The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 23, 1895, Image 3

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How much they sutler when nervous,
weak and tired.
Nervous prostration in a lingering,
racking, livinar death to those sil'iided,'
though wholly incomprehensible to
others. The cause 01 this condition la
Impure and insulheient Wood.
Make the blood pure, give it vitality
and it will proerly feed the nerves and
make them strong. Hood's SHraai.ariila
cures nervousness because it acts di
rectly upon the blood, making it rich
and pure and endowing it ith vitality
and strength-giving power. No other
inedlcine has such a record of cures.
Thousands write that they suffered in
Uiise'y with nervousness and were
cured by this great medicine. The
building up powers of Hood's Karsa
parilla are wonderful. Even a few
doses are sufficient to create an appe
tite, and from that time on its healing,
purifying, strengthening effects are
plainly felt. Tne nerves become strong
er, the sleep becomes natural and re
freshing, ihe hanus and limbs become
s'eady, and soon "iife seems to go on
with-u! effort," and perfect hsalth Is
restored, such is the work which!
i look's Sarsanarilla is doim? forhuii.l
dreds of women today.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
frn, tilaal ai,il Hrih.
Henry ilarland, author of "The Yoke
of the Thorah," was at one tune a clerk
In the surrogate court of New Voik.
William Watson, the poet, has been
granted a pension of $.) a year. The
Gladstone government !id already giv
en him cue of fl ,"..),
The first etching done by Whistler
whs a series of maps for the ('luted
Hates coast survey. They were not
Sublished, as the artis-t and authority s
Iffered as to how a tree ought to be
represented in a map.
sco very
The Greatest Medical
of the Aire.
Has discovered In one of our common
ks.turr wfds a remejy cures everv
Hind of Humor, from the worst baulula
oWn Ma common I'lmpie.
He has tried it In oer eleven hui.Jred
Cac, and never failed except In two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now in his
Otisession over two hundred ceitiluavs
of Its value, all within twenty miles of
Bosron. Send postal card tor Ivok.
A benefit Is always experienced from
gi first bottle, and a perfect cure is war
ranted when the right ouantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
lhoot:ng pains, like needles passing
trough them; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being
Itepped, and always disappears in a week
alter taking it. Ret j the label.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will
Muse queamfh feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you an get, and enough of it.
Do", one tab'espoonful jn water at bed
time. Sold by all 'Druggists.
A number of Appletou girls are pre
paring to wear bicycle bloomers this
season, Oshkosh Forth western,
Only in some points does the remark
apply that the girl with a bunch of
roses or violets on her corsage is wear
ing hlnomers. Philadelphia Times.
ihe police of Victoria, B. C., have
declareil against bloomers for women
i i j ; i ii l - i i iyi r 11 1
SSI 1 Wtm
' i .-7.: :-.:sl
bicycle riders. Tney have thereby tak
en the one step above all others which
will make the i.ew dress an article of
common wear.
nts gradually relegating
ilif, pills, drAiigM iiml
;s to the rear and bnnp-
Of iik J j t-i r i ;il ngei
the I -lime h
VI gtt,-ii. f.!r;li
intr into I'eiii-ral iie the pleasant and ef-
f'ftivc liquid laxative. Syrup of Figs. To
f'-t t rp- t rue remedy see that it is manti
fart tired liv t h r- California Kin Syrup Co.
only, l or (ait- liv all lending druggists.
The number of acres a man controls
is no Index of either wealth or prosper
ity. It has been far easier to get land
poor than to get prosperous from own
ing land in the last decade.
Tobacco hcatroya Vitality.
Nervous kvhIciii paralyzed liy iilr-ntln
mentis lii iruttibotxl. wrsk eyes, onil a Kfu-
eral all com- look init feelintt that mils life
of Its pU-Hure. Tohai-o la ihe rnot ttf manr
a rmto!u of wi-iikaes-, and Nn-To Mac a
guaritnii-t-il fitre tlittl will niMke .rnti Mining,
vigorous anil happy In mttre whtk than one.
