The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 14, 1895, Image 4

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Th3 Sioux County Journal.
(WT.Un.MH HI) 18HH.J
Huhsrriptton Prii, ?2.G0
I., i. Simmon,
KiiterM at the Harria post q:Ece
si-cimd. class 'matter.
Thukhoay, Pi:be.I'.ky 11. H9-V
NVw York IrlJ i. Mi ir.l t- contend
vitti last weeli.
Ttii fiiitt;r seems to m
ver.; in many plates. For tlie tirt I
ten ; in twenty i'ears the- Arkansas river
is f. ien soli') .
T-Tiibly weather huvs traiUJ on the
irtun of Jaie. Th,is folloin- th-j El Is
disaster ho c;i'-isej reat anxiety v-. j n
anv vessel becuiiie. over-due.
Hilton, the ex-stale ail itnotor) l uly
refuse to turn over to thi state irc.i.--u.-er
lite balance due the sLttd. I(j evi
letitly dues out Lick for Kali.
IX lis receives a salary qf $13,000 a
year. What he has ever done in the in
terest of the labor orjcaniiations to earn
that salary is not apparent to ouUluers.
Some steps should be taken for a redis
trictui of the state for legislative pur
poses. The preseat abpoitioriiiiei.t is
not at all fair or just to the north wet i
iart of the statu.
Senator Stewart has introduced a reso
lution for an appropriation for the sink
ing of artesian test wells in the western
part of the state. Resolutions (Jo not
count for much in such case. . good
bill is what is wanted.
The state fair lor will be held at
Omaha September J3ih to 2M. There
should be an unusually strong effort
made to have it jx success far a ,'iod
state fair will do much to help overcome
ttie injury which the results of the bad
vear of 1894 (lid the state.
A pop paper of Lincoln kicks because
fraternal societies to which Barrett
Scott belonged passed resolutions of re
gret after his death. It w ill now lie m
order for some sheet representing thai
party to condemn Mrs. Scott for mourn
tiiif the murder of her husband.
It would be a good plnn if the brand
law was so amended that when a man
owning a certain brand left the .ouu
try and took all the stock bearing thai
brand with him, the Mime could be can
celled by giving proper notice and unolh
er I allowed to record and use the same
Senator Stewart appeared in his favor
ite role that of a scold a few days
ago. The object of his curtain lucture
was the relief commission. If that com
mission does not do any more for the
-ue!il of thoso whose interests they
hava in hand than does Stewart for the
interests of his district they ought lobe
called to account.
Toirty-two counties of Kansas are on
the list for supplies froiu the kind-hearted
who have enough and to sjuire. Less
baii I ten said about Kansas than of this
state and as a result a good many have
got the idea that Nebraska is the most
poverty stricken state in the union, bui
with the starting up of the sugar indus
Irv Nebraska will lie all right.
Since it is known to be a fact that Ne
braska lias no large bodies of standing
water, if every farmer owning I'iO acres
i r more of land was patriotic enough to
m a'e and maintain a reservoir of from
one to five acres, it would in a sliorl
time so affect the climate and humidit)
tliat the dry hot winds Irom the south
would either luive no effect on our crop.-,
or thy would be a thing of the pat.
Xrhtaxhi Farmer.
tin the subject of irrigation two bills
have been introduced byS.-o.:tor Akers
wJm h represent the work ol iru
vanoiis i
meetings and organizations liUH liave
lieen etfecled during tlie two years.
Th one provkle for tlw organicilion ol
'irrigation districts and the other prr
vide for the appropn.-ilmg of the waters
of the streamsof tlw stale for the pur
poes of agriculturv. Tlie writer lias
read tnlh of tlie bills in the forms as
thy were sulHiiitted to iIkj pro-r com
iiiittee. Tliey seem to cover the grrfumi
in a pretty complete manner and will no
doubt bef onx; fctws, with stome minor
amendnienU and alterations whUrh art
neeiked to make tlieia goal.
