The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 14, 1895, Image 7

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1 tit, c W 4 -
Naturalist are still in doubt a to
whether the sponge is a plant or an an
imal. The saline matter held In solution in
ea water comprises ontt-thirtietti of
its weight.
There are springs of fresh water in
trie Persian gulf that furnish supplies
to Teasels.
The sea-nettle stings its pre; to death
by means of a poison secreted in its
His justly acquired the reputation of being
The Salvator for
A Incomparable Aliment for the
Growth and Protection of INFANTS and
A superior nutritive 'r continued Fevers,
And a reliable remedial agent
In all gastric and enteric diseases ;
often in instances of consultation over
patients whose digestive organs were re
duced to such a low and sensitive condition
that the IMPERIAL (IRANUM was
the only nourishment the stomach
would tolerate when LIFE seemed
depending on Its retention ;
And as a FOOD it would be difficult to
conceive of anything more palatable.
Sold by DRUGGISTS. Shipping Depot,
ing CUE AM IIAl.M.
Apply n pnrliele of the
Malm well up into the nnt
triU. After n mo.tienttlrav
lining breath thrmirih the
nt$e. Vfe there, time a
liny, a fter weatl pre ferred,
and heftre reUrinrj.
I I.Y'S fHKAM II I.M Open a ml H-hhm-h
the Nh1 i'n-oiwet'., AUbv f 'at i ii mul Jiillumrna
Knii, MchN tit; .-tjrp, f'fuii ihf M-mtriuit?
(mm f.nili-, Ki'-tcirt-B the -mmim" f lait; mul
rmi,i.. 7!) Halm i tiii( k wlurletl mnl gives
A jirtrlirie i (p!l''rl into each noinl Mid In
t'ri'Cl! I'rlte .0 ceril l liriiKKIrm it by
leh. KI.Y IIKOi 1 1 hit.
M Warren Street, New York
W. L. Douglas
rmncfc a cnamillkd cnif.
3.P POLICE, soles.
rawocK Ton. mas jj.
Over One Amnion I'copU wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes arc equally satisfactory
They give th bait vnlue lor the money.
They equal custom ho In style nj fit.
Thfr wearing qusittttca r unurnaicd.
The price are uniform,-ftrimp-a n bciIc.
From ? i ti ? v?i rr n'rte-r mpkrn.
i . t
w .uuiwf ar
liKsTia tijYvurl(L 1 -ntaud un tor
well filled p'kfrs. Send names for I'ret
tiest Froo t'atnlojruo ever lYinUd.
Bin lot ol KXTK AH KKKt with t-Tfry onlcri
R. H. 8HUMWAY, Rockford, lit.
Ul NTl.f THtH r A KICK warn w
I T tmllTlHM.
No Styfe Excels .
Id silks or in satins
In linen or wool
In trills that ar milled,
In folds tlmt are full;
AtallsocShl functions
Where (hhIiIoii does lurk,
Thertt ih iiHU(?lit that exceln
Our Fine Laundry work.
New Pearl Steam Lanudry,
iforlx., Nolo.
Agency Work a Specialty.
FOK fW Js)-'(ltm 1 1 r w.rh -t it.- k'n'l Fr i,,ii
ll.tii a (hrr ticrliw ii fliwt ' It'it Itt Intra
not tfiii it J. If j"tt wt-.l s-.-fiiet blny ihut ta Ut
h-M-f, 'ti t. gt II l.r ri'l"s
).irr t.r t'n.. I 1'tl'iVK 1
CI.Ull U o 1 I'lllli.g A huu. I'iitt
xl;.rt4, l' , writ
"It li a t: i ' I of htt Mil ih"l porr.
tr fM(
ptttnn nstfT(nr i 'tit UrT-M (xnil'rir l ni n tli. Vitti
A1ii thr Hfw nrrsjvlnii, lilu-(rlHti f 4'. -.f
l Inartlnff arttle (. Iur Itfl V'-wU, whit f.'l . 'rt u
' d tinrwa tf Ittrrtj. nwt il fn tl l.-4 Vmw.
ti.ii.Jjtl'm I'qwdsr. if rtm1i" f"f H k-ti mn fi.wtt,
la pilhi with HIOiriil'ii t" (it.'l -hi n.vl ronvntlMMl I'-miI-ft
llfn-ra H.-ot to 't1rrf.' H it. iHtp.ild, Alila
C.C. 8M01MAKEK, Bon freewill. U. ft. A.
