The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 21, 1895, Image 5

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    "V. - ... "'
1' -4 V..
M , J M
I., .1. NlntHinus. Ml tor and l'riiirieUjr. I
K. K. 4 V. VK. B.TlroriaUK
t.otni; i"-t. Online
N.i. mtv-l, II 1 . S. , iiilr.! .r, 4
For n-'ulile, lirsl la. .letiUl rl;
f any Uiud, ' t. T. J. ;il n, Cm
lird, Neliraska.
-Fred IVui-l has un'itsl out In
Pleasant Kidr" JnJ II- A. IVulJr tia
niied out on lii farm.
Ilorehouml compound tou-h syrup
the e;ri'at remedy for 'oiu;hs h-iJ c- 1 1 !
ii. I he I'ioneer I'lmriiiat y.
A. K. Brown arrived List week (nun
istern Iowa j ith a tar load of st' k
;iiiil goods. Utility ill l dure m
tli- near fuiuie.
I. Hirhstein moved Ins har into
tin1 stconi! room of hi luiildmt; : nil will
.ut in ii restaurant in thu (rout room
li'1 has not yet derided to make upplit
I ,oii for lirense for the romiti,.' year.
Tin- voting people t r.- j;iven ii par
1 v lit tli! residi'tiit: f Mr. ami Mr-, (i V
Hester on lust Friday evening. It i
nissdli to say tluit they had it jioimI
tune, for you n;; folks always do
Tim f.ut that the siiuw of hist we It
I iv where it fell until it nifllif I Ins h-.-n
a iann of sutisliiitioii to all. Th
moisture will do a vast amount of oo.l
mid every ou: will Iw iHTifllltt-d tli'Tidiv
Hri'.AVCd One dark lroji or lla I.
(ilh y, coming threo ymir old. hramh-d
' rro-is kir on ltd t tn" k. A liU rul r -
;tni will hf paid for informal ion lead
mx to ht r rocovt ry.
V. H. JoiiNsrix.
filt-n. Nidi.
Truly astonishing. Miss Anni'tlt' N
MfH'U, Fountain. Minn., says; "Ay.-r'-f
'ht'rrv Pet toral has had a wnndrrlu
t ll'of't in curing my hrolli. rs li.ldr.-n o
severe and ilanpToiis tilds. It
friily astonishing hon' sjieclily thf-.
found relief afU-r taking this
Last year a man in Unit t nint
raised 3il5 hushels of potatoes Ml a piet
of ground 70 hy 200 l.-et. They wei.
plantsd the lirst of Joiid and .were irr.
irntetl twice. That is at the rate ol
aioiit four hundred dollars an ai re, ii
ligation pays.
THE Jttt ltSAI. once more desires l
t iill the atuntion of the. lariiars to th
siib-iwill plow. It u t:en so llioroiih
ly tlenionstrated thai Its ti-e assisl
rips in withstsiidiiij; dry weather th.i
there is no question that can Ixj r.tis. i
oil the point. The plows cost hut !sl t
ami by two or the three neighbors j.'ou..
in together the. cost will U- hut tritlio
to eat h.
The assessors' nieetiiii; on Ttit stln
was attended h all the ussessnrs ol 1 1
county hut two, those for Warlioum i
iind Montrose. Tim complete proceed
. -Wf! !ft he pllhhshed next week,
that all may know the Intsis on lm I.
they will he iissesvsl.
The w hist party at. t he residence ol
Mr. anil Mrs. K. K. I'outius on Tiiel.n
'ttiiirn; was n pleasant out;. Four lat
h s were tilled. The royal prize w;r
worthy Miss Minntt Smith, while th
l-oohy prize was curried olf hy J. W
Hlacksiinth I'nddy iulorms us thai
he has already pot on more new plo
lays this spring thin he (lid all ptst sea
son. Straws show nint h way the win,
is Mowing, anil licit indicates pt-o
pie art.' tin;,' to work m earnest tin
On Montlav evening Slieriir lew
stai t'sl Tor Noriolk ah J. K. Wallac.
