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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1895)
i i 1 I THE SIOUX 'OUNTY vJ.O TJ 33, 1ST .A. Xj. L. J. Simmons. Editor in ! f- Hel l , T.T..k H.VK.K Tim hi. bokuff Wr.t. limn !nt. V'o S, li.K"l, li:0 No. IS, 6.4" S liooj i lo--s to-morrow. SetJ Hitaloi at a b.iraio ut teller Brothers. Tlie ast week tins h:ten ratlier cool in this locality. I have a fine Hi-ivforil hull f,r K.ile. J. M. Smii.f.y. For Hour, feed or iit-et call on E. Hijhwer. Paper napkins fur sale at Thk Jul r.nal otlire. Millet seeij for sale at Maritteller. lirotlier. J. C I IlitKlanJ lias niovctl into town for a time having solil his interest in the lease of the ltohinsnn farm. Parties contemplating the purcliawe of a piano or oran should see f. F Cou ncil liefore purchasing. Iloreliouiid compound cough syrup the great remedy for coughs and colds at the Pioneer Pharmacy. Farm Loans Prineijial and Interest payable monthly or semi-annually as desired. Apply to (irant (juthne, Har rison, Nebraska. 1L L. Fisher does not get much va cation. School closes here to-morrow and he begins lit Pleasant Kide on ne.xt Monday. . If you want a farm p:i;i gel one published in Nebraska, The JolHS.U, dubs with the Xliraxka Farmer. I. 'nil and see a copy of it. Htraykd One dark brow n or Mack HI ley, coming three year old. branded 7 cross Ixir on left cheek. A liberal re ward will he paid for inforiiiatiun lead ing to her recovery. V. 8. JdIIXSiiN, (lien. Neb. As the name indicates, Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair ItVneivi-r is a r-iit-wer of the hair, im lnilm its Hi, h. ilih. youthful lofir and ..-, ii v. t will nlease you. S -A nice sh.iwer fell in this locality yesterday iiftn ii....ii ..n-l d, t m i h .;! If such things M( iir ulteii enough tln part of the rountry'w ill flourish. O. .1. (lowey and two of his sons, B. and Harper, made final proof on their homesteads last Sat unlay. The event brought fpiite a delegation up from Whistle Creek. r- The Hylai " Presbyterian church was thcJripient. of n new bible for which, ho rcmjjrvjjpit ion extenilrsl a vote of thanks to the donors, who reside tit F.lgin, Iowa, and are friends and rela tives of Mrs. M. ( '. I loan. It is a fortunate day for a man when he (Irst discovers the value of Avar's Sar saparilla us a blood-purifier. With this medicine he knows he has found a rem edy upon which he may rely and that his life long malady is at last conquered, lias cured others, will cure yon. The F-pwovth league gave a rcce tion and banquet on Tuesday evening in honor of H. U Fisher and Miss Wurts, lit the home of County Superintendent und Mrs. W. It. Uivis, A wnyup time was had, Pulmonary consumption, in itsearly stages, may Ixs checked by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It stops the distressing cough, soothes irritation of tint throat and lungs, and induces rime li needed resise. Hundreds have testified t,i the remarkable virtues of this pre pa. ration. The Ixiard of county (oniinlsinni-rs will meet on Tuesday, June 1Mb. ns a Uard of equalisation. If you have any kicking to do on assessments prepare to do it then. Tlw Iwwinl will likely be in svssion ttloilt threw weeks, as the work to lie done requires tjlsiut lint lenittitof lime. j The supreme court ha d.s-idtsl that the income a i- unconstitutional und what has Is-vn collected will In- cefuinbsl to tho-w who paid it. The il.. isnm will a rvlief to All country ilir who have incomes largn inougli Iwive