The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 02, 1895, Image 4

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    Tto Sioux County Journal.
Imrtkaumm im
SutaripWon Priee, $2.00
U J.
tutored at tlx Harrison post efllee aa
set-end eiaa matter.
Thcwday. MaV 2, l"S"i.
It in a little amusing to see Uie pop
claim 'Coin'" production. The fact is
that tiie J were written by a bi-CDetalist
democrat. But' Uie pops liave gall
nougb to claim anything.
It is aiwertad by those who have inves
tigated the subject that water can be
lifted by windmill power fifty feet and ir
rigate, fifteen acres of land. No one need
fear starvation if they use the proper
J. D. Calhoun is coming back to Ne
braska and will bold down a place on
the btaff of the WorMrUrald. "Cat"
will be warmly welcomed by the en
tire press gang of the state, regardless
of race, coloror political affiliations.
A fellow brought suit against a Platte
county editor for slander and asked dam
ages in Uie sum of $20,000. The .'jury
awarded birafl.OO as damages. As a
rule the fellows whom the papers go
after are of the class who cannot be
slandered, especially those who resort to
blackmail to avoid deserved criticism.
It ia cliarged that Governor Holcooib
vetoed the mutual insurance bill after
having been in consultation with the
representatives of the old line compan
ies. Ttie bill sought to allow people to
do in fire insurance tlw same a has
proven so economical and satisfactory in
tiie matter of life insurance. No matter
what led him to veto the bill he did
that which was againat the interests of
the small property owner and was to ad
vance the interests of Uie large insur
ance companies.
It is reported that France, Germany
and Russia have formed an alliance for
tiie purpose of, opposing the claims of
Japan as reward for the victory of Iter
armies. The United States, England
and Italy have expressed Uie intention
of standing togetlier for the purpose of
protecting the lights of Japan as a
nation in the settlement resultant from
the victory over China. With the three
last-named powers to back her Japan
will be in a position to demand anything
that is reasonable from her late adver
sary with the assurance of getting it
One of the most remarkable cases in
Uie history of the state is now on trial
at Lincoln. It is the state against ex
Treasurer Hill for the money lost by the
failure of the Capital National Bank.
It will be tiie first case in the supreme
court ever tried to a jury. The full
court, composed of Chief Justice Iforval
and Justice Pott and Harrison will oc
cupy the bench. Able counsel represents
both aides and it will be a memorable
legal battle. It is the first time a state
treasurer of Nebraska has ever been a
defendant on his bond.
The action of the oil trust within the
past few weeks demonstrate!! that it is
high time some law wax provided to
prevent capitalists from controlling
ay of the nemaries for the comfort
and convenience of Jthe general public.
It is all right if an individual has a mon
opoly f a thing. to let him,, bold it as
long aajha jcaa, but when a number
combine to control a natural want and
proceed to bleed the public and ask the
government to make laws allowing such
combinations they should alao have taws
to call a halt at Uie proper time. No
creature should be greater the creator.
The letter of President Cleveland on
the financial question places tiie admin
istration on a gold basis and it is said that
every effort will be used to whip Uie fed
eral office-holders to support the policy
outlined in that letter. On Uie other
hand a part of the democratic party has
gone into the work of advocating what
is silver monometalism. There will be a
lot of fun if Uie effort to compel federal
office-holders to advocate the views of
the president' is carried out. There is
one postmaster who holds his office by
Uie grace of Grover who is also the pub
lisher of a paper and in that, from week
to week, he is publishing "Coin's Finan
cial School" as a serial, and if there is
anything which is opposed to the posi
tion of the administration on that sub
ject It is that book. There is no doubt
but, that the agitation of Uie financial
question will mult in good. The gold
bugs and silver-bugs can each hare their
say mod the people will listen to them
and then decide for themselves. It is
safe to predict that while the democrats
are quarreling over the matter the re
publicans will evolve a plan which will
be satisfactory to the people and at the
i time be safe and give Uie public
If tbt admioiat ration would
Inm kmm flnaacial. plaa which
WwttU iaepire confidence tuOcieat to la
i of means to wrest what it
a aaawral revival ia boat
fra wooM raawk.
Wool wm c(Uo(d las week ih lowest
on revord. Ttt ia iwt very encoura-
! iiijf to siaaep owner.
j It ha been estimated timt the of
cattle in Texaa during tb t year from
; It tltrti of drouth oa gram and water
i aupp lie will foot up a round million
bead in number. - ---
So far no good results to the printer
have come from the bill passed by coo
grew in regard to the government furn
ishing envelopes stamped and having a
return card printed Uiereon. In no
other line does the government enter
into direct competition with private in
dividuals and put goods on the market
at a price which cannot be touched by
the latter.
