The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 07, 1895, Image 4

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fha Sioux County Journal.
w.ta;!k.:i i-
S-iir-.-rij'tio.i Prtc
1.. J. SimuMiD',
l.i. tired at the Ham-m ; offl.-r -
Thi k-haY. M m:' .1
President ( icveLu..l Las appoint, d J
Willi m. T.. il-siri. li ir fal.icr of the '
Wilson tariff bill, to the position i'
"t master general, to uJ Mr L.s
sell. Harrv Hill lumped at Platts-
iiioiHb on last Friday mornin;- for the
murder of Mathcw Akeson. It ts tn
first time trie death . palty Ins evei
U-eu inflict-d in that county.
W v .if liiiO-A kd'e receipt of Uie initial
numlt-r ( tl)-: Hernin-furd Hinihl, win
the n:uiie of T. J. O'Ktfefa at tb in.i-t-(,.ju'1.
It bear sijns of prupenty tuuS
promises to look after the interests oi
the town where it live-;.
Uver three hundred farnit rs of Box
Hutte county met in mass citiveiitKm u
few days a'0 to discuss the w.'l !!
itiestion. Whin a v was taken tij
determine wbcth-r or i-.oi :a tlei-tioi.
-houlil l"i asked for f vol 1 oi tier'.
us but or.e vote in favor of su'.!
sictioD. Tbo farmers of that -ouii?s
have kepi their heads.
l'rof. Itcssty has published a i.nd in
th Nebraska farmer, addressed to t!.e
larniers of the state in w hieh be brands
the new forage plant Sa..aiiiie'" as a
fraud. No bio'htr authority on lh.
fpiestion caa be found than Prof. Bese ,
and the farmers will Jj wisely t j w.-isu
no time or money en the plant.
last Friday a bill was iutroiluei.d in
thehcnateby S.nator Stewart for tlw
sinking of an artesian well at Harrison.
The provisions of the bill have not Iku
leamcl but a. test well at this plai-t
would k a l.ur tost of the
tpiestiou for tle entire northwest part oi
the -state.
The law allowing counties U. vjt
lionds for the purehase of .seed and I ,eu
lor the settlers does not appear to niett
with much favor when submitted t
vote. A proposition was submitled to
the voters of Holt county an I at, the
lection it was defeated by about 0 t. 1
The people have not all taken leate o j
their 'enses-even if th'-y wen: cut oi
luck in -vint part"! of tile statu last year.
The trial ef Morrison for killing Von
Harris, has been postponel until Jurit
till. It is rejiorted that an !!Yort will I
made for a change of venue to Sioux
t oiiuty. It is evident that the n-pulu
(ion of this county for clearing p:!-son-
harjred with crime i to Ite taken ndvau
taj.;e of by outsiders. I!, is hoped that n
wuch change will V wciired lor Sioux
county does tint w ant any rnoiv district
court f-Xtf'iis..s tli.iu h-r ow n al'airs cre
tc. '
The session of empress cleii on last
Mondav. Nothm,,' of imporlauee "as
ioiie duriiiic 1. 1 session. I'reideiii
leVelalld has eNuvssei hinise!)' as lieiilj;
free iron) any intention of caliin,; a
special session so tint the inenil)ers who
were elected la-l fall "ill not have
c.islott to lake their si--iis until ne.i
iVi-embcr. It ce-taiulv s,ems a ( il'Uit
law in to the s-ssions of congress
wius ivruiijr. A st t of law -i:i i Kers art
-lei tefl and do not enter upon their oili
ciitl duties feir more than a yeAr attei
beinw; elected.
A rule we.-ks) ;t set n tuiin, nian
l)iie;ht ;i Ji (ir if f Its ciiiiUtiniii' ;t tialc
saying the w riter iv an uiiltye ol tin
Keno.sba , WiM-oristn knitting works, auo
w:inU-d a K"od h-islktnd. h i- v;nt; hti
nam and requeste-d the lm 1 , if an un
married nmn to write tvii.i.i view ti,
matrimony. The youti tn.t.i w ho loiiut.
the note considered the mall r 111 ail lis I
'Viluisc, tlieii tlecided to writ.) lo the gil'i.
1I did. Awaiting the answer witn
mixioty, he was' at last rewarded with a
curt letter . stating the gil l His now iht
mother of two children and lud been
married four years, and the letter ho fin
v.vered bad liet-ii written ever s long.
It. was a "sock"' dolager, and the youtij,
man hunted for a solution. H louud a.
Tlie nwrchant wliom h bought the
.siK-kft of doesn't Exchange.
According to wmm raople this local
ity lias Iwtn guing tn the "deiiuuliou
lxw-wow"for a few years; but the- indi
1 lationfi are that it will go to '-taters"
I he coining season. TlIE Jot'ltNAL has
Uvn limking th'! matter lip a litth; dur
ing the pilsl week anil it is tial'rt to say
that thera will Ik? a thousand acres 1.1
KUitoei planted by the fanner 111 the
lereitory tributary to JIarrison tins
siprincr. In estuiiiit an aver.. yield
' iiii.i c . .
of oii hiliulred bnslielsi of potaloe pel
nft is low and L-ives iK-run of tun. hiui-
Here is low .tiiu ivcs ,ti rup oi una linn
tired tliousand blithe Is. With a rnui liel
which will n'e the (fruwer even teii-Vy-ll
ve ceots a biwhel for the crop, tlie
siuia of 15,000 will be brought into tins
locality. If there im lieun no reason
far complaint in Hit) past uci a cono,
ion cttrtiuoly ought to maku pro.-sn:roci
loie hem f,.r nil.
j Corn's.-H.'tir..
