The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 21, 1895, Image 1
Journal, oux VOLUME VII. 11AKKISOX, NEBRASKA, TIIUKSDAV, MARCH 21, 1S95. XU3IBEK 28. The County TA IMAGE'S SERUO.V HE TELLS OF HIS SUGCf-SiKUL WORK IN NEW VCRK. He 8uy 1" Hid Hrui in that He Is (ilad to Work on New ('ruuiid jfattt ilic Not Interfere with Otbtr lite Cav alry twjrvice. Unoccupied Field. Public interest in the service at tile N'-w York Academy of Music is mine' thiug phenomenal. Although the arrange ment is an innovation in religious meth ods in New York, both a to time anil place, there 1b uij church in the city to which no many people go or where b lunch eagerness to secure admission is displayed. The usual immense audience wan pri-Meiit Sunday afternoon to hear the famous preacher. Dr. Talmage's subject wan "New Ground," and the text ltom ana iv., -0, "lct I should build upon another inau'ii foundation." After, with the help of others, I had built three i hurohes in the same city, and not feeling called Uioti to undertake the superhuman of building n fourth church, Providence seemed to point to this place an the held in which I could enlarge my work, and I fed a sense of re lief amounting to exultation. Wlioreiiiito thiH work will if row 1 cannot irodiey. It If. in mi lo; and promising beyond any thing I luive ever touched. The churches are the grandest institutions thin world ever saw, ami their pastors have no supe riors this Hide of heaven, but there ia a work which nuitl li done outside, the churches, and to that work I join myself for awhile, "lAsnt I build on another mini's foundation." The church Ik a fort real divinely built. Now, a fortress ia for defense and for drill and for storing amuiiiiiition, but an army must sometimes be on the march far outside the fortress. In the campaign of conquering this world for Christ the time hits coinn for an advance movement, for n "general engagement," for massing the troops, for an invasion of the enemies' country, Oonlident that the forts are well inunned by the ableat ministry that ever bleat the church, I propose, with others, for awhile to join Mm cavalry and move out and on for aorviets in tins open field. New KccruttB, In laying out the plan for his mission ary tour l'aul, with more brain than any of his contemporaries or predecessors or miceessors, sought out towns and cities which had not yet been preached to. Hi! goes to Corinth, a city mentioned for splendor and vice, and Jerusalem, where the priesthood and sanlntdriii were ready to leap with both feet upon the Christian religion. He feels he has a Hpeeiul work to do, and he mean to do it. What won the remilt? The grandest life of useful ness that man ever lived. We modern Chnatinn workers are not apt to imitate l'aul. We build on other people's foun dations. If we erect a church, we prefer to have it tilled with families ail of whom have been pious. Io we gather u Sunday school class, we want good boys and glrln, hair combed, faces washed, inan nera attractive. So a church in this day la apt to be built out of other churches. Some ministers upend 'all their time In fishing in other people's hiiii1s, and they throw the line into that, church pond mid jerk out a Methodist, and throw the line into another church md and bring out a I'reaby teriaii. or there is a religions row in some neighboring church, and the whole school of tish swim off from that pond Mild we tllkc tliclll all ill With one sweep ol the net. V 'hut is gullied '.' Absolutely nothing for the general cause of t'hrisi. It is only us in an army, when u regiment Is transferred from one division to an other or from the Fourteenth regiment to the Sixty-ninth regi .!. What strength- ens the army is new recruits. The fact , this is u big world. When in our schoolboy diiys we learned the di ameter and circumference of this planet, we did not learn half. It i the latitude and longitude and diameter and circum ference of want mill woe ami sin thai no figure can cnlctiliilc. This one spiritual cnlitinelil of rclchedliess renoho across all zones, mid if I were culled to give il-i geographical boundary i would nv it js bounded on the north and soiilh and east and i'M by the great heart ot God's n.uii pail. and love, 'ill, it is a grout world! Since (I o'clock this morning at lens! .Mi, ikhi have been born, and all these multi plied population-) are to be reached of the go.opi I. In 1'iigluiid or in eastern A titer! can cities ate hcing much rruivili-il, tin I mi acre of ground is of great value, but out Wet Mm acres is a email farm, and I'lHsio lu res is no unusual possession. ;io.v Mil norm, Tlc-re is a wist lielil here and every wlier.