''.hvrv'V ."''-."i'"'"v'.,'."'v.v ., " " - i- y.' ; : ,-,; ; - i Wilt?-, ' ' - -W- -r : jivr-r v. Y.S Tt'KKS ti nt arc j.i-rfi'i't ilo nut count in tli inat-ii-r f ln'iiuiy u itli that delinhtfnl a)- ( has not marred domestic hannony. In arance that ran t Iliisliand and wife freiineiitly vote op only be ilelined as , iioslii tickets without distill him; the well prooineil. This j ieace of home. IHvorees are not as Is not hestowed ; freijitent here as In other cominunlt ten. through any lieredl-1 even takint' into consideration our piry descent, nor I does It come with- ! out ninny hours of care and thought . given to the minor details of the toilet. Kvery day we sec slipshod pretty worn- en who show most plainly ii have sliuhted tin Ir coiffures, pv II lint' n moment to their hands and made a lal wiili u fai r, doth answer as suli nituie for a tlmrouli hatli. '1 heir clothes likewise show (l disre gard for tlie little niceties that pi to form a perfect ensemble. The bodice pever seems to beloni: to thrill, even through nt the betlmiiii;; it may have l.ei a pi-oiiomiceil a good lit. Somehow this portion of the slipshod phi's attire tcts a twisted and consorted look that c."ii .bp directly Iriued to a careless il.s retard as to w le-iher it Is rliiiu up and showing the si.inbaud or is wrin kl"i where it should be ipilte plain. The lit my lady slipshod always have a half won, appearance, the heels In pariii niar b -i;ii most inotirnftil i"" linens of iii-tr!' i t. am! even thoti;li th" owner and wearer of these various b,i-( of apparel Is as liemitiful as an le-.irl whom we have been hd to be In '. e was a sort of composite Kn-ell-1 .am: try and Helen of Troy, sir- would i, ever received a second irlance If the v. 11 groomed party were to appear up on the scene, provided tie- latter was not enws eyed or her features absolute ly cut on the bias. Tic v.-ell-m-iminefl woman Is the pcr-sotiilv-alloii of neatness, th" flowing cnili .liim.'til of personal care, lb-r hair j lt.ylo-.sy from much brushing, her scalp vhlte and her skin In such good condi tion thai the blindest observer at once r.-ali'.es that she is'weilded to daily baths and healthful exercise. Her clothes are always well brushed, tneru jue no stray ends of skirl braid, or loose fio.eii ruilles ill which to catch run-over hi els. lb-r siioes own all their allotted number of buttons and lit beautifully. Hd hands lire well kept and her teeth white, even though not symmetrically veil. Ju fact the well groomed woman Is ll Joy to t 111' eye wherever you meet her. and We for one admire her from the inmost recesses of our heart. Another Horrible Kzuniple. When a youns woman achieves suc cess In any line of work not connected v Itu domesticity or femininity, she fre quently makes the 'tfJ. mistake of trying to wr l look like ft man whose place she may be snld to have usurped. Nature having hud other views on the sub ject renders this Im possible, anil the re sult Is a caricature. Here Is one such. It Miss MKIK'KU. Is the picture of a young wouian of un usual intelligence and skill. Slio has not displayed these iiuulltles In her out fit and muke-iip, however. When she found that she could design build ings she promptly parted her hair on the side. Not content with that, she proceeded to part ll on both sides, brushing It up anil back aggressively In the middle. Then she tidi to collars, tihlrt fronts, Mien's ties, waistcoats, and couls. The result is the above u sin gularly and deliberately unattractive joiiug person, who lias to be labeled "Miss Mercer of IMttslnirg" In order to be distinguished from n Mr. Mercer of an) where. The mere fact that she has designed a building for the Atlanta exposition is no excuse, though It may be some explanation, for the young wouian'H attire. New York World. The Life of a Hlioc. According to un Intelligent and ob servant member of the trade, the aver Hge purchaser of footwear counts the. life of a shoe by the number of times It require resoling and hiidlng. If a shoo I resoled and heeled twice, the wearer think It Is a better shoe than the one -blch, though giving longer wear, will hardly bear resoling and heeling more than ome. The same reuiller claims that mime manufacturers take advan tage of this knowledge and put Inferior leather In the soles and heels, and thus attain the apparently lmposlble feat of Increasing the reputation of their roods, br uslnc Inferior mate-lal. It la i r-rlji in. however, that reputable jmtiu fariuriTx do in,; ul(it this iiuetioini-111.