The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 18, 1895, Image 4

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Tto Sioux County Journal.
Suiwriptnjn Prire, f3.W
L. J. W
nwrl at tlie Harrison post 01K09 a
w eu-k-iamatwr.
tJoveruor H oleum b lias commuted tbe
sentence of Carleton, the Fremont mur
derer ho was sentenced to I hunt;, to
imprisonment for life. It dues not seem
that eopIe are very much ia favor of execution.
Gamblers hose innings amount to
more than 4,0)0 are subject to the in-L-oiue
tax and are not allowed to make
any deductions for losses. Wonder bow
much revenue tlie government will re
ttive from that Hource.
Tint ban Ls in a number of tbe towns
along the Elltboro have been compelled
to give notice that they would pot re
ceive mutilated silver coin. Some one
has evideqtly been making something
out of tbe metal taken from the coins
and then pasting them at face value.
Two men who were alleged to be cat
tle rustlers were hung by vigilantes four
miles from the mouth of White river in
Keya Paha county last week. If such
work continues north Nebraska will
soon have a fcreat reputation for acts of
violence. It Is tbe general result that
one violation of the law is followed by
The war leteen Japan and China in,
at an end. The latter lias accepted the
terms of the former. It has been a re.
inarkuble event in the history of nations
and will mark an eioch in the history of
the world. Japan has suddenly advanced
from an insignificant position to one
among the foremost nations of the earth,
and bids fair to continue her march.
In the matter of the action taken by
an attorney in Gage county in prosecu
ting a man in man in a manner not war
ranted by law, the committee has made
its report and the attorney lias been
cited to appear before the district court
in May and show cause, is any lie has,
why he should not be puDished by line
tr otherwise for his action in the case.
The leaders of the silver forces seetus
to lie either attempting to mislead peo
ple or have been drawing wrong conclu
sions. They claim that the seotimeot in
favor of free coinage is rapidly increas
ing. Tlie sentiment of bimstalism is bo
doubt becoming more crystalized as
time passes but the real number who
want free and unlimited coinage of sil
ver is growing smaller rather than larg
er. Bimetalism on a safe basis is w hat
the masses are in favor of.
The Chadron Signal attempts to de
fend Stewart for his part in the row in
the senate a few days before adjourn
ment on the ground that the bill was a
bad oue. That was no excuse for the
nieiulier from this district to refuse to
recognize tlie rules of the body to which
lie belonged. No one has been found who
.seems to have beeu in favor of the meas
ure which Stewart attacked and the op
inion is general that it deserved to be at
tacked, but there is a right as well as a
wronj; way to gel at such matters and
two wrongs have never yet made one
An Intt-ruatinaal Kimelalist.
Strenuously as Mr. Horton advocated
the restoration of silver to its proper
place, he was at (irmly opposed to any
attempt in this direction by too United
tats alone. Such a course, he knew,
would simply have put this country at a
disadvantage, commercially, with the
j;old countries of Europe and reduced it
in the world" money market to the level
of South A merica and China, lie there
fore opposed with all his mllm-noe and
learning the efforts to introduce the Tree
coinage of silver in this country by act
of ( "ongreivs anl he hikd the NUisfactioo '
of knowintr that his position fulfil ltd one
great t-riterion of correctness in Unit it
wits bitterly assailed by Um extremist
on both side. He rejoiced in the repeal
of the so-culled Slwriiisui silver law and
for years previously bad urged the re
peal of the Bland bill which, is his opin
ion, constituted tbe greatest obstacle to
ialernmUonat action on behalf of tbe
universal free i-oin.itfe of silver. Froiu
the sketch of Samuel liana Horton, by
Frederick W. Hulls, in the April Review
of Reviews.
Tlw Easier Ton til's Ceaiaaaiea.
. A nHing the many attract! ve and iiand
mMiie Easter ouuiliers no popular amonx
readers of magaaiaea and papers, Tlie
Youth's Couipaoion excels in apptvpri
utaness to the season and in the ejtcep
tional quality of iu readitur maUer.
"The Story of a Statue," ),T the Mar-
iiis of lXu in-, prepared for Tlie ( Xmimn- i
on collaUHation a tth the Princess j
Lome, is an article of rare wterenl.
'IVsrothy's Easter," and "A Corner ia
gg are to (yptaai Baster atoms
well worth twkm read. Um R
ce of a Khoal,'1 m ad vet are story
kjr Clark W. Russell, wmiM be hard to
.Kadioae of the eirtire coUectiea of
teries aeseress eaacial Meatioa, and
with Um MiMtttaae. BaetrT. He., eat.