Tlr reports from Lincoln to t( (Jhiai
pi vrrm in nard t the utorni of kist
weefc In (Kiml, drlrimentiil to the
northwest part of Urn ntte. Why tle i
representative of the ;utrn futnut will
ntitmiM to iiKike mi.4reprfKntat km
lout th- nortbwwt part of the Rtitte i
a mystery. The better the newer por
timm of the alitte are ulio-wi) to he tile
bettor it will be for the eetira Htate and
tt Mine way eootc) be (Wvieeit t muz.le
the fool- who toll tim tmh, ' , gu,
whuwt it gftftt k&emm wotW result. . sleepless, excitable, nwtanchoty or troit
Ttw htct m tht thi part of tlie utaK : "led with dizzy upc-IK Blmtrtc' Bit ters is
wh Mi vmtai) br m tevere a itorm ftH the owrtHune yow need. Health and
Vsjilnlt or Coal Tar Ki'ser ilrt.
Nebr uk . i rtuer.
Tlie i-eiiipoter M 'tf:i-tiiriner . '., of
Doatnie, 1 paying ct.usidcivMe -lion
to irrigation, especially where wmi
millsand reservoirs are used, ami the
following on asphalt or ckil tar rr
vo:r, vviih dim tioua f'r prep moir the
t-tr and estimate of uosl of d fJVreht
sizes, i, given by thrill!
Afu-r selertmrf i ho lK-t I h'-itiun for
the reservoir, rem ins the t p si. I. iwi;
it for tli cuiLuik iii-n', m ik.ti tin
bank 8 to lj loel wide at t'e IsilMti
J and 3 to 4 feel at tli t"p! pack down a
solid as pQ-n , leaving the uri n e
(s'tioiili. ,t is h -tter to settl ! for.idty
j or t v .i, i hen roll an I sAVeo tii- inm-r
surface khiu dii, apply a heavy
.it of
a-pb ill or co il tar, j; hkJ a'ld h , mi as
to till tbo Mires. ' ovt-r tins l-f 're it
h ird-ns iii a I rht nalin;r of siod
M'lr tli k lutnl - i .;( iv -i
and l-ji'i'' -I-:! .. -;:i.. . :
Vil-Ir.-s -V ' I ' . , (. ' r .' . ( i i ' , -t:i
. A'i .i. o..- .'U .! ! i
r servolr, h i b i:iav W bii.ll round or
sipiare Willis li i'ii h. lilt Uiltoiu
! Ii pi-p rsu liie tar Uiil d'Wti com
mon t oil, sUi:h as is refuse from ,is
works, until tt b.ieoin ;s hard wlim cool;
i hen lmilinc, mix with it about fitly
(muiikL of blai k pitch (vour hardware
men bant wil or-ler it fur voui to ea' h
lurrel of tar All you have to d is to
tCet tlie tar boiled down to the riht cor.-si-.teocy
you can tell when it is ri'bt
by testiiij, cooliUfj a small bit of it.
A-pliallum. S'. Ii as is found in maiiv
piU'ts of the West, will do even better
than tar. and needs no preparation other
than melting before application.
Ktiujatas of cost given below are
based on 20e er cubio yard of narth in
the eubaukment, and on ier barrel
cost of tar and tic per pound cost of
tiih h One barrel of tar (41 gal.) and
JU (xiuivds of pitch w ill cover aUjut -i'ti
to "i0 sijijare feet of surface.
Reservoir, 27 feet diameter, b ittoni; 3.1
fe-t top, four feet d-;ef; ah ml 2-t,l)-T")
callous capicity: will need for -tion,
5 birivls lar, 150 pounds pitch, and
about 1 (0 ciililc of emiiaukincut.
EtimaUd cost, Hlj.
Reservoir, diameter of bottom, 40 feet ;
of top, 4S feet; height. 4 fuel; Ciquicity
ahout o'J.OiHJ gall. ins; will require for
construction U Iwrreisof tar, 4-V1 pounds
pitch, alxiut 180 yards eiiiUiiikiuent.
Estimate of cost ifl-lo 00.
Reservoir, 37 leet Uitloni diameter, 155
left top, 4 leet deep, rapacity ilml
98,000 gallons, 14 barrels of tar, 700
ptiunds pitch, aliout 300 yanls embiuk
ment. Estimate of est 1(5-1 00.
Resi-rvoir. 95 feet bottom diameter,
101 feet top, 4 feet di"p, capacity 272,
000 gallons, will require 30 barrels tar,
1,500 pound pit h, about 400 yards em
oankmeiit. 'ost about fcMO 00.
l,M-al Biuutii-s on Sucrar!
! Iik'iigo hitorOceau.
