11 T - - SAVED FROM NICOTLNh Little Charley Foulc an I'aed To bacco Hince Ht liood, and Ilia Fa ther Htnukrd and Chewed fur the plat Tocntj Veara- Both Set Fixe t A.hi villc, N.C. "Ia that true ':" a-k-J the Newa man a! Frlhaiu'a l'liarniai 3', he lani down a teller iii the prraciice of a duK-u int-r-filed cnat"lller. ! "Ye, it i. It va writ t.-n heie on utie f our letter hem!, mi'l trm-il by J- 1 ' r'ocleiiian." promptly aimered the pro prietor, "You know I j tit). lo"t you?" "( Vrtamly; he lives at N.i. 5 ltuMoti itrwt. We' all know Foreman i a man f hia ord." "I am clail to hear it. There are w. ninny un-U'ii'lllnr atateiuenla puhlihd aowaday that lieu thin came in thi morning mail I mine ritflit over to k fuU alxjlit it. 1 read ilie letter three times, hut you read it, and you will acr-e with me that it ia Hliiioxt too itiiod ' " true." Tina i what the letter aaid: "(IfhVeof IVI'iiim'a i'hiirmuey. - tm ftTenne. AkIm i ille. N. Sept. JV.H. (ientleinen My little lniy. now f years, t ciui i hewinc tobaeeo when three years old hy the udviee of our family ilirairian. in the plrice of wronger atiimi ant. I'our or rive wk ago I Imi.mii giving- him No To- Mac, wlinh I ImhiIiI at I'rlluiin'a l'hann( y. and to uiy iire.it aiirpriKe. and. it ia nee Memi to cay. my de lipkt. No-To-Hao completely eur'd him. He doe not aeem to eare for tulimio mid la very uiurli improved in health, eat heartily and has a in in It better eolor. "I'indiiiii am-h remarkable renulta from the uae of No To Hiu- I befiin myself, ind it rured me. after tiiiif lolmreo. in nil iia Tarioua forma, for a period of twenty years. "I take pleasure in making thia phiin tatement of filcta for the benefit of othera. (Sie II J. I '( H i I.K.M A N." "Yea, I know it's a fart, and ita one of the BtrontreM. truthful testimonial I ever read - anil it a true, fur 1 sold him the No-To-Mae." ' "What's thut?" nuked Chief of I'olire Jlawkina, whose manly form attired in the new police uniform, like Solomon ill all hia glory, riune to the door. "Why, No-To Hae curea!" "Curea? Why. I should any so. I have used it myself. It cured me." "Would you objei-t to umkinc a state ment of the fact for publication?" "Certainly not," and the Chief wrote aa follows: "AaheTille, N. C. Sept. 2.V 1V.H. IVI hnm Pharmacy I hoiiitht one box of No-Tn-Bae from trnti some time ainee. After uatna; No-To-tiac I found I had loat the deaire for tobacco. I a cured. "I have used tobac.e-.hielly chewing for et(tht () or ten (10) years. "U.S. HAWKINS." KveryboUy lookel astonished and won dered what would next turn up. "Suppose it don't cure?" some one ked. "Then they do the rixht thine when No-To-Bar won't cure." "What's that?" aaked the News man. "Kvery drujigiat in America ia aitthoriwd to sell lo-To Mac under an shsolute guarantee tn rnre or moner refuhded. No -To-Hae la made by the Kterhn- Remedy Co.. (ten erol offices in Chi aifo, Montreitl and New Y'ork. anJ their Ulwiratory is at Indiann Mineral Springs. Indians, a big health resort thev own, It'a the place where they give Mud Hatha for rheumatism and skin diseases. You ought to know the presi dent. Mr. A. I.. Thomas, of lnrd A Thomas, of Chicago." "Yes. of course 1 do. We get business from them right along, and they are a good as gold. Well, give mr their advertising books, and .. will niae a statement in the paper about mfiCx'yon have told me. for 1 know there are thousands of gisid North Carolina iieople who are tobacco spitting ami smok ing their lives away, and No To-Bac is an easy guaranteed enre and they ought to know it." Ttioae who leach joun children iliould speak, to them properly, Dot lisp ing or usin? silly words; for they cn understand sens better than iiotisese. (iood Ilouiekeeplng. New deposits of phosphates have teen dlacovered by French explorers in the western parts of Tunisia. The mineral capacities of Africa are still Cut partially known. Gold alone ap pears toabnorb the attention of modem explorers. A Missouri cow went to drink at a hole In the i -this whs in Glasgow fro7,e into the hole and perished. Dr. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK WOMEN. On Brut Introducing tills world famed mnli cine tollic afliictvd. and for innny cr llirir alter, it w aold under a Positive Ouarantce ol givina entire Mtiafartion in every - (or which it i recommended. to uniformly sue ceful did It prove hn curing Hie diease de rangements and weaknew.es of women that claims for Die return of money paid for it were aceedingly rare. Since in manufacturers can mow point to thouaanda of noted curea effected by it in every part of the land, they believe ll past record a sufficient guarantee of its great value as a curative agent, therefore, thev now rest Ita claims to the confidence of the afflicted HWrupon that record. By all medicine dealers. Bcecham's pills are for bil iousness, sick headache, diz ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor pid liver, foul breath, sallow 6kin, coated tongue, pimples, loss of appetite, etc.. when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre quent cause of all of them. Oat ef the ntoat important thiaga for trerybody to learo ia that constipation tauttet luor thai half the aickaeas in the ararlo., especially 4 won en; aid it can all be prevented. Go by tae book . free at your iruggiit's.or write B.P.AIIenCo.l365Canal t.New Yorb. l'illt,io and 35 a lox. aaaualiaba mors tSas t. an bi. - r " s'aa ii m nion' Washington DITFITS D C No su a fa. until Faisnl 00 a a. a aaaa w uubmi. Write for Inveator iouiua. J I jeHai I A LAUGH IN CHURCH. Fhe sat on the sliding ruhion. The dear wee wol .u of four; Her fe.-t in their shir trti rs IJuuk dandling ov.f lit -Mr. She ni'-ant to lie gi'.: be bad promised; And su. with her tut rowu eyes. She stared at the me-Ji'ig hoiiw window j And counted the irriwling flies. She looked far up at the preacher; But she thought of the hom y l-ea I ironing away in the bloi-.-iius That hhiteiu-d the ch. rrv trees. She thought of the broken b.-o-ket, Where, curled iii a dur-ky heap. Three sleek, round puppies, with fringy ears. Lay snuggled and fust asleep. Such soft, warm bodies to cuddle. Sin h ipiecr little hearts to beat. Such swift, round tongues to kiss, Such nprmvihig, cushiony feet! She could li-i l in her lasping fingers The toin h of (he satiny kin, And a cold, wet nose exploring The dimples tinder her chin. Then a sudden ripple of laughter Han over the parted lips. So iiiick that she could not catch it With her rosy linger tips. The people hisTed, "Bless the child. As each one waked from a imp: But the dear wee woman hid her face For shame in her mother's lap. Iyondon Amusing Journal. IN THE FACE OF DEATH HI! horse is mine, and you nor any other hum Hlia'n't rhlc him without I say so!" "And I say the horse Is mine, and I'll ride hltu without asking your leave, or anybody else's!" The two men faced each other 'with ovver till! 3 43-5a brows and defiant liHiks. wheu a small, (iilet hxiklnt; man II in pod for ward and Interposed. "Come, now-, drop this foolishness! If I hear another word alxiut that 111 tia tnnjj I'll (diiKit bltn. and end the fusK. I'm captain of this outfit, and as long as I am. there's sot to be peace ill the family!" There wan a ring: of authority in bin voice, and a flash In his bine eyes that showed him to be a natural coiiiiimti der. and one not to lie trilled with. The two angry men Htood sullenly h1 leul, while he went on more genially: "Cinie, shake bauds and pall it a draw; at any rate till we get out of here. I eau't have the two best men in the outfit quarreling! You can't either of you ride the horse now anyway, and from the way things lmik, It's a mighty slim chance whether you ever will. If you're upoillng for n fight, those redskins out yonder will mvommodnte you, at the drop of the hat! Come, drop It, I say, and shake hands like men!" But the two belligerent looked wowl lngly at each other and then at Clay. His Infiuehee was too great to permit of a rontlnunnop of the quarrel In bin presence, hut Instead of shaking bands they turned and strode sulkily away. They had trapped, hunted, starved, revelled, dug Kohl and fought Indiana together for years. Kach had more than once risked bin life for the other, in the same matter-of-fact way in which he would have handed him his pouch of tobacco. When Hani Finch had been stricken by small pojc In a Crow village, and nil the Indians who were not yet attacked had fieri lu tenllled baste, Tom Collins had stayed, and for six Ion;; weeks vap'd his solitary flj-'ht with death bis onlv companions the unarlinir coy otes and the heavy-winced buzzards. his only rest the few brief moments he could snatch when the raciiin dc lli itmi of his patient was overcome by bodilv exhaustion; till at last the sick man crept feebly back to life, and could lie taken by Ills devoted nurse to where more etllcleut, tlioiiKh not tenderer, carp and help could be trlven. And now these two were as bitter in ud as they had been close In friend ship. The ipiestloit at Issue was the ownership of a Kfand black stnjlloii that had been htssoeil while leading his wild held on the