. . - . . . -A I . . I w . . w . m . . "
a m ana owe ssn m wrnm um
t w fapeT far list atww etmr
Chancellor CanuVid ha resigned bis 1
position with tlie state university. This !
ut a serious loaa to t ? t inhtitntion. and j
it will be quit difficult to lio l a mm
who will till the place.
While in Cuadron nothing more
deficit wtu heard about the proposed
factories. Some claim that they w ill be
built, others my they -will Dot aud otb
ers treat the whole matter a a joke.
Tlie most of the buaiueas men eeeui to
hope it will be all right but do not have
much ix.ntJdwnoe in it It neeros too bad
that it should fall throujfh fur it would
haee been a great thing for northwest
The result ..I Hi" Iriel of James Rial
tery seems ' hard fur n 1" t.i
Uud'Tst Hid .IllJ : . If L
should tiaVo ueeu nxpe. tad It rl'j .
ed on tlie ! tea ring id the evaJt-iicv tiki,
there was tii t ham e to ii lt, df.u.i
(nit. as It is a ell-estab.hlit-d rule of
law that a piea of property cannot be
feloniously taken with the consent of
the owner, and as a principal is responsi
ble for the act of his agent, the know I
edge of the agent is equivalent to that
of the uwqer. The attorney for the
prosecution knew that no conviction
could be secured under the evdien"e
long before the case was concluded.
From thoae facts it will be well for par
ties who desire to convict rustlers to
persue a cours which will not put the j
county to a lot of expense when there is j
no K)ssible otiance of conviction. Anoth
er importunt poiut in connection with
tlie result of the trial in question is that
it should impress on the mind of every
honest man in the county the necessity
of standing up for the observance of the
law by all. At the rate it has been go
ing of late the taxpayers will be burden
ed, by a very heavy load of costs if it
continues. There is no way to prevent
complaints Uaing in ide for rustling by
any one, neither can a bond for costs be
demanded in the case of a felony, and a
grat deal can be accomplished if it is
known thai there i a strong public sen
timent against the crime of rustling cat
tle. It is to the interest of everv honest
man to have it stopped for the further
reason that it destroys the market for
honestly secured beef at the pras made
by those who get their supply from the
stock belonging to others. If a man is
caught stealing cattle he ihould be pun
ished, but there is no use in setting up
jobs which result in naught, in fact it is
worse tlian useless, for it makes a great
deal of expense and leads those who are
inclined to violate the law to believe
that they can safely carry on such work.
It would also be well for those who have
charge of tlie prosecution of such cases
to know just what evidence the case is
to be based 00 and if it is not such as to
warrant the action tbey should protect
the interests of the public by refusing to
bring tlie action. The Jul raL is iu
favor of tlie punishment of those guilty
of crime, but it is also opposed to legal
farces which are simply an expense to
the county.
Kh"rifr Sale.
By virtne of an order of win Unied by
tliet'lerk of the Wmrii't Court of Sioux
County Ni-iir.inkii, upon a dwree rentlcred
by uma court in favor of (;virye W, lim it,
iiigliam ua I'tuintitT, hiii) hk,uu1 llermuri
K. Miller, 't Hi., b Defcintant, I will on tint
!ithuy of April. WW. at Ten o'eioek A.M.
011 unlit (lay al tlie trout door of tlie court
house, 111 imW coumy, In it irrUon, sll th
foliowinif Ui'ni rllMal r.-al etate. viis. The
.jor.tli half of the 'ortliweiit iUKrtir, mnl
Nortliwmt )iirtr "outh went qimrw-r,
ml Ixit in soetion TUree in Towui-hip
Tbli ty-one North, KaiiKe ifty-thrEe i-t
Bib V. M. iikran i oiinly, Ni brnj.ku.nt pill)
lie uuctiou to tlie bijclienl bidiler for cjuli,
to HatUly s.itl or.ii r of ail., iu the uiu
of 4!7S-0 itini luterHt, coMtii mni loifruiug
coau, lieu uml hem due utt"i.Uiiiv
ill oe jivaii by tbe Oiidi r:rtied.
A. K. lit:,
Mi. r. it ui .iul tounty
MierltJ"ii fwlf.
By virtue of an order of mile tunned by
tlii'l'M-rk of the J)itilfi (ourt of hloux
County, Nrhranka, njHin a trree rcndrrwl
liy ,id court Iu rvor of Charten K. s. Nut
U11K, i'luintitr ami uaiiiHt t.irjf W, ( olib
kwI IU.i A. obb, lii'lfitdantj., I will on the
Wnii riuyof April, at I oelo k A. M.