- iite-cr tipi.-d, p. niy of room mure, lot l.i ildiiuj on uicilr.-r man's foundation We n.'i d us chut' hc o stop bombarding the old ire'ielad sinner have been piooi' iigattfi thirty years of Christian a - inll a ud itini for the salvation of tho-o v, ho 1. 11 never et had otic i a l in In a I t e. n::d point I. 'an!, invitation, 'lion- nr. cliitt' l es m hose building might be worth V-1 ' " who arc noi avcrn-ilig live liew cotiveri a vir and diiiuir le,s good tluin f.nib' n N'g i a bin eting -,,u,.- Uh "ill v eacdle stiM I. in wooden o. hi at.d a ran.! -for who lias never seen a colli ge or 11. e di.Ti rcnee between Gieei; and Ct-o. ' rv. ''e o.. t i-lit'P Im-b f.i ef int., sympathy ith ibe great oiitsido .vorl'l a ud b ' llici. know that none m e so brok en hearted or hardly beMcad Mint they Hill not be web ollieil. "No," oiys sollli f.-.iwl innn Christian, "I don't liki' to be cro- d. ii in church. I lou't pin uny one ii, .my pew," My brother, tthtil will do in In iiwn' Whi n a great mult 1 1 n Io that no mail ciiri number assembles, Uiey will put fifty In your pow. What lire the n led few to day asscnihlei ill the ,'hro i,in chiir' dies compared with the mightier mil ll'Uis imlside of them? At least .'!.(KK),(sMI pmple in thi cluster of aealsinri) cities anil mil inoiii llian 2K),(tK In thn cliurrh-. Many of the churchea are lika a hospital that should advertise that Its patient must linvw nothing wor than too'.hartie or "run .'1.0,1111'.." let I'o lirukeu heads, ni r is',,-.) ind !. , 1,0 fractured thigh. Che c for Heatioeiii tuuderHH- silinerB, Veliei-i-ouU-1 .'iii:ei mid i. inula wm!i 11 g!o- em. It Ii 114 ilenigh a inn!) had a i.triu of ;!,'ssi Hems ami put all hi wo. k 011 oim u re. lin in .y rulw nmer no luiuje cms of corn, iicver n big heads of wheut. he Would Ica.aiu pool. '1'he lllll. h of God I. us 1.1 a'.u'wd its chief cure on o m acre and has rals-d splendid men women in that small iiiclosura, but the li.ld is the vvorld. That uieuns Nonh and S.ii'th America, Kurope, Asia and Africa 11ml all the iaiauda of the sea. It is as though after a great battle thure were left rdl.iint) wounded and dying n the add aiol three Burgeons yave all their lime to three patients under their ehargj. The major general comes iu and says to llie doctors, 'Come out here and look at the nearly r0,i!0 dying for lack of tur giea! attendance." "No," say the three doctors, standing there and fanning their patients, "we have three important cusea here, and we are attending them, ami when we are not positively busy with their wounds it taken all our time to keep the llies off." In this awful battle of sin mid sorrow, where millions have fallen 1111 millions, do not let us spend all our time in taking (are of a few people, and when the comma ml comes, "Go into the world," say practicallv, "No, I cannot go; I have here a few choice cases, and I am busy keeping off the Hies." There are multi tudes today who have never had tiny Christian worker look them in the eye, and with earnestness in the accentuation say. "Come," or ihey would long ago have been in the kingdom. My friends, religion is cither a sham or a tremendous realily. If it be a tdiiitu, let lis cease to have mi) thing to do with Christian asso ciation, if it lie a reality, then great populations are on their w ay to the bar of God untitled for lh ordeal, and what are we doing' Jutttlhciition Ilcfmcd. In order to reach the multitude of out siders we must drop all technicalities out of our religion. When we talk to people about the hypostatic union and French eiicyclopedianism and erastianism and complutf nsiauism, we are as impolitic and little understood as if a physician should talk to an ordinary patient about the pericardium ami intercostal iniiHch and iicorbutin symptoms. Many of us coma out of the theological aemiiiariea so loaded up that we take the first ten years to show our people how much we know and the next ten years get our people to know as much as we know, mid at the end find that neither of us knows any thing as we ought to