The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 07, 1895, Image 5

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    THE iVOUX -orvTY
ii O
I.. I. siii.mim. FJi(ur ami l'r.i;ri( tr,
V. Y.k H. V U. II. Tlin 'M-.
.tin I- ,i,t
. IllU.-t ...
., inlvl .
... C
i.v i:
I jvic- ;:
- I'.ir fed ml--, lir-sl .
i.l ;il;V ki'i'l. !,' t' T. J
-- Tfi 1 III' MI i'l'
! nt il ork
;h,tn, "niw-
iMi I i-i Friil iv
fvi-nin ailjournmj until Fi i.l iv en-inn:;,
pril mb.
H-irliouiKl i iiiii(Kiufil oiil vnii
i'v r;it nstiUMly fur coughs nnJ colils
.i' tin- I'ii HKwr I'liiirinai y.
V niw wm arrived at tlnj irui of K
A. Hit;eow on Lit M irid iv. All cm
iithI nr- (Uuriir as " II a-. eouM l- x
fsl. Willi lt little tin- ai I no tr-MiM"
Hi' UiirJ n n I niuslaelut t an li K, i ;i
uniform lirnwii or K:n l color liy lun,:
Hitckinxham's iKo for I !. Wli'Ui rs
- IVi-siilin I": l.-r Julian iiji
Ikiiii I liiwlri.n Tin v' iv to Hi- regular i
il.irtt'l ly hi'f-tin-; ;tf Iit.h on ami in
tin vi-nlnj; he h-!ivir-i u ttitcrvt ;
County Wni.-rin!.'ivl.-nt j avis iu
l.irin us. that Mivi EUiis M-rnaui will
let urn to Sioux county in a l"w il ly
:inl will teach tli spring term of m houl
in the Sbernll dis'rii t.
Tlie prosH cts (.f tli' future pr.tsper
ity of this locality are ulremty having
sin rffVirt. J. II H irtell iiif n iitfl us mi
Tuesiliiy ii brother of Inn w.oul'1 In
here with u cir of tfootl-i ah nit the
last of thin wthU.
The v-nlu-t in th iivi i f T'Uiiin ys.
The H. & M. rallro.til f impitiy h.u is en
t asiilt) fttiil a in-w tu il ill tliu i mm
e;r.tntis. Tin? amount involved i Ihi--.rK.t
of any over tnt-d in Ki-nx
--"A rii k in tint Uh k," :t f tin un-1- i
tin! t.i(iiiUU'r-ltl.nlvK, w.iti-rhn h. l.ili.i.-.-lii-vs,
nml mil, nro sy ini.'.-nn- I
lii-oril'Tctl ktomai -Ii, kulncvs, livt-r, .imi
hownlii. For all ailnii-nls on ii.i'. i'., i1
i. il-rati-iii'-iil f tlii'y! or0'.in-,
Ayer'-i J ill.
-Tin: old J.Li 1 huildinx i In-ill,; n.ovnl
to tl.i' county Lit ali.jtit tl n.urt li ni-
al.d tll IIMW stcrl C.1L,1 W ill In; ;l i (1
thi'r' in. It is .vr.Mr.illv i-oni-ud."l 1K.1t r
in tiiucti brtti-r !" lit up that huildin
ontslo than to atti-nij-t to ii'-" l!l- -iiti'tit
of Up court hoii-in for n j-til.
-Tin-' hlur-hii-il is hail' d ai a h.irl.iii);
-r of Sjirini'. It ia alo a r'-inin ! v tint
a hl(MKl iunlliT in ndi-d tn .roi.uv tin
Mt!iu for tliu dl,i!ita!in wcatli-r i
onif, Ijsttin nd yo'i ln-ar tin
.irU wiifc-'ntf; "T.iko Ayrr'n Sar.t:nll..
-niUMi; Apt il , M iv."