Oi uid day at tliv I to .t door ol 'tar court
houe, in uiil county Iu Harrlwou, Hell tbe
folloaiutf ilewribwl rrl rtiite, rl: liu
Uue and Two and the lutxl li.ilf of the north
went iiiurU'r of Mi-lion nin.-iren, lwiililp
Thirty-four .North, KanwH fifty-mix Went
BUi l M. in i-Kiui Countv, .V. l.mkH, ut
public auction to tlw lilln-t tii-ldi-r (or
i-li, to natixly aiiiil onli-r of aie. In the
Mill, of f.'.iJKI mimI lnU-iwt, r-OHtn uiwl ac
rriiniu i-OKtH, at allien Hum and pltu-e
dne attrudauoe will be iflveu by thi Uuder
81KUMI. A. U. Hi.,
Shrriff of iwUI County.
V. W. it'caMl, naintiir'a Attorney.
.hrrilf x Stir.
! BV virtu of nn onb'r of aalr limipd bv
u"! t-'erk of tlw Obtriet furt of Mom
County, ebrnka, upon a derrtMi renderinl
by SiUd court In favor of hriwwt K. rruln
l'linllff, au4 atfaliuit John uauahenbauah.
-t ul., ix frudauts. 1 will ou the Hud day
of April, lahA, at eleveu o'clock A. M. ou aakl
duy, at the front door of the eonrt kour.
111 hsiii raamy. In iiarrtaou, sell tbe tol
lowing dwriljcvl real etate, viz: The
.North i.arlr of Xm-tioa Tbirty two,
Towunbip Tbirty-flve North, Kauire 'ilty
l.air Went th f. M. Iu hkuui Cuiity
rbrMka, at public aarlion to the hiahrnt
bltklrr for caaii, to satisfy aaii order of
al.-, in thn a.n of .. and iiil.r.-.t,
col and ,.ccioiiir costs. At which ti um:
uud place iIiik atteuoaiice wll be (tlven
by Um- uiideraiyueii. A. R. Iikw,
kerisTof mid (ounly
. Hood, llaluiitra Attorney.
8hrHr Sale.
Ity vlrtar of aa onbv of sal, iewnl by
tteeCk-rk of tin- litriil C.Mtrt tit Nlvui
luuy, Meurankm upon a decrw rriMtrretl
by said ooart la fav.irwt J. I Hr, Tnn
tee, fialutur. and against (wairi- K. (oak,
et ai., Ui-lrailsats, i will on the ttud dav f
April, 15, at Onee'rlork P. Si. m au.t.1 day,
ut Ike front dear ef tan court townae, la aaid
cuuty, ) Harrlsau, sell tbe lolkiwlna' dc
acJ-lbrd rral .tetate, ill: The Kaat half of
tlw kortb Kast quarb-r of Mortlun Tweuty
four, Towusliip Thirty. two North, Hauice
mueteeu, 'r..wnhip
the al UiMerfoi
wuvj mii, ivi KsaiiK ano. two of rs-cUoli
flip i niriy two Sortn,
test ata p. M. ia awiii
at nabltc an
1 itr ..k 1 .. . . .. l.i
cd-r rf u', iu the ut 4U.m aud ia-
u'L. "I 'IZJT.'r,"
alvca by tkw audersif aed.
A. I. iHra,
!! Stwrtrwf aM loan IT.
W. Wed, Ploiutur a AuJcaVj J
M ym waal a farm Mmi ret
rWiabed i. Setmaka. Tu Jovrsm.
rlahj with Um AstoMsw Ft
.4Ma0Wtf It
The Harrison
Feed and Sale Stable.
Harrison, Nebraska.
B. E. BRKWriin,
I). H. ORISWOL!", Ashler.
Transacts a General Banking Businecs
AmmjCAN ExotAKtiK Xationai. Hank, Ne Yir!,
Ujiited Htates National Hank, Oinalm,
F48T Natih.nai. Baku, t'liadroa.
Interest Paid ou Time Deposits.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair He- i
newer has restored grtiy hair to iu orii-;
nal color and prevented baldness tn ;
tliousiimbi of cases. It will do so for!
FImsI lrof Sotirw.
All prsoii having flnal proof notice. In
this paper will recalva a marknd copy of tbe and sre requlait to cssmiue thfir
notiea anil if any nni rcjiort the
same Ui this oBiue at onc.