The commit tee on nmnnfui I tires rind
umnieri e of the II mw of Rrpiv-nta-uf
?CuhninU:i has firt-heu tvd :i hill in
which tlie hoU'je Imi viiiuunvd. The
mil is for a hounty of tlvt.-?ighih of u
i t-nt j-r Hund on :ill Ue suir pr.Klui
ed from butt nnitsi or sorn'hum in factor
ies already establisiiwl, and lor an addi
tional bounty of thrtsj-eijjhu of a cent
upon the firt year's! output of new fac
tories. It is believed that the lull will
(iums the senate and U? approved by tlie
governor. It may be rem. mliered that
it was by oounties granted by the state
that the salt industry uf Michigan was
kept alive duriiiK a disastrous era. It
may be Well if Ltiuisana grunt a Mate
bounty to cane siiar.
No industry subjj.;t U m n,etiLi u
with the pn.ducts of a 1'ka indu;rv iu a
country mure favored by tunl, climate,
die advantage of clieapT or more skilled
ibor, or by bounties or by protectiVd
laritl's ever has grown into importance
w itlniut the aid of homilies or tariffs, or
of both By such aids obstacles pr
eiitly iniirmootitable liuve been over
come. By such aids Great Britain
wrested supremacy in the woolen tr.uta
from Sprin. By Kirch aids Germany lie
ciuneagreiit sugar-producing country.
By sut,'h aids tlie United Slates has lie
ooine a Lrreat pr.xlin.vr of iron ami Hteel.
dv such ants it w-j tecomin a ureal
prixtmerof sugar, iu output of this
product having more titan doubled it
self during tlie first, and only year of
tle full operatiou of the McKinb-y nys
tem of protection by bounties anil by
tariffs. ILmI this syitem continued in
operation for five year there is no n.-as-onabie
(frouhd for doubting tint we
sliould have iieeu a mixar-exportiiix na
tuni at iIms time of lis adrogation.
Tle movement in Nelraski is wisely
pl.vuned. Tins wgnr mdustrie of llie
L m ted States will die if lliey are Dot
proiected. If lliey are protettelr nd
especially if tliey are protetted wittt
ciently Ijy tionntieH, it w nore tlian
prubikble tliut in a few yearx tliey not
only will be self-wipporting, hut will be
large contributor to the w'eut th of tlie
Bt4 Tou Ever
Try Eeetric Bitters an a remedy for your
troublr? If not, get a bottle now ami
get relief. This medicine has been found
to be pecitlrarly adapied to the relief am)
cure ol all leinale t'ompktmts, esertfng
a wornlerfnl ehreft uiMuence in ictvn
strength ami tone lo tlie organs, if oti
.... .pu JUU ,.f .....A.t ...t . : 1 1
The Harrison
Feed and Sale Stable.
n.. E. BuK'.vs-nn,
I. II. CRIKWOU', Cishier.
AUTII0KlXr;i) CAPITAL S"0 000.
.'ansacts a General Banking Business.
CdllRKSPONiii' N TS:
Amemcas KxniAM.r. Natkaai. Hank, .-. Yurie.
UKnti) Statu Naiionai. Hank. Omnl-a,
1"U:T NaiU'N.'I. Hank, i budron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Kiiml Proof Not ire.
All fieriem hnving ftiml priior niticen In
thii iinii'-r will reivlve a ui.irkel coity if Die.
;p peritml ire reiineli-iJ Ut eit.iiinii th-ir
nutiee iti'l ll ny rriln xi'sl rirpori in
am Ui tliiMoftlc utuiicv.
Null v Tor I'uhli- a iuu.
IiihI onlce Kt Alii nicr. Si lj., i
Jaiiu ry '2s li'.S. 1
Notici' l lii n hv Kiven tli .1 tin-1 ol iow l.ii:
j itdini'il 'ttM'f h-rt Ui-i iiuticir ol tni niti'u
IIOII U) IlliJlkt! Uil.ll piUOl 1.1 UIKII k 01 III"
el in, and On proof win i-w .i.nile Is
fore l. J. Uiesi'tt, i-i.-rk of .ntrict l ourt,
t Han ti-o.i, M-li., oa Meh. !i, l(i'..'i, n:
ilm liii Nuri Im li. oi ' t.arria n, o I).,
who made It. K. No. for the , ''i,
i p. ii., r. w.