' F J.I . N'.l. . ,'MI:. V ':! I '..
; A. e tii -.vt :u.y t'...!- I'H,
ljt'i"Ni. fr nil lu i "nei k 4' v
i ti...i!.t t wiiuM 'J a
K . fi.ri! f tli "dijius" of tins u iii'r
ir u,tiiij- ttiut it. mil 1? i -j!''.
Iy I.-trsen I !u;ly n i' I "t"
1 1 1 i.p .in aJilitKifl ti Ins IkiUyv. ILiv- ,
mi 4"ti- ta ra fiirl fur r..- il-tl
arti.- fjr t!ie ivune. j
A. W. Nifliolvw lnl? eniL'I u f
iniMili: lip tlie h.iuc, a.- :..i-nt.illy i
-,ttn. k in tl,eeM-, by a flying i hip, re
.ei if.:t ever wound. lie ltviii
4i!c t Kurt Kol. risoii to liave it "d.ic
('but Aiii-s, we hear, had tiie n.i.sfor
!une if a weed t-ein.' jamuieil into one of
his ears.
V1.:1 tlit.cve Harris and bi, man
it, re b .ubu bay yesttrdav. the team
took a notion to roai' ii "ie and M'.artxl j
a ru.-, tl.rinsai "Pet" t tlie un.i't.d
hruisiii hiui souieAbal. O t ive ttie
leaia wanted to try thai new "ne;."
Miss Kioia (iiiw, y is still on ttu s:ck
but al list accounts sh.- w is feeling
, line belter. We !) Jmj on w i! I mhiIi l
.ut Kio.-.i. M.-s Anise Nicholson is in
lUeliil.'.IK e.
Mi s. . A. i 'iek.iisou and daughter,
;t lla, were visilinj; on the creek a dav
ir t o of lliis week. 1
T. !!. S.ivder, ol Shvtii f 'reek, i:m on !
in:- streets tn route to and Inun I'raw
lord. Joe Basil shawed Ins smilin"; toouten
nce i.i our --iiur"' last nilil. He is
Jo n in Ibis pari of the couuty on the
mint of some horses for A. il .Oiule .
Jay and Harper (Jowey are working
for J. H. Cook h'-ttherin up hor.its.
Mr. Uobtrt Ntece has taken Ins cattle
Jo wo to the loner ranch to I ceil ami has
k' ure.i th efficient Services of EJ Uick
iis iii to take charge of them, keep
litco" and break hor-eS. Ed is a pjnd
. ia lot to handle a colt.
We bear that Titos. Squibb and Flora
.'lurk i f Marslaiid were mar.ied Home
1'lie Hii-wtr that Bi-o, ' 'urrari i,av tc.
.s. ri;itor .Stewart was i-ort, ter-e ami to
, lie point. Woi.-ler what K'reit object
mil senator has in . ie-v. IVrbaps tie
v;sies i nil do'vn the expens'-s of the
avei burdened p-aple of this cou-ity by
irymg to get the jo' of distributing; sup
jilti;-. t-j the liee-ily ;-s he would work
li.etpe!-th:ia any oth-r. Some on--: else
vouid -iiare oniy pfr !;iy mid
unleUo ' " "'.-re as he would not ask lor
more than T))ru dollars r-r ilitui tU.
S e? liOVASDl.
Fic- Pills.
y..:. ' cr;'i,:i".:-.s tj i!. K. V.
: l;iea ,S:
''MPidg-t ii f:s.-e I ,,
if nr. King's New Lite pills A trial
a. 11 convince you of their merits. The
nils are e c-y in ac'ion and are particu
larly e!iV;tive in tiie cure, of constipation
and k headache. For malar. a and liv
r troiibiKs tliey hav- bi-efi proved nival
iiiljle. They are guaranteed to be per
le -tlv free Irom every celet. r ous
s'atis'.ani-e and to b- purely Vegelaide.
i'hev tin not weaken l.y toc-ir action, tail
uv givn-v; ten- to sii.iuach and liiei.
ivatly nivig .rate t.i: s tein. H-gu,ai
sie .-. per iiox. Kol 1 .t !'i'i:i-er pliai
li'ri!".'s I'er i . sine Sale.
P." virl-ie .p ail order of sale iv-euM mil
ol tiie iit-mci ( oiirt. uT siout i uici-y, .N"
I tii'li 1. Ilp-ill It jU'l'.l'.'ilt Hiui it i.-i-,'ee m
(.Mi-floilre liicl-.aa in favor of K itl' 1..
-outhwortn. pciiiiliir, met .-if.iinsl l-m.-amel
i-.i'lsclii a, del. -,1.1.1111, I will o.i tin- llr-t ilaj
.1! Airii. A. l. itfA, ut 4 o'caicU p. m.