maile t!iem subje t to the provisions of lie law. J A numW of sl.vfc trains have Wn running through fiere if late, moving southern cattU to northern ranges. Hut little driving is done of late years as the owners have .mud il more profitable to ut Ut cattle on the cars and rush thrm Ihrwgti ti their destination limn to make a long drive. Tlte Sioux Coi'tity Sunday S h.tol Ass.Kiation wdl Hold its third ruinual ronvetitioti at tlie Hislnrc IV-sliyterMin i hurcli on June lith and l'Mu The pro gram is not yet completed but nit in (ecesting and prolitable vi ,ntoa is ling lookcsl forward to-. All are invited to otteml und jwrlicipate. Kntertninment will he furnished by the reception com ilte for all visitors. The L'HMt Snennial conclave Kniglitu Templar will I field in Uoston, Mass. , August Wth to HOth, JMU. For (his oo-i-asitHi the WaUish Railroad will sell tickets from nil -tntions lo Uoston ft nne fare for !he round trip. Map of Voute and guide ti fJoston will he niniled n fljiflioation t C, W. (HAXIt, Pwivef and Ticket AtfeiH. t. ?ouiS Mo, l'EKSONAL. T. H. Snyder wiis up from Ship Creek he last of tlie week. hrisi. Christian na down ff nil Pleasant Ridce, Wyo., on Monday. P'e.tmaster Marsteller made a business trip to tin vicinity of IWare Monday. I'. If. Griswold, of the Commercial Uink, watsat Eilgemont, H. I)., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. lion M. Weir were doing business at the county Heat F'riday. Mrs. Maud Nelson returned the last of the eek from Custer, 8. I. Mr. and Mrs-E. F. Pontius returned Monday from their eastern trip. (ieorge Vanderkurr i here from Iji Porte, Colo., for a few days on business. E. F. Pontius went to Douglas Tues day lo remain a few days as relief agent. W. I Asbhrook was up from the south part of the county the last of the week. Mrs. W. U. Wright's father and moth er have come to make their home here (his summer. j W. H. Marsteller exiects to start in a few weeks for a visit at his old home in Pennsylvania. i Miss Cora Wurts exacts to leu .'e on Monday evening to spend the summer in Ifciwes county. Mis. James II. Cook returned from the east the last of the week very much im proved in health. J J. I. Claghorn came up from Andrews yesterday, he and his family having re turned from Chicago a few weeks ago. . Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dunn, Mis Ilattie Sherrill and Tom Dunn left yesterday for Colorado for a couple, of months. , ' 1 Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Weir were up from Chadron Monday. Dr. Weir still has con fidence in the future of this locality. Rev. II. J. Duvenport came up from Whitney Saturday anil conducted the quarterly meeting for this charge. Mrs. Ieveiiiort accompanied him. Special Fxciii shins to Hot Springs. Ou the following dates the F. K. & M. V will sell excursion tickets from Har rison, Neb., to Hot Springs, S. D. , ami ret urn for one fare for the round trip. These t kets w ill he good returning for thirty days from date of sale: May 24th, June Till und 19th. July 'y and 19th, August, ill and !2M. For further par ticulars apply to K. F. Pontics. Agent. , A little son was liorn to Mr. und Mrs David Hart lett last week, but only lived until Tuesday. It was buried on Wednesday, Rev. .',. E. Council conduct ing Hie funeral services. The parents ha e the sympathy of all in their sor row. Dr. Roniine has returned from the east and expressed the opinion that Hirsh is no jfood for factory purposes. That should not make the factories a