The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 21, 1895, Image 5

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Tnr.siorx ointy
J" O IT IR, IsT A. n
II. H Uis-II an.1 1 r. i Hi .n.U-.j
were up from - r l.iv. 1
I- Mwnm. F.ilifur mif 1'iK.prlcittr. H. I. ' eu.-l Matt, .j .VI .nd . v ,-vu:tu i
- - - j for a vi.-it ul lmz Ulaud, K.uisas. ,
K. r.i M. V K. .1 Timr U ill J'.-nliioi is ut In. me f .i :t f.-w Mo-t. - -- Juv. huvin mom from .Mmst-mii
!t. miII 12:10 Nu. :. tuUml H:li I pr , ,,.
' Heles at t i - harness .bop. j ' ' ! caiim from While liiy-
- '.'iiifi. Il.iiir airl -ln;-jvl f -etl f(,r ; er Tnsd v and muda tt ,-t uill ai
.!. I.y U.hurr. ; tin-.,1b,-...
- I'..r reliable, llrsl t I is d.-ntal work j 1 T. I.u:a awl Uiutv ! ft UVtloe
.f iinv kiml, ' i t.. T. J ;il'-.n, Cm- j' 1 '' '"r ""nil where they "ill nuke
fi.nt, N1,iti-I.;i. i ',""' '..un- in th future.
-- H.r-lwun.l eon. poin d . oiib syrup j 1'' 1 hr.s 1 'hr"-U'iiM.-n, . Au.ii.-rts,
tht ureal remedy for eou-hs n i l -.,1.1-. ' 1 ''' r swtt-r. Mr, K U . r.
ut the INone, "'hni ina.y.
-Mow many su'ar U-t-U hi. miu
in.; to ruis.? tbirf ycai V
-There js no reason w hy tin- p.puli-
li. hi Hi K.oux county !.. nl I n .t m. r-.i
tin- tir-t of Hi,- ,-,k. IUk -r.s irt-.i '! a.l iv for i v.sit
to oi I,. hi ( lino. Ho expei ts In
In- tO n' nut i i xt f ill.
J. I. UM .on opl.-rvi Tin: Jmi hnii, sent
v.-rv rapidly sifter the present,u ,f ! -t Tli-,r..', J.j-.v.i. vli -r Ii i
lusts a iv a k(kI crop tj j
liiiir.iK.'r ami il. li. i.nt .iri of the I
v will i-aiiMj fcr.ivwv, of the liair sui-l i
liiies. Es,.ipe luith hy til- u-e i.f Ih .l
reliable hpecilic. Hall'-i l! -u.!4i r.
-The hliz.anl which as .r.-iln Utl to
r. ai h licit; by last Sit unlay evening did
n it uiaU-rializ--. It as tin- .isR-ru pari
o( tin1 htat it as mini.- nr. We do not
li'-ed it.
- This olli. e riHt-iveil a letter a f.-w
.lays ujjo from J. i. Morns who i now
at Jewetta, fal. lie and his family like
it ihftt unil have erijoye. cood health.
He inhe to lie rememher.-d to all hih
friends here.
"Bacteria do not ( ii r in the blood
or in thf tissues of a h;althy living hodv
either f man or the lower animals." So
says the celebrated I)r. Ko. h. (Jiher
doctors say that the hi st moln ine to
render the blood perfectly hiih and
healthy is yei"s Kiirwtpurilla.
- While in ( 'hadrou iiuli.-ed that
icitwiliistau.lni the hard times tin
Hotel Kl.iine, under tlm maiia.-uiKnl ol
11. Satterlee, holds its place at lla
trout and thu way it proves
;!s popularity. I-'if ipieiitly outside
rooms have to be secured to ai-comui'.-.1
lie the quests.