nc ii.iuii-i the lotlim lag wttneve to prove
lii continuous refi'le..ce upo. nii-A cuiliv.i-
lio. OI.H.mU la.ltl. ui:
Ii .t,m il.i toe, o. A. (.m Ion. J. V" Hli-c-'.loi
IT, jerry .1 ui, ail of it .ri imi.i. Set). Ai")
Ua. ,e .i- ii.-. Ot nii iM.i. ...e.i.. a uiiiiiiiiLrii
tor ot tlie L-tate il t runk ta-u-a.-ii;, ue-f-a'U.
who miKlf It. K. No ja, for tin-. 'A ' ' wad
uw. e. uiid ue. ' ew. S se. u., lp. f u.,
r. w.
ue names tbe following Kituet: to prove
hi con luiuaace rt'nmeuce upoa nutl cu.U
Valiuu ot i... 10 !..,.(!, viz;
ii. A. u.o ton, H .Nore.iKrh, ltolierl 1.
ti-i'l, i hrles t.. ftt'iuit. ail oi it .i riMo.i, .vu.
wU-'ki J. . WfcH.N,JK., iiegirtU:r.
.Se:ii-p lur I'nlilii-aliim.
lud l Bice at AlllHiice, Nelr., (
eU. V, IS-.4.
Notiee is hereby give.i lUat tue loioviiii(.
n;iuil-l ik.-ILic1 U..a U.eil uoL.i'O ol U..I..W.I'
I. il.iai piool ill tgupiiuilol 11.
Liiiliu, a.i.1 lll-.l oaili pitiot l- ili,.ll U"
l!ie Ai. J. l.eeti, ciel K ol tll: '.l'-ircl
couil, l liall'iMJii, cir., oil Ali'll
xo, io'ii, v 14 :
tali ii iiuiijiig-Titiirtii, fnrmi ily
Ill olll'lli lt, .111.,
lio made H. K. No. ,Ui Hit Vhe nw. lj m: ,
II. ,1 MS'. taltid SW. m-v. 'it tl. ati 11., I .
W '.
He uiiiii' tin- foliowiuK ituesen to prov,
hiM uo.iiinuoiiH r.'siiiimce upoit nu cultiva
tion ol nlli 1.01U vi.:
t. W. Knoll, Jhum s WiliHMi, both of ltl
eiirint, .eu., at. e:. lAiaiie, c. r. cotiee, Ihjcis
oi iolare, .el. mw
Jo.-( pa V. linliin-oii. of liiirriwit, .Spli.,
ho Hindi! II. t .No. for the iiw. '4, we.
7, lp. r. w.
ue ttumes tlie lolkjwiiiK witness's to
prove inn eoulinuoil roioviice Upon and
cu.ttvaliou oi Raid land, via:
K. f., Ijt'aill oulliiii:, Jutui
M.'Ott, 11. A. I'llildy, all ol llainnou, ,wli,
Kellu.11 P. Limit?)', of Harrison. .!.,
libu iiMide II. .No. 9041! lor live se. t, mc, i'.r
lp 1 u., r. 'n .
ue uaun'H lue follow tn( wilneiei. Ut prove
hia eiHitiuuous renideitce upo.i uiid cuitivj
tfron ot, iiiU, vik:
J. w . luioiittton, oavid B.irlU'tt, Jsmes
.scotl, vV.cii'coiiuoi, Mil ol iiarrino.i, cli.
ii iij J. w . iv in, jh., iu-K,( r.
Nutire ly rnl.lirminii.
In the iii.-tru-t ourt ol Nelir..ka, In ami
tor moiix cou.,ly.
lieien ii. v r.oMJ, plallltlA',
fc, ti. Crane, Uefeiwlitnt.
s. u. 1 rm.r, uelK.aiaiit, will take nwllce
tlVt Oil lu-i ill) Hay Ol Jailitary, InW, Jleietl
..I. Cl'alll', tlie pialatllf Ife'l"''!.!, UlCd Ui'.lf pell'
lil 111 tlie on.fcfic'l i.oai't H 3I.UX coa.iiy.
.viirrtk..,aK.a..i.i tue, ine
uoji'ti auu pi ayor 01 witieU are to oti.aiii a
jii.iK,iH'Ht ut:ree ih u.voi-eu iiimioiviui(
Hie oomis ol itiatriinoiiy aeieunoiw einb
Iny iietseeu saiii piaiutiH mid uileiMt.iiilp
loi tUe re.ujon llMl un: (li-temtauk laH been
guoiy ot eiuet himi lutniuiaa Irealiueat
01 pmluitll, and Krons, w..iiuiit and 1-1-ind
neii.ret unit taliute to nupporl lliu piuiu
tiu, ivud lor Ke.ier.h eipiiki-.u relii.