The farmer getting some kind of irri
gation project ready for operation this
season cannot fail to realize a certain
harvest Uasrefrora if he carries out the
work of irrigation in anything like the
proper spirit. There is probably no sys
tem that can be resorted to here, except
windmills, but with that kind of a plant
the farmer can make a living a certainty,
and what is raised by ordinary farming
would be pretty nearly all profit. Al
liance 7"irt.
J. C. Uahlman lias been appointed dep
uty oil inspector. He is the only man
in the state so far w bo has been gi veo a
plum both by the democratic national
administration and by the pop governor.
He was made stock inspector at Pine
Ridge bv the president, Uien he 'Bryan-
zed' and was put on the state ticket by
the state convention which was coo
trolled by the Bryan wing of the demo
crat party and later withdrew to help
elect Uie pop candidate and lie is re
warded by being made deputy oil in
spector. Dan! man is slick. It is said
that Bro. Sheldon of the Chadron Sigrud
was a candidate for the position cap
tured by Luhl man. If that is true it is
auother illustration of the fact that a
new)aper man has no right to expwet
any reward for political work. Politians
use the newspaper men to help them
carry out tlieir plans and as a rule all
the reward the latter getf, in this world
at least, i tiie abuse of thce whom he
opposes and tiie snubs of those w liom he
has helped and a lot of accounts against
deadliest subscribers.
It is somewhat humiliating, but indi
cations are that the factory bubble at
Chadron has burst, and the rainbow of
promise for a boom for that town and
general prosperity for northwest Ne
braska by reason of the development of
the sugar, chicory and starch industries,
has vanished into thin air. For a lime
the prospects of the factories being con
structed had the 'effect of cltecking to
quite an extent, at least, the emigration
from this part of the state, but tliat has
past. There is no denying the fact that
in the shifting of population for the past
five years Sioux county has been the
loser to the tune of not less Uian twenty-five
per cent of the average number
of her inhabitants, and the name is true
of the entire western part of Uie state,
so that no special kick can be made on
this county. No way seems to prevent
continuance of this condition. Of
course, many of those who have gone
were of undesirable class and would do
no good any where, and most of those
who have stayed are in better circum
stances than when they came, but such
results are only good so far as they go.
The Juckxal is still of opinion tliat
this will yet become a prosperous coun
try, capable of supporting a good impu
tation, but unless something like the su
gar industry is developed it is likely
to drag along for some time to come.
It is to be regretted that Uie effort to se
cure factories in this part of the state
has failed, but the work in that direc
tion should be continued and success
may yet be attained, and in the mean
time those who expect to profit aa the
result of coming to the front will have
to tighten up their girths and as Marsh
Elder told the pops, "stay with ber."
It May do as Much for You,
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a severe kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains in his
back and also tliat his bladder was af
fected. He tried many so-called kidney
cures but without any good result.
About a year ago he began use of Elec
tric Bitters and found relief at once.
Electric Bitters is especially adapted to
cure all kidney and liver troubles and
often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
only 00c. for large bottle. At Pioneer
e nne hi the ills). ieaeMa, Omimm-
Iiailli aoMWC ; rmimmtm www wssy
'IteulutSum tSMn")a Oa. iiwji
Kiel aUaeB the j"?" "j."
' eee sfeswsa wtarssw aarsaa la) awassa ewe
M VOM, Ml afavABVATa
TfiS Harrison
Feed and Sale Stable.
B. E. Brkwstkr,
D. H. GRISVOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General
Americas Exchange National Bank, New York,
United States National Bank. Omaha,
First National Ba.nk, C'liaJroa.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Final Proof 5olire. j
All rwTsonn havins flnal proof notire In:
thin parr will receive a marked copy of the
pnper and are rejaettl to exainine thir
notice and II any erroi elist report the:
ame to thia ofllc at once. I
Xotire for Publication,
SMn Office at Alliance. Neb., (
April lw. )
Notiefi 1 heretrt- etven that tbe following
namel mttler ha nll notice of hi IiiUmi
tion to make flnal proof in aupport of hi
claim, and that axid pnajf will la made be
fore M. J. lilewett, eli-rk of Dintrlct I urt,
at Harrlarjn, Seb., on June I, Wj6, vix:
Mary SUatney, fiirtuerly Vary Varlial, of
Harrlxin, Neb.,
who mode If. K. So. 8!3 for the nw. ', -c-
g, tp. 31 11.. r. U.