,il ai'l l..y al the Iruiit iliior ot
,he ( oiil l iloil-e, in tlie villus- ol il.,rri-i..,
ill sal'l eouatv, "irer lor i,ie un'l si ll, al
pablie ve line lor e.,-!i i-l ll.nel, tile loil'in
i it i.--. itxsl nmrifr ami pn-niis.- anil r-..i
e.-lat" silllite'i Pi -,1M eollalv, town: 'lie
orth -asL ii:.,rti-r of reeiio.i l lurly -llu
, in 1 siwiislup a hirty . me (.,n .soiin.
,,a..i- . iiiy i-.. (-,) ti oi ilio i. -i. c
talM eira.iiy.
i.ati-a at ilarri-o i, .'.e r..-k.., I elirn .ry
,a. j A. K., . slier, l.
-i.v; a . . i.a UK, AUol ney for Clam till .
.oiii-e t.i "Miii-IP si.ii'ii; 1' .' nilnnt.
V. .1. Wlfinstlitiiii .t t utiip any, lu-.friKlitiit.
Hill lake iiOlii-e ii. reliitlaiy 'V, mil,
ill-- rte-tern M-eiiiiiy i iiii.piiiy, u coriMir.i
l.oa ol W i.i'lli.l.n, couiii-ctli-ut, i'iai.itlll
le-ii-in, (iii-il it petit. on iii tne iitstn.-i
.omt ot siout tomiiy. .. lirask a, air.iiiisi
-...HI iei-i,(la,,l aiiil otaers, lale opjeel null
pr-y.-i oi iui li Hie Pi luree use e.-rt ,i..
...oi'tif e ceculeu t Ui-ii Juliil It.
illl .lel ...Hi .H..IK il-et i . iiual. r lO tile s.llu
v e-lcisi security t, tile ieR,.! owaei
iliel col , upon I tie l-.-i-l ll.ol ol llie sowtli
e.tst ijiiaio-r ol seclaia 'lliree, ortlie..i
.piart. i' ol nrt lo'.isi uiiarter cii ss-eliori leu,
.nil Mirihvtesi . pi. a ier ol ui Ui
'et ijll.ilter "1 -eflioa Heie.,,
lOKilship lillltyto. K.iuKe fiftytlve, 1 1,
sliiuX omit y, .,i-i,ias,., lo seuui'e uie ji.y
...ent ol o.. eei Urn pro.mss.jry note lo.
..uu urn- i..y i.i, ii. witti iiiterist tiien-
oa ,.t sen-ll per eeilt. pel' rttlllllili llOlll Jirt
.a, isw, p.y,.l;li- Kniiu.Oly, per eoiijioiiH i.i
I elieil. iief . .nil lias n.-e.i ui.i'le hi Hie .
..lent oi s.ti'1 i.ole mill li.t'-re-l
anil in Hie leriiis lili'i ui s,,m
iiiurleaie. 'I liere Is now uue. aiet owiiik to
s.n'l ' i i .. i li t i If o.i s..nt proaiisnoiy no e,
tMUMi, witn iniei est tli. Tisi, ,,t T x r i-i-iil.
lioai .i.,y i.'i, s'.'.v; oa one coupon note, 4a,
nil Interest lliereim t III p, r cent. Iio.i.
.ianii .rv i, isw; one eotirion note, .si walli
li.leiesl llu-reoil t ll) per eeill. Iroai .linn
,.iy I, l.-i.S, milt Oil one. t-oUKMi note, tfai.O.,
W.lil inti-iest lliei'eon lit iii per l-eat. Iiijiii
ai..y i.i,i -i.l; lor inch Minis w uli luUTem
llleieotl lis ulijres.oil l ialulllf pr..J'fi Uecrec
aiat IciKl .nt-. lie lo pay tile
s ane; Ulat In tllereol K.iiu
preinMe may iw soiii to n.Li-iy tne ,,1110.1111
iiiuliii mill llieleu.i anil ro-t. I oil nre le
ii.ilie.1 lai ;iitnwi-r saiU pi'lilion on or iielor
apni , is'iii,
l.o. , ijti'KKK MxruiTtr loxrinv,
lit i its, I'i.tiatitr.
I!v Ai.vis i. I.AUK, U Attorney.
Mn rilfs Kale.
Ilv vlrlnt of mi order of sale dlieclnl to
in.-1 toai the i li-rk ol llie Hislriet loiu toi
-toil. I oilalv, Nelir.tsk.1, Oil H iildneinent
j oolaiiicil in aid i-ouri- on ttie 1st il..y oi
.11 .V. !'.d, In Iwvor ol II. Allsini lvi-lte list
! p anil Ul and air. dust Jaeoli liesper, Allnii
1 oe-per, itlld Vt dli. on llli. hie lis oeff lidcnl
lor llie .inn lit is-I'Xi. iw Hllll Illti-resL. mid
I cihi, i ixei at m. und ih-ituuik cost., i
j have IcMed upon llie lollou illK real l .l.ltl-
,,tii,. piopcriyofsaid iieieiiilaui. tuiiiii
'v oriuri'il sale, limit: I in- .-son Hi east
Mlj.l(. , ot .,.ioii 1 vteutynni. In Inwnsinp
i mrty tiiiee .virlli, Kauae nt ly "IS; wesi i,i
; p. .M. in Mouv t ouiiiy sii'iirnxKti, itiiu win
I otter lint same, lor ..,,- to llie iiutuest mdili-i-
!or ciodi in lend oa l lm I'lKlilli tl i)' ot April
istiV ul tlie liii-ir of iltne tt'ean-K it. in. ol illu
flay, hi tin: lisnil tiirtir ol tne i.otirl House in
iisiriison, :ui-rf.M t:i it tM-i.iK I In. li'iildiuK
in wnicd tin: cut leiiii ol (lie ids-tiici com i
wan lie I-1, l tviiicli lime anil pi. ire our
. lteinl.tiic.ft will lm Ki veil hy tu-f iiiidi-i -loneU.
s. r. rir.w,
l-.'tjni lierlir
, ... k.