The editor i f Ti ik JnikN.M. was at j
l hadrou the hi-t c the week and m. l
t'lo illtei-es'ed in thfe lai tolics to lie cs
l ihlished there. The people, of that i-iv
are in the lx;st of spirit.H for they will
now have an cpportumly to pros-r.
such as h is not presented itself to
lor years. The couimittCB informed tie
writer that the contracts would h.
itmdy in it Rnv ikivs for tho prowin ..I
U-ets the coming season and I lie other
matters will take shape in he near
I ii In re. The soed will In; furnish, il h
the company and is to ha paid for at th.
tiaio of (llivt-iy of the 1k-c(s to the fa-
ury. i lie company win .irr.isii set ter
jiarosttj( at u low rcnul, ;is is th-
i nsfuTo with the other fa. tones, ko tll
only machinery which the growers wil
heed to buy will l- such as is ne. u
t4 to prc.are the ground and to culli
vatn the, (Top. None of that is expen
s.vt. so that no one neiil to l.i silale I
nga'e in jrow iu U-cts on un ounl o
the cost to prepare for it. The fai lon. r
are a sure thin and all vs ho are wall ,
shipping distance should ptvpuru to yrov
t lo for them as it will Ihj certain t.
provu fiioliUible. SupennU-ndenl 11. u
ris has taken the matter of Imhts m
with the department and will .-i as low
ii nite on beets to the lactory from out
sale points u.s he can. It is estimated h,
i onservali ve people of I h.idron that, n...
less than live hundred eople will local
in that vicinity by May first. Jitters
ui.jiiuy are pourinp: in from all over in.
country and real estate has already an
vanced. The same results w ill he f . I
in this locality in a reasonable lime
secirilly if all take hold of il and wcik
A U'kI acrentre ol l-.-ls will help m i',
t'-rs Very much and will pay the grower.
aid.c line; ;i ne .it market.
w ki:k wii.i, rr i: i;
liutiuir, ' KB. , I-'i n. Ill, 1".I.',.
John 1'losl went to Kilp-muiit ;lst
Horn February Sh. A ir l to Mr. uiai
Mr. Joe l'arsons.
Rev. Mr. Curnuis pivai lid to a ful.
Iioumi Kiimluy niht at the Bo.Un- I'i, s
bytei i,in ( hurch.
Josh H,,lier let Ihu h-hl of Ins , im
teiiance shine in the valley a lew dav?
Iiiii Ih) leaves t l.iy lor his old hiiin.; 'in
Ohio and expects l,, he on,- ,,,.
Have Cooper of Indian i ie. l; visiIuil
in the valle.
Mr. Hickar.1 had the im-l ntune t,
lose a coupli-f j.,,,,,) f.t,.,., , i, etti,,;.,
in the i reek.
Marion I'f.Mt is visiluiK' in West Vir
k'inill at, present but Is e. cte. holm
Indole louir.
WllslliMtllll Itilll.
Arniiij,'i-meiits have U-en made foi
lioldiu- a jjranil hall on the aunivei-s-i,
"I Washington", bu lh, l'ebruarv tli, a'l
the court house. The Foil Itohinsiii,
or. best ra has been w-i iued and every
llniiS will - done to make il the most
enjoyable ball ,,r the season. SupiH-i
will I. served ni tl. railroad i-atuie
lioiiHe and thai is nlvi to I lirst-class
SK-ctators will U- churKed ': cent
children m Mlm (1H Ticketv
br the dance will lie ,.im dollar, anil
tltt'supH-r will .est seventy-live cenls
couple. All are invited t.i corm; ami
have :i jj.nhI ,m(.t
Hy Order of 1 'ominiltee.
A Uiiiiscludd Troasiii c,
l. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. V.
wiys that he n)wayn keem )r. Kine;'i
New I lis, very in the hoiis nnd bin fam
ily Ims always found the very best re
dU follow ii us.-; Hint Im 'would not
JJ without it. If procurnble, (i. .
I'ykeiuun, dniifijist, t iitskill, X, Y.,
m.v that )r. Kin;;' New Ihscoverv is
LlKloiibtedly lu Kk, couxb reui.'sly
Hint Ini him usol it in hit family f,,r h
,Vrar, and it h-i, never failed to do nil
Itmt tutliiiiriiMl fur It. Why not Irv n
remedy no loofr tried mid U'otud. Trial
Ix.tltlv fi-u,, at l',iior d,.ir ntir. eg.
HU flV, nnd i,m.
CutiMir is l'erseciitl.iii ( on (lifted
l iidrr 1'reteitse of Law.