He name the following witncwi to prove
hi contlnnoui reHldence ujxjn and cultiva
tion of, aald land, viz:
11. M. aiituni, Jamea ". Scott, tirant (ioth
rlc, Lewia uerlacb, ail of llarriwm. Neb.
33 ) I J. W. IKX, J., ueglaier.
Xotlc lor Pulillfation.
Land Olllce at Alliance, Xcb., )
April i, 1x94. S
Notice ia hereby given that the following
named acttler ha filed notice ot hl inten
tion to make filial proof in aupport of m
claim, and that ald pnxjf will be ma'ie tje
fore M. J. Hlawett, ( ierk Dtatrirt Court at
tlarriaon, Nebraaka, ou June 1, lMtt, via:
I'atrlck Murpliy, of Kndarr, Xeb.,
who made II. K. No. i41S for the ae. '4 tu. i.
mc. and e. aw. t and aw. 't w. im'c. &
tp. M n., r. 5 T
He nanu-a the following witnei,e to prove
hi con tin uoiu ronldeucv njn and cultiva
tion of, a!d land, via :
. A. Kite, IVrry White, Mlcluud flaniion,
aufoni Kill, all of llodnrc, Neb. also
William L. Hyt, of llarrlaoii. Neb.,
who made If. K. No. 31 IS for tiie w. ; e. i,,
.. 14 e. we. il and aw. '4 aw. '4 ecu. t, tp.
31 n., r.57 w.
Me name the following wltne-.- to prove
hi contliiunua reldenc uimjii and cultiva
tion of, aaid laud, vie;
Itenjamln Jidinwm, Henry Wameke,
William A. Btgelow, John A. llanaou, ail of
llarriaon, Scb.
J. W. WlilK, Jh.
jJ3l Hegmter.
' Sberifl'ii Sale.
By virtue of an order of aalc Ifxiicd by
the Clerk of the litrict ( ourt of Moux
tiunty, Jt.'ltraMka, niKiii a decr.'e rMilerei
by aaid court In favor of J. I.. lijre, Trua
lee, I'laintitr, and against George K. ('oak,
etaU Defendant. 1 will on the ifTth day ol
May, le6, at One o'clock V, M. on aaid day,
at the front door of the Court houae, In aaid
comity, in HarrUon, wil the following de
scribed real ettate, viz: The Kaat half of
the North Kait quarter of neetlon Twenty
four, Township Thirty two North, Kange
fifty aix, and One and Two of hcction
Nineteen, Township Thirty-two 'orth,
Kange Kltty-flve W eat fjtti I". M. In bioux
lounlv, Nebraska, at public auction to
the highest bidder for cah, to aatlafy aaid
order of aale, in the sum of et.XJW and in
Uirest, coat and accruing cots, at which
time and place due altendauce will be
given by the undersigned.
A. K. Dgw,
23 37 Hherin of aaid County.
W. W. Wood, Plaintiff's Attorney.
Shrriffi Sale..
Bv virtue of an order of aale dlrectfld to
me from the Clerk of the District Court of
Hionx County, Nebraska, on a Judgement
obtained in aaid court on the 1st day of
May. INM, In favor or II. Austin Ixxrke aa
plaintiff end against Jacob Despcr, Anna
llespcr, and William lllehle as defendrnla
for tiie sum of etUft.'Ju and interest, aud
coals taxed at K U aud accruing coU. I
bave levied upon tbe following real estate
aa the property of said defendant to satis
fy said order of sale, towlt: The Nouth east
quarter of aectlon Twenty-one In Township
I hlrty three North, Knuge Fifty aix westatb
Y. M. in Moux t ouuty Nebraska, and will
offer the same for sale to the highest bidder
for cash In hand on the IBlh day of May,
laiiV at the hour of two o'clock p. 111. of said
day, at the front dir of tbe Court HoMse In
liarrlson, Nebraska, that la-ing the building
iu which the last term of the District Court
was held, at which time and place due
attendance will las given by the under
signed. a. it. ikw,
31 31) hherlff .
For reliable, finrl claaa dental work
x any kind, ;o to T. J. Oibaoo, Cntw
rurri, Kcbranka.
