The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 28, 1895, Image 4

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    V I
The Sioux County Journal.
? &TAi)Ut!laU lHVj.
Hubamptioo Price, t'i.W
I.. J. Mmmkmm.
watered St the Harrison Mt onSc
seuiid elasr.'inalter.
THIRSDAT, JltWH 2H, Is','.',.
The publishers of the iha lr.m R cird
ft have decided to establish ;i d iil . the
(lily one west of Norfolk in the slat-.
I hadron seems to be on the boom aod
liie Recorder seems t he determined to
nde on the crest of the vve. The en
terprise of the publishers is to Iks com
mended and Tun. Jocunal h p-M tint the
result will prove thur judeunut Vt bv
The factional fiVht which has Iwen
wafted so fiercely in Crawford for nif
years has been settlud an all ha-'e
united in the work of .nciti
town's bent interests. Such irri.i
uieuts are a source of stisfa..-ti n I ad
tor it demonstrates the fa.ct tfut arb r i-
lion is becoming more p puUr aad ni -ii
are becoming more willing to hstcu to
The cases against the men under nr
rest in Holt county for the murder nl
Barrett Scott were dismissed last w-k
and new warrants issued in D iyd c iu-i'v
for them. Attorney General Jtiurch.ll
taking that action as the body of Scott
was found on the Boyd county side ol
the river. It now appears that the d.
f.-ndants want a change of venue. Th
attorney general lias evidently put the
shoe on the other foot and it pinches ll
The outrage and murder of the
woruaa in Key Paha county a few day
aiTO is even worse than that of Scott. I'
looks as if the veto of the change of veii
iie hill by the governor and the passa...
n the bill to abolish capital punishac-nt
made the outlaws bolder. It i- sale to
say that the lower house will Ut toe
capital punislament law roin im it i-.,
audit is hoped that the dastards v, h
committed the crime will bn brought t
Newspaper men always know mort
than than they write; they alwaia hlu. U
more than they expose: they are alw.n
more merciful th:in cruel, as has bi-eii
truly said, "The man who trust a news
paper man may rely upin the fact Ui.f
he will be treated fairly." it is thu hyp
ocrite that the newspip-rs are aft -r.
No manly man was ever hurt by a news
paper. And no one is quicker to see tin
manner of man one is than the nes a -vt
man who studies men and tin ir
actions day unto day. Alliance Grip
Tbe bill providing1 for the paynv nt
f a bounty o sugar beets and chicory
has been pasted. That is the best thine
that the legislature has dune for north
west Nebraska, and it was done without
any aasistewe from individual who i
drawing pay to look after the iutt re'.
of this part of the state in the venule.
When the final vote was taken Stewart
was "present and not voting," the unit
member of the senate who did not hav.
he courage to vote on the bill. Goo
bates a coward.
The bill appropriating S200,000 for
fd and feed for the farniers who mere
rendered unable to obtain the same b
reason of the failure of crops last year,
has been signed by the governor and i
tiow a law. There are quite a number
in Sioux county who have got along
without any aid so far but who will ap
preciate being furnished some seed ami
some fetid for Iheir teams while putting
in their crop. The proper sti'f have
been taken to protect the interests ol
I his county and it is h ,pd Out good re
turns will result from tiie seed thus
iUltr.IsO.'' MARCH 19, P1W,
The asseHsoi-s of Sioux County Xebras
kit met. as the hw requires, nt tlw of
tii-e of tho ('ounty t'lerk.
!cotir.g culled to order and on motion
James M. Smiley wa chosen as t'hair
main of the meeting.
Present. Win. J. A. Rtiim. 11.
t:ottman, A. If. I'mneo, J. W. Rohinwn,
James Hcrott, John C. Eberspecher, W.
H. Nicholson, J W. Earne!, John
S'rre, John Ourran, C B. Hollings
worth and Jamas 31. iimlley. On mo
tion tbe county clerk was ehoxen secr
tary of the meeting
A motion wa mad' for the chairman
to appoint a committee of three to ar
range a wliedulu of values for assess
ment. Carried.
i hair appointed J. V. E irnest, Geo.
H. Turtwr, and John Eberspecher.
The following report of the eommitU-a
on whedtil of valuation wai presented.
T bo in three classes.
All boret four yearn old and over lit
. Iniw $80 00, 2nd class $13 00, 3rd clnse
f 00.