1 011 l'- required K ainviver Haul pvlitioil
On 01' belOle too liin day ot .Ualcil, A. it.
naU'd January I'm. a. I. .my
-X4j tibbia J.,
Ky W IWK). til ICK,
The In. si salve ill tile woriil lur :Utsf
bruises, sure.1, HH C-rs, nail rtWltHlf le'Vef
sores, teller, cmippeu tauutts, enttiH.tiMAr
woriis,aml all skin ernptloH awl poioliVe
ly cures piK-s, or uo pay rctuireu, it m
HUarallleevt lo give peilecl ulMlac'lKn
vr luuiwy raiumtwl, Pnve '40 ceul per
box-. Tor mm hy pKor Prmmmcy,
PR .'PK K! iR
C. r. ' cffth,
There never wan 't time Istla5 liinu.ry of
our country hen the do iiutid for inve.i
tinnsand iuiproveuieiitrt l i i!i- . rh and
siiCiici's ge ierilly w..s so ...h now.
The convenience ol tu;iukiud iu thi.-f .ctory
iitnt vvork-siiop, the Uou-M.-hoi 1. 01 th.r farm,
mid in life, require co.itinu,! aocea
nums Ui liie ajpjl t.incei and Implement of
each 111 order lo,aVe luUir, time inn! eit-n--iie.
1 he political change l i the ail.niiiU
trat.oii of jjoverumeut dix-n not anVel lb
iui;i-i-r oi the Anient-an Inventor, who be
tiiK 01 the aiert, and ready to tjerceive the
exletiii dcucieacie4, dod .10; p. tlie
affaire ot tbe lo deter In. 11
Iron 1 quickly conceiving the remedy to
overcome exmtiuK discrepancies, lo gieat
care C4.i not be enercitfi:d in citooninif a co.u
jHiti'ul and fcKinf ill attorney to prep .re and
pikeciitc an npplicalioii tor patent. V.tlu
a Lim iulerestn have oeen loot ud Uuolrovea
In lnnuiiii-ruhie iutilaiices by the C'ip.oy
Diculol 1. cou.iel, and eiipe.-iai-ly
is luis oUicj .ip.uicaoi to tuo-i mho
tdopl the .o, no pay'' ay-dem.
lllVe.itOlM wtloeaUllal lUeil llU.-,iUC'i1-l 10 tu.
CaSA Ol al.Ol'.iey do HO l tniullitCUl Tloh,
a tlie breadth and trongiii ol tne p i
uever l.i View ol a nine endeav
or log'.'t a.l aiiovfance and ill! tui'tee
lue. 1 due. lilw I'rttaw ii.A.Ait v.osr.. 1,
uoha WcUderoura. cicuerai iiiaiia.-r, ; .
BU'eet, N, W ., rt aHlling.ou, n. c, r.-piewinl
luy a i..rgu nUuiiM-r ui luiporlaiil uaiiy und
W. ek.y p..pel , a wed as general periodical
ol tlie voUali ', Wan tUMtlluli-d lo pl'oU:i:l 1 1
patron liOiu tlie ll.inate uielholK Itcrt'lolot'c
einpioyi-d lii tin- Hue of Imela. . Hie sa-d
Company in iuvp.iied lo like chargu ol Mil
patent buiiieiin eittrtuieit to it lor ie-ntou-nine
lei", uiid pli-parea tii't pfo--eillew
triplication! generally, lni:mdi,; u,u .,.;
Ill loVi-uWOU, p..lei'ls, trade-. Hal kt,
lals'lK, i-opyi'lglliK, liilerii-ru.ii-KS, Inlring
UiCitl, Vaiwiily reports, mid Kive eiei-iai
HttenliOii lo lejected casi-s. i ulo pre
pared to euu-r into competition wntt any tu iM.-'curiu iureigu r..letiii.
W riU- lor tunlnK-ttoutf ud o-lvit-e.