C. F. Carm,
Banking Business
' There never waa a time ia tti- Ui.tory of
our country ben tbe demand for luven
tion and ;tmprovcuivnts lo the arts and
science generally waa so great as now.
The conveniences of mankind in the factory
and work-shop, tbe household, on the farm,
and In official life, require continual acces
sion to tbe appurt arnica and Implement of
each In order to aave labor, time and ex
pense. The political change In th adnilnla
tralion of governmcat d not affect the
Iirogntsa of tbo American Inventor, who bo
ing on the alert, and ready to ocrceive the
existing deHclenele, doe not permit the
affairs of the government to detvr him
Iroul quickly conceiving the remedy to
overcome existing discrepancies. To great
care can not be exercised In choosing a com
petent and aklllfui attorney to prepare and
prsecuteao application for patent. Valu
able intereata bave beeu lost and destroved
In innumerable Instances by the employ
men t of incompetent counaci, and especial
ly la this advice applicable to those who
adopt the "No palaut, no pay" system.
Inventor who entrust their business to till
claa of attorneys do no at imminent risk,
aa the breadth and strength of the patent I
never conalderad lu view of a quick endeav
or to get an allowance and obtain the lue
then due. THg l'Hitaa Claim Cowrinr,
Jubn Wedderburn, Oeneral manager, 61 '
treet, 5. W ., W ashington, I. C, represent
ing a large number of important dully and
weekly papers, as well as general periodicals
of tbe couutry, wa Instituted to protect it
patron from the unsafe methods heretofore
employed in this line of baalues. The auld
Company is prepared to take charge of all
patent busiuesa entrusted to it for raasou-
ablo fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally. Including mechanic
al Inventions, design patunts, trade-murks,
labels, copyrights, Interferences, infringe
ment, validity reports, aud give especial
attention to rejected caw, it 1 also pre
pared to enter iuto competition with any
llriii in aocuriug foreign patent.
Write tor instruction and advice.
l r hlreet,
P. 0. ltox S.-. Washington, I. C.
Just From tbe Pre.
A very uttraclive publication liu jual
beeu iasued by tiie (laaaener leurtiiierit
or the Burlington Route. It bear the
title "Tbe Newer North-weal' and UV
aenbes in a moat intajreating awl read
able fashion those portions of northern
Wyoming ami Uie Black Hills of South
Dukota which are reached by Una com
puny ' line.
The acenery, tovvna, mines, people and
induatriea of thew two reniurkalde m.-c-Iiuii
of country are treated t( Willi
volute (Idelety. 200 pugen witii iliuatrt
tioos, aent on receipt of 10 cent 111
aUrnpa. J.FHANCTg, O.P.& T. A.
Oinaliu, Nebraska.
ltnckrea'ii Am lea Salve.
The best aalve in tiie world for cuts,
brui, aorea, ulcers, rheum, lever
aorea, tetter, cliaped hand, cliil'oiuina,
coma, and all akin eruption and poaitive-
I ly cure pi lea, or no pay required, it ia
(ruaranteed to give pe-fwl autiafaction
, r money refunded. Pra 8 ctnta per
f.. For sule by I'.ctieer PtuiruiHcy.
SioiiA County,
STEADER. Free Homes for More
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles of
railroad and has no county
Fuel, Pnt, Lo?h and Lumber Cheaper
Than at anj Other Plae
in ebraka.
Hioux county i. Uie northwest county
of Nebraska. It ia about thirty miles
east and west by about seventy miles
north and south and contains
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
of land. Tliere are more bright, iark
ling, small st reiini. in the county than
can be found in the same area elsewhere
in the state. It ha more pine timU-r in
it tluui all the rest of the state combined
IU grasses are the richest and niot nu
tritious known so that for hVK k-grov inp
it is unexcelled.
The soil varies from a lieavy clay to a
li,"ht sandy loam and is capable of pro
ducing excellent crojis.
The pnin iiial crops are email nun
and vegetables, althuUKh joixl corn is
grown in the valleys. The ..wheat, oats
rye and barley are al! of unusually line
quality and command the higlajst mar
ket prices.
The water is purw and ref reiliinj; and
is found in abundance in all Birts of the
The county is practically out of debt
and lias over forty-live miles of railroad
within its borders, ha a irood bricK court
house and the necessary tixlures for run
ning Uie county and there lias never
been one dollar of county bonds iswused
and hence taxes will be low.
Tiie Fremont, Elkhorn & Jlissoiin
Valley railroad crosses Sioux county
from east to west anil the H. & M. bus
alxjut fifteen miles of iu line iu the
northeast part of the county.