settled failure. There are men who hiive the means to construct factories and operate them if they are looked up. (irand Island had several failures in the elfort to secure a factory Is.'fore she suc ceeded, but by perseverenee won in the end. It is reported from various parts of the county that old plowed land is all right and crops are doing fairly well. (In new breaking some report, that it is too dry to start the seed. In the north part of the county it is said that the grass is doing no gixxl for want of rain. There is plenty of time for the grain yet if the rain comes during the next few weeks. The united society of Christian En deavor nmi the National Young People's Christian Union will hold their four teenth international convention at Uos ton, July 10 to 11, ls'U.-.. Tho Wabash Railroad has reduced the raU to one firsl clii(,s fare for the round trip from all stations to Uoston for this occasion. For maps of route find guide to Uoston write lo C. H. 'hank, (Ji' Passenger find Ticket Agent, Sl Louis, Mo. A double surprise party was gotten up for last Saturday evening by the patrons of the schools and friends of the teai hers. The victims were II. I,. Fish er und Miss Cora Wurts. The parly was held at the court house so that none could object to participating for person al realms. The plan was amusing from the fail that each was informed that ii was to be surprise ou the other and each therefore entered heartily into the scheme. It worked like a charm mul when a goodly uimler had assembled eac h ws presented with t number of useful and ornamental articles as tokens of eteem and respect. The surprise de acted on the fai-s of tlte teachers wns interesting to lx-holil. The evening was sient in pleasant social nmusetireut nnd all wern well pleasis! that theelfair bad !eii a siicce. HOVER IIKALTH ? WEALTH SOUTH The Bet OnjmrlmilUen In AitieWea for ruoi-iTAitu: r.iUMixfl u along ih lie oT " XIOMU: AND OHIO HAIUVUD ALABAMA AVi) MJsslSSirri. Tw fml iroim daily wilh itiTonch iVi-lir tiw him !nnrl-"l'r n-utoonpi momlily lllntrntel hmk free to u. il k-iis i.n im mr , home, ihe climntn, die kealllilulnem ami It" In trow ihre full croijt cti yr on th lum lund. (w-nit lo K K. fwy, )nrl I'"" VWS M. K. Mobno, A. f'orrspoiideiiiT. I lioiMitc, Nkb., May 21. l".t.".. I Mr. P. Scliuefer i quit Dr.' Piiinney from Harrison win ,.i ,.,,eiid aia e Sunday and Dr. Meredith of Craw ford Sunday evening. 1 Mr. Wright and family were visiting' Mr. DeBiM k and family lust Sunday. Mr. and Mis. J. C. Parsons were visit ing with iir. ami .iirs. i,. KicKaru. I5ob Rickard is keeping kuhelors hall! at Bu If Coffee's. Mrs. Peter Schaefer is the cliampion otuto dropper of the valley, plautiug live ai res from 10 o'clock in the morning ! til! evening. If anyone can beat that we would like to hear from them. We hear that there w ill lie a wedding ; the last of this Week a few miles below here. One of our old time bachelors will be the happy man. Knights of tlie Maccabees, The state commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After tr-- ing other meiliciuces for w hat seemed to lie a very obstinate cough iu our two children we tried Dr. King's New Dis covery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without it hereafter, us our exper ience prwes that it cures where all oth er remedies fail.'1 Signed F. W. Stevens Stat'; Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at the Pioneer Phar macy. Regular si..' oOc. and if 1.00. CIiiiitIi Sen ices Nevt Sunday. Preaching service, Sunday morning 10::S(l; Sunday School 11 ::!: F.iworth league. 