All colts three years old to Im classed
in three cl, 1st clam ISO 00, 2nd
i law fit 00, 8rd cIam A 00
All ovlta two yean ohl tu be t lxtsed
in three cUmmh, let oImi 1H 00, tnd class
10 00, Brd clam $4 00.
All oulu one year old to he classed
lit thfWclMemi, let clai 110 00, 2rnl
!tm S 00, 8nt rlxa 93 oa
To lw 1 1 isaod in tit- - i law. s, 1st i lat
t'iO0l, 2nd ills. 1JJ 00, 3rd rl:iss
; oa. , . ,
1st -Us $17.1 01, 2nd class $125 HO,
3rd . lass 60 00. .. .
lt class 4 years old and over
&I class 4 vears old and over
3rd " ' ' " '
.5 00
. It 00
15 00
. 2 5 00
. 15 00
. 10 00
. U 00
. l i 00
. 7 00
12 00
. 7 00
. 5 00
lt cl is 3 vears old and over $20 (X)
" 15 00
10 00
" 15 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
4 00
.irs il 1 and
1 class 3
3d " "
. 13 00
.. 1 00
.. 0 00
.'.10 00
. 6 .-0
. 4 00
. 7 00
. 4 00
. 2 00
i 2 i-ars old .
Jnd "
3d " ' "
ll ' 1 " "
3sd " '
1st class 3 vears old and over
$10 00
20 00
U 00
20 00
15 00
10 00
od ' ' ,. " "
1-t ' "
3rd ' " " "
V ll shwp over S I iiiulllhs dd X
ept liUi k-
1 00
ll h igs over six mouths 1 J cents
)er (xiuud
1st class 20 00
2nd class 10 00
Jed cl.i
6 00
I. Nt)
1-t I I lie. .'-r III !" 0fi
I .il i l.i.- in-l- ;,; 1 0)
i! I is- a'-re 75
I".;? V'l!' ' ir'lj'f '.ffi:fU' y l !. jll
'. riii.tuin all Ki-pr.-vem.-iits on G. v-
e: nun -ill I. .m.i. Oil'. H-l.l I .r live ..urK, If
ft In. lid In in ,1. s-ru nt. . arrn d
All hiiMiesiads ari,es have resid-
"tl ..ii live e:irs to le a-R"ssed with tuir
alu-of unproVeiiients added.
On liir.tioii there lie no values made in
eiits. Nothing less than dollars to 1
f kiIm! up in returns.
On motion the rvcrtarj- be nd here-
V is orderetl to hne fifty printed copies
I the priK ceilings ol the meeting.
On motion the minutes of the meeting
vere rid and approved.
tin motion the meeting adjourned.
James M. Sm.lky,
M J Bl.K-VETT, I'lia riimn.
Xutire f Fl ftlnn.
Not re i Iii'is-by (riven th I an election of
th- el.'cUir of the v-UJiufi of Hurrlno t, Ni-b.,
will be held In tbi-roiirt house t lliirrtwou,
sen., iH-iween 1111 nours 01 y o clock h. m..
sml 7 o'rloolc p. in., im tlie K1 iy of April,
!?., fur in purjK.-w. of electing five trut.-4
or the -1 1 1 jc of ll;irnon, Nb.
lint it, lliirrion, Sell., I .rch 6, 1-165.
Ity opIit of tlie lioar'l.
I.. J. Iimmosh,
Village irlork.
lirri " S:ilr.
Tly trttii iif nn or't'-r of -1e Iuhium by
fUi-Yir'i'k of the 1 Hstrict 'ourt of sionx
O'.ritv, Nilir -k i, np i rl-rre rciHli-r'ft
tiv i .i-l Ciiui-i 1 i ! i vtt? of 'h ir!e K. s. -nt
ti i R. I I.. lut ft" ml -eiiliiil l.eoige W t ohli
t.ii id A. i o:i'i. iii-ff iiiMiit, I will thfs
& h il.yof April. xt 10 o'clnck A. M.
(r.. s.-.iil ii y j-t tlii fro t floor of the court
Hou-i'. in ..M connlv In II irrison, sell the
f.iiiuwli.e ili-srrilieil resl fut K viz: lots
fiiieuiirl iirott'iil the Knst h If of the north
west rjii trier of ai-ctlon ni u-ti-i'ii, rom'ii-.iilp
Thirty four North. Nang Klf'.y i)t W ent
. th 1. M. in siut l, .Si-lint-kii, nt
public HUetioii to tl j highest hi'l'liT for
i'sh, to M.itlufy Sitil orli-r of sale, in the
sum of ffiiilH-Ki unci intere-t, eots mul mc-.-rnhiK
ci-tK, nt which lime and pliiri-
Iuc ;.tteii' will iM'ifive.iby the u.ider
ilf:n'l. A. li. Ii:w,
:flT stirj(r ,,f n u, (;uuntv.
