The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 09, 1895, Image 6

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fT was In October
of 1S'J3. I was in
I i the smoker or a
2 J Tl. 1 a New York Cen
tral train, speed
i n g northward
along the shore
o f the Hudson,
and as the 1 n
creasing dark
ness obscured
the view of the
river and the
r...l.Ula mv at.
tf Dtlon was
drawn to a cou
ple of gentlemen
who sat nearly
jY opposite, nie on
the other side of the car. They were
evidently old friends and were engaged
in animated conversation bo animat
ed. In fact, that it came clearly to my
"I would never have known him,"
said one of the two men, the farther
one from me, "though, perhaps, that is
not strange, for I had not seen him for
twenty years. Yet, I knew you, old
fellow, the moment we met It is won
derful how little you have changed, for
all your gray hairs." And he put bis
Laud affectionately on the other's knee.
'I have held my own pretty well."
Bald the other; "nor can I see much
change in you, George a little stouter,
somewhat more staid, but that to all.
What a streak of luck this to that I
should have met you this afternoon
when you lauded, and that we should
have this ride to Chicago together."
"But, say, Jack this is the first
chance I have had to ask you what
the deuce Is the matter with Toll? He
has not only changed In appearance,
but has radically changed in manner.
Why, he is as fidgety as an old woman.
I don't think he was half glad to see
Hie. In the olden time he was Jolly
enough and a right good fellow, but to
day he hurried off on board his steamer
two hoars ahead of time, when we
hadn't been together a minute. Keally
I felt hurt"
"Yon are misjudging nlm, George.
He Is a good fellow and thinks Just as
much of you aa he ever did. But be is
not himself Just now, and there is ev
ery reason why be should not be. There
to a story connected with our trip to
New York, which. In Justice to him, I
ought to tell you. I am sure he would
would wish me to do so.
"I don't know that you are aware
that Fhll has been very successful In
his profession. He is Judge " And
the speaker's voice here sank so low
that I missed a few words. "When he
got to Chicago he took rooms for him
self and wife some six or eight blocks
south of the World's Fair grounds.
Well, Phil and his wife put In a couple
of weeks at the Fair. They had seats
Teserved at the Auditorium for last
Monday night When the time came
Phil's wife was tired and didn't care
to go. This more than 'ncllned Phil to
five up going, but he finally decided
that he would not lose this his only
chance of seeing a very 3ne spectacu
lar play that had drawn great crowds
during the Fair. Before he came to
Chicago he had purchased an elegant,
self-cocking revolver-a thing he had
never owned before and on that even
ing, at bis wife's request, be put It in
his hip pocket
He took a street car for the Fair
grounds, intending to take a train there
for the city. There was apparently no
standing room In the crowded car, and
H was with the greatest difficulty that
be secured a footing on the rear plat
form. The car had gone but two or
three Mocks when It stopped at a cross
ing. The pressure increased, people
trod upon his feet and dug their elbows
Into his tides In their efforts to make
way for a 'tne one who was coming
from the Inside of the car. The subject
of all this commotion came crowding
by him toward tbs steps. In passing
Ma. tbe stranger stamMed, mattered
n-n-i ni ii
It, II "S
la word of apoHgy. and then, hurrying
on, reached the steps and alighted. As
he did so Phil caught the gleam of gold
In the man's hand. Instinctively he
clapjied his hand to his breast his
watch and chain were gone. They had
belonged to his father; he could not
lose them.
"The car had started, but in a twin
kling Phil sprang to the ground. The
man had reached the sidewalk, and as
he passed under the street lamp Phil
saw that he was fumbling about his
vest, as if attaching a chain to a button-hole.
The bouses are much scat
tered In that neighborhood, and there
was no one else In sight. Drawing his
revolver, Phil ran softly but swiftly af
ter him. The man was moving briskly
down the side street and seemingly did
not hear the approaching steps until
Phil was almost upon him, when be
started as if to run, then stopped, turn
ed and faced his pursier. He was
dressed in black, his face was clean
shaven and deathly pale, mil he trem
bled visibly. With reroiver leveled full
at the man's face, Phil shouted:
" 'Hands up or you are a dead man."
"The man looked into Phil's face,
glanced down th gleaming barrel of
the revolver, which was within a few
inches of his nose, and threw up his
"Still holding his weapon aimed at the
man's head, Phil thrust his disengaged
hand into the maa's pocket, took out
the watch, tore the chain free from its
fastenings, slipped watch and chain
into his trousers yovket and then stern
ly said:
" 'Go on down this str?et and don't
turn around.'