Kiialaafam wd vvto u to WUnubMllr . In
MBtlou, MfMl for InvMilorp' Ouhln. or How lu (M
PManl PATams O'fiiua, Wuhiustun. I. c.
Hie iiiiiiie of a fcteariiHliip haihnif
from llouolulii is I.lkelike piu.
nuuiicel "IrHky leaky "
A lris newspar is organiiNg a
eomeiition of Kclf-tnoving wagons, to
take place on June 1.
Ar.aivsi proves that white corn lias
about one per cent, more muscle-form-injf
element than yellow.
l)urinir the past thirty-five years
more than one thousand Tanetles of
postal cards have been issued.
H Iatci rneilicinully, in keeping with
oilu-r luurn-s. A re e iy munt be plrus
anilv Ht'c -ptable in form, pnrrly whole
some in foiiipoHition, truly bcni-ricial in
elli-ct snil entirely free from every objec
tionable iiiilitv. If re illy ill he coiiMults
a physii'ian; If constipated he uses the
gentle lurnily laxative Bjrup ol Figs.
Water for cows iu winter should be
warmed to 7j or 80 decrees Fahr.
Itack with ltirli 'Irophieit.
I.UNt Kprlni; we inaile notice In thi-se
roluiuuM that Mr. Henry A. Sal.i-r, of
the John A. Salzer Seed Compaiiy,
I.a Cnmse, Wis., America's lending
Seel Growers and Merchant, was In
Luro)M In Hea rcli of rare Mh and
novelties for the American farmer and
JwlKlnir from their new catalogue,
his trip wan an eminently successful
oDe. It Ih brim full of rare things. Of
especial merit we name the Hlsmarck
A ple, hearing the second year; the
Giant Flowering Star Phlox; the Ger
mau Coffee Berry; and for the farmer
the Victoria Uape: Germanlca Vetch;
the Lathyrus sllvestrlsr the tJiant
Hpurry and Giant IncarnaU? clover;
Kacallne; and dozens of other rare
This wide-awake firm Is in the van,
and their catalogue, which Is sent for
5 cents postage, would be cheap at $1
per copy.
Tobacco water will destroy bugs and
worms In rosebushes.
Has your loan expired, or will it soon
Do you want to renew it at a lowet
rate, either farm or city? You can gel
It by addressing liox 3:iT, York, Nebr
Salt sprinkled in the ground around
them Is good for quince trees.
Would Have to Learn Over Again.
"I believe It would be harder to learn
to use the weed again than it was the
firttt time. I shall always he ready to
say a good word for No to hue; 1 have
no more desire for tobacco," Is the text
of a letter written to the Sterling Rem
edy Co., of Chicago, by II. .1. McMullen,
of I-arkin, Kansas, after taking No to
bue, purchased of his druggist, and be
ing cured of the tobacco habit.
In the orchard, as elsewhere, do not
try to spread over too rm'ch ground.
I canr.ot speak too hiirh'y of 1'iso'f Curi
for ('oiiMiimpi ion. Mk.i. I'rwk Moiiiw
i!l.r) W. ':M fit., New York, On. -.H, IKA.
As soon as a tnau la dead, he be
comes a great man .
and all derangements of the
Slomaeh, Liver and Bunch.
Of all druggists.
a vivroroti I m k ! v awl
mbu.t Mreiiglli l'o.
low v it t lu'illtll.
Km .ill fail wlun the
v 1 1 n I Miv-rs arc
wi'.'ibrnrfi Ncivous
d.-hiltty and loss of'IS-,
matilv power result
Itomi had hMhits.eon
traetcd by I lie young
through itrnotance
of their i union eon
.(( li e n t e s. I.ov
spirits, melancliolia.
iin p:ii rt-tl nieniorv.
moro-ie or irrilahlc
tenipcr. fear of impending rnlaniity and a
thousand and one derangements of body
anil mind, result from such pernicious prac
tices All these are perm nieutly cured by
improved methods ot treatment ithout the
patient leaving home.
