The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 28, 1895, Image 3
0 Strone ; .Ti.l np..n pure, rid,. r.-., no .i-i ij.i "Mv win- -ul.r.-i maiiv year. it i, ra I.I M. Tli- ... rve ! -r r ri-.a. .v. Ii-ioa -i,.--. d. bi:ity, th .r su-tern.,,.-.-!r..m 'he n : jp t.!(.n tie.-v...t .-. wi.iij- ti.iti ami dysj.. .si tto-y are weak it b.-.-nus.- ll,-. ,i , , ,,i r- -hi has been tr.-al.-t hy dub-rent d.M-tors, Ol-'.e tic no'l-lshm.-tlt nr. !. i lhe I ill .11,1 i ;. i ,1.1.. r, I...-.,,-., l,Ht llow.17 en re ,.r , rx. '-n.-- ;. I 11..1 ! . I 1;, -;, arilla his d .:ie more I r her t an T'- ' "' --ilil.-i oil. porn,.;,. I !.e-,- .'!:!; 'anything . W f,,.,-:.r Hood' Sar- aliay lb i-". , i-jj arilU a ii..t i'el.,i...;.a!.ie medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla Rrm..vf ll.ecaus, l.y j-ur: i i-it: ai 1 11- , lor lamiiy use. and lor all cau-d rirhii.gihe M.nI. giwn.r 1,. :i ju-t th.-e by t..r(.i.l over and impure Mood in I art qualities which an- diiiiaicicu lor the n i a won ii-rlul l,atii r.-tor.-r id the ,rn,( r r'i port i.l t- m-rv..u- .y.t.'t,;. !..:. -.-iii. i i . . j-i aiva ..rilia lias Hundred- ..I' inn. vln. wv uil. n ,1 I .r.v.-. ii-, f in my u.i, - ., ami we from ii. r v . . 1 ! -1 1 1 w rip tii at tin y liavi. miii la,ihlu;!y rcommerid it- u-e i:, every lakioi Hoods !-ar-;,i ari.l.t und !irrn,u- lamily." J c,b ll-.M-il L Mm ri-oli. Mo. "" ''-'!-l'-'-'-'- This U-.-a N. ii.-beeureto e,i Hoods ami only Hood a t-ar-apa ilia jninln 1 their hlo..,!. JI.mmI'k. Hood's Pills innhlmi'ly with I f.ira il.irilrtr Instea.l df a bit of wire, it will mend a broken biryele. Instead il a liook, it biiUona boot gloves, and fnifli like. Instead of a needle ttnd thread, it will iHKlent d together a ripjied seam. Instead of uiucik'Kf,. it i aniens to gelber tle woman rtjmrUrr'B ulu-ets of eofiy p.'Mier. 1'iHleiid o( h corkscrew, it will open a boll le; instead of a paper knife, it will rut open magazine leaves. The Ortatt? Medical Di.scoverj "V of the Age. v KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXE'JRY, MASS., Has discovered In one of our common pa-tmc v e-Js a retnej' cures e ery kind of Humor, trmn the worst Scrofula down t1) a common 1'imple. He h is tr.e-1 it in over eleven hundred taes, ana never f.nlcj except In two c.i'i-s (both tliunjer humor J. He has now in Ins poi -osion over t-vo hundred certifkaus of ils value, all within twenty miles of BoS "!'.. Send poijl card lur h- t.k. A benefit It always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cur? is war ranted when the riiit quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it ca: -et shootint: rains. hke needles ras-:n; thruLgli them; the same with the Livr or Bowels. '1 his is caused by the ducts be iz stopped, and always disappears in a w eek alter Liking it. K'aJ the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It wil ca-ise squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the lest you Kan prt, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonful. in water at bed time Sold hv all I mights. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS CF DOLLARS 4b- mil mMf in ll 0Jtr.'fny ... -. u llf tw ttrKf "it mX tcthW oil tf 11 h(i iilti tifi Uir iti5.;f tftlnt.' i inn n irt It.irit fktU it?i mi Mimtri mi If (hr m rt mrtt tit gHjriirif.f (mo t., .,.inH tmtt, if , tft wni,,,, t41tit4 Shk $15 wk fe'iMi ruK mr i.rk n mn ui sot em Tni' A MHtlt, lUltlKlf nilhU MiM ItMJ Kilif ur KUL fill.TMMl Kfrlhtir. ItMMi I I T fUCHIIr N, ir tot W(tC Ll K4V ( It 111 HI t fHli l i)H If. W h ,id U (Mst hrtcrw n.i fcnortii Ihtl fn,ld thin ',rt tr f.'ejf nrrthia, hv tiMhint n. au tU. U.em Tdf mini rn' ! -f pfnt,( to rt.t t tiM,,iir .l,.f rf. n,r tt 4i .11 ir irtur ohr Ml V It T i t T VFD NKFTn Ht pt l tl I Ml NIU.H MJ llAllfe 1 Hr If irrrHAKt nunkM or vifcN nut ot i.n ui7rti tlirfTt HINT 01 T HHU ttlt D Itlfc MIW IN, Mi, ill KtniV-H, U iHK, THKHrHtHK, Will 8M I ) i falftTKU UKn. H-n0 amy ,bh mn our pwn f&t faiwHJ rtA4ri.J, r(, AmiiW cim. pun, htrt n fit, thr tfal- rruininM ty thr i that &t Hl'-tt ffrt fct.'