A coi nill liiiH Ihm-ii construct, d oji.
itc III" livvry Imru i that tlm l.irniiT
,o.iy tii'ivf. in and ftxil tht-r t-auw an
not Ic.ivrt thfin antioyt-il ly ton lmv
,loi k which rum alK.ut town. It is tni
tliat th'-rt! is an tirdinanci! n-aiust t'nl
riiiiiiin at lar'c hut it .- tiis hard t
l,avi it enforced, and thu (.rovidm of
I ,!: whfiv tho l:nm may In- f'-d ith cost to Ihn larriK-is Hi cnicd to laj t!i
! t way out of tin- dillicuUy.
The county altoriM-y culliil at this
ollice this moniin;: an 1 tliruatent'd t
hrm' suit ujrainst tlx- alitor of Tiik
Jiit'KNAL for the it'iiiai ks made in th..-w
I'oliininK in rcgahl to tl re-.'iit d-
as.- He fcvitk-ntly ilix-s not rchj int.
cisni. Tlx- editor dot- not iMmh to
nithhold criticism of tlm in ts of puMa
orticiaU Minply h'Cativ; of ton h tlin-ats
That vvns atl'Tiiptcd on the foumlt-r 01
TlIK jofKNAL hv a former county attor
iii-y hut it did not hn, crtti. ism.
- In order that tin-re may ! no mis
iiiidfr-tandiii' in regard to tin I'-h' i
.rtylswluili have, ts-eo recem-d h. r
Tin; Joi'R.vtL wishes to s.iy lint ill luv
collie UiroiIK'l the i l.aniieU of 111'- re I" -I
department of the l.-tliodit churtii
Itev. t'. E. t 'ouil'-ll ii. forms us tint th.
mkU caiiu Ii out dill, i-nt l, ees and all
time without any r-ijia-sl fr uil him uml
'!at oil the is.s-. ipt o t-ii. h I ' h iiumeil
i t.-ly liotlli'sl Ilif parties v !id;nti them
' hat tliere va-; no ot asioii I them to
forward any mor- t this i- out. 11.
then disttil.uted hat had !-. r-ceivnl' I lw lui -Ms-ou-i to I" 111 lleeil
of thi-ni and this having l en done no
piii lly and Mr. ronnell having iii' iilioii
t d no luuies il is no mors' Un: l-"r to that M. I'ouii' !I did v h. vv.ib
In-sI In lh! matter.
Tlieru is no tit ii.Niiij.; the f;' t
the jroijil i-llei ts ol Vtiad locat ion of fa. lor
n at lliatlioii t in nlis a ly U felt hciv.
I h itxiplo reiiliw Ihal now th'-.V t an
ailvisu fritiiitU and relative in the ast to
come out liei-M and help liuild up tilt
iiiunli-y and at tliu saints lime U-l,,
theiiisi'lve. T!mj fat tones untku a mar
ki-t for the protlut ts lor Ahu h the noil
and i luuatte are ht st atl ii't:.l at a t anh
prii uud tlieit hat liver -m ii raiw-i
will have a more ix-ady mIi than evei
U-fort. Tlierw iinMnp of Um witlun
reu-Mnhle Uistaiieu of the ra:lroal where
H'iod lK,nu"-tcii'li may lr seiur".! ami
heut-t t;ro o, th'-n couk's a larjf tern
lory near i,ioukIi to adinil "f potatof"
and chicory U-iiis,' raised and dohveit-il
nt flipping Hiintn at a prolltuhlo lme,
Hiid ontnulu of Hint limit ur' thmi'iaii'U
of m'ri for nu'.-k-faruiiiic- 1,111 11
oev'U ii t :-ll the alV.'Htio of the f I
loWH vh l)ve h"cl p i"a '!!' r-'1' "'
tfn taut U lilt) upiHvrtuiii'.ios ol!t.rt.u
ci oJ will not lw h'm in Ubii
ndvrti)ia(.- of lUi'ni.