plains between the Mogollones and the Colorado Chl- tjtiitn. His neck had first been encir cled bv Collins' lasso, but the totivth hide of the lariat had beet) gnuwed by a coyote, so mux 11 oioko wneu tne wild horse plunged. Before he could thunder away the lasso of Finch held him. ".My horse!" said Finch. "I stopped him," said Collins. "He'd have got 11 way without me, for your lasso broke," cried Finch; and so the quarrel began. At first they spoke laughingly, then angrily, till things were said on both sides that neither mill) thought he could ever forgive. Meantime the black, which bad been broken to saddle in one day's rough riding, was used by none of the pnmpiK-tliig party. As the disputants strode away Clay muttered to himself: "Queer what fisils men will make of themselves sometimes! The Idea of those two men iiunri-elliig about a horse, when the chances are a Ihotts liiid to one that their scalps will both be fluttering at the cud of Apache lances within twenty -four honrs!" The sun was about an hour high, nud tile wide, level mesil glowed and quivered ll) the bent. North, south, east, west, wherever Clay looked, h' saw the cordon of Apaches. Nome sat on their ponies like bronze statues, some were stretched on the ground asleep, some galloped down the little catiyoii for water, but all waited quiet ly for the time when their grim allies, lieitt, ihlrst and exhaustion, should de liver the prospectors Into their hands. These were ft party of twelve strong men who hud Htarted from Toon three rcks earlier under the guidance ,f John Burt, who caiue lu from uo o: knew where, sorely wounded, and J rv. tesling that b hail redivovered the famous long b- Cauyou d Oro of the "Valley of p..i:n" iu Ajlzona. ife brought w ith (J ji a nugget of go) i as lame as a ba'tf'0 hand to bear out tU story; he told otw he bad barely elud'd tin- Apaches, after they had killed ail his frietvN; he awore that the Canyon de (ire literally tdioue with gold; aud the upshot was this prospecting ex pedition tinder the leadership of Clay. Two days before this. Juh's baud of Apaches, out oil the war-path, had at tacked Clay's party with an over whelming force. Burt and three others had fallen at the first fire, and the rest, lighting desperately, had at last sue-c.-od.'d in taking refuge on a mound als.ut a hundred feet long by fifty wide rising some ten feet from the plain. Irregular lines of stone walls, jut ting from the ground, and hollow pits, w here the risjfs of the lower chambers had fallen iu. showed It to be the ruin oi oiiw of tbe old "pueblos, once so common ail through that country. It furnished a position impregnable to tbe dashes of the undisciplined In dians, who had at last settled grimly down to starve the defenders out. The whites had food enough for several days, but no water. This the Indians could pnsnre from a little branch of the Colodado ChlqiiltJi, which ran about five miies away, but the be sieged had no HUcli recourse. fine of their number, Aleck Pike, wounded in the first day's tight, was already delirious from his wounds and from thirst, and the rest were suffer ing greatly; for the two days' siege and loss of rest. Joined to the burning sun, w hich aggravated their thirst, was telling fearfully Usm them. "Sweet prospect, this, for a man with a wife and two kids waiting for him In Taos!" said Clay to himself. "Well, Sitllle, you're a plainsman's daughter, and you knew what kind of life mine was before you married me and I wish you'd been home so that I could have kissed you good by before I started. But I've been In worse places than this before, now, aud saved my scalp, aud please !od, I may see you and the kids yet before the redskins get me." He limped over to where the men were standing, aud spoke aloud. "Well, boys, something's got to be done. Those fellows out there seem to have taken root. We can hold out a couple of days longer, maybe, but after that we'll be past praying for. We've got to do something, and do It quick. Anybody got anything to pro pose?" "(inly thing I see," said one of tin men, "Is to make a dasli and cut our way through, If we can." "Yes, if we can, but we can't. Those fellows out there are tis many for us." "Well, anyhow, I'd rather go under with a bullet through me than stay here and die, like a trapeil kl yote!" "So'd I; but there's Alack," pointing to the sick man; "we can't take him with us, aud It won't do to leave him behind.'' "No use of the rest of us staying here to die, when It won't do him any good." "That may be, but we promised to stick together, aud