."!! nd ifina:H nui.fwr . ifmji n4 cUanMi f mrt om- ih trtw. O'kut n that mnttl,itnd aimMf 1) n-4ry tkn;j Hp rtm4 wi fv- (A rrifrd ti'A th UKfrfttT 0M OH fttffm, 'fit Mitt t rtf ni. n funn to! rltthu It : I(ctiiv tn d m.l t tii ail Wa kr MJtooa of not bikI mam te J"triT A pmrtum if I km Ati wn- pit fry fitr mn4 rrrvrt tit Whi. Van amti To t, H U yi pu ?M, fr aVr mtlo. uAvk rmnmvt 61 4MMf 1 MnAj. la pr, f wid mills, I tir rattan nf what is mniTii.r r. riMmwiieMiMM'imor tmfttsm) mmd it fimrttratl ri'iut Ml w Uik4 of jniilil do in Ih " T "f lKTIf l.IT. iMI PI TTI0 PfHMIK hH.PK AT i ftlbin LUI fILV tux ALL rill I, ANMII MFD mi orm op m alitkei. f krv m pphmih ppkd JrTTKH, ffllRTH 940 M PHK KH UO, AT tlO. M 1MB XT ID. WI AHal.L OPPtK IOC BONIITHIKU OP HTI1X KfcATKK HT1BKWT. rmolOf Co., t"W- DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS A 'rrlMM tilr. SCM(al. Mritorl r.nipbit Mallsd Ft tW A4KI.TB W ATEU. DAVIS RANKIN BLDO. A MFC. CO. H.)l HnurA.'turra, S40-tt4 W. Lax St Chicago, III. PATENTS. TRADE-FIARKS. EimiCtloo And Ad vie am to l'itntbl)lty ( In niti'tn. rtn1 for Jnnt'ir;' Hui'N', or M to i ' ft rtUt. PAI HK K U ABAAI.U, WAMhtUstton. U. C . fit If 1 This Great Soap makes home, home indeed. Keeps ererythwg clean. Keeps the housewife and everybody happy. Try it Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. tt. FAIROANK COMPANY, CMato. KTerves Hood's Pills r,.iri:'":,ou'- A the W.irl.1 Giii- Mot'lid bncks are coining into use for l;iii..; purfiosu'i. I'liey give the l.oiiie 11... ipearance ! castile soap. u. s Mam will have next year an ini in 1: ioiia! exlnbitiun of hotel ar rat!L:e.u,'iits and aecominodations for travelers. Woollen pipes are used by the water work ol Iienver. They rane from thirty to furiy.figlit inches in diaiu eterand are made of Texas pine staves, banded with iron. A velvet bonnet with bows so ar ranged lh it the silhotle would form the ehr of a cat is one of the novelties. Among th new waifsare those with very much business at the lower part ot the :r ni. These waists are made Ion cr, 1'ien jrathered lnt.o"""belts The ex tra fu i; iss, In some o.'-n ainountinir to three or four Inches, beiui? allowed to sag over toe w aist line at v. ill. Amoiisrthe popular color combina tions tor sprintr will be yellow and white, ;eiiow and black, pr.iy and black. (Ire.. 11 ami tan will be popular; very pale f .'v, ii most a pearl, and dark blue, medium o;own and litht tan and old rose in a great variety of tints. New York 1 eiiter. Doafnoss Cannot bo Cnrefl l.y local upplii-ationa. hs tlicy rannot reach the (1 sci,j.-,1 portion of the . ar. Therein only one ivsv torn re Deifm-si, and that i hv coii itui'onal rem. (li.-H. liealm-jis is iaiie l I v mi itiH lined eomliiion of the mncoiiM lifinir of the KiiHiai lrnti Tube. U'hen this tube rets inMameil ton have a rntiiliiii,K' soun.l or impe ('t hcarinjj. and when il U r: lirelv einse.I iiralm.s ih iho result, and nub's I he inflaiiiiiialioo can be taken nut and this tube restored to ils normal condition, hearim; will be di !.t royed foievi-r; niiii' eases out often aie , a ised by eatarrh. hii'h is noihinu but an irilhuiied eoiiditiou of the iiiucoum fur laee. We. will irive (me limidred llollurs lor any eae ol Ilealm ss leans. d by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh 1 ore. s-end lor circulars free. K. J. I'll K.N KV .V CIJ.. Toledo, O. yold by I)i urh'i.t, 7,'c. Chattar.oo);.! is out of debt, aad there is a comfortable surplus in the tresstiry tueer people, these southerners! To ledo Iihnle. Another One Gone Ititfht. "I must say rinht here thai the two boxes of No to hue 1 bought at the dnitf store liere, completely 'ured nic of the tobacco habil," are the cheering words n-i eived by the Sterling Remedy Co., of Chlcai,'o. from (i. 11. Hood, of SiiriiiK (ireeu, Wis. South Dakota is once more the state of quick divorce divorce while you wait, as it were. Albany I'ress-Kuick-erbocKf r. f tun entirely enred of heniorrhape ol Ilium hv I'isd'h (.'ore for Consumption 1.0' iha 1,immn, Bethany, Mo., Jan. 8,'W. NEW SHORT LINE TO 1. FRANCIS, Gen'l Past'r Agent, OMAHA, NEB. Mb The Cat Came Back Because there was no place like the home where they used Santa Claus Soap DOINGS IN BOTH SENATE AND HOU6E. 1 n.t wy. KKStTB. The M-nate ased the Mil alx.lititiinif capital puriisbioent, by a vote of 17 lo 14, but with two votes in reHTve- alj, a bill Hiving Linradn one tsfcefsor, wh.'t i-hall Ui t levied at lartre. The appoiiitiuent of a lifting commit-tM- was author. zt-1. The Mt Keeby reKel bill, appropriat ing IJisi.iXK), bciiij. a mbetituty for roll No. 