'nlfVs was at the
county '1
j Vt-t-"V,iv. 1
i ''nMi.Miwr T i.l in ; -iX ? .
jdvat the (uiunty -;t !-. w- i I,.
II. !.. Kii-lu-r cf tliti village v li'M'U.
vi-ili I IrienrU at hadpon over Sunday.
S irv.-Mir Ell s hud J hi f Nolan were
in from the uorthe:.t lliH laM of the
Mi riiriece, of Vorhees,, wax the
tf"'--t .1 Mr. nr.d Mrs. W. Ii Wi hl
lu-t e-k.
i'. I!. 'iriiv dd, eiihhi' r of the Ooui-uiei-i Hank, was at 'haJrou over
Son 1 iv.
.'.'i s K 1. Hou,rh as called to town
tlm II iV of It).. .-.! hy the surious ill
ness of h-r mm her.
W.J I! .fart son of A. J Hojjart, ar
ri v d I mm 1 amora Saturday tti mak
liu liomi. m Sioux county.
M J- ' 'arroll was in Tue-lay mid cull
-d nt th.s ollice. He is not in pod
leallh hut it is h ipfd le will s i in h all
Will u-l M , .... :, , ..'till
liis aolil ., S. h KU.t. ..i:d M
J ,s. V-il in, i n- i , - i ;, !i a, i :,!.' V.i i
lit -if fi-i ! i , . . ii. -ii,'
S I, 17 -iv r tiii-u-d l mi 'tnvi tie
las' ol thu unk Mrs. Ult-ry will he
la-re in the n- ar future. Saul l.roulit a
new settler w ith him.
List of Jurors.
follow niii hava heen drawn t
i '-r e ms j.irors at
the April term of th- l il t eolirl :
Inns hnsti-ns'-n,
Etrue-t llune,
S U Story,
J H. lliailley,
A. 1'. I! isenhurj.',
U V, LiVt rmore,
fi'-u t olishavv,
I". V. fioldcn,
J-'owter Spi S,
V. (tales,
VA tu.ipU-ll,
Vi,. Martin,
11,-rman Koiu ttli,
H. ' '. i 'ottuinn,
H. S. t 'loiih,
E. J. Wilcox,
John Serrtjs,
11 i'h'II Neecii,
IVault Harris,
(ieor'i- I'.owen,
August Kinn,
Johiuiit! Allcoru,
Martin (iayhart,
Peter Hahi-n.
( aid.
W nr.-truly icraieful to all of the
out! Ire-lid- who have so deeply ityuipa--ll...'il
rt.t'l us in out- Hit kness.
J(t. iM M :s l.UH M. rr.i-F.i!M.N.
Teachers Examination.
ei-iak t xa ii i i mo t ioii of candidates
h i's eertilicates will he held al
n, N'-hr., on Tuesday, Man I,
Nil' tea
H. liavis,
Co. Supt.
fclO'd l'j-ward.
On the ii. ph'. of Kehruary 'J'slh, tin;
l-ill-i w ui wi.i stolen from my harn: 1
Walia" tr-M saildli;, nearly new, 1
li.-yt nne wnldle partly worn, with one
hr c-s-limsl slii rup and the other a No. 18
tn dt n stu mp; lw i hrulles and two
I 1 1 r t 1 will piiv a reward ill S'lOO (or
in- t nova tion of the thief.
U F. Mil ;K,
M irslaiid, Nhr.
Cliiirch Scrlccs Next Sunday,
I, iss, Sunday morning at 11
t liK k. Sunday .School. Sunday morn
m; at. ll'.oO o'i !'!(. I-")ivo!h I.-au.
Sunday eveiiuci tl.ll'l o'cl'K k. I'l-earlnnj;
-ers'iees, Sunday t:Veniu 7;-IO o'clock.
t:. E. 0NKKU-, 1'a.stor.
Conrad Liudemao was up from
rawford the lirst of the week ai-ranj,'int
o inovi' his family to that town. He is
'iiiployi-d at Wilson's clothing utore nml
units Ins family with him. His friends
vi-di him success in his new location.