know. Here are hun dreds of thousands of sinning, struggling and dying people who need to realii-.e just one thing -that .Iohuh Christ came to save thorn and will save them now. Hut we go into a profound and elaborate definition of what justification ia, and after all the work there are not, outside of the learned professions, H HI people in the I'nited States who can tell what justilication ia. I will read you the defi nition: "J ustilication is purely a forensic act, the act of a judge sitting in the forum, in which the Supreme Kuler 11 mi Judge, who ia accountable to none, and who alone knows the manner in which the ends of his universal government can best, be attained, reckons thai w hich was done by the substitute, and not on account of j anything done by thein, but purely upon 1 account of this gracious method of reck oning, grants them the full remission of their sins." Now. what is justification '' I will tell you what Justification is. When a sinner believes, God lets him off. tine suicnicr, in Connccl iciit, I went to a large factory, anil 1 saw over the door written the voids, "No admittance." 1 entered and sau Mi't' the next door, "No admittance." Ill I elilcred. I got inside and found it a pin factory, and thev were m.'iLirig pins, very wcn-jeeable, Jin' and ii-' fid pins. So the spirit of e-cclusive-lu-ss has practically written over the side door of ninny a church, "No admit tance." And it the stranger enters he linds practically written over the second iloor. .No iiiliiiittmice, an. I it he goes in over all the pew doors seems written, "No admittance," while the minister stands in the pulpit hammering out his little niceties of belief, pounding out the technicalities of religion -making pins. In ihc nn. st practical, common ?a use way. 111.1I lilting aside (lie uoti-esseiilials and tin' hard definitions of religion, go out oil Ihe God given iiihisioit, toiling the peo pie what they need and when mid how f!l ',' can get if. Tripl ed I p tiy I'rol'essol (.'Print iaim. Others were trijped up of skepticism lr. .in being grievously wronged by some u: 'ii who prof os .eil to be a Christian. They had u partner in business who turn .-.! out to be a lii'si-elass scoundrel, though a juolcf-si'd t 'hrisiian. Many cm ag.. tic !.,..! all faith by what happened in 1111 oil company hieli as lonind amid the uclli !.'i:l.i ecitemei ' (,,. cmpnn.' .cn.'if no land, or if they did there wits no -licit ol oil produced, 1ml the president ..! 1 ,0 1 niupaiiy iisn ! '-I. 1 idor, and Me- t r-'i. Her was an i!). fa-opal ves : r. ma n. and one dii color win n M ,-thoilist i hi-s lead, r and the other prom ilieiil members of 1 ia 11I i-st and Cmo-reon tmnal ciiur. lies, i 'in iiiais woie e:.,iien mil lelli'i;; what falchiui pr. .-.pools op.'d ed before litis company. Innocent n,tu and women who had 11 little money 1.1 in vest, and little- their all, i-aid. "I dun I kii.ov aii,ihing about this cnuii'ii 11 y. but so many good men are at the head of it that it llillsl I"' e.vccllelit, and lakillg 1 r.ii k I'l it luusl be almost us good as join ing the eiiul'.h. So they bought the ni 00k and perhaps e, eiveil one dividend so as to keep them still, hut after awhile ihey found thai Ihe company hud reorgan ized and had a different president ami different treasurer and different directors. Oilier engagements or ill health hud ciiiih ed the former olhcers of the company, with iiiiiny regrets, to resign. And nil that the subscribers of Mint stock Ii nil to show for their Investment was a beiiull fully ornamented certificate. Sometimes that mini, looking over his old papers, coiuea across that r-ertifirate, and It la so suggestive Hint he vowy hit wants none of tin1 religion that the president and tnistpe and ilirvctora of that till com pany pro' -'.-sod. ot i our..- t!u-i rejec tion of religion on io h iiioun !s v u uii- j philosophical mid in. in-. I ilia told tl.i't uiauy of the CiJ.ed .Vu?, anuy ceW 't-f I e.eiy yi-itr. an I iheiv ure ih..u.nie's of; cul t iioo-r :jo evc.y y.-ar. Is II at any thing Mgiiiiik! the Ciillo.l Htatea llnvn mint that v.i.n- iheni In? And if u ol-dh-i- of d.