The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 14, 1895, Image 5

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    TIIESIOL'X" !" ;v
I.. J. hiranioiu, I .liti.r uml rit t' r.
r. v. i a. v k. k. i . tii.i' 1 ,
UuitiK Wfl, (..ilu K.i.t.
So. J, hJiwI 12 10 I No. , miid! '..g ifi
For ruiiiiMe, tint i'Uh Kittul
of any kiml, ii to T. J." it.s..n, 'ni
fnH, Nebraska.
--Tte MM-ial KlVell l.i .t cven.u;; I ' tlir
Lpwortb Ix'ue vvaj intcrf.rel vwth to!
quit an arxta-ut by thu storm.
Hurt-hound compound couh m nip
tlie prat remedy f..r cou-hs hihI mills
at the Pioneer Miannm y.
Tito whist club will iii-4t ut.-xt Tues
day ewwtiiii;; at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
K. V. I'ontms.
To prvvnt the hariU-niiv- of the ub
rubviieoiw tihsues of the scalp ami 1 1 k
obliteration of thu hair f.illic lesj, whu h
cause Imldnei,, use Hair H.iir U'lunve r.
(ourad Liiideman'ii funnily left fur.
rrj.wforl &ittinlay evening Htii-re tlii-y
will resido. They wr mining thu oi.
est residents of Harrison.
IIKT IktWi- n THK J'ltltNAI. ollhe
anil the residem e of (j. (inthne, :i iild
stick-pin with opal setting. Find.-r will
lw suitably letvarded by returning thu !
same to this oflice.
Notica has Wo received the j
state llsh car will Ut in Harrison on
Wednesday, March 20th. Tin, whr, ;
h.ive put in application; for trout hive j
doubtless all Ih-cii personally notilicd
nnd should 1) on hand at that tun.-.
Snow began to fall in Tuesday und
instill at it. No wind bus iiccoiup.miisl
it so that it now lays sever! im ho deep
nil over. If it is allow-.! to melt with
out drifting it will do a vast ainounl . 1
jl'wxl to tin; soil, j
Robert Ncoce caul" up III1' '.r-t "I
the and m,vil in- I i u U il cv , t
th ranch on R innm V,',i- r, .1, ,
Xuuce and the children lnv , l n li. iv
to take advantage of the sch ml. j
8TftAYKI One dark hrown or Ida h j
lllloy, coming three ill i.rorlfd
7 cross lar on It-It i bet-k. A li' ial re
ward ill I paid for iiilm-ccilinii h ail
ing to her recovery.
(jlm, Nth.
We give considerable space in tins
issue to an artn le hy 'r. I lu sh on pro
paring the ground for beds, which was
published in thu t'hadron pip rs last
week. If our people uru to nn Kits
they want all the iiiformalioii tin y can
It it not to In) tvoiidoi t I at that
Ayer's Fills aru in mii h inn i I .i. -maud.
For tin; cure of c ni-Upal i a:,
biliousness, or any other complaint it. il
Jn a laxative, the.s pills arc iiu-ii. pass
ed. They n re mi),'ar-coalil, a y -,
and every dost; is e!r-,i tive,
Whilfe no physician or pharina i.t
can cons inntioiisly warrant a . or..', tl
J. (', Aver Co, guarantee tin: punty,
strength, and medicinal virtuu of A.nh'h
Sanyi(arilla. It was the only blood
purilier adiiilttetl at the great World'
Fair in Chicago, If 93.
The residence of R. H y. ILutiaker,
on iJeadman cttnyon aUiul ten miles
from Crawforu, was totally destroyed
by fire Inst l'ritlay. The family were
away from borne at the liuio and noth
ing wai ftaved from the flames. We
M'tniiathize with tlie unfortnuate family
in their loss. Crawfortl Hi-mim.
Kdward Catro, who is said to lie the
Jting of cattle Uneven w as arrested ut
Ogallala a few days ago and will le
taken to Iticlmrdson county w here he is
wanted to answer to the i barge of dis
Hting of a train load of stolen cattle.
I U must have been an exeit to make
such hauls as that.