"There was deadly menace in his
tone, and the man beaded westward
down the street and vanished in the
"And now a feeling akin to terror
came over Phil. The exhilaration of
excitement passing away left blm nerv
ous and fearful. Koblwsries and mur
ders are Dot uncommon occurrences In
the city and in the territory about the
Fair grounds. Every shadow was to
him an assassin, every noise a stealthy
footstep! The thief might have con
federates. He could see afar the light
of a coming car, but what might hap
pen before the car could reach hlra?
All desire to go to the theater had left
him. At first be walked rapidly, then
broke into a run, keeping In the middle
of the gtreet, and headlug for his own
rooms. Breathless, he dashed Into his
wife's presence and nervously bolted
the door behind him.
' 'What in the world Is the matter?
she cried.
"Then he regained his balance. With
something of pride he told her of the
crowded car, the stranger, and dramat
ically gesticulating with the revolver
In his hand he described his recovery of
his stolen watch.
"With amazement upon her face and
alarm in her voice, she exclaimed;
"'O, Phil! What have you done?
There Is your watch upon the dresser!"
"And there it was lying where he re
membered now to have laid it
"Startled, frightened, be plunged his
hand Into his trousers pocket and drew
forth another man's watch and chain 1
"The morning papers contained an
account of a peculiarly daring highway
robbery, committed the night before.
Kev. Somebody I forget bis name
from somewhere in Illinois, being In a
crowded car, bad taken off bis valuable
watch and chain tokens of the affec
tion of his beloved congregation and
held tbem in his hand for greater se
curity. A highwayman, having proba
bly seen them, had boldly confronted
him. The reverend gentleman being
"hasps up or you're a dbap man!"
taken by surprise, and being, more
over, a man of peace, had yielded them
up under the muzzle of a revolver. But
the police had clues which would lead
to the detection of the perpetrator of
the outrage. The robber was a strik
ingly handsome man,, of One presence,
and wore a full blonde beard. He had
been Identified by the street car con
ductor as one who, Accompanied by a
well-dressed little lady, had ridden
with him several times before. Also,
a man answering to the same descrip
tion had been seen with the same lady
up"U the Fair grounds.
"This finished Phil, and he wired me
at my hotel to come to them. I found
them shut up in their rooms. He
wouldn't let his wife go to the restau
rant for her breakfast I had to ar
range to have their meals brought to
them. If ever a man's appearance
could convict him, his would have sent
him to the penitentiary. 1 urged him
to make a clean breast of the whole
matter, but he would not consent He
said It would ruin hitn. Even if be
could escape criminal liability he could
not survive the ridicule which would
follow. No, he must avoid detection.
"The first thing -vas to return the
projHTty. I parked it in a box and
mailed It to the ilice department The
receipt of this only called out a fresh
deluge of newspaper comments. It wa
sagely announced that the thief, fore
seeing the impossibility of escaping ar
rest had made reparation In a vain ef
fort to delude the detectives, but that
he was known aud would be appre
hended within twenty-four hours.
"There was grvat danger that the peo
ple in the bouse would observe the slm
llarlty In Phil's to the pub
lished description of the robler."
"Why didn't he go home?"
"I urged him to do so and so did his
wife, but he imagined that every paper
in the country would be full of the
story and that his presence there would
suggest a likeness which would lead
to discovery. He was like a bunted
hare. He dared not stir from his room.
Every voice In the house was some one
inquiring for him, very step an officer
coming to arrest him. It was pitiable.
At length. In spite of our remon
strances, he decided to go abroad until
the thing blew over. He trtnnMd up
an excuse for his wife to give at home
for his sudden trip. She, closely veiled
and with as much change as possible
in her apparel, left the bo'ise and went
to a hotel in the city. Phil shaved off
his beard, and, wearing a suit of my
clothes, met roe at the depot. He In
sisted that I should come with him to
New York, and see him on the steamer,
and this was what brought me down."
Detroit Free Press.
Tesla's Electrical Possibilities.
After describing and illustrating In
his article on Nikola Tesla'g work, in
the Century, the process and appara
tus employed for manipulating the elec
trical charge of the earth itself, Mr. T.
C. Martin makes this comment on the
unique phenomenon presented. Con
sidering that In the adjustments nee
essary. a small length of wire or a
small body of any kind added to the
coll or brought into Its vicinity may de
stroy entirely all effect one can im
agine tho pleasure which the Investiga
tor feels when thug rewarded by unique
phenomena. After searching with
patient toll for two or three years aftei
a result calculated In advance, Mr,
Tesla is compensated by being able to
witness a most magnificent display ol
fiery streams and lightning discharges
breaking out from the tip of the wir
with the roar of a gas-well. Aside from
their deep scientific import aud their
wondrous fascination as a spectacle,
such effect point to many new realiza
tions making for the higher welfare oi
the human race. The transmission of
power and Intelligence Is but one thing;
the modification of climatic condition!
may be another. Perchance we shall
"call up" Mars In this way some day,
the electrical charge of both planeti
being utilized In signals.