- A M- (iiiiley was up from Hunnin
Water the lirst of the week. He cstini
ilt-s his loss ly nisi lin; at from lilteen
to tv-enty head this winter. Tint cuts
die prollts down on i maiiv cattle
He has recently coiopleti tl a pasture the
;.-in e of wlucli is ah ait t!nrty-!ivo n .!,-.
I aie; a Hi I t N--cl ' t -i I V.' n e in' t ' le !o
'ounl v J iiU'w Wilson p rformtd n
rieiiioiiv on W.dne-il.iy which uuileii
i-'i-.iii!i Kesiii. i,' an I M try J. T reader in
Ihe holv houds of matrimony. The
room was hut fifty years of ajre, while
Ihn Mushing hrid-i .n Unow le lisl to hav
iint witii-ssi-d Ihe ros-.'s hliHim for sixty
. on iiti ; summers, fiotli of the con
UMetin pirln-s are residents of Hawes
Joe Stastny " ame op last Siiliirday
to attend the mi-Cine; of the Woodmen
i'amp J. W. Siiiilli and Will Ereans
.nteiuled to drive to Andrews on Sunday
vi t;ie laUer went down on lli-i train
Sa' lidiiy i v -nitty; and Jimi was to go
n ,i.'i June ni tile nioruiu: anil thus have
a i ham u I get. home on Sunday. The
storm on Sunday was such that June
did no t are to no hut oll'ered Joe a
1 Imrsf so that. Will could return that
dav. The hoi-' seems to have U-cti the
ln-tler man of Urn two and tin! result
was that the saddle rt as no, new ha t dam-
a -t tl and Joe walked home.
A thiamin incurred on Tuewlay
b tWKcii Dr. Shalt-r anil H. J. Smiley anil
hlows Hi-re reorlel to. Hunlev came to
town and went liefort! the county judjt
and plead. d it'.iilty und was assessed a
il. .... wlaeh hi' I aid. A lull- later a
-)nipl..llit was llltd against him liefoi'
JicUt'tJ Siniii h. A warrant was is.aitiu
and he was uriv tit d 1 laouht in for
trial. He ,tl (ounl liutiinij to delund
nun nml tin; toiiiily t;.lon.i-y pr'is'jt til
'I. He tlel- n ,. oi.j.'cled t-i liavmt; In
stand a . coud tnul lor the tiaim! oU'etist!
and thu t OUiltll'.uiiifc.jd tliu t iot at tin-
tiinlof tho coinplauiilnf Wllui, nut-
rtitliiUUilmij mo tilul U ol tlra Jirut.u
ill Ml ofe i tnil-
ii you will come or send to
;iii1 buy your Cli1, Hais, IIuols, Shoos awl (ii. iilsl
fuinis-liing jroods of inc. ;
I have bariaius at all limt's in cloliiin awl will
'g'tvi Ihe pt'oplc of Sioux f-omity spkciai. haimains.
i ?f V'l'i ravciol co:ii(; down scirl nic your mail order
h i';-r taiy .',i 1 a:',; arid size, and state whether you
;;t hti i or sdiorl iiniitn and if lie i law or small
for hid ajjre, and Rive about the price you want to pay.j
If for a man's suit Rhe sizecoat and vest, around,
chest, and pants around waist and length. j
If they do not fit you can return then at j
Here are a few prices;
Hoys' Knee Pant Suits, si. on, sl.-jn, si.r.O, si.(K), &UH ,
; .'!..iU, and s.").(i0. I
, Youths' Loiik Pant Suits, ....,, !?, and'
: up to st'i.di).
Mens' Suits, s::. on liuys a
i.OU l..)0, !
t'i.01) to T.Ui) 10.00, I
ssS.(.ii) to 0.OO buys a suit that sold for KlL'.fiO toiri.OO.'
1 In ordering a suit state if you want Round or
Square Cut, Cutaway or Single or Double-Breasted.