W. W. )( I, I'hilnt.tT i Attorney
Sheritrs Sale.
Tly virtue of im order of mln iHsned tiv
the ( lpik of the liitrict Court of ftonx
. ounty, Nelir ihk.i, Uioti a decree reudi're l
r,y ,id rourt in favor of Krui-st K. i ri-pin
I'liiitititr. .ml mc .lust Jnhn iiaiiKhenh lueh
el nl., I feud.iiits, 1 wili 01 the d.iv
of April, IS".'.'., Ht eleven o'clock A. M. on mid
day, t the front door of the court lioime,
in suiil coiiMty, in il.rr.iHiii, m-ll the loi
Iowiiik di-wrilH-d ri'nl e-t..te, viie: J l.e
North F.unt qu.irter of s-tlon rhirly twofc
low nship Tb.rty ttve North," filly
tour Went fcth P. M. in Sioux t'ouuty
Nelir.isk'i, nt pnlilic auction to thu hiiftlnt
bidder lor Danh, tj sutiirfv wild ordi r of
sale, in the a.i n of lJ0 and int:rsl,
costaand M'cruuiK coot. At wlilch time
nd pli'ce due etteudmice wll be Kiven
by the undersigned. A. K. Ijbw,
ih it Blieriff of Hid County
Vf. W. Wood, rialutiff Attorney.
r-heritlx Sale.
By virtue of nn order of sale l.Kiusl by
the t'lerk of the I'lulrli l ( ourt of Moux
dimity, tchrjii.k.t, upo-i a decree re;idiri-.l
by (ui4 court in fnvur ot J. I.. Mikiic, 1'rus
te., 1'iniutitr, nud Hg tinst teorfri. K. Couk,
et ttl., Iii-fmid.tnta, 1 will o i the 22nd day of
April, lsj, Ht One o'clock I'. .M. lei utid dav,
ut the fronldiKir of the court house, in .(!
e mil y. in iliirrl-on, sc.l the fol.owliiK de
ncriissl rest e-ttit.', vix: 'liie Kuat li .if of
tlie North Kant qu.irter of wt'iin Iwi-uty-lour,
'township I'liirly two North, KiviiKe
t if ty uud lits me and I wo ol s-ctio.i
Nlueti-e.i, Tnwiislup 'I'lnrtytwo North,
Kmiice r-ilty-flve v'ct eih I'. M. In -aim
t uiinlv. Nebrnka, at public HUctiOu to
tbe hlgheat biddar for cash, to sit inly mi.t
order of Kile, in the mini of 4.Si and In
lert, costs mid iwcruiiiK i-ohU, at which
time and place due attendance w.ll be
Kiviin by the undersigned.
A. K. I)i:w,
'ant! fihrritr of coni.ty.
w, w. Wood, i'luiititr' AiHine y.
Hn-rlifs ssle.
ItV elrttio of n onter of n.ile (llrenteit to
inc from tnc clerk of thu UUlrict lourtoi
siom county, Ncbr.i-k i, o.i a JiidKe.iieut
ntiuined In r.thl court on the fat tiny of
M-.y. IM. in l.ivor of II. Aii.tln lwka a"
piHlnttff slid HifHlnat Jacob iMtaper, Aiiiih
leapcr, und WilllKin lllatlile ucfendenUi
for I In- Hum of MM.'AI and lntereat, ami
cosui taxed at W..'i slid accruing roata. I
have U'Vled hkjii lite lol low ing reul cat ite
aa the property of aid dnfeurtaiiU to a.itla
l y aaid order of ..le, lowit: ITic Poll) ti east
(Uaru-r of Ms-tlon Twenty-one In Townahlp
tbirty three North. Kiiuare riflv tlx wealotli
M. in sloux (J.unfy Nebraaka, and will
offer the aame for sale to the hllfheat bidder
tor cash la b md o-i the clKhth d.iy of April,
liV at the honr of nine o'clock . in. of said
day, at the front door of the oourt llouae In
liarrlson, Nebr..aka, th it laln Ilia bulldliiK
in whlrh the hurt Urrut of the Iilatrlct riuri
w w held, at which time and place due
n i tend .fee will on (Wen by the under
s.ned. a. r. nw,
l Sherlfr
The Harrison
Feed and Sale Stable.