NfvTo It.'ic jfMiirHiiifetl and sold in- I iriinirinni
everywhere. Book, tlllef) "linri'l Toha-i-o
Spit or Hiiioke Your Life Away." Ad. hTer
llng Remedy Co., New ork or Chli'mjo.
A t" w era Ii s dawned upon history.
It is that of Asia aganwt I jirope, the
YelU w organized against the White.
A iK -v Ii dance of power has been es
tablished .in Asia, with Japanese am
bition as a counterpoise for European
Intrigue an I jealousy. New York
The press is the foe of rhetoric, but
I the friei (1 of reason. Colton.
i'ov Sprains and Bruises and nil Painful Accidents, . . .
st. jacote on m ALL KINDS OF SPORTS
... Is th professional's fir-t clioicc of a remedy always.
f 1 T ' ! i I J $ f
"The Best Is Aye the Cheapest."
Avoid Imitations of and Sub
stitutes for
As One Woman
To Another:
"Every Monday morning for two years I've need
SANTA CLAUS SOAP-always makes the
clothes pure and white without hard rubbing-
have my washing done by nine o'clock. This
soap has never harmed the most delicate
color in my summer dresses, so it must
lie free from all acids. I do wish you
. would send down to the Grocer
and get a cake to try on your
next washing-day. You will
find a perfect Laundry Soap.
Bold everywhere. Mode only by
N. K. Fail-bank
,'"1 IIKItK Isn't anybody living who
i can nypnottzr- me.
"Iioti't ht too HUrc, I.eojia." sal
her hUNimnd. "yon cannot afford to run
a tilt against science."
"Hut I deny that it is Kclence. What
Iihm ever been proved by hypnotism?
it is foolish to argue about it, for I
will not even admit there Is such a
thing. The hlirewd ipople who go about
Die country giving exhibitions of their
powers are always In collusion with
some one In the audience-you know
that yourself. ed."
"Nothing of the kind," retorted Nod,
as Mrs. Dari called her husband. "It
Is a science Unit Is yet In Its Infancy,
and there are only a few Individuals
who have the hypnotic power and art
able to throw less potiiilve subjects Into
a trance, lint I have seen It. done, ami
it Is wonderful -wonderful."
"What did you sec'"
"I saw a young man climb walls like
a cat. drink milk out of a saucer, catch
a mouse, and then wash his face and
hands as a cat docs. Ami when he
came out of the tranco he had no idea
that he hud done any of these ihinuH,
or that h had even lost consciousness."
"Hum!" said Mrs. Itnrl, lncreilulonsly.
"I don't believe a word of It. If he did
all that you say he did, he was simply
a conspirator. Ami what good enn
such a faculty bring to science, I should
like to know? Where is the scientific
value, In acting llko a cat or a
"Why, don't you see, dear, It is the
verification of a theory."
"No, I do not see. And I am not sure
that I would believe It If I did see It.
The whole stock In-trade of these hyp
notizers Is the power of producing 'an
illusion. I defy any of them to hypno
tize me."
i nau intended asking you to
with me to the exhibition to-night.'
And he transmogrified Into a cat?
No, indeed! If I make'a sacrifice of my
self In the cause of science, It must be
for something worth while. You have
yet to convince me, Ned, that what you
call the hypnotic Rleep, Is not assumed,
to help carry out the plan of the hyp-, ut ns a means or creating a
sensation. There Is no one living who
could by a few ridiculous passes, a
stare, or pressure of my thumbs, make
me do anything 1 did not choose to do."
"Hut you acknowledge, do you not,
that a strong will can control a weak
"Xe. rind always could, but that Is
as old as the days of Adam, who was
evidently In subjection to Kvp. 1 sup
pose some one will say that deep sleep
which overtook our first fiilher when
ins rib was i.iken from him was hyp
notic. It would he Just about as sensi
ble." "I have an Idea." said Mr. Marl sud
denly. "Suppose, since Mahomet won't
go to the mountain, that the mountain
comes to Mahomet The hypnotist can
come here after the entertainment, and
we will Invite a few neighbors In and
he can give an exhibition of his powers.