Largest Family on Record.
In the Harleln manuscript, No. 7880,
In the library of the British Museum,
mention Is made of the most extraor
dinary family that has ever been known
In the world's history. The parties
were a Scotch weaver and his wife (not
wives) who were the father and moth
er of sixty-two children.
The majority of the offspring of this
prolific pair were boys (exactly bow
many of each sex Is not known), for
the record mentions the fact that forty
six of the male children lived to reach
manhood's estate, and only four of the
daughters lived to be grown-up women.
Thirty-nine of the sons were still living
In the year 1630, the majority of them
then residing in and about Nc wens tie
on Tyne. It is recorded In one of the old
histories ef Newcastle that "a certyne
gentleman of large estaytes" rode
"thirty and three miles beyond the
Tyne to Drove this wonderful story."
It is further related that Sir J. Bowers
adopted ten of the sons, and three oth
er "landed gentlemen" took ten each.
The remaining members of this extra
ordinary family were brought up by
the parents.
Would, at Least, Try.
The father gazed thoughtfully line
the glowing grate.
"I doubt," be sneered, "If you are
able to keep my' daughter lu clothes."
But the lover was full of courage.
"Of course," he rejoined, "I realize
It Is bard to keep any woman In clothes
if she has handsome shoulders, but 1
am ready to try it, sir."
Besides, there was reason to suspect
that fashion would ultimately react
from the extremely low neck,
When a man wants to do a dissipated
thing he says he only lives once, and
will be long time dead.
To Him Who Wit.
To him who waits amid the world's ap
plause His share of justice, toiling dny by day.
All things will come now dim and far
To him who waits.
To him who waits beyond the darkness
drea r,
Tbe morning enmeth with refulgent light:
Bringicg assurance of n day more bright;
To him who waits.
To him who waits, though tears may often
And knees le l,wei in sorrow and in
praj er;
All grief will end, and eer tiling be fair
To him who w aits.
To him who waits and reaches out his
To aid a tip life's lieetline emirs.
Surcease Bill come !'r-i;i every ii! that
To him n Ik) waits.
To him who waits and struggles not in
To overcome the evils nls.r.i.d
Within his breast, sm-ct will the victory
soun l
To him who waits.
To him who w:irs there eono-s a wily
Who nicer fuel scoff, nnd look wi.i!i baleful
But what of them, they lire but gnnts and
To hi.a w l.o wni!s.
To him who waits, there nmt be recom
pense For useful work, whatever may betide,
A comjK-nsatiori reaching far nd wide,
To him lio wnin.
To him who waits the stars nre always
The restless ocean and the nznre sky,
All things in nature sjn ak and prophesy;
To him who sits.
To him who waits true Ipre will some day
And Iny nn offering at his blameless
Life will be love, and love w ill be divide,
To him who waits.
To him who waits the world will some
day cheer
And sing his praise; Fame's mysteri mis
Will oten for him; heaven seems more
To hi in who waits.
Moses Gage Shirley In Boston Globe.
Speak, 1 Pray Vou, Sweetheart,
Bpeak, I pray you. sweetheart be your
answer yes or no.
Bid the sparkling gleams of love light
from my dreaming pathway go,
Or ope the gates of loveland let hoping
shed its light
Let the glow of sweet affection ou my
heart its blessings write!
Speak, I pray you, sweetheart sbaij my
soul forget the pain
That doubt, in darkness brooding, on Its
anxious lips has lain?
Sing me a song of welcome, and let its
sweetness flow
A gracious benediction speak, I pray
you, yea or no!
Speak, I pray you, sweetheart must this
vision fade away.
Shall the rays of dear contentment lose
themselves in gloom, or stay?
Will you have me linger, aweetheart, or
to grieving go?
Speak the word, I pray yoo, dearest
speak, I pray you, yea or no!
Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitu
tion. KUmet.
Somewhere In the world, some day In the
Whst year? No matter; sometime, 'tis
A word will be spoken for me to hear,
And never another will understand.
Somewhere and the world Is amall of
Sometime and life la s finger snap;
However stretches the wide, wide earth,
However the years on long years lap.