Don't send to hnaha or Chicago for I have a big
slock and will sell any of my heavy goods at COST.
If you want a boys' overcoat for ages 14 to 17
can get one for "j0 cents on the dollar.
It will pay you to buy clothing of.
, .... -
t I i
i. V.v V-t -. ..
It 'IS
Cherry Pectoral
So says Mr. T. M. Peed, n highly
respected Merchant of ff.ld
dlctown, III., of a Young
f.'an who was supposed
to bo In Consumption.
"Otio of tnv ctistomcriJ. xntnft 1
v ,iM tipo, liiul a .Km vim li;ii till
il' sviitptonH i f ('iisi:iii't.iiiii. 0
'I t!i iii'itl iii''i!:i-iui's ;il:'o: (lisl liiiii oj
i ' n'ii' l'. :t::tl ho n( aililv failed
..til li'i was ini.'ilili; lo leave gj
lied. Ilit iiiMtlier T i J ! i ( I tunic oj
I' tf point retmnty iinil I vecuui- oj
i:i"uiU-il Ayer's ('lierrv l'e lunil. '
'I'iie y'ninir luau ttmk it tuTni'ilinK oj
l.i ,!ii'ee!iiiiis, ami mum l.can tu Oj
i:ii;-ov iitilil lie heearie well Oj
.eel .rt" T. hi. I.'l.I n, Mill.
I'iflnwn, 111. o
"Siieir. (ii, a-.., I eruulit a Z
ere enl'l, my t lirnal aial lini!s oj
:-;e li.-tdly ii:t!anie,, ;ul I liail a i
'.HriMe COItirh. Il Vt'iH MtliOMMt q?
th it I was a v ir-1 ini nl' (tiiisiirui- cj
simi. a i l my iYsriuU liail lit I lit cl
ii il---l''fv. iJul, I Ixaajilil :i ft
I' ll ; !: nf A M'f's Cliei r I'ecltii al. r,!
i'i-'ii ... .uiu eraiit-n t'lin-ii. o
Vi i!'i int. it, savcl my life."
I . SI. -, J!;ii--!'l s ( i.'.'e, Tellli.
Aver's Cherry Pectoral Sj
r---r.,,r.-i Hlrjhpst Awards
Cmatt, Tradt-narkt, Design Patents, Ctpjrigttls,
And all Fattnt bnilorra coodactcd fur
Informttlon tnd tlvlc glen to Lmutori witUow
ctiufu. iUtvn
Itasaetng Attorney,
P. 0. Hox 3H1. Wahuinutoh, D.C,
KThli Com)nx U mntttd hf comhlnitlon of
tin l.rcol anil tnnnt Innunntlal ncwipapm la tM
Vuilti HUt'i, for tlir eiprta parixxt o prtM
tm$ tk'lr nbii-rllM'r (tlut nntK-nipnlout
Ud UocmpttUsiit I'alrnt AttcnU toil Mrn vtrwr
prtntiDg tbn idvertliemt nl toucIici for ttw iripuut.
liirKl kl(BttDlnpf rrff Clt Cmrt0f,
suil that sold for s.,.(K),
: At a HuttilrtMl Jutictiim Points
I mi Nelit-.tska. t!iinn-ctinn.s are ma i.- with
llurlintrt.oii Konte trains lot hieao, St.
j Iiuis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, (Jnaiha,
i Lincoln, i;ts liver, t'lii-yenne ami heyniiil.
i Our maps antl tune-tables slinwini;
! where, when and how our trains run and
wherein they excel thu trains of other
j lines in many important t'esjiects, are
t sent on retiest. I ret:.
Always jliul to iiiil rates and ;ive
J Fiiancis, (1. 1'. &. T. A. Oaiaha,
J. K. rillNNEY, M. J).
ritjsirlnn Hud Sursfom.
All eiills (fiviMi prompt ntlontion.
OilU e in linif ?tore.