-sus Christ desert, is that any thing against the Christ iiinlty which he snore io snpnort and defend' Ho do y.ui judge of the cnrrci. cjr of a country J Uy a cotiiiierfeit bill' Oh, ymi must have patience with those who have beu windlcd by religious pretenders. Uv in the presence of others a frank, honest, earnest Christian life, that they may be attracted to the same Saviour upon whom your hopes depend. Herueinber skepticism alwayi has some reason, good or bad, for existing. Go ethe's irreligion started when the new came to Germany of the earthquake at Lisbon, Nov. 1, 3775. That 00,imi peo ple should have perished ill that earth. ipiake and in the after rising of the Ta gus so stirred his sympathies that he threw up his belief in the goodness of God. Others have gone Into skepticism from a natural persistence in asking the reason why. They have been fearfully stabbed of tlie interrogation point. There are so many things they cannot get ex plained. Such men lire not to he scoffed, but helped. Home Had Caxes. There is a held of usef illness but little touched, occupied by those who are astray in their hubils. All northern nation, like those of North America and lOngland and Senilund - that is, in the colder climates are devastated by alcoholism. They lake the tire to keep up the warmth. In south ern countries, like Arabia and Spain, the blood is sii warm they lire not tempted to fiery liipiids. The great Hotuiin armies never drank anything stronger than water tinged with vinegar, but under our north ern climate I he tcmpUiiioii to healing stimulants is most mighty, and millions succumb. When a man's habits go wrong, the church drops him, the social circle drops him, good intlueuce drops him, we all drop him. Of nil the men who get off the track, but few ever get on again. Near my summer residence there is a life saving station on the beach. There are all the ropes and rockets, the boats, the machinery for getting people off shii wrecka. One summer I saw there fifteen or twenty men who were breakfasting after having juat escaped with their lives and nothing more. I p and down our coasts are built these uaeful structures, and the mariners know il, and they feel that if they are driven into the breakers then; will be apt from shore to come a rescue. The churches of God might to he so many life saving stations, not so much to help those who are in amooth waters! but. those who have been shipwrecked. Come, let. us run out the life boats! And who will man them? Wt; do not preach enough to such men. We have not enough faith in their release. Alas, if when they come to hear us we are laboriously trying to show the difference between sublapsn rianism and HUpralapsariauisiii, while they have a thousand vipers of remorse mid despair coiling around and biting their immortal spirits! The church is not chiefly for goodisli sort of men whose proclivities are all right, and who could gel to heaven praying and singing in their own homes. It is on the bench to help the drowning. Those bad cases are the cases that God likes to take hold of. He can save n big sinner as well as a small sinner, and when a man calls cnrncHlly to God for help he will go out. to deliver such a one. If it were necessary, God would i-oni" down from the sky, followed by all Ihe artillery of heaven and a mil lion angels with drawn swords. Gel lull such redeemed men in each of your churches, and nothing could stand before them, for such men arc generally warm hearted .and enthusiastic. No formal prater tin u. No liearllcss souring then. No cold con , ciitionalisms then. Get to Work. The destitute children ol the streets offer a held of work comparatively tin cupied. The niicared lor children arc in the majority iu most uf our cities. Their ! condition was well illustrated by what boy in this city said when he was found i under a carl gnawing a bone, and some one said 10 him, "Where do joii live'.'" ! and he answered, "Iloii'i live nowhere, sir!" Seventy thousand of Ihe children ol New York oily can neither read nor wlile. Whet' thev grow up. it linrelot-Iit-ed, Ihey will outvote your children, and thev vtill govern your childn 11. The' e.h'skv ring will hatch on! other whisky rings, and grogshops will kill with their horrid sicm h public sobriety, unless the church of Gml rise up with otttst retched arms and enfolds this dying population in hi t' bosom. Public s' limds cannot do ii. Art gitHorios- cannot do il. r.lsickv. ell's island cannot do it. Almshouses .auitoi do 11. New York Tomb- eaniml do ii. Sing Sing citryiot do il. I'eople of God, wake up to your magniliceiit mission ! You can do it. Gel soincrt'liei'e, somehow. Io work. I have heard of what wits called the "thundering religion." It was in "'. a part of the ltoiu.iii army Io which some Christians belonged, and lln-ir pray em, it was siinl, were answered by thunder and lightning and hail and louip 'sl, w hieli own!. row 1111 invading army and Ibeeinpiro. And I would to God I Ii :i ymi could be so 1 1 1 i v.