Xollce for rulillnillim.
iJiUi UKIee at Alllniicc, S b, I
Mth -A, imo. (
Notice U hereby flveu that the following
named settler has tiled notice ul Ills lutcu
Hon to tnski flnal proof in upjKrt of hip
clnliii, and ttisl SMlrl proof will b- umde be
fore M. J. lllewt-tt, vlerk of tiie distrli t
court, at Harrison, Ncli., on April ii, A
vis ;
John T. Coffee, of Bodarr, Xrh.
who msl 11. K. So. WJ3 for tlie w. i n.
ne. i, s'. t M-e. xs anu sw. t n. nt. s
i. seo. Ti. tp. S3 n . K. H v.
lie nunie tlie following wit'M-sses to nravo !
his continuous rcsid'-ucu ulsiu and cultiva-, praecnte an uppllcatlou for patent, Vslu
tion of said land; vix; ' able luterests have beeu lost and Uestrevod
' Michael Uuflit.K, John ( hrlstlan, rank', . , t ,
Tlnkhai,Jobus."rre. all of llodarc. Neb. tu Innumerable h.stanre. by tbe employ
;&&'! J. W. Wkiis, Jr., Register, j uient of liicouipvUsut eouasel, aud eapeeiai-
Netiee fr I'll bl ir.i t iou.
lauid (.mutt at Alliance, Sebr , (
Meli , law. 1
Solire is hereby irlvsu tbe folloainc
fi.uuist w.ltier ha bled notice of his liilen-
lion to m.ike tluul uroof in nunnort of hn
elalm, and thai said proof will be uiaile be-
tore Kobtrt a lison, roiintv Judge, at ,
Harrison, .Neb., on April T,. isW, vus:
Harry I. IJXW. Ol llollsro, .veil.,
wbo made II. K. So. 405 for the sw. , . ,
tn'Mn rfiAw
lp. .ii,r.t.
He names the following wltueM- 10 proi-
hisconlinoousr.sld.mre upou sad cultiva-.
tion of khPI land, vis:
J. . Ilradley, W illiam ; . fichleyer. Kriie,!
I pliugrr, all ot Ihxiarc, seb J. w. sm lb, 1
ofli urn-iii, Sel,. I
iti-iii, J w . Mkliv. Js. (ompuuy Is nrepared to take charge ot ail
, i patanl bu.liiriss .inlrusteU to it for reasou
.Votire for ruullralion. able Inn, and prepares and pnMwulr
lnd llfflce at Allismv, Neb., 1 . applications generally, lucludiog mrU'Uaiiie
Marrb s, IsuS, j i al iuveiitlous, design patent-., Iradivniarks,
Soticc Is hereby given that tlie IoIIowIiik it-.i. .nvriahi-. li.urli.r.ii.. nrrii.w
named settler has Dle.1 uoli.s) irf 1.1m inten-.
tlon u. mskr a rf in ol bis
elaiui. and that said praaif will 1- uta.1 Is
rore tl. J. Miewett, clerk of UUlrlct liiuil,
at Jlarrlaon, Seb., on April . IITJt, via;
f krislina Marking. f ii ilehrisL X. b 1
who made II. K. So. i-TO for the . v. s,
tp. il u-. r. w . 1
Um hsiims. tbe following witnrssm to prove ;
his aontinnuws residence upon kikI caitiia j
Uou uf. aald laud, via:
jStspken Merrrs, Frank Tinkh un, both of ;
ffajilurr, Sib-, Ja.-ob Wasm-rburger, Jacob
Uovs, luth of l.llehrist. Srh. alio
l.eorge W. Ilavis, of lUrrhsia. .VH
wbo iiisl. li- K. No. lsl. for tbe lots 4. aud
6 sad ar. U n. sec. 4. tp U 11., r. ft w.
He nauies the following witiwuwrs lu prove
bis roiitiauaooe resilience apou aai raiti est said land, vie:
A. K. llew, John 1 ksy, Jimr. S.Mau, s.
U Kills, all itt Harrison, rb. iUm.
Jeka L. Kay, f Harritua, .Veti
wbo nuale H. H. So. m tot tin w. ne.
r. H ami w.Xme. sec. X. tp. U n r. X w.
He names Uie following Ut prove
his continuous nmideuoe upon and ealtiva
tkm.s, miPI laud, vla:
A. It- I lew. W aller W walraa, iimrn
Davis is.uard I'aat, all of Marriaoii, Sab.
itt-mi J. H . a aas.Js., ksNflsU-i.