The dojj i n- wh. reiii ll.-nry Findeman j
was . i nested and tried for the killing of!
a d.ij; iK l in'inx' to (iiislav Xories, b has '
made some startling disclosures. It
K-ive the county attorney an opp .itun-1
it v to show that ha was a fiersecutiir l'i- -sl.-ad
of a provcutor. Tie- case came 1
on (r hearing before Justice Siiiik k on j
lat W.-lues lay. A jury was asked for j
and six men were selected. They took I
their seals and thtf null bewail. The!
county ntlornvy produced evidence and I
when it came time for the defense a'e part of lb-; testimony of his wit-!
il-s-es was h.-ail.-d oil. The , a-e took
all of Wednesday and most of Thursday
-Hid the jury retired to consider what
'hey had heard. About U o'clock
Friday morning they came into court
and wauled their fees before they went
any I ii rt lifer. As llie lees were not
t . r t ! i- -oit i nt they brought in no verdic!.
The county attorney asked that the
foi-i t ... d. r the sherill' to take the vei
led from the foreman of the jure and
deliver il to the court. The loremnn
asked to have a lit He law showing
.iiithoti' v for such a proceeding and that
set tiled il. Had such an order been
mad.! it would have imposed a nice tak
on the sheriff, lor no verdict had been
made up Tho result was that the jui;.
vas dismissed and the county atlonu-v
.hen movkd to dismiss the case. The
court did thai and then in the Unui' ol
llie costs ol the case 1'.I.0I) w as taxed lo
the planitilt' and '!. Ol was taxtd to the
ufen.I, nit i,l tcr having U cn dis harmed
hi the motion ol the prosecution.
A number ol the jurors as well as
ol hers have stated that the defense had
ai show whalevi r. On.; ol Hie jurors
-ml that the prosecution faded to prove
un thing, 'lken as a whole it seems to
i.ive Iwcn Ihe wosrt piece ol p.-rv-cution
vt-r perjietmied m Sioux county. In
.ne palmy days of t.o.s.ism vh--n the
lli. e of o.uity attorney was used lor Hli-uis it could In; made to pun
uoie III, in nliv thing no sic ll hiyh
lalided olilraije was committed on a
.lizcu. Taking the cae id last week as
i sample any person is liable to lie
.rrestvd and put to the trouble and ex
,ieiis.: of (l-.-lenilin hiiusell m cuurl, ami
.lien Hie county attoiuey fails lo make
ait a case tfain.-.t linn and he is di.s
iiared on the motion of tlie pioecu
ioii lie w ill KUll Have a judimeiit enter
.1 against Inni lor a lar,s sum fur costs,
i nre is no ollice m tho county vlncli
ias the power lor ev il that is possessed
iy the county attorney. The writer
.eah.esits be w rites this that tie is liable
to In- the next victim of his persecution,
lor it is not the first time thai, a man
u iVhted has Im-cii denied the riht of
making defense, but it is riht that the
people of the county know what kind ol
a K.-rson is Inline llie ollice of county
ittorney. Unless care Is taken lo pre
vent it t here is no knowing when the
county w ill lie plunged into exiiensive
iitnration hv his action and forewarned
,s lorearme.l.
I'liblic Sale.
The undersigned will .sell at the
Woudv Kanch, one-half tilde west of
(idchrist. Nebraska, on
l-KHlAV, MARCH H, lS'.i,-,.
ill." lollowint; personal property:
, fooil work horses, - years old,
1 mare, " years old,
I saddle mare :t years old,
Jli line ' and year-old steers,
'i ocd CoVVH,
A IIim I. of 1 1. 1 ii 1 1 n ,
1 ood dis.-,
1 wa'oli. sled, sleigh, s,;eder, H plows,
and oilier implements.
A ipianty ol hay, j
I'.'.IMKI r.Vt of llfllllier,
A ipianl ity of barb w ire,
'J middles.
All household 'ooils and furniture,
.insisting in part of carpels, tables.
beds iN-ildiiiu, wwinif machine, sloves.
hshes, canned Irnils, and other articles
loo tiiiiiiiToiis to mention. ,
Sale to c miuieiice at Id o'cliu k.
F. C. Witinv,
if you will come or send to
r v
of Flour
and 21 doz. pairs of Shoes
Slions ;uif! (ii-iitM
ami Imy your 'iol hiii-r, Hats. l!;.i)i
I nriiiliiii'r jooiis- nf me,
I li:i f 1iar;ii.tist ;i1 al! limc-i in cloiliin,- ami wil!
ivi- Un- j,.'o,c of Sioux county s-i-ki iai. hauhains.