Jnai WKiiPnuarK,
H r trKt,
1'. O. Kotitsi. Wasiilinrtoii, l. 1 .
i Jut I'rMu tbo Press,
A very attractive publication has tusl
lieen tssueil by tlie si.-senger department
ol toe UorliHgloii itiKte. it bears llle
i title ' I'lie NuwuF Moi to-west" and de
! M i'ils-s in a most inlerenting and i-;ad-able
lasbion lliose porliotrs ol' nortlict'ii
i Wyoiniiig and llie li; M Hills ol Kioto
; l,ikota are readied by tins coin
pany's lilies.
llie scenery, towns, ruints, people atl
iiKlostrieit ol tl)e tw o renmriiaoie sec
turns ol coolry ara treated of with alt
nolote lioeleiy, W pages will! illustra
tmns, sent on receipt ol 10 lent In
stamps, i rRaXCW, O.P.A T. A.
Uiimlm, .Nebraska,
MTltl" Kereehware
Ity virtmj ol sit order of sale lsucil
nut ol lue llmtrlfl court of Kloux roii.i
ty, Nebraska, Hmn a jiKlx-neul sud a
(leeree ol loreeiosure lin-l-.-in, in luvnr
til c liaries s. nrotrii, piaintitl, sml
; Hgaillsl ,s.ttford tt, taoulpioit, hh il.-len-rtaiil,
i will oil Ike Isttt u..y 01 rebtu.iy,
I .1 a., Iw, si ten e'eloea in the loio-
' noon, at tlie east 1ro.1t uuor of lue ronri
house 111 lite viii,,Ke of iiurriin, 1,1 s..ii
county, olfer tor sale mhk! sen ,,i
I veiHltte, lor la baud, tltu follorttua;
' rtew-ritieil HMtrtif .gd prentis, Hull reat
estate s.m tusl tu ..11 eounty, ur eil:
'llietMa tf weal Uai-ir 01 MM-liovt twen
ty ten tti) nt 101, n. Iw.r.ilv.iiciii
(UK) iwiu erf r.iHgM ullj lit, ie (41 wel
.i a.ini uow.ity.
. aiveii jiarr.-oti, Nebraxlia, i.Miu..ry Uth,
illr A. K. IJtw.
4rirr W, OiUr tttrilT for rlmlif
, ....
Sioux County,
Free Homes for More
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles of
rail oad and has no county
Fuel, Posts, Ixigs and I.uuibcr lir-apt-r
Than at any (Itlirr Plucr
in Nt-brasKa.
Sioux tfounty is the northwest county
of Nebraska. It is aliotit thirty miles
east tind west bv about seventy rnib's
' north and koi: lb mid contains
j OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
(of land. There nte more bright, -p;ii k
ling, siniill streams in the county than
can 1st fiiund 111 th" siinie area elsevv her
in the Mate. Ith is moro iniM' timber in
it tli. ill till tile rest of the slate 1 oinbini tl
Its trusses ur; the r'chtt and most mi
tritiouH known so that fur (.tuck -growing
it is unexcelled.
The sod varies fr'mi a heavr '-lay to -j
li;hl sanilv Ion 111 and is ca liable ol pro
ducing exi t-llciit t rops.
The prliH crop nrf s ntri ) I
and veg:tble, llllliuu-li gtsnl torn i
grown 111 the v ilbn'i, l'ii what, ei .
rye and tarley arm ul' o! miu-oiiillv ho.
fpialit a 1 id c.iuiinaiid the highest liiiir
ket prices.
l'tie water is pure and refreshing nnd
is founu 111 aluu.iaiii e in all parts of th
eounty. The county is practically mt of debt
1 ml lias over loilv-livc miles 0 1 r.i.lnnul
wiMiin its borders, lias a goisl brick court
house uinl tlie iKces-ary tixtuies lor run
ning the county aoO tls-re ha a never
U-eii one dollar ol county bonds isnuseo
and hence tax will Isj low.
The ! reuioiit, Llkhurn & Miss.iuri
Valley railroad crosses Sioux count
from east to west and tlie B. & XI. has
about blti en null's of He line iu lh part of the county.
llie cluiiiilu Is mole pleasant than that
of the eastern porliou of Nebraska.