- jiuHcy. tiumii Sufr. 'e a huci5. 'lii.-f .In-.; ice ;i-ii'(k m 'tie Sn- ir-iin' (Vint "f Wyouili'c in nite-iliinc ol' tie- effect of woman suffrage in tlmt Sial-. ki.vs: "It lias li-iti wclliej and not found wanting. It Iris ti-ndi-d to Ki'i'un- imi.i1 nomination for pillule ollii'i'H. The women, as a i-ia-s. will hot knowingly vote for lticuiiiieieiit. tin moral or i 1 1 -1 1 i i a : 1 1 candidates. It has tended to make women self. reliant and independent, timl to turn tl.elr ntti-11- tioll to till- Sillily of tile Hclellec of CuV- eminent, an education thai Is needed liy the mothers of the race. Ii has made our elections itiict and ordi rly. No rudeness, lirawlln" or disorler would he tolerated nt the n illliic liootli. There is no more illttieully or lnde:h ;icy in ilejiosltin ihe hallo) ill tlie nrn Ulan drojiiiii a letier in tlie iosi(iillce. It small io illation. It lias not re-nl'ed in mise,e women. They nave not '" """ seekers, 'Women lire ceiiernlly Hi-lected as country superintendents of schools, ollices for which they seem to he par ticularly ndapteii, nut tliey imve not heen applicants for positions. K.pinl s,ll,r";-r' '"1I11.-S Kleiner at uie nainn- j 1m. tlio enllulltenei! common sense of American womanhood, liolli these elo- ments irovern a well re-ulated hoiise ' hold, and lintli should control the jiollt j leal destinies of tlie entire human fam ily. I'artieutar'y do mv need In tlii.s ' new Commonwealth the home Infill I eie-e nt the priiiiarl"S an I at the pi. lis. I We believe itli Kmerson that if fill tic VIC'S some ale re'ires.-nted 111 our of the virtues should be." poillic.-t Cuiiotc for a Matron. A. if. m :t s N V IS To Mi.ke a Chair Cushion, Not u new way, but n very good and ! simple way to make a chair cushion, is as follows: When it Is desired to give tlie cushion height square comers mny, be secured by turning in tlie corners, nfler the cushion Is filled, mi l s-'Wing together the two vertical edges; thus formed; the amount turned In decides i the height or thickness of the cushion, j This is much simpler than the sewing of n strip between the top und bottom of the cushion. In covering tlie same plan may be pursued, except that the material for the top should be cut large enough to cover Ihe sides and front, turning over tlie lower edge where it may be faced with anything conven ient If preferred the cushion proper may be made In tlie way described, and the cover made with a strip of the same or a contrasting material sewed betwiM'ii top and bottom to form the sides. Womankind. Helled on Ilia Wlfe'o Judgment. A man who has returned within a short time from Samoa, and who saw much of the Stevenson family while there, adds another to the mony com ments upon the devotion of Uie novelist to his wife and his complete reliance on her Judgment He never undertook any trip or excursion, however unim portant, without deferring to her opin ion, and If she held the slightest dis senting notion he promptly relinquish ed the Idea, ns he said she was his best doctor. Mrs. Stevenson was very care fill In looking after his health nnd zeal ously guarded him from overfatigue. Out for n Morn I on Wulk. ii r ITEMS OF INT ERCST TO THOSE WHO TulL. 8atlHtirw Prc-ut-l to the New York i,.;i;U'.uii.' -Nc H .ud iaarl.-r cf the Kctiirati.in -mmv' Wac 1'er ceuta;f Growiutf Smaller o:e. CririiuiC'l hiibur, hi: kki'oiit of .' o in m I s slo u er Ii.iwling, of the New York Itureau of I.ubor Siiuls tlcs, .li-s.uli:d to till' l.egibljtlire 'ust week, treats chief ly of trinle und la bor organisations, and whctlier or not labor has been beiutited by such org;. ai.Hlioiis. Many fads and I giiivs furnished by labor .yaui.ati'iiis are g!eii in ansu ertooiiestions.iut lotliem J by ihet.'ommi -inner. '1'he report shows that, tlie labor organizations ot Ihe State have materially Increase, their inenibel-hlp since Ihe date of llielr foiiiiatlou. This growth has been par ticulariy imiiceiiMe since lsss. In that year e-o organizations infornied ithe bun an thai lh had lls.iiJS mem bers. 