E. BHK vyn-n,
) re-.di.-nt.
I), n OR:SWOU, Cashier.
. ansacts a General
AKJi can K.ri
i!A' -r. .
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Final Proof ?(otifi.
All peraona hnvlnif final pnajf notices In
thia p ijm r III receive a marked copy of the
p.ipcrandara ru4ueU'd to examine thir
notiraandif any crrm a -xift riirl tl.e
aaiuv tu this office at once.
Nil ce for I'llllllcHlinn.
I. and Ufltce ut Allimici-. Neb. (
Mch an, K. I
Notice la hereby kI yen that the lollow int
n.n.i.1 u.ttl..r h .u nl.l .w.Iwh ..I iiil.n.
tion to uiiike pnaif 111 atipport ol his
el.titn, ami that Mild prjol ill be made 01-
fore M. J. r.lewctu l.-ik of the dHtrn t
court, nt Hurriou, Neb., on Airll 11, 1S,
J11I111 T. t'n!Ti'P. nf tnilarr. Ni b.
who lnnde II. K. No. WS for the c. '4 ne. ,,
lie. s; m. M-c. lis and w. u. ' , nw. aa.
t see. i7. t). XI II , U. .'i4 w.
lie iiiiinc tlie follow In -itnessi to prove
his contiHiuiiin re-ideuce uaiu and cultiva
tion ol said land, viz :
Michael Until. ie, John Christian, Krank
Tlnkhiitii, John M-rre all of ll-elarc. Neb.
J. W. H'tHK, JK., lU-Kl.tiT.
Xotira fur I'lililicutiou.
Ijind Olllce t Alllnnce, Nebr., I
Mcli au, IfMi.
Notice i in ri-liy iriven tln.t the following
numisl --tticr Inta Hied nonce of his Inten
tion to in.ike niial proof In anptairt of hia
claliu, mid that a Ud proof will be made be
tore Kobi-rt V ilaou, county JudKc, ut
Harrison, Neb., on April )fT, luvi, vii:
Harry T. Zerh . of Boilarc, Xeli.,
who made I!. K. No. 405 for tiie sw. 4 sec. 4,
tp. K5 u , r. A-'i w .
He name the following witnexwa to prove
bia coutiiiuou residence upyu and cultiva
tion of a.iid land, ir:
J. H. liradley, A llliatn H. Sehleyer, Krnet
rpllnjrcr, ail ol Kodarc, Neb , J. V . smith,
ot toil riaon, Neb.
i"-j4; J w. WkllS, JR.
Nn'.iie fur 1'itbliea'tun.
laknd tlftlce at Ailiancr, Neb., t
March a, is'.i. j
Notice ta hereby Riven that the following
named aeftler bus tins! notice of his inlcn
tiiHi to make Una! pnalf in aupKJlt of hia
claim, a id that aald plKf will lie made la--fore
M J. itn-wett, clerk of loaliicl 1 ourt,
at llarrlaoii. Neb., on April itu, IMS, via:
t, Itrl-tina, Jiarklns. nl till.-liriat. Neb.,
who made ll. K. No XrtO for the aw. yt aep. ,
tp. 33 u., r. M w.
Jle naiuea the followInK wltneaai' to prove
ilia contiuuoua reanieuue Uam and cultiva
tion of, atild land. vU;
Hephen serrea, I rank Tlnkbain, both of
Bodarc, Neb., Jaiyib Waaaerburcr, Jacob
Koos. laith ol t.llchriat. Neb. l-u
l.mrfe Vt . iavi. uf lui rlon, Nrb.,
who mule II. K. No. IS4V for the lota 4, II und
tj and ae. nw. 1 aec. 4, tp 1 11., r. & w.
He namea tue lullowiuK w it.neaa.-n to prove
his conlluu.iitce realdeiiue npon and culti
vation ol aald land, viz:
A. H. lew, John I Kay, Jainej Nolan, 8.
1.. Kllla, all of Harnaoti, veU. ulau
Jiiiih L. hay. nf iiarri-im. .VkIi.,
who muda 11. K. No. 14.13 for lh w. ne.
aec. 'A and '.Hi .it ai-c. 1, tp. Si 11., r. it' vi.
He naiuea tlie lollowlni; wit.iea.'a to prove
hia contiuiioiia n'aide.iuu upon and cu.t va
Ijon ot, aald land, viz:
A. 11, la-, Walter Woodruff, (iisr;e
iJavia, Leonard Dalit, all Of llarriaoll. Neb,
yf, H J. . tn, JM.,.it. nur.