Xnerlffi Hskv
IK virtue of an order of sale dllcsle.l to
me from the Clerk rf tb Dl.irlei i.Mirlui
si.w 1 lounly, Sel.rsks, wn a iadgemeut
obtniiHsl Ai said csmrt u Ike IrA day uf
May, ISS4, la favor of II. Au-tiu IjxMr as
plaiutlsT aiKl sgslnst Jaeol. lasier, Anua
imas-r, sod t illiau. Miebie as Ueleoib-ut
lor the sum ot V4SI&.JS aa4 luu renl. and
cssla taxmi at tiA aud arrraiag rot. la. I
kv levied upiii tks lot Wains real .-slaU-as
the property of aakl .tafaeilauls to sll
fy saai order of asle, tow 11 : Tk. suslkriul
qaarterwf Mita Twnatysraa in levuanip
'labrty tknw kortk, Kaagr rif 1) six we.t ua
r. m. ia khmi . oasir jsreraaaa. aae wiu
esTer tbe ssuM) tmr sale tbe kkjknst bkMr
fur cask a baud u (be Utb day Mar,
hsyp at tkeaoerer twVlork kavet said
any , at Um fraat 4mirut Use iMrt itwejseia
harrtawii, krkcaika, Ujat Mag Ike betiding
In a kick the last term ef I we Tdstrirl Csrari
we IssM, at srassk tiaue aad pUrr nn
alesadawtw wlil ax gl.ra ky tbe anat-
a. K. Uw,
C. F.
Tbcre never ws ft tirnu is .t lie lii.lory of
on r country when the tluumini , for n.uii
tiuii.BiKl Improvement lu tuu ui. nnd
clences itcncrally win to ifr.'.a hs now.
Tlie conveniences of DinnkluU lu the factory
and sork lihop, the household, ou the (.irui,
sud In official life, tsMjuire oonllimaj acces
sions to tho uppartauoe and Implement, of
each in order to save labor, tiiue and n
peose. The political change In lbs aduilnU
tratlou of guieruinuMt does hot affect the
progress ot tbe American liiveutar, who be
ing on the alert, and ready to uerpelvu the
exialing deBelesrin., doi-s nut permit the
sir aim of tlie governiuuut to Ueler 111 in
trom quiekly touoelvlng the rxniedr to
ovrrroioe existing discrepancies. To great
care cau not Us exr-ied In a com
petent and ak UK ul attorney to prepare and
ly Is tbis ad vie.) applicable to those who
- adopt the "So pataut, no pay" systeui.
luVMiitor. wbo entrust their buaiuess to this
. class of iuirn) do so at Imminent rl.k.
aa the bre.idtb and lreogtb of tho patent I
,.,r .iiinri i,. vi. ..r . ,,ni..i
-.,- n . . i i ,1,
then due. Thk J'kkss C laims l orni
kuiiu nniwuuui, urnciui uiua(ci, oib r
I strnet, 5; ., M'ashlngtou, II. t ., repnwrnl-.
aonu eouwruurn, bPncmi ujauugei, uis r
i. , , , . . , ,. .
ing a large uuuiIk t of Importaul dally and
, . .. r , , ,
wkly p.ipers. an well a general peno-lu-al.
of Ibe country, u In.iitiitnl to protect its
oatroiis fitjiu tho unUe method, heretofore
, . , , ,kI ,1 , , , ,
employed In this Hue of businus. Th naid
. . ,
"t. n.adity report aud gives e.p .ai
ulU iillou to reject! caat-s. il is abu pre
pared to rater into competition a lib any
Irui iu s..curing torelgu paUtnts.
H nu- for istructious and aI 1 lee.
JI.IIS H riililHBI li,
Ola K i-lreel,
P. O. Ikx Ai. Wsshiugloii, 11. 1'.
Jest PraM tk I'rrss.
A very attractive publii-atinii has J1-.1
lasen issued by Uir pnaseiiger depart (lie ot
of file Jlurillllou UoUUf. jt ilears iIh
tllle "The .S'e wer NiMtb-west"" a.aj oer
I s.-riha ill a nii-st inLr-rastinir au.l niul-
i thktt faalun tkumd. ... M-l liriiu .M.rlli..ri,
WyofuMtlC aad Use Jtlaca Hills d Soiill.
UskoLa wtMctt ara rau-intd by this c1,1-
uaay's line.