Be It land I havs traversed or land on
known. Through time grown weary or time
blown fair,
There waiteth that wonderful undertone
To ttrlke on my hearing, sometime,
Charles W. Coleman In Harper's Bazar.
Night and Morn Inn.
1x5 w hanging in a cloud of burnished gold,
The sleepy sun lay dreaming, '
Aud where, pearl-wrought, the orient
gates unfold,
Wide ocean realms are gleaming.
Within the night he rose and stole away,
And, like a gem adorning,
Blazed o'er the sea, upon the breast of
And everywhere was morning.
Eugene Field to Chicago Itecord.
Under the green hedges after the snow,
There do the dear little rlolpts grow,
Hiding their modest and beautiful heads
Under tbe hawthorn in soft mossy beds.
Sweet as the rosea, and blue as the sky,
Down there do the dear little violets lie;
Hiding their heads where they scares may
be seen,
By tee lea res yon may know where tbe
violets hath been.
T. Moultrie,
How to Make an Ice lioi at the Cost of
One Hollar-Mending- Fences in the
spring Habit of Hoes- To Prevent
Hatter Polling.
An Inexpensive Iie-Box.
Itefrigerators and their plebeian cous
ins, plain ice buses. ar- uow sold in the
stores at prices that are within the pro
verbial "reach f all." so to mwak. but
there are some people, nevertheless,
that find it advisable. If not conven
ient, to make one at home. For their
possible benefit the accompanying cut
is printed, with a description of how
to make the box therein shown.
The arrangement consists of two
boxes, the larger one about three feet
square and the smaller one Just enough
smaller to allow a space of about three
CHI: A I' icr-nox.
Inches lietwecn the two around the four
ides and alsn at the bottom. This space
hould be tilled closely with sawdust.
or with tine charcoal. the lnslilo
I of the inner box with zinc and through
I the bottom bore a hole that will admit
I a half inch lead pipe. The lead pipe
must be long enough to carry off the
waii r that will cr.nn from the Ice. This
box will be found a good preserver of
Ice. and ir should not exceed one dollar
In jrost. If mailt' at home.
tint Ton KxiieiiHive to Grow.
The low price of oats is due to the
fact that they can be so easily grown.
They are sown In the West especially
on fall-plowed la 'id. or after corn with
out any
is favc
good crop,
what tlie
found tin!
very nearly ,
farmer can sow
wing. If tlie si-nson
easily produces a
t when we consider
1 from the soil, it is
asily grown crop Is
ios! expensive that the
iat. roots (ill the soil
much more thoroughly than does tiny
ither spring grain, not excepting wheat.
The oat leaf Is not broad, and If It
were the plant Is not one of the kind to
extract from the air the nitrogenous
elements with which the grain Is tilled.
We do not woiider.therefore, that many
Eastern farmers are dropping oats out
of the rotation. If it is not convenient
for them to buy what oats they feed,
they can grow enough for home use.
But for most kinds of stock a mixture
of oil meal with ground corn furnishes
the oat ration in a much cheaper form
than It can be got in the oat grain.
American Cultivator.
A Movable IMg-pcn.
The Illustration, reproduced from tlie
American Agriculturist, shows a very
complete pigpen that can be moved
about from place to place to secure
fresh ground. The construction Is
well shown In the sketch, the only
point not shown lielng the partition
that divides the pen into two equal
parts,' the part under the rixif being
thus shut In to provide a shelter against
cold and storms. The trough pulls out
like a drawer to be filled, or may be
made long enough to be left half with
in and half without the pen. There is,
of course, no floor.
Mending Fences.
Every spring there Is sure to be some
trouble with fences. Winter winds
have more free sweep than they do
while trees are In full leaf, and the
freezing and thawing of the soil Is sure
to tilt posts that are not deeply set In
the grotftid. These posts should be
driven down with a heavy beetle while
the ground Is still soft It takes but a
few blows to put the post where it be
longs and compact the soil around it
Loose boards and broken wires can
now be replaced. The breaking of wires
is caused by tbe contraction of the met
al during severe cold. When the wires
are set on the posts In warm weather
some slack should be allowed for this.
Working; Farm Hortca.
A fault In haudllng farm horses, of
which not s few of us are guilty, Is to
keep them Idle much of the time. Jf
work is properly managed, horses can
be used ZU days out of the year,
Ground can be plowed in the fall, fence
material be hauled in place, wood 1
sledded up and gullies be filled in the
winter. When work Is so managed,
less horses will suffice than when their
work Is put Into 180 days of the year.
I find that our horses work on an aver
age of above 230 days of the year and
have lasted an average of fifteen years.