I'm going to do my share of it." "Cap," spoke up Collins, "how far are we from Fort .Merrill?" "About sixty miles. "And what way?" "Due north, as far as I can make it Why ?" "Well. I was thinking mebbe one of us might slip through the redskins yonder, and get to the fort and let the triKips know how we're fixed. Cap'n Klrby wouldn't ask anything better than a chance for a slap at old .lull." "Hum! ves; but I don't think any one could get through." I "There's no telling where lightning j might strike; and a fellow might as-j well die there iis here." Clay hesitated. "Well, what do you say, men?" he asked, presently. "There aiut 110 show to get through." said one. We might as well try ll; we can't do any worse, another protested. We'd better stick together -we're snowed miller anynow, situ anouier said. "Well." said Clay. "If It's our only chance, will any one here try It?" "I will!" said Collins and Finch, lu the same breath, both springing to their feet. "I spoke first." growled Collins. "I'm the lightest weight. Cap," said Finch, eagerly. "Mh!" said Clay, gravely, "let's see. The moon will be down by nine o'clock and that black stallion ought to carry a man to the fort by sun-up. Klrby'll not wait a minute wheu he hears what's up, and the tnsips ought to get here by the middle of to-morrow night, anyhow; we can hold out till then, I think. It's our only chance; guess you'd better try it." "Which one of us?" asked Finch. "Collins, I reckon; he spoke first." "Just my luck!" growled Finch, an grily, as he turned away, while Collins smiled triumphantly. One would have thought, from the aspect of the two men, that the prize won or lost had be mi some great satis faction, Ifcsteud of merely the desperate chance of saving the lives of others, at the risk 0. Ids own. lu one of the hollows of the mound, screened from the sight of the Indians. Collins begun, an hour lieforc the moon went down, his preparations for Ills ride. As each ounce of weight would tell In the struggle for life which lay before lilm. everything not absolutely essential was discarded. A hirliit, looped around the horse's lower Jaw, and a. saddle blanket strappetl tightly on the back, formed the steed's outfit, Piilitahxins. light moccasins, and a handkerchief around tlm head to keep his long hair from blowing Into hit eyes, made up the rider's toilet. "If I get to the fort I can get ft jacket and bat from the soldiers; If I can't get there there'll be less fur dd Juh lo tote," were Collins' reflections. Into his pis-let he supped a Derrin ger, saying: "I don't luke any chances on being taken alive." Strips of blanket vere tied deftly around the horhe'a feet, that no chink of hisif on stoLe might warn the keen eyed besiegers of Me passage: and when the tinsin was fairly set, Collins led bis stallion down the slois- of the mound, vaulted ujsm his back, aud saying quietly to Clay. "If the troops ailit here by an hour after mooiiset to morrow night you may know I'm gone under," stole slowly away iu the dark ness. Those left behind waited, listened, with anxious hearts, dreading any mo ment to hear the tumult which should announce that their messenger's flight bad been discovered. Five minutes passed ten minutes twenty minutes; Clay had just drawn a long sigh of relief, aud was turning away with the remark, "I reckon lie's safe by this time." wtien a flash caught his eye out on the plain. Another and another succeeded; and the report of rifles came to their ears. "They-ve seen him! They're after htm!" exclaimed Finch: but vainly did the beleaguered watchers listen and strain their eyes for further indica tions as to the fate of their courier. Would he outstrip his pursuers? Had he escaped, or was he already dead, or a pinioned prisoner, helpless to aid them? These were questions which uo one on the mound could answer. The night dragged by, and another day of thirst and suffering dawned. A feeble groan from Pike, the wounded man, drew Finch's attention; he walked back to where pisir Aleck lay, and awkwardly but tenderly adjusted his head in an easier position. As he stood liKiking down upon him. he thought of another sick man who once lay delirious in a Crow lodge, and loathsome from head to foot with fil tering disease. He remembered, too, who it was that had nursed that sii k man through that time of horror, who had stayed by him aud wutched over Iii 111 as tenderly as a mother over her child, when even the stoical Indians had fled appalled who, when the grip of death was broken, had nainfullv carried him for weary mile uion mile, till