1'he old man has never recovered I run.
the attack list summer which a
thought to have liccti
and it may ! that, the lieatmeio
which he will receive th-r.; will U'li-li
him. He is quite w II iidi anced ill yal
it o not hkelv th it he
w.ll 1. 1st a vei
yrcil whilt
Itl.1.1., Ni:t'.lt.VMl, March In, l"'X.
). J. (iowey Vlited his stm at, .M.trs
l.thtt last v. eh.
Sam Knupp spent Sunday at t 'raw-ford.
Miss Lulu Mc .'ov returiietl u.uie Ku
;ud.iV alter a vi-it uitli Irien Is on tlu
t ick.
Miss K-:l r rel'ira tl to her home
at iJelmonl on Tu-l.iy.
W. S. Nich.iison Has at t'litnloid alio
Ft. Uohinsoti last week.
Joe Hush has eoile to tic iitn thi'i'i.
A. W . Nicholson dtlti ct i .i a Ijt vuw
til t ma lord ;t few days ao.
What iniKht have Ixft ii a s -. ioiis run
.tay .h prevenltsl t V. I, shhrooh
it lew tl.iy ayo nv the proo,ptnes.s un
ability o! Mr. Aslihrook anil l J. J. Oowey.
l'el ProsM-r siion IkjoihI last weei.
with a loittl ol s.iw-dtisl, hut he h id V
S. Nicholson lor company, lioth con
linlett that there is no lull in lieihtiuj.-,
in Hie winter.
.John Sutton is in this l'tcalily wluit
his latlier is iracticinj; horse dentistry ui
I't. Itohinstui.
Messr. (iotsUin aii.l Wright, of At
liauce, jiurt haseti '.'tl yuarliu .steent ti
i (chive ILirrui at Jfl 1.T5 mt licatl.
Miss Flol i tiowey is itnjirovin quil
V. S. Nicholson has recoverd from his
attack of influenza.
A. M. (iiist-n has pine to Rett Oak,
oh ;i. to join his hrtither, John.
Jfai wr (itiwev a few (lay found a
pal tol thv shoulder lilatlo ol stiiui; mini
slcr, as the Inine complete must hav.
Is-eu ut )e;tst live feet in li'lith.
It was a surpi ise that Alvin went hi
far to soe the eclipse, hut Ilttrper is ex
-iisahln for t'oin moiiii! tlistttnce to Uno
n I.ilv for they nre rare ut this sunmm til
the yrar.
IttilH-rt I.'eece has moved to Ills lowei
much until spring.
full for CotntulstlniH-r' Mrftln.
Th bnanl of county commissioner oi
Jsioux county, Nebraska, are hertliy
, lillcd to meet at the ollic tif (he coilu
IV clerk at Harrison, Nebraska, !
Friday, April 5, IHK ut Jh
'clock, a. in., for the transaction m
Orrttmiry (utility talhines.
.M. J. Ht.F.wfnr,
. (Vuint v ( U-rk.
(. tuve l!.irt'. : t. from V II on
Sirs. J E Plittitiey is rt ! -t n, from
her s'o-r,' illnef.
11 T. Zste was ddiii huiii. t-n at the
count y s-;t on M'Mli.'j t .
J II !:e was urt frotti Bod.tre Tin s an 1 . uih-d at ttii ottiie.
M s. i: f P mlois and M.s. W. II.
iiits -nt Sutnlay at ('uadron.
B-rt Fiolhps catne down the l ist of
the week Iroui E lenioiit to gfl a team.
S! ke It -iffiu was at tlie coaiitv seat
T' v atxl tndeit to chat a few minute-.
Pete S' 'itnniers tnik liiti wife to
Hie l'r-t of the wet k I t medical treat
ment. Mrs K. (i It meli ree, iv. d word that
ti'-j in it l.'-r w is worse and li ft for !owa
Monday evening
Jauien II imk was iii fr.'iu Aate
Snrnijs Siturdav. He informed us
lint Mis. ook is imiiioi intf in health.