A medical treatise wrilten in plain hut
chaste language, treating of the nature,
ftymptoms and curability of such diseases,
sent securely sealed in a plain envelope, on
receipt of this notice. with tocents in stamps,
for postage Address, World's Ijispkn
sakv Mmiicai, Association, buffalo, N.Y.
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovered In one of our cn;nmo;i
pasture weeds a remedy cures evcrv
kind d Humor, lrom the worst bereft l:i
dovn to a common I'minle.
He has Ii ,e-J it i:i . . cr tle'cn hut J re J .
Cases, ,inJ ntver l;n!ed c. c. t in tv... -s '
(both thunder litimo'). I lei.; shoh i;i I, s !
possession ov.r tv.o liunJieJ;ites '
of its value, all within mi'-s or
HoS'oii V'kl pv-t:i' i.iul l'ir hi ck.
A benefit Is always exotrienc-d from
the first bollle, anj a'lvrlect cure Is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it cause!
shooting pains, like needles p.issinij
through thrm; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. 1 his is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears in a weel
after taking if. Head the label.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It wil
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No chance of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you tan (ret, and enough of it.
Dose, one tabfespoonfuljn water at bej-
time. Sold by all Dniffcists.
1 FV.j 07 I;-.
-.r.TiiT NO AIU
A irlf .-U r;r't-Dilrnt fcy the
lc. jeiacr Are lrom the Kural
!r , rit i';'mefi.v Ag&iiiht L'uquali
Ht i "School (JliiecrM Nuteb.
.oi. from the Country.
i ." ru r,.,t., enUsial'itl of the flty
e ... o i, pilnclpalrt aud
tvo jt iree asslsluut teaehers, the
lei. -her. of ;-iosie, uml one of the Board
of K J'ication, hi the riNiui of the tirst
nan..-. I, on n Saturday which was the
welcome Sitlur.'.uy of the month be
cause it was "pay-day" a line of con
versatiou was smarted that was of the
greatest interest to one w ho was (ires
eiiL A eei tain Miss I) had Junt
drawn her pay and had none out. The
bourd nieiiiher remarked, "That is the
fourth woman we have had from that
part of () County. 1 wonder why It
Ih they are all Kood tern-hern from down
there. We jpit Mr. H (the principal
of the Hi-hool); he Kpoke of a teacher he
knew, we j;ot her, and, ua I have mild,
now we have four, besides II., uud tfll
are Hueces.seM."
"Dtir best teachers are from the coun
try; If we get one from a city It will
turn out that he started In the coun
try and lauded In the city because of
higher wages." (This by the city sup
erintendent.) "Does grude teaching
tend to make a good teacher? or rather,
does not the teaching In the country
school tend to develop the Ingenuity
that Is needed In teaching? I haTe
three country-bred teachers and five
"Temple of Learning"
An old-time
Farm and Home.
city-bred teachers, anil the lirst three
are much superior. They are scholarly,
they are full of self-Improvement, they
arc readers of educational literature.
Besides, they seem to understand life
much better, and tnat Is no unimportant
thing." (This by principal No. 1.) "I
was brought up in the country; I taught
a small district school at five dollars a
week; I went to the Oswego normal
school, 1 went Into n district school
again, this time tit twelve dollars a
week; then Into a village school, and
now 1 am here. All my labor until I
came here dciiiiimlcd the exercise of
Judgment, of planning. I hud trouble
lit every slep: I had no apparatus; my
pupils Were dull ll.'ld needed stimulus.
All this reacted on me." iThis by the
brow ii-haired assistant. I
"It may seem a ipiecr place for a
music toucher to conic from, but the
best I have known started In the coun
try." (This by the music teacher.)
