cm V ...n i i i a. ta . in no The Sioux County Journal VOLUME VIL HARKI80N, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1895. NUMBER 33. 1 TOPICS FOE FARMERS A DEPARTMENT PREPARED FOR OUR RURAL FRIENDS. The Need of Irrigated Field on Manr Small Firau Some Agricultural Branchaa that Arc Mot Overdone The Frait Crop Farm Kotael Irrigation on the Farm. The Dead of Irrigated fields on many mall farms Is felt by the owner every dry season, but where there is no regu lar organized system It is sometimes expensive, and In other cases out of the question to attempt Irrigation. But where ponds or streams of water are located on the place, or even some dis tance off on another property, the water can be led to the fields by means of pipes, and then distributed over the land to suit the Deeds of the crops. The cost of this would be very little. A pipe, or even a wooden water-trough, could be constructed so that the water would flow In a series of ditches or re ceiving ponds. Brooks and streams of water cau be tapped very easily In this way, so that the running water will not be entirely wasted while the farm crops are dying for thirst In each In stance, however, the farmer must use bis Judgment as to the best method of getting his water to the fields. Then the water cai be spread over the fields by some of the approved methods of Irrigation. On fields that are nearly level the greatest difficulty will be experienced In getting the water to run equally throughout the field. One way to do this Is to construct ditches on either side of the Hold, and bunk them up a foot higher than the field. At right angles from these ditches parallel rows for the vegetables should be made. The water should then be run Into the bunked up ditches until It overflows. At every row the water will run down In a stream, aud secure force enough to carry part of It at lenst to the middle of the garden. Similar stream coming from the oppo site direction will meet In the middle, and In this way the whole ground will be flooded with water when needed. To obtain water In this way It may be necessary to construct receiving ponds higher than the level of the field. These must be filled before the drought and w hen the spring floods are high. If the poud Is naturally several feet higher than the field, the slope will be suffi cient to dispense with any such artifi cial reservoirs. Oermantown Tele graph. Cropa Profitable to Raise. There are a few brunches of farming not overdone. There Is so little buck wheat raised that the flour sells at 6 cents a pound. Then there Is a greater demand for good sorghum than there Is a supply. Flax Is very high when you want to buy; why not raise some to feed? It will Improve the stock. Fruit raising Is not overdone and potatoes will bring a paying price If the crop Is well tended. Grass seeds and clover seed bring living prices. Cubbage is hard to raise, but It pays to raise for market. There Is money In cheese at 15 to 20 cents per pound. Stock your farms with cows, build a creamery mid ell milk. There is more money lu It than making butter. It pays to raise weet potatoes. The uavy bean sells at 5 cents per pound aud Is scarce. Seed down your farms aud pasture stock at 75 cents per mouth. Farm bet ter what you do farm, raising the best Kead the papers and raise the cropa that are scarce, for they always com mand a good price. Vote for the party that will set the manufactories going, and my word for It, when all the people get to working they will take to eating and they will make way with much of the surplus and at better price than now. Farm and Home. Oar Fruit Crop. The fruit crops of this country in--crease with every year's planting, and yet the supply Is unequal to the de mand. The quality of the fruit deter mines the latter. If It Is good, not only Is the demand for home consumption greater than In any other country In th world, but so also Is the foreign demand. The reasons for this are ap parent The farms of the Unted States are In the main owned by those who occupy them, and they plant for all time, without any fear of being dis possessed of their Improvements. The growth of an orchard Is a work of time, and only the owners can afford to plant large orchards. When their fruits are gathered and placed on the market ttey preseut attractions to the people, the consumers, of such a character as o be perfectly Irresistible, hence more fruits are purchased for home con sumption and more consumed every year. But then the same qualities that commend and make them popular here at home, that Is to ssy site, quality, beauty and cheapness, com mi rid them to people abroad, make them popular, and Increase the deuiaud. Id Great Britain alone the call for our fruit Increases every year, and this year, If the crop Is only what the pro ducers expect It will be greater than vtr, and many ship loads of apples and other fruits will go there. Th great thing to be looked to, however, to the prevention of Injury by Insects ad fungi Too many have neglected this In the put, and hoae had oaky mail, disfigured and worm fralt, look. log In character, attractiveness and ap petizing qualities, for which there' Is no demand at home or abroad. Col- man's Rural World. Ooata Paying Bettor than Sheep. A Missouri farmer writes In the