If yon caniiol roiiH- iIowh sa-ml use your mail onli-r.
If for lioy si'inl atri' ami si.i', ami statu wln-tln-r you
want loii-or hhoi-t pants aiil if In- is lare or small
for his auv. ami trivi' ahoul tin- .iiim you want to pay.
If for a man's suit lh'vi' si.c - coat ami vest, around
chest, ami pants around waist and lcntrlli.
If they do not fit you can return then a1
Here are a few prices: i
Boys Knee Pant Suits, si. no. si. ',", si.,,ii, sj.oo, s.S.on
ro, is ..',() and !?.". nn.
Youths' Lou? raid Suits. s;.:,n. s4.0o, S4,r,(i. ainl
up to
Mens' Suits. s:;.:,o buys a suit that
.".on to T.oi)
s-.oo to s:i.(mi l.uys a suit that sold forspj..,(i
In ordering a suit stale ii yon want Uouml or
S'l'iarc ''lit, Cutaway or Single or I )oii!ile-I5reasted.
Don't send to ( hiiaha or ( 'hica.L-o for I have a hip;
stock and will sell any of my heavy -oods at COST.
ii ymi want a hoys overcoal lorajjres H to 17
can rct one for -ro cents on the dollar.
It will pay you 1o huy clothin- of.
jjnst received at -Ma rste 1 le rss'
j Minncsotfi Hakcrs" and Hif? 4," hoth No 1 flour.
j A patent flour it jd.UO and hiudi patent at 15.
The People'is Store!
IDIE2ir i oO-inch Chester HroadcJoth.
GOODS finest ii, the market, at 75c per yd.
Shaker Flannels from 7c up. lied and colored Flannel
at reduced prices. A complete line of Outing Flannels
and Calicos of the latest patterns. Cotton Flannels of
all irrades and prices.
BOOTS Headquarters in this line as we
SHOES are in all other lines. Ladies Don--ola
Shoes at only 1.50. Calf Shoes, (Jrain-leather
Shoes, Fine Shoes, Slippers; anything, everything.
All Ki'.'ides of Overshoes. Felt Boots, (ilerinan Socks.
The celebiated "Blue Ribbon'" Cowboy Boot.
CA3?S A line unexcelled, from fl le lowest
HATS .ynide to Stetson's bet. Winter
roods at reduced prices. . '
li a. i:h;k:.ov,
Will cry sales in Sioux :md adjoining
Terms UcasiiKilil.; ami satisfaction
Hates m;i!u at TliK Jochnai. ollice.
Ucsiileiice ."i miles nortlnvesl of Har-
A complete line of Groceries and Hard
ware. Furniture, too.
I'lijsician ami Surgeon.
All calls given prompt iiltuiilion.
iillu-e in Iru store.
B. R SMtJ.'K,
FashiQnable Barber & Hair Dresser.
Easy to Take
And Perfect in Their Acton,
Never fail to relieve Dyspepsia,
Constipation, and Headache.
" 1 liavo iii-uvcil the value of 0f
Avi r's Fills in relieviic,' ihiic.- o
si; and headache, wil 1 1 ihich o
ciiinphiiuis 1 wasso liiiij; IronMcd 51
thai, neither I lie doi lor icn- my- 0j
self silpioseil I should ever he O!
" ell ntraiii. 'riivniijih the Use of j
I he aliiive im diciiic I am liott.T 0
than I have heen for cars." o
A. ;AsKii.i."cisaiIlcs,"lll. oj
1. i 1 1 .....'. 1 1: 1 1 ! .. i
i nave use., e ,s , ms o ( Mli,-,-'.'d door north of JOl
l i years as a catliarlic. 111 liir oi ;
ciiii'iplaint. and alwavs with c- j "
ticinelv heiielicial ctlecl, never j k
Inn lie' ' liinl need of oilier lucili- ol
cine. I also fjive Ayer's I'llls lo o
1 1 y children, whi'ii thc re(iiiie
an' api'i'ient. ami tin-result isnl- 0j
wav s niosl sat h.faclon ." A. 01
A. K.vni.s, Ccnlre Conwiiv. X. II. 0
"Ilavili',' heen sevi l-evililiel( il o;
Willi costiveiioss, I was iialmid O
In try Ayer's Tills. 'I.'heir use has
I'll'ecteil a coiiiplelc cure, and I o
can conlldeiiily n coiniuciid tin in o
toall similai'lv alllicted." I '. A. O
HITMAN, Nipulilii, ( ill.