'C't, was jiaHsed by a ru e of 'ii to 1. The following is a full text of the bill: t-eetion 1. That there lie and is here by appropriated irom the state treasury, from iumis not ortiicrw inc. appropriated, the ram oi f'JO i.iKXl for the purpose of piocuriti); teid and feed lor teams for lhe destitute fanners of this state during the spring of lWia. Sec. 2. h vliall I the duty of the Mate relief coininir.sii.ri to certify to the auditor the amounts due the severa1 I counties under this act, and the auditor ; f-liul I ll.creiiKn issue a warrant in favor I oi each county ior the amount to which it is entitled by Mich certificate. The amount to lie received by each county ehall Ui determined by the state relief comniiKsion based on kno vlede now in their possession and on information in writing signed by the county clerk, treasurer and county judjje of such county showing the number of farmers In need of such aid in their several counties; ami for such services the state relief commission shall receive the sum of "SK); provided, that no county shall receive more than M,00 '; and provided further, that no county shall receive aid which does not furnish such informa tion on or Ufore April 1, Iftdo, and the dibtrijution to the several counties shall I complete I on or before April 1U, 18!)5. Set a. The county board of the ev eral counties shall use the su'tii thus placed in the hands of the county treas urer, or Su much thereof as may be re nui'ed, in the purchas:nu of seed and bed for teams and shall seU the same to farmers, in their respeclive counties, who are unable to procure seed and iced by any other means, on such terms as tney the ssid board, may deem just and proper. Providing that nothing in this act shall be cons'rued as prohibiting suid county Uiard from furnishing said seed and Iced cratuitotisly to their needy farmers if they may so decide. isec. 4. The coutny chirk shall, under the direction of the board, draw his war rant on the iuiid thus placed in the county treasury, in pavinent for Buch peed and feed as may )o procured by the county board ami the expenses in curred in procuring the same, ami be shall collect any notes or securities taken in payment for said seed or feed, and render the proceeds thereof, to gether with any unused balance of said fund, into the general fund of the county. Provided, that when any money lor grain shall he collected, or any of the fund hereby appropriated is left unused, then all Biicli moneys so collected or unused shall be relumed to the slate treasurer, and he is hereby em lowered to receive the same. Sec, ft. hereas an emergency ex ists, this act shall lie in force and take ellect from and after its passage. Hook. The house passed the salary appropriation bill. McNitt'a free high school bill, a mutual plate glass insur ance bill, several private relief bills, the stockyards bills and the Omaha fire and police board bill passed, a call of the house being had on the last named. Benedict's age of consent bill was made a special order for Saturday morn ing and the university library appro priation was made a special order for Tuesday afternoon. Hnlurday. Sknatk The senate recommended the passage of Sprecher's district attor ney bill as amended. Cross of Jefferson spoke on Australian ballot bills and moved that all measures amendatory of election laws be made the special order for 2 p. tn. Monday. The motion prevailed. Senate file Nos. 231, lOti, 157 and 117 