help was reached; and then, laying down his helpless bur den at the post-surgeon's feet, had fal len, senseless, in the middle of the parade ground. , "And I have quarreled with this man this friend this brother about a horse!" thought Fiuch. "Bali! All the horse from the Kio (Jrande to the Columbia weren't worth one hair on Tom Collins' bead! Ob! what a, fool what a fool I've bi-en! Can I ever make it up to Tom for the wrong I've done him?" The day, with ever-increasing mis ery, wore away. With mouths, too parched for talk, the men lay watch ing at their posts. Aleck had died at mam. Save now and then a plaintive neigh from the thirsty horses, or a distant whoop of derision from the expectant Apaches, scarcely a sound broke the wretched monotony on the mound. Clay sat and watched the red sun sink behind the distant range. "I, nor none of us, will ever see another sun set," lie murmured to himself, "unless Tom did get through, and perhaps not even then." (iradtially the darkness descended and night gathered about them; but still, grimly at their places, the front iersmen lay, well nigh hopeless now, but none the less determined to die fighting to the bitter end. But what clear, sweet sound was that which suddenly broke on the dull nud oppressive stillness of the dry night air? It was-imd what a shout ruse from these parched throats'. - it was a bugle call. Hark! It sounded; ( (pen orders, fours!" "Draw sabers!" "Trot! Callop! Cliarg"!" Then came flash on flash, and loud hurrahs, blending with wild, tierce yells and the rumble of charging cavalry. Soon a dark form of a horseman de tached Itself from the surrounding obscurity aud dashed up to the foot of the mound. An anxious voice called out, "Hello! All safe?" "All safe, thank (.iod!" answered Clay, reverently. "Show a light, then!" In a moment a lire of dry sage-brush shot up, and the light glistened on the bronzed faces and the panllug horses of Klrby's troop of dragoons. But In the middle of the group, on a black charger, reeled a swaying figure, sup iHirteil bv a trooner on each side. On his bare breast was a crimson streak. Bushing down the slope of the mound Finch reached bis side. "Tom. are you hurt?" "Killed, I reckon, old pard!" he gasped, faintly; "the redskins have got me this time. Kase tne down." They lifted him down tenderly from the horse, and laid him on a blanket on the ground. "Sam." he whispered. "Yes. old pard; what is It?" Finch's tirm went tenderly under the dying ma u's head. "Ham the mtistang's-yours. Don't - hold It -agin me that I said -I'd ride him. How dark it is! 8ay-say gisxl " The hand-clasp loosened, the head fell back, and the quarrel between Sam Finch and Tom Collins, as to who owned (lie mustang, was over forever. T. S. F. OKDWAY. Whaira. It Is believed that whales often at tain the age of 4i(i years. The number of years thi-se huge creatures have lived is ascertained by counting the layers of laminae forming the horny substance known as "whalebone." These laminae Increase yearly, Just as the "growths" do on it tree. Kvery boy abould remember that ev ery decent man tn the world ha tried to quit swearing. About Blushing; Women. Some time ago a man took it upon himself to assert that the modern woman has forgotten how to blush. This imputation was launched at fem ininity in general witli bo much bitter ness and asperity that one might gather therefrom that blushing is a virtue, and that not to blush is criminal. What ever the connection between the height ening of color and innocence in the case of women, however, the blush is considered a sign of t(rnce men Cynics have always maintained - that women can cry about anything, and at a moment's notice, and it. is indeed pretty well known that many actresses can squeeze out real tears nightly at the proper moment; but blushing Is more diflicult to acquire as an art. Hl ishes are evidently considered as important by the generality of men. For in stance to call a man ' an unblushing scoundrel" is a distinct slur on hiB character, and to tell another that you blushed for him used at one time to be a pretty common form of Insult. Even now the phrase "we blush to relate" is to be found in our daily newspapers. Tbe poet Young lays it down in his "Xight Thoughts" that "the man who bluahes is not quite a brute." Dar win's observations determined the fact that blushing is confined to the human ipecies. Announcing tli KdkK lueut. An engagement should be autiounced irst by the family of the bride-elect, writes Mrs. Burtoti Harrison in the Ladies' Home Journal. This ia done