The scenery, t..wns, niittea, nsile iiikI
imiwAri d tlame Ian ivmarkanle r--.
Hons ul countrv are treated of aitii ah-i
solute lidelety, ''W ttf. w ith illur... I
twMis. sent 'ut m-tt nf lw .suits 111 )
slam. J tgsssis, IJ.P.X T. A. j
014 reaylr.
Old jissiple alta reiuire nisli.ine to"
regulate the bowels and kidneys will 11 si j
ties true namiiy ia Elecli-H: liiturs i
Ttus (Medietas diMs ail stiiuulal ami j
isiutauis uo win sky or otjasr Mitxi.--.i.l.
last nt-i om the Mumwh aad boa.-). ;
aediugt tatn-flgtn aod giving to ita; j
orgasia. ttairefcy sMdiuuf sattsN Mi the'
MliinsMMsns at Use foortiotM. Klectri.-)
tntisss in aa egnaitoiit aypetiaar awd akl-ii
aajeii ma OM petsW Had it just waa.-t' '
ly what iMejr asssA, frvat flftjr nesta f-r i
W tttss at the PsMNT Kstrsy?.
Sioux County,
STEADER. Free Homes for More
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
over forty-five miles cf
, Contains
rail oad and has no county
i bonds.-
j rui l, VnU, lAtft and I.huiI.i t t lii'iiicr i
j TbH t aujr Otlirr l'lari' .
Iu rlirkiii.
j Sioux fiuntv U tlw u.ntl1..t
nut v .
! of Nelrakii. It
nlKHit thirt V nnle !
east and went hy iiIhihi vfiit iml".i
nortli and mnulli uml ronlHitm i
I OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
! of land. There aie imuv bright . mrl-
hiijr. small sti-eams in . c.uiiity tliim
jean tsi fotibd ill tlie mnr a rest ele lunv
j ill the slate. It lm inure iinn I itnher in
it than all the rest of the tute idiiit iiii'd
Its grasses are the ru lie-it and niot nu
tritious known so that fur k-icr'n1- inir
it is unexcelled.
Inv t a
The soil varies from a heavy
light Handy loam mid is cH,uUe of (r -
ducing excellent itmiis.
The pnncireil crops are miiuII grain
and vegeUihies, ulthouu'h gssl corn is
Jfrown in the valleys. The;, wheat, oats
rye and uarley are' all of unusually line
quality and loruiimml the highest "mar
ket prices.
The water in pure awl ref reeling :uiil
is found in abundance in alt parts of the
The county is prm lically out of debt
and has over forty-live mi'esol railroad
within its borders, has a goisl brick court
house aud the Dsarv lix lures for run
ning the county and" there has never
been one dollar of county bonds issiised
and hence taxes will lie low.
The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley railroad crosses Sioux county
from east to west uud the It. & 11. has
about tifteen miles of iu litis in the
northeast part of the county.
The climate is more pleasant than that
of the eastern portion of Nebraska.
There is still
OVER 800,000 ACRES
of laud in Sioux county yet open to
homestead entry, it is beLter land and
more desirably located than that for
w hich such rushes are mads on the eii
ing ol a rvservalion. There is no rail
road laud in the county and for that
reason its settlement has been slutv fur
rctal euorl 10 gel settlers Has
made, us was dono in the early das ut j
the seltleuieut of tint eastern jsirl of ihej
(i,ssl deeded land can he purchaseu at
.w,.,-.l.lw n.l..a Will, irnv.rnn.wnl
,. . : .J,
,. . , . , - .
a person wuu wants
more uiao ouw j uaTrrr set v ui.. t an en ii 11 1 n
i ' , , ..
it if he has a little means.
. . , uM lMa,, ;.. tl..
county ami there is room for UuiukuuI 1
Harri 'xi is the county seat and is sit
uated on the '... A M. V. railroad, ami
isasgKsln town as the thinly settled
country ileiiiauds.
School bouses anJ .:hur hes ure (tro
vided in almost every settlement and are
kept up with the lines.