Friday night Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
.Simmon gave on informal party in hon
or of their guest, T.J. Pooh', of Mars
Juml, progressive whist was nil rodtn.-ed
and a vcrv ileasant Unit) v.i- srijt.
Those present werp M-slanit's (iiiihrie,
I'riddy, Fontiu-. Necce, null riimmons;
Misses Proer, (b rlach, Worts, Smith
Pontius and Simmon. i'"d M'-ssr
Pools. Priildy. (J.tavn Hun,-. Kolsrl
Neece, tit-rlacb, fihwelt, Kveans.
;hur hill. Siniinoiis and Mler Ivldie
There is scarcely : day but what
some one informs us of his having ar
rnnired to do some irrigating the cominc.
w.ison. The trails run till the ,v.
from one to s.xty iutl-s und it
means tt good living for every uih who
attends to it properly. A f acr.s of
land that can In nator.-d is it good tiling
to tie to, Many of those who expect l
to use the water obtain a supply from
springn which ar I'K'ated on their own
On lust Monday James Nolan
liroufe'lit m four German carp taken
from hi pond. When put on the ncales
Ihe largest tipped the beam at two
ounds and mx ouncefi nnd the others
were but a few ounces lighter. The.i
were put In the kuiI about a year and h
half ago and were nix montlm old when
planted, making them just two yeai
old, That shown a pretty rapid growth,
They were cooked and proved to im Ibi'J
fating, It has Ikicii claiuttd ny "
that tarji were not worth going to nnv
IroubU for lKcaitso thy were not g oo
eating but from llio itiimple trieil Tnu
JotBNAt, family btlieve Hint if given
pure wuter ood tjood (mi hiy nr-mli
J 'u-'-v is on tlie k li-t
V . ,f il-. M r.-:ii ;ien 'l
t 'to
' i i s Hon itxii.d r li.itietl Ir iin
' uli,i S.ttuN i.v.
t.ive II irrs and M s 1'ros-sT
. '.- HO l nil H II, , I m ,,f tle VV.-cli.
Mi" K1-.- .'dir.iai ruluni'-d Sit unlay
a:, r .iii ahs in e of Mime years from
Mr and Mrs. Andrew Christian, of
l'1'.isant !;al0f, were in town the last of
the week
ills. ('. ('. Jamison came up from
h.i.hoii the last of the week to viit
her p.,n nts.
Mrs. Cm. W, iAarnar.l, mother of Mrs.
J 1" I'hiiin.v, arrived from University
Place yesterday.
J.coli Kor-itcr called w hile in town on
M unlay. IiM X-cts to sjaiid the sum
mt r in Illinois.
1. W. Woiuly and family left for Culi
tornia SattuJiy evmiiug where they ex
iect to make their homo in the future.
M s-es Fannie Soiithrtoi th and Alice
Thomas came up from I hadrou Satur
dav to ss'iul the academy vacation at
Postmaster Marsteller was (railed to
: bailrou on Mond ay by the serious con
d. lion of Mrs. M.irsteller's h.alth. It is that she will soon recover.
Mrs. J K Marsteller went to ' hadrou
S.itunl iv evening to consult ph-icans
in regard to the trouMe she h is been ex
perieiiciug w il h In r car.
T. I) Snyder was up from Sheep t ict-k
the lirst of the week. Mrs. Snyder re
turned from li p eastern visit some
wvt-ksugo Tom reports cat 1 1 in good
coll i Him.
Fi;i.t.. VHI' VKA, March 0. I'll").
f. -v I. f,-.r im, M M m Nidi d.
. ", v.... i. 1 i. lt.r-1
I . ... .
II, r .. I , 1 rsntU.- . ek, made a
h'.i-c i-.s d.l inn Up the liver last
week, aid was accompanied by W. K.
NrchnU..i The ranihin of James II.
'..ok. J V. K-irnest and A M-flinley
'-re viiit.-il Mr. t'M.I( anil Ins wife
have die a inpathy of all the illness of
the latter and nil hope for her rapid re
covery. Jay tiowt'V made n business trip to
Aifat.. Springs ranch on Monday.