"To make a teacher you must proceed
as you do lo make a man of any kind
Hi? must be thrown on his own re
sources; he must have been a success
and have known that he was a success
in some small school, He must have
felt he had grounds In him for mold
ing anil ililllletieitig character. I don't
doubt, a man may feel that he knows a
gooil many things In books, and that Is
valuable, but the teacher must feel that
he Is going to mold the little band that
look up to him dally with hopeful eyes,
into a nob manhood. Now I think the
country Is the place to arrive at settled
convictions, and a teacher without con
victions is a nobody. iThls by the
youngest principal, a new appointee;
he wits regarded with considerable at
tention. .Meanwhile two or three more
teachers had come In and had been
paid, arid waited to hear what was be
ing said.)
The teachers of this city, as in any
other, divide themselves Into two great
classes-those who teach as a trade,
and those who teach because II Is an ex
pression of the force that is In them.
Now, In the city, a young iiuiii or a j
young woman often loses sight of the
i ne groat end of life there are so liiltli.V
ohleels- I hey collie In leaching without
convictions. They are lold thai some person will get them a place
it tlio.v get a eertilii-nle; they work ,ic
coriliiigl.v. In the country they begin
si low down that the salary Is no In
diiceineiit whatever. They have to be
come skillful If they wish to go to an
other place." (This by the city super
intendent.) "1 am constantly turned
aside from my old moorings by I he at
tractions lu the city. I Hud few teach
ers who want lo do anything more than
run their grades decently and draw
their pay. I taught n a country acad
emy, and iny whole belnjr was stimu
lated that I might be of benollt to the
public. I do most certainly think the
teaching lu he.ter In the country; only
the cities draw away the beat talent"
sltV .L, . '
y . ii i:, ist remember that some
I of tie- ;' s. 1U New York. Hrookljn
and 1 mladdj.liia. wi'l not allow unj
but their own people to teach in the
schools. In that way some of the good
teachers are left hi the country." (This
by the board member; and his remarks
seemed to eud the talk.) New York
School Journal.
EHtimute of Childhood.
No man succeeds In any science, art.
or profession who does not have a hb:h
appreciation of the material upon
which he works. No artist of distiue
tloti will put uny great skill or patient
endeavor uiou a piece of marble 'n
which there Is the suspicion of a daw.
He has to believe that the block Uxn
which he works will add every natural
attraction to his art, and that it will
make it as enduring as time Itself.
In the same spirit must the teacher
carve character, Intellectual and moral.
In the child. He must have unswerv
ing faith in the possibilities, probabili
ties, and permanency of whatever of
high art he puts Into his work. No
teacher ever does, or can do, the best
work who openly or secretly distrust
the child nature. A classic Incident
that cannot be too familiar to parents
and teachers tells bow Autipater de
manded of his conquered enemies, the
Spartans, fifty children as hostages,
but they begged him Instead to select
1X) men of distinction as being less of a
national sacrifice. What a change
would come over the pedagogical world
If the teacher could rca!! that the
fifty children In his room were of great
er value to the nation than a hundred
men of distinction! Listen to the home
talk, street talk, society talk of a teach-
near .Mount Mansfield, Underbill, Vt.
er when he refers to his pupils, and see
what estimate he places upon child
Court Offers a Remedy.
The Wisconsin School Journal says:
'We have Just received the decision of
Judge C. V. lhtrdcen, removing from
office K. A. Strupp, Superintendent for
Schools of Mart lion County, for in
competency and willful neglect of
The Importance of this lies In the
judicial Interpretation given to
"incompetency," which is made
by this decision to cover any
kind of "incapacity or unfitness to
perform the duties of ollice," ami which
may include " l.-t - - k of conception of the
duties uud obligations Imposed by law.
! want oi siiiiii'icnt ouiicai ioii.ii require
mi-ins or uial administration in ollice.
If this deci.-ion Is good law, as we must
assume that it is until reversed by the
Supreme Court, a. high legal standard
has been set for the county snperiu
tendency. This decision is far reaching
ti ml important. "Want of sulliclent ed
ucational requirements" is a matter
easily proved. The apparent lack of an
educational standard for county super
intendents has been frequently coin
plained of. We have now a judicial In
terpretation of the law, which shows a
remedy, perhaps not so effective its a
statutory qualification for the ollice,
but still a remedy against unqualified
Vertical Writing.