Feed and Sale Stable.
l-pj if it l.i ' HI
Harrison, Nebraska.
E. Br-K-.vhn,
Fie - d- nt.
H. H. flRisAVOI.I), Cashier.
jansacts a General Banking Business
AMKEKHS ': ny r. Kationm. B.-.mi. '.- V irit.
U.v;ti;i .'s.'atks Naucnai. !!..a. One..! t,
l'lPT N.;i.N l. UM'., 1 i.:niron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits. solh on all pauts of li I:"!'!:.
Final Pronf Nntu-Ch.
All pi-rei-n til'VinK ft mil pr-w.f uiitii-e In
this p.i -r i. ill na'cive .-i in arke'l ropy ol the
ll"t l'
imu-R Ihi
1 in.e lo tlil tiltH-- Ht oiii
Noti' e rr 1'uf.lii-t' inn.
OHi'.-e ut WW tnt-, S'-i.t
.hum try iJ,
Sorlft-J- h'Tl.y ffiv n l U- f
ilium1! td;i:l-r n..- fii-'l nolii-' o! !i"iinl-'i
li'Hi t tirtl jr'iij , t j i j h i t id iii-
ciiUiu, aiMl t ;t;it ci.'l jri'att wjii it.- m..'lt? !h
iorc M. J. Ki4A-'tL, ei-rU. ot 1 i-1 1 u-l v 'on rl.
it ll irri.-o.-i, S'-.f.t on Vlfli. 'J, vz:
SN tliii'lii !"'M. ji ii:H'ri--Li. - -.
who rnn'X Ii. So. il-'O f'r itH- . Z
ip. .-1 ii., r. : w,
iU-"4 I'm follow iii k w il:t ("-' lo itro i
in - rt,ui UiJioii r''-tiiitvt: ujion ml ru. li vu
U'it ol'. l.iiitl. I?. :
h.rf i'-.i'tii'-, it. A. arton. u ii
lortt, -Jerry s ill, nil of it, Neb. Al-i
Iwi.e, i.n ui.-. o. ilani-aia, .m-'i.. iu!i,.iiiiti-ii t rout ipnckly coii-eivin tlie reuieUv to
I'll-el tin-l.vti.te nf Pr.LUk i"iiia-i. ill - ' overeojH- exist hig dlen paueie. 'lo (tee.. I
reasi-il. i earu can not Ik- eTerriin-'l iii cti'WMing a co. n
ho Hindi: II. K. So for tl.e . '. !i "' ' .M-teui mid .kiiltui utt.ini.y tt. pr.-p in- ici
iiw. -i M'. a iill'l in', 'i sw.i .sci'. :ii, tp. M 11., 1( . . ,
-j,, . pisi'f-ut all lippilr-atliill lor p.. lent, talll
lie tiaiiii-ii tie f ui in w in it iii-se,. to pro1.!' ;, ijie h, it-rcnis have lj.-ea iost a ml deriio ed
mi- cnaliiin.i...-.- I'-si.ieni-i. niiua and cuitl ' t n il in i-ra !jl- fciMaliees tiy tin- e.i.p.oy
I'litl.ic ill said land, VI,: , , ,
ll. A. I. .il Oili. IV ll.laai Son ;-c,, liul.crt. I. ' ln-ntot coUa-i-l, ami Cspe. l.i
iieel, 1 tljirlcs I,. s-,,j, all i.l llal ri-o.i. N.-lj. )y Hn alvi:j ap,)iieailiC to tnoail w lio
l i ,1. H . niv, Jk, itei.-ti r. .ajopt ".mi p.t.:..l, no p-.y" iij ii ju..
Nu:l.-. tor Palilioatieii. '' I'lvc'lois t.'l ..H'lit lueu uiien lo t,i-
l.anit I nice at APianee, Nell., I f.M'M t .W ,i) ) U'J w .it iai,.ii.,eiil n,i.,
n-0. V, I-. i m Ui,-ore. .Jin and lren(lll oi tn. p.l'.t.o
.Solire in-r.-tjy trlve.i ttcit tlie fonim iii-
mini --Itn I iiHt IiotUX tn luil it-,i
.Oil U n..r. U.i.n jnool in f,iji)ot tol ti i s
i. Lt.i. .ii.'! tH il tJO III OpI Wl.i 1 Oi..O' it'-
unit, ui ii..rii-oo
' ...P-ii iilililiic-ivni-tli. fnriacrlv W.miiy.
id oilrli, ist. elc.
ho Hind.- ll. I . So. l-.llfor ll.,- ,,w. ,-,..:
a. s, . a und r.vt. c j,cc. -t ip. n.t i,
lie lilllljes till' ff.lllow 111 ftit! lo prove
liLeinitimioes r.-s, Hence ...Mil. ud cm ! .1 a
umi oi s.iid iuiid vu:
K. W. Knott, Jauies WiSon, Irfdli of (.ii
clirist, .Sell, Jl. t . Hiijllle, t. i. toller, tnilll
ul llo-Jai-c, .scti. uiso i
Ju..fjiii H'. llnlnli llil. of llnrrihilll. Ni le.
dio iinide II. K. No. jnil lor the nn. c. . c.