II.mtl)N, - - NtBHASKA.
Fashionable Barber & Hsir Dresser.
lilvtt I inn I a i Cull,
(i. J. HMAFKK,
Oiphtheria, Khuitmatisni, Ffmale ft nil
all Chronic Oistar-s a
Ollice 'id door n n th of JOUKNAIy olhcp.
2 . 'J- '1.
5 I
r 2 2
tr 2
k; n.
C3 O P-
2. a
I vi a
A Cl. of Flou
and 21 doz. pairs of Shoes
; jnst received at x4 a r ste liens'
'Minwfsota Bakers" and 4tBig 4," both No 1 Hour.
A patent Hour rt Umj and high patent at if J. 15.
Fhe People's StoreJ
1D1Rjr 1 See! ."jo-inch Chester JJroadelojlt.
GrOOIDS :, liiust in the market, at 7."eperyd.
Shaker Flannels from 7c up. Red and colored Flannels
at reduced prices. A complete line of Outing Flannels
and Calicos of the latest patterns. Cotton Flannels of
all grades and prices.
BOOTS Headquarters in thi line at- we
SHOES are in all other line-. Ladies I An
gola Shoes at only si. no. Calf Shoes, (irain-leather
Shoes, Fine Shoes, Slippers; anything, crerything.
All grades of Overshoes. Felt Boots, German Sock'-'.
The celebiated "Dint Ribbon" Cowboy Boot.
(3?A-IE?S ! A line unexcelletl, from the lowest
HATS i Kiade to Stetson's best. Winter
goods at red uce I prices.
A complete line of Groceries and Hard
ware. Furniture, too.
When .stocks have dropped clt-atl out of
And money's like u cliihman tiihl,
And men talk poor anil women cliliih
Six pair of stairs to nave a dime
Then is the time for master mind
Some new economy to find.
One tconoinic dodgo you know,
Just trade nith HOUGH & SOXS.
A lare line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Slioe.
Chestnuts, Candies for the babies
Oranycs for the ladies.
Tea set of 56 pieces given away with
$50.00 worth of goods.
Yours Itenpectfully,
Lumber, Coal and
Sash, Doors,
Lath and
Windmill and
hrt:isi n
How to Save Money!
Ytm cun n.i e from Tut to Ml tier cent on
nil rrpulr wurii hy sviiillnt: your WA'l'i
umlJi.wi-.ntV to G P. WASHBUrtPJ,;
neb. ah w,ei1.,s ,.m ,..,, ,icira,u,,-a
1(1 one yti!' when ejeaut I Mi! r pa'ii't .1
1 n ill jw exji:c 0:1 !1 work scr l hi.
.Send htm voor wutch when r,. .,l.nK r.'-
p.lis unit he will frlvt- you tlm EXACT
COSTt'l putting It in laslclii-s running,
onler. Nont! tint ttif lliK-Mt niaierl-il n-c-I
Do not itllow your v. at ten to inn loni'T !
than 1H month without cIimuIuk.
He i-nrrk-K 11 iiiiio ntnek ot WATCHK.'. !
Cl.tK'KK. JEW f.lllY, ftlI.VI-llN'AI!K, "I'll- !
lV.l.UOl'rf Aijll 'Ai.'. IC.VL JS.-1-KViit.S.' .' j
sin tmrit jvatoi iAii-.iNtR ron i.t.t 1
'l .s
T 8
Farm Implements,
Blinds, Lime,
Pump Supplies.
uw ii iuii'i ini in .inn
!e. 1 Mciuui r
, ,
! cn.VV.TORU.KF.B.
j ,1111
U 1 ' H to do :11 kltl
his lint' b;'.tb tu-.wt iifiptiivtsl
has i-pfcia! ftpparnfn fir mnk
j;rtnip( llnil outsi.lfl vifwi nml (mr
tip wanting work in tlmMiiw HunA
call on him.
L iV'..'M,i-niKJ 1 V