After an exhaustive consideration of
the question the Hoard of Kducatlon of
Boston decides In favor of vertical
handwriting, and ordered Its Intro
duction In a limited number of schools.
A report on the subject says: "It Is a
generally admitted fact that whenever
excellence In slant writing has Ihhmi
obtained, it has been at a sacrifice of
comfort on the part of the pupils, and
of time and strength on the part of the
teachers. The -velght of evidence
seems to show thnt good vertical writ
ing can he obtained at much less cost.
In the primary schools the children
seem to be inclined to write a round,
upright hand, and are with difllculty
forced Into the angular, slanting style.
To develop ami perfect this natural
hand has been found In practice to be
easier than to change It; so much
easier that competent Judges have ex
pressed the opinion that with vertical
writing there need be no special in
structor In penmanship after the fifth
or Rlxth year lu school."
There are 3K) secondary schools lu
New York State. There are eighty-five
colleges in the State. The State aca
demic fund amounts to $KK),fWK) a year.
President R. H. Jenae, of th.i Missou
ri State "UnlvenUty at Columbia, la In
favor of entabllshlng a school of jour
nalism lo that Institution.
Highest ci uA in Leaver.i: g i
rWv of
Absolutely pure
Cuae for Suspicion.
"We bad better watch the book
keeper a little," said the senior part
ner. "He bas been buying a bicycle."
"But you can hardly call that an ex
travagance," said the junior partner.
"N'o;but it is likely to make bira
And the junior partner, who had
entered the firm by the son-in-law
route, dutifully laughed.
The forrr- of the skull may be changed
is in tho case of the fiat beaded I ndians,
without injury to the brain, because
this body adapts itself in shape to the
cavity it is designed i-o lill.
Men who have had their arms or legs
cut off often seem to feel these mem
bers, because the nerves, from long
habit, locate the senBation at the tips
or extremeties, or where these would
be if the missing members were actual
ly in place.
The spinal column is flexible in order
to accommodate the position of the
body to the movements of the limbs.
If the spinal column were not capable
of bending all the motions of the limbs
would be exceedingly awkward and un
graceful. Objects in a dark room cannot at
first be seen by one going in from the
sunlight, because the pupil of the eye
has been contracted during the expos
ure, and cannot at once enlarge to ad
mit sufficient rays of light to enable the
individual to see clearly.
If it wre not for trouble, most peo
ple would soon get too gay.
2112 flu. Ounvera Yellow Onions
Were grown by John L. Hath. Kast
Saginaw, from one pound of seed. This
tremendous yield, at the rate of 1.IJ1S
bushels per acre, Mr. Kuth says was
only possible because he used's
seeds. We understand that Mr. Sal
ter's seeds are the earliest in the world,
especially his beets, carrots, cabbage,
cucumbers, onions, peas, corn, radishes,
tomatoes, etc., and that he sells to mar
ket gardeners and farmers at lowest
wholesale prices.
If You Will Cut This Out mid Send It
with $1 money order to the John A. Seed Company, I.a Crosse, Wis.,
you will get 'fee thirty-live packages
earliest vegetable seeds and their won
derful catalogue, or for l.'i cents in
stamps a package above I'rb.e Dun vera
Onions and their catalogue free. CNU
There can be no success in the dairy
unless the herd is a good one. That is
the first thing to look after.
By Trihlinu with a Co i. d, hi any a on p
allows himself to drift into a coinl'tion
favorable to the development of some latent
disease, which thereafter takes full pos
session of the system. Better cure your
Cold at once with Or. I). Jayne's Kxpec
torant, a good remedy lor Throat-uils and
Lung affections.
Artificial coloring matter for butter
is best put into the cream.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Con
tain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole
system when entering it through the mu
cous surfaces. Sii'-li articles should never
he used except on presi-ripi ion.s from
reputn.ilc piiysiciiins. as the I ri 1 1 1 a tr c Ihey
will do is ten told lo the g.tod vmiran
possibly derive from tiiein. Ilrii st'atanh
Cure man ut nctt i r.-d M- I . .1 . ' A Co..
Toledo, o , contain:- no merctii--,-, atid i
t :i i en int'-rmill v, net i ng d inc I -.- up m ti,r
blood uml mil m sui-hi's s of tic- i-n-.! -m.