-1 1 1 y in prayer and work that yon would become a thundering le gion, before hi. h I he fol'ces of sill might be touted lllnl the gales of lull made to tremble. Ail nhoiird now on the gospel liip! If joii cannot be it cipiaiu or a fi 1 mi mate, be a stoker, ot- a deckhand, or ready at -coiniiiaud Io climb the rallines. Ileum away now, lads! Shake out the reefs ill Ihe foretopsllil ! 'nine, () heaven, ly wind, and (ill the canvas! .lesus aboard will assure our safely. Jesus 011 Ihe nen will beckon us forward. .lesu on the shining shore will welcome us Into har bor. "Ami so it came to pass Ihat they all escaped safe to land." The principal islands of thu world, In eluding Australia, huvu H combined nt'ou almost eipial to that of North America. , -0YV:;S AND GOWNING. WOMEN GIVE MUCH ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY WEAR. llj'lef (iiatioeft at Fancleft f emtulue. Frivo lous, Mayhap, and Vet Ottered iu the Hope tloit the Heading IMajr I'rove itestlul to Weaxied Womankind. Oonlp from iiny Gotham. New York correspondence: AKCH finds Daino V 8 .s h 1 o n at a standstill, though she Is doubtless dotting; new inirt chlef. Meanwhile the mills are turn ing out materials ko well adapted to the present: styles tbat little change need l)e expiided for some time. Many of the sum mer Rtuffs are ap pearing iu flfty iiicli widths, in which case the width of the goods makes the length of the skirt, so women me encouraged to Indulge in skirts tbat stand out. more than ever. Cloth skirts ore In favor for detni toilet, the difference between the (IreAs skirt mid the street skirt being Iu the cut rather than in the material. Ilroadcloth In biscuit color makes as elegant a skirt, with half train setting well out from 1hc waist, us does bro cade or satin. Such a skirt. Is used In coiiiliitiiitlou with a fane..' bodice com posed of silk, velvet ami luce, wherein no truce of the skirt, 11111 lerial appears. Crepoti is Hie slnff tli::i promises to be pushed to favoritism by the shift , nr. .TV ill. Jt'vNv, . ",i m w i ' ( in , ft :is .- . ,:ss-. vim il A HHOWINO FOB. OOOI) sffovJ.IiERS. of Diodes. The latest sorts lire so deep ly creased that they posi lively look fluted. There Is an Improvement in the weave of tlie back of these "Materials, the result being that thc.v can stand almost, as much wear ami p. ill in a bod ice as any other fabric. The Initial picture presents a simple dress of black crepoti, mid its fiish'otiing' is en tirely new one of tin' prettiest novel ties in the new tailor dress. -s. Its very full seven-gored skirt has all lis .-.ei.inis strapped with crosswny bands of the goods, t lie waist bclnji purlly double breasted, the deep collar opening over n chemisette of the goods, lopped by a high collar of the same. A touch of pink is ilibled to the dress of the second picture in a way to gr'oatly enhance its beauty. It appears in the deep yoke, which is of guipure over pink siiliu. and in the rosettes at either side of Ihe front, which ure com posed of very narrow pink ribbon. The current craze for violets would make entirely tasteful the substitution of hunches of that bloom for the rosettes. These sleeves commend Ih.'ttis'dvos to possessors of good shoulders, and are now freiiicntly seen. Below the yoke there is a box ph-at. both back and front, and narrow guipure Insertion nplieiiis at Iioih sides of The pleat. Ntle-giecn moire Is the chief material, the plain skirt being pidet pleated nt the hack and lined with pink satin. Belt and standing: collar are of moire. A less elaborate dross Is the subject of the next sketch, nixl It Is one that will be of more general Interest, since fit, w j -.f .11 : . r V " ti Hi MIVKt. IP t ,N KT. A lioll A I K, It happily cum!. Ii.cs simpii -i; y 0ia lu'eiit". M-ide of ithiok c-4shiii:-v, godi t skirt is li:i!:-!:i l -jr.i'lnu the hi a Willi jet ..i v-i-hit tHene. The bod ce bus titled iitiiiig, over which llie ca-ii mere is draped, with 110 st-mus exc J.t t.'io.s..