will be considered at that hour. Senate file No. 98, regulating life in surance companies, and senate file No. 132, to regulate the organization of mu tual assessment companies were ordered advanced and engrossed for a third reading. The senate adjourned at 11 :30 until Monday at 2 p. m. HorsK The house spent the forenoon discussing the age of consent bill and finally recommended it for passage slightly amended. " In the afternoon several bills for the submission of con stitutional amendments were passed through the committee of the whole, and one of the constitutional amend ment bills gave rise to a short struggle over the question of woman suffrage. House roll No. 550 Hicketts' bill pro viding that if a person shall lie taken from officers by a mob be shall be en titled to recover from the county dam ages to the amount of $1,000. If he shall 1 lynched, 500; if lie shall be seriously injured, $1,000; if the shall lie permanently disabled from earning a living by manual laW, 5,000 was re Iorted to pass. House roll No. 434, a bill enabling the Advent college to issue diplomas, was recommended to pass. Rknktk The fifty-fourth day of the senate opened yesterday afternoon with prayer by Chaplain Mac.Aycal. In in voking the throne of grace the chaplain referred to the latter days of the session and asked that there lie no unseemly haste, no neglect of duty, but on the contrary that each member might use to the best advantage (or good, those talent given him by the Creator oi all things. The senate rejected two "blanket" ballot bills, approved s alight amend ment to the Australian ballot bill, and Lieutenant-Governor Moore appointed S sifting oommlttee. House In the house yesterday the -oi . 1. g 1. .10 in l..,- in, aii;lio i.' l ai.rr -in i'liiinated debate; also a committee was author.zed to ac w i'.h a like cum mi'tee from the fenate: on tin;.l adjourn ment. The penetai appropriation bill was passed and the two appropriation bills the claim committee. The Omaha charter wa" retried by the un animous wish of the J)jugiae ccuuty delegation and made a social order for Wednesday and the bill establishing a branch soldiers' home at Milford was favorauly renjrted in eommitttee of the whole. '1 ueftday. SfcN.vrK : In addition to the district irrigation bill the senate passed thirteen other bills during the afternoon, beeide defeating the passage of two constitu tional amendments in the very presence , of Hosewater, w ho spent a great part of j the day in lobbying for them. I Senate I le No. 231, by Cross, was . passed. It amends the Australian bal lot law by providing that candidates by petition shall have their names printed on the- ballot, followed by the words, "by petition," and shall not lie followed by any party designation. Senate tile No. lii'.l, by Ratlibun, pro viding for destruction of Ku .-eian thistles and making the cost thereof a tax on land, was passed. Sloan's bill, providing that Nebraska shall Uf popularly known as "The Treeplanters State," was passed. Senate tile Not'i(), by Caldwell, author izing the aptioiiitnient of another sup reme court bailiff, was passed. Senate file No. 109, by Sloan, to limit the jiower of a probate judge in the matter of serving summons lieyond the limit of his county, was passed. Watson's new oil inspection bill, sen ate file No. 133, had a close call. It failed to pass with the emergency clause and was passed without it. Senate file No. loil, by Holbrook, em powering cities of the second class lo issue lionds to the amount of $15,000 for the purpose of buying or improving parks, was passed. Sprecher'B district attorney hill was passed. Senate file No. 20fi, by Crane, to pro hibit exposure of deadly weapons in shop windows was passed. Uathbun's bill, making do. s personal property, was passed. His other dog bill, punishing the person who mal iciously kills a dog, was recommitted on his own motion. House roll No. 101, bv Chapman, re lating to sale of school lands passed. M naie file No. 34H, by Tefft, for the appointment, of a supervisor