Miss Pr.i-.scr, of ISt-lmjut, serit
last wet k its th- guest of Mrs. Octave
Harris, and Ih.-y were uelcomu visitors
firu day at tlie Nicholson home.
Miss 1 .,ra Gowcy has recovered from
h-r sickness Miss Lulu Mc 'oy has lieen
visiting her.
ii v,i, ; Mr '. i y , of Lone Tree ranch,
was a caller at the N. S. ranch last
M A-lil rook was horso-hiiutiug in
Hi s I i. al.iy few days ago.
Mr. Solum, the ijrawlonl horse den
list, was in this vicinity recently.
lioti.Wic, Ni:d., March 12, 19.5.
Mrs. Fred lliinge and daughter of
.N'eligh, Nehr. is vi-uLing her parents.
Mr. anil Mrs. F. Werdeman.
Earnest Hunge und II. Zerbu expect to
uiako some improvement on their farms
oy the umount of lumber they are haul
ing. Perry White w ill move bis saw mill
to thu old Sam liiyanl claim this mouth.
Mrs. Noah llovey is visiting her
daughter at Hot Springs, South Dakota.
Miss Fannie Southworlh came home
from 1 hadi'un where sluj has been at
tending the academy the past winter.
Miss Jell'nes of ( :hadron will leach the
spring term of school in the Houthworth
Who says money is scarce in Sioux
county? From the way things sold at
Woody's cash sale last Friday we should
think it. was pmttt flush.
$100 Hi'wnril.
On tlie night of February 2Jtli, the
following were stolen from my barn: 1
' Vi-aha" tree saddle, nearly new 1
,'hevennt! saddle No. llf, partly worn,
wit h one brass-lined st irrupand the other a
wooden stirrup; two bmlles mid two
(purls I will pay a reward of $101 lor
the conviction of the t hief.
H. F. MiiWHn.
M irsland, Nehr.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo Olinger entrrtaiu
cdthetom'tf people at, their homo on
Wi tine-day evening ol last week. A
vi ry pleasant time isnporltd.
A correspondent, tJf t I'h ulrou AV
niilr suggests that II lactory he looked
up w Im h will uiaku Oil and paper from
Hiinlbnveis is u staple crop Hild
aas lieen IoiiihI to Iks profitable w here
t he improved Varieties have been intro
ilucul. The Ijcsl lest of tlie plan of in iga--ntion
by windmill on the high table
land w here the imU r has to lie raised a
long distance is reported by J. II. Har
lell. lie lifts thu water about two hun
dred feet wilh ft ten foot mill, attached
to a pump of one nnd a ipiarter inch pipe
viih a two and a half inch cylinder. He
lias a forty barrel tank for renervoir.
Willi this plant be irrigated about a
(piarler ol an ucre last year uml with no
iood result that hu is higlliy pleased,
llu w ill arrange to me the water with
less waste in future and will iucreate
i he an a watered to ipiito an extent,
file amount of ti u k winch enn be pro
duced mi a iii irur of an Hire of land by
I iu proper use of water will Nuprin uny
one who halt not luvrstlgated it,
if you will come or send to
and buy your Clothiit!, I hits. !';ls. Sli'ms and (iciits
furnisliiii jrotjds of m ,
i I liave liarj-'ains at al! times in clolliin and will
l?iv' the people of Sioux county spkciai. haunai.vs.
; If you cannot come (lown send me mail order.!
If for hoy send um and sie, and ntale wliether you
w;uit lonj,' or short pants and if lie is larjro or small
,fr liirt ae, and give alxtut the jtriee you want to pay.'
! If for a man's suit give si.t coat and vest, around:
chest, and pants around waist and length. j
i If they do not fit you can return then at J
, Here are a few prices: i
jBoys' Knee Pant Suits, sl.o,), s.2.", l.r,o, S2.0G, J.(K)!