W. II Ii nisell. who has n she. t ranch
di'itil thirty miles nisi ( heir, ha-
tiei-ll do'tlL' hllsllless itt 1 1.tlT Is. Ill ttliri'lj.'
1 he ,n-.1 l ei-k
lattl" Miss K tl'e Honrr- t'e who ti is
h.M'"i .jiiilc si, I; fur s. ,toe ! iiic is ri tnr1ed
to lie c'ci-i'l-rithlv hetl-rau l it is hn."l
t iit sh" will soon Is; ant ne-im.
J iliti F itlev, brother ui-l iw of P. N.
Kukoatre-k. mid Mr. Rhi'd's
Irum S ward count v the lir-t of the
week to I wik over th" coiintrv.
Tti Lift Hie Mnrtxiise.
f senile ph I is 'p'i r in- s! i. s- n- ,
-.Iv.- Ill- pr.ihlelll of I I' r -i -. '
ijfe from the far n he will lie. hi, lid h
'iianv farui'-rs as a ls?nef.i' t"r of h s
'ace. The ths usM'iu of the que-ti in ol
iiiiiiii'.-it ion which is now oin on in
th-prfss of lb-; stale, m my :nt -rest uir
suggestions are ma le as to the good re
sulu that would follow an increase in
die nuniher of farmers. Tli-tre is no
'ruth more patent to the practical oh--erver Nebraska farms ns a
ule :ire too'e, Wherever a f.irmr
dills a lareer amour.' of land than he
audit, to own, having it eiicuiulit.ietl fol
ate third or one half its value, it. i ai
iiiiretil that he should divide his land
.villi some other fanner imtl each of
'hem hold his share fp-e of encumbrance.
II in the neNt fe v years every filort
;n'ed liit'in in this state could lie
I hi t wo and the number of farmers
I 'uiiled :tnd the morlita'jres removed a
o 1 1 it itt of general prusperit v a ml easy
ircunistaiices would Im prutluced.
II within the next few years there
mild be brought into Ibis state as
nun v la w farmers us there are moit l.trnis could U1 divided into two
tie prohh-m ol lifting the uiortiii:e
rum the farm would he solved. Thrifty
aini iiiiiiiiraiits is what we need. The
'nisi it tire ones it to the state to make
oieof this immigration itlen, and not to
How it to be lust in the shullle. Slate
.old no.
American Mock in Kuropeun Markels.
tlaviiiK but just returned from anoth
r visit to these lands, if th') trulh must
he told, I found that resect for America
iiid A met leans has ni'll v wnln d w it hin
the last hail' dozen years. Not only is
ibis true anion;,' the turers of
lir.iilloid and the tin plate capitalists of
Wales, who ini'ht be expected to harbor
t urudye iiraiii-t America and whose
diuht nit: remarks could be easily .ic
tc.uiit tl for, but the eun. spirit is olv
-rvuhle in almost nil circles.
The reiisoo fur this t liaise of atlitude
. nut far to seek. Our financial ditliciil
ies and business failures an I railway
.implic it ions of the last few months
lave tout In d iiianv F,ii;lishmen and
'b rniiitis in their tetiderest siot, their
pocket Istoks.
Millions ol iliilliirs" worth of the Mocks
d the Atchison road, the Union Pacilic
Svstciu and the Northern Pacilhc are'd in fireat Brit inn and Germany.
Hie j 1 1 1' k,r 1 i n lt with the riccomit'J, the mis
eireseiitations which have licen sent
f. nth concertiine; (lie value of the prop
rties, itnil the iippstllimc bankruptcies of
I liese ereat systems of commiinit ation
hate iven to thoiisauils of people who
hav nt their little all. the impression
'hat American railways nre manaced by
windh is ami shar rs for the benefit of
in interested line;. From "American
slm k in Knroiean M irkets," Murch
Review of tteviews.