;, tp. .ti, r. j. .
III! ll.oill s ItlP iollovi hm vt itlII--.-e to
irove Ills continuous rci'i'-nce ujhiii and
cultivation la saltl i.i mi , i Iii:
indsi v, i.r.i!ii i.uilirie, J;inn
-colt, 11. A. I'ruldy, till ol llairi-on. eij
Keliu.a 1'. I.hiisi-v, nf ll.irrisini. Sell.,
uli'i linidR II. K. So. 'JM'J for tin- e. ';, see.
tp 41 ii., r. :i w.
lie liiilni-s l lie follovtinx tt ttites,e--fo prove
hi, eoiiliiiuoits re-ideiice it jmii and i-uitit a
laiia ol , vi.iid land, . :
J. tt. lUllllllsoll, lliltid Ilarllett, Jllllil-s
s adt, IV, c. li'Coiuior, nil ol Harrison, eli.
t-Siii J. w. w liuN, Jk., iiiKisti-r.
Notice lur Piitiliratimi.
latild Oftii-e nt Allium-, Nell., i
.Mari-n 4. Isti.i. t
Noiii-i-1 hrridiy (rivi-ii I the foliuu inv;
aiiniisl settler Iiai illisl iioiice ol hisiuleii
lion to iinikH llnal pi.eil lusiippoil ol Ids
ciiiilii, und llial n.ild jirool lll lie iiia.Je n
ion- M. J Iliettett. 1 ierk liislrlel ( oitrt nt Ualtota. t lilcll are reclieil by this coin
iliirrixuu. Neljriuka, on April ill, I .', U : ; oanv i, hues.
'' ''! iif ri'di. ." '-. i ilm K. euerv, towns, iniiies, people anu
er!;v.;r;nM T
ii . tuiiis of t ountrv urn treated ol with ah-
lie nnines tin- followiiuc tt itnesmn Ut prove jPh.j l(r.-lety. 'JW) pattes with illll.tia
tii'nol tH'u!n,uir'vU:"" "'U"'la t.o..s..-,il. on ns eipl ,f If. cents ,
i in.- wlhiKer. P. I!. lti!elo, E. A. lllire
lon.dr.uit t.iitlirlr, nil of HiirriMiii. Neti.
tVilliitlii Scldi-jer, nf P.iilrr. Nidi..
U IIO IIIHIII- II. I.. Ml- 1-tCl lor Hie e. nr.
and ii. si f. 'i wr. IT, Ip. Si n., t. h .
lie names tile 111. km inK lluesii III prux1
liisioi,liMii.iiireldeiii.i: upon wml euillut
t on ol, ald land, viz:
Ashliel iii Ioii, t ruest ItutiKe, J. C Wier
spei lu r. ll. r. .'-rlie, no oi HiNiare, Neti.
!ji;.ji, Hiifisier.
. -
Tl.eWt8alveintlm world for ,-nl.
bruises, -ori-H, ulcers, nail rlieum, fever
uon.ii, tetter, chapped iiandx, t liilhliiius,
corns, ami nil nkm ernition iinii ,itive -
ly CHI es piles, or nii pay required, ills
K'lnrunteed to ive perfect satisfm lion
r money reluniM. Price 2' ctiitit mr
ox. For sale by Pioneer Pbannacy.
C. F. ' CKTT.E,
: TinT"' m.'vcr win i 1 1 oi'1 l.i ' t y oi
' our runritry wIk h dc h t. nivu
j tio.i f.ii'l l:iirov-;u-ut- In tin.: ur! i -m
ittiif'9 gf. kt. illy t iiiNtt u now
si it? I no;-ti itop. tin: iioy-fliol I. 'id Uit' l.trm,
In omci.l iite, tv'vv.r -t.t!i:;u tl ;.Wi
JOHS l'i 111'1 pp.l:t iiK't"! Jtifl iifi;!ti.H'.it . ui
i-itdl J 1 OI iJT to h.i 0 liiiMlT, t iiJtlJ " lI!Hl "X
jw iiM'. T!m jKilitW'al ciAiip'; in the .uLtiinU ;oii of govern, limit. not flt'f-l I'n-
firyi!r' ot tho A'-inTJi'dii inv-'iitor. who tiv
uti thi k!i rt, uii'l r'-i(ly t i TO' iv- tin
ijfft.uK k'fl('j.n-i'si, diK'n not jK-r.iitv Ui'-
1 nir.ars of lln; frovarrinneut tn Ueter til.c
never roi.s.dere.l la u-vir of a ipiicii eaai',.v
orto&cluii iAlto.v.i.iee and ont.lil tn.-lei
tn,:a oi.i. In. Piti-SH claims voni'tsi,
iii.,ii.iei", 'lis .