7. C. E. CoNM'.l.i., Pastor. Largest ( Irculallon in Nebraska. It isn't much wonder that the Stale Journal now has the largest circulation iu Nebraska. It bus reduced its price to G5 cents a month w ith Sunday, or SO cents without Sunday: it has lieeii spending more money for Nebraska than any other paper: it has ou its stall' such men as Hixhy, Walt Mason and Anuiri. The Journal is being pushed at every point and is climbing steadily and surely away ahead of the other state dailies. People like a Lincoln paper. Especially when it is as good as the Journal. At a Hundred Junction Poinfs in Nebraska, connect ions are made wit 1 1 liiirhugton Route trains for Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha. Lincoln, Denver, Cheyenne and beyond. Our maps and time-tables showing where, when and how our trains run ami wherein they excel the truius, of other lines in mailv important respects, are sent on request I ree. I Always glad to quote rates and give i n fortiet t it ill. ' J. Fham is, !. P. & T. A. Omaha, Nebraska. oil Cents lo January I, lS'.Ki. That is an awful little bit of money for a twice-a-week paper like the Seani Weekly Journal, but if you w ill send 50 cents you will receive that piqier until Janimry 1, lH'.l'i. You will Mud it the farmer's daily. Markets alone are worth more money than that. If you take it the rest of this year for fiO cents you will want to keep it always. If you get tip a club of live oO-eent .subscrils;rs you can have a copy free for your trouble. Address, Nebraska Stale Journal, Lin coln, Neb. Noticp inr i'ubiipntion. lMUt (Tlirc ul -MMhikm', Srh., t .May tJ'i, IMO. Nntirf in lirrrby Kivi'n Hint the ffilNiwiiiR nunn'il n'ltlcr Iihh lllfil notire ol liin intn tim t limkti dim) int in HUjijMirt tf ih rlalin, uihI that wniI puKif will ti iua'1 l ftn M. J. HH-wi'tt, clnlc itf tin O'Mrici court, ul llitrriitriii, Nclr., on June 'f in'., vU; Williiini Ui!Vrtsf Iloiliirc (0.t ft Uo niu'lr IT. V- No, Is'Ci, for I lie w. hw, M sHT. II, H. ?v tW '4, J4, HL ' IM l,f), tp .Ii n., r. .V w. Hf iihiiih Vu: fellow In f? witnnwH ti prov hit continuous reihlcc-e ujmjii u)dI rultivti tiou of rai'l litnd viz: J. W. Ilmitfrt Jfili'n Mitrl. iinfonl JliJI, ho mini II. K, Nrt. J 7H for Ihn . hit. 'i ! . n. r. '( w. j I If HHHH'H t UP. following WltMCHi to piov;1ih 'ontlniiui rv'f'ifUMicc upon ami cullivut in ti rhM hind, vli: Mtirnm nkU'K, John riuiiK1t, H-mry I.tiHl'MiiHit, tutiiv .ri"('h, all ol llarri , Nl. ti ii J. W, H shs, Jit., l'Kihtcr. .txxtttttxxxxn $100.00 Given Away Every Month to the person tulnniuing the most meritorious lnvcat4a durinir Mm tireccilinK month. Wl? HEOt'HB VATENTS n FOIt INVKNTORS, ind Wie w l)Jis!t of this offis- 1 to n rouniifo lerons of linwni ive turn tit ram. At the psmip time wexvlsh Xn iBiirres UietmctUiat : - It's the Simple, Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes -iKh t tie Wwili ni Kyw, "hW-c Hlnil HuniT). Sfety Phi," t ;n ver" "Air Urnko.'- etc. Almowt every mm conwlwi' Q ti hrl(lit 1lua lit mnii' time-or nlher. liv-nni V'n ii in itbii- llcmltilH!? VOI'k iBlimtn iiihv i In. In 1hi illreelliiii. Way miilie yonrtomme. Wlty mit try? l: Write for further -InforinuUUD nud Biemion tiliW.)iuie. tat ppccc yifliuc r,A I 111. I I1LUU ULIIIIIIOVV. M Philip W. vret. Oce. Micr., jf I8 F Street, Northwest, ft VHSHIWIJTOW, D. C. OfThe rnpnnitillfty o! f hi tnmpeni ' nwy lie jiMf''i ny in ihci iiiri " ' loc k m tml'l tv ovr una inuuMnu ' nt the li'HiliiiK aeni'iipert in Hu- 1 united Btt. tt?yttttrttTr.v A MARTYR 3NDJGEST50N i un-fl ly I Mil, Ayer's Ssrsap: ' Cn..'