Bt Louis Journal of Agriculture that he finds goats profitable for rough land filled with weeds and bushes. He has had goats for four years, and they have destroyed the bushes, sumach and small persimmon trees. His hogs have been free from disease, while all around him farmers who did not keep goats lost most of thels hogs by cholera. The writer says that the meat of young goats Is better than mutton. The wool of sheep is now worth so little that the question Is worth thinking of whether a few goats may not be kept with profit on rough land unsulted to culti vation In some of the Eastern States. Cowe Going Dry too Look. It pays to take extra pains to get all the milk from cows. They need plenty of good food. too. A little carelessness In milking or in feeding has doomed the owner of a young cow thus treated to the penalty of keeping her three or four mouths for nothing every year all the remainder of her life. The young heifer's teats are not large, and It is young heifers that are most apt to be neglected. The careless milker says that their milk does not amount to enough to pay for clean milking. That Is where such a man makes a mistake. It always pays to do the best work. The llorac'a Foot. Rev. W. 11. H. Murray once laid down a rule In regard to trimming a horse's foot that every horseman In the world should cut out and paste In his hut "Never," he says, "allow the knife to touch the sole of a horse's foot nor the least bit of It to be pared away, because nature needs the full bulk of It and has amply provided for Its removal nt the proper time. Sec ondly, never allow a knife to be put to the frog, because nature never pro vides too much of it to answer the purpose for which the Creator design ed It and the larger It Is the more swiftly, easily and surely will the horse go." Keeping liens Laying. No hen will lay an egg every day In the year. liven those that are non sitters will not do It at seasons when they are moultlug, and there Is usually a rest of a day or two, If not longer, between the different hatch 39, when the natural time comes for the hen to sit The time of moulting may be shortened by care and good feeding, giving the hens the kind of food, meat etc., that Is required to make their new cont of feathers. Warm Water for Young Stock. It may be disputed whether It Is nec essary to warm water for older ani mals, but all young stock should have water with Die chill taken off of It to drink In winter. The digestion of young animals Is weak, aud drinking Ice-cold water makes It worse. It Is this cold water that makes rough, star ing coats on calves and colts, no mattei how well they may be fed. Roots In Transplanting. We. had occasion some years ago to remove a thrifty barterry bush. It has never recovered from the shock. It was too old and we destroyed too many of the roots, In proportion to the top that was left and It has merely lived without making growth of any consequence ever since. It Is a lesson to be more careful of the roots than the top in transplanting. Epltomlst Farm Notes. When blackberrylng, many a large fruited sort Is met with, which, If trans planted to the garden, would be as good as any of the cultivated sorts. Some of the best-known ones were Introduced In this way. It will now delight the Western fann ers to learn that a worm has appeared to attack the Ruslan thistle. The worm appears In large numbers and suddenly disappears. Its habits will be studied at the experiment stations. Unless the surface Is very uneven and the soil light and porous but little fertility Is wasted from manure drawn upon the field when fresh, even when the ground Is frozen or heavy rains In tervene. Thus on many farms, where the surface Is level or only slightly roll ing, manure may be spread at almost any time of the year. A horseman advises to never allow a horse to stand on hot, fermenting manure, as this will soften the hoofs and bring on diseases of the feet; nor permit the old litter to lie under the manger, as the gases will taint his food and Irritate bis lungs, as well as his eyes. If a horse balks, do not whip blm, but let him stop and think It over. After a little reflection and a few tosses of the head he will often start of his own voli tion. Talk to blm kindly, pet blm, loosen a strap op a buckle, and be may forget bis obstinate spell. An apple or a bunch of grass from the roadside may win him. Reducing the amount of food la not economy In feeding, as the product may be reduced correspondingly. The true war to economise In feeding la to ha to animals that will yield the greatest quantity on a certain allowance of food, and to giro them all the food thoy will eonsaoM aa loaf as tfcor are glvtag a volt GOWNS AND GOWNING. WOMEN GIVE MUCH ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY WEAR. Brief Olaaca at Faaetee Feminise, Frtvo lotu. Mayhap, and Tat Offered la the Hope that the Hearting May Prove Boatful to Wearied Womankind. Ooasla from Oar GoOiul OR several months the women who don low-necked dresses have been sticking closely to the off-shoulder cut, and many examples ef this kind have been seen that have Impressed observ ers as being very daring. But despite this the style has retained favor and there has been little If any abatement of the generous dis play of shoulders