How does that Idea strike?"
"Favorably, Neil. There are the
Rusts, and the Pebbles, and Dr. Smlthly
and his wife, and Cousin Fanny anil
her husband. You can let them know,
and I will order refreshments, and we
and a bending of her form
him, like
from her
Ingly, as
evltable (
" 'She Is
'mine In
spirit.' "
"Oh, that was mesmerism,
Darl, as the reading censed.
"And what Is mesmerism ?'' asked one
of the company. "I think that Is as
iinexphilnalile as hynotlsm. If It Is not
th flame or a torch when it
a gentle draught of air. He
with his hand and raising
chair- blindly, but undoubt
i ' iiding to her sure and ln-fiiter-the
iiroti'l Alice an-
;m. He waved her hack, and
Alice sunk again Into her
i mine,' said Matthew Manic,
the right of the strongest
1 said Mrs,
was formerly pronounced incurable,
of the early stages of the. disease
Now ii, is not In all
j Can
Scott's Emulsion
will offoct a euro quicker than any other
known HixsciGc. Hcott's Emulsion pro
motes the making of healthy lung-tissuo,
relieves inflamnmtion, overcomes the excess
ivo waste of the discus and gives rital
1 or usH Lingn, Sora Throat,
I l J er Bronchitis, Consumption, Sorofula, Anasmia,
Loss of Flush and Wasting Diseases of Children.
Buy onljr the genultio with our trade
mark on talttiAn.fnl)rA mrsiAAsr
Srndfor faaifhltl en Scett't Emulsion. FREE.
teott A Bowne, N. Y, All Drugglcd. SOoent and SI.
if n l -mpi
will have an evening of hypnotism. It
will begin late, but we can find other
amusements until your hypnotic oper
ator comes."
Mrs. Darl-had everything nrrnnged;
her house In beautiful order, and her
self gorgeous lu a dress of ruby velvet,
which was far too fine for the occasion,
but was worn as a pleoe-de-reslstance,
she having read or heard that velvet
resisted hypnotic. Influence.
The neighbors anil relatives came, a
merry company, and the time passed In
so animated discussion upon the power
of hypnotism one friend going so far
In research as to visit the library and
look up that wonderful story, the House
of Seven (Jahles, and rend aloud to at
tentive listeners a passage from the
weird history of Alice Tym-heon.
"He spoke, ami Allcs responded with
a soft, subdued Inward acnulesence.
the same thing. Oh, here they are now!
Iet us hold on to our chairs, or we may
he spirited away to China. I, for one,
am afraid."
I am not," said the queenly hostess.
ns she swept forward In velvet and
diamonds to meet her husband and his
A pale, composed-looking man ac
companied Mr. Durl, and he did not
seem surprised by the elegance of his
hostess, or flushed by the critical e-iize
of the company.
After the Introductions were made,
and conversation became general, Mrs.
Iarl slipped Into the hall, and beckoned
to her husband, who Immediately Join
ed her. Then she whispered In his ear
"If If-by any possibility he should
he able to hypnotize me, you will uot
let him make me do anything ridicu
"My dear I.eona, how can you Im
agine siuh a possibility? But if you
have any fear
"Fear:" echoed his wife, scornfully.
In a st ace whisper; "you will see that he
cannot make the slightest Impression on
tne." Ami she went back In the parlor
and found one of her guests climbing
the piano to escape an imaginary hear
that was pursuing hlin. A few passes
ami he was restored to his normal con
dition, looking very foolish.
There were some amusing and some
perplexing exhibitions of the profes
sor's power, then the company fol
lowed host and hostess to the dining-
room, where a generous spread awaited
them. Mrs. Darl was rather silent.