'Ihe reiuris received in 1MI4 from iw:t unions slimv that Ihe present lneniliersidp is 1 o.'i.oO.'!. I'oiir liundreil unit one lali.ir oiy iniaiions say that they have iuci .':'s"d wages, i.l report that wage;: are '. ss now than they were previous to the formation of tlie organizations, and the liguivs present ed by 171 unions Indicate Unit there has not been any change in the sched ule of pay. As to working lime, I'M organiza tions report that the hours of labor have been reduced, six slate that liiey have been increased, and the returns from 2Vi show that there has not been any change. Twenty one organ izations do not report the working time that prevailed previous to organi zation, and IT failed to respond to the query. The largest amount expended by a single or::a:dz.itloti in oUt-nt-woiK benefits is recorded by Ne.v York Ty pographical I rion, No. d, which i.aid ,.'',ii.sr..s.r,j for Hit-- purpo-e; the next highest being S'.i. I CiiO. disbursed by New York ( igariaakers' t'nioii, No. !il. In reply In t'.io ipiestlon, "Has your organization rendered any llnanci:i! n ill to its nieMb-rs during tin- pas year?" ."HI or I'M report "no, Four huiidriil :i :,!,',:it!oiis ,;ay 'yes, aad Hi do not an. v .-r. and sevenly-thive or- ganlzalloti state thai wit '.V 12i;.r.Mi m.'lnlieis, Xpi-luleil In ben.-lits t : the sum of Si 1 1.717.1'.. i if this iiiuminl $.'linl.siil.ii'.i was lor out-of-work b-'iie-lits, ilo. Hn.'.'s. for sick beii.'lits. '.'!. 4;;7.'.rj for deitli beiielits. syi.HD.'il for strike beiieliw; ln.ii7H7l was dnnated lo other labor orgu nidations, ami SI.11, .M.'l.li'J was expended in benefits that are not cla.ssiheil by the org i-ii.n I ions. I'resuinnbly, u greater portion of this lasi named sum was paid to members who were unable to procure employ ment. The ipiestlon, "IIus a reduction of wages been prevented by the fact of the existence of your organization?" was uuswercil by t;7l labor organiza tions. Of these .14:1 report that they prevented wage reductions, 0.1 say that they were unable to prevent decreases in the rates of pay, and ;'.'i say that there has been no demand for a re duction. At present eight hours Is a day's work for .'!J b" Riches of trade, Willi a total meni'-jrshiii of .lo.SJli. Nearly one-third of the 1.11..'lii:! mem bers of labor organizations now enjoy the eight-hour day, ami ihe cull for further legislation extending tlie bene pis of shorter hours coin 's "roin work crs in nearly every trade und culling. A New Platform. A number of the delegates of the Su preme Council of the National Alliance In session at Raleigh. N. C. favored a renin rmatlon of the Ocala platform, but a larger number Indorsed the commit tee's report Some changes were made. The transportation plank demanding the government ownership and control of the railroads Is modified so as to de mand that the government shall own anil operate just enough of the compet ing lines of tlie country effectually to give the government full control of the regulation of passenger fares and freight rates. 'J'he demand for election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people Is changed so as to demand that each State shall be divid ed Into two districts of nearly equal voting population, and that a Senator shall be elected from each by a direct vote of the people of the dlslrlct The resolution on finance declares that "while standing firmly by all of our alliance demands, we recognize that no oilier reform Is possible until Ihe de structive policy of contracting our money volume Is overthrown and the banks of the country be forced to retire from government business. Having at last forced the UiuuicIhI question to the front we will fearlessly meet the Issue nnd serve notice on the country we will never rest until the people shall rule Instead of the dollar, nnd n pronounced American financial system Is estnle llshed." The proposed financial sys tem Is established." The proposed funding of the Pacific Railroad debt to the government was condemned. The officers for next year are: President, J. V. Wllletts, Kaiisus; VIco President, II. C. Suavely, I'eimsplvnnln; Secre tary Treasurer, 1). I'. Duncan, South Carolina; National Kxecutlve Commit tee, Mann Tage, Virginia; II. L. Loucks, South Dakota; I. E Dean, New York; II. C. Demmlng, Pennsylvania; Marlon Butler, North Carolina. .Orecd Has No Mercy. It Is not at all probable that the com mon people will receive any more mercy at the hands of the corporations .Lat li.ey did ul the hands of the (1e )ki of old. (Jrwd has no mercy. 