and neck. Now there has been devised a dress that leaves the shoulder bare from neck to wrist In it a band of ribbon clasps the throat, from which two delicate chains thread ed with pearl or gold extend on each side and are attached to the top of the bodice on either side of the shoulder. The whole list of off-shoulder bodices has demanded handsome shoulders of the wearers, but many an ambitious woman to whose make-up the fashion was poorly adapted has boldlv attempt ed It, and this latest trick Is no doubt devised by some one whose lines are almost perfect and who Is anxious to prove It openly. Such exaggerative treatment of an accepted style by wom en whose taste Is generally good Is a sure forerunner of a general change. DRAI'F.Il WITH OI.ITTKBINO Tl'LLK. So, almost simultaneously with the ap pearance of this eccentricity, designers are carefully feeling their way to A shift In evening dress that will hide the shoulders altogether. One of these designs Is shown In the first picture In this column, aud a glance will show that Its maker did not get a great way from the present style. While the shoulders are covered, their outline re mains sharply defined and the remain der of the bodice Is closely like what is now worn. As sketched It Is carried out In black satin duchesse trimmed with black Jet passementerie, lace and ce rise velvet draped with mousscline de sole, and finished with rosettes of red satin ribbon. The Jet passementeries are placed down the front and outline the darts descending to the bottom of the skirt, the edge of which Is finished with a putting of velvet under lace tulle, with a Jet heading. Yards and yards of material go Into the new reception skirts. The pleated folds He heavily one upon the other at the back, and open, shut and change place like a great fan aa the wearer moves. While In this motion there is much grace, still the spectacle of sev eral layers of folds one on the other re minds one too much of the dry goods ODDLT TSIXMID WITH SASH KIBBOjr. counter, and suggests great weight too forcibly to bo either graceful or In good taste. A bettor result la reached by using loai of the dross fabric and even than, hi such an eminently tasteful skirt as that next shown, therell be a lot of the goods required. The stuff needed In this case for the skirt Is black silk cropon, and black satin to required for the bodies, which to dratted with spatjgled black tulle. The sleeves are made of puffed plain tulle and a large bow of black satin ribbon is placed on the left shoulder with a much larger one In the center of the skirt Draped velours finishes the yoke, and narrow jet passementerie borders the lower hem. A large spangled Jet butterfly Is put in the center. Black suede gloves meet the elbow sleeves. All sorts of remarkable effects are produced in bodices by cutting one ma terial Into straps which are applied on the under material. Sometimes these are set from collar to belt and are cut to points at both places. They do not touch each other there, but they widen at the bust line till their edges meet Other designs show a radiation of lines from the collar, and still others produce strange spiral curves that blend Into AN EXCKI'TIO.NAI. JACKKT IIECAUSK OP ITS KI.A1IOHATKN : Ss. each other. The edges of the straps are followed with gimp or beads and the material showing between must be of color strongly contrasting. This sort of ornamentation is one outcome of a current craw? for a snipping. The rural paring bee Is nowadays transformed In to a wholesale slicing up of new fabrics by the employes of the stylish city dressmakers. The next costume that the artist contributes replies to this fad, though rather faintly, because the odd garniture of loops at shoulders, bust and snsh are of ribbon, rather than Mm dress goods. The goods here is white satin, left untrlmmed In the skirt, while the bodice Is draped diagon ally with bios white satin, and topped by a deep yoke of corn-colored chiffon. That is the shade, too, of the ribbons mentioned and of the undressed kid elbow gloves. In the next sketch there Is an ornate Jacket made of the same material as the skirt which it accompanies, which Is olive green cheviot The Jacket Is tight fitting back and front and fastens with hooks and eyes, which are covered by a band of moss trimming. The high medlcl collar Is embroidered with black Jet and finished with a piping of the moss trimming, and the sleeves are large and full, with epaulettes of cream guipure lace. Two straps of the em broidered Jet hang from each shoulder. TWO SWAOOKR POSERS. Below this comes a plain godet skirt with slight train. Two swagger maids in exceedingly picturesque get-ups look out at you from the final picture. The left-hand one displays a style of shoulder finish that Is offered to the possessor of fine shoulders as a sop for the outgoing off-shouldercutof evening dress. When sleeves start thus below the shoulder and end at the elbow, It gives the puffs an odd look that Is now considered very correct Pale-blue silk figured with sprays of wild roses Is the chief fabric, but the skirt bos a full panel of plain blue silk on the right side. The bodice Is seamless and is made of bias material, hooking Invariably on the side. Plain silk gives the sleeves, the shirred stock collar, and a drapery that runs diagonally across the front The other poser for the dames of strik ing apparel are ever caught '.n self conscious attitudes la clad In a prin cess gown of silver-gray cloth. Her skirt Is tight at the hips and extends Into a corselet, the top consisting of a very deep yoke of gray and white silk passementerie laid over a white silk foundation. The collar consists of a band of the same with bows of gray satin ribbon on the sides, and two long bows of the same ornament the front Klbow sleeves are mot by long suede gloves, exactly matching the stuff la color. Copyright, "Tie never night la lore's domain. NOTES ON EDUCATION. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO PU PIL AND TEACHER. Inetrnctor Should Be Thoroughly Equipped Before Entering Upon the Work of the Class Room How to Keep the Children Occupied. Thorough Preparation. No one need expect to make a com plete success of teaching without thor ough preparation. This does not mean that you must be a paragon of knowl edge before you enter ujwu the work of the class room. That would be ex tremely difficult and If you thought you "knew It all" you would doubtless be a very uncomfortable person to work with and a most unpopular one in your class-room. It Is a trite but very true saying that we all learn something new, or see something lu a new light every day. Hut however well equipped you may be with knowledge of facts aud things, you must be prepared to give them to j our pupils In n form that they can as similate to preseut each subject In a light that will enable thein to see through and through It You may assign a lesson on any subject, to a class, have them learn it, bear them recite It, find that they know all that the text-book says on the subject and send them to their seats satisfied with the work of the class. But you have not taught them anything. They may remember a few of the most striking 01 Interesting facts of the lesson, but the most of It will probably be gone next week. To give a class a lesson on any sub ject you must first prepare the lesson yourself. Go over the ground covered by the text-book used, then bring to bear on the subject everything you know that relates to It; and the more you know the better the lesson you can give to your class. Then, when the class Is called let the pupils tell you what they know, then you tell them what you know. Discuss the subject with them. Don't do all the talking yourself or the lesson wnl degenerate into a lecture and the pupils will lose Interest Haven't you time for all this? .You have forged your own chains. So long as teachers submit to having so many classes placed in their charge that they cannot do their work properly, Just so long will the learning and recitation routine constitute the "work of educa tion" done lu our schools a work that might be done just as well In the homes of the pupils. The only difference would be In the absence of the emula tion that arises almost Inevitably where there are a number working to gether, aud the envy and Ill-feeling and spite It always engenders. Or the work of "making them learn their les sons" might devolve upon the parents, who probably prefer sending them to a teacher, who "is paid" to do It for them and who Is supposed to have some magic receipt whereby sixty chil dren can be coaxed, driven, persuaded or "trained" to do the same things, think the same thoughts, and sit In the same positions at the same time for five hours a day. But perhaps you say you have not time out of school to bunt up supplementary Information on each day's work. Of course you have not There Is where the need of preparation comes In. You must have a stock of knowledge to begin with, the larger the better, but some there must be. You will find In every subject that the more you know the better you can teach even the most elementary parts of it As you go through the year's work, jou will see where you need more knowledge where your weak points are and you can study up on those points and the next year do better work In the same line. You will find your ideas of things in general are ex panding and you will keep on working and broadening your horizon. There Is, of course, no limit to your advancement and you may perhaps think "thorough preparation" a mis nomer, for what you would at first have thought the complete mastery of a subject will seem by and by but the most meager cropplngs on the edge of the field of knowledge. Educational News. Occupation for Primary Room. Each recitation or class exercise where the child comes In direct contact with the teacher should be followed by some occupation which Is the direct outgrowth of that lesson; an opportu nity to give expression to the thought gained in the class. Too many teachers are satisfied If this thought is express ed In written language, and often the children spend more time In writing than Is really good for them. The child, like the adult, needs to ob jectify his thought; much of his think ing needs more than the oral or writ ten form to make It complete. In the primary school we may give to the child this opportunity for expression through drawing upon the blackboard, modelling In clay, constructing with blocks and splints, cutting forms from paper, using number by measuring and