It not only gives the weight
desired In training, but preserves tha
mi noriif.a iioKsksnoK.
sharp edge of the light section, which
is needed to prevent slipping.
It ia claimed that this Invention will
also lessen the expense of shoeing,
rendering It unnecessary to change as
often as Is done with the old style
shoe. Ihe Illustration Is taken
the Scientific American.
Arkultnr a Sclnicr.
The science of agriculture Is in a
great degree founded ou experience. It
Is therefore of consequence that every
fanner should know what has been
done and what Is doing by others en
gaged In Ihe same ocupatlon, and that
be should Impart to others tho fnilta
of bis experiments and observations.
Hi ll Lcghorna Ksrlv,
A crossbred leghorn will produce,
flno broilers, nml even a purebred
I'ghorn chick Is excellent but they
should be Sold by the time they reach
twenty-four ounces, as n,ey do not
grow as rapidly as the larger breeds
after they art- eight or ten week old.