- " l-r,! ""'""'' ol i...po, t.u.t .i.oly a,,.,
'"'k,y P-P-r-. '- cd i, per..lie.,
"f llieioii.,liy, lo protect II.
p.,tro,i- irom tin- methods iierctolore
raiplov.-d I'l Ilns line of lillrln. . -.. J lit- s.n
" ,. . - .-
t o.i.p.... 1-luep-.r.-'l lo laK.i u .1 K ot a,,
: p liiiuien eiilrusled to it lor reason
alii-, mid prepares and JilOsei-ulca
tppiii 1.111111. l:ruT.uly, llicaidin u.i cilanu:
ul In Vc, .lions, lie ..-fa p.itents, trade-in o ks,
l.i !-, copyrih'li!-, i,iterieie..i-c,,. mt rmjr .
iiieuis, c .iiuity ri-pnrls, and gitc! esj.. ci.o
i.lleiilioa lo l ejecieu c-n,'.-s. il I- iii--o pie
p..refi to euU r into t-oMi pet i t io.l nit'! liny
l!i ui in n uniitf hu-'-ikii p.acul
rit, lor tii-lrtietioiin und ud t iee.
Jim v. ruiiKKia lis.
tils i- Mrevt,
I". O. lint T,,. 14-Illuilt-ei, IL i .
Just Frcm the Press. I
A very attractive publication just j
ln-ell Issued by t ie passenger ili iarliuent
o! llie ISui lin-tloii tfoute. it beii;-s I he
title ' 1 lie .Setter .Nui III Went'' a .d tie
hi riiit-H in a most interesting and read
able la-shioii thos portions ol northern
VVyoiiiuie; and llie IliacK Hills o( Soutli
stauips. J I -lltM't", ' '1 Ot i. A.
Ouiaha. Nrhi asltii.
; . . - - -
ill I rre.
'. . .. .. . i i . s-
; 1 tlow H Hti ll.tve u.'u nr. rvui .m
I)i r,VerV know it Value, Hivl Ihose ho
- '' ,
imve not, have now the oppot tnilll v to
' try it free. I all oil the udvei'tied tlitig -
I ijifct aiitl gft a trial Imttl" free. S.-nd
& ., Uilcn-. nl Bt MinplH U.x of
J)r. Kin'n New Life pills free. It well
1 , ft (.nfty ,f (;Uid' to Health mid Hotte-
htibi Inst rtu.-tor, free. All of which is
iri-i ranteett to tin you ;;ed and cosi you
u bh'. Pkiueci' Pliaiiutuy.
SioiiA County,
Free Homes for More
! Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles cf
rail oad and has no county
Fuel, Posts, Logn and l.niiibi r i lii upcr)
Tluin fit any Otliir Pluct' j
In Ni-brasLa. i
fj.otiX county is the umthttest roniiiy
of Nebraska. H is iiljonl thirty mile
wist mid v.t,t by ulrfjul seventy 111. ! s
north and south
..f land. There a'e more l.ixht. spa
1 11
linif, small trean
can b fnninl in tin
in lb'' State. It b
it than all the re-:
. :t, Ci.. eoimt c thari
s, nr.-,. elsi'-tlnr.
- tlllil-e II - t H!'. f Hi
1. 1 tli -tat. i nil an i!
n. h-t M '! lie -! Ha
',;tt ('ir -t il l- .;-,,V. ,11,:
!ts enissi-s are t
trit ions knovt n so I
i is UlleSce!!"d.
The sti-1 varies f; -in a la in y
liklit sandy buiiii ai d is :.i - i I
U t
. f I
.lii-.-in' (:Mcelcf:t crcj .
Tin; principal cr ;is an- .mail hi
lll.l Vegetal I'-s, ;i 1 1 ln.tii.: il t'.i'd ''Ml i
rovt II 111 till V ill s. fil vvhelt.i-il
rt e n t i.i n.ii l,y at t al' id ic usu ill v I; .
jualilv ami toliiuiai.d the Ihulii.M to a
K 1 prices.
I'iie v. .iter is pur- iMid n-fr.-vb - . ' ':
is ivjuiiU ill aliUl...atn "- ,u all part s i-f t h
"in,! .
T'ue i -..iii! y is prac'iially tint ' ! (I. -Id
ilnl lli's o i r .il-iiVe in. b So! i . i : i i -. i -'.
;t iiai Its b.u .ici lias a " "I !t.c! . oc r.
' a ii i iti it lid Uii- mre, y !ii ui-, s lor n.i.
lilU' the .olll.t alill thcl'e liasiiiti:
;feell Otle dollar ill County hlllitls Isslls. .
.lid ll- lu e ta. s iti! te luiv.
The 1 retnoiit, Kii.h ..-n & M;-uir.
Viilley railroad crosses Sioux oiiu!
rroiu eai-l to west and the Ii. A M. has
llrfjtlt lit teell 111'!"-, .f lis llllM III
northeast, part id Uiu imiiity. !
i he t bin. tie Is uniie pleasaiu tlc.u that
.1 the irasteru portion ot Nelaraslta.
Tlieru is still
OVER 800,000 ACRES
of land in Sioux county yet np.-n to
iioinesitiid entry. H i teller laud ainj
iii' iff il.-crai'ly loiated tlnni mat lm
llivil Mich ri.-JICk ale liialle ol! tin: open-
ui, nl a r.sA-rvation. lliere it n i rail
mad land in the county and lor t ii , I
reisoii Its settleiiioiil lias t.insPiA i,,,
io special eiiori to gvi seiners Uv
nude, as was iloiic in the t-arly days ,
i it s. I! leiiii lit ol the easti'ifi part of t l.c
I J iod deeded land can Is- purch.i-.(i at 1
l l.. .. .!. v .. .II I . . t
eus'junoie i.n-. s on . o . 11 in 111-1 1 1 lalltl
i. Ij. lining M that a person it ho u, nils
in ir.- than one ipiarler M-ction i-juobtaii,
it if lie has a lit lie iin-an-..