Hive I lue i fi J Call,
'(i. J. S!IAI'ER,
I'iphtlieria, Uheiiniatisrn. I'enuile and
all C'liioiiic 1 liseases a
When htocl.s ha vp dropped clean nut of
And money's like a oluljiuan tight.
And men tallc poor anil women climb
Six pair of stairs to save a dime
Then is the time for master mini
Some new economy to find.
One economic dodge you know,
Just trade with IIOUOH & SONS.
A .-ir-e line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Show,
Chestnuts, Candies for the babies,
Oranges for the ladies.
Tea set of 56 pieces given away with
$50.00 worth of goods.
Yours Respectfully,
hougkh: & soisrs.
H ester
"N.f 'i!": I Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and Shingles.
Windmill and Pump Supplies.
Cull fur ('oiliiiilhsluuciV Mrrtiiie.
The board of county commissioners of
Sioux count v, Nebraska, lire hereby
1 1 It'll to meet at, the ollice of the coun
ty cl.-ik nt Harrison, .Nebrnska, on
I-'ridnv. l'ebruarv 1W, uf 10
clock, u. in., for the transaction of
oriliimrv coiiiilv buniness.
M. J. Isi.nwrrr,
County Clerk.
( IiiiitIi Nrnli'i-s Next Siiiiiliiy,
Class MiHdinKi Suuilav liiurniim' nt 11
u clock. Hiinilav Hcliool. SiiiiiUv morn-
mjtiit U.'-VI o'clock. Kpwurth Iamikiim
riiiiuliiy veiiin li;ll() o'clock, l'nmchini:
tNTvicaH, Suiidiiy nveninif 7;))'l o'clock.
c. c. t ovvKij,, rumor.
n I
Received Hlghnet Awards oi
2 '
t M'ovki:
iirrlson. Nelir.
followliiif briind :
How to Save Money !
" is
. ill call siivt- from Mi lo Km per cent on,
nil repair work l.y K.'mllim your WATCIIhs
iin.l jkh 1.1. IIV to G P. WASHBURN,
NEB. Ad wiii.lies Hie lully Kiiaiuiil.e.l
lor one yeiir Mlien eleiineil nnd r'Mili'-d
lie III i my eipiess on nil nul l sen! In.
semi him your uteli when iiceilli.K re ,
I' ill mid lie lll nlvi- you the EXACT:
COST "I liuitiiiK Ii In iii-i.) dims i ii 1. 1 I i.u
order. None Will tin; niii-, iimi.i.rliil used. ;
' Ho not iillow your wiil.'li lo run lonii. r
1 1 .. n H moii Mis h il lioiil. clean I n if,
lie curries n Imite i.mI ol WATCH l, i
I T ,1 K k, J , K I , V , si I . V r. U W A II l'i. 1 1 1 "I' I
Al.iuioiis NH MI SIC VI. l.wntl'MKN is.
ii vroRi watoh imiMiNtD ran r.i.iii.v . )
CS) .
J w IT
J. W. SMiTH, I'mpi'ietor.
New work and re
pairing neatly
i.inkI ink,(,ood inulerinl mid reu.oiuilile (', (', McBHU-E,
price lll'AK A.N'TLKII, (iive mr a Cull. '
iiiimiHos, NrniMKKi. Ph fitfiPTanhfir
ALVIX T. CLAUK, I p'TroU to do nil kinds of work in
ATTORNEY AND COENSKI.OIl AT bi lin by the nvM approval
LAW. metlioil.
j Kro'ip owl nulsiiKi viuws mill par-
1'r.ictic in nil the rotirls nml lfoi j t;,H wa,)tinr worfe ,,at lint ulionM
i:, h. iiiid ouic.
tyOlflra in Court llou.j
( .ill on him.
S-t .
Gag -'
4- '
l .j-. j. ni ii u'r-i"- -f tonii Tp-1 ii iinm I. n i j im r r . l .ii i .