I, 4.rl) and !").00. j
'Youths' Loiik Pant Suits, S4.00,, and;
up to 15.(10. j
iMens Suits, .,.:() Imys a suit lhat sold for S-Oi.00,
! n.oo " " r.fio, I
j (5.00 to 7.00 " 10.00.
jss.OO to if'.LOO buys a suit that sold for k'.f.O to&l.r.()0.!
j In ordering a. suit state if vou want Pound or,
Square Cut, Culaway or Single or Doiible-lircasted. !
j Don't send to Omaha or Chicago for I have a big
slock and will sell any of my heavy goods at COST. I
If you want a boys' overcoat for ages 14 to 17 you;
can get one for fiO cents on the dollar.
- It will pay you 1o buy clothing of,
jAdmitlid at the
Why Was It
!!: it A )(-.. S' i r ... ji;; rill i, cut nf the grrat
Liiiiilit-r of s.m.Iar jm i'ji t r.-d ionsj ti i; nf:t--tcrc.I
tHrmi,;liiint tin- w.irlil, v;is llic only
im'. -iliiilii" of the kiml iehnilt'"l nt tlv
V.'drliC Ciir. I'lil.-niiip Anit wl y was II
that. In siihe ' l'ie iciile l efforts of tie
liiaiiufiietii! ei nf ti'Iier pr.'iiai allons, th"
ili-eislon ..f t '.V .r: V . I'.'lr I)ii"i.-Uiiii win
liot,re.-ri i!'.'
.wnrrtlii" t- It i I . i'. r. - "Artiole
that aro In any way da amorous cr o'
otionstvo, aUo putr-nt mpatclnos, o
nostruma, nn l etmiii 1' cl proparn.-
tlon, whoo In rm "Hni.T am con- o
cialod, will not '03 a.tzail'.od to tlio O
Ecpoattion," unit, ll'.eis Tx-o
Jlrr'im Ajer's S.i I's.iiiM rill I Is nit ft O.
puli-ni mcilli'liie, nut u iKntniin, nail imt
a serret Jirepuraflnn. o.
Ktrmnf Its iirnin-ie'di-i ha.l nollilnc to ;
conceal wli"ii rjiist lone t as t tlw for- o
mill itrom tthieh It In coiiip.nin.leil. o
Eftmtnf It Is nil Mm! Il is rl.ilmeil to I e o
.1 C(i.iiHiiiinl ('niieeiitrat.' l Kxlniirt of O
H.U sip'irHlu, ;nic In every sense, ttni ihy
tlio I'lilomenii'iit nf this most irn port :i n t o
comiiiitt'". riill 'il tou'i'iher fur p.Ksiii o
upon Hie inaiiiifai'tiireil products of the
ci.'tlre w.iiM. ot
Admitted for Exhibition
IIU t.lWllllHMtlMlllUltHllliMlUtlfllM4HtiniiMI I)
A hiinipiet wan tendered Hoc. Ihxbv a
few days ago nt Lincoln by tlia nminberi
of the prcMo In nlteiidanco nt. Iho legis
lature. The a Hair w in hiinor of his
hook of poems "Driftwood'' winch vus
just out. Hix in ona of thu most popu
lar writers of I he state, und his jteniul
liersoimlity malted him us popiflnr as the
productions of his pen.
The ways and menus commillee of the
legislature has m.ulo up its report, ap
propriating a total of l,f;)'3,:)7H.21
which is ?:l70.lW().0.'i hclo that if two
tears ago, nnd yel In the- ippi'(ipri:ilion
for this session uru Included If IHO, 1 01. LI
to v-iiiih:ifMH .llic stale sinking fund for
the loss siislainisl hy the failure of the
Capital National bank und u lurue
amount Id make op deficiencies where
stale institutions have run behind during
the past two years. That certillnly Is
nut n bgd ihowlntf for tba leifiBtuture of
j Al a II n iiI it-I .Iiiiictinn Points
in Aclir;isl;i, conncctuins nro tun ! with
! liiii-lmutoi) Iioiite truins for i 'Cic...;., St.
! Um'is, Kan wis City, St. Juscili, Omnliii,
i Lincoln, IrtMivtr, (Jhcycnnc khiI Iwynnd.
I Onr mapM nnil tuiiu-t.iljkiH sf.mvinj;
j wherfi, wlion anil how on r trains rim und
! "herein they excel tlio trains of other
i lines in many important, respects, are
; sent on reipiest free.