I here Is still
OVER 800,000 ACRES
ol land iu Sioux county yet nen to
tioiuentead entry. It l better laud and
more desirably located than Unit lor
which such rustics are made 1111 the ojwii
in ol a reservation. there is no rail
road bind in tile county and fur
re.iwin lis Hettlemeiil hus been slow lor
no special t.llorl to get settb-rs ws
io:ide, as w as dons in the early day ol
Ih-t setvlemeol of the eastern iarl ol the
fi sid deeded land can be purchased at
reavniahlu rates with government bind
id joining no a person who wants
iiiortj than one quarter section can obtain
it if he has a hule menus.
There are about 2,o00 ?ople in tin
county ami tliere is room lor thoukuials
II irri ;on is llie county seat ami u sib
uiitcil 011 the K. E. & M. V. railiiad, and
is as g chI a town as ttm llnnij settled
cntiiil ry c'eniiinds.
School Imiu.- and churches are pro
vided in ahiiosl every settlement uiio are
Kept up with tlie tunes.
All w lto desire lo net a homestead or
buy land cheap are Invited to come and
see. Ihc- country for tlietiiselves and jude
of Its merits. 1 lomeste.tos will 110I I
oliUtiiiable nun h longer and if uti wuui
tu Use your riht and ret liW) a res ol
latsl Iroin t'lh-le Stun lite it is time you
were 11.
I-00U Ml This List
of wester:. Cities',
1 'hicagn St. Joseph
OuralM lancoln
St. liui lenvt-r
Kansas t,"ily liesd A-oood
It floes'nt matter which you intend
visiting. Tlie Burlington Route is the
Is-st I11K1 to all as it in to any one of
Advert wing matter and full informa
tion about trains mi, (I rites on applica
tion, i. r'KAKCS, li. P. & I. A.
OuiuIih, Neti,
V., F. A ii. V. R. K. is- Itm t
to ftnrf from tlw
Prizes on Patents.
IIoit tu Make a !)!) rViUit.
Wacnic ptut mntt ugte jkv
kucu track m th r ftrfjiiit )!
pne " 'i'i"dre'l dollaj-i to be plt
IU rl ot evjrv nuith, tci the pereoo wke
Ubnii! to, W Ml" ' iiierltorlo !
loi Uri"K 111" preocediiif moiilh. We l!l
hJbO dvijrti: tlje luveutio 1 lr el ekrj
in Mie stiolal ix-ordcr, eeklT
pp.-r, pabllhel Iu Hasljiiiilloe. O.
nhit-h has an eiteiniive circulation Ibreafb
out til t'uiled hlalo slid la dcoltd le lfa
lutt-retof luvenlor.
The Idiot of being utile l itivetil
tin 11 ( strikes mini ptsiple as Is in ry n
fleull; this delusion the I'ouipanJ wuthes t
iliipel. II is the simple thilij" na "ws1'
In ven licjut t'l it iimke tbe greatrit ieiit
of money, mid tho complex ont-i nre Midttu
protlUible. 4lmo-t everyboly, l im tSa
or kimtber, uoncelves 101 Idea, wbleta, 1!
piitenU: I. wunM probibly he worth to blio
lorlunc. t'niortunslely sni-h Ideas lire t
ally dlsmisseil w llliout thought. 1hlBipl
Invention- like tlio cir window wbich ni.e
lie easily mid up ami down ttbunt brn iklnr
the pause er' luck, the esoce pan, tite eta
lar button, llie nut lock, the bottle atopper,
tlie nun tbuvvl, are tilings taut euioi
en ryonn seen miiuc wsy of Improving upi,
snd it t tie s,- kind ot Invention. Ihjt brinj
llie !-al'",l retuma to the auihor.
The prize we olTt-r UI be p!'i at tli t"
of arh month, In-ttit r the spidleatlun bsn ui t-d liisiu by tho Patent IlV-a or ltl .
Lvi rv ronif elltor must apply lor a pair',
on hi inv.-utlon Hi rou tt u, ar, i s Ualher i.e
seonres tbe prui-or not, the Inventor !',l
have a vaiUMble pab'lit.
ITIIi. 1'lil.sS l. I Vis CtlM PAN ,
Jons IV t ion '.am u, i.en'l Manager,
flu F "t. N. w., aalilngton, V. '
t'.f". I ha ri')sjiilbillly ol this co.upjse
limy Isi judged I roin the fact Ibut lu il. 1
In hel l by about HeTenb e buuilrwl ef lk
leading i t tp.i(sr of the t niu-d state
Can't Pull Out?