Course Feed with Grain,
Grain Is, so far as nutriment goes,
quite as cheap as liny, and hay is even
cheaper In proportion to Its nutriment
than Is straw. But some portion of
the less nutrltotis food has to bu given
with grain us a divisor, lest It should
beat In the stonach and do Injury rath
er than good. With a very concen-
- . y
trated ration, as with oil meal or cot
ton wed meal, good bright straw is bet
ter as a divisor than Is the bft-t hay.
Wtdl-curv.1 clover Is itself a strong
fon.f. and contains besides its woody
material t.s. large a proportion of ni- j
trogeuous matter to be the l t divisor k
for linseed or cotton s-ed meat
Potsxh for Corn.
We hear a great deal alx.ut the need
of potash for the is.tato crop, but It is
finite as necessary for corn. Tbe lat
ter crop requires a great ileal of otasb,
and if the mineral can 1h- given In the
form of wis.d ashes It has nu addition
al benefit in making the vegetable
mould ihi-ompose more rapidly, and
thus become available for the crop.
rotashandibs-omiKislng vegetable mat
ter make nitrate of potash one of the
most stimulating of all manures. It Is
usual to drop a handful of ashes on
each hill after the corn Is planted.
That Is rather late for the I test effects.
A much better way Is to use rather
more iiotash, and broadcast It over the
corn ground as soon after it Is plowed
as you can. This will mix the ssh thor
oughly with the soil, and set the veg
etable matter to decomposing by the
time the corn Is planted.
Kxtra Manuring for Straw berries.
The strawberry ripens earlier than
does any other of the small fruits. It
begins to flower and make Its growth
before the air has Imparted much
warmth to the soil and when Its stores
of fertility are therefore smallest For
these reasons extra manuring is re
quired to produce the best crops of
strawberries, no matter how rich the
ground may be. There should be a
good supply of miniral manure, espe
cially of jHitash. This Is necessary to
keep the foliage healthy and to pro
mote ripening of fruit. If stable ma
nure is used for strawberries It should
be well composted and lie applied very
early in the spring. In this way, the
nitrate It contains will be dissolved
and carried to the roots. Wood ashes
with composted stable manure furnish
what the strawberry plant needs tun
lu Its niost available form.
Trough Under I'ump flpout.
When pumping Is stopped at r will
usually drip from the spout and when
a person Is In a hurry he at once re
moves the vessel and allows the drip
ping water to full near tlie pump. The
consequence Is a slippery platform and
muddy ground ail around. This ran
be avoided by a trough under the spout
like that shown In the illustration. It
'f- 'f iv
does not Interfere with filling the pall
and will catch all the water that drips.
It Is connected with the well by a box
reaching through the platform, or It
may connect with tlie pump box.
Habit, of Been.
It is said that under favorable cir
cumstances a colony of 30,i0 bees may
store almut two pounds of honey In a
day. Of 30,oiio bees In a hive, which
Is a moderate sized colony, half of them
stay at home keeping house, tending
the babies, feeding the queen and
guarding the stores. In fine, clear
weather, a worker may gather throe
or four grains of honey In a day. As
large colonies contain as many as 50,.
OtJ bees, it may be seen that possibly
25.oiO Individuals are out seeking
honey. The amount each one brings
In Is Infinitely small, but there Ii
strength In numbers, and one can read
ily imagine, by watching the little work
ers pouring into a hive, that even ths
few grains at a time will fill up the
cells quite rapidly. But a single bee
would make slow work of it and
would. If continuously occupied, re
quire some years to gather one pound
of honey. New York Ledger.
Canning Peaa.
Green peas are readily salable at all
seasons of the year. Recently one of
the largest vessels that ever came Into
Philadelphia brought h
of canned "French" peaa from Eng.
land. They do not differ In the leaM
from the kind grown In this country
every year. Why cannot farmers
grow peas In large quantities for can
ning purposes? By co-operative effort
an outfit for canning peas could be
Introduced In everv mmmnnit.
only providing a profit to growers, bnt
Buoruiug employment to many In
pickling and hulling the peas.
Halter Pulling Prevented.
To break a horse of halter pulling
use a strong halter and h
through the ring m a post or manger
and tie to one for f..,. . ..t...,.
length. I Improvised this plan when I
saw a miiHtjin ....hT.- , .. . .'
i i . , " voiiig uauiy sao it
broke nlm b, a short time. Tbe strao
around the ,eg should not be sharp
stiff and t ha iio.i. .k j . . v .
K . "UVUK1 oe protected
B. trlnk In Farm and Home.