. i 1 1 '"It bo li.o.'- : ... w. ' e :n ".r;: . . i ir.;o-, y ',1.1,1'Si'eii:, 1. I il. d ac'i'.i ,:. I .1 v, ho,.. H Ml'. . :ii -i ,,n ;il:i ; 1 1 J ' :,ip. , wor-c in 1 1 -;ul c! ! il I orijIK.'.'V i li.ciit. iii.-.t. i "Ha-; iivluci d to I:;, . "I v; I r's M .ii ip iriihi, .itid I lirrei.i l-.-ii'v Diiit iif-r i.:.I:. tiircc ! tics, ! A-as'-!. ! i c;ci, !l:'T(-!orc, t'lintid'oiti -;i iicciiil ins v-ri;. i-iaf to all sj"iil:riy Hic'-ii." ?'!.KI.IN IJ-'t'K, -Vvo: : . I.:. "! ,nn je-oi'a'!v aeqiKiitf v ii ii Mr. II". :i:ai l"'Vc ;.!: ol Ol CI M.-i'MeMt I' llil'.V HU ai' tl t !....' x. :. y . ',! '. i., I ii ' l ' ill ;;tst iiiut :..-:iiic';:U, .'c.oca, ! -i. ,- " I V. vr- u-"d ' -r'- P;'.r!-ap:v ' i.lla io- jrei)!-r;:l ! -'dlitv i."ii, a;; ; r, M :i:;r:i:T, li.i'l it doc o;. w i-t iniri! for ;t."-S J- c .j ..-2 w...J-'.4r.'i ..iJVUIVtUMI ". ' A,i-iiicl'.f for ExUVvtUoa f ,T THE WORLD'ti fAIJ,. .oocooooooooooooocei'i U. L. SMUi K. Fashionable Barber &. Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. H.IZOHS AMI SCISSOKS ITT IN OIUiER. J. E. PHINNKY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. All calls ilveti prompt atleiiLion. OMii e in Drug - '.ore. llAltmsON. - - NKIIKA3KA. HORSE BREEDERS. On account of hard times I w ill stand my 3-ycur-old Shire Stallion for ijUi.OO to insure a mare in foal. He is a bright buy, with good style and action, und weighs alsnit 1,700 pounds. 1 will lake younsr cattle at the market value in payment of service foes. The horse can always lie found at my ' burn, one mile soutfi u( Bodiiw PETEU St 'H AF.FEIt, Owner. S5 1 f- " x : 5 1 V- S) r x - Z- rn 2 2. 2 s z I -5 2. (T3 c 1-a- 3 " ATTENTION!! When stocks have dropped clean out of sight, And money's like a clubman tight, And men talk poor and women climb Six pair of stairs to save a dime Then is the time for master mind Some nefv economy to (hid. One economic dodge you know, Just trade with IIOL'tili & SONS. A large line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoe, Clit'stimts, Candies for tlie babies, Oranges for tlie ladies. Tea set of 56 pieces given away with $50.00 worth of goods. Yours l!exiKctl'ulIy, blotjoec &c sonsrs. ! Hester Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and MAimhSOX How lo Saye Money! utl itaU' murk by wmhUhjc j our A3 '4.1 1 ,uiii JtWUHJ ito G P- WASHeUBfV RAILROAD JEWttER, CHAOROTj, I NEB. AU wiiH-Iiiic an- Juliy trwiu tiuti-.i t,! .'lur-uin- y'iifl- AVhri' --l.-li li-1 ,:tSHl ii'J'uU (,fJ i.ii.riui'buiit. J-h' , Ul yiiiy -vpiiwini utl iu'k srnt w. .(H-Ull 'llUl J-UUT IMUI'll W.lll'U liniU.iillJf ti- ' j c iiii ,itnl ur will !"- '"i i -t'XACJ I COST''t (111,11.111 rl III hi 1 I'l.wi' .1 HMIi'wr I nrtlt'T. .Nii-4iii.t UifJiuiiKl iiuiw i iul U"Hl. Ho mil allow Juiir i.i.i'li.Ui ,nii Uudot ti.luli II- mtiiilli itliuiii cli'.iiilnr. ; it itwtw ii lituff Kioi k ot ATi'ti h ( l.ut h JJ v is v , Mt vi.liw ".i':i.i t,l n.-iti -jt Ml sir l i.n-'I Iti Mt y). CP.. WASH BUR N, HAM R00 jrwFLtB. WTCM tIAlHt-rOII- l4 , 1 0 1 8 1 Son. & Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. n, l. mam. County Surveyor, Is JjrejAfviJ ! aii b.iud:. uf 1lff,t. VBVJSJ sti,4 J.fT.JU WViAWt i urMiyt iMrfd tt .-1 lwj' t"Wmff Photograplicr, M. fiimii)iiit 4o ll 4 ttr liiiot'Uoil, 3;K lilt mm it i4 (MHi'wt.ui (t,vi Mitoitif riiri.i.,Aill ii.nrtH-,',!- (',ie1f ftW- tiw Avwiu.vwr ,wMt;l-: iUiiUMi4K I