Notice ur I'ubllra'ion.
Jaind tlfflce at Alllnnce, Nb I
March 4, la.'.. I
Sotlcu i lieroby (tlven lu .t the followlnif.
,..i;icU actln i b.ia UleU notice ol bialuteu-
iiou Ki 11 ak HiiHl prool 111 aiippon 01 bis
" .7 : " . . . . r" .
ei"-!;, .'uu ill taou jirooi win 11 i.i.alc ue-
foru M. J. biewatl. I ibik loatr.ct (aiuit at
larriaou, Nebraaka, 011 April 11, irWi, viz;
ve .ra- IV. .leaier. uf, .. b..
wlo made II. K. No. 40.i.l for the (Ml. ', lie. 14,
.S. ae, ' and tw ae. V, aec. ll, tp, aH 11., r.
S w.
lie namea tin) following wltnaaae to prove
Ilia con tlnuoua reaiduuev llsm and cultiva
tion of, aaid land, via:
l.oorge Olinifer. I'. II. Illxalow, F.. A. Klge.
low.t.iaut l.nttiriu, all of llnxrlaon, Neb.
William ft. Hrhleycr, of Rodnrr, Nal
who made II. K. No. WW for the a. H 110. H
and 11. V ae. aj v, 17, tp. M n., r. M w.
He name the fo. lowing witnesses to prirve
hla contlnwona re!itciice uKn and culliva
t on of. aaid laud, viz :
A hbc I llrlon, .rnet HanRe, J. ('. f:tar
apmdicr, II. T. Zertas, all of thalsre, Neb.
4, W. Waata, JR.
IJ8HII llcrlater.
- For rl table, (lrst tlaaa dental work
f My kind, jfo to T. J. Oilrson, Craw,
jrd, Nebraska.
F. ctmi,
Banking Busine
aMvHESPON ": ': TS:
n'li'.Ai. IJank. New Vv,k,
K.-tes Naiiunal Lank, Omala,
h'wsj Naiiunal Uan'K, i'laulroi
Ther never wna 11 fcinir 1s t': - t, ii .- of
I our conutry hen tho ilfnm ; iiven
: tiona und Improvement la the urta nnd
j sciences treucraliy wua ao ifrmit aa now.
i tie convenience i maiiKinu in tuei.K iory
j and work aliop, Ihu liouwhol j, 111 the farm
mid In official life, reijiiire eotitinuHl acres-
aiona ti the hppurtancea and Implement of
each in order to aave labor, time and ex
penae. The political change In the ailminia
trutioo of Koveriiuieut doea not affect tbr
jroresa of the Amencin inventor, who lie
iur on tho ulert, and ready to perceive la
existing detlcicuciea, dra not permit the
affair of the (coverniuent to deter hliu
Iroui ijulckly conceiving the remedy to
overcome exialinjr dlcrc paucies. To Rreat
care can not bu exercised in chooaing n com
petent und akiDfui attorney to prepare and
praecu tu un appliitlion for patent. Valu
able intereata have hceu loat and dc.tro'id
In Innumerable lnatancea by the employ
Dient of Incompetent counacl, and oijHH'iul
ly la till advica applicable to Iboae w uo
adopt the "No patant, 110 pay" ayatein.
luvenlora who eutrust their buaiucai 10 tin
clu. of utturuei a do ao ut liiimlncnl risk,
aa tbe breadth and -trcnth of tha patent ta
never conaidered In view of uquiik endeav
or to un allowance and outaiu the lee
then due. Tilt l'KEHa t.LAiwa CoarisT,
John Weddcrburu. Ceueral uuuuci-r, all r
street, 5. H ., Waahlugloa, D. C, repruaeiit
lug a large number of luiportaul daily and
weekly paper, a well ui general pericxln ala
of the country, vaa luaUluleil to protect ila
palroua Iroui tbe iiuaata methola nuretulore
employed Ju tbla line of bualucaa. 'lhe aaid
company la Dn pared to taku cbagu of ail
patent butuicaa eufrut.t to it lor reason
able feea, and prcpiea aud proaecutea
appiiCat.oua generally, luiuuding mechanic
al luveiitlu'ia, dce.g.i pateuta, trade mark,
lalwln, copyright, lnterlerencoa, mfrlngu-uii-u.,
validity re poru, and givua eapecial
atlas. ition to iDjCCled c. il la aiao pie
pared Ui c liter iuto couiictitloii with any
firm In aecurnig foreign pateuta.