Free Pills.
Semi your niuiress to 11. K. Bin klen &
o., 1 'liu-iipi, ami )(et n (ns; sample box
if i r Kind's New Life nl!s A trial
vdl convince you of their merits. These
tulls itre eitsy in iiction and are particu
arly elfect i ve in th" cure of const ipat ion
lid n:ck h":tdai he. J'or m tlar 11 and lie
r troubles hey lime b.- n proved nival
lable. TMey are KUar.mteetl to Is s r
feet I V free from every deleterious
iiihstitnce and to Is' purely vegetable.
I'hev tlo not weaken by their lu t ion, but
hy n i v hi tone to stoninch and bowels
;renllv invigorate the system, lo-tninr
.ize '.''ic. per box. Sold at Pioneer I'bnr
n:iri' tor Pntillriiiioii.
I.'ilnl (lltlte uf Mllioiee. Veil. I
Melt 31, I ""ft. t
Sutlfi- . t.eit I'V Kll en t lull the tolio Injf
ll.flii'd seltli-r Ii.ih Itle't lioilee ot Ills Ititeii
Lmiii In limke lllliil proof III stliHrl ol tils
I inn. itii'l Hint . d'l ptsMtl w ill lie made he
lore M, .1. IlleiieU, .h rk ol the district
Hurt, ut ttiirrisiiii, Seh , on April Ti, IK.i'i,
Julin T. I itilr.', of Itnilnrr, Nt-ti.
alio iinnle II. I,. No. ao.1 fm the . i, ne. 14,
at'.. '1 si i.t ee. -is lout s . ' s int. , liw. su.
, see. SJ. tp. XI II , It. .'( .
lie Humes I lie I11II0H lllK u it Messes t-l prove
Ins I'onloiiioits resilience upon itnd cullit ic
Hun ol mhiiI l.tti'l, 1 nc:
ln h u l HiiIII.ik, Jiili'l ( lirlstlsit, Krimk
I'lnltliiiili, J'ttlil Serres nil ol H111I.01'. Net).
js:ii; J. W. S Kim. J11., Itegister.
titlrn lor I'nfcl lent Inn.
I jtnd liftlee at Alliance, Netir., I
.Mcli i. IS'AV t
Nolle m lieri'tiy irlven Unit the IiIoiiik
n illleil set tier ll im Uleil nolii'eof tils lliti'ie
lion tti Hind ftrniit In support of tint
'latin, unit l ilil prool will li t 111 ttle bi"
fine llolsll WIN eoioilv linlKe, ut
.1 .rrl-ou, Nell., on April Ti. Is'A I u;
Harry T. t.i rli . of lintlnri', Nell.,
a Un minlrt II. V.. No. W lor Hid . ', seo. 4,
1 j : 11 , r. ,Vi w.
He niiiiies the follow I11K witnesses to prove
his ooiiLiniious resliltince ttpiin iind runlvu
U'CI nl " dd In, el, Un;
.1. II. Iir..dlev, IVIIIIiim ti. wctili ynr, Krnest
i iilliKer, till ol iMHhire, NebH J. IV. finllli,
el tl 1 1 IsOll, ,etl.
i',a:i . vr!is,.n.
if you will come or send to
and buy your Clothing, Hat-, It Kit.-, Shoos itnd field
'furnishing j.'oods of mc.
i 1 haw b;irain;s at all times in rhithinr and wil!
irivt' tht! p"0i!c tif Sioux county s-pk'-iai. i:v!i;Aix-s.
i If you cannot come down send me vour mail order.
If for boy rvnd aire and siz.", and state wind her you
;vant lotifr or sliort. pants aii'l if he is lare or HUial'
for his nre, and .".bout the price you want to pay.;
If for a 111. m's suit nw size -coat and vest, around!