Tiie climate is more pleasant titan that
of the eastern txjrtion of Nebraska.
There is still
OVER 800,000 ACRES
of land in 8ioux county yet open to
homestead entry. It is belter land and
more desirably located than that for
which such rushes are made on the osn
intf of a rs-servation. There is no rail
road land in the county and for that
reason its settlement has beeu slow lor
no Hjcial elTort to get settlers was
made, as was done in tiie early days of
the settlement of the eastern part of the
(kKxl deeded land can be purchased at
reasonable rates with government land
adjoining so that a person who wants
more than one quarter aection can obtain
it if he 1hs a little means.
TJiere ure about 2,-VKJ a?o)le in the
county and Uiere la room for thousands
ILirri m is tiia county seat and is sit
uated on the F. E. & M. V. railroad, and
is as ffol a town us the thinly settled
country demands.
School house and churches are pro
vided in almost every settlement and are
kept up with the times.
All who desire to Kt a homestead or
buy land chuap are invited to comu and
see the couutry for themselves and judire
of iU merits. Homestead will not I
obtainable much longer and if jou want
to use v our riht and net 1(W acres of
land from Uncle Sam free it is time you
were it.
Look at Tkl I.Ut
of western cities:
l.hicaKO St. Joseph
Omaha l-incohl
Ht. Louis JJenver
Kiinsas City IJeiidwHjod
It does'nt matter which you intend
visiting. The Burlington Route is lite
best line to all us it is to uny one of
Advertising matter mid full informa
tion u l.o tit trams and rites on applica
tion. J. Fhancw, O. P. & I. A.
Oumlia, Neb.
F E. A M. V. XL It is the lst
to and from the
I Prizes on Patents
Hun U Make a I00 aaa Prraa
Fr1 a nr.
. Wewctsre fstrat anl induce e-ople U;
kn-p ra:k of t.wir bright WfM offer
prize of our hundred dollar to be lai'l ""
Ibe flrU vi every month to the ti wlio
.ubuilltt'iiit tlw uio-t nnrnrio!i inn
tk darin the precwMing uioulti. f i.
nlo dvrrtii tue inv-ntio9 frrr of rhr-.
tn the NUoaal FircordiT, ;kv nr.
pIr, pahli.hol lo W Ahinlon, It.
wliirh h n eiUmniT rircuiuUuu thru" i
out the l"nill Uitii U di-vitM 1 t
inter-tof Inventor..
oT hiiu a IT fki..
TbrMeaof br!u bW tJ Invent ''
tnimitriln-.nirwtpKjplrMb. iii M-ty !'
dealt; thl delation tbc lompany l
ttip.-l. tt In Uir ninipte tUiujt ami "
inx-iiliOTn Uil make the (trtt-t mu'ii
of OHMii y, an.I tbe coniplri on.-, ore r..l..
profltabL'. Almost everybody, Mt !!.
or HDOth.-r, conft- un wtiirb, il
patrut1, woulii probably be world U hlui
fori u nr. I niorldiuitriy .m b ldr urn uu
ally diguil.-l nilbout thought. Th ilmplt
InvrutlotiK liku tho tar indo blch roold
be eaiily lid np and don witlioiit brmkinir
tbr prut(n ba k, tlir nauw paii.'lde ;
lar butUii,.tho nut lix-k, tlir Uilur .p"r.
tbe anon (box:!, ar Ibiiifta that ajm.ut
nrryoue miw way of Improving iipoa,
and it is tlirr kind of Invention tht bring
the grraU?t re turn to the anthor.
The prie we offrr will be pjl l l thr nid
of rarh month, wlH lber Uie appliraliuii k
tmn a u-d upon by lli 1'atont wSli e or nut
Kvcrv cwuiH-titor mutt MPpljr for a petmil
on Ida iiivt iitiou through os, and hellirr In'
aeviuru tbc pri or not, the Investor w ill
have a valuable patent.
Joiix W t-untkutiiN, (n-n'l MmKr.
alii r it, '. w., Washington, I. I .
r. S. The r.-xmibillty of thw ciiiiiwiiy
may be judge.! from the fact that It t. k
i Ix ld by alwiit irvenU hnndn-d of th.
leuditig nra paM-rt of lily Cnilr I Mslwa
Silas A. lio'couili l.os;"l.