All who desire Ul gel a liomestwad or
buy laud cheap lire lut'ited, tu rime luid
see tla; country lur themselves and judge
of its merits. liiiiiieU-.iilH will not la;
obtainable uiucli .ing;r and if ou mini
UlllsrMour iltrf . I alsJ ire I IOU aerss of
j I.uhJ Iroiu Cucle S ml free it is time yuu
wre .ut it.
lk at Tbis List
of e4ef n CIlleM
I Iiii-.iko St. Jierh
tl.u.ilia Ijiiu.lo
Ml. Iiois j rlller
K .liKIs U.ty t eudwoood
It doas'i.t wha-h ton inieial
virjting. Tlie tturlingtoii Roule is Ur-
Iwst Iiim Ut alt as it is In any om- ..I
Advi-rtiiilg matter and I all mini
! li.Ni Ir.nos msl rites u upph. J. J i:sv. . V. ii 1. 4
iiomliii. Ni-
K. A M. V, R. It is tla? s1
to nml fr.i'ii lias
, - or -
Prizes on Patents.
Miiw li Xjk. Jll " IVrk4!
h. ...... . (. !. .t- -.m! ae "''
prii- ur I' MJ'vj j'.iin- - -
tu flr-t"' "! ' K'l'J t" l',r :"'
.IllHlliU W U- t l ". l-.4. !''
tiuii Unrh tli" ir.-Mti"S '" w " " '"
sUi)drurti tli iiivul. ' Iff ' -tivft
In m yHllulUt It. tsil lllil ,
unrr. ini.:iH.-.i In Us-iii'n'.
wliuli h an rtaliv u!rvail!'i lhrii 11... I l.iif. mill ! "I tt i 1 ''
j ntrreut i'nerili.
ui 1-1 Mm . 11 ''
'f 'Kin '" ' "'
1 1... 1 11 k- ink" iihi'I''- '''
' flouit; Kilt iliu-ioii ih' ' iij ' !.
juupel. It t- Hi" -m'pl'- Ihii'i "' ! " il
; iiitentiuu tlwt UiHkf IU- iirt.-l amu'liil
; of money, mnl tlir i-niiiil uu- ,f M.
pruHUiiir. tliiiut i vi-rvUxly. at " li"
i.r iHilh.T, i.iii'.-i i.l.'i". lii'"li. 11
; lu.lrlil.-l. MoUj.l (ir..lU: 1' "llti tnhln. 1
j tortuur. t iii'ortuiiHtel) - -! M"H h' iixi
j ully iUuii.i J ilhoiit l.i::lit. I li liii'.
I invriitiulli. likH til" 1 HI Xl i'l.'i lili-'i 'M
! lie Kily lM up anil 'tlnrtil ''ii- Ik!..
1 llie imtwiiKiT'. !;iiik, Iti- .' ('.. tl'- '
! Ir liutuiii. tin. nut lu- l. " N'tii-- "(im .
ithn iiiih .tintrl, mi' H1I11K- lli 'I ill i.-l
' I'vi lyiui' l ' I '! ' "
: '"' il ' u"'"' kil"1 ' 1 1"'' " " "", '"'
.1... I...1 ...I...... I'. 111.' :.-!!?! r
II. 1 ' . i- -t
'1 In- iru- . o!T-r .ill! ! i-l "' I
tii i-;i , h II. ill .ill, Villi 111' I' l!i' tlliu.i. fsl i Il -;!-ll
:u l.'.i i.mi' Ii,. l'i.l''..t I "i" ..I' ii. -1 ,
l.vm ii.ii. m i I . r i.i'it iri-.i l-C l- 'i' ii
llll til lll..llllH tl I.UJ .1 h ll'l V 1..' I t
wvillr til"' JII i.'.l l fill, ll. l-l' .t'H V'li
j i i.l.i.tlil1 )i.i-i.
rill, j1!!!." U.ll.I-ll.ill'lVI,
.lnll W'1 Mill K, I Vl.ii,..... ,
ol- t -I. V. ' .. W ,i-.!.!.j!t.i.i, 1 1. I .
J. , 'flu fi J tin i I i i. . II I' il I'll- vii, I. f. i.v
I limy Im Jililrfil Iruiii iln' Hi. I t '('"i,
i N hi lit liv iilmtit M'-n-iil'B Iiiiii.'iivI i.l Hi
! U'lllliuy I. H'I nl t'l ' I 'lit "I l-il"'.
-I 1 1 1
-11... . 11
!(. t.. M.K. 1
.1. . 1 -. 1 - 1
KlIKi-lli' M.mli'..
.ioi-ili . ll-ii I ii y
. . 1 li'in ii'll,
11. ( . i;.i-i-i!