Why the
Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases, made by the
Keystone Watch Case Com
pany, 1'hiladelphia. It pro
tectsjhc Watch from the pick
pocket, and prevents it from
dropping. Can only be had
with cases stamped jar.
with this trrtdniark. JI
Sold, wifliotit extra charge
fort I ii 31 ovv ("rin g ), throatjh
Watcli dealers only.
tti el wtlch cj'.ti ' ftiellt't In the optalef.
An optntr to obtlal thli ttnt tree.
silas A. Ilo'comb - (toverar.
K. b. M'sire ...--bli uleimnt Oovemer
J. A. i l-r seereUiry of stale
-.Uelie ioore Aadltar
Joseph S. Ilaitu y I rowaurar
A. s. 1 biirehtll Attorney Ueneral
II. 1;. Itm eii laiiid i oinnilasloatr
li. K. torls-lt nupi. Public lunlrwettaa
V. Manderson I', s. sennUir, Onuika
Win. V Allen 1. . s. senator, Mmileii
v.J. 11rya.11, 1 ougii usiiiau 1st Olsl., l.luroln
11. II. Mereer, " (I oanaks
0. 11. Meiklejohu M ' rulierlos
K. J. Uatiier, 4tt " Aarnra
VI . A. .vlclvlegliiiu, " Itli " lie, I L loss
o. i. kviti, ;ttt " Ilrokrn Rm
Jl Ult IAUT:
r. I.. NoTTuI t hlef Jtlntiee, vnl
A. M. 1'iwl An-iM-l..le JiHig,- t olumbtia
I. 11. 1 . Harrison . . ai i; Judife, 1. f .lid Ituml
II. A. 1 Hiiiin'ii..i id k mid 10-porier, l.tnfo;Ti
UlTKi.NTll Jl lilt'lAI. 1HTRI(.T:
l. P. Kb, k. 11, 1 Judge, O'Neill
Alt red -...riow ( lli.
M.J. illewell v.lerK, Hal rnjm
( ill XTT 0TIc'KllS:
itols-rt Wiiaoii
.H. .1. liiewelt. ......
11. vv issirinf .....
W , 11.
A, K. liew
J, r.. 1 hum.- .,
s. l
l. a. lis eit
AlVIO 1, I talk
......county Jti.ifK
.......... . ...1 lot it
I"li-iviri r
-tipi. 1 none tiisiruet'ti
shti uf
.... ... . . . i or'fx t
- Mirve' or rkof ilslrl-l ( ir,
...County Atiet-1,1
hD.Mlli K t'0.lilIS(;'KiS;
ir.oik Tinkltaiii ii ii,,ru i
li. K. Joinaon (eiiaii'uian)
If. 0. (erart..senMtr, iilt So. U,t fai.iid
W . lii-iii wy...iiep., nisi, iHtt.M,'l
I), II. fiflewold ..... . tvo,,.'
K. Koliwer
J. V . seoll
M.J. llies.'lt
.tmrail l.l.i'leuiMil.. ...............
1.. J. siinu.o . ." r,.
V. A. nesler ...... ' , ires a,,. ,-
a. 't.tooi, . litp,i, r
J. K. .ilal sle,
. iipi-iit....
... I timnl!
'1 EliMs or fOt'HTi
IMafrle fmrt,-At ll,m,, roiitm,ir, ,
April i:th actl ..oveit.lM-r -.Filb.
louuiy ooit. at holmju, eomrtMi.-..
urai j.inniay irt earn moulit.
IttlK IIKS ANUf-OtftTftC
M. F. t hurrli r-reaehliig eiu-li nit. rn i(
strud. y 1. 1 hi . m., and e very sttudsvv yen
ing .17 Ml. UK. . 1 . K l.o.s.vv.i.b, Kanlsw,
methislist Sunday sehoul iimH evt-l y sUn
liny morning ul 11 .ill. '
j. r., M .KM .t.Li.a, v, II. riv is
, siieriitirnilenf. vsretsr'v
ffnrrlxoii ( amp, No. , inert mi till trii
h1 third ssturu.y ev,nngs ui eaelt o-.otilM .
I. li.tHiKtl, K. r I'OSTIt p,
Ueik. ten, Lwn
fcpwoia'ii tc.tott,
ficrtotlonal weetlin every Mitnloy MmitnaT
at vabiuei meeting 01, eml'ol ut,f
Mm. W,W, Pavh
tw'v awn.