K. K. liarf-c .........l.i-uieu.,i.t i.o.-i
J. A. I'ljs r vih Ui t iH l
hug.-m- !'n . Ji 1 1 1 . .r
Jos-pii ll.ti'1 ,e' ... I resii f ,-
A. I .Atl.ti ncy 1,1 1.11
11. 1 '. 11 u . . 1 oiM,ii-.iit,'r
II. K.toris tt supt. i'ubh .iiiiirii Dtl.Ki.A ! !1N;
C. K. Mandcrs'u-..,..-..l'. s., (iinsn.,
W m. V, Allen , s. -i,,,ur, U:ellsi.i
W.J. ttrvan, Coiigrcssinati li-l 11-.1-, I.iuloIii
II. II. Mercer, " l " nwian
I. . I. M.'lklejohn 3d rilllerliia
t:. J. homier, 4th " Auro.-H
f. A. MuKieglia 1, " tli " Bn1 (
I). M. hem. " till " I'.rokeil Una
T. 1.. Sorval 1 lin-J Juitlcu, ses.ud
A. i. 1'tr.l,- .Iu iK'-, I oiuuiti.i
T. . I . ilitrrioii A I Judgt-, lr nd Isiand
II. A. 1 .i..:i ut'.I..Cli rk and li nn n.r, I.Ii.i-ohi
M. I'. Kink-Ud Ju-I'e, , l;l
Alfred HhMijw " rba.lwn
U. J. Itlcwati ' Terk.
Cut MY liKCUI.Its;
Itola-rl Wilson ( oiinty
M. J. Itlewett 1 ,wi a
1 1 . s. W oodruff Traasuivr
W . . Davis .....Mipt. Public luntruna.11
A. K. IS'W... bl rtrf
J. K. I'lnnucy.... .................... ..t 4jriutr
s. I Kill... surveyor
M.J. Hlewctt ..Cietkol Instrlctl Jourl
Alviu 1. ( lurk. ............ . I 011 nly Attorney
r'raiik Tlnkham, Iitlilsirtct
il. J. W eber l
II. r'. Jo!in4u chulrmau;.........! '
II. (i. Stewart. .Senator, I1U1 No. 14, Crawford
W . I)empsey...ltep., Dlst. No. Is, lleiningf onl
VII.I.AtiK UirK ERs:
11. H.Urlsaold (rhalrmnu) Trii"t. e
t. Hohwer
J. W . fioutt
M. J. lilewett
Conrad l.iudeiuatl.... "
1.. J. Simmons ......... .......... ( l.u"a
V. A. llf-ster jr.-tvsur.'r
S( mail. OKKK Kits:
J. V. a-otl llir.-ctof
J. V.. Marauilier mlcr
is. W. Hester 1 r.-,,..i 1 1 .
District Court,-At llnrrison, coiumeiice
Ajirll stli and Novemls-r Kth.
County Court,-Al Harrison, coiiimenc.-s
llrst Monday of each mouth.
M. K. (1iurrh--l,rwiching each alternate
Sund y t I0;30 a. til., and every Minds) even
ing at TSO. Hkv. C. V.. CosxtLI,, I'.tirr.
Methodist Bunday school meets every hii.
day morning at II Jn.
J. K. Mahi kixkn, W. II. ivis,
.Sux-rlntnml)int. SecreUrv.
llurrlwn Cjimp, No. 16, ineru 011 the arl
and third snlnrday evonlng of each month.
J. It. I'limkir, K. V. I'iixi 11 a.
Clerk. Cmii. loin.
Meet each alternate Sutunlny evenlnrf
at S o'clock. A. It. Iigw, V. C.
J. W. smith. Clerk.
Hevotloual'mectiug every Sunday eveiiliitf
at 0 JO. Cabinet meeting 011 call of pn-.i-dent.
Ijit-it llasTfg.
Jla. VV. II. luvis, IT.--ifl.-nt.
Aa4 an Pstaet bwats coalf ted for
laformatloc tad aAvlee glvra tola mum wiUaxa
atatrgi A4dreM
Maaaglng Allorwey,
a. O. Box Ma. WAauiauTo, D. a
awThat Ceataaay I mgal at a inartlaallea at
ike awget aa4 aiosf Uttaeatlal untsam la UM
1 aura aula, for th sipprs parpoae Of
aaw kvcaawraeUat rawat AgwaM aa4 awj Baa
r" " " -rr-rTi 1 ill nal
M.,r.L,....tTrmf)1. 4
4 '
i k .aaMt ia, - m- .,"'' n' ''