'J'he liberties of the oeople are iierlsbliig by their own igiiornnce. I.ub r saving machines ill do the work of the future wllba fuurthof the eople tlie balance, what will become of them? Public owncriip is the only theory that even promises: reiier. Now ut 1 nil iaria po'.it. The hiudiiuarters of the American Federation of Ijibor has been removed to luillanajHilis, I m., nuil Is on the same llisir with, and in adjoining room; to, the headquarters of the lu lernalloiial Typographical I'v'.ou In the lie Soto ISIock. All tlie f'Ji'IiiUire, boni s, papers, and other appurtenances of head piartcrs machinery have ar rived and tlie oMlres tir,' fully open for cxccu'jve and oilier olticial business. The outgoing secretary. Chris Kvalis, aecoinjinnied Mr. MclJiailh and will re main for an indelinlte period to assist tlie new secretary In conducing tlie machinery ol this great organizaiioii. Nothing has occurred In mar the prog ress of the federation, and things ahead pies lit ;:ii aspen lie- most die -ring and encnui aiiing The new oilieers are men o! experience and ability an I will strive witli zeal anil fidelity, to carry off laurels of green In their new licld of labor. Irululriul NotCM. It is ro.osed to build a $:'..'imukmi sugar relinery at i nnnleii. N. .1., w ith a capacity of -1.1100 barrels a day. ;arlner & Sous, axle manufacturers of nrlisle, I'a., have received llielr third huge order from liirmlngham, ICngland. The Southern Hallway Company has awarded a contract to the Ohio Falls Car Company to build 3.10 ventilated box cars. The receipts of grain at New York by canal during tlie season last year were oii.c.ts.iHin bushels, and by rail l.T2n, '..'71 bushels. Trades-unlniiisui Is not dying worth a cent. Kesu.sci'ntloij is apparent in every direction, 't'he revival is coining slow ly but surely. Tlie I!nson unions, ns a rule, are be ginning to bm.iii. ami tlie l "ide union movement whs never so w that city as lo-day. The licl.i a ' Iron Wo n oted in .-. at New ner for - , Dub- ' .ii. 1. r (Iceid 'd i... with a v on an iu- Cnsil-, . :vmi inn.., , lit!. Iivia.-i e.eivrd : nlloy .: ristol. !. r, i.. 1:: ,mp:- .. of the IlrnoU nys each car car- .ill passengers per da, ' i.. o before Ih-1 strike. Trousers Makers' I'nioii, No. o'.'.l. Knights of Labor, met In New' York, an I decided to demand a return lo the wages which were reduced last Octo ber. They will also ask that ten hours iniisti'ute a da.i's work. At present they work twelve to fourteen hours, Nmi union inotnrme) are growing tired of Urn discomforts of their posi tion in P.ronkl.vn. A force of (wenty liine left tlie Fas'. New York barns Sat urday night, declining any further risks of being assaulted. These men claim they were, riot treated well by the company, and as the olllcials promised that they should be. ThoiifhlB for ToiIctm. Fulled labor to tlie rescue. .S'uiii our children be slaves? Organize against tlie usurer.' union. Labor unions are tlie sal van m of the people. The Debs prosecution ends in per secution. A man without a home Is a man w ithout a country. How much did you get out of the lasi issue of liondo? Sold out of a home tlie greatest legal crime ever perpetrated. Now the church conferences are be ginning to discuss the labor question. Laborers and fanners have the votes lo govern the country. Will they govern it? Fluid-paid labor and overpaid amusement is one of the symptoms of our national disease. The ioor man will not always be will ing to fight the rich men's war, or vote the rich man's tickets. There Is no tariff on