comparing, and outlining forms with sticks or lentils. Another phase of desk occupation la that which to done In preparation for the class exercise; an Important ele ment In this part of tbs work to Imme diate use; the feeling on his part that tne piece of work in baud Is being dono because it Is to help In the lesson farther on. adds an element of Interest which soon rises to enthusiasm. If properly directed by the teacher. Suppose the class is studying crystal lization: for such study sugar, salt and alum will tie observed and measured; for this, small boxes of definite size will be needed. If the children make these boxes themselves there Is an add ed interest because of the responsibil ity placed upon each child in making ready for the lesson. For these boxes he will need a lead pencil, foot rule, pair of scissors, mauil la paper (medium weight), and a few drops of mucilage or paste. Directions for box holding a cubic Inch: Draw and r uta three-inch square; one Inch from each corner make a point; connect each point to one on opposite edge with a line. Fold each side toward the center, on this line; crease well. On each side cut through the line to point where two lines cross; lay the corner squares and paste. Shal low boxes previously made by the chil dren will serve for paste cups. A toothpick answers for the brush. ' Four or six Inch squares may be; drawn and cut by the children, and then folded Into envelopes; these will be found useful In preserving material which they use In observation lessons In science. ' The telling of stories from history and choice literature has come to be an important part of the work In every good primary school; but this story telling falls short of its purpose if we fail to give the child an opportunity to tell it back to us. Oue of his best means of expression for the story work is the blackboard drawing. This gives him a chance to do and dare such as he could not feel If he were to attempt expression with a pencil or through speech even. His pictures may look crude aud meaningless to the casual observer, but the sympathetic teacher Is able to interpret each stroke of his crayon. To vary this drawing, give each child the privilege of picturing a story of his own choosing. Note the excellent oral language work that is sure to come as each one explains to his schoolmates what his picture stands for. Children love to work; their enthusi asm and intellect are easily aroused, and it must be some fault of ours when we are obliged to hire or punish in order to keep tbem legitimately occu pied. Primary Education. Going to Rchool. Among the crowding cares of the farmer's wife, the needs of the little schoolgirl cannot be forgotten. While the rough spring weather keeps her from the long walk to the school-house, her wardrobe may be put in order; ging ham dresses rcsleeved, new aprons made several of them neatly trimmed with soft crocheted twine braid or un bleached lace and various things at tended to which may add to the com fort and pleasure of the small maiden. Provide a snug Jacket or cape for windy chill mornings, and rubber shoes for muddy walking. A 10-cent straw hat with crown lowered and trimmed with a pinked and pleated ruche of red or blue, edge bound with the same and strings outside to tie down the wide brim, makes a nicer head covering than a sunbonnet Don't forget the neat, clean ruffle or collar for the neck of her frock, and plenty of pocket handker chiefs. She may hem a dozen muslin ones during the cold, stormy days. Give the young student a pretty bag cro cheted of brown or white twine, lined with red or blue calico; also a small tin dinner pail, with lunch hyglenlcally pre pared, no indigestible pastry nor rich cake. Give her, too, a kiss when she goes, aud when she comes home at night. Don't have a number of dis agreeable tasks waiting for her. Let her run and play or make doll's dresses as she chooses. Make home more at tractive to her than school. And above all send her early to bed. Gussle M. Waterman in Farm and Home. A Device to Promote Reading. A school superintendent was asked how he managed to advance his pupils In all their studies so much more rapid ly than his predecessor had done. His reply is worthy of special note: "I make it a point to bring them along as rapidly as possible In reading. In the primary grades I give more time to this exercise than is customary In other schools, and I persuade or entice the pupils of the higher grades to read books, newspapers and magazines, any thing wholesome that will give tbem practice, and at the same time Instruct them. Every day we spend from fif teen to twenty minutes asking and an swering questions about what we bars read. To exlte curiosity, we post tho most Important caption lines from tho columns of the newspapers. The next morning nearly every one of the older scholars Is prepared to give particulars on the subject of the previous day's bulletins. If I can get our scholars to read It Is easy to Induce tbem to study; by as much as they become more expert In reading, so much to tho labor of pursuing their other studios reduced, and their enjoyment height ened." Chicago Inter Ocean. Helno'i nervous system was a oonv plete wreck. For seven years as was confined to bod br disease of th spinal cord. f 1