of state buildings, also passed. Hook One of the most interesting and exciting sessions the bouse has yet enjoyed occurred yesterday afternoon. The bill for the completion of the uni versity library building and the district and water right irrigation bill furnished the foundation, while the zealous friends and opponents of the measures did the rest. The fight made for the university library building was ably led by Mun ger of Lancaster, who avoided all ora tory and centred the attention of the bouse upon the facts as they actually existed. Every question propounded to him was met and lie had a score of able assistants, including Burch of Gage, who introduced the bill and closed the de bate in its favor. Cole of Hitchcock, in the preliminary, and Bee of Futnas, in the final contest, led the opposition. Davics of Cass made the speech in favor of the reduction of the appropriation and McNitt of Webster replied in one of his best efforts during the session. It was while these two gentlemen had the floor that a war cloud drifted above the horizon leading to an animated controversy between them that caused the sparks to fly for a time and raised the interest in the crowded bouse to a high pitch. The roll call that followed was closely watched and when it was found that fifty-one votes favored the bill, while the opposition only counted thirty-five, the friends of the bill ap plauded and the audience lent vigorous aid. Well n,n day. Senate : The Benate advanced an act repealing the law creating a beard of sanitary trustees for the city of Lincoln, the sugar bounty bill was reported b a sifting committee, an attempt to advauce the fire and police commission bill failed, and Wright's bill taxing foreign fire and life insurance companies was recommended for passage. House roll No. 60, as amended and passed by the senate today is as follows: Section 1. That hereafter no person, firm, association or corperation in this state shall manufacture, sell, keep for sale, give or furnish to any person under the age of twenty-one years of age cigarettes or the material for their com position known as cigarette paper. Sec. 2. That if any person, firm, as sociation or corporation in this state shall violate any of the provisions of this act, he shall lie deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon convic tion be fined for each and every such of fense the sum of not less than $5 and not more than $50, one-half of which shall be paid to the informant. Hot SB The day was occupied by the house in passing upon the Omaha char ter in committee of the whole, in dis cussing and passing upon the repeal of the depository law, and discussing and favorably reporting bills providing for county boards to secure legal aid for county attorneys when necessary and issuing bonus to construct jails. ThnrMlay. Senatk The senate amended the sugar bounty bill so as to provide a bounty on chicory, and the bill will come up (or final passage Friday. One of Wright's insurance bills, sen ate file No. 132, to regulate the opera tion ol mutual benefit associations, was passed. Four bills reported by the sifting com mittee were considered In oomaiites of ths wbols and recommended lor passags b 'lore t 111 ) e 1 ij,!t . easuiii, .1. suar Uu dy act, war reached. Hoi st House roll No 43'). providing for a Hlperviuor of state j. rioting and re'iiiations 111 repaid U public, printing and the duties of I life aforesaid sujM-r-visor, was read the third time and pa-sed by a v ite of t0 ayes, noes none. House roll N ). WI, by'perkms of Kill core, providing for the extermination of Buffalo and Canadian thistles, and to punish landowners allowing such this tles to grow and ripen ujion their lands, was read a third time and passed ayes bi, noes none. House roll No. 34H, by Benedict of Douglas, amending the criminal code by raising the ae of consent to eighteen years a id providing for the punishment of miy male person who violates a fe male under tiiat age, except said person shall lie notoriously unchaste, was read a third