diamonds. This Is to help the laboring people who de sire to deck themselves In diamonds' Iurlng these hard times wouldn't It lie a good idea to reduce the wages of 'ongresbinen, so that tliey could feel the ed'ectsif the depression they have created? The soldiers arrested 300 strikers for holding a meeting In a public hull in Brooklyn! That's Just what the Czar does. But we have liberty lu this country, we have. Boys, strike against your employer, get put on the blacklist and starve but for heaven's sake don't vote against your employer's parties. Y'ou might get relief. Men strike when they are mad nt their bosses and big with their own power of members. They vole when they are mad ut their own class who vote the other ticket. How would It do, boys, to reason a little? The Denver road says that If Fugcne V. Debs will stump the State of Indi ana In the striped convict suit im posed upon him by ".ludge" Woods, tlie powers of the eternally d d could not defeat him for any place In the gift of the people. The Florida railroads are cutting the boys' wages. Good enough. If tho boys won't rally around the ballot boxes, vote for men who want the pub lic to operate the railroads and see that their vote Is counted, they ought to have to submit to every cut the rail road millionaires Impose upon them. March April May Are the Eest Kontbs in Which to Purify Your Blood And the Bes: Hood's Sarsaparilla Which Purifies, Vitalizes and Enriches the Bbod. At t1 is season everyone should take a good si ring medicine. Your blood nnll be purified or vou will he m-idecting your health. Ihere is a cry lrom Nature for help, and unless there is prompt and eat islaotorv response you will be liable to serious illness. This demand can only lie met hy the pniilVing, enrich. ng and hiofid-viiaziiig elements to he iouiid in Hood s t-ara-p:irilla. "My mo her-in-law, Mrs Kiizai.eth Woile, Et the age of 72 years, w as attacked with a vio em form of sail rheum: ii spread aii over her body, und her hand ami limbs were lirenillul to look at. A, tlie smiie puc, my little daughter Clara, who as us! one year old, was attacked bv a siinbar disi use", like scrolula. It ap peared in large sores under t-uch side of Hood's and onl v , . i Milk which has changed may be ren dered fit lor use hy sti-ncg in a little soda. Jr'iesh meat heainniiiK to sour will sweeten if placed ouc of doors in the air over night. Fish may be scaled more easily by first dipping them int,p boiling water for a minute. To color white pasteboard the color of leather soak in solution of copperas and then In ammonia. There is more Catarrh in this section i the country than all other discuses put ti gc her, and until the last lew years was supposed to he incurable, r or a great inanv years uoeinrs prnnouneeo it a lueai diHciise, and prescribed local remedies, .ml by consluiilfy tailing to cure with local treal incut, pronounced it incura'.ie. Sci ence has pi oven catarrh to l.e a constitu tional di-rase nnd therefore n quires con stitutional treatment. Hall's i aland, ( urn. inumilui'tnrcd hv '. J. Chenev A Co., Toledo, Onio. is I he on i y const it i th ma cure on i he market. It is taken inlf riuilli in doses from 10 drops to H ti aspoiuil'i'. It Rets directly on Ihe blood and mucin! cTirfitees of liic system. Tin y offer on. hundred dydars ior any case it. la Is n care. Send for circular!' slid testimonials Ad ri -s V. .1. CIIKNKY ,v CO., Toledo, 0, 5?Sul'i hy Krujrgists, 75c. Kansas City is to have an electric lighted track lor nijht racing. 1,11(10 Itu. Poiaio-s fir Acre. Wonderful yields in potatoes, oats, corn, farm and vegetable s"cds. Cut this out and send be postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.. la Crosse, Wis., for their great seed book and sample of (jiaut S'purry. CNL' F. L. Ames has Ih-eii elected captain of the Harvard fresh man crew. He's All Hight Now. November 111, lsbl. A. W. AuU. of Calvestim, I ml., wrote the Sterling Itemed;,- Co., of Chicago, extending his thanks to them for the cure effected in his case by No-to-bae. He said lie form erly used five cents worth of chewing tobacco a day and averaged live cigars, and was a continued victim of tlie to bacco habit. After taking nearly two boxes of No-to-bae the desire for to bacco was completely eradicated, and he now feels like a new mar. (ieorge J. (iould has been elected commodore of tlie Atlantic Yacht club. Mm. WinMlow'H p.H.TiiiNO kyrcp for child ren li-ethin', softens the K'nes, reduces inlltiin HiHtlori.nUiiyspHiii.curcs wind colic. -."