1 lit st, ami ji.' artiund waist and length. I
j If tin y do not fit you ran jetuin then at j
i Here art; a few jirit-es:
Doys' Knee 1'ant Suits, si. on. sl.t.", si.;,f), .W, WM,
i ."di, i-.'o) and x".(M).
Vouthr,' Loiik I'ant Suits, !;.:,(), s.oti, st.,u, and
I up to St'i.dO.
Mens' Suits, s:;..,o buys a suit that fold for s.". ()(',
o.oi) " '
1 t'i. 00 to 7. ui ) 10.00,
'AS. 1 10 to fs'.t.oo buys a suit that so!d for i'.r,o tosl,',.o0.;
In ordering : ..suit state if you want l'uiind or
,S(iiare Cut, Cutaway or Single or I )ouble-Breated. ,
j Don't send to Omaha fir Chirairo for I have a )n.
;.-ock and will sell any of my heavy broods at COST, i
. I f you want a boys' overcoat for aires 1 1 to 17 you;
can et one for f0 cents on the dollar.
I It. will pay you to buy clothin-r of.
fa w
nm. v. .
In 'A J,
For a Co'cl to Poun into Bron
clntis cr Pneumonia.
Check it at Once
Cherry Pectoral,
..r.'lv i't tl," Witit'T, T tools ;v
ml i uliirll i!"flojifil ilito
d'ls'i.i it", li;l''killT fdllftli.
i ' i 1 1 , i 1 t' t-tiilitri' Mill
i' in
I, 11 ill" .I.I" iUI'l IM'.'lit, f"r
ir-fk.-t, i't : i '.t' "1 lititiK-rntis
ilif AM-r'rt lii-n v i'l'f
tit'imr r.'fiiliiiiH'liiiist liif. 1
ii!i ;. t:i's i!. it't! insii!'' "i '-
liin:r I V:M l-i'llI'Vt-ll "f 111"
tirkliii'' in tnv tii ro:i1 . lit't'orf 1
lii'il t lie t"ittf, my iimuit
ut nrlv "mil', t t-;il!ll')t stu'ilk
t'H) liiltlv of itt eyrclli'iiri'. -Mrs.
1-:. liost II, Kiltoil, Oliin.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral t
Received Highest Awards
llcrtl otlcp.
Tim tmtti'rsie;nftl will run a herd oil
Uunniiitr U'liler. II mills south of Marri-j
son. (2ttl ninff nuil plenty 'l Witter.,
Torur , tine per head lor eiittle for
six mouths, huj;iiiniii .May 1, lWi. No I
Iioims taken. !
llairi'sm, Ni h.
if 100 Ifewmd.
On the, niht of 1'eliriiury ISth, the
following were stolen from my barn: 1
"Visjilia" tns saildle, marly new, 1
. lievoiiiii! kuIiIIm No. partly with,
wit hone hrass-liiitsi stirrup and the ot her a
wtiisleii stirrup: two hri'lles and l'o
tpiirts. I will pay u reward of )0l lor
the itinvii lion of tht' lliief.
H. V. MmMlK. '
Marsland. Netir.
H. U fsMl't K,
Fashionable Barber& Hsir Dresser.
Vi. t at ' ' - i
On account of hurd timys I will stuti 1
my ii-vi-itr-olil Sliiru Stallion for JO. 00 to
insure ;i miiro in foal.
l'is;i driglit liay, with gootl style
mid artion, iinil weighs ulsiwt 1,700
I will lake vouni; cat.Ho at the m:irkt:t
value in payment of sti vice fees.
Tin; tiorst; t an always Iw found t my
liarii. run' mile south of Iiotlarc
5 S
rL '
Is S
m 2. -
C3 l-M
"C3 O
CD ,
. 1 rillNNKV, M. I).
riijsiilun tin) Siiraeow.
HI rails Ivoti iirompt ut1nllna.
titlli'tf In Iirni ftore.