Write fur ia-truc tion and advice.
Jolt 11 Wcuoakuiitx,
ll t Mreat,
P. 0. IUii mi. Waahiuglon, ll. t .
Junt from thu l'rt.
A very uttractive uiulnatioii lia j.isl
beeu Isaueil by t.i j paHaeiUjer'li..t nl
ol Una tiurlin;luu itiute. ,1 beara iliu
till) " I'tut .Newer .Sui'lu-vteat" unit de
hcriljua in a must lou-rcMin 11 ml re.ul
ulile l.i-.lii.'ii tin is.- portions ol tioriliuiii
Wyoiunij,' und Hie Uliicg llilla of Koiilii
lukotii wliicli ar reached by tlua com
pany' Iiuvh.
llie sx eiiary, to .y d, ui.nes, people .uni
Ifl.luatricB ol lliesM lv.11 rciiiurKuolu s..c
tioua ol coufitry ure trwitleil of ah-
.1.., .. 11. 1..1... nn . ... ... 1. . 1 1 .... , .
'i! n.micfcj. -,v ni.u .iiu-iiim-
tiolia. aeul oil r.lll of 10 t enia in
hUniliH. JUtANI IR, U.l'.i 1. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
All Free.
TIm-mj"j who have used ur. Kind's New
Oistrovery know its value, and those w ho
have oot, have now Uie oprt unity to
ty it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and j;et a trial tanltle free, ri;iid
your name aod address to II. K. liuckinn
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample Ikx of
Dr. King's New Life pills froe, as welj
as a ropy of (Jutde to llealtb aiui Hoiiae
hold liislruclor, fre. All of winch is
l i; tiutiteed to do yoo aeid and coal you
n-.'thiri. I'iiWf Plitrinary, j
Sioti:; County,
Free Homes for More
Than 5.000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles of
rail oad and has no county
Pncl, l'lNitx, Logs and Lumber I heaprr
Thin at any Other IMar
in Ntliraska.
Sioux ooutity in northwest county
ofNehruska. It is xlamt thirty milts
east and neat ly .-ilaint acveiitT inilcn
nortfi an' noulb ihhI rontain
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
f land. Tiere arc mor bright, sjiark
lin, Hiniill Mreama in the county than
can 1 found in the same ;ir: ele'vhere
in the Mate. It 1ms more nne tiniher in
il than all tho rest ul die Male combined
Its grasses ure the ritliest and most nu
tritious known no for Mm k-rr. winr
it is unexcelled.
The soil VHriea from a heavy clay to a
lijfht sandy loum un'.l in capahle i f producing-
excellent crops.
Tlie principal are small e;niin
and vegeUiblea, a It l)'jurl laal corn is
Krown in tiie valley. The wheat, mils
rye and barley ure nl! of iniiisiially line
quuhtyutid coinri,.ii..l tlm Ipe In-sl " mar
ket priced.
The water is pin - and rt Ircshin; aial
is found in abundance in all part of the
The county is practically mil i f debt
and has over forty-Jive miles ol railroad
within its borders, ban a Kood brick court
house and the necessary llxluiv Tor run
nitifr the county anil there bus never
been one dollar of ounty bonds isiused
anil hence taxes will lie low.
The Fremont, Elkhorn A; Missouri
Valley railroad crosses hmux county
from eaat to west and the l(. &, i. has
about tifK-eii miles of its line 111 tbe
northeast part of the county.
The climate is more pleasant than that
of the eastern Rirtiou of Nebrnaka.
There is Mill
OVER 600,000 ACRES
of laud in Hioux county yet, open to
homestead entry. It i !Uer land and
more desirably located than that for
which Much rushes ar made on the hm.u
in of a reservation. There is no rail
road laud in the county and lor that
reason it settlement ha ta.-cn slot lor
no K'ial ellort to Kel fceulci-s wHS
made, as was dono in the early days ol
the settl.'ineiil of the casli-ru iart of the
Good deedod land can 1 purclmvfl at
reasonable rates with t cruineiit land
adjoining so that a pertain who wants
mnru than one quarter kection can.iblain
it if he has a little menus.
There tire about 2,5"0 HiOiln ju Uie
county and there 1 room lor thousands
Harri )n ia the e-juiily weat nud la ait
uatisl on the J. E. it M. V. r.iilrond.'aud
is a p""' town a the tfntiiy settled
country deiuanU.