Her test would be the next one, and she
watched the wiry hands "of the young
professor as If his secret lay In them.
Hut they were harmlessly busy with the
sandwiches. His face was quite non
committal, too. What was the power
he held of reducing the will to a mere
blank? She would soon know.
Hack to the parlor, Mrs. Darl seated
herselr under the brilliant chandelier.
"Not there," said the professor, hut
she did not Intend to yield to any com
mand of his, and said quietly:
"I prefer to sit here."
"Then I cannot hypnotize yon."
"Oh, you acknowledge that It. Is only
under certain conditions that this great
power can be displayed?"
"Certainly, there are conditions that
must be complied with. I am positive,
and you are negallve but you are a
very difficult subject because you are
resisting me with nil your might."
Mrs. Darl looked reproachfully nt her
husband anil said In the dumb alphabet
of the married, "you have told him."
He Unshed back In the same lan
guage, "I have not," and she moved In
accordance with the wish of the. pro
fessor, and sat with her hack to the light.
Some of the company were moved to
remote parts of the room, but a few, in
eluding Mr. Darl, stood near.
"Look Into my eyes," said tho pro
fessor. "Penult me," ami he took her
hands and pressed the thumbs gently,
"It is like being In a dentist's chair,"
said Mrs. Darl, with a little forced
laugh. Then she attempted to rise,
struggling slightly, but continued to
look Into the eyes of the hypnotlzer un
til In the place of two eyes she saw
twenty then she asserted her will, and
shook herself free.
"I told -you I could not be-hyp-noticed,"
she said. Her voice sounded
strange and far away. "How queer I
i eel. fs taring ao long has made tne
"Drink this," said Mr. Darl, giving h!s
wife a glass of water.
Khe drank It. then rose to her feet,
and said she felt us well as ever.
"Where U the professor?" she asked.
"I expft be has lost faith in his
sclent -e."
"lit- was here a moment ago," said
her cousin Fanny anxiously; "he
thought he had succeeded in hypnotiz
ing you, Leona. Were you not uucon
s ioils?"
"N t for a moment," said Mrs. Darl,
triuin, hanily. "He held my thumbs
until they were numb whv! where
'Wh:tt Is It, Leona?" he asked in sur
prise at her peculiar tone.
"Where are my diamonds?"
Tle ie was a startled exclamation
from everyone present. Mrs. Darl stood
there bereft of every Jewel she pos
sessed. yn a single one or tier gems
which had flashed on her fingers, at h
throat. In her ears, was now Invisible.
Dazed she held Up her ringless hands
and said:
"Is ihis a Joke? What does it mean?
Where are my diamonds?"
"Whero Is the professor?"
"Si-areli the house."
"Send for the police!"
Hut iim professor had left for parts
unknown, and with him went Mr
I ari s diamonds, and neither the polit
nor t;. Darls ever saw or heard t
them, or him, again, lint one thing was
in h;.-. favor. Not only had he success
fully hypnotized Mrs. Darl, but as Mr.
Dull admitted, he must have hypnoliz
the whole company, In order to bring
his hypnotic scheme to such a climax.
Ami Mrs. Darl is at last a convert t
boili tiie theory and practice of the
occult si lence, and a firm believer in tht-
power or tno hypnotic will. I tun
A Water Klitle.
in I't-rak, a stale In 1he Straits set-
tli'ini ills, the Malays have one form o:
amusement which Is probably uot to
be ei. joyed Siiywheri) tdse In the wide
world. There Is a huge gr.iiilte slope
In the course of a mountain river
down which tho water trickles about
two Inches deep, the main stream huv
lug carved out a bed by the side of the
boulder. This rock, the face of which
has been rendered us smooth as glass
by the constant flow of the water dur
ing hundreds of years, the Malays -men,
women and children have turn
ed Into a toboggan. Climbing (o tho
top of ihe rock, they sit In the shallow
water with their feet straight out and
a hand on each side for steering, and
men siiue nown tne sixty rent Into a
pot of water. This Is a favorite sport
on sunny mornings, ns many as two
hundred folk being en git god at a time,
ami sliding so quickly ono after an
other, or forming rows of two, four
anil even eight persons, that they tnin
ble into the pool a confused mass of
screaming creatures. There Is HUIo
danger In the game, and though some
choose to sit on a pleceof plantain, most
of tic loboganners are content to Bquat
on their haunches.