Always jjlail to imto rates nnd ive
J. Fmaxck, (j. T. & T. A. Omaha,
Nehi-aul a.
J. E. 1'HINMOY, M. I).
i'hjrsician anil Siirgrmtu.
All Balls given prompt uttvntlon.
Oflieo In lrug More.
13. L. KMUCK,
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser,
(ilve I me J a I Cull.
0. J. fsllAFER,
Iiiphtlieria, RlieiimatiHiii, Fumalti nnd
nil t'lironic Diseases n
Speciult v.
Oflice 3d door north of JOURNAL ofllce.
2 .
. 2.
rss w
t s
mi ri
s, r-; n ' J
t n. ' i
1 Q
y r
2 p
f' E3 C , '
f s o s
rs ft
K c
r,; r
C r"
A Cc; of Flour
' and 21 doz. pairs of Shoes
,nst received at l a rSte 1 le rs'
j Minnesota Bakeni'' aivj "Big 4,'' both No 1 Hour, l.T0
I A patent Hour it 1.9U and high patent at lh
iThe People's Store!
JDJR i; -VJ-inch Chester liroadvlotL.
GOODS ; finest in the market, at T.jcper yd.
Shaker Flannels from 7c up. Iled and colored Flannel
at reduced prices. A complete line of Outing Flannels
and Calicos of the latest patterns. Cotton Flannels of
all grades and prices.
BOOTS !' Headquarters in thh line as we
SHOES j- aro in all other lines. Ladies Do;v
gola Shoes at only l.f0. Calf Shoes, (i rain-leather
Shoes, Fine Shoes, Slippers: anything, everything.
All gradt s of Overshoes. Felt Boots, German Sockn.
The celebiated "Blue Ptibbon" (,'owboy Boot.
C-A.3PS l'1110 unexcelled, from the lowest
HATS ! grade to Stetson's beat. Winter
goods at reducefl priceti.
A complete line of Groceries and Hard
ware. Furniture, too.
Marsteller Bros.
Wliun stocks have dropped clean out of
And money's lile a clubman tight,
And men talk poor and women climb
Six pair of stairs to save a dime
Thun is the time for master mind
Some new economy to find.
One economic dodge you know,
Just trade with HOUGH & SONS.
A large line of Dry Good;-;, Clothing, Boots and Shov,
Chestnuti", Candies for the babies,
Oranges for the ladies.
Tea set of 56 pieces given away with
$50.00 worth of goods.
Yours Respectfully,
zhzotjg-h: &c soisrs.
Lumber, Coal and
Sash, Doors,
Lath and
Windmill and
How to Save Money!
You r.nn save from (K) to I0 tier rent on
nil repair work hy siimlliifi your WATCIIKH
NEB, All wutelies are fully (rn.iranteeil
for one year tilieii eleunist unit rep-.iired
He w ill piiy ('kpiTsf on ull work sent In.
Send him your wutch when needing re
pOis uml he will n'.vv vim tlm EXACT
COST ' putting il In lirst cIhhh rniuiliiH
order. None tint the llnest material mod.
i'jiDo not nl low your wnteh to run longer
tlniii 1H iiiini I tin without elraiitiiif.
lie curries a Inure slock of V ATCil lis,
( ' I .Ol ' K K, J 1'AV 1 ' 1 ,11 V , S 1 1 A' I '. i; W A 1 1 1 '. ( 1 1 "I I
Di vt ARl watch rxsMiNt ran r, (. 4 m. v. N. R.
Farm Implements,
Blinds, Lime,
Pump Supplies.
JIlJNU:Y A .sT(V.:.
: Trurris(n...Nf'lif.
own loiiowinif niHiid :
C. 0. McBRIj E.
Is prepiiftd tu do nil kinds of work in
him line hy the most upprovod
He has special apparatus for rank inn'
groups nnd out 'idn viawn nntl r
tics wanlitiK work in tlmtlin honhl
call on In in.
IT RATtflTACnOM tl.'AA"TKl'.