time and passed aves 94, noes 3. House roll No 494, by Lurch of Cage, providing for the completion of the li brary building of the state university and providing an appropriation of f3, OOO ior the fame, was read a third time and passed ayes 74, noes 17. In committee of the w hole the constitu tional amendment requiring an elector to be able to read big baliot and write hit name in English was recommended to pass. AS ALIKE AS TWO PEAS. Twin Itrothera at Wealeyan Unlver ity Who Can't Be Told Apart. Arthur and Archer Young, of New Britain, tw-ln brothers who are as alike as two copper cents, or as the pro verbial peas In a pod, entered Wesley -an I'niverslty this autumn tn the fresli man class, and the difficulty of distin guishing them has led to no end of mis takes. The Young brothers say that the joke, being to them of about twen ty years' standing, has become a tritle, old. "." ' t i" In college chapel they sit next to each other, and If one of them happens to "cut," the chapel monitor, whose duty Is to record absences, has to flip up a cent to decide which of them he shall mark absent. Bolb twins are on the 'varsity foot-ball team, and though they are not heavy, they have distinguished themselves as belli.; about the pluckiest players on the eleven. They wear similar bandages wrapped around their tow-colored heads, and their sleeveless Jackets uro alike stained with the blue dye of their Jerseys. The other day," in a practice game, the ball was fumbled iu a scrimmage, and one of the twins fell on It Archer was playing hall back 011 the 'varsity, and Arthur was lined up on the scrub. A doubt pt once arose in the mind of Coach Steele as to which side should have the ball, Unit functionary, like everybody eLse, being unable to distinguish the twins. Accordingly lie ran up to the mini who was scrambling to his feet with lhe ball, and asked in a loud whisper: "Say, which Young are you, anyhow -'varsity or scrub?" One of the brothers had an entrance condition iu some branch of his prep aratory work and a date was set for the special examination. The brother who had the eoiiditiou marked against him remained in his room, while the other twin took the examination and passed It with flying colors. This hap pened because a mistake was made originally In charging the wroug twin with a condition. A litve Beetle In Iron Ore. Z. T. White, who Is now, or has very recently been, a citizen of El Paso, Texas, was once the ow ner of the most wonderful entomological specimen ever found since the creation of the world a live beetle found in a solid matrix of Iron ore! The curiosity was discover ed a considerable depth below the sur face In the Longfellow mine, at Clif ton, Ariz., and fitted his Iron sarcoph agus as snugly as though the Iron had been in a plastic state when ft came in concert with the creature's body. The "bug" was of a dull, reddish-gray color, and was, of courso, of a species wholly unknown to the en tomologists. According to the El Puso Bullion, this wonder was presented to a well-known scientific association of the Atlatic slope about two years ago. Where iillzcards Oome From. The blizzards that annually sweep over the country come from the White Kiver section of Manitoba, Canada. This Is the coldest place on the Ameri can continent, the thermometer regis tering at times as low as 02 degrees be low zero It is not, however, the cold est place on the globe. The lowest tem perature ever reported was at Wer aehojonsk, In the Interior of Siberia, on Jan. 15, 1885. It was 90 degrees below This place Is within the latitude of perpetual cold. The earth here is frosen 100 feet In depth and never thaws on top. If a boy earns ten cents he wants lt he Isn't willing to trust the richest man alive. Every tea year an old Jok la new again. The Venus' belt is a thin, flat mem brane from one to two feet lone, and about the width of a lady's belt. It'a mouth Is in the middle of its body. A round moonstone, cut In cameo and supported by a crescent of saphires Is one of the prettiest of the