Tin-re are about 'J,.''tU people in tin
county and there is room lor lliousaiids
llil ire.
Ibirri on is the cuuiity seat tind is sit -iiai.
d on the K E. & M. '. rallniiul, and
s a;-; j;. md a tovtu as thn lliiniy o
olltit r' dciuiin.Is.
IS -liool houses .ni,l . hnri he, me pro
.1 .hnril
Valid in almost everv . It lenient iiuil ar.
Ki pt up IVitll the tune.
Ail tvnoiiesue to "vl a boniest.- ul oi
any I.ui.l cbe:ii ais- invi'.nl to come and
s,-e llie country tor toeu.-cl and pad ;e
.if its lnci-,1", ! biliiesleails ivi! i.-o-. irt
obtainable mil. h loi.p-r and il ton want
lo use tour t" :ht und ei-t l'',i a ts ol
iittid It. mi t'lu le Nam lire il is time you
ni ere at-not it .
J.nok nt Tills I. Ut
llf Vtl-Sli I'M Cities:
i lm ai;o St. Jo -eph
t llil. lll.l I.IUI'oIll
St. Ijuliis lienver
Kansas I "i I v 1 1-nd .vomal
l does'iil matter which ton iiit-oid
vimIiii. Tim J'.urliiiis'tou Uotite is t
i-st line lo all us it is to any oiai ul
tin in.
.dvi rti-.iu matt-r and full inform.!
Iioti auiiil trains anil rites i n applica
J. ITiANCIs. U. P. d. T. A.
Omaha, Neb.
r.. a m. v. u. . i the t-,t
to und from
NKAnWOOP ASt) ItflT ftl'tttKnf ,
Prizes on Patents.
( Vili- wltMJ auJ mint., a
; ,!- :.- aa ! iuli' e (fc .
'l. t.T l l.Kiit i1-' -
I,.. (..
'fit I
ii, !ie l d"lljr i t 1 " '
rtiz oi.e
.. pi of ,v. (! -1 .ioiiit' t" "" ri 'i"'
l,.),-i,lt,t" n. ' u.'rlt.irinul l.,.ee
I, .. in. i..f.ei-r.-... .-.:,..-lU'iiit:.. ri:.
i'i. ,,'lvertl-e Hie UlV. ullO.I fleo O! I llr
', Ifc-rdcr. eklv
I ,. ,. r, I uhi.-ac-t l"n. '
I w,a-h ll n elte..vJ illculut'.ou l!ir.. lw .
iomtl.-l iiilcl-ut'"'""' 'lT",M
i In'.i rru of liivciitor.
j S.,T ill H Kt' " l '
T!i.- .f- of tn in al.le ft mai
tMS lr:W.-s, l.i-.t pf-uiiSr- t-Ililt -Ij 'til
fli-ii.t; Ui 1 .t'-ln.Um t lie C.iinp"' "'w-1' "
,iM l'. II i- t!.1 soiil"': lioiC "' '
t jVi't.ll-e lililt Ttliib'I l:..C ((ri-iitsl lllliUIOil
ut H ,.n :
j.o.lll iijn
ut I" :t:
t nrl Hue.
ultv 'l-!i.
:,, !llifei!B'.'l ' ' -1
A1U.O- l-M I) !lv. ul "(Hi llll.e
r, W:lC-'ite. ..a wblrh. 1;
i 1 1 i ii.ti.ii y l "it'i U tin" s
l i.iofl .lliuTely ull.-ll l'le lle lls'i
... ! iiliu'Jl li"Utit 'i;- utinj'!"
imeuli'.n- tuoormiiiJo wlilcti evuM
U; e..sil i!.l up areJ iii. 11 without br..ktr. .
IU Mse gir t'n i.'lie"""' pi". tli f...
Ur liutu.u , liie nut Iwk. Ur tM topjti
ll.e nam siiovi!, ur tntnji ttott alaei '
n rs.eie Kium way of iiapiuvlri? uirfi i
mi l it 1. t:i:e kltel ot 1 iteu'Joln Ib-t l.i e
tLe ci . i.t.-.t ri tnriif.o tU unllior.
The pure we3er l Ij"I 1,1 i'
L, rli ii.eutU, i.ltlltr 111" ni..!a atimi 1.
! Ins 1 - etc ) a pou t tliu fat. nt Hi: or rn.i
I tr eoiiip-'tiUii must apply n.r n ii
j on iu-i.-iit: ju tlir'Mie'a n i, uA liHttjfi U-
U. curt . Hit- prut or ii"t t i' P.i ci.tcr ki ;
j,.,. a i.aM. pat.-nt
1 Tilt: i'i:L" t laiusi otii'ANr.
Ij.jiis iVr.iii knut as, Oeii'l M:uiijtr.
r.l F Ht. y . '., V ahlnloii, ll i
1. 1. 1 l.o rc! ibllity of I!,., ompi
nmy I jii'lf-u (i"ni Hie f.o :l It.H t t i
1, lnM by flj..'il
le.etiie,' in -pa!" i
l.tee Sj :i-.l 1 ut lie
! t'e- t'liil'vl st,,.