II. Ii I III l.l'll
j t HM,iKas'l I 1. IU I I M ill',
j t . K, Jl and el -si n. . ... t . s. h neiur, 1 he in ,
I Win. , Allen t . -i iithi.i . l.,.li.,,
j W.J. liryau.i ni.j'ie-iii.iii it 1.1-.1 , i.i.k ,,,,,
I l. II. Mi-icel , " -ii " i nn 11
' (.. H. M.-lkle.l,M - ,H I lli.i t I,,-,
! r.. J. Iluinei, ij) ',., , ;
' W, A. M. !.i'l,.i.., " .In 1:. , . 1., , ;
-v- K,M". " 1 i'i l iT.iti .i ... ..
j ,. ,
ji :m 1 tin .
I liiel J.i-il. ...
-WiWielate ,!lltfe, I ..hi ,
on ...Vs'ln Ju'Ik-. .,r in i I u
j M'
, A' :Jt,
pbl..l it-Ik slid !! iu! li.t, I
1 IKThKM'fl Jl PIl i l 1111 til 1 ';
M. I'. Khiknbl iu-lge. 11 : i
Allnsl iiuiiiiv - 1 Ui.:it.i,
M..I. Ill-sett . . , . !.T.,lf-.ti;.
I lit M l Ut ! i I!'.
tUils it Wiltuu. ,..,. ...........I iiiihij Ju-iKW
M. J. Itlevett ink
II. , H'wplniu" .- I r'Mswrwr
VV. 11, linvls ,il't. I'ubiir utntrni'laiu
A. K, Jn.w, Mi. hi?
J. K, I'bluui-y iimiiirr
K I.. Klin s.irrv(n
11, J, Illi-s eU I lei ko( HItrlctMiur
Altlll I. Jark toqiily Mtmney
iiuAitu ur ( lai.tiihigoMit,
Frank Tlnkhaui .lav Ulnirisi
M.J. Weber . .....,. ....pi
II. f. ,'u:ili)ll .ellalrtusu... l "
II, 11. steat.n..SMiaVor. l)li So. it. ( ..i,ir,i
Hlliji) ...ltep., IH.l., )liilngft
VU I.Ai,EKH Kits;
Ii. II, uri.sold (chairmani
K, Itoliser
J. W. NtoLt . " " "
M.J. Blewell
t'onrinl l.liuieiiiuu. Jt,
I.. J. siimiious
V, A. Meter .. ." "."
I ll k
S'llisil. iiKKiCKlis:
J. W , seoU..
' - biriiiii .
" iu"
. il,-l
'I. r nor
I II M iilt
TKKM" "f't Vi ur-
I '.'"-" OUrl,- t Ilnrri-011.
: rountv (ouri.-At. n.,n-...,.
1 --i" 'ei -i r.mir xiiu.
1 " " " r u 1 "in Ui ,
tillUrilks Akl. h,. it-ra
M. K.( iure, - 'i-. .u't,lng es.(. ,U..
sunil y Hi 10: . ,., sMdlvur sum).. " "
nig si Tiwi. ituv. v. V.. coskr.i , , r.e
j day morning at II .). '
J. K. MuksTri.Lsa.
. II
I.M ,
'r. r u t
siii.i iileii.i,.i,
..inlet. '
'MID-MI-. o TI1K iilii 1.
I Jj.rrtim i n,,,,, x, .v,, ,,,.
" J I I'! iTx, r" '' "' ' '''-"'.
' J. fc. I m.M-r, ft posth:..
1 ii.
fcl'Vi ollM l..Vi,l I,.
Itetui mnal im-eili,K ,.ry Mtud.y . .
t M. 1 alllllel luerUllg , l-l.ll ,,;
L . ,, . -' '
ls. H , If Ji.i-i,. ,
s-r li.f .
Tade-nuBti, Design Pumtt, Copjrighli,
aad an Pstcut tmsbuw cdo. ted U,i
UfonutUm mui gfb gires to hutnuiissitiwoi
stiilgi. JuUtms
MHUAUu,w.j, '
ill Cmtismt h rxnan-d h . .
7f ""Masse siouiKt WKruiakiu
as4 hKs.ui pit.t A,fst. . ,
ltstatla.t4 rtlfl, r,.'"
l.arln u's t rnh a Mniti..
I 1-es.t a-iiv- 111 lh
1 Mimi, s,.v.. , .
'II!U I.. I
''I 1 1., .,,. !..,.
.as-.. i.lirr..Ir,,,1 ,,. ,),., r.M1Jri ,mJ ,,.,..,'.
ny.-.u.,..!...,,,, ., JrjV ,.,( v
narsi,l,r. I., n.xn ,.,tit , ,,, .(J(
iiil l.r.,..y ls.fH.,.U,J J,,lr
"4; v.'