Military Hs lutes.
military salute required In al-
ill civilized countries Is nearlv
the same. Terhaps In Germany, how
ever, ihe regulations are somewhat
more stringent A soldier on meeting
the F.mperor, has to stand still, face
about, and remain with hand raised for
from twelve to twenty paces before his
Majesty approaches, and for the same
distance after he has passed. In Bel
glum an officer has to do the Rame thing
for the king, and subalterns for gener
als, though ten paces are only required
for the latter case. Soldiers carrying
anything so that their hands are quite
occupied salute with their eyes that
Is. they turn their heads in the direc
tion of the person coming or going.
French officers raise their caps to each
other; but the privates do as the pri.
vales in other armies do.
A Xew-Kangled Swiss Watoh.
A curious application of the phono
graph to watches has been made re
cently by a watchmaker at Geneva,
Switzerland, In whose repeating watch
es the bell Is replaced by a circular disk
of vulcanised rubber less than two
Inches In diameter, upon which phono
graphic lines corresponding to a cer
tain series of spoken words are spirally
The passage of a vibrating point over
these lines causes the watch literally
to tell the hours, and even, when de
sired, to sound an alarm and awaken
the sleeper. It has been demonstrated
that the point may pass many thousand
times over the lines on the disk without
wearing them away appreciably. When
the watch speaks the hours Its voice
Is clear and distinct twenty feet away
with a dosed door between.
A Horse Has Little Itrains.
The mental peculiarities of the horse
are much less characteristic than its
physical. It Is Indeed the common
opinion among those who do not know
the animal well that It Is endowed with
much sagacity, but no experienced and
careful observer Is likely to maintain
this opinion. All such students find the
Intelligence of the horse to be very
limited. Although some part of tills
menial defect In the horse, causing its
actions to be widely contrasted with
those of the dog, may be due to a lack
of deliberate' training and to breeding
with reference to Intellectual accom
plishment, we see, by comparing the
creature with the elephant, which prac
tically has never been bred In cnptlvlty,
that the equine mind Is, from the point
of view of rationality, very feeble.
Five French dramatists are at pre
' etit engaged on plays dealing wltfc
j "Louis X VII." Sardou, Pierre Decour
'celle, Henri Ceard, Henri de Welndel,
and Charles Ituet.
I William Watson, the English poe
i has been granted a pension of $500 I
i year by Iiosels-ry's Government Tb,
i Gladstone regime had already provided
hliu with a pension of $1,000 a year.
Tolstoi's new story Is called "Maatel
;and Man." It describes with pathos
I and simplicity the way In w hich a com
I laonplace, money-loving man sacrifices
j his life In a gn-at storm to 6ave that of
his servant
Among the comparatively recent ac
quisitions of the Hritish Museum are
a number of unpublished tales by Char
lotte Ii.oiJte, written under the pseu
donym of rd Charjes Albert Florlan
Welleslcy." The museum also possess
es a letter in which Miss Bronte re
fused to allow a London publisher to
bring out her portrait
Admiral Sir K. Vesey Hamilton, of
the liritish navy, is arranging to bring
out a collection of leto-rs from naval
officers of nil ranks, from midshipmen
to admirals, containing something more
of their daily life than can be learned
from oilicial roiorts. It is believed that
the graphic stories of officers describing
to their friends and relatives scenes of
which they were eye witnesses, with
their observations, would be Interest
ing. An Interesting book Is announced In
"The Tragedy of Fotherlngay," by the
Hon. Mrs. Maxwell Scott, of Abbots
ford. It is founded on the recently pub
lished Journal of D. Iturgoing, physi
cian to Mary Queen of Scots. It will
contain a photogravure of the Blair por
trait and illustrations from the Cal
thorpe manuscripts, among them being
contemporary drawings of the trial and
the execution of Mary at Fotherlngay,
and lists of names, In lieale's writing,
of those present on each occasion.