Count' Fair
I J iCt.-r c-t t) r,;t yr.'.:r wat
v.'n-JJ teptoof :-;:"it Ins -
i. It ; i
i.l, Side
'1 his Wi.n.Jrrfnl butv i:; now litKj t.i !!.
Jas. Boss
Filled Watch Cases,
m h.v h m.i'fe cf twa (laics of gr.lj
c!4rr.-t! t a r bts c f'.'iitltin trx'.l.
I..!. cmsKy :is v cl as solid f;U
a:-i ci-t alK-'. t h.-ilf a--, much.
G'-'arrtritoid to wear ;o ycir;.
A' v:iys !W'l: ? r t'-is tr.iJr mar!;.
fs.- !-;V:;t; i!. 'VJf
..i omv p.'murIi watth tk-nlfri.
... '.tb '.sit 'ner which mala i t-ar.Cscir.j
Clin Jiit tii or ri.ql..1.
UcvstoneWatch Case Co.,
! A'lKiK KIC I di
ed! .(. i.. Mo. re
I t. A I'ipci
i.-UKcia- .Vioore...
os.-jtli s. 1 o I a y
. A. s. i liilrcllill...
I. leu tettaiil I ,oV" ....t
........eclctal) of -litis,
1 r'-a.ari"
Al lorin v i.enera .
I.e. I! II, ell . - Lurid ( imuidflol.irl
1. It.turlietl supt. I'Ulill. III. 111., I..H,
t'(iNt.p.K---!iiCAi. iii.i i:t; -. tp i
I . M .1 ; oti-t nit! V . s. s ( uiinu t
i A in. Aili-u I . s. scioilor, t el,
I ) ',,!,;;;:,"; ' '"j ' . l;";"''-
i ..' .i,',k i'l - l-ahci-'io"
i ii'Oiiei , in: nn.i:,
A . A. (. hi
). M he. II,
Mil '
! ll
l!f I i Ion i
look- .. He
I'. 1.. Xorval .. I lll.-f Ju-tlcc. sin
A. i. l'orl t,socl ,tc .lull--. Colllli.On.
i . 'I i il .ri i-n i . . i. te in ik, ,,r.,hd l,n. i
i '. A. t :uiipln ll..l n-I i. mid lieKir t-r, 1.1m a
Hni.K.Vlil Jl llillAt. I1SI1!P T
I. P. Klnk.ud. Jiidije, O N, 1,1
ill r. d i,. i low ( ha.iy.,,,
A. J. li.-.-tl i , rk, , ,,-r,.,,,,
i iit'MV Hi lip fits
ItolK-rt Wllai:,.
il. a. r.lcwcii.
i. vs , ur
a il ... .
.' onali Ju.!-
.1 leu.
- - I H-Iislll,
ii't. I uiiai- in. ii -jc,
sli.-l -II
' OIOM. ,
nr. ,..,
i ii-l ii of i ii-t r ici i o n
.loiiaty .ttlor.i. -.-
! v. p. i.c '
J J. r.. iiin.-.i)..
.-i. a. inc.
alt in i.i
r raiiK I inkliain. .
..!. .1. it i Is-,
I-I I '
1 1
II. r , .ii iiisid
'n.iu:ii.iu .....
i l-l.Isl.A I It I
It. 11. strWlu .S4.I)ur,,ri ,.,(
tt . In-nii-i ;, . ll'-p., ui.l. ,',n. ':.
It. I lan I., I I
I .-l..l .1-1 1 .. . I
ii. i. v, r m t n i p.
I I'. It. t.rtruoM .-, Ill ,,, ,
i K. poji i r
i .1. W . -coil
j !. .1- lb. uctl
. on lli'l 1.1. eli', ..i-.,
j ,.. j.siao..,..,,, ... " ; -
; t . a. in .i. i- ....
m iii i. u. m n- i ii,
J. V.. n.iu
J. 1.. ..Oil .l.-nc! ... '
i... Vt , in ..j
.-lo I i
1 Mills ii ,i ;
I'NI'.cl ( oat l,.- VI II ,,,-,,,'
Api ii .lb in.ii ,ji i n,,-r ,(!,
tiiunlc loillt, - vl ll.,ir,.,...
I nr. I Jioad ,v ol t, n,o,,
i ill :ti in
M, It. i loifi l, . p
AMI s,, j i, ,
ab'U r Ii , ,,.
s;iad .'. i,l la. ,,.
Ill.-t.-l-. I,,,. ,,
; l"K ul i ui.x . ( .
I Aietltirll.l s,,,,,,.,
j tl.i u uriiinn ii ..i
-vl l-l , l a. I.
i-i r
J. r.. at .lis I ,
a ii i..
"I" ' mo ,. ii-lll. ., , ,,,,
,,- , , .null, .so r.t ,. ..... i
ninl i it i ill sii-iiu.
I. I. I'lllSst 1.
a I iif ib.
,'-',l li.iinll.
'Mil .
' Veiili,,., ,
I t.
i'l. I
i rvi m i ii n-.t,t t .
il n ll 1 . . ... o i r
Until .
! that the row cr nnu :s a
Mil". W. , In, ,s
w' Ul j
I'l '"lib-
- (5
'-is. i'l i '
.k 1