School iKiiives and churches are ,ro
vidid in almost every aultluiiifeiit and are
kept up wil !i tlie times.
All w Id lijsir.i to jcel a hiiincslead or
buy laud clasap are luvited to come and
see the country lor lliuuiM't wk and jud'e
of Its merits. 1 loiliesle.ula will not iar
obtainable much longer and if jou waul
to use your nxht ami icel 160 arrs of
land Irmn Tucle Sam Iree it is tliuv yoii
were it.
laibk at 1 his
of weslirn citie.
liU-ao Ht. Joa-ph
Dtiiali.t I.lli.nlij
.St lamis 1 enver v'.ly 1 cjiltA.iitcd
t does'nt mailer which oil liili-nd
viMtin. The hurhiiti'.iif) Iloutu is iln
Iwsl line lo all us it is to any one ul
Advertising matter and lull luforui.i
lion alaiul trains uud rili-s 011 hi.i.Ii. ,i-
J. 'KAV,n, (1. I'. & I. A,
Ulllilhll, Neb,
I North-Western
F E. V M. V. H. It. Is the Ut
to atal from the
Coal and Oil Regions
(Jontral Wyoming.
i Prizes on Patents.
Hum U Mke a lt0 a I'etaapa a
VCrfi .i"l " tawtltee ptskp a t
kerp Ira. k 4 Ihnr briRlit Ideas we nlTrr a
prlae o one llHndre. doliara ti be psl-l oa
the first ol every month the u r.011 !
aupuiiU to n the uio.t mcrlt'irioiia lnxer
liou doring tne preeeedlnif I '. V) w 1: i
I lou'1vertle tt"' In vent to 1 free of itiwe.
in the Nalioiial IH-ordcr, a wwkir ks
I paK-r, pnl'llshct " W a-dilnatoii, l .
i which ha an extensive circulation tbroiiiih
lout the t lute I siatea and ! dvot. n
iniere.t, of iuri nir
aor hi man s it arv-.
fheideaof la-ing able Ut Invent ..
Uiing triki iuot piple as ta InR very Un
flcult, thia delnslon the ( ompany t?ialii-a I"
Url. HiaUie aiuiple Ihiniis usd ania.l
inventiom luut oiuke the xrnud amount
of (none), aod th. lamipln mk ni liloii.
proBtuble. Altm everybody, al am tii
or anolbcr, nonrtive an idea, alil'U, 11
patent' d, would probatdy tie worth f.i h 'm a
fortune, t'liiortunuleiy mrh Idea ara c.u
ally dluit-is without tbonyht. Tin- lmp'
luentlon like tho car window wu'eb i oo:-'
lw ea-ily nid up and down wli'ioul lireak mg
IhcpasKi pr' back, the .iu: pan, the
Iar tHttaiM, llie nut lock, the laitl to: p. .
tbe mow aiiovi-l, are IMiiir- Unit alriKi.'.
evervotie ' ay ol impi iv:i. nrio
and il i th.-.- kind of I 1 v allow that te h
tbe Rreal'-.l 11 tnrna to the author.
The pri" we offer will be paid 11I tor i,.i
of each iiionlli. wli' thtr the n p.i iln h
usx 11 H'.li 'l ujion by I h I'ntent iTf v or i.ei
Everv eompflilor mutt nnpiv l.n a )ihi
on hi Invention through u. aiid v hetbar .
secure tt.e j.ri'v or not. fn Jm...i.i an.
have a valuable patent.
r 11 f. I'Kfcsa i i.,u;isi i.vipks 1.
Jou VI riil'aBlil kv. i.en'l M'tliac.i,
1S f t. '. ., Wah)liKM. 1
V. H. tbe ri'ipon.hility ! ttii" oirii.iiv
mar tie Jrelecd from the fact th:i U !.w
la held by alwiiil -.'ni,r hci.d.-i ; 1.
leading 111 a .( ef lie- fiiil - ! -t,.!.
s(H A. Holciliifi
K. V.. M.eirr... ...
.1. A l'la-r
Klljfene vi Mir.-.
.Ineih a. Krl ,cy
A. s. I burchlil...
II I' li .-II....
II. H . f be! I .
. .. 1 . i '. 11 l.-ii
.nt' .1
1 1 ;-.,. I
Illi.iniy i.ero 1 1.
I and 1 ' nn lae I I'nl -1. .olt -let....
OlM.iflv Id ll HM.t;". 111 v
r. r. Maii'terxin C
W 111. V , Alien l.n
W. J. I'rwin, 1 ongrei,.nH
I). II. Mercer.