- under the ai'iiis. and no darts i;i front, the f ullm.-s. j being pic.i'.ed in f run 1 iind back. The sijuare yoke of tucked silk may be either black or col ored, and is edged with jet galloon in either case. A black velvet belt orna mented with rosettes is worn, and tin. sleeves have little frills added to the full puffs. The very latest design both in silk and summer cotton p'ods is mi all-over cashmere pattern. This comes in many beautiful varieties, a background of softly blended colors with a cashmere pattern in a deeper tone luld upon it in V Vv! : MiffMi FAH MURK (lOMI'OIiTAIILE THAN SHOWY. outline being, perhaps:, the most beai tiful. Such goods are printed but, m the silk orepons especially, the printing is so deep that practically there Is no right and wrong side to the goods. The style of design and coloring lends itself to the present styles most felicitously. An exquisite example Is a dainty after noon tea gown, with skirt of cashmere colored crepe of a pale tnixed-blue, gray and flesh tint background, a cashnicre figure in dull red brown standing bold ly from It. The skirt Is made of the crepe with, an edge of narrow ruffles, the whole finish of the bottom of the skirt being not wider thau five Inches. The skirt, a full godet, is lined with blue satin. The sleeves of .the bodice are enormous puffs of the crepe with a fore sleeve of blue satin banded closely with rows of red-brown velvet The rest of the bodice is of blue satin, cloud ed with gray chiffon, a stock collar of red-brown velvet completing a very dainty combination.' One of those loose and comfortably house dresses that depend chiefly on their look of freshness for their beauty and that make no pretensions at show tness is presented In the artist's fourth picture. Of striped brown crepon, iis plain skirt Is lined with alpaca, the back being either gathered or pleated. The blouse waist has fitted lining, buttons 4. A 1 Hf.ACK I'lthPON I. Illil.S'.S 1-SE. in ''rout and is finished by a brown vel vet belt iiiid collar. If a dark-brown he chosen, the velvet inighi ms well lie o'iuge colored to add brightness 'n the gown, which is exclusively de-tin ai for very slender young wi lniui, innl w ill be pretly iu niaiiy com bina lions. The chief factor in ctepon's gcti" favor is tin- fact. Mint it Is available for nil sorts of uses. K.irly In Mas de scription came mention of a tailor-made dress of black crepon. closely followed by a fashionable instance of coiiihiniti ; 11 black crepon skirl .with a fancy .silk or velvet bodice. Th"U brown c;-,c,o:i was sketched ill a simple house ilre, and the liinul piclurc shows tin extreme ly dressy costume of black erepoe, With the usual full gedet ! ill Mi iv ; ;i v. tihsl Ihin bus no seams in ftoiil. I ' m' trimming there arc only fur bands . tending; arotiliil Ibe neck ami ouMini ; the iiriiihole, with like nriia meiila I , .11 at waist mid wrists. The upper fur bands end in frills of heavy luce weight oil with jet, innl Jet can replace all the fur If it is desired. Never have Micro been before so ninny expensive "liinliugs" iiboiif : dress. Haircloth and crinoline arc led to be had for nolhliig. and now there s offered 11 line strip of steel, about as thick 11ml wide as whalebone, cased ;n openwork tape, so that it can easily hi adjusted In place at (he fiait of skiris and the edge of Jackets and bodices. It Is so pliable that It Is tiot easily broken, and It gives n "set" to a skirt that Is worth the money and the troublo. Oojiyrlfrhted. 15. TELEGRAPHY WITHOUT W1RE3. tosin the Harth au a Conductor of Eltsctrie Viliration. The promise of coming electrlcul achievement more murveloun than ail Uiat has precede"! it is in the air, the Boston Herald. Electrician:' " ' 1 have been admitted to wiliiess i. -eut eil.eriuieiitii in die laboratory of Nikobi Tuola have come a way fully laipn 1 with Mie belief that the new wizard has within hia grusp the solution of the problem of transmitting iutellitfance and power without the use of w!r '. Tesla haa long maintained that tips could be done. He declared in a pr' " address two yeara ago that bis convic tion had grown so strong on that point that he no longer looked on this plan of energy or intelligence transml- i!.i'l as a mere theoretical ixiasibility, but as a serious problem in electrical engineer ing