? buttle. NEW SHORT LINE TO J. FRANCIS. Gen'l Pass' r Agent, OMAHA, NF.B. MS 1 1 I SPOKANE SANTA CLAUS SOAP knows it is without an equal. The N. K. Falrbank IMMPMMWWM Blojd Purifier is her neck- had the attendance of the fam i!v physician and oilier doctors for a long time, but seemed tn grow worse. 1 read ol luuny peo le cured ol rcrotuia hy Hood's . Sarsupar! la. As soon as we gave Hood's Sarsaparilla to Cl.ua. she hi .-in to get ni tier, and belore the lir.-t bolt e Mas gone, ' I he sure- i wi ic.y lie. ilt d up a:ul ihere has never been any sign ot tin- disease bitice. i she is a j Healthy Robust Child. Iller grandmother took Hood's Sar-apa-ril a at the same time, and the salt rheum decreased in ils violence and a perfect cure was snnii elleete.i. it took about I three iiumihs for her cure anil she as cribes her good lieahh ami -trength at her .advanced nee to Hood s I-arsapic ilia. It lias certainly been a (ioilsend to n.y lam- illv." Mks. froi-uiA Wolfe, Zaleski". Onio. Hood's llenrv t lay knew personally and re membered the ii;mies of thousands of his cons! nueuts. It was his strong point during a canvass. Charlemagne could hold his tongue in eight different, languages. He made a specialty of studying every language lu his empire. Miss Faniiie, Davenport, the actres, has had made a challenge cup which is to be presented to the Duxbtiry Yacht club of Massachusetts at the opening of the yachting seson. LIJ 0 UIGUill UUIHip-jiBXv' Cleanses the Nasal EWC Passages, Allays Pain Wt.rjkS l: and InllHiiiimillim, t-1 g laste anil Mncll. V ' llei.ls tlie Sores. g'5 Vl! s Apl.lv llalm Int.. fcli liuhtril. f JSTvS3ii2 l,LV li,iii ii; Wuri ei. .Si , N. Y L.If12 15 rn nil! R&GO. Tho Largest Mii?nilactyrr8 of i - r w ci h'. li i uii i i- t u ClUbU(5 A!iU 'jliULULAItO HIGHEST AWARDS fr n lUa preiit i. r. 111 lldibjlt l EKPCEiTSONS " n Europe and Amenca. Tn'ikfih- Dult )i rror-.-Kfi.no A lk-i- or ntliiT i 'Lvmi'-iitE "f J i re r fli-ii Illii. : ,.,,sT ( n o ii utiM.-uuix it ltt'an u.ic cn.t nap. eund enLi.tie, ami : SOLO CY GRO's-LliS EVERYWHERE. WALTES BAKC3& CO. DCRCHEST2R, MASS. Jhe St. Joseph and Grand Island E. R. IN TH B SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE TO A I.L POINTS NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH And In cnnnee- I "Union Pacific System tion with tlie IS TUB FAVORITE ROUTE- Te''ftlifi)rniii, Oregon and all Western Polnti. Vnr liit.irmiitinn reirardbiy rates, etc., call oft or ail.lrcss any audit or 8. M. Adsit, M. 1". KelilNKON. J K , Gen. l'as. Agt. Gen'l M-na..er, St. Joteph. Mo. $3 SHOE IS THE BEST. riT FOB A KINtt. . CORDOVAN, FRENCH 4 ENAMELLED CALF. 43.50 fine Calf&Kangarso. 3.SPP0UCE,3 SOLES. 602.WORKINgmEn'. '" EXTRA FINE- a. 2.I7BDYS'SCH00LSHDEI LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGUE WU'DOUCLAa. BKOCKTON,ASS. Over One IV'lllon People wear the W. L. Douas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value lor the money. Thev eaual custom shoes In stvle and Th--lr wearlntt qualities are unsurpassed hi. The prices are uniform, utamprd nn iole. From $i to $3 saved i ter other nukes. It voM"rtMaifr cani -imoiv vru wecan. ftfltf for our nnonfcmnt In UCVT 1ku of thl LUUIV paper It ID chow t out HtA I of 1 sl.vie of DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS ll won. il lake tiHvurfcl imifBHto ifl.e detaili about llifM K(-errin iiiai hinef llaiiilnonie l))untrlti Paioijhiel Hailed Free. IW-a.ikntii wanhd DAVIS dL RANKIN BLDO. AND MFC. CO. Sole Manufacturers, Chicago. Served Him Right "You can take that soap right back and change it forSANTA ClausSoap. I would not use any other kind." Every woman who has ever used Sold everywhere. Made only by Company, - Chlcagcr. M i ' U.ei- i'i I'M.' ! Tit. Ci f"l i .I i 1 it 1 i 1 1 1 i a. Si 11 Vi ' J. . .... J . Kt"- sat