I.. U. Mcklelohn
K. .1 llamei.
W. A Uchi. gbaii, "
i. V4. kern, '
s. .1.. t.,r. Hini.
- .l.lf. ,t ,
11 lo-l., iJ.,. Ida
d HaiMita
t " full, rl.i
'III ' Hirer
hin " li- , 1 1.1 .
f ll " t.l'.ke I .
Jt'HIl ! !! :
1". I . Nor i.l ( birr J'i.i .., ,
A. V. To! Aal tic JUiiu'C. I e'll 111.
T. '1, 1'. flarrlM .. A'le Ju l.-.. ..ran I I.e.
II. A. I i.:.,ila i..l Iclk and l(c-,rl.T, I I.,. .
j HKTKKSTll Jl Ml l. 1. Iijsl up 1
1 I. I. ..... Im.c 1
A , Ire,! ia, tw
XI. J. lileweti 1, ,k
tvil NTV H K ; kt-.
1 an
Kol. ri V.
M J. Illewell
11 s. 'A iMlruif .
IV. II. ilavia
A. H. Ilea
J. K. riiiiiucy.....
s. I.. I. ills
Al. J. lilewett
Alvln 1. 1 lark
4.llitV JO.le
I laaaui, r
..supt. I'fibiic iutrutiiu
sliai IB
..-I lerkof liatriat laiurt
...Cnjnly Atliri.t v
frank Tmkhaui Itlit.n
11. J. W eia-r i
ft. K. Jo'iiimou (rtiiiiriuau, .l
He. Slew m-l..seiia tor, llll No. 1 1, i'taw lold
W , liempcy...iicp., (,i,t. No. s, H.-mi.iirionl
Vll.l.Ai.K urrif'Mls:
l. H. i,riswold i chairman i
h. liohwer
J. Vt . scon . .
VI. J Illewell . .V..
1 oiti'ad l.iiiileinau... '.'".I
1.. J. Miiiinou .... .
V . A. ilr.tcr I.""
... fir 1 a
I riwiiii-r
M H'ell. orili l.;s
J. W . Hcott
J. K. ll..lcii,-i
I.. VT, lieler
iolai atoi
1 frmfl I, r
TV.IIMsfir lit ut .
Dlnlrlet toiirl,-Al ll:irriv,Hi, com,,.
April alb iilid .Soveiula-r '.1th.
loiiniy i..u.ri,-Al iiarn.u. ism, -w
llrl iloudav of eaci, iiionlli.
( 111 lt( HIS tNlivx ll- til r.
vi. fc. t hur?li I're.i, h'.nsr ,.,
Sliiid V nl in m... i., Bielever) em
in at 7 an lui . , . u , ,
I.a mw 1
)' 1 ,
Aielhlllt , L..i
l' ,1
d:i y more in 1. 1 1 1 'tit
J. K. M illel al i en, (r 11 1
Sn l inn ildenl.
1 I.
flaf ,
WOO iMl . oK TilK Uiulti 1
HarrlMiu l'nn.i, So. !,:,, m, !
and liurd saiur..,v evening i ,
Ihr B.I
U 1. .ii
"- . t, f
t ion.
I Osi :t ,
KI'Hdit'ril I KAi.l J
Iievotlonnl iiii-fllng every rUn lpi ,.
t hjl). 1 ablliel infetii.i on cal, l
Ma w 11 . ""11
M sa. n . II m i, , , (, x
scrrMai 1
Ctmtt, Tmit-marki, Destgn Pitente, Ztpptffc,
14 all Palcot bmioaa eoadactad f..r
laforavMlo. u.4 aitlM gtm la UTasfert u..
kafats AdiiraM
Maasflag Altemry,
ailoiJM. WBIOTo.r).C.
Cora.r u jravu by . ,obta..liaa .f
i-l . ' "" " Pn. - r-ri,
Hiirkrrn'k Arilca 'jsalVf.
I ho best naive in tU world
lor ci,i,.
tirufMS, vires. !,., .lU rt)uri)
sores, tetter. 1 I n 1. 1.
lev r
. . '-,'l'e"', Cl,ll,.lll,a
oir.a. .ml all akm eruption ami
. ,.,r (,,ii:a, or no par re. iu I red It
guarante,:,! to Kiv, fect'Ue l,,
---""I. 1 rice 7n
Kr !.. by rioHwr rmrnn,nt ,
I . y , 1
i . . 1
1 SivS"'S. e v a . t v