Of ''
A Oar of Flour
and 2! doz. pairs of Shoes
jnst received at M A rste i 1 e rs'
J "Minnesota Ji.ikers"" ami l,lig 4.'" both No 1 Hour. l...o
J A patent flour rt l.'.io and hiirh patent at
The People' StoreJ
X)E?"Y" i; -te! o0-inch Chester liroah lot h.
(3-OOIDS ' Ht)"st in Vocperytl.
Shaker Flannels from 7c up. lied and colored Flannel -at
reduced prices. A complete line of Outinpr Flannels
and Calicos of the latest patterns. Cotton Flannels of
all grades and prices.
BOOTS Headquarters in thi.' line a;i xve
SHOES are in all other lines. I.adie D-.H-ola
Shoes at only sl.fiO. Calf Shoes, Cram-leather
Shoes, Fine Shoes. Slippers; anything, every t hi ntr.
All trrades of Overshoes. Felt Hoots, German So- k.
Tlie celebiated "Hlue KiblMj" Cowboy loot.
G A-IPS A line unexctdltM), from the luwer-i
IETjTS ; ernide to Stetson..! besd. Winter
L-oodsj at red need price.
A complete line of Groceries and Hard
ware. Furniture, too.
'lll'll stOflS IlitVI! tlfOlpfl) fifHIl (Hit nt
Ami money's like a tdiiljiimn ti.iit.
Anil men talk poor and women t-iimii
Six pair of stairs to save a dime
Then is the time for tnaslor mind
-Soiiit! new economy to (1ml.
One economic dodge you know.
Just trade with HOl'fiH & SONS.
A lare line of Dry G:) )ls, Clothing, Boots nd Shoes.
Chestnuts, Candies for the babies.
Oransres for the ladieK
Tea set of 56 pieces given away with
$50.00 worth of goods.
Yours Ut-s;iei:tl'uly.
SZOTJC3-SI & soirs.
l m&m wwwimr4 n rnw wrixmnam.m. him iwwwvs-jbi imvmvi ninuiniiiiniw a n mi i mi n h i ii ii m a
Lumber, Coal and
Sash, Doors,
Lath and
"Windmill and
How to Save Money !
Yoll frill miM'. fr.nn Wl 1l 1(10 JuT rent on
nil ri'pitlr work liy semliiiK ur U ATI IIKS
inn! JKU I-.I.It V in G. P. WASHBURN,
NEB. VII uiti.lies me lly K'liiiiiintis-.I
tor one yrur wlien rli'ftiii 'l mid r'-piilri'd
tit rou jrlitmt.
lie will jiiij eui-s on nil work senttn.
Semi hliu your It.itt'lt wlifn neeiliius re
pilr nni Ii" l)l Kive you tin' EXACT
COSTol piittiatr It, in (1it eliins iniiiiiiiK
onler. Xtnie Imt I lie Iliiesl iniileriiil iimsI.
it I'o tint iillus oiir ;itfh l' run longer
IIiiiii is iinmttis ithoul rleiuilnic.
lie eiijrl.- it lmKf loek t W VT lll.f,
l l ttehs. Ji.W I I. IH. SI! A KllU .Mil.. 1'1'TI
W,i;m.i.1.MI MI'MIWI. JVTI!I.Mi:M.
tiAi'.r-ev.o jtwtir.n.
3-t i..iiiitch imsiiii ron r t,4 t a a
Farm Implements,
Blinds, Lime,
Pump Supplies.
WrtiJMJiV .v sio'i t.t:
'"tr ' -liiirrlsitn. V'-t.r
m ll 1'oll'iwtni iT'iii-l:
C. f. MelJltUK.
f'H AWl'onn, NF.U.
Is prepiireul to tin nil kinds "t wotV'iii
his lillC !V (lie llOs iiprt'OVei!
j He tut st-iirtl fpistmn for maUni:
ki'"U's tin.) oolsitltt view mill p-ir-!
ties wiintinif Kuril ill itnil 1 in Iiii)i
I '-.ill (in linn.
uatsfa(.iw MAtuxrtn.
i, Ive nit