new de signs. When the gulf stream passes out of ths gulf of Mexico, it temperature la about 70 degrees. The lied sea takes Its name from the presence ot great r. umbers of animal. culm of that color In the water. Every tiny protuberance on a branoh of coral represents a living animal, grows from it Ilka a plant. ? Colon un. (Prom the Creek of Sophocles.) ColonusI White Colonus! rest and pee Haunt thy green eludes aud thy low- iiiuniiiiriiig streams, Thy limpid w aters gurgle sweet surcease From toil ami pain. The gentle-guarding dreams Hover with drowsy wings above thy bow ers. Where dark the pine, his leaf-laced hhiidow throws. With low love -litanies the hosom'd hour Cradle the 'turhed soul to soft repose. Here lie earth's fairest home, here ever ehauiits, Thro' dreamy summer woods slave-charmed and still, The Imperial bird of song that constant haunts The darkling thicket by the babbling rill. Here, here, Idoneus! pour in slumber deep On mortal eyes, thy dark immortal sleep. M. C. H. Some Other Day. There are wonderful thiufa we are going to do, Some other day; And horhors we hope to drift into Some other day. With folded hands and oars thut trail. We watch and wait for a favoring tale To fill the folds of an idle sail , I Some other duy. i S u- C" ' ; , We know we must toil if ever w win 1 Some other day. But we say to ourselves there' time to begin Home other day; And so, deferring, we loiter on, Until at last we find withdrawn The strength of the hope we leaned upon Some other day. And when we are old and our race is run Some othiy duy, We fret for the thiugsthat might have been done Some other day. WTe trace the pnth that leads us wher The beckoning hand of grim despair Leads us yonder, out of the here, Some other day. Alfred Ellison. To Draw To. A pair of wandering Willies sought All labor hard to shun Two souls with but a single thought, Two tramps that heat a one. Atlanta Journal. Society. I. I looked and saw a splendid pageantry Of beautiful women and of lordly men. Taking their pleasure iu a flowery plain, Where poppies and the red anemone, And many another leaf of cramolsy, Flickered shout tholr feet, aud gav their stain To heels of iron or satin, and the grain Of silken garments floating fur and fre. As In the dance they wove themselves, or strayed By twos together, or lightly smiled and bowed, Or curtsied to each other, or else played At games of mirth and pastime, unafraid In their delight; and all so high and proud, They seemed scarce of the earth where on they trod. II. I looked again and saw that flowery pac Stirring, as if alive, beneath the tread That rested now upon an old man's head, And upon a baby's gasping face, Or mother's bosom, or the rounded grace Of a girl's throat; and what had seemed the red Of flowers wn blood. In gout and gushes shed From hearts that broke under that frolic pace. And now and then from out the dreadful floor An arm or brow wa lifted from th rest, As if to strike in madness, or implore For mercy; and anon some Buffering breast Heaved from ths mas and souk; and a before The revelers above them thronged and pressed. William Dean Howell in Harper's Magaslne. Might Have Known It. Where wa it I kissed her? Or wa it her sister? Mayhap 'twn neither Not like me eithor Or could I have missed her? 'Twas a rnre osculation, A kls of persuasion, Though I have forgot I know I ought not Who cntised the station? And now I'm despairing, My mind 'tis impairing, Since If it were she At once I could be Nw kisses declaring, And now I remember, It wa in Deccmher, Somewhere In the South And full In the month, 'Tw there that I kissed her, Both sh and her lister. rNew Orlean Picayune. A Feminine Fear. "I do not care for office," They heard a fair one say) "The Legislature might keep In Upon a bargain day." Washington Star. Preferred. What makes you rail about ths snow And winter's cold misdeed. And long for summer time to showT It's sure to sprout th wteds. Philadelphia Inquirer. Bow long ma a man properly "gV with a girl without marrying bar? . j I