A Modest Millionaire.
I never saw a man take life less sert.
ously than John D. Rockefeller. He has
an easy way of saying and doing things
that appeals to the aesthetic nature.
That $1,000,000 suit brought by Lon
Merritt is not costing him a wink of
sleep. Nothing worries him, not all hla
millions. At times I have known John
to seem dull. I have known people to
take him for a soft slow, stupid fellow
Instead of the hard, gliding, firm, rocky
fellow that he is. He once had an em
ploye, a nervous, Irritable young man,
full of his own Importance, but, withal,
a capable clerk. He occupied an office
In which there w as one of those pulling
and lifting machines, and regularly ev
ery morning about 9, when he was Im
mersed In figures or correspondence,
small, blnck-moustached man, quietand
diffident In manner, entered, said "good
morning," walked op tiptoe to the cor
ner and exercised for a quarter of an
hour. It btcame a bore to the clerk
who at last, unable to stand it longer,
remarked, with considerable heat and
fireworks, to the Inoffensive, but an
noying stranger: "How do you expect
me to do my work properly while you
are fooling with that machine? I'm
getting tired of it Why don't you put
where it won't worry a person to
death?" Tho stranger replied with a
blush: "I am very sorry if it annoys
you. 1 win have it removed at once."
porter took it away within an honr.
few days later the clerk was sent for
by Mr. Flagler, whom he found in ear
nest conversation with 1he small,
black-moustached man. The latter
smiled at seeing him, gave Flagler
some Instructions and left the room.
Will you tell me who that gentleman
Is?" the young man asked, a light be
ginning to break upon him. "That was
Mr. Rockefeller," was the reply. With
gasp for breath, the clerk staggered
back to his office to think. It was his
first acquaintance with tho Standard
Oil magnate. New York Press.
The First Wills.
Wills were at first oral, as wero also
gifts of lands, and were only morally
binding on the survivors. Ortgen and
other fathers of the early church cred
ited Noah with having made a will, and
the fourth century the Bishop of
Brescia declared all those heretical who
denied Noah's division of the world to
his three sons by will. The oldest
known wills are those of Egypt Both
oral and written wills not Infrequently
contained Imprecations on those who
should neglect them.
The earliest written will In existence
Is that of Sennacherib, which was found
the Royal Library of KonyunJIk.
There Is a great sameness about our
own royal wills. Ihey mainly relate
to beds, bedding, clothes, personal or
naments, gold and silver cups, and
payments for masses, and are general
ly is prosaic as one could contrive.
The Westminster Review.
The sacrifices a woman tan make for
her husband, she Is not willing to
make. She wants1 credit for willlugucr
to make sacrifices that are Impossible.
"I ran If I want to," we hoard a boy
say tills morning. No, boy, you caii'd
not once in a thousand times.
The Duke Vs. Tobacco.
It Is not quite fifty years since the
issue from tho House Guards of Gen
eral Order No. 577, which contained
the following memorable counterblast:
"The Commander. In-chief has. been
Informed that the practice of smoking,
by the use of pipes, cigars or cheroots,
has become prevalent among the offi
cers of the army, which Is not only In
Itself a species of Intoxication, occa
sioned by the fumes of tobacco, but,
undoubtedly, occasions drinking and
tippling by those who acquire the hab
it; anil he entreats (he ofllcers com
manding regiments to prevent smoking
In the mess rooms of their severml rogl
mentsand In the adjoining apartments,
nnd to dlscourngv ihe practice among
tho ofllcers of Junior rank In Uwiefit
menu." Notes and Uuerieav