Ill Inlying IhiM' t n ' ;i rrh ' lire l.i- hi;,,.
gi'l gi-ti'Upc- It ii tnken
mid mud.-in i 'o.edo. ( iloo. by I . .). i hem-v
V ' o. rest iliiuiiiali t i-t'.
SSJs,,d by lirimjii-ts. price 7."te per hot lie.
Tin milk pails me much belter than
It Was Before the Day of
They Used to Say "Woman's
Work Is Never Done." ,
Coughs and Colds,
Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, General Debility and
all forms of Kmaciation are speedily cured by
Scott's Emulsion
Consumptives always find great relief by taking it, and
consumption is often cured. No other nourishment rcstorea
strength so quickly and effectively.
Weak Babies and Thin Children
are made strong and robust by Scott's Emulsion when other
forms of food seem to do them no good whatover.
Tho only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put up iu salmon'
colored wrapper, Kef uso cheap substitutes!
Send jor pamphlet on Scott' t Emulsion. FREE,
Soett lownt, N. Y. All Druggist. SO oenta and tl.
owcr. LaicU U.S. Gov't Report
A Krihl Buy.
A guest hurried up to the hotel-
clerk's counter Ha hud iufit. ten min
utes in which to pay his bill, reach the.
sttuoii and catch his train. "Whew, (
he exclaimed, "I've forgotten bome-,
thing! Here, boy, run up to my room.'
B and see if I have lett my tooth-1
brush and sponge. Hurry I've only
five minutes now!" The boy hurried
away. In four minutes be returned,'
out of breath. "Yes sir," he pauted;
"you lett them."
To California iu Tourist Kleeper.
The Burlington Route's Personally
Conducted Excursions to the l'aciiic
Coas1, me just the thing for people of
moderaie means. .
Cheap, respectable, comfortable, ex
peditious. From Omaha and Lincoln every
Thursday, through to I.os Angeles and
San Francisco without change. Ex
perienced Excursion managers and
uniformed Pullman porters in charge.
Second-class tickets accepted. Cars
are carpeted and upholstered and have
springs seats and backs, mattresses,
blankets, curtains, pillows, towels, etc.
Onlv $5.00 for a double berth, wide
enough and big enough for two.
The route is over the "Scenic Line of
the World," through Denver, Salt Lake
City and Sacramento. All the wonder
ful canons and peaks of the Rocky
Mountains are passed during the day.
If you are going west you should ar
rang'e to join one of these excursions.
They are the best, the very best, across
the continent Information and ad
vertising matter on application to
J. Fkancis, Geu'l Pass. Ag't,
Omaha, Neb.
1,OO0 llu. Potatoes J'er Acre.
Wonderful yields in potatoes, oats,
corn, farm and vegetable seeds. Cut
this out and send Tie postage to the
John A. Salzer Seed Co., I.a Crosse.
Wis., for their great seed book and
sample of Giant Spurry. CNU
Mrs. Winslow't H-'Othini; syhup for child
ren teethitiK. softens the gions. reiiuces inlluiu
lnft lion, nil 'ivm jiHin. eu ri-s vvi nd colic, .--'ki bottle.
Sir. Franlc Jfc.-U luster
All Run Down
Hearty and Well Since Taking'
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"1 became enfeebled and run down from
172 to 132 pounds. I then commenced
taking Hood's Sarsiipurilla and now I
am hearty and well, can work hard and
cat. my meals with relish, which I could
not do previously. Formerly my food
distressed me. now I can e;tt heartily.
Hood's 1 1. is Cured Me,
built up my Mem, given me renewed
lien!! h ii nd birrcascd my weight to 158
pounds. 1 p.-a e iioi-dV virsapurilla
highly to all." Khvm' M cA i.lastkk,
liieh Hill, Mu. (let onlv Hood's.
H.mmI'k IMUn curi' nil liver ills, lii!leiniiess,
jSUIeliee. iil!i;e-t!"ll. sii k lieiuhielic oc.
;" -'. nv.o h
ME 0
1MAN &
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M. tl. V. Mo. ftt--7.
York, .N.b