jither verbally and Informally to friends r by note to those whom it. is des te-l iliall receive early inform itiou. The nan may at Die same, tune write to '.'nose of hia triends whom lie desires to tave share, in his happiness and whom ilie girl's family could not so well reach. Uhurlish, indeed would be the spirit to withhold interest in a new engage ment, and the telling of it by the prin jipals almost always inspires a kindly feeling for them in those told. Lovers have, perliftps, the best founded claim to thinking themselves of first Interest to a community of any class of people, md are quite entitled to assume all of the honors ana privileges of the situa Uon. Dainty Vf liole-Wh Gema. A tested recipe for whote-wheat gems calls for two cupfuls of the flour mixed with a ttaapoonful of salt and two tea ipoonfuls of sugar. Separate the whites and yolks of two eggs, beat the yolks light and add a cup of sweet milk, a little at a time, beating all the while. Stir this mixture into tbe flour, and wheu smooth and light add a cup ful of lukewarm water. Beat the white to a stiff froth and add to the batter; fold them In lightly and quickly, and turn into hot gem pans that have been theroughly granted. Bake In a quick ovec from twenty to twenty five minutes. THE EVOLUTION Of medicinal agents is gradually relegating the old-tiiue herbs, pilla, draughts and Tt'ltKianii' rxiricm 1.0 iuc irni nou 10015 loir into raneral use the nleasHiit. Slid el fective liunid laxative, Hvrnn of Figs. To get the true remedy ae that it is manu factured by the California Fig .Syrup Co. only. For' sale by all leading drnggiata. The consumption of iron per bead la nearly four tinea aa great in Qreat Britain as in France. The ignorant are never defeated In any argument. Hlf you havo Rhoumatiom U Oranyotberpein.yiJudpB'tteAeehMC ITl Lrl reara ago )t fcaaaJ 'o A p1 end It'a been paln-kllltny erer alnoe. l P FzTTTZXiJT T "; "AT "t imllZl H .4 mm 0 Almoat Cheuper than Walking are the low rates offered by tbe Bur- ' lington Route, Tuesday, May 21, when round trip tickets to points in Ne braska, Kansas, Colorada, Wyoming, South Dakota and Utah will be on sale at half the regular tariff. Think of It Half the regular tariff Travelers to whom economy is an object and that meaus everybody will take advantage of this muijey saving opportunity. For a time tab.e of the Burlington Route as well as for full information about rates and trains, apply to the nearest ticket agent, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. The Portland police, not long ago, ar rested a woman, who, 111 her cell, wept and wailed for her dog until the kind hearted bluecoats so.il for the animal. It was a pug, and its arrival stilled the storm at once. Mra. Wlnalow'a Soothiko 8YRCP for child ren leetliinp. softens the liiiiiiR, reduces ltiflara niation, alltiys pHin, cures wind colic. 5c bottle. Newell Foster, of 1'igeon Hill, Me., N lias a dog that he values greatly. Re cently when his life was in danger iroua the attack of an infuriated cow, tbe dog grabbed her by the nose and Foster got away all rieht. After physicians had given me up, I a saved bv P'iso's Cijrrj. Ralph Erieo, Wil lianisport, Pa., Nov. 22, 1898. The po.yp is a wonderful animal. Cut one in two parts, aud two creature result. ( ut it into six parts and six beings sport around. If two be dividetf each 111 two purls, and the head part ol! each tie united at the severed ends, they will grow together, producing a mouster u .ih a head at each extremity. Hall's Catarrh Cure In tal; en internally. Price "6 oents.' A cow in Norway, Me., recently killed had in her stomach a big piece of butcher's bone with a wedgo driven in to it. Tbe Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBORY, MASS., Has discovered In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in hi possession over two hundred certificate of Its value, all within twenty mile of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is afwavs experienced from the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it cautes. shooting pains, like' needles passing) through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts beind stopped, and always disappears in a weeK; after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious It wilT cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you tan get, and enough of it. Dose, on 4 tablespoon ful.in water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. N. V. D. No. 334-10. York Nat WHFN WRITING TO A It V KHTIaKKiti loaaa aa- jn aaw tha ad-rtiaaaBi In tlila pmpT.