which must be carried out some day. He has been working at the prob lem ever since, and the invention of hW "oscillator" destined to be au epoch making machine in the production of power tins been merely an Incident In his patient, scientific search for the "period" of the electrical charge of the earth. It is on the existence of this charge that the possibility depends of convey ing intelligence without the aid of wires and without respect to distance. Mr. Tesla demonstrated some ten years a:M that the earth could be used as a co,i ductor of electric vibration. Instead of the return wire long held to be indis pensable. Ills single wire motors gave a i-onvlnclng practical demonstration of that fact, and led to the farther conclu sion that it was not. necessary to have even a single connection between Mm motor and generator, except. perh::ps. through the ground. Hut to utilize elec tric energy given off Into space or. trans mitted through the ground Is a problem somewhat different from that of pro curing at any point, of the earth n re sponse to the disturbance of its elec tric charge at some other point The one turns on the question of how good an electric conductor the earth may be shown to be, the other on how nearly it. is possible to ascertain nt what period the earth's charge of electricity oscil lates with respect to an oppositely elec trified system or known circuit. The scientific basis of the theory that the earth is an electrically charged, body insulated in space is to be found in the accepted view of Its origin that, namely, of mechanical separation from other bodies. But the Important que's tion was to discover what, quantity of electricity the earth containswhalj si scientific language, is its r'ea"pactty" and what Is the period of vibration? On the answer to that depends the pos sibility of disturbing the electrostatic condition of the earth as to transmit in telligible signals to any distance slmpiy through the earth itself or its environ ing medium. Mr. Tesla has succeeded in raising that possibility to the rank of a probability, if not of a certainty. He has pumped electricity into the, and has secured "renonance" so power ful as to manifest itself In lightning flashes of considerable length and vi idness. In other words, he has been able to get a response through the elec trical vibration which he has impress,!.! on the earth from the electric charge which if disturbed there. The two must, therefore, have something In com mon; must have a. certain degree of rhythmical correspondence, however wide of complete accord. They may not touch more closely than would the units which go to make up 2,(wi and 2,0D0,i KM) if M.o former were distributer! over a line formed by the units which go to make up ihe latter. But as In this case one in 100 would touch, and M10 whole be covered al certain fixed inter vals, so Mr. Tesln's experiments have led him far enough to show that, he h is hit upon some harmonic correspond ence between the known and the un known circuit. When he has succeeded In bringing them Into anything like per fect accord, be will be able, by a gen:'i eledric tap, to send a note vibrating over the whole face of the earth, its if it lay before him like the tightened skin of a drum. What 1'eoplo Write For. Mr. rroiuie, in one or our eilri i:.'Hf talks, said: ,viio wny 00 you v;int 10 inei. die with biography? Why en n't yon be content to w rite three volume novels.'" "I have no invention," said I. "Then I suppose you can't write 'LiS1 fc sort of 'rot' out of which ItMer ling. Igiii'd and such men make, their M10 1 j sands':" I "I am not clever enough for that," I replied. "That answer Is disingenuous " ho said. "Well." said I, "I don't want. 10 write those books," "Thai's beMer," said Fronde, and in rued away. But afterward lie re newed ihe subject, and said: "I am glad you don't come to me saying you think you have a mission of any kind, or waul to remove a veil from Mie eyes of mistaken humiinily on any subject or io do anything grand ,r phllanthroptciil or that sort of Id'oey. I haw heard o much of that kind 6f thing." "Oh, dear, no!" I said. "I want to put a little money in my pock t. 1 have 110 oilier motive, and as a publish er asked for ihe book, I took the noop. miry steps. Nothing more." "That's well," said Froudc Mrs. Ire land, in the Couiempoi'ary Hcvi 'W.